

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [ LF ] 1x1 RP Partners
[center][img][/img] [b][size=5][font=century] [ LF 1x1 RPs ] [/b][/size] [size=2][font=century]fandoms • original characters • character development • villain redemption arcs[/center] [columns][item=wildwood moss] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=wildwood moss][nextcol][font=century] Hello and welcome to my LF RP post! I'm Golden, and I'm looking to find yet more 1x1 RPs. Crazy, isn't it? What a concept- a LF RP post is someone looking to find RPs! So, here's an about me that'd be relevant for RPing with me: [LIST] [*][font=century] I am a [b]minor[/b]- this means I am under 18. If that makes you uncomfortable, no judgement but I'm not the right person for you. This means I can't and won't do anything NSFW on or off- site- implying something NSFW happened and moving on is fine, but all of [i]that[/i] stuff, I won't do. [*][font=century] I am an [b]LGBTQ+ minor[/b], to add. If you are uncomfortable with that, [i]I am not the partner for you[/i]. Most of my characters are LGBTQ+ in some way, shape, or form and if that makes you uncomfortable, move on. [LIST] [*][font=century] A secondary point to this- I [b]cannot do a hetero romance[/b]. It's really nothing against all the straights, really- I just don't understand it and, if I'm being honest, I don't want to write out something I cannot relate to in any way. Plus, I see straight romance all the time in the media and I don't need to be writing something that's been shoved down my throat since I was a baby. [/LIST] [*][font=century] If you're my RP partner, [b]decent grammar and spelling are a must[/b]. If you mix up [i]their[/i] and [i]there[/i], I really cannot RP with that- it's nothing against you, but I just can't. The occasional mix- up of words is fine, happens to the best of us, but if it's to the point where your post is illegible due to typos, I- I'm sorry, but I can't. [*][font=century] [b]I have ADHD, and I hyperfixate[/b]. What does this mean? Well, I'm very likely to write out overly long posts and chatter OOC about something if I find it interesting. I've learned how to deal with this, but it certainly shows sometimes. [*][font=century] I [b]do not like doing fandom RPs with canon characters[/b]. I find it limiting in my choices and feel pressured to not pull the character out of character. It's not very enjoyable to me, and if asked about it [b]I will say no[/b]. [*][font=century] I like violence and all that, but [b]there are some things violent that I am actively really uncomfortable with[/b]. I know this is sort of a niche thing, but anything that has to do with eyes I just. I can't. And if we want to touch on some more generally- accepted- these- things- are- sensitive- topics, [b]tell me beforehand[/b], as some of those are touchy for me as well. [/LIST] [font=century] Got all that? Yeah, me neither, and I wrote the thing! But that's a nice little about me that should give you an idea of who I am, though I fear that idea may be a little more uptight and stiff than I really am. Whoops. Alright, anyways. Now it's that time I tell you what I'd be down to RP and give an idea of fandoms I like. And what I'm generally looking for in a RP. Well, let's begin the list, shall we? [size=4][b]FANDOMS[/b] [LIST] [*][font=century] [b]Legend of Zelda[/b]. I love the franchise a ton- the first real video game I ever played was Ocarina of Time- and I'd love to adventure in the world of Hyrule much like the characters in the series. [*][font=century] [b]Splatoon[/b]. Certainly up there as one of my favorite games, the vibrant world the Inklings, Octolings, and other sea creatures who have taken to land are up there as some of my favorite characters and the world is lovely. [*][font=century] [b]Wings of Fire[/b]. I recently got back into reading WoF, and I forgot how much fun it is to mess around in their world. I admit, I don't know as much about it, but gay dragons is an opportunity I will never pass down. [*][font=century] [b]How to Train your Dragon[/b]. I.. well. I fell in love with these movies long ago, and I would love a chance to use their world and lore to play around in. [*][font=century] [b]Hades[/b]. There is no escape, and that goes for my fixation on this game as well. I love the chthonic gods and the Shades of the Underworld, and playing around with a fallen hero in the realm of the dead would certainly be an enjoyable experience. [/LIST] [size=4][font=century][b]ORIGINAL [ SETTING/ GENRE] [/b] [LIST] [*][font=century] [b]Supernatural with a pinch of Horror [ genre/ setting][/b]. I love one of those ominous, supernatural horror settings. Y'know, with cryptids and lost eldritch gods, where everything can take a twist for the worse. A modern setting with a dark fantasy hidden world tucked in the nooks and crannies of our familiar world. [*][font=century] [b]Voidborn [ original, semi- developed urban fantasy setting] [/b]. A world in which there are four species- fireborn, noctin, cryptids and humans, live. Fireborn are akin to angels, with many sets of wings and living in a plane of fire, while noctin are something similar to void- demons, with dark colors and void- like powers. Crytids arise from a curse laid on them by a true mage, noctin, or fireborn, and humans come in three varieties- humans, elementals, and true mages. If someone wants me to talk more about it, I will, but I'll cut it short for now. [*][font=century] [b]Sci- fi [ setting ] [/b]. I... yeah. I just like that aesthetic of either this sleek, technological world of a utopia or a dystopia crumbling around our protagonists. [*][font=century] [b]Usual Fantasy [setting] [/b]. I like fantasy. Elves are neat, and believe it or not, I like dragons, too. I don't know what more to add- I just really do like a good fantasy RP where anything goes, basically. [/LIST] [font=century]And I think this concludes our lists! [b]By no means is this complete[/b], but I figured I'd lay out the major points. If you'd like to RP with me and something on the list interests you, shoot me a ping and I can elaborate. If you have an idea that's not on the list, shoot me a ping as well! I'd love to hear it, and if you have a plot idea, all the better! Thank you for reading this monster of a post, and if you've made it this far, [i]please[/i]. Let me know if you want to do something. [b]I'm subbed[/b], but [b]pinging me does not hurt[/b].

