

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Medieval 1x1 (private)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10 11

"It's nice to meet you, Viriya." answered Ixen, trying to keep his voice warm and gentle. She kept avoiding his gaze, and he didn't want her to be afraid if him. "Thank you very much for the familiar."

Ixen laughed a little when he saw Akira in the water, but it was not a mocking laugh. It was simply charming to see Akira in that situation, and very cute when he blushed. Ixen was starting to find himself attracted to the other dragon, which he guessed was a good sign. Maybe this whole arrangement would really work out for the best. If Akira felt the same way...Of course, they had barely met, and had only known each other for a few hours. But this was a good start.

Ixen laughed harder as Charcoal jumped into the pool as well. "Well, I'm not missing out on all the fun!" he called. Taking off his heavy cloak, he darted forward and jumped into the water as well. Perhaps Akira would be less embarrassed now. Charcoal and the Rainbow Sprite seemed delighted at this, and began jumping up and down around him. Ixen caught the rainbow sprite. "What do you think I should name this mischievous creature?"

{I know I don't have to, but i really, honestly, want to. I have a good bit of money, and I'm not saving it for anything in particular. Besides, it helps add to the role-play. So please, just name one thing you/Akira want.}

"It's nice to meet you, Viriya." answered Ixen, trying to keep his voice warm and gentle. She kept avoiding his gaze, and he didn't want her to be afraid if him. "Thank you very much for the familiar."

Ixen laughed a little when he saw Akira in the water, but it was not a mocking laugh. It was simply charming to see Akira in that situation, and very cute when he blushed. Ixen was starting to find himself attracted to the other dragon, which he guessed was a good sign. Maybe this whole arrangement would really work out for the best. If Akira felt the same way...Of course, they had barely met, and had only known each other for a few hours. But this was a good start.

Ixen laughed harder as Charcoal jumped into the pool as well. "Well, I'm not missing out on all the fun!" he called. Taking off his heavy cloak, he darted forward and jumped into the water as well. Perhaps Akira would be less embarrassed now. Charcoal and the Rainbow Sprite seemed delighted at this, and began jumping up and down around him. Ixen caught the rainbow sprite. "What do you think I should name this mischievous creature?"

{I know I don't have to, but i really, honestly, want to. I have a good bit of money, and I'm not saving it for anything in particular. Besides, it helps add to the role-play. So please, just name one thing you/Akira want.}

Viriya smiled at the two men as the two played around in the water. She finished her laughing, but it wasn't heard due tot eh other laughter going on. She gazed at the two warmly and began walking off. 'They seem perfect for each other, but only time will tell.' She thought lastly before officially walking out of the building to get towels for the two playful princes.

Akira's blush slightly lessened by the fact that Ixen jumped into the pool with him. He couldn't help but laugh with them now. This was just too much fun in his opinion. The last time he shared a laugh like this was when he was six and still had his siblings with him. Suddenly seeing Ixen catch the darn Rainbow Sprite, his jaw dropped. That little sucker made him fall in!

''Hmm.... I don't know... maybe Pablo. He is a Pablo-me.'' Akira mumbled out before turning his voice into a joking one. He held back that joke for years now. Ever since one of the ambassadors was named Pablo, he just had to make a horrible pun for him.

{-sigh- Stubborn one aren't ya? Ha ha. Alright. I suppose a teardrop ruby necklace or something around that. :/ I don't want to make you buy something too expensive, so you can just get me that for him. You can find some way to add them in.}

Viriya smiled at the two men as the two played around in the water. She finished her laughing, but it wasn't heard due tot eh other laughter going on. She gazed at the two warmly and began walking off. 'They seem perfect for each other, but only time will tell.' She thought lastly before officially walking out of the building to get towels for the two playful princes.

Akira's blush slightly lessened by the fact that Ixen jumped into the pool with him. He couldn't help but laugh with them now. This was just too much fun in his opinion. The last time he shared a laugh like this was when he was six and still had his siblings with him. Suddenly seeing Ixen catch the darn Rainbow Sprite, his jaw dropped. That little sucker made him fall in!

