

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Arcana City, Shattered Ideals IC
Alex - Location: Caves Outside of Town
Interactions: Aborren

"Dangerous? Did you do anything to seem dangerous? I mean, like, did you fight with humans often?" Alex asked as he continued to note down the responses. He didn't see what was supposedly so dangerous about this creature. "From what I can tell, you seem like a 'gentle giant.' I mean, you seem to have the ability to cause harm, however, if you had any ill intentions, I doubt I'd still be here."

Alex was honestly enjoying this conversation. It was exciting that this creature was willing to talk to him.

(Sorry this is short, but since tomorrow is Christmas, I'm still a bit busy.)
Alex - Location: Caves Outside of Town
Interactions: Aborren

"Dangerous? Did you do anything to seem dangerous? I mean, like, did you fight with humans often?" Alex asked as he continued to note down the responses. He didn't see what was supposedly so dangerous about this creature. "From what I can tell, you seem like a 'gentle giant.' I mean, you seem to have the ability to cause harm, however, if you had any ill intentions, I doubt I'd still be here."

Alex was honestly enjoying this conversation. It was exciting that this creature was willing to talk to him.

(Sorry this is short, but since tomorrow is Christmas, I'm still a bit busy.)
Aborren - caves outside town
Interaction: Alex

"I didn't need to do anything to seem dangerous." they reply with what sounds like a sort of exasperated sigh. Clearly this wasn't a topic they really didn't like to talk about, yet at the same time they felt it necessary to spread this information. Maybe it was because they didn't want to stop talking. Alex made them feel, well, normal.

"You are correct, if I had wanted you dead, I could have long since killed you." they confirm, "And that is what made others scared. It was not what I have done, it was what I had the potential to do. size and appearance does not help."
Aborren - caves outside town
Interaction: Alex

"I didn't need to do anything to seem dangerous." they reply with what sounds like a sort of exasperated sigh. Clearly this wasn't a topic they really didn't like to talk about, yet at the same time they felt it necessary to spread this information. Maybe it was because they didn't want to stop talking. Alex made them feel, well, normal.

"You are correct, if I had wanted you dead, I could have long since killed you." they confirm, "And that is what made others scared. It was not what I have done, it was what I had the potential to do. size and appearance does not help."
Emily/Kendell - Interacting with: Cafe dudes

Emily gave Arryn the change, grabbing a cup for the order. "Thanks much!" She said, moving to begin the orders that had started to back up.

Good, you left that one. Why do you bother with such mortals anyways?

Emily's hand hovered over the flashlight as she worked, silently willing Kendell to back off on his advances. Reluctantly, he did, sulking off to the side while Emily worked. She eventually finished Arryn's order and set it on the counter. The drink and the cinnamon roll were placed next to each other.

"Order for Arryn," Emily called out, turning back to the counter
Jazmine - Interacting with: The apothecary dudes
Jazmine shook her head at Adara's question. "No, no, just the antidote for now, I think," she said as the small fox-creature ran into her. She took a step back, frowning as the creature began snapping their teeth.

"This little fox being, ah - is there something wrong?" Jazmine asked, seeming unsure if she should be talking to the fox or Adara
Emily/Kendell - Interacting with: Cafe dudes

Emily gave Arryn the change, grabbing a cup for the order. "Thanks much!" She said, moving to begin the orders that had started to back up.

Good, you left that one. Why do you bother with such mortals anyways?

Emily's hand hovered over the flashlight as she worked, silently willing Kendell to back off on his advances. Reluctantly, he did, sulking off to the side while Emily worked. She eventually finished Arryn's order and set it on the counter. The drink and the cinnamon roll were placed next to each other.

"Order for Arryn," Emily called out, turning back to the counter
Jazmine - Interacting with: The apothecary dudes
Jazmine shook her head at Adara's question. "No, no, just the antidote for now, I think," she said as the small fox-creature ran into her. She took a step back, frowning as the creature began snapping their teeth.

"This little fox being, ah - is there something wrong?" Jazmine asked, seeming unsure if she should be talking to the fox or Adara
xCQDmTE.png K8vHloq.png wzWQdIO.gif
Lance Savage
Location: Near the Apothecary
Interactions: Open

He shrugged a bit, making arrangements to accept the horn later, assuring that it'd be able to cover the unicorn's rent and probably leave a bit to spare. Mostly offering to take it later to let her have some dignity about sawing off the horn.