[ LF 1x1 RPs ]
fandoms • original characters • character development • villain redemption arcs
Wildwood Moss




Wildwood Moss

Hello and welcome to my LF RP post! I'm Golden, and I'm looking to find yet more 1x1 RPs. Crazy, isn't it? What a concept- a LF RP post is someone looking to find RPs!

So, here's an about me that'd be relevant for RPing with me:
  • I am a minor- this means I am under 18. If that makes you uncomfortable, no judgement but I'm not the right person for you. This means I can't and won't do anything NSFW on or off- site- implying something NSFW happened and moving on is fine, but all of that stuff, I won't do.
  • I am an LGBTQ+ minor, to add. If you are uncomfortable with that, I am not the partner for you. Most of my characters are LGBTQ+ in some way, shape, or form and if that makes you uncomfortable, move on.
    • A secondary point to this- I cannot do a hetero romance. It's really nothing against all the straights, really- I just don't understand it and, if I'm being honest, I don't want to write out something I cannot relate to in any way. Plus, I see straight romance all the time in the media and I don't need to be writing something that's been shoved down my throat since I was a baby.
  • If you're my RP partner, decent grammar and spelling are a must. If you mix up their and there, I really cannot RP with that- it's nothing against you, but I just can't. The occasional mix- up of words is fine, happens to the best of us, but if it's to the point where your post is illegible due to typos, I- I'm sorry, but I can't.
  • I have ADHD, and I hyperfixate. What does this mean? Well, I'm very likely to write out overly long posts and chatter OOC about something if I find it interesting. I've learned how to deal with this, but it certainly shows sometimes.
  • I do not like doing fandom RPs with canon characters. I find it limiting in my choices and feel pressured to not pull the character out of character. It's not very enjoyable to me, and if asked about it I will say no.
  • I like violence and all that, but there are some things violent that I am actively really uncomfortable with. I know this is sort of a niche thing, but anything that has to do with eyes I just. I can't. And if we want to touch on some more generally- accepted- these- things- are- sensitive- topics, tell me beforehand, as some of those are touchy for me as well.
Got all that? Yeah, me neither, and I wrote the thing! But that's a nice little about me that should give you an idea of who I am, though I fear that idea may be a little more uptight and stiff than I really am. Whoops.

