

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Medieval 1x1 (private)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10 11

"I certainly plan to." Ixen tried to assure Zeno. "I hope to treat him as well as he has treated me."
The story about the assassins was troubling. He wished desperately that Matis was here. The young guard could be a bit rash, but he was full of energy and did his job well. Ixen always felt safe with Matis around.

"Zeno, perhaps you could answer something I've been wondering..." Ixen began. "You see, in my kingdom, pairs rule jointly. The King and Queen have equal power and work together in all important decisions. I am an only child, and thus set up as the heir to the throne of Terressen.
If-When(There was no use pretending otherwise) Akira and I get married, according to our customs, he will be a Prince of Terressen, just like I am. If my parents were to die, or abdicate, or otherwise be unfit to rule, both of us become Kings of Terressen. How would that work alongside the political system of Crimson Sand? Will the two kingdoms be unified?"

((what does it mean when you have something listed as a 'coveted item' on your dragons page? Because I just looked at Tyve's profile, and I have a ton of bone shards and squirrel skulls))

"I certainly plan to." Ixen tried to assure Zeno. "I hope to treat him as well as he has treated me."
The story about the assassins was troubling. He wished desperately that Matis was here. The young guard could be a bit rash, but he was full of energy and did his job well. Ixen always felt safe with Matis around.

"Zeno, perhaps you could answer something I've been wondering..." Ixen began. "You see, in my kingdom, pairs rule jointly. The King and Queen have equal power and work together in all important decisions. I am an only child, and thus set up as the heir to the throne of Terressen.
If-When(There was no use pretending otherwise) Akira and I get married, according to our customs, he will be a Prince of Terressen, just like I am. If my parents were to die, or abdicate, or otherwise be unfit to rule, both of us become Kings of Terressen. How would that work alongside the political system of Crimson Sand? Will the two kingdoms be unified?"

((what does it mean when you have something listed as a 'coveted item' on your dragons page? Because I just looked at Tyve's profile, and I have a ton of bone shards and squirrel skulls))

Zeno sighed and smiled at Ixen before continuing to listen to the prince. As he spoke Zeno began thinking about it. What would happen actually. Would they have to combine lands? It wasn't that bad though, they were neighboring kingdoms, although there would be a bit more difficult with resistance and more.

''I'm sorry to disappoint you my Prince, but I am not so certain of that. We can go and ask Perilite if you'd like or possibly Aurore. One of those two will certainly help answer your question much clearer than I can. However, I do know that the King and Queen of Crimson Sand will create another heir to rule this place, or perhaps adopt again.'' Zeno explained the best he could. He was risking the meeting with Perilite, if Prince Ixen meets Perilite then there will be a bit of.... problems.

{Coveted items are technically things you collect. As for Tyve, she likes collecting anything that is bones. Thus the squirrel heads and so forth.}

Zeno sighed and smiled at Ixen before continuing to listen to the prince. As he spoke Zeno began thinking about it. What would happen actually. Would they have to combine lands? It wasn't that bad though, they were neighboring kingdoms, although there would be a bit more difficult with resistance and more.

''I'm sorry to disappoint you my Prince, but I am not so certain of that. We can go and ask Perilite if you'd like or possibly Aurore. One of those two will certainly help answer your question much clearer than I can. However, I do know that the King and Queen of Crimson Sand will create another heir to rule this place, or perhaps adopt again.'' Zeno explained the best he could. He was risking the meeting with Perilite, if Prince Ixen meets Perilite then there will be a bit of.... problems.

{Coveted items are technically things you collect. As for Tyve, she likes collecting anything that is bones. Thus the squirrel heads and so forth.}

Ixen nodded along. "All right, thank you. Perhaps I will get the chance to speak with them."
Ixen was quiet for a few minutes, thinking things through. It sounded like Akira wouldn't be ruling Crimson Sand. He would be replaced by another heir. Did that mean the two of them would just rule Terressen together? It was an appealing thought. Him and Akira back in the home he knew and loved, and alliance with Crimson Sand, ruled by Akira's sibling...

"Oh, yes, Perilite. I've heard that name before." Perilite, Cannibal, and Dei were the names Akira had mentioned. He now realized Viriya had never answered his question about them. Ixen frowned. He wasn't accustomed to people keeping secrets from him. He paused, realizing that perhaps this was a private secret of the Crimson Sands. But still, he was about to become a permanent member of the Royal Family. He didn;t want people keeping secrets from him, especially if it concerned his own safety.

"Tell me about her."

