

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Medieval 1x1 (private)
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''Well... our religion is very interesting. It originated in a dimension only Aunt Tyve knows, but it's real. We based the gods off of the dimension idea. She tells us that there are only ten main gods to us. The most known, and main, gods are Ra, Anubis, Osiris, and Isis. These four each have a role in our society. Ra is the one who controls our sun and gives us light through the darkness. Anubis is our great god of the afterlife. He is known to be the god of death and dying. Osiris is the god of the dead and resurrection. Isis is the mother of all females, giving us life.'' Akira explained, but before he could continue Grant knocked on the door.

''Akira, Iridis needs to speak to you. It's about the plans for the ball and the new comers.'' Grant explained through the doors. ''Oh and also, your Aunt and Uncle are here. They'll be here until the ball is over.'' Akira sighed out, but was a bit happy that he would be able to see those two again. It's been years since he last saw his aunt.

''Alright. I'll be there soon.'' Hollered Akira as he got up. ''Ixen, if you wander, please be careful. We don't know where X is.'' With that he left the room and walked off towards the throne room.

''Well... our religion is very interesting. It originated in a dimension only Aunt Tyve knows, but it's real. We based the gods off of the dimension idea. She tells us that there are only ten main gods to us. The most known, and main, gods are Ra, Anubis, Osiris, and Isis. These four each have a role in our society. Ra is the one who controls our sun and gives us light through the darkness. Anubis is our great god of the afterlife. He is known to be the god of death and dying. Osiris is the god of the dead and resurrection. Isis is the mother of all females, giving us life.'' Akira explained, but before he could continue Grant knocked on the door.

''Akira, Iridis needs to speak to you. It's about the plans for the ball and the new comers.'' Grant explained through the doors. ''Oh and also, your Aunt and Uncle are here. They'll be here until the ball is over.'' Akira sighed out, but was a bit happy that he would be able to see those two again. It's been years since he last saw his aunt.

''Alright. I'll be there soon.'' Hollered Akira as he got up. ''Ixen, if you wander, please be careful. We don't know where X is.'' With that he left the room and walked off towards the throne room.

Ixen wasn't too inclined to wander, especially with the mysterious X around. But what else was he to do? His friends wouldn't arrive for a while, the trip was fairly long. Perhaps he should pray for safe journey? They would have been sure to sacrifice to Nemunas before departing, and sailors always sang to Iilit. But it wouldn't hurt to have extra caution.
Ixen returned to his room, and to the small table he had set up to use as an altar in the back. It was currently holding 10 idols, representing each of the major gods. He lay a blue cloth across the altar, put the amber idol of Nemunas at the center, and filled a bowl with water. Concentrating, eyes closed, he began.

"Shimmering Nemunas, Lord of the Depths, I honor you. If ever my offerings enriched your deep hoard, if ever I pleased you, hear me now. Those near and dear to my heart are now in your care, great Fisher. Protector-of-Sailors, please raise no waves against them, but let the sea carry them gently to their destination. When they reach the shore, safely alight on the golden sands, we shall honor and thank you truly, this I swear. Amber god, hear my prayer."

That made him feel a little better, but he was still worried. The journey was only a small part of his worries. What really concerned him was the upcoming battle-both mental and physical-against X.
He changed the altar cloth to red, and placed the bloodstone idol of Moria in the center. He drew his sword, made a small cut on his own hand, dripping blood onto the small sculpture. He stood at attention, sword in hand.

"TalonQueen, I honor you...."

Ixen wasn't too inclined to wander, especially with the mysterious X around. But what else was he to do? His friends wouldn't arrive for a while, the trip was fairly long. Perhaps he should pray for safe journey? They would have been sure to sacrifice to Nemunas before departing, and sailors always sang to Iilit. But it wouldn't hurt to have extra caution.
Ixen returned to his room, and to the small table he had set up to use as an altar in the back. It was currently holding 10 idols, representing each of the major gods. He lay a blue cloth across the altar, put the amber idol of Nemunas at the center, and filled a bowl with water. Concentrating, eyes closed, he began.

"Shimmering Nemunas, Lord of the Depths, I honor you. If ever my offerings enriched your deep hoard, if ever I pleased you, hear me now. Those near and dear to my heart are now in your care, great Fisher. Protector-of-Sailors, please raise no waves against them, but let the sea carry them gently to their destination. When they reach the shore, safely alight on the golden sands, we shall honor and thank you truly, this I swear. Amber god, hear my prayer."

That made him feel a little better, but he was still worried. The journey was only a small part of his worries. What really concerned him was the upcoming battle-both mental and physical-against X.
He changed the altar cloth to red, and placed the bloodstone idol of Moria in the center. He drew his sword, made a small cut on his own hand, dripping blood onto the small sculpture. He stood at attention, sword in hand.

"TalonQueen, I honor you...."

Akira raced into the throne room to see his father, Aunt, and uncle. He grinned widely, masking his worried expressions, and jogged over. He smiled even wider when he saw his aunt. Whenever she came she would have something for him. A... souvenir from other worldly things. His tail swayed a bit, but less more energetic than before.

