@Kodar alas, I can only afford one atm, but thank you so much for letting me know; I was going to suggest the Fresh palette to my friend bc they love robots, but I wasn't sure if any were available. I let them know, and hopefully they have enough g on hand to buy it [emoji=veilspun love size=1]
Kodar alas, I can only afford one atm, but thank you so much for letting me know; I was going to suggest the Fresh palette to my friend bc they love robots, but I wasn't sure if any were available. I let them know, and hopefully they have enough g on hand to buy it
SarcasticHawke @
Closetcreep @
marchpanes @
Sassibirb @
Iralla @
Kaio @
Hello guys! Unfortunately, the skincent 'Cyber Ball: Warm' did not meet the minimum of 10 interested people and will not be printed. It will not be shelved either as it was a fest exclusive series.
Thanks for your interest!
Kodar aw, oh well! do you have any extra copies of the other palettes, or no dice ?
Kodar aw, oh well! do you have any extra copies of the other palettes, or no dice ?
RheoTastic I have one copy of Fresh I could sell if you'd like that one :)
RheoTastic I have one copy of Fresh I could sell if you'd like that one :)
@Kodar absolutely! fresh was my favorite after warm; idk if you prefer PA or two way CR, but either works for me [emoji=coatl tongue size=1]
Kodar absolutely! fresh was my favorite after warm; idk if you prefer PA or two way CR, but either works for me
RheoTastic Sweet! I'll send a PA for you :>
[b][size=4]'The Great Leviathan' Series[/size][/b][/center]
[center]I designed an accent for myself but it looks too good not to share, so I'm both opening it for public and I did eye recolors for other (fitting) flights. I tried to match the color as best I could so it works with actual multi as one.
[b]These accents will NOT retire and will be shelved after a few weeks to be printed again if enough people are interested. [/b][/center]
[center][b]Each copy 600g[/b][/center]
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/2480522]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Spiral M, Accent, anatomy alterations, eldritch, eyes (realistic), fire flight, arcane flight, ice flight, light flight, lightning flight, nature flight, plague flight, reptile, wind flight[/center][br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@IAmStillATestAccount @Leonaa @Trachynhawb @refrayn @ljusclara @velvetpaws @Plushstiel @anrei @Naakka @FireflyRhapsody @Iniga @Clifftop @SydKiaray @Emordnilap @wildewinged @triska @Maila @xarazura @Ashtastic @Yaevinn @sinha27 @Yoda @Soupy @starsystems @Herumi @reliquiaen @penantiomers @mochimajuru @Kardi @Serpede @durandal @Kernun @shamwow @Alive @IndigoCat @ondore @ofendlessstars @arcaneidolriots @smileytechie @SleepyNightify @Stasha @snowy @Trickilicky @Vesperupus @Renoki @InfinityLlama @Velociraptor42 @Steel @delightfuliza @Velsim @Tangaroa @Shroomlet @Nevros @Vulpen @AwayfromBirdland @taipantigress @Kurtcobain @EifiCopper @Gibby @Uitwaaien @Masumi @annadandelion @theroiprocepios @Insouciant @kaaoqi @surfingpikachu @lightly @FairyArmadillo @Reborn @flamyfox @FlareSolaire @BlackWinter @Leafdapple1 @ThirtyOne @Acidfox @Argonaut @Alstroemeria @mummy @Astraya @Akal @thefrogg @yumejia @Bluetadamore @Ammut @Koneko @Veevi @shimmeringxolo @KameTurtle @Redsparrow @FWD @hayum @arach @Darkdragonfiend @Pumpcat @CakeOn @Dragonlaird @Mirrorface @Noxeryrs @Narif @wobbitt @Lynn1 @kazay @hiddenmica @Whimzica @aecasia @bubbie @Cryptic @Maye @Riko @Danizaurs @Elaendorlien @LhiannanSidhe @MusicalMaladies @Seiryuu @judiama @JackSpicer @tompollicle @Essynkardi @Kalistys @Mercendia @Jazz @Jaye @OverlordFreya @Synzia @Mookzilla @ionicbondie @Athexreh @moosesushi @sketchersocks @Chants @Jaz @Traidy @Rubisco @jamaesi @Oriel @Safirien @Katreal @christina @Rinibun @Deva @sero @ccccctk @Cerys @miuaki @angsthound @bringmeataco @jbapple @Salamanderpie @godspeed @Zelai @leeedea @Cedric @aearinn @MafiaVamp @koujakward @LittlestDragon @Shian @DarkOwl @Xemriss @Kelenthe @Ultima @Pinto @Icystorm @GalenIndoran @Maybels @Tria91 @boxparts @Idari @LionMagnus @Juyoung @Heliopunk @TribalDragon @Luunai @kaylavarnell4736 @Penryn @mus @haxure @thank @wtf @Cindercate @wintercovers @PaintingFlowers @Yay @birdfairy @awaicu @raxyl @Enekokoro @Disanxian @TeddyDJ @Faileas @Cheshires @Oakwick @Darkmekmon @Ichamo @meonox @copiousPeplom @Toxiee @Raire @sorai @necrophades @rubyredtan @HayBau @TeaRex @Godspeed @veevi @Nuriya @MightyVildaTilda @Cherubim @Monchii @Shishiru @Geowlett @WDGaster @Runi @Septicaemic @Isidora @Allocen @Primaria @BlackMistress @VineDream @MollyMerula @RRHepburn @qew23 @EaterOFPie @keydotzip @Lonin @Carthasis @pioff @Cryptozoolo @Ririterasu @dr090909 @Aruakhal @Chaimellow @Speedythecat @MadDucks @BrandendDraak @Wuxian @aelith @saltyscone @mistysteel @HighFives @Ixnyeltha @Shougoney @Zayev @vely @Nukleer @Tigenki @Rayzor @Giarella @Nimphy @OrionPax @Twiggies @Aava @amberwing @Lanqa @iodine @Snipe @TangleFeather @Nevaka @selenomancy @Seriema @hexadecimal @yoosung @azhdrake @insufferablecrab @Oara @chocomonster @Snowkitsu @CosmicSummer @PlushyRobot @Gravekeeper @cutinstincts @Touming @hawwah @PharahRaptor @Lupinus @BandedLake @VictorNikiforov @kumoko @Edge @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @BombSwan @Eagles @Floidivoidi @NorthPrincess @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Kyoya @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Moonlace @Moristian @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Camrrito @MechWyrms @nemodave @Featherly @Minstri @Wrath @casuallySleepy @InHeritent @Smokeybunny @Thesby @Sonora @IveRios @Noirist @seragakisei @Dishonor @Sickened @Drown @DawnRavenclaw @sableye @cywscross @Veracity @comette @Owlienerd @Irrwahn @Panicat @platypus @feverking @Silverishness @Kin @Necrovatai @lightningpelt @Oleandre @porifra @Rangiku @Failuresaurus @alexicyn @PeonydKingpin @Peisinoe @Duskflame @Dross @Valolaire @Ashirene @Nadopt @Sagittarium @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @Sharkbutt @brdey @Rest @ToxicE @Syceris @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Tsugumi @Gyropilot @ionicOneiroi @GrumpyCatlover @Shadowlugia711 @Cascarones @Steamplonk @Apotheca @Santoryu @Tidybunny @Ariizumi @corvid @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Hevnoraak @Angu15 @Starrlight @Ketchum @markab @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @Lichtdrache @Iceluoxue @redfloon @MadaMada @AntivirusAndroid @kbb @Fujinyumi @DreamingShad0ws @a27594111 @Devilledegghead @shibadog @NorthSong @Zedling @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @oly @TalaTari @DocMulligan @Acacia @despoinai @FernCoyote @limeypie @Johan @Gallus @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @ayatos @Accelerator @Goolix @Shadowangel @Croissants @bioglitch @nonaline @micchikureshima @Rocobird @Oodie @gemino @Keikoku @Mudguts @jaxentiatil @Fervanus @SnailMuffin @TxTiger @Tiarana @Hideki @Apothecaria @Myndris @Journey @Nilheim @luckless @Kaio @artillerychick @zeguk @Soraa @Pollen @NoodleMomma @grr @ideunatty @Kiragami @Holi @Reckless @Sophiellum @DracoLeo @Iskars @elfmoss @AimzVador @SparkleOfGold @daffynewt @manacampbell @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @Noxclerati @SaintMotel @bitmap @nm8426 @caedis @Aku @Reefknot @Peyp @suncodex @Nabesima @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Chaostrophy @folie @Viverridae @Artichoke @pretend @ashenhartkrie @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @MuffinCloud @GryphonSong @Alliance @Anda @Nirwana @batcrooks @HermaMora @OFF @Mickie @Condor @Karanja @Kayweather @Friendo @NameChange851 @auroshen @Lawcaldwell @cytotoxic @Convexity @vetra @heckinsnek @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @vassily @Mupfel @eternatus @Ender080 @Nimuir @Cognitive @Guest @vaihdokas @Silence @Moonpiebandit @cosmicConundrum @mumtup @valiantmeasures @Reptilia @Addmon @Jabberwocky09 @Fortuna @aeki @Haring @Elody @OrphanBlack @firtarian @warthog @STRHKR @AqunAthlok @NorthernLiights @terato @Incarnate @Belegorn @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @TwilightStars @necromancing @quatervois @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @Bhaskara @alyblaith @Morvudd @Ilesvia @Rafaru @Desolation @Limelight @antiserum @X3X @foreboding @SilverQuark @KiwiSmoothie @Drag0n5 @Karrikut @Gannet @Bumblesweet @Trixelations @Ectopi @Zukohere @Starstalker @andersbegabt @tytonidae @Damindra @PhoenixFire36 @Verruciformis @ravensong2 @TheClassCalico @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Velifer @Sanati @dandyfrau @thornasaur @KingHarry @Eiyora @Lukee @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @Khepri @LucidDreams @Venture @CoyoteFlowers @Ky0n @keyy @Tuchulcha @sneakys @puucari @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @Kobugi @Kryptica @scarletskyz @Cyrya @Neurachem @VioletChachki @Ankhr @rattus @Gross @NowViewing @Mairon @techmess @Bluwingskitty @GhostChateau @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @stakataka @Choi @Crowstorm @Vialheart @macrobiiology @starskynadder @mine @Hardycat @Harmonywish @Halua @Tira @Cryfie @deerfawn @snberry @ribbonz @Scryzze @Kaldwin @MildChameleon @End3rStorm @solariaa @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @profligate @PoisonNightshade @nemora @Wangji @PikaChan412 @Blod @Macchi @Osmodeus @XJSX @Drakkainen @xjsx @Harana @TundraGhost @Psi @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @Lokke @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @Duchess @LLev @Rowdy @SepiaSenpai @Naahva @mayka @RinyshkaS @Maiafay @Eidos @OfDagon @LemmeRest @Fawniti @precilla @sunnyVista @crowworm @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Archfiend @606 @Eleventh @serron @gefrorenerzahn @moltensapphires @RubyZoisite @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @sisyo @RoyalLudroth @Garados @ScarredLightning @sobbing @DiesIrae @DrFlug @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @BillyRuffian @Ophionyx @Siris @Lunadiviner @cobwebs @Mintso @Realms @concept @mooncakefestival @Marmite @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @BitterTea @sicksip @Ellanoi @Drastalblight @Ziernalie @SimFeetUnder @Nonsense @meowmeowkazoo @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @sylveondreams @Saskia @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @Syldaya @klee @Nenkou @girlgirlDragon @Hakary @Kerneleq @Rairudiseu @Tala2121 @Ikora @apricotstarship @Closetcreep @heathermoon @FireHeartSong @succulents @Melova @Scarheart99789 @elbarien @Kipuka @Acheri @sentimental @Halflight @Gompytje @yum @kephallonian @Adriel @Hmm @Murakali @Irmingard @Banhi @aschers @cyborb @Redsand @pwllhalen @Kisk @Vendetta @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @stCon @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @Vovina @techne @Munancho @thace @Mysteries @ReneDV98 @pondweed @lotusen @boredzoi @aeons @axololtl @WitchHunt @full @knifecentipede @Crumpet @Thrawn @Ravaarian @Onyxbat @draaviinrays @Krosulhah @LordDragonWubbs @Liluye @balthy @Oxy @Maeva @PearlOfSeduction @puppicino @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Mysthia @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @Silverpelt60 @squishypeachy @big @Vanshira @Nei @wwhirlybirb @mikaeia @Arkeyr79 @Cerion @lemecrazy @pooses @Chlorr @Juni @ToxieToxie @faraway @mangoeclipse @titian @Sealterbloind @Lokey @DeltaNegative @ancestral @Flanoir @Kom @HeadlessJason @Hyenalope @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @Heliolisk @Kinhaera @TehuMertt @BloodAlphaess @rockcorgo @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Oxyhemoglobin @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Alamire @NeekoNeekoNii @Starfire0 @amimari @Visceryl @Watercolour @evilwave @johan @Dussty @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @Aeriel @airemarshal @Wishing4Reality @IromotNemem @aliciawonderland @Verosa @Harrlequiin @Skippyjimjams @Ozma @putrefaction @Ichorous @serpentarius @Joywing @Adamantium @DarkwingDove @Lusinga @Mir @ElfCommander @Khezu @kazukira @Garizard @Lurkingbullfox @fuzzysherbet @Graffinn @Saerino @Tilli @Emrysthemay @Yorshka @VolcanicThunder @Doxiunoia @Massif @RingsofSaturn @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @Indigio @HPPJWoF @Aerites @Asphalt @cvthedral @Ayxia @kijauni @pinkkittens @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @Trilonyte @ces @Captainsaviathan @tvoir @chetungwan @Pyrozod @XCOM @TamneSenke @Phantasmal @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @Namarie @todorokishoto @Skeletiano @ashenraven @AkitsuneLune @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @Cavatica @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @VeryMuchATest @Adagia @Fallacies @batnap @astereia @DelightedVilla @serpents @apathes @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @wooloo @sassyatta @chuuyas @doniiderr @ladymoon2886 @Galatheid @choi @BrandonFlowers @vorselon @notamused @doniider @Gaston @cov @Havic @Shpee @Jaypaw @RaspyBone @ThistleProse @JotaroCujoh @Bloodwyrm @lyttlekytten @graveworm @Ponscha @Resorant @cholesky @mojave @Jeon @GlaxusPlaxus @AcretoSorien @Saeldryn @Dalio @mega1omaniacal @M42 @Peafowl @mazurkas @Cacophony @gardener @Taarnfalk @Kimmeh @hellieace @Solinary @Onyswift @Swerver @Adabat @LittleLuckyLucy @orangesunrise @Neltharygos @User9125 @tinkabelle @Endyr @Natron @hydde @Tofubear @venvi @sallow @MathematicalMind @CPFG44 @Varnaxis @Aeriona @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @Fin72 @TheMorningStar01 @drool @Atsumi @dadminkestler @Averat @retrace @Blubell @StannyWolfie @hat17 @thatwhatthing @cloudfilledskies @Sheta @Soulykins @Killunia @Spinyax @Altassar @caution @Skelisteri @madameprez @SilverBelle @Andraya @hannibals @Archimedez @Doomslayer @suu @Artorias @hobihobi @Idyll @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Cynderbark @Bamf @KiteM @TheSoothsayer @clovur @kkertas @pouchipouchi @PoisonedTea @Demagogue @Raan @Vyrelord @Turquai @Amayai @zephyrouss @Grune @peepsnibbles @caathedral @Aica @Denutena @say10 @Contaminate @pouchipoichi @nephelle @hyuukiru @SleepyDrago @137 @ViewtifulJen @strawyerberry @sessmachine @Qhersek @Tinble @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @aalien @Thunderbird21 @aliferous @nonlineardogtime @chuchuana @AngelOfFate @Bartleby @Hnai @ptarmigan @mem @eldrvtch @HeadEmpty @Necramancy @xGoetia @Basileia @Snoops @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @Prinsessa @SHODAN @Worship @FoxyPlant @SwiftedSphinx @Riddance @TheFreakShow @mPhish @Pepi @NamelessNekomata @torch @KariThorne @jennycatmystique @kyaniite @Rubaiyat @luciferase @Shyia @sheppo @aavikko @TypeFull @mothmoth @gaycaesar @Rythen @FeatherFace @laffayette @LeCheval @scared @Burger @moonstrucksmorns @QuirkyTea @Sinaasappelsap @Sucrose @coldcult @SqueakyWarrior @windowsXP @smolelf @Jhortanas @brevityis @Silvershadow666 @Nuthatch @ScaleyRedSi @RavenHaywire @Snoringhyena @Kylaila @Coward @sifenke @OblivionStriker @hasoyi @Naught @TheFortissima @wurple @Kael1030 @hamburgers123 @kyaveus @scarecrane @Bunnymif @wolfbutterfly42 @WhisperingThief @LSparrow @Saerel @Levona @GraveRabbit @WingedUnknown @decays @DawnBreak77 @sickreaps @Paganism @airport @Butcherbaby @Ashwini @noxeyes @callerunknown @wanderingworlds @Wizardry @addams @DashieDoesThings @Dakkokki @Refractor @Starbunnies @asterope @seaofspace @Kilwin @IcyGlaceon471 @kingratb @diTitania @Necralisk @Cirrostratus @elafralah @Missed @Scent @vangeance @ruijuun @Rifter @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @emeritus @KreepyKrawlies @LizardFruit @parxboiz @Phay @ladywindgrace @Gaze @karacal @Ambulocetus @Vaixation @Kitty4801 @Pyracantha @friendlycoffee @swinlock @Golurk @Cats @Kaneun @teiidae @LavaKitto @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @Yiku @Obituary @b0mbyx @CyberInfection @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @hinatot @Shidoo @NAKoo @crogge @AWB @elysifish @Dabble @frogguts @Blushunt @Doughnut @helsy @miitopia @Shap @Friege @GiantLizard @FuzzyMelon @davietoowavey @a030095275 @TheRookGryphon @Are @Windowz @Sigmaglow @SnowFrost620 @Bezalel @sinclairvoyant @Fenixinka @redleader @Quantum @Haggispakora @evidence @Dreyrugr @mithrail @FreyaShadow @kiwisun @dragonpals @Cloneraid @xxHenry1025xx @willowthewispvd @horrorsilk @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @SlappyHappy @copiouscrawdadz @Gimmethemprimals @Trinkets @arsenicxx @GhostBrimstone @Airaly @ilan @epitaffio @exp @SolitarySphynx @elibe @Rengoku @Psiuser @TruthseekerSky6 @Diancie @Hasufel @Miasmas @Peachie @Formenos @Minnowbutt @Dewberry @Sushimonsterr @rauv @Khayria @CorvidCryptid @Spacemanspiff @weffle @JustUneven @Euthymia @Kuso @FRONA @MidnightGarden @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @dads @ulvesang @ufology @DepressoDad @Saraceaser @pacem @Mystel @Viscount @DilsDoes @Pecularity @Gypae @fernbrake @Kiryo @sassibirb @Nelyafinwe @liturgies @Rauv @bardcollege @Aletsan @Perelandria @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @Comfrey @muto @Noctiferous @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Apology @Mewchi @Stellunas @ttaikapapu @Fletchling @Sanzuwu @bonivich @Dierdre @RolandMiller @churchill @Snallygaster @GladiolusXI @alastrcs @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Keyina @Parad0xxy @ItMeansHope @TacoTequila @SurfnTurf @KoifishLizard @Krocodalie @LoyalStar @Sugaray @crowvidae @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @asolrock @Faunaflor @asoryuu @Reithya @paladinpass @Stormvale @Hag @sasser @AngelSami @Meii @hisseefit @anemo @Dragongirl00100 @Risse @IamNoHere @Windows95 @casscain @Allstohel @LKF @Asgore @xique @Searen @HellsGate @Dianounais @Werepunk @MixedRainbow @thelemonsnek @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @assiduendo @HalfPintVerdance @TheEmptyCity @evereden @LeWorm @Orphism @marchpanes @robouiop @Askesis @JavaMP @Blackeyed @Illidari @thefluffypuppy @Glum @Horsedog3799 @Hakkar @Maleficus @Noodlesper @Fluttering @ProbablySkeletor @DoomedIdeas @Spooce @maybels @kyruiz @InTheDarke @ElectricAngels @Empyreal @ikunoche @Sic @Horrifying @SanctumAngelus @Attor @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Yonderly @Gig @Felwinter @Beruga @Iskaeil @haIIow @RheoTastic @leukristic @Aevios @Yelloweye @missaliceblue @SpookyPuptarts @Suntouched @Kodar @Plouvoir @seamists @wella @Fruitling @meandering @Aviose @Inkfrog @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @Saharawrites @Raivus @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @pigeontarot @WillowWisp64 @kingcrown @Yeechen @Crownings @WarMutt @KimMyack @Nayolah @isuzu @prettylizards @Hazardoush @GrimEchoes @BapeTheFish @skwerl56767 @Frieren @TheDEV1L @Amika @RowanofRohan @Zavijava @dmoney @ImpossibleJedi4 @nebulastep @HoIIow @BirdWings @sleepyflower @Artefact @Barok @Kassinu @Arianethel @Falgardien @Susurrar @xylocopa @Petrichord @NimStratus @Vertigris @mousieamelia @Whisper22 @AquaEmperor @mrgbmommy @Cherenkov @jinu @finder77 @Paleozoic @rinjing @Kywren @chunsah @nineofsin @Gavix @AstralEventide @Humboldt @wallaby @xxnyxy @LemonySnaket @Gulo @Azureus @3ctoplasm @sternum @prefiringfort @vovatheboss @Eriisx @mabon @antmimic @GiediPrime @Cosmiali @GreatValueCereal @Vwoop @Csejte @ado @CryptidUni @9th @xianvar @RainyCerdae @Elpzh @pori @Biohazards @Nihilus @dawnwyrm @Jaguarthecat @Violence @Valmue @Oggdo @ghostingskies @iskaeil @Venusian @Viscere @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Cheryy @Aplomado @sowilo @monstergf @moonthegoon @thevvitch @Moirne @W0lfBait @nightclouds @Seuche @Oatcrunch @Falka[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
'The Great Leviathan' Series
I designed an accent for myself but it looks too good not to share, so I'm both opening it for public and I did eye recolors for other (fitting) flights. I tried to match the color as best I could so it works with actual multi as one.
