

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Arcana City, Shattered Ideals IC
Lance & Adara
Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary (Tho Lance is leaving)
Interactions: Each other, Open

Lance came down the stairs and said to Adara,
“Don’t bother getting that poor overworked delivery girl to run the gardening supplies to the guy who ordered them. She’s got enough things to do. I’m awake and willing to do it.”
He walked over to Adara and started to help her package everything into a box.

Adara smiled a bit as she placed gardening tools on top of a bag of fertilizer and replied,
“I would have called Arryn if you decided to sleep later. Seeing as it’s only eleven and I stated it would arrive sometime today. Just please be careful… There’s some questionable sh-t going on and I don’t want you getting involved in it.”
She threw in a few seed packets before adding,
“Can you hold down the flaps while I tape them?”

Lance replied before continuing,
“I’ve got the damn bracelet in my pocket, and the only reason anything is happening is if someone tries to start sh-t. That’s the reason anything happened the first time. But I highly doubt anything worse than the usual reactions most people have to seeing a rat get swallowed whole.”
He then placed the sticker with all the delivery details on the box. Lance reached for the bag he kept under the counter and started to put the box in it.

Adara hugged him for a second before handing Lance a thermos and plastic wrapped brownie. She then replied,
“Still, don’t make me have to explain to a cop that you really aren’t all that threatening. Anyways, have fun.”

Lance purred a bit as he took the two things Adara handed him, pocketing the brownie as he said,
“Oh I will, love you.”
He then started to leave, pushing open the glass doors of the shop.

Adara smiled as she replied,
“Love you too.”

((For the record it's around 11am and early October... Meaning it's slightly cold or nice outside and the weather can't decide which one to go with. I should know as I'm living this indecisive temperature. You are all free to do whatever sort of starter you want or even attempt smth with any of the NPC's I've listed, should that be more to your taste))

@Dingasoid @Halloweddd @Blackvine @Notabilia @ChaoticPotato @Ruatani @YarnDrawcia @RaccoonusDoodus @StarR3N
Lance & Adara
Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary (Tho Lance is leaving)
Interactions: Each other, Open

Lance came down the stairs and said to Adara,
“Don’t bother getting that poor overworked delivery girl to run the gardening supplies to the guy who ordered them. She’s got enough things to do. I’m awake and willing to do it.”
He walked over to Adara and started to help her package everything into a box.

Adara smiled a bit as she placed gardening tools on top of a bag of fertilizer and replied,
“I would have called Arryn if you decided to sleep later. Seeing as it’s only eleven and I stated it would arrive sometime today. Just please be careful… There’s some questionable sh-t going on and I don’t want you getting involved in it.”
She threw in a few seed packets before adding,
“Can you hold down the flaps while I tape them?”

Lance replied before continuing,
“I’ve got the damn bracelet in my pocket, and the only reason anything is happening is if someone tries to start sh-t. That’s the reason anything happened the first time. But I highly doubt anything worse than the usual reactions most people have to seeing a rat get swallowed whole.”
He then placed the sticker with all the delivery details on the box. Lance reached for the bag he kept under the counter and started to put the box in it.

Adara hugged him for a second before handing Lance a thermos and plastic wrapped brownie. She then replied,
“Still, don’t make me have to explain to a cop that you really aren’t all that threatening. Anyways, have fun.”

Lance purred a bit as he took the two things Adara handed him, pocketing the brownie as he said,
“Oh I will, love you.”
He then started to leave, pushing open the glass doors of the shop.

Adara smiled as she replied,
“Love you too.”

((For the record it's around 11am and early October... Meaning it's slightly cold or nice outside and the weather can't decide which one to go with. I should know as I'm living this indecisive temperature. You are all free to do whatever sort of starter you want or even attempt smth with any of the NPC's I've listed, should that be more to your taste))

@Dingasoid @Halloweddd @Blackvine @Notabilia @ChaoticPotato @Ruatani @YarnDrawcia @RaccoonusDoodus @StarR3N
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns
Damien, Angel - Location: Angel's Cafe
Interactions: Each other, open.

The cafe was packed with people. Damien had put the Pumpkin Spice Latte on the menu a week ago, which drew in the fall crowd. He was jumping around, helping out wherever needed. Cleaning tables, making coffees, baking the food. A line was forming at the counter, people wanting their coffee.

