

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Medieval 1x1 (private)
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"Hey!" yelled Ixen. That certainly hadn't been what he was expecting. He chased after the fleeing familiar thief. Sword still in hand, he raced down the hallways, following Cannibal. He tried to whistle as he flew, hoping to catch the attention of some guards, but he didn't slow down or stop.

He was a fast and dexterous flier, and was only a few feet away when Cannibal stopped. He heard another dragon yell "STOP INTERRUPTING MY EXPERIMENTING!". Ixen stopped, landing. Cautiously, he walked forward, sword still ready should anything jump out at him.

He saw a pearlcatcher with Red Wings and claw tips, goggles over his eyes, standing in some sort of lab. Somehow, Ixen had no doubts as to who this was.

"You must be Dei."

"Hey!" yelled Ixen. That certainly hadn't been what he was expecting. He chased after the fleeing familiar thief. Sword still in hand, he raced down the hallways, following Cannibal. He tried to whistle as he flew, hoping to catch the attention of some guards, but he didn't slow down or stop.

He was a fast and dexterous flier, and was only a few feet away when Cannibal stopped. He heard another dragon yell "STOP INTERRUPTING MY EXPERIMENTING!". Ixen stopped, landing. Cautiously, he walked forward, sword still ready should anything jump out at him.

He saw a pearlcatcher with Red Wings and claw tips, goggles over his eyes, standing in some sort of lab. Somehow, Ixen had no doubts as to who this was.

"You must be Dei."

Cannibal just grinned at Dei's scolding. He some how loved being yelled at and so on. Dei just sighed at this. Cannibal is such a handful. How does Devec and Tyve live with this idiot and psychopathy? The world may never know.

''Ixen brought fetch Familiar Prince.'' Cannibal said proudly, in a muffled voice due to still having Nepali in his jaw. Dei was about to answer to her here 'You must be Dei.' Completely ignoring Cannibal and the squirming familiar, he turned fully to see Prince Ixen.

''Ah, yes. You must be Prince Ixen. Greeting. I'm not surprised that Akira told you to stay away from Cannibal and I.'' Dei said with a smile. He waved his tail at his familiar, telling him to put the subject back in its cage.

The familiar nodded and dragged away a Hainu and a banded owl cat. No one will know what Dei was planning and quite frankly, no one would, not even Cannibal.

Cannibal just grinned at Dei's scolding. He some how loved being yelled at and so on. Dei just sighed at this. Cannibal is such a handful. How does Devec and Tyve live with this idiot and psychopathy? The world may never know.

''Ixen brought fetch Familiar Prince.'' Cannibal said proudly, in a muffled voice due to still having Nepali in his jaw. Dei was about to answer to her here 'You must be Dei.' Completely ignoring Cannibal and the squirming familiar, he turned fully to see Prince Ixen.

''Ah, yes. You must be Prince Ixen. Greeting. I'm not surprised that Akira told you to stay away from Cannibal and I.'' Dei said with a smile. He waved his tail at his familiar, telling him to put the subject back in its cage.

The familiar nodded and dragged away a Hainu and a banded owl cat. No one will know what Dei was planning and quite frankly, no one would, not even Cannibal.

Ixen was disturbed by the lab around him. Did Dei experiment on living subjects? He watched, growing disgusted as the Hainu and Owlcat dragged away. They looked miserable and damaged. This was allowed? Dei was down here, hurting innocent creatures, and everyone was ok with it? Morally, it sickened him. It simply wasn't right.

"Greetings." he answered, rather curtly. "I don't suppose you'd tell me what you do here? And why?"

Ixen was disturbed by the lab around him. Did Dei experiment on living subjects? He watched, growing disgusted as the Hainu and Owlcat dragged away. They looked miserable and damaged. This was allowed? Dei was down here, hurting innocent creatures, and everyone was ok with it? Morally, it sickened him. It simply wasn't right.

"Greetings." he answered, rather curtly. "I don't suppose you'd tell me what you do here? And why?"

Dei snickered at this. He loved wit when people wanted to know what he does for a living and how he's able to do it without getting in trouble. That was simple in his eyes, but he was a genius of course. It takes a matter of seconds to understand a situation while it takes a few minutes for other dragons.

''Ha ha! I am known as the genius and one of the torturers of the palace. My job is to simply execute dragons that have betrayed our king or queen. That includes their familiars and what isn't better than experimenting on them!'' Laughed Dei manically as he grinned wide, his pupils becoming smaller just a bit. Quickly regaining his composure he stared at Ixen with a straight face.