''Hmm.... I don't know... maybe Pablo. He is a Pablo-me.'' Akira mumbled out before turning his voice into a joking one. He held back that joke for years now. Ever since one of the ambassadors was named Pablo, he just had to make a horrible pun for him.

{-sigh- Stubborn one aren't ya? Ha ha. Alright. I suppose a teardrop ruby necklace or something around that. :/ I don't want to make you buy something too expensive, so you can just get me that for him. You can find some way to add them in.}

Ixen chuckled at Akira's pun. "Ugh, I remember Pablo. He only visited once, but he's difficult to forget." Pablo had been insufferable, a very proud and irritating dragon.
"Excuse me, I asked for exactly fifty rose petals scattered in my room, and there are only forty nine." he whined, mimicking Pablo's high-pitched sneer.

"I think this sprite is a girl, though." he lifted the fish, inspecting it closely. The iridescent blue fins were very similar to his own wings. He held the familiar close to himself. "Look, were twins!"

Ixen could barely remember the last time he had joked around like this. He was an only child, and there weren't a lot of children around to play with when he was growing up. He had had a few good moments with some of the noblemen's children, but those were rare and sometimes secret.

"Fiesty little swimmer, aren't you?" he asked the flopping familiar. "Maybe I should name you Splash. Or Tsunami." He thought for a minute. "Or just Tuna."

Ixen chuckled at Akira's pun. "Ugh, I remember Pablo. He only visited once, but he's difficult to forget." Pablo had been insufferable, a very proud and irritating dragon.
"Excuse me, I asked for exactly fifty rose petals scattered in my room, and there are only forty nine." he whined, mimicking Pablo's high-pitched sneer.

"I think this sprite is a girl, though." he lifted the fish, inspecting it closely. The iridescent blue fins were very similar to his own wings. He held the familiar close to himself. "Look, were twins!"

Ixen could barely remember the last time he had joked around like this. He was an only child, and there weren't a lot of children around to play with when he was growing up. He had had a few good moments with some of the noblemen's children, but those were rare and sometimes secret.

"Fiesty little swimmer, aren't you?" he asked the flopping familiar. "Maybe I should name you Splash. Or Tsunami." He thought for a minute. "Or just Tuna."

{0///0 I'm so sorry! I was distracted by my flight's activity and a bunch of Trick-o-treaters!}

Akira smiled widely and chuckled at Ixen's imitation of the ambassador Pablo. It seemed that the two have quite some things in common. Once Ixen commented about the it being a girl he began thinking. He chuckled a bit at hearing Ixen comment about them as twins.

''I'll say! A lot of dragons say Charcoal and I are perfect partners! Ha ha! I suppose so!'' Akira commented as he enjoyed the company of Ixen. Maybe this treaty will work... He was cut out of his musing at the names being suggested and laughed at the last one.

''O-Oh Ra! Yes! Tuna the Rainbow Sprite!'' Akira giggled out a bit at how funny that was. He was about to say more until Viriya came back in with towels and a smile on her face.

''Seems you two are having too much fun. I hate to break the fun, but your father wishes to see you Akira.'' Viriya said in a playful tone before becoming a serious one. Akira sighed, hating to leave Ixen alone at the moment. Suddenly an idea popped into his head.

''Ixen, I have to go now, but you can wander the Palace all you want! Just don't leave the palace, just not yet! I want to show you the village myself!'' Akira smiled before turning to Viriya. ''Thank you my friend. You can help Ixen out if he asks for it. Also, keep him away from Cannibal, Dei, and Perilite.'' With that, he walked off with Charcoal on his tail, literally. Virirya nodded and turned to face Ixen.

''Perhaps you can name her Nepali. Rainbow in a different language called Indreni.'' Viriya suggested with a smile. Perks to know Tyve, the one who's traveled through more than one world. She was known to be the Infamous Pharaoh, traveling through worlds and realms, oddly never aging but deteriorating.