Lance then skimmed the address on the package he was carrying and continued on with the delivery as normal.
While he did see a group of people carrying what looked like signs he didn't really think much of it as they passed him. After all, it really wasn't any of his business what random people did.

((This is mostly just me letting the character of someone who decided to pull out become an NPC in the world while also keeping the idea of the interaction there since it flowed well with Adara making an antidote. That's all.))
Adara Ferra
Location: Her Apothecary
Interactions: Jazmine, Markell (@Ruatani)

She giggled a bit as she placed the bacon on the pan and poured the now heated water into the bowl and replied,
"I kinda have similar questions about foxy, but given the atypical behaviors and illusion earlier I'm willing to guess it's some sort of kitsune. An exhausted one at that."
There was a pause as she picked up the baking pan with both hands and walked it around to the side of the service counter before setting it down, so it'd be less of a tripping hazard, and added more towards the kitsune,
"Give the tea a minute to soak first, but it's a blend that should help with natural recovery and general anxiety."

Adara stood back up and addressed Jasmine more directly as she said,
"Well if that's all, I'll start researching a few things and getting together what I can for a Dragonsbane antidote. Been a pleasure meeting with you."
She started to offer her hand only to be reminded of the fact it was covered in bacon grease and with a hint of awkwardness instead reached for an already kinda stained rag to clean her hand off.

Arryn smiled as she took her order and replied,
"Thank you."
Before heading out, taking a sip of hot chocolate as she pushed the door open.

As she started walking down the sidewalk, on her way to one of the shops that tended to request her services somewhat frequently, Arryn noticed something. A group of people power walking towards City Hall. Most of them carried various signs under their arms while one or two had a megaphone. They all had on shirts that read 'Cryptids, not criminals' or 'Predators aren't murderers' and other similar things.

Arryn shook her head and sighed a bit as she muttered,
"Please don't make things worse ya goobers."

((There is a little bit of set up going on here and for reference the City Hall is only a few blocks from Arryn/the cafe… Like you can't see it but on a fairly nice day it's a totally reasonable walk with only a few street crossings needed.))
Lance Savage
Location: Near the Apothecary
Interactions: Open

He shrugged a bit, making arrangements to accept the horn later, assuring that it'd be able to cover the unicorn's rent and probably leave a bit to spare. Mostly offering to take it later to let her have some dignity about sawing off the horn.

Lance then skimmed the address on the package he was carrying and continued on with the delivery as normal.
While he did see a group of people carrying what looked like signs he didn't really think much of it as they passed him. After all, it really wasn't any of his business what random people did.

((This is mostly just me letting the character of someone who decided to pull out become an NPC in the world while also keeping the idea of the interaction there since it flowed well with Adara making an antidote. That's all.))
Adara Ferra
Location: Her Apothecary
Interactions: Jazmine, Markell (@Ruatani)

She giggled a bit as she placed the bacon on the pan and poured the now heated water into the bowl and replied,
"I kinda have similar questions about foxy, but given the atypical behaviors and illusion earlier I'm willing to guess it's some sort of kitsune. An exhausted one at that."
There was a pause as she picked up the baking pan with both hands and walked it around to the side of the service counter before setting it down, so it'd be less of a tripping hazard, and added more towards the kitsune,
"Give the tea a minute to soak first, but it's a blend that should help with natural recovery and general anxiety."

Adara stood back up and addressed Jasmine more directly as she said,
"Well if that's all, I'll start researching a few things and getting together what I can for a Dragonsbane antidote. Been a pleasure meeting with you."
She started to offer her hand only to be reminded of the fact it was covered in bacon grease and with a hint of awkwardness instead reached for an already kinda stained rag to clean her hand off.

Arryn smiled as she took her order and replied,
"Thank you."
Before heading out, taking a sip of hot chocolate as she pushed the door open.