Many customers were complaining about the wait time, despite seeing how busy it was.

"Jeez, you'd think some of these people would be at work by now," Damien muttered under his breath as he made an iced white chocolate mocha. Angel, who was sitting at the bar top, laughed at his joke.

"Be nice, my dear," she teased. She had her computer set up as she worked on a project. She had her tablet in her lap, carefully adding details to her art.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Damien replied as he handed the coffee to an elderly woman.

"Thank you," she said with a smile as she waddled away.

"What can I get started for you?" Damien asked, turning to the next customer.

Alex - Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary
Interactions: Lance, Adara, anyone else who comes to the apothecary

Alex was walking down the sidewalk, his hand in his pockets. He happily watched the people bustling about. He could hear his Geiger Counter device, or as he calls it, a Magic Counter, beeping every once in a while. As he walked, he would periodically check his phone, wanting to see the progress on his current project. At his lab, he was working on making his Magic Counter design more streamline. He had drawn up designs for a watch; however, transferring the data seemed to be taking ages.

As Alex walked, he kept an eye out for anything that would draw his attention. He noticed a two story building, The sign in particular caught his eye. "Dark Phoenix Apothecary."

"This seems interesting," he muttered to himself as he pushed the door open. Alex looked around in awe at all of the items on the shelves. He could hear his Magic Counter beeping in his pocket, which was to be expected in a shop like this one.
Damien, Angel - Location: Angel's Cafe
Interactions: Each other, open.

The cafe was packed with people. Damien had put the Pumpkin Spice Latte on the menu a week ago, which drew in the fall crowd. He was jumping around, helping out wherever needed. Cleaning tables, making coffees, baking the food. A line was forming at the counter, people wanting their coffee.

Many customers were complaining about the wait time, despite seeing how busy it was.

"Jeez, you'd think some of these people would be at work by now," Damien muttered under his breath as he made an iced white chocolate mocha. Angel, who was sitting at the bar top, laughed at his joke.

"Be nice, my dear," she teased. She had her computer set up as she worked on a project. She had her tablet in her lap, carefully adding details to her art.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Damien replied as he handed the coffee to an elderly woman.

"Thank you," she said with a smile as she waddled away.

"What can I get started for you?" Damien asked, turning to the next customer.

Alex - Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary
Interactions: Lance, Adara, anyone else who comes to the apothecary

Alex was walking down the sidewalk, his hand in his pockets. He happily watched the people bustling about. He could hear his Geiger Counter device, or as he calls it, a Magic Counter, beeping every once in a while. As he walked, he would periodically check his phone, wanting to see the progress on his current project. At his lab, he was working on making his Magic Counter design more streamline. He had drawn up designs for a watch; however, transferring the data seemed to be taking ages.

As Alex walked, he kept an eye out for anything that would draw his attention. He noticed a two story building, The sign in particular caught his eye. "Dark Phoenix Apothecary."

"This seems interesting," he muttered to himself as he pushed the door open. Alex looked around in awe at all of the items on the shelves. He could hear his Magic Counter beeping in his pocket, which was to be expected in a shop like this one.
@SmilodonLady (is pinging okay?)
Markell, Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary, Interaction: Lance & Adara

Markell groaned as he walked down the main street. It had been a long night. Between the quicksilver attack, the break in the night before, and the fact he hadn't eaten in a few days, he was feeling very shaky on his feet. His hands felt heavy, bandaged as they were. He had accidentally fallen on glass when he was trying to catch the robber. Thankfully, his boss was understanding and didn't keep him long after he had given a police report. I need to sit...
Not thinking terribly clearly, he picked the first building that he thought might have a spare seat. Just as he arrived at the door, he was knocked back by its opening. Running on fumes at this point, he didn't realize that he had shifted into the tiny, malnourished kitsune that was his natural form. He let out a pathetic growl as he looked up at the man that he had run into.
@SmilodonLady (is pinging okay?)
Markell, Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary, Interaction: Lance & Adara

