

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Medieval 1x1 (private)
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Ixen thought for a moment. "Not right now, Grant. I would like our discussion to remain private. Though I would appreciate you staying nearby, in case there is any trouble."

Once they were in a room by themselves, Ixen opened up to Akira. "I didn't really intend do, but I ended up meeting every single dragon you told me not too. I asked Zeno about Perilite, and instead of telling me directly, he took me to visit her. Then Cannibal showed up in my room this morning, and I chased him to Dei."

Ixen repeated the prophecy to Akira. He had been thinking about it so regularly that he practically had it memorized. Maybe Akira would understand something about it that he didn't- it was good to get a second perspective.

Then he talked about everything that had happened that day, ending it with "...and then Dei gave me this bag. He said Nozar made him pass it on, that it has important things for surviving this prophecy. I'm not sure if I trust that, but I don't know what else do do besides open it..."


Ixen thought for a moment. "Not right now, Grant. I would like our discussion to remain private. Though I would appreciate you staying nearby, in case there is any trouble."

Once they were in a room by themselves, Ixen opened up to Akira. "I didn't really intend do, but I ended up meeting every single dragon you told me not too. I asked Zeno about Perilite, and instead of telling me directly, he took me to visit her. Then Cannibal showed up in my room this morning, and I chased him to Dei."

Ixen repeated the prophecy to Akira. He had been thinking about it so regularly that he practically had it memorized. Maybe Akira would understand something about it that he didn't- it was good to get a second perspective.

Then he talked about everything that had happened that day, ending it with "...and then Dei gave me this bag. He said Nozar made him pass it on, that it has important things for surviving this prophecy. I'm not sure if I trust that, but I don't know what else do do besides open it..."


Akira sighed at this. He knew that Ixen was going to meet the psychos sooner or later, but he wanted it later. He knew very well that you'd need to settle in and feel comfortable before meeting those three. However, why did Nozar come out of her hidden cave? She's usually only out when she needs to eat and red moons.

As Ixen repeated the clue, Akira began to ponder on it all. He began thinking of people who to trust and not to trust. That was important in this clue. By the time Ixen finished, Akira had a frustrated face on.

''Well.... The first phrase to me sounds like a reference of not just war, but something else also. The second one is totally true. History does get written, but I don't know how that proclaims to our future.... Maybe it's talking about a scriber? Someone who writes down history. Um... third one is scary, just a bit. I will never look at gifts the same again. The fourth one may relate to someone we have not yet met, or perhaps someone who's very hard to understand. Fifth is someone from the wind flights and Plague or Fire flight. I don't know who though, but it sounds like more than one dragon in it. For the unknown... someone that is so bizarre we would most likely call them a freak or something. I don't understand the Monster and Hero things though. Best bet is someone turning on us, or we turn on someone. I feel bad for whoever has the heartache and regret. The last one just sound bad. 'Fulfil your part in this game.' It sounds like someone's planning all this for amusement. Or perhaps the gods and deities just hate us.'' Akira concluded.

Akira sighed at this. He knew that Ixen was going to meet the psychos sooner or later, but he wanted it later. He knew very well that you'd need to settle in and feel comfortable before meeting those three. However, why did Nozar come out of her hidden cave? She's usually only out when she needs to eat and red moons.

As Ixen repeated the clue, Akira began to ponder on it all. He began thinking of people who to trust and not to trust. That was important in this clue. By the time Ixen finished, Akira had a frustrated face on.

''Well.... The first phrase to me sounds like a reference of not just war, but something else also. The second one is totally true. History does get written, but I don't know how that proclaims to our future.... Maybe it's talking about a scriber? Someone who writes down history. Um... third one is scary, just a bit. I will never look at gifts the same again. The fourth one may relate to someone we have not yet met, or perhaps someone who's very hard to understand. Fifth is someone from the wind flights and Plague or Fire flight. I don't know who though, but it sounds like more than one dragon in it. For the unknown... someone that is so bizarre we would most likely call them a freak or something. I don't understand the Monster and Hero things though. Best bet is someone turning on us, or we turn on someone. I feel bad for whoever has the heartache and regret. The last one just sound bad. 'Fulfil your part in this game.' It sounds like someone's planning all this for amusement. Or perhaps the gods and deities just hate us.'' Akira concluded.

Ixen shuddered, nodding. Akira's interpretation of the prophecy made sense. It was good to have someone else to talk to about crazy things like this; especially when it seemed like such dark times were ahead.
"I feel like it's made me paranoid. Until this is resolved, I'll be suspicious of every plague or fire or wind dragon, and that's not the kind of dragon I want to be. Maybe now that we both know about it, we can watch out for each other. Try and make things go differently. Although I can't shake the feeling that no matter what we do, we're playing into someone's 'game'."