Ixen nodded along. "All right, thank you. Perhaps I will get the chance to speak with them."
Ixen was quiet for a few minutes, thinking things through. It sounded like Akira wouldn't be ruling Crimson Sand. He would be replaced by another heir. Did that mean the two of them would just rule Terressen together? It was an appealing thought. Him and Akira back in the home he knew and loved, and alliance with Crimson Sand, ruled by Akira's sibling...

"Oh, yes, Perilite. I've heard that name before." Perilite, Cannibal, and Dei were the names Akira had mentioned. He now realized Viriya had never answered his question about them. Ixen frowned. He wasn't accustomed to people keeping secrets from him. He paused, realizing that perhaps this was a private secret of the Crimson Sands. But still, he was about to become a permanent member of the Royal Family. He didn;t want people keeping secrets from him, especially if it concerned his own safety.

"Tell me about her."

''Alright. Let us go.'' Zeno said kindly as the two began to walk off. The little on the way Ixen asked him a question about her. She was an odd dragon indeed. Not one to mess with, due to her special abilities. The things she's seen is nothing pretty. Zeno sighed at his thoughts before answering Ixen's question.

''Well.... Perilite is an oracle. She's known to be someone who can see into the future, but... she's a bit different for an oracle. She see's all the horrid things and possibilities in the future. If you were to ask her something about the future, you'll have to prepare yourself for the horrid part of the future. She does give you hints at times on how to avoid them, but she barely does.

I'm guessing Akira didn't tell you about her. Not a surprise. Akira's first experience with her was the worst thing possible. She told him his future as a teen. She did tell him that one part of his teen life he'll break his wings and possibly never be able to fly again... Sadly he did get into the accident, but luckily he can still fly. That was the day Akira would never ask her about the future. In fear of discovering about his death or something.'' Zeno explained as they soon entered the west wing.

The west wing was nothing like the other part of the palace. Instead of the elegant looked it almost looked like a dungeon. There were sounds of screaming coming from one room while a maniacal laugh came from another one. Zeno seemed as if he didn't mind at all. He carefully put his tail around Ixen, guiding him carefully close to him as they drew near to a large door with gargoyle stones and more.

''Alright. Let us go.'' Zeno said kindly as the two began to walk off. The little on the way Ixen asked him a question about her. She was an odd dragon indeed. Not one to mess with, due to her special abilities. The things she's seen is nothing pretty. Zeno sighed at his thoughts before answering Ixen's question.

''Well.... Perilite is an oracle. She's known to be someone who can see into the future, but... she's a bit different for an oracle. She see's all the horrid things and possibilities in the future. If you were to ask her something about the future, you'll have to prepare yourself for the horrid part of the future. She does give you hints at times on how to avoid them, but she barely does.

I'm guessing Akira didn't tell you about her. Not a surprise. Akira's first experience with her was the worst thing possible. She told him his future as a teen. She did tell him that one part of his teen life he'll break his wings and possibly never be able to fly again... Sadly he did get into the accident, but luckily he can still fly. That was the day Akira would never ask her about the future. In fear of discovering about his death or something.'' Zeno explained as they soon entered the west wing.

The west wing was nothing like the other part of the palace. Instead of the elegant looked it almost looked like a dungeon. There were sounds of screaming coming from one room while a maniacal laugh came from another one. Zeno seemed as if he didn't mind at all. He carefully put his tail around Ixen, guiding him carefully close to him as they drew near to a large door with gargoyle stones and more.

A bit of fear crept into Ixen as Zeno explained. This didn't sound like it would end well. He felt bad for Akira hearing such awful things, though he was glad that his wings had never really broken.
Ixen's nervousness increased as they entered the room. It was like a torture chamber, which was something he despised. Yet Zeno looked so calm. The tail around his shoulder calmed Ixen, and reminded him to be brave.

He was a Prince after all. And this was important. It was his duty to face difficult challenges and overcome them, not run away. He had to act strong and make decisions, no matter how worried he felt inside. Besides, if the story about Akira showed anything, it was that no prophecy was guaranteed. This Oracle would tell him something about his future. She would not decide it.

He closed his eyes, focusing and gathering all the courage he had.
"I decide my own future." He said to himself.

Then, walking proud and without hesitation, he followed the sound of the one calm voice in the entire dungeon. He marched right up to a blue-winged Skydancer in a bird skull mask. When he spoke, it was a statement, not a question.

"You are Perilite. And you have something to tell me."

A bit of fear crept into Ixen as Zeno explained. This didn't sound like it would end well. He felt bad for Akira hearing such awful things, though he was glad that his wings had never really broken.
Ixen's nervousness increased as they entered the room. It was like a torture chamber, which was something he despised. Yet Zeno looked so calm. The tail around his shoulder calmed Ixen, and reminded him to be brave.