Alright, anyways. Now it's that time I tell you what I'd be down to RP and give an idea of fandoms I like. And what I'm generally looking for in a RP. Well, let's begin the list, shall we?

  • Legend of Zelda. I love the franchise a ton- the first real video game I ever played was Ocarina of Time- and I'd love to adventure in the world of Hyrule much like the characters in the series.
  • Splatoon. Certainly up there as one of my favorite games, the vibrant world the Inklings, Octolings, and other sea creatures who have taken to land are up there as some of my favorite characters and the world is lovely.
  • Wings of Fire. I recently got back into reading WoF, and I forgot how much fun it is to mess around in their world. I admit, I don't know as much about it, but gay dragons is an opportunity I will never pass down.
  • How to Train your Dragon. I.. well. I fell in love with these movies long ago, and I would love a chance to use their world and lore to play around in.
  • Hades. There is no escape, and that goes for my fixation on this game as well. I love the chthonic gods and the Shades of the Underworld, and playing around with a fallen hero in the realm of the dead would certainly be an enjoyable experience.

  • Supernatural with a pinch of Horror [ genre/ setting]. I love one of those ominous, supernatural horror settings. Y'know, with cryptids and lost eldritch gods, where everything can take a twist for the worse. A modern setting with a dark fantasy hidden world tucked in the nooks and crannies of our familiar world.
  • Voidborn [ original, semi- developed urban fantasy setting] . A world in which there are four species- fireborn, noctin, cryptids and humans, live. Fireborn are akin to angels, with many sets of wings and living in a plane of fire, while noctin are something similar to void- demons, with dark colors and void- like powers. Crytids arise from a curse laid on them by a true mage, noctin, or fireborn, and humans come in three varieties- humans, elementals, and true mages. If someone wants me to talk more about it, I will, but I'll cut it short for now.
  • Sci- fi [ setting ] . I... yeah. I just like that aesthetic of either this sleek, technological world of a utopia or a dystopia crumbling around our protagonists.
  • Usual Fantasy [setting] . I like fantasy. Elves are neat, and believe it or not, I like dragons, too. I don't know what more to add- I just really do like a good fantasy RP where anything goes, basically.

And I think this concludes our lists! By no means is this complete, but I figured I'd lay out the major points. If you'd like to RP with me and something on the list interests you, shoot me a ping and I can elaborate. If you have an idea that's not on the list, shoot me a ping as well! I'd love to hear it, and if you have a plot idea, all the better!

Thank you for reading this monster of a post, and if you've made it this far, please. Let me know if you want to do something. I'm subbed, but pinging me does not hurt.
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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[center][emoji=d20 size=1] [font=century] ~ bump ~ [/center]

~ bump ~
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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Hiya Gold!

I’d be up for doing the httyd or Voidborn, maybe sci-fi too. They both sound like they could be very interesting :3
Hiya Gold!

I’d be up for doing the httyd or Voidborn, maybe sci-fi too. They both sound like they could be very interesting :3
hi @Scales25!

Do you have any preference in which we do? Since I'd be down to do all of them let me rant about my dragons and my idiots
hi @Scales25!

Do you have any preference in which we do? Since I'd be down to do all of them let me rant about my dragons and my idiots
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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Well, the Voidborn of ke caught my eye first but honestly I’m fine with whichever:D
Well, the Voidborn of ke caught my eye first but honestly I’m fine with whichever:D
:eyes: @Scales25 I've been wanting to try out that, it's still in the process of being fleshed out, but here's some extra lore as well as my remembrance that mages exist:

Magic system: It's a well- known fact that noctin and fireborn are inherently magical, but what of humans, with their elementals, mages and true mages? Well, an elemental, as the name suggests, controls a singular element- water, fire, earth, or air. A mage, or a lesser mage, can do inherently magick-y things, such as teleportation, but has no control over elements. A true mage can do all of this, controlling elements and magic itself in one continuous flow. It takes five magic- users to equal the power of one true mage, but true mages are exceedingly rare, making five magic- users more common to see.