{0///0 I'm so sorry! I was distracted by my flight's activity and a bunch of Trick-o-treaters!}

Akira smiled widely and chuckled at Ixen's imitation of the ambassador Pablo. It seemed that the two have quite some things in common. Once Ixen commented about the it being a girl he began thinking. He chuckled a bit at hearing Ixen comment about them as twins.

''I'll say! A lot of dragons say Charcoal and I are perfect partners! Ha ha! I suppose so!'' Akira commented as he enjoyed the company of Ixen. Maybe this treaty will work... He was cut out of his musing at the names being suggested and laughed at the last one.

''O-Oh Ra! Yes! Tuna the Rainbow Sprite!'' Akira giggled out a bit at how funny that was. He was about to say more until Viriya came back in with towels and a smile on her face.

''Seems you two are having too much fun. I hate to break the fun, but your father wishes to see you Akira.'' Viriya said in a playful tone before becoming a serious one. Akira sighed, hating to leave Ixen alone at the moment. Suddenly an idea popped into his head.

''Ixen, I have to go now, but you can wander the Palace all you want! Just don't leave the palace, just not yet! I want to show you the village myself!'' Akira smiled before turning to Viriya. ''Thank you my friend. You can help Ixen out if he asks for it. Also, keep him away from Cannibal, Dei, and Perilite.'' With that, he walked off with Charcoal on his tail, literally. Virirya nodded and turned to face Ixen.

''Perhaps you can name her Nepali. Rainbow in a different language called Indreni.'' Viriya suggested with a smile. Perks to know Tyve, the one who's traveled through more than one world. She was known to be the Infamous Pharaoh, traveling through worlds and realms, oddly never aging but deteriorating.
@InkZylorn ((It's really no problem, I was SUPER busy today))

It pierced Ixen's heart the way Akira's face fell. They had been having so much fun... Oh well. This was what their life would be: mostly meetings and important events, with only occasional instances of fun. That's why he had to value the fun times even more.

"Nepali." repeated Ixen. "That's a wonderful name. Thank you, Viriya." He decided it was the perfect name. Though the little sprite would still be 'Tuna' whenever she got into trouble.

"Who are Cannibal, Dei, and Perlite?" he asked, as he began to towel off. Were they politicians? Some sort of scheming Lords and Ladies? Nepali head-butted him in the arm. Or maybe they were just mischievous pets.

((you can go back and answer the question when you post, I'm going to skip ahead in time a little))

((After exploring the Castle, which we can go back to if you want to flesh it out/have him discover something interesting))

Ixen finally returned to the bedroom set aside for him in the palace. It was larger than he was used to and richly decorated. Beautiful silks and luxurious furnishings were everywhere. He saw that someone had brought his chests of belongings into the room.
He began pawing through his things. Nepali was flitting around the room excitedly. It had been so kind of Akira to give him a familiar. It was the sort of gift that would last years and years. He couldn't come close to repaying it, but he felt like he ought to return the gesture.

He tried to remember what Akira had said he liked. After a few minutes, Ixen had put together what he thought would be a suitable gift. Should he give it to Akira tomorrow morning? No. He determined that he should do it tonight, before he got scared or the gift was somehow ruined.
Nepali close behind him, gift hidden behind his back, he knocked on the door to Akira's room.

@InkZylorn ((It's really no problem, I was SUPER busy today))

It pierced Ixen's heart the way Akira's face fell. They had been having so much fun... Oh well. This was what their life would be: mostly meetings and important events, with only occasional instances of fun. That's why he had to value the fun times even more.

"Nepali." repeated Ixen. "That's a wonderful name. Thank you, Viriya." He decided it was the perfect name. Though the little sprite would still be 'Tuna' whenever she got into trouble.

"Who are Cannibal, Dei, and Perlite?" he asked, as he began to towel off. Were they politicians? Some sort of scheming Lords and Ladies? Nepali head-butted him in the arm. Or maybe they were just mischievous pets.

((you can go back and answer the question when you post, I'm going to skip ahead in time a little))

((After exploring the Castle, which we can go back to if you want to flesh it out/have him discover something interesting))

Ixen finally returned to the bedroom set aside for him in the palace. It was larger than he was used to and richly decorated. Beautiful silks and luxurious furnishings were everywhere. He saw that someone had brought his chests of belongings into the room.
He began pawing through his things. Nepali was flitting around the room excitedly. It had been so kind of Akira to give him a familiar. It was the sort of gift that would last years and years. He couldn't come close to repaying it, but he felt like he ought to return the gesture.