He was a Prince after all. And this was important. It was his duty to face difficult challenges and overcome them, not run away. He had to act strong and make decisions, no matter how worried he felt inside. Besides, if the story about Akira showed anything, it was that no prophecy was guaranteed. This Oracle would tell him something about his future. She would not decide it.

He closed his eyes, focusing and gathering all the courage he had.
"I decide my own future." He said to himself.

Then, walking proud and without hesitation, he followed the sound of the one calm voice in the entire dungeon. He marched right up to a blue-winged Skydancer in a bird skull mask. When he spoke, it was a statement, not a question.

"You are Perilite. And you have something to tell me."

Zeno smiled as Ixen's eyes turned from fear to determination and strength. Just how he acted on his first day on the job. The only unsettling thing for his first time here was just the laughing and screaming, but still Perilite was still a bit scary.

-with Perilite-

The sound of claws on the tile floor echoed in her room as a large Skydancer with a bird skull on her head and several other bird skull apparel. She smiled an eerie one as she had not only the door open, but the fact Dei's experiment failed again. She slowly turned her body to stare straight into the eyes of Ixen. She chuckled and lowered her head to be up close to the prince. She didn't care if she wasn't formal, she didn't even need to. With not much contact from other dragons, she doesn't act respectful to anyone really.

''Indeed Prince Ixen. I have been waiting for this meeting. Your future is truly an interesting one, especially when bound to that Ridgeback, Prince Akira. My, I see a whole bunch of scenarios you two can create. Now, what is it that you see fully from me, boy.'' She said in a steady and calm voice, however her aura kept the dangerous feeling in the air.

Zeno smiled as Ixen's eyes turned from fear to determination and strength. Just how he acted on his first day on the job. The only unsettling thing for his first time here was just the laughing and screaming, but still Perilite was still a bit scary.

-with Perilite-

The sound of claws on the tile floor echoed in her room as a large Skydancer with a bird skull on her head and several other bird skull apparel. She smiled an eerie one as she had not only the door open, but the fact Dei's experiment failed again. She slowly turned her body to stare straight into the eyes of Ixen. She chuckled and lowered her head to be up close to the prince. She didn't care if she wasn't formal, she didn't even need to. With not much contact from other dragons, she doesn't act respectful to anyone really.

''Indeed Prince Ixen. I have been waiting for this meeting. Your future is truly an interesting one, especially when bound to that Ridgeback, Prince Akira. My, I see a whole bunch of scenarios you two can create. Now, what is it that you see fully from me, boy.'' She said in a steady and calm voice, however her aura kept the dangerous feeling in the air.

Ixen was determined not to be intimidated as the Skydancer approached him. She was three times his size, but he was used to that. If he got scared of a dragon just because they were larger, he would never have gotten anything done. She wore bird skull apparel, but so did Mimic back home.

The fact was, Perilite was still scary. She radiated an aura of danger and power. But Ixen had come here with a purpose, and he was stubborn about fulfilling it. It didn't matter that he was scared. As the wise advisor Atlas had once told him, bravery is doing what needs to be done, no matter how scared you feel.

A bunch of scenarios? That confirmed his belief that the future was open. No matter what was said in this conversation, his future was still his to decide.

"What do I see from you? There are two types of oracles and mystics in the world. The first are those that tell you everything you want to hear, regardless of whether or not it is true. You can find them on any street corner. The second type are those that try to scare you. You're the second kind. Now, I believe in your gift. I trust that you can see the future. But this..." he waved a hand at the scene. Her apparel, the dungeon atmosphere, the creepy setup. "This is all dramatics. It's unnecessary. A true gift doesn't need atmosphere. Even if your prophecies are of dark things, nothing is stopping you from stating them plainly. The only reason all necessary, is because you want to scare people. You want to put yourself in a position of power over them immediately. And I'm not falling for it."


Ixen was determined not to be intimidated as the Skydancer approached him. She was three times his size, but he was used to that. If he got scared of a dragon just because they were larger, he would never have gotten anything done. She wore bird skull apparel, but so did Mimic back home.

The fact was, Perilite was still scary. She radiated an aura of danger and power. But Ixen had come here with a purpose, and he was stubborn about fulfilling it. It didn't matter that he was scared. As the wise advisor Atlas had once told him, bravery is doing what needs to be done, no matter how scared you feel.

A bunch of scenarios? That confirmed his belief that the future was open. No matter what was said in this conversation, his future was still his to decide.