As she started walking down the sidewalk, on her way to one of the shops that tended to request her services somewhat frequently, Arryn noticed something. A group of people power walking towards City Hall. Most of them carried various signs under their arms while one or two had a megaphone. They all had on shirts that read 'Cryptids, not criminals' or 'Predators aren't murderers' and other similar things.

Arryn shook her head and sighed a bit as she muttered,
"Please don't make things worse ya goobers."

((There is a little bit of set up going on here and for reference the City Hall is only a few blocks from Arryn/the cafe… Like you can't see it but on a fairly nice day it's a totally reasonable walk with only a few street crossings needed.))
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns
Markell, Location: Apothecary, Interaction: Adara, Jazmine

Markell crouched low to the ground, slinking forward. Everything was so overwhelming and the confusion just made his frayed nerves worse. His tails fluffed up and his guard hairs stood on end.
A low growl rumbled in his chest as he crept to the bowl of tea. The rag flicked through the air, and he reacted. His needle-like teeth sank deep into Adara's calf.
Markell, Location: Apothecary, Interaction: Adara, Jazmine

Markell crouched low to the ground, slinking forward. Everything was so overwhelming and the confusion just made his frayed nerves worse. His tails fluffed up and his guard hairs stood on end.
A low growl rumbled in his chest as he crept to the bowl of tea. The rag flicked through the air, and he reacted. His needle-like teeth sank deep into Adara's calf.
Alex - Location: Caves Outside of Town
Interactions: Aborren

Alex though for a moment before speaking again. "I apologize on behalf of my species. Unfortunately, we are rather good at hating and hurting the innocent. And pozhaluysta please, if I ever make you uncomfortable with my question, let me know. I, sadly, overstep my bounds quite a lot."

Alex put down his phone, deciding his notes could wait. By the sound of their voice, it seemed Aborren seemed upset, which was not the Russian man's intentions.

I literally have no idea what to do with Damien and Angel at this point rip
Alex - Location: Caves Outside of Town
Interactions: Aborren

Alex though for a moment before speaking again. "I apologize on behalf of my species. Unfortunately, we are rather good at hating and hurting the innocent. And pozhaluysta please, if I ever make you uncomfortable with my question, let me know. I, sadly, overstep my bounds quite a lot."

Alex put down his phone, deciding his notes could wait. By the sound of their voice, it seemed Aborren seemed upset, which was not the Russian man's intentions.

I literally have no idea what to do with Damien and Angel at this point rip
Adara Ferra
Location: Her Apothecary
Interactions: Jazmine, Markell (@Ruatani)

She barely bit back a scream of pain when she felt small sharp teeth dig into her leg. Not because she was trying to hide how much it hurt, no she didn't want someone to get murdered by a protective shifter. However, this didn't stop her magic from lashing out. Intense heat radiated from her leg, flames crackling just under the skin and giving a feeling akin to the mother of all burns on the roof of Markell's mouth.
"Oh sh-t! Sorry! I-I can't help it when my fire lashes out like that…"
The instant regret was very evident in Adara's tone alone.

It was really odd to both see her leg go up in flames, only these ones felt like bath water so hot you could barely stand it. But otherwise were completely harmless and if anything relaxing in some weird backwards way. While the pain from the accidental burn Adara gave out from being bitten didn't go away, the injury itself did heal.
I'm seriously incredibly sorry… The stories I've heard about pizza burns are all I have to go off of and they sound genuinely awful. I only feel this way because I don't feel like the bite was actually all that malicious…
She thought, feeling awful about accidentally burning someone like that. Even if it was out of reactionary self-defense.

((The timing on the harming/healing switch was only a matter of seconds, as it kinda happened at the same time she started talking.))
Adara Ferra
Location: Her Apothecary
Interactions: Jazmine, Markell (@Ruatani)

She barely bit back a scream of pain when she felt small sharp teeth dig into her leg. Not because she was trying to hide how much it hurt, no she didn't want someone to get murdered by a protective shifter. However, this didn't stop her magic from lashing out. Intense heat radiated from her leg, flames crackling just under the skin and giving a feeling akin to the mother of all burns on the roof of Markell's mouth.
"Oh sh-t! Sorry! I-I can't help it when my fire lashes out like that…"
The instant regret was very evident in Adara's tone alone.