''Hello there Aunt Tyve, Uncle Moshenik! It's so good to see you!! I hope you guys had a sage trip!'' Was the first words that came out of Akira's jaw. Moshenik chuckled out at Akira while Tyve observed, noticing the different attitude.

''Great to see ya too little guy! I heard you're betrothed to a male dragon! What's his name?! I wanna meet him!! Oh~ Is a sweet nonsnobby prince? Tell me little nephew!!!!'' Moshenik cried out, all jittery at the fact he was going to have a son-in-law, kinda. Tyve only nodded, one not to talk much.

''Oh!!! He is such a sweet guy! His name is Ixen and he-''

''Akira, you and uncle Moshenik can chat later. Show them to their rooms.'' Ocult said kindly at his son, while he smirked at Moshenik, who was sulking that he didn't get the 'deets'. Akira nodded and took off with his Aunt and Uncle. Sooner or later the three arrived at the royal hall, where Ixen , Akira, and the others were roomed in.

''Alright! Uncle Moshenik, your room is three doors down from my room! Aunt Tyve, your room is two doors down from Ixen rooms. If you need help, just ask a slave. I have to talk to a few friends of mine! Bye!!'' Akira hollered out as he ran off. Moshenik laughed and walked to his room while Tyve stood there. She stood there for a moment before walking towards her room. Accidentally mistaking Ixen's room as her own. She slowly opened the door only to meet a fae.

Akira raced into the throne room to see his father, Aunt, and uncle. He grinned widely, masking his worried expressions, and jogged over. He smiled even wider when he saw his aunt. Whenever she came she would have something for him. A... souvenir from other worldly things. His tail swayed a bit, but less more energetic than before.

''Hello there Aunt Tyve, Uncle Moshenik! It's so good to see you!! I hope you guys had a sage trip!'' Was the first words that came out of Akira's jaw. Moshenik chuckled out at Akira while Tyve observed, noticing the different attitude.

''Great to see ya too little guy! I heard you're betrothed to a male dragon! What's his name?! I wanna meet him!! Oh~ Is a sweet nonsnobby prince? Tell me little nephew!!!!'' Moshenik cried out, all jittery at the fact he was going to have a son-in-law, kinda. Tyve only nodded, one not to talk much.

''Oh!!! He is such a sweet guy! His name is Ixen and he-''

''Akira, you and uncle Moshenik can chat later. Show them to their rooms.'' Ocult said kindly at his son, while he smirked at Moshenik, who was sulking that he didn't get the 'deets'. Akira nodded and took off with his Aunt and Uncle. Sooner or later the three arrived at the royal hall, where Ixen , Akira, and the others were roomed in.

''Alright! Uncle Moshenik, your room is three doors down from my room! Aunt Tyve, your room is two doors down from Ixen rooms. If you need help, just ask a slave. I have to talk to a few friends of mine! Bye!!'' Akira hollered out as he ran off. Moshenik laughed and walked to his room while Tyve stood there. She stood there for a moment before walking towards her room. Accidentally mistaking Ixen's room as her own. She slowly opened the door only to meet a fae.

Ixen had just completed his prayer when the door opened. A wildclaw with a sword, armor, and hood stood there. The clothes alone indicated she wasn't a servant. But he could also tell from her bearing, her poise, the way she held herself. This was someone important. Besides, even if he was wrong, it would be better to treat someone with too much respect than too little.

He walked forward a few steps, standing politely in from of her. "Hello. It's a pleasure and honor to meet you. I am Prince Ixen of Terressen. What do you require of me?"


Ixen had just completed his prayer when the door opened. A wildclaw with a sword, armor, and hood stood there. The clothes alone indicated she wasn't a servant. But he could also tell from her bearing, her poise, the way she held herself. This was someone important. Besides, even if he was wrong, it would be better to treat someone with too much respect than too little.

He walked forward a few steps, standing politely in from of her. "Hello. It's a pleasure and honor to meet you. I am Prince Ixen of Terressen. What do you require of me?"


Tyve observed Ixen before looking around the room. Her sense of smell, which was more enhanced, picked up the smell of blood. Her multicolored orbs shifted, looking for the source of it. Distant, as if it was here awhile ago before the scent of Ixen's blood filled her sense. 'Interesting. A ritual that involves blood. Not sacrifice, but blood. Interesting.' She thought before turning her head towards Ixen.

''Greets young one. You must by the Ixen that will marry my nephew, Akira. Honor to meet you prince. I am Pharaoh Tyve, Queen of Thieves. However, you are welcomed to call me Tyve.'' She said in a monotone voice. The hood hid her skull like face, as she spoke. 'Yes. This is indeed Akira's fiancée.'

Tyve observed Ixen before looking around the room. Her sense of smell, which was more enhanced, picked up the smell of blood. Her multicolored orbs shifted, looking for the source of it. Distant, as if it was here awhile ago before the scent of Ixen's blood filled her sense. 'Interesting. A ritual that involves blood. Not sacrifice, but blood. Interesting.' She thought before turning her head towards Ixen.