"I have always done my best to respect the gods and spirits." he said quietly. He remembered dedicating battles to Moria, preforming the proper funeral rituals to send the dead to Mortarion... he had even met with the local forest spirit, Laukine. "Though perhaps they are different here than in my native land."

Ixen sighed. "Well, there's only one thing left to do..." Slowly, ready to jump if anything dangerous popped out- he opened the bag.


Ixen shuddered, nodding. Akira's interpretation of the prophecy made sense. It was good to have someone else to talk to about crazy things like this; especially when it seemed like such dark times were ahead.
"I feel like it's made me paranoid. Until this is resolved, I'll be suspicious of every plague or fire or wind dragon, and that's not the kind of dragon I want to be. Maybe now that we both know about it, we can watch out for each other. Try and make things go differently. Although I can't shake the feeling that no matter what we do, we're playing into someone's 'game'."

"I have always done my best to respect the gods and spirits." he said quietly. He remembered dedicating battles to Moria, preforming the proper funeral rituals to send the dead to Mortarion... he had even met with the local forest spirit, Laukine. "Though perhaps they are different here than in my native land."

Ixen sighed. "Well, there's only one thing left to do..." Slowly, ready to jump if anything dangerous popped out- he opened the bag.


{So sorry. - -'' I've been busy with life. I'll try to keep tabs on this.}

Akira nodded in agreement with Ixen's idea of looking at those three flights now. It's a bit scary, however kinda nice. Knowing someone is out there protecting you even when you don't know it. Suddenly something else popped in his head, an idea for one of the clues. Before he could add in anything he let Ixen open the bag. He was prepared to either jump, call in grant, or fight it off.

As the bag opened, Akira wanted to hurl at the sight. It was disgusting and freighting sight. Within the bag were bones of a dragon, a wind and plague eyeball, a dull sword with dry blood on it, and a bloody note.

Dear Princes,

I am glad that Nozar agreed to give you this. Xanol gets reluctant to give dragons my gifts, but
Nozar on the other hand, ha ha, she'd love to give everyone 'gifts'. Now my friends, I welcome you to this.... game You can call me.... X. Now, what I want you guys to do. This is level one of course~ Now here are the rules, boys. I presume Perilite has told you your possible future. She does like riddles, but the one she told you, Ixen, was interesting. Yes yes, I snuck into her room to read the scroll. Enough of this, let's get to the point.

Rules, yes. 1) You can
only choose three dragons each. Those who you trust the most should see this. 2) If you request Perilite for more information about your future, I will hurt someone you care about. I wonder how long your mother, fallen, can take pain, Akira. 3) Tell anyone about this, I will hurt someone. 4) Keep an eye on your familiars antics. They'll help you on completing this level.

And those are the rule~ I hope you guys follow them, I'd hate to hurt innocent dragons in our little game. Oh! Those items in the bag, they'll help you in this level. Choose wisely who you decide to show this to. Till then~

Akira was disturbed by this the most. Who is this X? Why is this dragon doing this to them? Most of all, how will these items help in this 'game'? Akira's heart started to pump harder. Whoever this was, is truly a dark master mind. Soon Akira began to think about who the three he would choose to show. 'Perhaps, Grant. But who eles?' Akira thought.

{So sorry. - -'' I've been busy with life. I'll try to keep tabs on this.}

Akira nodded in agreement with Ixen's idea of looking at those three flights now. It's a bit scary, however kinda nice. Knowing someone is out there protecting you even when you don't know it. Suddenly something else popped in his head, an idea for one of the clues. Before he could add in anything he let Ixen open the bag. He was prepared to either jump, call in grant, or fight it off.

As the bag opened, Akira wanted to hurl at the sight. It was disgusting and freighting sight. Within the bag were bones of a dragon, a wind and plague eyeball, a dull sword with dry blood on it, and a bloody note.

Dear Princes,

I am glad that Nozar agreed to give you this. Xanol gets reluctant to give dragons my gifts, but
Nozar on the other hand, ha ha, she'd love to give everyone 'gifts'. Now my friends, I welcome you to this.... game You can call me.... X. Now, what I want you guys to do. This is level one of course~ Now here are the rules, boys. I presume Perilite has told you your possible future. She does like riddles, but the one she told you, Ixen, was interesting. Yes yes, I snuck into her room to read the scroll. Enough of this, let's get to the point.

Rules, yes. 1) You can
only choose three dragons each. Those who you trust the most should see this. 2) If you request Perilite for more information about your future, I will hurt someone you care about. I wonder how long your mother, fallen, can take pain, Akira. 3) Tell anyone about this, I will hurt someone. 4) Keep an eye on your familiars antics. They'll help you on completing this level.