He tried to remember what Akira had said he liked. After a few minutes, Ixen had put together what he thought would be a suitable gift. Should he give it to Akira tomorrow morning? No. He determined that he should do it tonight, before he got scared or the gift was somehow ruined.
Nepali close behind him, gift hidden behind his back, he knocked on the door to Akira's room.


''Uh-Uh well... um... I'll tell you one day. Today let us just allow you to explore the castle. As long as you stay out of the west wing you'll be fine. Now, shall we?'' Viriya said with a smile and sweated a bit at the question about those three. She mentally sighed as she saw Ixen shrug it off.

Akira sighed out tiredly as the council began arguing about several things. Political purposes, rebellious groups, up coming treaties, and so much more. A small headache began growing as he rubbed his temples. He seriously should feed them to Cannibal, or give them to Dei. He let out another tired sigh, 'I wish I was back with Ixen in the Familiar room....' Annoyance and tiredness laced his mental voice.

After long two hours of a council meeting Akira finally was finish coordinating meetings, balls, and a lot more. On top of that, he has to plan the marriage with Ixen, but he'll set that aside for now. He was too tired to think about that. As he walked back to his chambers Charcoal came dashing from a hall to walk beside him. He chuckled before entering his room and closing his eyes. Charcoal, not far behind, jumped onto the bed and curled up against Akira's body.

Sleep was about to overcome the exhausted Ridgeback when suddenly there was a knock at his door. He grumbled incoherent words before walking over to the door, only to be surprised at who he saw. Ixen. He smiled and opened the door to allow him in.

''It's nice to see you Ixen. I hope you had a nice time wandering the Palace. I heard from Viriya that you met my personal trainer, Grant. How was it?'' Akira asked kindly, trying to push away the oncoming head ache.

{You can choose how they meet.}

''Uh-Uh well... um... I'll tell you one day. Today let us just allow you to explore the castle. As long as you stay out of the west wing you'll be fine. Now, shall we?'' Viriya said with a smile and sweated a bit at the question about those three. She mentally sighed as she saw Ixen shrug it off.

Akira sighed out tiredly as the council began arguing about several things. Political purposes, rebellious groups, up coming treaties, and so much more. A small headache began growing as he rubbed his temples. He seriously should feed them to Cannibal, or give them to Dei. He let out another tired sigh, 'I wish I was back with Ixen in the Familiar room....' Annoyance and tiredness laced his mental voice.

After long two hours of a council meeting Akira finally was finish coordinating meetings, balls, and a lot more. On top of that, he has to plan the marriage with Ixen, but he'll set that aside for now. He was too tired to think about that. As he walked back to his chambers Charcoal came dashing from a hall to walk beside him. He chuckled before entering his room and closing his eyes. Charcoal, not far behind, jumped onto the bed and curled up against Akira's body.

Sleep was about to overcome the exhausted Ridgeback when suddenly there was a knock at his door. He grumbled incoherent words before walking over to the door, only to be surprised at who he saw. Ixen. He smiled and opened the door to allow him in.

''It's nice to see you Ixen. I hope you had a nice time wandering the Palace. I heard from Viriya that you met my personal trainer, Grant. How was it?'' Akira asked kindly, trying to push away the oncoming head ache.

{You can choose how they meet.}

"You look exhausted. It's okay, I can come back later, go rest..." But Akira just invited him in.

"Look, I wanted to thank you. For Nepali, partially. But also for just being such a gracious host. You've been very generous and welcoming. So, here. This is for you."

Ixen presented his gift. It was an enormous bouquet of red tulips. Wrapped carefully around the flowers was a necklace with a scarlet ruby.

"You mentioned you liked the outdoors, so I thought you might appreciate some flowers..." Ixen explained, a little embarrassed.