''Greets young one. You must by the Ixen that will marry my nephew, Akira. Honor to meet you prince. I am Pharaoh Tyve, Queen of Thieves. However, you are welcomed to call me Tyve.'' She said in a monotone voice. The hood hid her skull like face, as she spoke. 'Yes. This is indeed Akira's fiancée.'

So this was Akira's aunt. The one that knew about other worlds. Clearly a powerful figure, even besides her royal blood. Ixen had been right to respect her, and suspected she had much to learn from her. Also, he was curious to know what a conversation between her and Mimic would be, one magical dragon to another.
He didn't know what she was thinking, but he saw her glance at the altar, with it's god-figurines.
"Akira had just started to tell me of the religious customs here, though he didn't finish. If I will be marrying him, I think it's important for me to know his traditions. And of course, I would be glad to teach anyone my own gods." This was the dragon that could see across dimensions. "Though perhaps, you already know them?"


So this was Akira's aunt. The one that knew about other worlds. Clearly a powerful figure, even besides her royal blood. Ixen had been right to respect her, and suspected she had much to learn from her. Also, he was curious to know what a conversation between her and Mimic would be, one magical dragon to another.
He didn't know what she was thinking, but he saw her glance at the altar, with it's god-figurines.
"Akira had just started to tell me of the religious customs here, though he didn't finish. If I will be marrying him, I think it's important for me to know his traditions. And of course, I would be glad to teach anyone my own gods." This was the dragon that could see across dimensions. "Though perhaps, you already know them?"


Tyve chuckled darkly at Ixen and his statement. It brought good and bad memories, but she didn't find them bad nor good. Just memories that fill the gap in her immortal Dimensional life. Her tail swayed a bit at the mention of her gods and the one Ixen was currently praying to.

''Indeed. I know much about your religion. You pray to your gods in a way we pray to ours. Requesting guidance, help, safety, and so on. I must say, your gods are interest as mine. However, Akira only knows very little of the gods I have met. Besides the point, you seemed.... troubled, as if sickened, just like Akira had under his usual energetic self.'' Tyve explained seeing the troublesome look in Ixen's eyes. Her eyes narrowed at this.

Tyve chuckled darkly at Ixen and his statement. It brought good and bad memories, but she didn't find them bad nor good. Just memories that fill the gap in her immortal Dimensional life. Her tail swayed a bit at the mention of her gods and the one Ixen was currently praying to.

''Indeed. I know much about your religion. You pray to your gods in a way we pray to ours. Requesting guidance, help, safety, and so on. I must say, your gods are interest as mine. However, Akira only knows very little of the gods I have met. Besides the point, you seemed.... troubled, as if sickened, just like Akira had under his usual energetic self.'' Tyve explained seeing the troublesome look in Ixen's eyes. Her eyes narrowed at this.
@InkZylorn (sorry, I forgot to respond)

She was perceptive. Clearly, she had recognized something was wrong. But Ixen had just met this dragon; it was up to Akira to decide wether to tell her about X. There was always the danger of people getting hurt.

"Thank you for your confer, but it's nothing. I'm in a new land, there's a lot going on...I'll be fine."
He tried to change the subject instead.
"But please, tell me about yourself. Or about your customs instead. As I said, it's important to me not to accidentally cause offense, or do something wrong or disrespectful."

@InkZylorn (sorry, I forgot to respond)

She was perceptive. Clearly, she had recognized something was wrong. But Ixen had just met this dragon; it was up to Akira to decide wether to tell her about X. There was always the danger of people getting hurt.

"Thank you for your confer, but it's nothing. I'm in a new land, there's a lot going on...I'll be fine."
He tried to change the subject instead.
"But please, tell me about yourself. Or about your customs instead. As I said, it's important to me not to accidentally cause offense, or do something wrong or disrespectful."


{It's alright.}

Tyve was still skeptical at the answer, but let it slide for now. She'll find the answer herself, with or without Akira's help. She sighed internally while she still had a calm and emotionless look on the outside.

''Well..... What is it that you wish to know? Usually I would be bombarded by questions about... my features.'' She said as she remembered the other times people ask her about her body structure.

-somewhere else-

''Oh, it seems there is a twist in the game! No biggie. I'll just have to add more rules. Of course, how did I forget Tyve?''

{It's alright.}

Tyve was still skeptical at the answer, but let it slide for now. She'll find the answer herself, with or without Akira's help. She sighed internally while she still had a calm and emotionless look on the outside.

''Well..... What is it that you wish to know? Usually I would be bombarded by questions about... my features.'' She said as she remembered the other times people ask her about her body structure.

-somewhere else-

''Oh, it seems there is a twist in the game! No biggie. I'll just have to add more rules. Of course, how did I forget Tyve?''

"I was raised to be polite and respectful, Madam. All bodies are blessed ones. You can tell me of your unique features if and when you wish to. As for my questions...just the basics first. What do I need to know? Is there anything I need to avoid doing, something taboo? What are the most important rituals and traditions?"


"I was raised to be polite and respectful, Madam. All bodies are blessed ones. You can tell me of your unique features if and when you wish to. As for my questions...just the basics first. What do I need to know? Is there anything I need to avoid doing, something taboo? What are the most important rituals and traditions?"

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