And those are the rule~ I hope you guys follow them, I'd hate to hurt innocent dragons in our little game. Oh! Those items in the bag, they'll help you in this level. Choose wisely who you decide to show this to. Till then~

Akira was disturbed by this the most. Who is this X? Why is this dragon doing this to them? Most of all, how will these items help in this 'game'? Akira's heart started to pump harder. Whoever this was, is truly a dark master mind. Soon Akira began to think about who the three he would choose to show. 'Perhaps, Grant. But who eles?' Akira thought.
@InkZylorn (it's ok! you didn't have to respond with a whole post, i just wanted to check if you were still around)

Ixen pulled back in shock and disgust at the bloody contents of the bag. Anger started to build in him as he read the letter. X was treating this as if it were all a fun game, and Ixen didn't like being a game piece. The light, casual tone when threatening to hurt loved ones disgusted him. What sort of twisted dragon was this?
Taking a deep breath, Ixen looked at the items. The sword and bones were pretty clear. And the eyeballs-he had to look away to keep from being sick- meant it was wind and plague, not fire. Now what about his three choices? All the dragons he trusted most were back in Terressen. He supposed he could have them invited here. But who to choose? Matis, definitely. Maybe Mimic. Vanduo? He trusted the nobleman very much; but considering they had once had a romantic relationship, it would be very awkward to have him here with Akira...
Ixen put the thought away. He'd decide later. There was still one part of the letter he didn't understand.
"Who are Nozar and Xanol?"
@InkZylorn (it's ok! you didn't have to respond with a whole post, i just wanted to check if you were still around)

Ixen pulled back in shock and disgust at the bloody contents of the bag. Anger started to build in him as he read the letter. X was treating this as if it were all a fun game, and Ixen didn't like being a game piece. The light, casual tone when threatening to hurt loved ones disgusted him. What sort of twisted dragon was this?
Taking a deep breath, Ixen looked at the items. The sword and bones were pretty clear. And the eyeballs-he had to look away to keep from being sick- meant it was wind and plague, not fire. Now what about his three choices? All the dragons he trusted most were back in Terressen. He supposed he could have them invited here. But who to choose? Matis, definitely. Maybe Mimic. Vanduo? He trusted the nobleman very much; but considering they had once had a romantic relationship, it would be very awkward to have him here with Akira...
Ixen put the thought away. He'd decide later. There was still one part of the letter he didn't understand.
"Who are Nozar and Xanol?"

Akira began musing about his options. There weren't any dragons that he could truly trust, except for Grant. He began to get frustrated at this. Perhaps Szeth. However, he wasn't sure if he was up for it. He was in a state of... let's say confusion. Grant is a definite yes. He knew the wildclaw since he was born, so that was a given. Zeno, maybe, but he was on a long trip to another kingdom for political things. Virirya would definitely be helpful. She was his childhood friend, and she could gather information from slaves and eavesdropping on nobles when the time comes. So he had Grant and Viriya as a definite yes, but who would be the last one? His using was stopped when Ixen asked him the question.

''U-Um well.... Nozar and Xanol are actually one. Er... it's a bit hard to say. Xanol is the pearlcatcher that was black, orange, and white. Like Halloween colors. Well she has a multi personality disorder. Nozar is well.... her, I guess, alter ego. She er... has a hard time at times keeping Nozar at bay. Nozar is more of the threatening type while Xanol was more of the timid yet dangerous, only when you get her really mad.'' Akira explained. He couldn't take the sight of the items, so he closed it up and set it in the corner of the room.

''Well.... Is there anyone you are thinking of choosing? I can most definitely get them here. Just tell me who and I can get Iridis to get things settle. Of course lie to him, saying you feel a bit lonely.'' Akira added in as he began thinking of a suitable third dragon.

Akira began musing about his options. There weren't any dragons that he could truly trust, except for Grant. He began to get frustrated at this. Perhaps Szeth. However, he wasn't sure if he was up for it. He was in a state of... let's say confusion. Grant is a definite yes. He knew the wildclaw since he was born, so that was a given. Zeno, maybe, but he was on a long trip to another kingdom for political things. Virirya would definitely be helpful. She was his childhood friend, and she could gather information from slaves and eavesdropping on nobles when the time comes. So he had Grant and Viriya as a definite yes, but who would be the last one? His using was stopped when Ixen asked him the question.

''U-Um well.... Nozar and Xanol are actually one. Er... it's a bit hard to say. Xanol is the pearlcatcher that was black, orange, and white. Like Halloween colors. Well she has a multi personality disorder. Nozar is well.... her, I guess, alter ego. She er... has a hard time at times keeping Nozar at bay. Nozar is more of the threatening type while Xanol was more of the timid yet dangerous, only when you get her really mad.'' Akira explained. He couldn't take the sight of the items, so he closed it up and set it in the corner of the room.