He sat down to chat with Akira. "The Palace is amazing. Everything is very beautiful here. The tapestries in the main hall are amazing. Viriya told me about the legends depicted there, they were very interesting." He thought for a moment, remising about all he had seen.
"Oh, Grant? He's wonderful. I was wandering around, and passed one of the training rooms. The swords caught my attention. I must have been standing there, staring at those rapiers for minutes when Grant saw me there. He showed me a lot of the swords, told me about their history. We even had a friendly sparring match. He won, of course, he's not a personal trainer for nothing. But it was very fun, and I learned many useful fighting tips. I hope I get the opportunity to do that more often."


"You look exhausted. It's okay, I can come back later, go rest..." But Akira just invited him in.

"Look, I wanted to thank you. For Nepali, partially. But also for just being such a gracious host. You've been very generous and welcoming. So, here. This is for you."

Ixen presented his gift. It was an enormous bouquet of red tulips. Wrapped carefully around the flowers was a necklace with a scarlet ruby.

"You mentioned you liked the outdoors, so I thought you might appreciate some flowers..." Ixen explained, a little embarrassed.

He sat down to chat with Akira. "The Palace is amazing. Everything is very beautiful here. The tapestries in the main hall are amazing. Viriya told me about the legends depicted there, they were very interesting." He thought for a moment, remising about all he had seen.
"Oh, Grant? He's wonderful. I was wandering around, and passed one of the training rooms. The swords caught my attention. I must have been standing there, staring at those rapiers for minutes when Grant saw me there. He showed me a lot of the swords, told me about their history. We even had a friendly sparring match. He won, of course, he's not a personal trainer for nothing. But it was very fun, and I learned many useful fighting tips. I hope I get the opportunity to do that more often."


Akira's smile widened at the gift. He didn't know that Ixen would get him a gift in return. He took the bouquet of flowers and laid them carefully down on his dresser. Taking out the scarlet ruby necklace, he immediately put the necklace on with a smile. He did enjoy the color red, perhaps it was because of his genes.

''Wow, Ixen I love it. Thank you very much!'' Akira said enthusiastically as he laid down on his bed. Charcoal barked and darted out the room, going to who knows where. Akira chuckled before looking at Ixen and listen to his little tale about exploring the palace. He was glad Ixen was comfortable with his home so far.

''Ah yes! Grant is very enthusiastic when it comes to talking about history of fighting. He is a great dragon and mentor. I'm glad you met him. He's very loyal, so if you ever need to talk to him go right ahead! He's known to keep even the darkest secrets my father has told him. He'll never tell you a secret a guard or previous king told him. The only time he'll tell you a secret is if it's a life or death situation and I mean literally life or death situation.'' Akira said with a smile on his face. He has told the mentor many secrets and he was glad the Wildclaw kept them private and secure.

Suddenly another knock was heard from the door. Akira tilted his head to the side a bit before calling them in. Entering the room was another Ridgeback with silver filigree armor on. He bowed his head slightly and spoke.

''Your highness, your Council wishes to see you. It is about the assassins from last week.'' Said the Ridgeback. Akira sighed, annoyed at them already.

''Alright Alright. Zeno, please keep Ixen company. I will return soon.'' Akira sighed as he got up and left, leaving Zeno to nod and look around the room.

Akira's smile widened at the gift. He didn't know that Ixen would get him a gift in return. He took the bouquet of flowers and laid them carefully down on his dresser. Taking out the scarlet ruby necklace, he immediately put the necklace on with a smile. He did enjoy the color red, perhaps it was because of his genes.

''Wow, Ixen I love it. Thank you very much!'' Akira said enthusiastically as he laid down on his bed. Charcoal barked and darted out the room, going to who knows where. Akira chuckled before looking at Ixen and listen to his little tale about exploring the palace. He was glad Ixen was comfortable with his home so far.

''Ah yes! Grant is very enthusiastic when it comes to talking about history of fighting. He is a great dragon and mentor. I'm glad you met him. He's very loyal, so if you ever need to talk to him go right ahead! He's known to keep even the darkest secrets my father has told him. He'll never tell you a secret a guard or previous king told him. The only time he'll tell you a secret is if it's a life or death situation and I mean literally life or death situation.'' Akira said with a smile on his face. He has told the mentor many secrets and he was glad the Wildclaw kept them private and secure.