Markell groaned as he walked down the main street. It had been a long night. Between the quicksilver attack, the break in the night before, and the fact he hadn't eaten in a few days, he was feeling very shaky on his feet. His hands felt heavy, bandaged as they were. He had accidentally fallen on glass when he was trying to catch the robber. Thankfully, his boss was understanding and didn't keep him long after he had given a police report. I need to sit...
Not thinking terribly clearly, he picked the first building that he thought might have a spare seat. Just as he arrived at the door, he was knocked back by its opening. Running on fumes at this point, he didn't realize that he had shifted into the tiny, malnourished kitsune that was his natural form. He let out a pathetic growl as he looked up at the man that he had run into.
Petra and Kan
Location: Outside Damien's Cafe| Interactions: Open
Petra was in the workshop at the mechanic's store, fixing up a motorcycle while Kan watched and chatted with her. She'd been summoning him more as of late, what with the rumors of some serial killer going around. It's not that she didn't feel safe at work, the combination of Kan and her boss made her feel even more secure, it's just that the walk to and from the store was often a bit nerve wracking. She wouldn't ever admit that out loud, but since Kan would be accompanying her anyways, he might as well stay and chat while she worked too. Her boss, a gruff man named Otto, also welcomed Kan with open arms, which was among the top reasons Petra continued to work where she did.

"Hey Petra, could you go out on a quick coffee run for me?" Otto asked, poking his head into the workshop, "To the usual place. I know I'd usually do it but I'm expecting a call that I really can't miss."

"Of course, I'll be right back," Petra nodded.

She took off her apron and gloves, though there were still some oil stains that had gotten on her work clothes underneath. Kan got up, floating over to Petra and thinking a little.

"Mmm one of those pumpkin spice lattes sounds good. I want to see what all the fall fuss is about," Kan said.

"Oh c'mon. You don't even work here and you want to use Otto's money?" Petra huffed.

"Haha, I don't mind. Besides, Kan has helped kick out some unruly people even I couldn't handle so a few drinks is the least I can treat him to," Otto said.

Petra rolled her eyes but nodded and started heading out. As she did, Kan had wrapped his arms around her neck, floating along as she walked. His warmth was nice with the unstable weather and meant she didn't need a coat or anything over her work clothes. Otto went to Damien's Cafe enough to be considered a regular, but Petra rarely did. She was more often than not, holed up at the workshop. In any case, it was a pretty short trip since they were basically in the same locale as the other shops. She walked up to the door, frowning as she saw the sheer amount of people inside. This… might not be the quick and easy coffee run she had expected.

"Want me to wait outside?" Kan asked.

"No," Petra said, she was not about to go in alone, even if they did take up extra space.
Petra and Kan
Location: Outside Damien's Cafe| Interactions: Open
Petra was in the workshop at the mechanic's store, fixing up a motorcycle while Kan watched and chatted with her. She'd been summoning him more as of late, what with the rumors of some serial killer going around. It's not that she didn't feel safe at work, the combination of Kan and her boss made her feel even more secure, it's just that the walk to and from the store was often a bit nerve wracking. She wouldn't ever admit that out loud, but since Kan would be accompanying her anyways, he might as well stay and chat while she worked too. Her boss, a gruff man named Otto, also welcomed Kan with open arms, which was among the top reasons Petra continued to work where she did.

"Hey Petra, could you go out on a quick coffee run for me?" Otto asked, poking his head into the workshop, "To the usual place. I know I'd usually do it but I'm expecting a call that I really can't miss."

"Of course, I'll be right back," Petra nodded.

She took off her apron and gloves, though there were still some oil stains that had gotten on her work clothes underneath. Kan got up, floating over to Petra and thinking a little.

"Mmm one of those pumpkin spice lattes sounds good. I want to see what all the fall fuss is about," Kan said.

"Oh c'mon. You don't even work here and you want to use Otto's money?" Petra huffed.

"Haha, I don't mind. Besides, Kan has helped kick out some unruly people even I couldn't handle so a few drinks is the least I can treat him to," Otto said.

Petra rolled her eyes but nodded and started heading out. As she did, Kan had wrapped his arms around her neck, floating along as she walked. His warmth was nice with the unstable weather and meant she didn't need a coat or anything over her work clothes. Otto went to Damien's Cafe enough to be considered a regular, but Petra rarely did. She was more often than not, holed up at the workshop. In any case, it was a pretty short trip since they were basically in the same locale as the other shops. She walked up to the door, frowning as she saw the sheer amount of people inside. This… might not be the quick and easy coffee run she had expected.