''Now, I believe I didn't fetch you just to tell you my job here.''

Dei snickered at this. He loved wit when people wanted to know what he does for a living and how he's able to do it without getting in trouble. That was simple in his eyes, but he was a genius of course. It takes a matter of seconds to understand a situation while it takes a few minutes for other dragons.

''Ha ha! I am known as the genius and one of the torturers of the palace. My job is to simply execute dragons that have betrayed our king or queen. That includes their familiars and what isn't better than experimenting on them!'' Laughed Dei manically as he grinned wide, his pupils becoming smaller just a bit. Quickly regaining his composure he stared at Ixen with a straight face.

''Now, I believe I didn't fetch you just to tell you my job here.''

Ixen shuddered. A torturer? He understood that sometimes an execution was necessary. But an execution, in his eyes, should have been quick. The criminal was already going to die. To prolong the torment seemed cruel and unnecessary.

"But the familiars are innocent..." he said quietly. He hadn't meant to say the thought aloud, but it slipped out.

At Dei's words he regained his focus. "No, I imagine you didn't. And for future reference, I do not appreciate being 'fetched' like an object. Nor stolen from." He added, clicking his tongue to call Nepali back to him.

"But since I am here, why did you fetch me?"

Ixen shuddered. A torturer? He understood that sometimes an execution was necessary. But an execution, in his eyes, should have been quick. The criminal was already going to die. To prolong the torment seemed cruel and unnecessary.

"But the familiars are innocent..." he said quietly. He hadn't meant to say the thought aloud, but it slipped out.

At Dei's words he regained his focus. "No, I imagine you didn't. And for future reference, I do not appreciate being 'fetched' like an object. Nor stolen from." He added, clicking his tongue to call Nepali back to him.

"But since I am here, why did you fetch me?"

{So sorry for the late reply! I have been busy for a while now.}

Dei chuckled out at Ixen's comment towards the familiars and himself. It was quiet entertaining to see people talk, especially princes. However, he always hated the snobbish ones, in which Akira never lets him have his fun.

''I suppose so. However, I did not steal you, I simply just took you out of your sleep. Cannibal is the one to blame, if anything, for stealing you.'' Retorted Dei with a grin until his face turned into a frown and annoyed look.

''Cannibal, if you even touch my familiar I will get permission from Tyve to send you to a rehabilitation center.'' Dei threatened to the wildclaw that was nearing towards his familiar. Cannibal grumbled and hissed as he walked out of the room. Dei sighed for a second and rubbed his temples, before proceeding to the main purpose of this 'visit'.

''Apologies for Cannibal's behavior. He's a bit... loopy in the head.'' Dei said before continuing, ''Anyways your purpose here is connected to Perilite's stupid sight seeing. So, here are a few supplies you will need in the future, if you want to come out of this alive. Let's call it a present.'' He began rummaging through his messy, and bloody, desk. Once he came back he held a bag full of unknown items at the moment.

{So sorry for the late reply! I have been busy for a while now.}

Dei chuckled out at Ixen's comment towards the familiars and himself. It was quiet entertaining to see people talk, especially princes. However, he always hated the snobbish ones, in which Akira never lets him have his fun.

''I suppose so. However, I did not steal you, I simply just took you out of your sleep. Cannibal is the one to blame, if anything, for stealing you.'' Retorted Dei with a grin until his face turned into a frown and annoyed look.

''Cannibal, if you even touch my familiar I will get permission from Tyve to send you to a rehabilitation center.'' Dei threatened to the wildclaw that was nearing towards his familiar. Cannibal grumbled and hissed as he walked out of the room. Dei sighed for a second and rubbed his temples, before proceeding to the main purpose of this 'visit'.

''Apologies for Cannibal's behavior. He's a bit... loopy in the head.'' Dei said before continuing, ''Anyways your purpose here is connected to Perilite's stupid sight seeing. So, here are a few supplies you will need in the future, if you want to come out of this alive. Let's call it a present.'' He began rummaging through his messy, and bloody, desk. Once he came back he held a bag full of unknown items at the moment.
@InkZylorn (no problem)

Ixen hardly needed the warning about Cannibal. That he was unstable was quite obvious. Ixen wanted to get out of any room that had Cannibal in it as seen as possible.

He hesitated a bit when she mentioned a present. Perilite had mentioned that in her vision-'Gifts and advice are good, right?' The uncertain 'right' at the end made him suspect that gifts and advice might actually be misleading or harmful. And he certainly didn't trust Dei, whom he had been warned about and barely met. He was hesitant to accept anything from the strange pearlcatcher.