''Well.... Is there anyone you are thinking of choosing? I can most definitely get them here. Just tell me who and I can get Iridis to get things settle. Of course lie to him, saying you feel a bit lonely.'' Akira added in as he began thinking of a suitable third dragon.

Interesting. So maybe the lime and red orbs were really just two parts of the same dragon, instead of two separate dragons. He would be careful, just in case. As for his three choices...

Matis was a definite yes. The mirror had been guarding Ixen since he was young, and had saved his life more than once. Ixen would feel a hundred times safer with Matis around.
Mimic was also a definite yes. The seer was clever and cunning, and had a real gift. He would trust her advice automatically. And maybe she had a prophecy of her own that would help them solve Perilites.
What about the third person? Atlas? No. Atlas was a very wise dragon, and a very good teacher. But Ixen wasn't close to him. Not the way he needed to be for something like this. Vanduo? He did trust Vanduo, and they were very close, but there was that awkwardness...
Ixen almost slapped a hand to his forehead. Of course! Emare! The little Fae had grown up with him when they were both children. She was ridiculously intelligent and always seeing things that he missed, or didn't pay enough attention to.

"Ok, I've made my decision. Matis, Mimic, and Emare. What about you?"


Interesting. So maybe the lime and red orbs were really just two parts of the same dragon, instead of two separate dragons. He would be careful, just in case. As for his three choices...

Matis was a definite yes. The mirror had been guarding Ixen since he was young, and had saved his life more than once. Ixen would feel a hundred times safer with Matis around.
Mimic was also a definite yes. The seer was clever and cunning, and had a real gift. He would trust her advice automatically. And maybe she had a prophecy of her own that would help them solve Perilites.
What about the third person? Atlas? No. Atlas was a very wise dragon, and a very good teacher. But Ixen wasn't close to him. Not the way he needed to be for something like this. Vanduo? He did trust Vanduo, and they were very close, but there was that awkwardness...
Ixen almost slapped a hand to his forehead. Of course! Emare! The little Fae had grown up with him when they were both children. She was ridiculously intelligent and always seeing things that he missed, or didn't pay enough attention to.

"Ok, I've made my decision. Matis, Mimic, and Emare. What about you?"


Akira grinned, happy that Ixen got who he wanted to share this game with. He nodded and called out grant quickly. Instructing him to tell Iridis to pick them up and all that loveliness. Grant nodded and took off, leaving the two alone fully now. Akira sighed out before answering Ixen.

''Yes, I'm choosing Viriya and Grant. I don't know who will be the third one.'' Akira stated before he sighed a bit. This was hard. Who else could Akira choose? Perhaps Tyve. She may disturbing, but she is his aunt. Or maybe his Uncle Moshenik. This was truly hard to choose. What if he chose the wrong person and X hurts hi family? He could always just wait until he finds that third wheel.

Akira grinned, happy that Ixen got who he wanted to share this game with. He nodded and called out grant quickly. Instructing him to tell Iridis to pick them up and all that loveliness. Grant nodded and took off, leaving the two alone fully now. Akira sighed out before answering Ixen.

''Yes, I'm choosing Viriya and Grant. I don't know who will be the third one.'' Akira stated before he sighed a bit. This was hard. Who else could Akira choose? Perhaps Tyve. She may disturbing, but she is his aunt. Or maybe his Uncle Moshenik. This was truly hard to choose. What if he chose the wrong person and X hurts hi family? He could always just wait until he finds that third wheel.

Ixen wished he could help Akira make his decision. But this was about trust, and Ixen didn't know the people around here nearly as well as Akira did. He couldn't think of anything else to do, or say. They were stuck, waiting for X's game to play out.

"Akira...I was curious...what is the religion of your country? What gods do you believe in, and what is the proper way to honor them?"
He had set up a small altar in his own room, with icons of Mortarion and Moria and Zeme. He had even prayed to Cham before making the journey. But he wanted to be respectful of local customs, which meant he had to learn them.

Ixen wished he could help Akira make his decision. But this was about trust, and Ixen didn't know the people around here nearly as well as Akira did. He couldn't think of anything else to do, or say. They were stuck, waiting for X's game to play out.

"Akira...I was curious...what is the religion of your country? What gods do you believe in, and what is the proper way to honor them?"
He had set up a small altar in his own room, with icons of Mortarion and Moria and Zeme. He had even prayed to Cham before making the journey. But he wanted to be respectful of local customs, which meant he had to learn them.
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