"Want me to wait outside?" Kan asked.

"No," Petra said, she was not about to go in alone, even if they did take up extra space.
Interactions: None yet
Location: Nearby Angel's cafe, outside.

A van drove by the street, slowing down and backing up into a single lot. Inside the vehicle was a man in a heavy, blue pest control outfit- he just got done with his previous job and went on lunch break, or "free time" as Collin would call it. He took the keys out of his vehicle and unbuckled his seat belt. Before leaving, he wiped off a suspicious amount of feathers off of himself, then grabbed his wallet and a bag filled with... hornets? Hmmm... odd.

// I'm just gonna keep this one short.
Interactions: None yet
Location: Nearby Angel's cafe, outside.

A van drove by the street, slowing down and backing up into a single lot. Inside the vehicle was a man in a heavy, blue pest control outfit- he just got done with his previous job and went on lunch break, or "free time" as Collin would call it. He took the keys out of his vehicle and unbuckled his seat belt. Before leaving, he wiped off a suspicious amount of feathers off of himself, then grabbed his wallet and a bag filled with... hornets? Hmmm... odd.

// I'm just gonna keep this one short.
Dingasoid | They-Them (any pronouns) | 2+ FR time
Peace Baker
Peace Baker's Apartment, interacting with none

"What do you MEAN you're deciding not to buy my horn?"
Peace was sitting on the edge of her bare mattress, her phone up to her ear. She thought she had secured a regular buyer for her horn every month, a surefire way that she won't get booted out by her landlord. Well, clearly not.
"Listen, something's come up. I-I ain't riskin' my neck when there's safer ways to peddle some placebos alright?"
"It's nearly grown back in and I haven't found another buyer to take the new one, you couldn't have told me about this a week earlier?"
"Find someone else to buy the damn thing!"

A dial-up tone. The ******* hung up.
Peace fell back on her bed. Dammit. If she doesn't find another buyer fast, she'll have to open up emergency commissions and make a choice between eating or being homeless.
She opened up her phone's web browser, scouring around for something in Arcana City that might be interested in buying the horn so she can pay her monthly rent.
Peace Baker
Peace Baker's Apartment, interacting with none

"What do you MEAN you're deciding not to buy my horn?"
Peace was sitting on the edge of her bare mattress, her phone up to her ear. She thought she had secured a regular buyer for her horn every month, a surefire way that she won't get booted out by her landlord. Well, clearly not.
"Listen, something's come up. I-I ain't riskin' my neck when there's safer ways to peddle some placebos alright?"
"It's nearly grown back in and I haven't found another buyer to take the new one, you couldn't have told me about this a week earlier?"
"Find someone else to buy the damn thing!"

A dial-up tone. The ******* hung up.
Peace fell back on her bed. Dammit. If she doesn't find another buyer fast, she'll have to open up emergency commissions and make a choice between eating or being homeless.
She opened up her phone's web browser, scouring around for something in Arcana City that might be interested in buying the horn so she can pay her monthly rent.
Emily / Kendell- Interacting with: Damien, customers, open
Emily had been running around all shift- it seemed like the rush would never end. She'd stuck mostly to the counter while Damien ran the rest- when a customer wasn't at the counter she took the chance to make a few drinks, but there always seemed to be someone.

Three and a half hours later, Damien had realized she hadn't had a break and sent her away. Emily didn't bother protesting- once Damien realized she was putting off her break he had given her The Look- basically giving her one more chance before he decided to be more encouraging.

Now that she was back in the thick of it, she tapped Damien on the shoulder to let him know she was back and hopped to the register.

"Thanks so much for your patience- how may I help you?" She asked the person at the counter cheerfully.

These ones are very thick today- they seem to forget their place as ants.

Kendell was hovering over Emily, glaring at the crowd of people. He managed to do that without eyes, somehow, and Emily had nearly grabbed her flashlight several times already. He had drooled over a few customers but hadn't made a move. Yet. And Emily couldn't correct him without coming off as crazy.
Jazmine - Interacting with: open? Mentions people at the Apothacsry
Jazmine walked down the street, forcing her posture to be relaxed. She wasn't too put off by the recent murders- as long as she was able to see them coming she'd probably be able to fight them off.

