[size=2]Sometimes I make skins.
Shishi was my first skin, and it's filled its first run in less than 12 hours!!
Thank you all so much for the support <3
[center][size=5][b][font=arial black]- Notes -[/b][/size][/font][/center]
– All skins are semi-limited* unless noted
– Preorder slots 1-7 are gem only, 8-9 gems or treasure
– Orders are sent through PA once delivered
– You have a week to pay before it's stocked here
– Don't buy just to re-sell, do it and I'll make the skin permanently available
– see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/55315428]wishlist[/url] for alt payments (customs only)
[center][size=5][b][font=arial black]- What You'll Find -[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[b][color=green]√[/color][/b] Bogsneaks, Obelisks, Ridgebacks
[b][color=green]√[/color][/b] Perfect for lore dragons
[b][color=green]√[/color][/b] Linebreaker-friendly ancient skins
[b][color=green]√[/color][/b] Themed/Gene-centric skins
[b][color=#D22B2B]×[/color][/b] Wildclaws, Coatls, Pearlcatchers
[b][color=#D22B2B]×[/color][/b] Canvas/Artpiece skins
[b][color=#D22B2B]×[/color][/b] Eyeburners
[b][color=#D22B2B]×[/color][/b] WC M Silks & Wings Aesthetic
[size=2]*Semi-Limited means all skins will have a set number of [u]total runs[/u]. These runs are not guaranteed to happen all upon release, and some may end up being re-prints. Unless stated otherwise, assume five runs per skin.
[size=5][b][font=arial black]- news -[/b][/size][/font]
6/23: Have to adjust and re-submit Shishi for Obe F, thank you for being patient![/center]
Sometimes I make skins.
Shishi was my first skin, and it's filled its first run in less than 12 hours!!
Thank you all so much for the support <3
- Notes -
– All skins are semi-limited* unless noted
– Preorder slots 1-7 are gem only, 8-9 gems or treasure
– Orders are sent through PA once delivered
– You have a week to pay before it's stocked here
– Don't buy just to re-sell, do it and I'll make the skin permanently available
– see wishlist for alt payments (customs only)
- What You'll Find -
√ Bogsneaks, Obelisks, Ridgebacks
√ Perfect for lore dragons
√ Linebreaker-friendly ancient skins
√ Themed/Gene-centric skins
× Wildclaws, Coatls, Pearlcatchers
× Canvas/Artpiece skins
× Eyeburners
× WC M Silks & Wings Aesthetic
*Semi-Limited means all skins will have a set number of total runs. These runs are not guaranteed to happen all upon release, and some may end up being re-prints. Unless stated otherwise, assume five runs per skin.
- news -
6/23: Have to adjust and re-submit Shishi for Obe F, thank you for being patient!
[size=5][b][font=arial black]- Accent: Shishi -[/b][/size][/font]
[size=2][i]500g Each, Limited
[size=4][url=https://frtools.nensec.com/skintester/preview/AZBPZ]Preview it here![/url][/size]
[b][u]First Run[/u][/b]
1. @Saraceaser
2. @Putrefaction
3. @Koobi
4. @rndzvs
5. @Bantymom
6. @Vertigris
7. @mushroomsnack
8. @RheoTastic
9. @nightclouds
10. Baizhu
[color=red]SENT OUT
[b][u]Second Run[/u][/b]
1. @Kesten
2. @Mewchi
3. @BeetleJuneBug
4. @LilyDragonQueen
5. @Firtarian
6. @Aros
7. @grasssnake485/[size=1]ArceusAcelaena[/size]
8. @kijauni
9. @Iceluoxue
10. Baizhu
[color=red]SENT OUT
[b][u]Third Run[/u][/b]
1. @rickshawpanther
2. @Emberglo
3. @andersbegabt
4. @CharredToast
5. @xLuminax
6. n/a
7. n/a
8. n/a
9. n/a
10. Baizhu
[color=red]SENT OUT
[center][size=5][b][font=arial black]- In Stock -[/b][/size][/font]
[i]Skins in-stock or currently for sale go here :)
Obelisk F
[u]6 in Stock[/u]
- Accent: Shishi -
500g Each, Limited

Preview it here!