"What do I see from you? There are two types of oracles and mystics in the world. The first are those that tell you everything you want to hear, regardless of whether or not it is true. You can find them on any street corner. The second type are those that try to scare you. You're the second kind. Now, I believe in your gift. I trust that you can see the future. But this..." he waved a hand at the scene. Her apparel, the dungeon atmosphere, the creepy setup. "This is all dramatics. It's unnecessary. A true gift doesn't need atmosphere. Even if your prophecies are of dark things, nothing is stopping you from stating them plainly. The only reason all necessary, is because you want to scare people. You want to put yourself in a position of power over them immediately. And I'm not falling for it."


Perilite chuckled at Ixen's antics and how he spoke to her. She didn't mind the insults at all actually. She simply listened and waited for his speech to be finished. She was impressed at how well Ixen was saying about her. Most dragons would stutter and go weak in the knees as they stared at her and spoke. She grinned behind her mask at this, oh this was going to be fun~

''My, Prince, you have quite the mouth. However, you are close to the idea why I live here, but not close enough. You're idea about me is semi true little one, but you know half the story. I simply enjoy living in an atmosphere that is set up creepy like. It is not to scare the comers, that's what my aura is for child.

You see, I grew up in a scary environment. Where you would have to fight for food and honor. You would have to kill your own family at times to stay alive. I simply picked up on my heritage. As for the bird skulls, heh, you are almost correct. I do wear them to scare the visitors more, but these skulls are also prizes. The kills I have done to survive back in my homeland as right here.

I see you have a very strong will. That is very rare for anyone, even a king to have. The only ones who's a strong will is Akira, even if he was afraid without first meeting, Tyve, Dei, Cannibal, Devec, Zeno, and Grant. Now you. You have impressed me child. And for that I shall answer any question you wish for me to seek out.'' Perilite said in a steady and calm voice. The sound of a Basilisk behind her could be heard as she spoke.

Perilite chuckled at Ixen's antics and how he spoke to her. She didn't mind the insults at all actually. She simply listened and waited for his speech to be finished. She was impressed at how well Ixen was saying about her. Most dragons would stutter and go weak in the knees as they stared at her and spoke. She grinned behind her mask at this, oh this was going to be fun~

''My, Prince, you have quite the mouth. However, you are close to the idea why I live here, but not close enough. You're idea about me is semi true little one, but you know half the story. I simply enjoy living in an atmosphere that is set up creepy like. It is not to scare the comers, that's what my aura is for child.

You see, I grew up in a scary environment. Where you would have to fight for food and honor. You would have to kill your own family at times to stay alive. I simply picked up on my heritage. As for the bird skulls, heh, you are almost correct. I do wear them to scare the visitors more, but these skulls are also prizes. The kills I have done to survive back in my homeland as right here.

I see you have a very strong will. That is very rare for anyone, even a king to have. The only ones who's a strong will is Akira, even if he was afraid without first meeting, Tyve, Dei, Cannibal, Devec, Zeno, and Grant. Now you. You have impressed me child. And for that I shall answer any question you wish for me to seek out.'' Perilite said in a steady and calm voice. The sound of a Basilisk behind her could be heard as she spoke.

He had been half-right then. but he didn't mind being half wrong. He had stood up to her, impressed her, and that seemed much more important.

He wondered what Perilite's methods would be. He couldn't help but wonder what Mimic would think of this place. She, like Perilite, was an oracle. And she had a similar habit of appearing impressive and mysterious. But she had admitted to him once, in privacy, that all the decorations were unnecessary. Whenever he visited her with a serious question, she answered plainly. It was part of why he was confident in addressing Perilite as he had. But at the same time, Mimic also used many other fortune telling methods. She read the stars and had a deck of fortune-telling cards. She seems to use these as helping tools, magnifying and clarifying her gift.

But from what everyone had said, it sounded like Perilite would just speak. No cards, or charts, or astrology. He thought carefully about the wording of his question. He had heard enough stories of 'careful what you wish for' and ambiguous prophecies.

"My question is this: Akira and I are entering into a union. How will our respective kingdoms be unified?"


He had been half-right then. but he didn't mind being half wrong. He had stood up to her, impressed her, and that seemed much more important.

He wondered what Perilite's methods would be. He couldn't help but wonder what Mimic would think of this place. She, like Perilite, was an oracle. And she had a similar habit of appearing impressive and mysterious. But she had admitted to him once, in privacy, that all the decorations were unnecessary. Whenever he visited her with a serious question, she answered plainly. It was part of why he was confident in addressing Perilite as he had. But at the same time, Mimic also used many other fortune telling methods. She read the stars and had a deck of fortune-telling cards. She seems to use these as helping tools, magnifying and clarifying her gift.