Suddenly another knock was heard from the door. Akira tilted his head to the side a bit before calling them in. Entering the room was another Ridgeback with silver filigree armor on. He bowed his head slightly and spoke.

''Your highness, your Council wishes to see you. It is about the assassins from last week.'' Said the Ridgeback. Akira sighed, annoyed at them already.

''Alright Alright. Zeno, please keep Ixen company. I will return soon.'' Akira sighed as he got up and left, leaving Zeno to nod and look around the room.

Ixen only nodded at Akira's description of Grant. It was good to know who was trustworthy and dependable. They were interrupted by a knock, and an armored Ridgeback delivered a summons.

"Assassins?" Ixen asked, part nervous and part curious. It was nothing new to him, of course. Assassins were part of being royalty. He had only been eight years old (or whatever the dragon equivalent is) the first time someone had attempted to murder him. "Should I come as well, perhaps? You're free to use my guards as well..." Ixen called as Akira left.

That left him in the room with Zeno. Ixen stood, to greet him properly. "Hello, Zeno. It is nice to meet you. I am Prince Ixen." He didn't want to be called just 'Ixen' until they knew each other a little better. "Please, tell me about yourself, if you want to. I'm trying to get to know everyone."

Ixen only nodded at Akira's description of Grant. It was good to know who was trustworthy and dependable. They were interrupted by a knock, and an armored Ridgeback delivered a summons.

"Assassins?" Ixen asked, part nervous and part curious. It was nothing new to him, of course. Assassins were part of being royalty. He had only been eight years old (or whatever the dragon equivalent is) the first time someone had attempted to murder him. "Should I come as well, perhaps? You're free to use my guards as well..." Ixen called as Akira left.

That left him in the room with Zeno. Ixen stood, to greet him properly. "Hello, Zeno. It is nice to meet you. I am Prince Ixen." He didn't want to be called just 'Ixen' until they knew each other a little better. "Please, tell me about yourself, if you want to. I'm trying to get to know everyone."

Zeno stared at Ixen and then nodded in respect before smiling kindly at Ixen. He seemed nice for a prince. One that wasn't snobby, perhaps Prince Ixen would be a good match for Akira, but only time will tell. Relaxing just a bit he began to speak.

''Yes. A few weeks ago we had a group of assassins attempt to kill Akira. Luckily that was when we had Tyve in the Palace. She was able to stop them from killing Akira, but the scary part was that if she wasn't there, Akira would most likely be dead or severely injured.'' Zeno explained with seriousness in his voice. After taking a breath, he continued.

''It's a pleasure to meet you too Prince Ixen. As of now, you know me as Zeno. I have known Akira ever since he was a hatchling. I was only two years older than him, but it still counts. He's protected me from many attacks villagers sent my way. In return I owe him my life and gratitude. Even if he's younger than me, he's stronger than me in more ways than one. I do hope you treat him well.'' He continued out, voice changing from high to low at times.

Zeno stared at Ixen and then nodded in respect before smiling kindly at Ixen. He seemed nice for a prince. One that wasn't snobby, perhaps Prince Ixen would be a good match for Akira, but only time will tell. Relaxing just a bit he began to speak.

''Yes. A few weeks ago we had a group of assassins attempt to kill Akira. Luckily that was when we had Tyve in the Palace. She was able to stop them from killing Akira, but the scary part was that if she wasn't there, Akira would most likely be dead or severely injured.'' Zeno explained with seriousness in his voice. After taking a breath, he continued.

''It's a pleasure to meet you too Prince Ixen. As of now, you know me as Zeno. I have known Akira ever since he was a hatchling. I was only two years older than him, but it still counts. He's protected me from many attacks villagers sent my way. In return I owe him my life and gratitude. Even if he's younger than me, he's stronger than me in more ways than one. I do hope you treat him well.'' He continued out, voice changing from high to low at times.
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