- In Stock -
Skins in-stock or currently for sale go here :)
Obelisk F
6 in Stock
- Previous Skins -
These skins will be reprinted if there's enough interest.
These skins will never be reprinted.
- Previous Skins -
These skins will be reprinted if there's enough interest.
These skins will never be reprinted.
- Showcase -
Send me your dragons wearing my skins and I'll show them off!
- Showcase -
Send me your dragons wearing my skins and I'll show them off!
[center][size=5][b][font=arial black]- Pinglists -[/b][/size][/font]
$Bantymom $xLuminax $ArceusAcelaena
- Pinglists -
General wrote:
$Bantymom $xLuminax $ArceusAcelaena
Celebrating the foo-lion breed with a foo-lion accent :)
500g each, limited runs but might do more if there's enough interest.
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/2480522]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Obelisk F, Accent, limited, animals, Asian, earth flight, mythology, zodiac[/center][br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@IAmStillATestAccount @NicoleEirin @caelumdeity @velvetpaws @anrei @Iniga @wildewinged @Soupy @starsystems @reliquiaen @ofendlessstars @Trickilicky @Renoki @squidragon @Nevros @FairyArmadillo @BlackWinter @Akal @Redsparrow @hayum @Mirrorface @MusicalMaladies @Seiryuu @Oriel @Reven @mus @Faileas @Jazz @Cheshires @Myrkskog @Oakwick @rethi @Darkmekmon @annadandelion @Velsim @Ichamo @meonox @Achi @Argonaut @ThirtyOne @infectionary @AbysmalGrace @copiousPeplom @OverlordFreya @Toxiee @fluffballofdoom @Desolation @boxparts @Darlnim @Raire @Athexreh @Emordnilap @Stasha @Pained @sorai @Ranuja @necrophades @kaaoqi @rubyredtan @HayBau @Godspeed @Harribel @Betta @Maila @veevi @IndigoCat @Nuriya @Hoku @Prelude @Lynchly @Vader @xHel @Cherubim @Maleficus @Toriguel @kyofanatic1 @LionMagnus @heiheidamowang @Geowlett @anhbon921 @WDGaster @Runi @Arrakis @Isidora @Allocen @BlackMistress @Maye @Goldenstorm @VineDream @MollyMerula @Nahiri @GAW @RRHepburn @qew23 @Cuddleh @theroiprocepios @Lonin @Carthasis @seragakisei @Cryptozoolo @Ririterasu @wingedRenegade @Aruakhal @Cryptic @Splattershot @Raydioactive @Chaimellow @Ysdaar @VolatileMatter @PrinceOfStorms @nightmischief @Eve @MadDucks @senpai @saltyscone @Gem4567 @HighFives @Hemospect @Ixnyeltha @Zayev @vely @Tigenki @BloodyBunny @Veevi @Niklia @OrionPax @Twiggies @Maddiebird @Sharkbutt @Lanqa @iodine @PixelofHealth @Nevaka @Pieeee @selenomancy @Zerobotic @hexadecimal @yoosung @frizzchan @azhdrake @greyyourwarden @synnful @chocomonster @Snowkitsu @CosmicSummer @Gravekeeper @HorseCrazy @cutinstincts @Touming @Suntouched @hawwah @Kalistys @artillerychick @Peacekeeper @BandedLake @VictorNikiforov @kumoko @Xemriss @Ebrietas @Dior @Crysi102 @ilimati @AlexiCyn @Floidivoidi @NorthPrincess @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Kyoya @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Fanartsy @Windstrike @Panopticon @Moonlace @Rosoidela @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Camrrito @Apothecaria @MechWyrms @Okacuine @Featherly @Geminie @BloodSentry @grr @Wrath @InHeritent @CatTangle @Peisinoe @Smokeybunny @Pseudoscience @jsquiddy @Whitefoxtails @Sonora @Lycoteuthis @Avenitus @Noirist @Dishonor @Sickened @Effervessa @DawnRavenclaw @Naem @sableye @Tinytalkingtina @cywscross @Veracity @comette @Alraune @SomethingWitty @Owlienerd @Irrwahn @Necrovatai @Fukii @Gwendolyn @porifra @Ythequeris @Nardaviel @Rangiku @oilux @alexicyn @PeonydKingpin @Saraku @yomnea33 @Duskflame @Deana @Dross @SleepyOpossum @Cethosia @Valolaire @Sagittarium @astroprojection @widmo @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @brdey @pretend @ruirea @londoner @Alstroemeria @ToxicE @Syceris @BlazeWolf @GrumpyCatlover @Shadowlugia711 @Hiame @Koobi @Steamplonk @loststarship @Apotheca @Tuatara @dragonNMR @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Angu15 @Starrlight @Iskars @Xarina @nohsara @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @wedredding @Meebo @cloverly @redfloon @Lauros @MadaMada @ffgrape @kbb @Illuminary @quilliper @Ivypooll @Devilledegghead @Comic1Sans @uniquelykenn @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @oly @TalaTari @FernCoyote @limeypie @pureblood @Gallus @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @MisfitsLanding @Sharkra @Sentenza @Goolix @Shadowangel @RyukaTheDragon @strfox @misericordieuse @Croissants @Keizaal @bioglitch @Deva @Aldru @00Riku00 @EndlessDragon @nonaline @Iridaceae @micchikureshima @Alive @Oodie @Jenkow @gemino @Keikoku @Mudguts @Fervanus @TxTiger @Tiarana @Hideki @luckless @Kaio @zeguk @Tangaroa @Pollen @NoodleMomma @bryna @ideunatty @Holi @Dangeroux @CaligulasPeri @elfmoss @BizarreKitten @SparkleOfGold @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Phoenixfyre @Felisaries @CrimsonSasaki @Elachu @WildFlora @Noxclerati @Illume @bitmap @caedis @Raptora @Aku @koujakward @Peyp @Nabesima @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Bionic @Lunox @Finne @Artichoke @rotdeer @ashenhartkrie @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @SolusPrime379 @24lovefancy @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @MuffinCloud @GryphonSong @Anda @batcrooks @WayRox @HermaMora @ancelstierre @Mickie @Condor @Karanja @cytotoxic @Convexity @rosevoids @vetra @Sashanitch @nudibranchiole @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @OliveBoat @Reignhart @Sinai @SquidneyTsu @TheMeatloafQueen @DevilFlower @Cognitive @Guest @Doodeedoodah @Moonpiebandit @cosmicConundrum @valiantmeasures @Reptilia @Addmon @Denryu @Jabberwocky09 @Elody @SquidMage @Darkrait @angsthound @firtarian @warthog @STRHKR @valkyrian @AqunAthlok @Holes @Kaial @NorthernLiights @terato @Incarnate @pyr0 @Humboldt @Cascarones @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @TwilightStars @Sassicide @Afflatedartist @beanutbutter @Dalilah @terrellini @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @Bhaskara @WickedJayla @arboretumm @alyblaith @Morvudd @amberrosalie @Ilesvia @PhoenixFire36 @Rafaru @antiserum @Artorias @X3X @ETVermin @XeoNinx @foreboding @Nettlebird @SylphOfHeart @Drag0n5 @alatefeline @Bumblesweet @Wolfieboy @sensiblesoap @Ectopi @Starstalker @andersbegabt @Aeriel @tytonidae @Loyalties @Shamu @ninjanuary @DragonDraws @Kikatzu @TheClassCalico @celastrea @MerlinMausi @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @Eiyora @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @Khepri @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @Venture @briar @CoyoteFlowers @Ky0n @keyy @Rirukagi @sneakys @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @schnauze @RainingAcid @Kryptica @Cyrya @VioletChachki @rattus @NowViewing @Mairon @techmess @Bluwingskitty @Uyi @Broderick @Cataclasm @GhostChateau @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @WhisperSpirit @Vialheart @macrobiiology @starskynadder @Hardycat @Chelo @Halua @Tira @Cryfie @deerfawn @Fukase @snberry @ThatOneSandWing @ribbonz @MildChameleon @Elpzh @solariaa @SoullessWendigo @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @PoisonNightshade @tldr @PikaChan412 @ShadowPiper @Macchi @Osmodeus @HayBay @Pandonkey @Harana @Psi @TAOGTMI @profligate @Ziegler @Drachenhort @Fujo @Lokke @shot @Lunarias @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @Twye @LLev @viktowl @angstprxnce @LoyalStar @SepiaSenpai @Naahva @RinyshkaS @klee @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @Voidshadow @VoidedMortal @OfDagon @LemmeRest @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @stanley @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Eleventh @serron @gefrorenerzahn @Anticx @Ebby172 @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @RoyalLudroth @Garados @choimango @leeedea @Subdued @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @Tremble @BillyRuffian @Mintso @Siris @Lunadiviner @cobwebs @bedfordblack @concept @mooncakefestival @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @BitterTea @sicksip @Ellanoi @Drastalblight @CreamGravy @CelestialMuse @SimFeetUnder @dinaurian @Nonsense @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @gracegraceplant @Syldaya @MalisVitterfolk @girlgirlDragon @MetalSpaghetti @mmuted @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @Ikora @apricotstarship @heathermoon @FireHeartSong @Neurachem @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @Acheri @Elisse @FeatherFace @Adriel @Hmm @Irmingard @Banhi @Chivalry @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @pwllhalen @Morrowind @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @Sunline @techne @Munancho @Juleatic @ReneDV98 @pilotbites @ArtofSocrates @lotusen @Zivo @meowmeow2023 @Allychan @GoldStar @Banguela @aeons @WitchHunt @knifecentipede @Asterodea @Crumpet @Reverent @Thrawn @Liliun @Ravaarian @draaviinrays @CorvidKnight @Krosulhah @LordDragonWubbs @Sadiegreen @Oxy @Lordofthepies @Maeva @Dracowolf @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @shugenja @HoodieCat @Ahi @YuuNishinoya @foxshapedshadows @squishypeachy @big @wwhirlybirb @silverwintersnow @mikaeia @Arkeyr79 @Starisia @FluffYeti @Crim @moosesushi @Cerion @Azurine @Rairudiseu @Vulpen @Kneph @Ambitious @lemecrazy @pooses @frostwalkers @Rifter @Lichtdrache @Raptorflight @readergirl12 @Icystorm @SilverQuark @Iniimical @Juni @ToxieToxie @Morwen @windhound @Endyr @faraway @Koneko @218715 @RemoteCitadel @Trachynhawb @Aava @Zyanith @Dragonlaird @broadwaypaisano @InkedMyths @mangoeclipse @fitz @FlareSolaire @KalicoKat @DeltaNegative @sunnyVista @TornadoTorrie @Rayzor @Flanoir @Kom @HeadlessJason @Magnanimous @Arka @Hyenalope @Danizaurs @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @Suspended @Heliolisk @Gross @TehuMertt @Falgardien @aprilraven @desiher @Madhouse @Norion @Rohana @Mysthla @Bantymom @Misha @CoffeeCaat @Njerro @Alamire @moyaofthemist @Anduins @Starfire0 @amimari @dustfawn @Visceryl @Watercolour @lightly @Dussty @ghostheel @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @Wishing4Reality @IromotNemem @lyricalmyxteries @Verosa @despairpods @xjsx @Ozma @putrefaction @serpentarius @Joywing @EternalBlaze @junu @Mir @BurntCookies @Lurkingbullfox @Rookery @LynterriaHatake @pinkkittens @Saerino @Tilli @JadedEmperor @Doxiunoia @ProbablyNotYou @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @Pai @razzamatazz @Eaen @Kelpoyo @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @TenderVulture @Katigura @HPPJWoF @cvthedral @FluffleDuffel @Roheryn @minervamaga @Cryptothumpian @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @Trilonyte @chetungwan @TamneSenke @sophycat @FrostedCinnamon @LittleRain @Emberglo @Pecha @Spooky @Namarie @todorokishoto @Skeletiano @ashenraven @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Divayth @Fossillayer @bonesdarling @VeryMuchATest @batnap @astereia @DelightedVilla @serpents @apathes @LunaBun @Pez @Icefelis @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @chuuyas @ladymoon2886 @choi @summerwar @BrandonFlowers @arrowxflight @vorselon @notamused @uncle @Gaston @Dragons114750 @Shpee @XSoldierAntX @Jaypaw @Nirwana @RaspyBone @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @Yserin @Aushi @ofMontreal @Pinkuu @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @lyttlekytten @Nenahel @Ponscha @Iralla @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @tambadabam @S0ap @Luunai @Saeldryn @mega1omaniacal @Kisk @Aisuryu @Peafowl @RuinousOmen @xxxx @gardener @Taarnfalk @mrgbmommy @Kimmeh @hellieace @Solinary @Aviose @FrostNiskare @TsarinaTorment @LittleLuckyLucy @orangesunrise @ForsakenAngel @User9125 @ChakotayDgryphon @tinkabelle @OpalPlaguestone @Natron @Paranatural @Denyzia @hydde @Tofubear @venvi @sallow @silveremouse @CPFG44 @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @Fin72 @bogfriend @Lokey @drool @Atavistic @Atsumi @mistystep @KishHuzrin @retrace @Blubell @PepperClove @CrowleyGhost @hat17 @sensitivepigeon @Byggden @Pumpcat @cloudfilledskies @Sheta @Lunyra @Killunia @Spinyax @caution @KittyAoba @Skelisteri @Avifors @aliferum @SilverBelle @Andraya @Vrtra @hannibals @Anourou @fleurderat @hobihobi @MinnowFox @Bamf @disentanglement @Galatheid @burial @clovur @kkertas @Lompy @PoisonedTea @Rainbowlight @Raan @ravenistic @Vyrelord @Amayai @zephyrouss @peepsnibbles @caathedral @Marrigan @DannaSukaira @Denutena @say10 @DiamondNoodles @Paintra @SleepyDrago @robinchan33 @ViewtifulJen @strawyerberry @sessmachine @Qhersek @Yilara @BunnySox @aalien @Thunderbird21 @Sincerity11 @Hnai @ptarmigan @mem @eldrvtch @HeadEmpty @Necramancy @Moonweaverr @TheFloofyPupper @Skystalker @connortheknight @Hunter234322 @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @FoxyPlant @Riddance @Tinble @Druzy @NamelessNekomata @torch @KariThorne @Hazeledpoppy @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @JamSandwich @sighborgs @Luminamorte @Shyia @Hirrrio @cossmiicdolphin @TrivialArmor @sheppo @Grox @zeeboot @TypeFull @GreenAtlas @Lethia @Rythen @kitten1774 @haxure @scared @bullfrog @heartstops @moonstrucksmorns @Infinipede @QuirkyTea @Farron @pensive @Sinaasappelsap @smolelf @Alfamangle @Neons @Nuthatch @ezlu @plaguesdevil @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Exlann @Hydrixz404 @OblivionStriker @Roamer @smilefires @amoebawasp @TheFortissima @Kael1030 @137 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @fraulien @wolfbutterfly42 @WhisperingThief @Raskies @emyon @Saerel @Levona @StannyWolfie @thecunningcorvid @Catgirl742 @decays @DawnBreak77 @sickreaps @Asimiii @Paganism @airport @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @wanderingworlds @RisenWolf @Wizardry @addams @Vinyamar @DashieDoesThings @Refractor @asterope @seaofspace @IcyGlaceon471 @Urza @Cirrostratus @SolarSam @Missed @Scent @kinseinei @bioluminosity @KaichouKai @RealityMask @Xenokiin @Seraph822 @SpecialDragon12 @yik @KreepyKrawlies @Ophicus @World @LizardFruit @JulyAphelion @parxboiz @CrabRave @Phay @Pufferheart @Kaijeu @Wintaclu @ladywindgrace @Gaze @karacal @CandyPrincess @Lomon @Ambulocetus @Pyracantha @Golurk @Slavic @tombstones @Impavid @Kaneun @kyaniite @LostWhisperer @teiidae @Hawkfeather @CyanSenerade @Ghostharpies @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @EthicsGradient @Xaraxal @Closetcreep @harmonywish @Reiyn @Vwoop @Caprineki @Houndstooth @mizpah @BabeRuthless @Hiii @Outpost @KiteM @brightmeadow @Plouvoir @thegracefuldeer @r0t @b0mbyx @CyberInfection @Kazure @Shidoo @crogge @Nukleer @Mozzy @Aquadrops @elysifish @FailedSuperhero @Dabble @Astraya @Blushunt @Narif @Primrosefortune @Koisticks @FuzzyMelon @Aphantasia @Dragondrop @a030095275 @Alepha @2towels @Are @Windowz @Sigmaglow @SnowFrost620 @wintrecat @InkyBrush @valerakki @sinclairvoyant @Fenixinka @redleader @ShallowAbyss @tanujagtap @AkaneChaan @Eyesocket @Swageus @mithrail @FreyaShadow @dragonpals @aecasia @Raboniel @Casethrace @MissMaira @Ailii @mayogirl2 @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @copiouscrawdadz @Apology @Lunakitty @Zevos @Gimmethemprimals @Trinkets @craftbaobao2 @arsenicxx @Airaly @epitaffio @Sunsire @oof @despoinai @SolitarySphynx @Rengoku @PurpleHusky @Diancie @Zerohour @Legacywolf @Maliblu @Miasmas @Panicat @Rabbitspirit @WickedHeart @WitchyyWeasel @Dewberry @FusionBoltzGX @Mutation @silversouledcat @Sushimonsterr @rauv @Khayria @Lepton @CorvidCryptid @Spacemanspiff @JustUneven @Paleozoic @Euthymia @Ablazingstar @FRONA @MidnightGarden @queenhelixxia @Faunnie @Tomoko10 @CaptainMoof @SaltyGhost @wooloo @ulvesang @tytytytytytyty1 @brotherhood @slaytheist @Hemera12321 @ezelia @CrystallizedMoon @Mystel @Epiphora @Viscount @Pecularity @fernbrake @Kiryo @sassibirb @liturgies @Flyteofheart @Rauv @Perelandria @Parnasse @deck @plaguenurse @Reksy @Synthsational @Shizuku @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @Comfrey @Sekine @Pipirii @muto @dolohova @PrairieFaery @StarSpeckledInk @JourneyThePanda @ttaikapapu @Fletchling @Sanzuwu @ReeBear @Vesperupus @DoomedIdeas @Gravitate @lemonjuiice @doremy @GladiolusXI @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Isyrii @Parad0xxy @ItMeansHope @Kurbis @RedCode @TacoTequila @KoifishLizard @fay @Mysthia @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @Faunaflor @Reithya @Stormvale @Hag @Hylotl @SpookyPuptarts @Industry @Lawful @anemo @Dragongirl00100 @IamNoHere @MirrorrorriM @DementedDracon @ROTTED @JadedSerpent62 @Allstohel @RainyCerdae @LKF @asgore @xique @Searen @HellsGate @Dianounais @MixedRainbow @WolfByte @Spottedleaf125 @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @daffydil @TheEmptyCity @evereden @Orphism @marchpanes @deermary @robouiop @Askesis @CurrentFlight @Blackeyed @thefluffypuppy @Glum @Aarresi @ProHomo57 @comicsans @aghast @Lemonsinasoup @Spookio @Mima @Chocoli @yeechen[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
May I please see a preview on this gal?
May I please see a preview on this gal?