But from what everyone had said, it sounded like Perilite would just speak. No cards, or charts, or astrology. He thought carefully about the wording of his question. He had heard enough stories of 'careful what you wish for' and ambiguous prophecies.

"My question is this: Akira and I are entering into a union. How will our respective kingdoms be unified?"


She chuckled at this question and closed her eyes. She began seeking out that particular question. Her body began to relax and her heartbeat slowed down to a point that could possibly kill another dragon. Slowly she opened her eyes in her mind to see many futures. There were several, to a million, options on how the kingdoms will unite.

However, it has been interesting to see them each. She slowly walked to each doorway, searching for one that will post likely happen with two strong willed spirits. Then suddenly, one door caught her eye the most. It was a rundown door that would most likely fall off it's hinges any second.

She watched as the events occurred. Watching carefully as the actions were made and words being exchanged. It was exciting yet, disturbing. However, only other dragons would say that. To her, it was just another vision. Suddenly a small scene caught her attention the most. It had Akira and Ixen in it, both were talking about something.

Words began flying from their mouths as well as facial expressions. Suddenly, the conversation began to climax when suddenly the door shut close. Slowly each door closed. Seems that's as far as she could see. Opening her eyes to face Ixen, she stared at the child. She sighed a bit before beginning to tell of how.

''It seems the future for you and Akira is still uncertain, however there are several that are possible. But I shall tell you one vision that will possibly happen,'' She said as she looked at her familiar, Basilisk. It nodded and plucked one feather out of its wing and took out a sheet of paper, ready to write it down.

''You and Akira will get married, but there are several objections. Some of the dragons will try and destroy the wedding, try to break the treaty due to the idea of males together. However, there are several faithful dragons that stop them, but with the cost of their own lives. Secrets are being kept from you and Akira. These secrets are important, for they can possibly change your future for the better or worse. Think wisely who you should trust and who you should keep an eye on. Keep your loved ones close, but your enemies closer Prince Ixen, but not too close or it'll be suicide. If anything you learn from me, remember this,

Swords and Shields collide, creating ripples in time

history shall be written as choices are made

Gifts and advice are good, right?

Hidden in the darkness shall reveal answers

Lime and Red orbs watch over you two

The unknown is the closest friend you will ever have

A monster and Hero shall rise upon events

Thus unifying nations with regret and heartache

uniting nations may change, but you must fulfill your task in this game.

She chuckled at this question and closed her eyes. She began seeking out that particular question. Her body began to relax and her heartbeat slowed down to a point that could possibly kill another dragon. Slowly she opened her eyes in her mind to see many futures. There were several, to a million, options on how the kingdoms will unite.

However, it has been interesting to see them each. She slowly walked to each doorway, searching for one that will post likely happen with two strong willed spirits. Then suddenly, one door caught her eye the most. It was a rundown door that would most likely fall off it's hinges any second.

She watched as the events occurred. Watching carefully as the actions were made and words being exchanged. It was exciting yet, disturbing. However, only other dragons would say that. To her, it was just another vision. Suddenly a small scene caught her attention the most. It had Akira and Ixen in it, both were talking about something.

Words began flying from their mouths as well as facial expressions. Suddenly, the conversation began to climax when suddenly the door shut close. Slowly each door closed. Seems that's as far as she could see. Opening her eyes to face Ixen, she stared at the child. She sighed a bit before beginning to tell of how.

''It seems the future for you and Akira is still uncertain, however there are several that are possible. But I shall tell you one vision that will possibly happen,'' She said as she looked at her familiar, Basilisk. It nodded and plucked one feather out of its wing and took out a sheet of paper, ready to write it down.

''You and Akira will get married, but there are several objections. Some of the dragons will try and destroy the wedding, try to break the treaty due to the idea of males together. However, there are several faithful dragons that stop them, but with the cost of their own lives. Secrets are being kept from you and Akira. These secrets are important, for they can possibly change your future for the better or worse. Think wisely who you should trust and who you should keep an eye on. Keep your loved ones close, but your enemies closer Prince Ixen, but not too close or it'll be suicide. If anything you learn from me, remember this,

Swords and Shields collide, creating ripples in time

history shall be written as choices are made

Gifts and advice are good, right?

Hidden in the darkness shall reveal answers

Lime and Red orbs watch over you two

The unknown is the closest friend you will ever have

A monster and Hero shall rise upon events

Thus unifying nations with regret and heartache

uniting nations may change, but you must fulfill your task in this game.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10 11