She was running a bit low on supplies- her pockets were heavy with cash and light with materials, so her first stop would be the local apothecary. There were likely some supplies there worth buying.

She rounded the corner and happened upon quite a scene of people crowded in front of the doorm she briefly considered ducking into the nearby Cafe, but decided against it when she saw the crowd there too.

"Oh. Fall." She said to herself, before moving to the apothecary.

"Pardon," she said politely as she made her way into the shop, careful not to bump into anyone.
Emily / Kendell- Interacting with: Damien, customers, open
Emily had been running around all shift- it seemed like the rush would never end. She'd stuck mostly to the counter while Damien ran the rest- when a customer wasn't at the counter she took the chance to make a few drinks, but there always seemed to be someone.

Three and a half hours later, Damien had realized she hadn't had a break and sent her away. Emily didn't bother protesting- once Damien realized she was putting off her break he had given her The Look- basically giving her one more chance before he decided to be more encouraging.

Now that she was back in the thick of it, she tapped Damien on the shoulder to let him know she was back and hopped to the register.

"Thanks so much for your patience- how may I help you?" She asked the person at the counter cheerfully.

These ones are very thick today- they seem to forget their place as ants.

Kendell was hovering over Emily, glaring at the crowd of people. He managed to do that without eyes, somehow, and Emily had nearly grabbed her flashlight several times already. He had drooled over a few customers but hadn't made a move. Yet. And Emily couldn't correct him without coming off as crazy.
Jazmine - Interacting with: open? Mentions people at the Apothacsry
Jazmine walked down the street, forcing her posture to be relaxed. She wasn't too put off by the recent murders- as long as she was able to see them coming she'd probably be able to fight them off.

She was running a bit low on supplies- her pockets were heavy with cash and light with materials, so her first stop would be the local apothecary. There were likely some supplies there worth buying.

She rounded the corner and happened upon quite a scene of people crowded in front of the doorm she briefly considered ducking into the nearby Cafe, but decided against it when she saw the crowd there too.

"Oh. Fall." She said to herself, before moving to the apothecary.

"Pardon," she said politely as she made her way into the shop, careful not to bump into anyone.
xCQDmTE.png K8vHloq.png wzWQdIO.gif
Sara, Location: Dark Pheonix Apothecary, interacting with: Alex, anyone else interested.
The local apothecary was a nice place.
That felt like an odd thing to think, at least for Sara, who wasn't expecting it to be anything other than a place to buy medicine. But it was pretty. Plants all around it, a fancy handmade sign. A bit dim, but she liked the dim. Had the kind of vibe that made the name Dark Pheonix seem adventurous, not cheesy.

Of course, all that would mean nothing if she couldn't get some damn aspirin here. Or some magical equivialent, since this was Arcana City.

Speaking of headaches, someone was making a beeping noise. She turned to look, resisting the urge to glare, to see a tallish dark-haired man, who seemed to be fascinated by... something.
Hey, she said. Could you please turn off your phone? It's a bit loud.
Sara, Location: Dark Pheonix Apothecary, interacting with: Alex, anyone else interested.
The local apothecary was a nice place.
That felt like an odd thing to think, at least for Sara, who wasn't expecting it to be anything other than a place to buy medicine. But it was pretty. Plants all around it, a fancy handmade sign. A bit dim, but she liked the dim. Had the kind of vibe that made the name Dark Pheonix seem adventurous, not cheesy.

Of course, all that would mean nothing if she couldn't get some damn aspirin here. Or some magical equivialent, since this was Arcana City.

Speaking of headaches, someone was making a beeping noise. She turned to look, resisting the urge to glare, to see a tallish dark-haired man, who seemed to be fascinated by... something.
Hey, she said. Could you please turn off your phone? It's a bit loud.
She/Her. On a semi-hiatus.
Damien/Angel - Location: Angel's Cafe
Interactions: Each other, Emily, Petra

Damien gave a grateful smile when Emily returned. The rush of people seemed never ending. Angel continued to work on her project, trying to keep out of her husband's way as he worked. Distracting him wouldn't be a good idea at the moment as he seemed to have his hands full juggling a few different drink and pastry orders.

"Hey, Emily," he said, getting over the noise of his business. "Imma step outside for a quick smoke break now that you're back."