It was really odd to both see her leg go up in flames, only these ones felt like bath water so hot you could barely stand it. But otherwise were completely harmless and if anything relaxing in some weird backwards way. While the pain from the accidental burn Adara gave out from being bitten didn't go away, the injury itself did heal.
I'm seriously incredibly sorry… The stories I've heard about pizza burns are all I have to go off of and they sound genuinely awful. I only feel this way because I don't feel like the bite was actually all that malicious…
She thought, feeling awful about accidentally burning someone like that. Even if it was out of reactionary self-defense.

((The timing on the harming/healing switch was only a matter of seconds, as it kinda happened at the same time she started talking.))
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns
Jazmine -Interacting with: Adara, Markell
Jazmine nodded as Adara spoke, crossing her arms. Her eyes flitted down to the kitsune as it moved, almost faster than she could react. Her hand moved towards a knife and she took a step back, looking back and forth between the fox and Adara rapidly. Jazmine narrowed her eyes as flames jumped out of Adara's leg. The flames seemed to change quickly, although Jazmine couldn't quite pinpoint what had changed about them.

"Hey!" She said involuntarily as she felt the heat of the flames, "That... Are you okay? What happened there?"

Jazmine dropped her hand, hoping no one noticed the movement in the chaos as she straightened up. Everything seemed to happen quickly and she chastised herself for reacting so suddenly to a, likely very harmless, event. Jazmine took a small breath and steadied herself, crossing her arms again.
Jazmine -Interacting with: Adara, Markell
Jazmine nodded as Adara spoke, crossing her arms. Her eyes flitted down to the kitsune as it moved, almost faster than she could react. Her hand moved towards a knife and she took a step back, looking back and forth between the fox and Adara rapidly. Jazmine narrowed her eyes as flames jumped out of Adara's leg. The flames seemed to change quickly, although Jazmine couldn't quite pinpoint what had changed about them.

"Hey!" She said involuntarily as she felt the heat of the flames, "That... Are you okay? What happened there?"

Jazmine dropped her hand, hoping no one noticed the movement in the chaos as she straightened up. Everything seemed to happen quickly and she chastised herself for reacting so suddenly to a, likely very harmless, event. Jazmine took a small breath and steadied herself, crossing her arms again.
xCQDmTE.png K8vHloq.png wzWQdIO.gif
Markell, Location: Apothecary, Interaction: Adara, Jazmine
@SmilodonLady @ChaoticPotato

Markell jumped back with a yelp, the pain enough to bring him back to reality. Ow! What is happening?
He looked up at the two ladies and quickly made the connection. No, no, no. Oh, dear. So sorry. His ears flattened and his tails sank to the ground.
I need to do something! He mustered up what energy he had left and forced himself to shift back into his human form, nearly passing out as he drew on his reserves. He attempted to straighten his rumbled uniform as he struggled to his feet. "So sorry. I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry! I-Is there anything I can do?"
Markell, Location: Apothecary, Interaction: Adara, Jazmine
@SmilodonLady @ChaoticPotato

Markell jumped back with a yelp, the pain enough to bring him back to reality. Ow! What is happening?
He looked up at the two ladies and quickly made the connection. No, no, no. Oh, dear. So sorry. His ears flattened and his tails sank to the ground.
I need to do something! He mustered up what energy he had left and forced himself to shift back into his human form, nearly passing out as he drew on his reserves. He attempted to straighten his rumbled uniform as he struggled to his feet. "So sorry. I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry! I-Is there anything I can do?"
Aborren - caves outside town
Interactions: Alex

"You do not need to apologize, especially on behalf of your entire species. I'm sure there are others like you . People that are good." they state. They do appreciate Alex's intentions though, and that they would not have to answer every question. They figured as such, but the confirmation was nice.

"Would you like to take this conversation outside?" they ask, almost as if trying to change the subject.
Aborren - caves outside town
Interactions: Alex

"You do not need to apologize, especially on behalf of your entire species. I'm sure there are others like you . People that are good." they state. They do appreciate Alex's intentions though, and that they would not have to answer every question. They figured as such, but the confirmation was nice.

"Would you like to take this conversation outside?" they ask, almost as if trying to change the subject.