Oh, woe! Missed the Lightning variant of Great Leviathan.
May I please be added to your pinglist, Kodar?
Thank you kindly ♥ And apologies, accidentally ping'd you in a private thread...
Hey @
Sinnouk sorry for missing your message here! I added you to the pinglist and for a new run of Leviathan Lightning just in case it gets picked up again by the public. If not (I'll wait a little so see if it gets more interest) I could sell you my copy of it cause I don't think I'll be using it on my dragons :>
Hey @
Sinnouk sorry for missing your message here! I added you to the pinglist and for a new run of Leviathan Lightning just in case it gets picked up again by the public. If not (I'll wait a little so see if it gets more interest) I could sell you my copy of it cause I don't think I'll be using it on my dragons :>
[center][b]Hello peoples!!
I didn't get a full 2nd run for Ice Shards but decided to print it anyway cause we were missing only one person to make it a full run :> The remaining copy will go up on AH.[/b]
Wait for a PA soon![/center]
[center]@Valmue @Harmonywish @Pyrali @KishHuzrin @ShinyHunter47 @Steffon @Aeriel @VermilionVasili[/center]
Hello peoples!!
I didn't get a full 2nd run for Ice Shards but decided to print it anyway cause we were missing only one person to make it a full run :> The remaining copy will go up on AH.
Wait for a PA soon!
aaaaAAAA look at how pretty my ice rep statue gal is now! Thank you so much!
aaaaAAAA look at how pretty my ice rep statue gal is now! Thank you so much!
They/them pronouns. || FR time +8 (GMT) || View my
Arcanites - I now run the Arcane Free Familiar Thread here:
Kodar I'd love a slot for the wind variation of the great leviathan please!
Kodar I'd love a slot for the wind variation of the great leviathan please!
Hello! I'm absolutely in LOVE with your GreatLeviathan skins, and I'm particularly interested in the lightning variant. I see that it is also shelved, so is there a chance you could add me to a pinglist so I can be notified when it's available again? Thank you! If not, that's totally fine.
Hello! I'm absolutely in LOVE with your GreatLeviathan skins, and I'm particularly interested in the lightning variant. I see that it is also shelved, so is there a chance you could add me to a pinglist so I can be notified when it's available again? Thank you! If not, that's totally fine.
Any Pronouns
FR +0
Simply Vibing
I'm also a huge fan of the GreatLeviathan! Add me to the pinglist for reprints of the Lightning variant please ^^ I'm definitely interested.
I'm also a huge fan of the GreatLeviathan! Add me to the pinglist for reprints of the Lightning variant please ^^ I'm definitely interested.
TheLovelyDovely hey sorry about not saying anything sooner, I was on a big huge hiatus from fr. I can definitely put you on the waitlist! I just keep it on the hidden text mode but it's there for me to see xD
Koisticks you picked the right time as I returned to fr haha I'll put you on the list now ~
VermilionVasili she's beautiful ;w;
TheLovelyDovely hey sorry about not saying anything sooner, I was on a big huge hiatus from fr. I can definitely put you on the waitlist! I just keep it on the hidden text mode but it's there for me to see xD
Koisticks you picked the right time as I returned to fr haha I'll put you on the list now ~
VermilionVasili she's beautiful ;w;
Kodar That is totally cool with me, so no worries. Thank you!
Kodar That is totally cool with me, so no worries. Thank you!
Any Pronouns
FR +0
Simply Vibing
[center][b]Hey guys!!
In short, I'm back to fr and I've decided to print some color variants regardless of the lists getting full as I originally wanted![/b]
If you are no longer interested in the color variant you signed up for long ago, THAT'S OK! You can either let me know here in the thread or simply decline your PA in a week-ish when I get the copies from printing.
All spare copies will go to AH ~
I am running a 10-print for the most wanted color variant among those that didn't have a print yet, the Light variant, and a 5-print of Wind. Wind people are already aware of it, so I don't want to ping everyone again, but here is the little "hello it's happening" for the Light people =>
@ProbablySkeletor @Andraya @9th @SepiaSenpai @JavaMP @RobotOcelot
Hey guys!!
In short, I'm back to fr and I've decided to print some color variants regardless of the lists getting full as I originally wanted!
If you are no longer interested in the color variant you signed up for long ago, THAT'S OK! You can either let me know here in the thread or simply decline your PA in a week-ish when I get the copies from printing.
All spare copies will go to AH ~
I am running a 10-print for the most wanted color variant among those that didn't have a print yet, the Light variant, and a 5-print of Wind. Wind people are already aware of it, so I don't want to ping everyone again, but here is the little "hello it's happening" for the Light people =>
ProbablySkeletor @
Andraya @
9th @
SepiaSenpai @
JavaMP @