Each magic- user has a certain amount of "mana", magical stamina. Using their magic is taxing, and being low on mana is... not fun. Typical symptoms are being exhausted, slow to react, some get a sort of drunken quality to their speech and movements.

uhhhh here you go here's some nice fun lore i fleshed out at 5am, i'm happy to elaborate on any of it or anything else i mentioned
:eyes: @Scales25 I've been wanting to try out that, it's still in the process of being fleshed out, but here's some extra lore as well as my remembrance that mages exist:

Magic system: It's a well- known fact that noctin and fireborn are inherently magical, but what of humans, with their elementals, mages and true mages? Well, an elemental, as the name suggests, controls a singular element- water, fire, earth, or air. A mage, or a lesser mage, can do inherently magick-y things, such as teleportation, but has no control over elements. A true mage can do all of this, controlling elements and magic itself in one continuous flow. It takes five magic- users to equal the power of one true mage, but true mages are exceedingly rare, making five magic- users more common to see.

Each magic- user has a certain amount of "mana", magical stamina. Using their magic is taxing, and being low on mana is... not fun. Typical symptoms are being exhausted, slow to react, some get a sort of drunken quality to their speech and movements.

uhhhh here you go here's some nice fun lore i fleshed out at 5am, i'm happy to elaborate on any of it or anything else i mentioned
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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Ooo that’s an interesting magic system :3

I just have one question, could you elaborate more on cryptids? You mentioned them in the post and it sounds really interesting. I’d love to know more about them :D
Ooo that’s an interesting magic system :3

I just have one question, could you elaborate more on cryptids? You mentioned them in the post and it sounds really interesting. I’d love to know more about them :D
oooo absolutely, @Scales25! despite popular belief, they're not things like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot or whatever comes to mind when you think of a cryptid. They appear more as an unnatural hybrid between an animal and a human, with features like an animal but the frame and structure of a human- a moth cryptid may have wings, antennae, an exoskeleton, multiple arms and fluff/ fur, but still be able to walk in a bipedal way. They're cursed by a true mage, noctin or fireborn to be like that, and most are somewhat insane, with more animalistic instincts taking over. They can retain their mind, but most don't.

They often have unnatural strength and speed, and some form "packs" of cryptids as a gathering of some sort between them. Most resent the creatures that made them this way, but some understand that not all of the mages/ noctin/ fireborn are like the one who cursed them
oooo absolutely, @Scales25! despite popular belief, they're not things like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot or whatever comes to mind when you think of a cryptid. They appear more as an unnatural hybrid between an animal and a human, with features like an animal but the frame and structure of a human- a moth cryptid may have wings, antennae, an exoskeleton, multiple arms and fluff/ fur, but still be able to walk in a bipedal way. They're cursed by a true mage, noctin or fireborn to be like that, and most are somewhat insane, with more animalistic instincts taking over. They can retain their mind, but most don't.

They often have unnatural strength and speed, and some form "packs" of cryptids as a gathering of some sort between them. Most resent the creatures that made them this way, but some understand that not all of the mages/ noctin/ fireborn are like the one who cursed them
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
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Ooo that’s really cool! I’d definitely be down for doing this :D
Ooo that’s really cool! I’d definitely be down for doing this :D

glad to know other people think it's cool as well uhjgkdifjk

I can make a 1x1 thread so we can talk characters and plot and all that!

glad to know other people think it's cool as well uhjgkdifjk

I can make a 1x1 thread so we can talk characters and plot and all that!
Gold // Golden
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif 1x1 RP Thread
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif About Me
nap4Srm.gif ten_pixel.png