"What is it?"

@InkZylorn (no problem)

Ixen hardly needed the warning about Cannibal. That he was unstable was quite obvious. Ixen wanted to get out of any room that had Cannibal in it as seen as possible.

He hesitated a bit when she mentioned a present. Perilite had mentioned that in her vision-'Gifts and advice are good, right?' The uncertain 'right' at the end made him suspect that gifts and advice might actually be misleading or harmful. And he certainly didn't trust Dei, whom he had been warned about and barely met. He was hesitant to accept anything from the strange pearlcatcher.

"What is it?"


Dei stared at Ixen now. He had an odd straight face before he shrugged and sighed in aggravation. He didn't know what was inside actually, it wasn't even from him.

''I have no clue. Nozar just threatened me if I didn't give it to you. Plus, he said he'd take away my familiar if I looked inside it. I ain't risking my familiar just to see the contents in it. Go ask Nozar if you're so scared of what's inside.'' Dei huffed out before he left to get back to work. He waved his claw in a shooing manner.


''So... Cannibal was in the palace the whole time?'' Akira asked in a not so kind way. He spent the whole time outside for nothing? He could've done something better, like hang out with Ixen or get his work done.

''Indeed.'' Grant said in an equal annoyed voice. With that said, Akira slammed his head into the wall.

Dei stared at Ixen now. He had an odd straight face before he shrugged and sighed in aggravation. He didn't know what was inside actually, it wasn't even from him.

''I have no clue. Nozar just threatened me if I didn't give it to you. Plus, he said he'd take away my familiar if I looked inside it. I ain't risking my familiar just to see the contents in it. Go ask Nozar if you're so scared of what's inside.'' Dei huffed out before he left to get back to work. He waved his claw in a shooing manner.


''So... Cannibal was in the palace the whole time?'' Akira asked in a not so kind way. He spent the whole time outside for nothing? He could've done something better, like hang out with Ixen or get his work done.

''Indeed.'' Grant said in an equal annoyed voice. With that said, Akira slammed his head into the wall.

Ixen sighed. He wasn't getting any more out of Dei. He picked up the bag and left the room. He didn't want to be alone when he opened it- what if there was something dangerous inside? He really wanted Akira to be there too. Though, if there was something dangerous about the contents of this bag, it wouldn't be good to have the two of the open it alone. Perhaps they should have a guard nearby, just in case.

He wandered the palace, looking for Akira. He found him, frustrated and tired looking, with Grant.
"Akira? There you are. A lot has happened since this morning. I'm all right, but I think we need to talk about it." He hoped they could speak a little more privately. The warnings about not trusting anyone were still ringing in his head.


Ixen sighed. He wasn't getting any more out of Dei. He picked up the bag and left the room. He didn't want to be alone when he opened it- what if there was something dangerous inside? He really wanted Akira to be there too. Though, if there was something dangerous about the contents of this bag, it wouldn't be good to have the two of the open it alone. Perhaps they should have a guard nearby, just in case.

He wandered the palace, looking for Akira. He found him, frustrated and tired looking, with Grant.
"Akira? There you are. A lot has happened since this morning. I'm all right, but I think we need to talk about it." He hoped they could speak a little more privately. The warnings about not trusting anyone were still ringing in his head.


Akira perked up at the sound of Ixen in the room. What worried him was what he was saying, and what was in the bag. What was in it exactly? He had a feeling that it wasn't good at all. What if something was to come out and kill him, Ixen, or both? Akira slowly nodded at him before getting up. Grant, feeling the tension in the room intervened.

''Would you like me to come with? I can feel you two worried as heck.'' He stated as Akira looked at Ixen. It was his call, since it was indeed something that started with Ixen. Grant just waited for the answer. He was alright if they said no, but he couldn't get the feeling as if someone was watching Akira off his back.

Akira perked up at the sound of Ixen in the room. What worried him was what he was saying, and what was in the bag. What was in it exactly? He had a feeling that it wasn't good at all. What if something was to come out and kill him, Ixen, or both? Akira slowly nodded at him before getting up. Grant, feeling the tension in the room intervened.

''Would you like me to come with? I can feel you two worried as heck.'' He stated as Akira looked at Ixen. It was his call, since it was indeed something that started with Ixen. Grant just waited for the answer. He was alright if they said no, but he couldn't get the feeling as if someone was watching Akira off his back.
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