These accents will NOT retire and will be shelved after a few weeks to be printed again if enough people are interested.
Each copy 600g
Click here for the GASP thread!
Spiral M, Accent, anatomy alterations, eldritch, eyes (realistic), fire flight, arcane flight, ice flight, light flight, lightning flight, nature flight, plague flight, reptile, wind flight
@IAmStillATestAccount @Leonaa @Trachynhawb @refrayn @ljusclara @velvetpaws @Plushstiel @anrei @Naakka @FireflyRhapsody @Iniga @Clifftop @SydKiaray @Emordnilap @wildewinged @triska @Maila @xarazura @Ashtastic @Yaevinn @sinha27 @Yoda @Soupy @starsystems @Herumi @reliquiaen @penantiomers @mochimajuru @Kardi @Serpede @durandal @Kernun @shamwow @Alive @IndigoCat @ondore @ofendlessstars @arcaneidolriots @smileytechie @SleepyNightify @Stasha @snowy @Trickilicky @Vesperupus @Renoki @InfinityLlama @Velociraptor42 @Steel @delightfuliza @Velsim @Tangaroa @Shroomlet @Nevros @Vulpen @AwayfromBirdland @taipantigress @Kurtcobain @EifiCopper @Gibby @Uitwaaien @Masumi @annadandelion @theroiprocepios @Insouciant @kaaoqi @surfingpikachu @lightly @FairyArmadillo @Reborn @flamyfox @FlareSolaire @BlackWinter @Leafdapple1 @ThirtyOne @Acidfox @Argonaut @Alstroemeria @mummy @Astraya @Akal @thefrogg @yumejia @Bluetadamore @Ammut @Koneko @Veevi @shimmeringxolo @KameTurtle @Redsparrow @FWD @hayum @arach @Darkdragonfiend @Pumpcat @CakeOn @Dragonlaird @Mirrorface @Noxeryrs @Narif @wobbitt @Lynn1 @kazay @hiddenmica @Whimzica @aecasia @bubbie @Cryptic @Maye @Riko @Danizaurs @Elaendorlien @LhiannanSidhe @MusicalMaladies @Seiryuu @judiama @JackSpicer @tompollicle @Essynkardi @Kalistys @Mercendia @Jazz @Jaye @OverlordFreya @Synzia @Mookzilla @ionicbondie @Athexreh @moosesushi @sketchersocks @Chants @Jaz @Traidy @Rubisco @jamaesi @Oriel @Safirien @Katreal @christina @Rinibun @Deva @sero @ccccctk @Cerys @miuaki @angsthound @bringmeataco @jbapple @Salamanderpie @godspeed @Zelai @leeedea @Cedric @aearinn @MafiaVamp @koujakward @LittlestDragon @Shian @DarkOwl @Xemriss @Kelenthe @Ultima @Pinto @Icystorm @GalenIndoran @Maybels @Tria91 @boxparts @Idari @LionMagnus @Juyoung @Heliopunk @TribalDragon @Luunai @kaylavarnell4736 @Penryn @mus @haxure @thank @*** @Cindercate @wintercovers @PaintingFlowers @Yay @birdfairy @awaicu @raxyl @Enekokoro @Disanxian @TeddyDJ @Faileas @Cheshires @Oakwick @Darkmekmon @Ichamo @meonox @copiousPeplom @Toxiee @Raire @sorai @necrophades @rubyredtan @HayBau @TeaRex @Godspeed @veevi @Nuriya @MightyVildaTilda @Cherubim @Monchii @Shishiru @Geowlett @WDGaster @Runi @Septicaemic @Isidora @Allocen @Primaria @BlackMistress @VineDream @MollyMerula @RRHepburn @qew23 @EaterOFPie @keydotzip @Lonin @Carthasis @pioff @Cryptozoolo @Ririterasu @dr090909 @Aruakhal @Chaimellow @Speedythecat @MadDucks @BrandendDraak @Wuxian @aelith @saltyscone @mistysteel @HighFives @Ixnyeltha @Shougoney @Zayev @vely @Nukleer @Tigenki @Rayzor @Giarella @Nimphy @OrionPax @Twiggies @Aava @amberwing @Lanqa @iodine @Snipe @TangleFeather @Nevaka @selenomancy @Seriema @hexadecimal @yoosung @azhdrake @insufferablecrab @Oara @chocomonster @Snowkitsu @CosmicSummer @PlushyRobot @Gravekeeper @cutinstincts @Touming @hawwah @PharahRaptor @Lupinus @BandedLake @VictorNikiforov @kumoko @Edge @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @BombSwan @Eagles @Floidivoidi @NorthPrincess @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Kyoya @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Moonlace @Moristian @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Camrrito @MechWyrms @nemodave @Featherly @Minstri @Wrath @casuallySleepy @InHeritent @Smokeybunny @Thesby @Sonora @IveRios @Noirist @seragakisei @Dishonor @Sickened @Drown @DawnRavenclaw @sableye @cywscross @Veracity @comette @Owlienerd @Irrwahn @Panicat @platypus @feverking @Silverishness @Kin @Necrovatai @lightningpelt @Oleandre @porifra @Rangiku @Failuresaurus @alexicyn @PeonydKingpin @Peisinoe @Duskflame @Dross @Valolaire @Ashirene @Nadopt @Sagittarium @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @Sharkbutt @brdey @Rest @ToxicE @Syceris @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Tsugumi @Gyropilot @ionicOneiroi @GrumpyCatlover @Shadowlugia711 @Cascarones @Steamplonk @Apotheca @Santoryu @Tidybunny @Ariizumi @corvid @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Hevnoraak @Angu15 @Starrlight @Ketchum @markab @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @Lichtdrache @Iceluoxue @redfloon @MadaMada @AntivirusAndroid @kbb @Fujinyumi @DreamingShad0ws @a27594111 @Devilledegghead @shibadog @NorthSong @Zedling @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @oly @TalaTari @DocMulligan @Acacia @despoinai @FernCoyote @limeypie @Johan @Gallus @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @ayatos @Accelerator @Goolix @Shadowangel @Croissants @bioglitch @nonaline @micchikureshima @Rocobird @Oodie @gemino @Keikoku @Mudguts @jaxentiatil @Fervanus @SnailMuffin @TxTiger @Tiarana @Hideki @Apothecaria @Myndris @Journey @Nilheim @luckless @Kaio @artillerychick @zeguk @Soraa @Pollen @NoodleMomma @grr @ideunatty @Kiragami @Holi @Reckless @Sophiellum @DracoLeo @Iskars @elfmoss @AimzVador @SparkleOfGold @daffynewt @manacampbell @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @Noxclerati @SaintMotel @bitmap @nm8426 @caedis @Aku @Reefknot @Peyp @suncodex @Nabesima @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Chaostrophy @folie @Viverridae @Artichoke @pretend @ashenhartkrie @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @MuffinCloud @GryphonSong @Alliance @Anda @Nirwana @batcrooks @HermaMora @OFF @Mickie @Condor @Karanja @Kayweather @Friendo @NameChange851 @auroshen @Lawcaldwell @cytotoxic @Convexity @vetra @heckinsnek @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @vassily @Mupfel @eternatus @Ender080 @Nimuir @Cognitive @Guest @vaihdokas @Silence @Moonpiebandit @cosmicConundrum @mumtup @valiantmeasures @Reptilia @Addmon @Jabberwocky09 @Fortuna @aeki @Haring @Elody @OrphanBlack @firtarian @warthog @STRHKR @AqunAthlok @NorthernLiights @terato @Incarnate @Belegorn @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @TwilightStars @necromancing @quatervois @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @Bhaskara @alyblaith @Morvudd @Ilesvia @Rafaru @Desolation @Limelight @antiserum @X3X @foreboding @SilverQuark @KiwiSmoothie @Drag0n5 @Karrikut @Gannet @Bumblesweet @Trixelations @Ectopi @Zukohere @Starstalker @andersbegabt @tytonidae @Damindra @PhoenixFire36 @Verruciformis @ravensong2 @TheClassCalico @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Velifer @Sanati @dandyfrau @thornasaur @KingHarry @Eiyora @Lukee @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @Khepri @LucidDreams @Venture @CoyoteFlowers @Ky0n @keyy @Tuchulcha @sneakys @puucari @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @Kobugi @Kryptica @scarletskyz @Cyrya @Neurachem @VioletChachki @Ankhr @rattus @Gross @NowViewing @Mairon @techmess @Bluwingskitty @GhostChateau @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @stakataka @Choi @Crowstorm @Vialheart @macrobiiology @starskynadder @mine @Hardycat @Harmonywish @Halua @Tira @Cryfie @deerfawn @snberry @ribbonz @Scryzze @Kaldwin @MildChameleon @End3rStorm @solariaa @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @profligate @PoisonNightshade @nemora @Wangji @PikaChan412 @Blod @Macchi @Osmodeus @XJSX @Drakkainen @xjsx @Harana @TundraGhost @Psi @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @Lokke @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @Duchess @LLev @Rowdy @SepiaSenpai @Naahva @mayka @RinyshkaS @Maiafay @Eidos @OfDagon @LemmeRest @Fawniti @precilla @sunnyVista @crowworm @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Archfiend @606 @Eleventh @serron @gefrorenerzahn @moltensapphires @RubyZoisite @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @sisyo @RoyalLudroth @Garados @ScarredLightning @sobbing @DiesIrae @DrFlug @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @BillyRuffian @Ophionyx @Siris @Lunadiviner @cobwebs @Mintso @Realms @concept @mooncakefestival @Marmite @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @BitterTea @sicksip @Ellanoi @Drastalblight @Ziernalie @SimFeetUnder @Nonsense @meowmeowkazoo @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @sylveondreams @Saskia @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @Syldaya @klee @Nenkou @girlgirlDragon @Hakary @Kerneleq @Rairudiseu @Tala2121 @Ikora @apricotstarship @Closetcreep @heathermoon @FireHeartSong @succulents @Melova @Scarheart99789 @elbarien @Kipuka @Acheri @sentimental @Halflight @Gompytje @yum @kephallonian @Adriel @Hmm @Murakali @Irmingard @Banhi @aschers @cyborb @Redsand @pwllhalen @Kisk @Vendetta @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @stCon @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @Vovina @techne @Munancho @thace @Mysteries @ReneDV98 @pondweed @lotusen @boredzoi @aeons @axololtl @WitchHunt @full @knifecentipede @Crumpet @Thrawn @Ravaarian @Onyxbat @draaviinrays @Krosulhah @LordDragonWubbs @Liluye @balthy @*** @Maeva @PearlOfSeduction @puppicino @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Mysthia @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @Silverpelt60 @squishypeachy @big @Vanshira @Nei @wwhirlybirb @mikaeia @Arkeyr79 @Cerion @lemecrazy @pooses @Chlorr @Juni @ToxieToxie @faraway @mangoeclipse @titian @Sealterbloind @Lokey @DeltaNegative @ancestral @Flanoir @Kom @HeadlessJason @Hyenalope @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @Heliolisk @Kinhaera @TehuMertt @BloodAlphaess @rockcorgo @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Oxyhemoglobin @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Alamire @NeekoNeekoNii @Starfire0 @amimari @Visceryl @Watercolour @evilwave @johan @Dussty @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @Aeriel @airemarshal @Wishing4Reality @IromotNemem @aliciawonderland @Verosa @Harrlequiin @Skippyjimjams @Ozma @putrefaction @Ichorous @serpentarius @Joywing @Adamantium @DarkwingDove @Lusinga @Mir @ElfCommander @Khezu @kazukira @Garizard @Lurkingbullfox @fuzzysherbet @Graffinn @Saerino @Tilli @Emrysthemay @Yorshka @VolcanicThunder @Doxiunoia @Massif @RingsofSaturn @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @Indigio @HPPJWoF @Aerites @Asphalt @cvthedral @Ayxia @kijauni @pinkkittens @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @Trilonyte @ces @Captainsaviathan @tvoir @chetungwan @Pyrozod @XCOM @TamneSenke @Phantasmal @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @Namarie @todorokishoto @Skeletiano @ashenraven @AkitsuneLune @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @Cavatica @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @VeryMuchATest @Adagia @Fallacies @batnap @astereia @DelightedVilla @serpents @apathes @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @wooloo @sassyatta @chuuyas @doniiderr @ladymoon2886 @Galatheid @choi @BrandonFlowers @vorselon @notamused @doniider @Gaston @cov @Havic @Shpee @Jaypaw @RaspyBone @ThistleProse @JotaroCujoh @Bloodwyrm @lyttlekytten @graveworm @Ponscha @Resorant @cholesky @mojave @Jeon @GlaxusPlaxus @AcretoSorien @Saeldryn @Dalio @mega1omaniacal @M42 @Peafowl @mazurkas @Cacophony @gardener @Taarnfalk @Kimmeh @hellieace @Solinary @Onyswift @Swerver @Adabat @LittleLuckyLucy @orangesunrise @Neltharygos @User9125 @tinkabelle @Endyr @Natron @hydde @Tofubear @venvi @sallow @MathematicalMind @CPFG44 @Varnaxis @Aeriona @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @Fin72 @TheMorningStar01 @drool @Atsumi @dadminkestler @Averat @retrace @Blubell @StannyWolfie @hat17 @thatwhatthing @cloudfilledskies @Sheta @Soulykins @Killunia @Spinyax @Altassar @caution @Skelisteri @madameprez @SilverBelle @Andraya @hannibals @Archimedez @Doomslayer @suu @Artorias @hobihobi @Idyll @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Cynderbark @Bamf @KiteM @TheSoothsayer @clovur @kkertas @pouchipouchi @PoisonedTea @Demagogue @Raan @Vyrelord @Turquai @Amayai @zephyrouss @Grune @peepsnibbles @caathedral @Aica @Denutena @say10 @Contaminate @pouchipoichi @nephelle @hyuukiru @SleepyDrago @137 @ViewtifulJen @strawyerberry @sessmachine @Qhersek @Tinble @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @aalien @Thunderbird21 @aliferous @nonlineardogtime @chuchuana @AngelOfFate @Bartleby @Hnai @ptarmigan @mem @eldrvtch @HeadEmpty @Necramancy @xGoetia @Basileia @Snoops @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @Prinsessa @SHODAN @Worship @FoxyPlant @SwiftedSphinx @Riddance @TheFreakShow @mPhish @Pepi @NamelessNekomata @torch @KariThorne @jennycatmystique @kyaniite @Rubaiyat @luciferase @Shyia @sheppo @aavikko @TypeFull @mothmoth @gaycaesar @Rythen @FeatherFace @laffayette @LeCheval @scared @Burger @moonstrucksmorns @QuirkyTea @Sinaasappelsap @Sucrose @coldcult @SqueakyWarrior @windowsXP @smolelf @Jhortanas @brevityis @Silvershadow666 @Nuthatch @ScaleyRedSi @RavenHaywire @Snoringhyena @Kylaila @Coward @sifenke @OblivionStriker @hasoyi @Naught @TheFortissima @wurple @Kael1030 @hamburgers123 @kyaveus @scarecrane @Bunnymif @wolfbutterfly42 @WhisperingThief @LSparrow @Saerel @Levona @GraveRabbit @WingedUnknown @decays @DawnBreak77 @sickreaps @Paganism @airport @Butcherbaby @Ashwini @noxeyes @callerunknown @wanderingworlds @Wizardry @addams @DashieDoesThings @Dakkokki @Refractor @Starbunnies @asterope @seaofspace @Kilwin @IcyGlaceon471 @kingratb @diTitania @Necralisk @Cirrostratus @elafralah @Missed @Scent @vangeance @ruijuun @Rifter @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @emeritus @KreepyKrawlies @LizardFruit @parxboiz @Phay @ladywindgrace @Gaze @karacal @Ambulocetus @Vaixation @Kitty4801 @Pyracantha @friendlycoffee @swinlock @Golurk @Cats @Kaneun @teiidae @LavaKitto @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @Yiku @Obituary @b0mbyx @CyberInfection @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @hinatot @Shidoo @NAKoo @crogge @AWB @elysifish @Dabble @frogguts @Blushunt @Doughnut @helsy @miitopia @Shap @Friege @GiantLizard @FuzzyMelon @davietoowavey @a030095275 @TheRookGryphon @Are @Windowz @Sigmaglow @SnowFrost620 @Bezalel @sinclairvoyant @Fenixinka @redleader @Quantum @Haggispakora @evidence @Dreyrugr @mithrail @FreyaShadow @kiwisun @dragonpals @Cloneraid @xxHenry1025xx @willowthewispvd @horrorsilk @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @SlappyHappy @copiouscrawdadz @Gimmethemprimals @Trinkets @arsenicxx @GhostBrimstone @Airaly @ilan @epitaffio @exp @SolitarySphynx @elibe @Rengoku @Psiuser @TruthseekerSky6 @Diancie @Hasufel @Miasmas @Peachie @Formenos @Minnowbutt @Dewberry @Sushimonsterr @rauv @Khayria @CorvidCryptid @Spacemanspiff @weffle @JustUneven @Euthymia @Kuso @FRONA @MidnightGarden @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @dads @ulvesang @ufology @DepressoDad @Saraceaser @pacem @Mystel @Viscount @DilsDoes @Pecularity @Gypae @fernbrake @Kiryo @sassibirb @Nelyafinwe @liturgies @Rauv @bardcollege @Aletsan @Perelandria @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @Comfrey @muto @Noctiferous @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Apology @Mewchi @Stellunas @ttaikapapu @Fletchling @Sanzuwu @bonivich @Dierdre @RolandMiller @churchill @Snallygaster @GladiolusXI @alastrcs @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Keyina @Parad0xxy @ItMeansHope @TacoTequila @SurfnTurf @KoifishLizard @Krocodalie @LoyalStar @Sugaray @crowvidae @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @asolrock @Faunaflor @asoryuu @Reithya @paladinpass @Stormvale @Hag @sasser @AngelSami @Meii @hisseefit @anemo @Dragongirl00100 @Risse @IamNoHere @Windows95 @casscain @Allstohel @LKF @Asgore @xique @Searen @HellsGate @Dianounais @Werepunk @MixedRainbow @thelemonsnek @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @assiduendo @HalfPintVerdance @TheEmptyCity @evereden @LeWorm @Orphism @marchpanes @robouiop @Askesis @JavaMP @Blackeyed @Illidari @thefluffypuppy @Glum @Horsedog3799 @Hakkar @Maleficus @Noodlesper @Fluttering @ProbablySkeletor @DoomedIdeas @Spooce @maybels @kyruiz @InTheDarke @ElectricAngels @Empyreal @ikunoche @Sic @Horrifying @SanctumAngelus @Attor @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Yonderly @Gig @Felwinter @Beruga @Iskaeil @haIIow @RheoTastic @leukristic @Aevios @Yelloweye @missaliceblue @SpookyPuptarts @Suntouched @Kodar @Plouvoir @seamists @wella @Fruitling @meandering @Aviose @Inkfrog @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @Saharawrites @Raivus @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @pigeontarot @WillowWisp64 @kingcrown @Yeechen @Crownings @WarMutt @KimMyack @Nayolah @isuzu @prettylizards @Hazardoush @GrimEchoes @BapeTheFish @skwerl56767 @Frieren @TheDEV1L @Amika @RowanofRohan @Zavijava @dmoney @ImpossibleJedi4 @nebulastep @HoIIow @BirdWings @sleepyflower @Artefact @Barok @Kassinu @Arianethel @Falgardien @Susurrar @xylocopa @Petrichord @NimStratus @Vertigris @mousieamelia @Whisper22 @AquaEmperor @mrgbmommy @Cherenkov @jinu @finder77 @Paleozoic @rinjing @Kywren @chunsah @nineofsin @Gavix @AstralEventide @Humboldt @wallaby @xxnyxy @LemonySnaket @Gulo @Azureus @3ctoplasm @sternum @prefiringfort @vovatheboss @Eriisx @mabon @antmimic @GiediPrime @Cosmiali @GreatValueCereal @Vwoop @Csejte @ado @CryptidUni @9th @xianvar @RainyCerdae @Elpzh @pori @Biohazards @Nihilus @dawnwyrm @Jaguarthecat @Violence @Valmue @Oggdo @ghostingskies @iskaeil @Venusian @Viscere @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Cheryy @Aplomado @sowilo @monstergf @moonthegoon @thevvitch @Moirne @W0lfBait @nightclouds @Seuche @Oatcrunch @Falka
Love it! I'll sign up for a Light copy!
Love it! I'll sign up for a Light copy!
oh yo!! could i get a preview of lighting on this boy? if its ok
oh yo!! could i get a preview of lighting on this boy? if its ok