Damien finished the orders he was working on, passing them out. He then made himself a hot latte and stepped outside. He stood about 15 feet away from the door, a little over the legally required distance as to not bother anyone. He leaned against the wall, happy to have just a couple moments to himself.

"If you need any help, I can take orders," Angel offered to Emily, looking up from her project. "I can work the register, but that's about it. I'm not really trained here."

Every once in a while, Angel would help her husband with his cafe. Taking orders and cashing people put was easy enough with how much time she spent at the cafe. However, she was not able to make any drinks or food item as she wasn't an employee here.

Alex - Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary
Interactions: Sara, anyone else interested

It took Alex a moment to realize she was speaking to him.

"My phone?" He softly muttered, a little confused as his phone was silent. He quickly realized she was talking about the beeping. "Ah, da, da (yes, yes). I am sorry. I did not mean to disturb you as you shopped."

He pulled out the device, noticing how the beeping got more frequent the closer it got to the woman. He turned it off to silence it. He proffered to keep it on, but not if it disrupted those around him. Alex took another look at the woman's appearance.

"If you do not mind me asking, what is it you are here for?" He asked, turning so she was on his right side. "I understand if you do not want to answer for it may be a personal question."

He hoped to gain some insight on the woman. He didn't know what her magic was, or how it effected herself or others. Hell, she could even be at this apothecary for something not magic related, but Alex's natural curiosity drove him to ask her that question.
Damien/Angel - Location: Angel's Cafe
Interactions: Each other, Emily, Petra

Damien gave a grateful smile when Emily returned. The rush of people seemed never ending. Angel continued to work on her project, trying to keep out of her husband's way as he worked. Distracting him wouldn't be a good idea at the moment as he seemed to have his hands full juggling a few different drink and pastry orders.

"Hey, Emily," he said, getting over the noise of his business. "Imma step outside for a quick smoke break now that you're back."

Damien finished the orders he was working on, passing them out. He then made himself a hot latte and stepped outside. He stood about 15 feet away from the door, a little over the legally required distance as to not bother anyone. He leaned against the wall, happy to have just a couple moments to himself.

"If you need any help, I can take orders," Angel offered to Emily, looking up from her project. "I can work the register, but that's about it. I'm not really trained here."

Every once in a while, Angel would help her husband with his cafe. Taking orders and cashing people put was easy enough with how much time she spent at the cafe. However, she was not able to make any drinks or food item as she wasn't an employee here.

Alex - Location: Dark Phoenix Apothecary
Interactions: Sara, anyone else interested

It took Alex a moment to realize she was speaking to him.

"My phone?" He softly muttered, a little confused as his phone was silent. He quickly realized she was talking about the beeping. "Ah, da, da (yes, yes). I am sorry. I did not mean to disturb you as you shopped."

He pulled out the device, noticing how the beeping got more frequent the closer it got to the woman. He turned it off to silence it. He proffered to keep it on, but not if it disrupted those around him. Alex took another look at the woman's appearance.

"If you do not mind me asking, what is it you are here for?" He asked, turning so she was on his right side. "I understand if you do not want to answer for it may be a personal question."

He hoped to gain some insight on the woman. He didn't know what her magic was, or how it effected herself or others. Hell, she could even be at this apothecary for something not magic related, but Alex's natural curiosity drove him to ask her that question.
Sara, Location: Dark Pheonix Apothecary, interacting with: Alex, anyone else interested.

Sara smiled. "It's fine, just- what is that?"
It certainly wasn't a phone. All she could really describe it as was "device," and honestly it was rather unnerving the way the beeping grow more frequent when he took it out.

Um. I'm buying headache cures?
She smiled again, slightly perplexed, before realizing he was probably referring to her... distinct appearance. That was annoying, but at least he was polite about it. She'd dealt with way more prying questions in her time.
Sara, Location: Dark Pheonix Apothecary, interacting with: Alex, anyone else interested.

Sara smiled. "It's fine, just- what is that?"
It certainly wasn't a phone. All she could really describe it as was "device," and honestly it was rather unnerving the way the beeping grow more frequent when he took it out.

Um. I'm buying headache cures?
She smiled again, slightly perplexed, before realizing he was probably referring to her... distinct appearance. That was annoying, but at least he was polite about it. She'd dealt with way more prying questions in her time.
She/Her. On a semi-hiatus.