

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1X1 Private W/ @DragonsRKewl
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Amber was shocked that Ashe would stand up for her after all of that. The only problem was, that Nathan was completely calm. He was lying on the ground, with a straight face. Did he look bored? He easily escaped form Ashe by using his force against him. He had used his feet to flip the werewolf over. He took the time to run over to Amber, then kiss her. "You know I'll be back right? And I know that you still love me.." He then raised her head, exposing her neck, and bit her neck. Most people, and werewolves, don't know this, but Vampires do bite other vampires. A lot actually. He bit her really fast, And then said, "I love you, babe. And I'll see you soon." She was crying from pain. There's a new scar. She was also trembling. Her whole body was shaking, and her breaths were short and ragged. The tears were flowing down her face faster now, because it had just become clear to her that even Ashe couldn't save her from this nightmare she called life.
Amber was shocked that Ashe would stand up for her after all of that. The only problem was, that Nathan was completely calm. He was lying on the ground, with a straight face. Did he look bored? He easily escaped form Ashe by using his force against him. He had used his feet to flip the werewolf over. He took the time to run over to Amber, then kiss her. "You know I'll be back right? And I know that you still love me.." He then raised her head, exposing her neck, and bit her neck. Most people, and werewolves, don't know this, but Vampires do bite other vampires. A lot actually. He bit her really fast, And then said, "I love you, babe. And I'll see you soon." She was crying from pain. There's a new scar. She was also trembling. Her whole body was shaking, and her breaths were short and ragged. The tears were flowing down her face faster now, because it had just become clear to her that even Ashe couldn't save her from this nightmare she called life.

Ashe landed on his paws and slid to a stop, leaving trails of dirt on the ground. Running towards Nathan again, he snapped his fangs at the vampire again, biting at him furiously. Once he was gone, the werewolf turned towards Amber with a concerned look and shifted to his human form, hurrying over to her side. "Are you ok?" he asked, looking at her neck. He clenched his teeth angrily then hugged her gently, trying to comfort her as much as he could. "I'm sorry, Amber. I couldn't do anything to help you."

Ashe landed on his paws and slid to a stop, leaving trails of dirt on the ground. Running towards Nathan again, he snapped his fangs at the vampire again, biting at him furiously. Once he was gone, the werewolf turned towards Amber with a concerned look and shifted to his human form, hurrying over to her side. "Are you ok?" he asked, looking at her neck. He clenched his teeth angrily then hugged her gently, trying to comfort her as much as he could. "I'm sorry, Amber. I couldn't do anything to help you."
She was still shaking, but Ashe was calming her down. The bite really hurt, but now there was blood coming out of the bite mark. Great, Nathan had not only gotten her, he got a meal too. Why was she so scared around him? Oh yeah, because he used to do things like that, daily, and worse. "I-it hurts... I-I'm scared" She was crying again, knowing that if Ashe didn't save her...
She was still shaking, but Ashe was calming her down. The bite really hurt, but now there was blood coming out of the bite mark. Great, Nathan had not only gotten her, he got a meal too. Why was she so scared around him? Oh yeah, because he used to do things like that, daily, and worse. "I-it hurts... I-I'm scared" She was crying again, knowing that if Ashe didn't save her...

Ashe held her close for a moment before taking a step back and looking her directly in the eyes, a serious expression on his face. "Then don't let him scare you. Don't let him hurt you. I can't fight him alone, but maybe if you fought back too he wouldn't be able to beat us." Frowning slightly, he scolded, "And never run away like that again. Do you know what would've happened if I hadn't found you?" His voice was firm, but soft enough so he didn't sound mad.

Looking at her new bite wound, the werewolf shook his head then ripped a bit of fabric off of his shirt before placing it gently over the wound. "I'll try to be gentle," he said softly, "But I need to apply pressure to stop the bleeding." He gently pressed down on the fabric, feeling Amber's blood on his hand as it slowly soaked through the fabric. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he said suddenly in a soft voice, looking disappointed in himself.

Ashe held her close for a moment before taking a step back and looking her directly in the eyes, a serious expression on his face. "Then don't let him scare you. Don't let him hurt you. I can't fight him alone, but maybe if you fought back too he wouldn't be able to beat us." Frowning slightly, he scolded, "And never run away like that again. Do you know what would've happened if I hadn't found you?" His voice was firm, but soft enough so he didn't sound mad.

Looking at her new bite wound, the werewolf shook his head then ripped a bit of fabric off of his shirt before placing it gently over the wound. "I'll try to be gentle," he said softly, "But I need to apply pressure to stop the bleeding." He gently pressed down on the fabric, feeling Amber's blood on his hand as it slowly soaked through the fabric. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he said suddenly in a soft voice, looking disappointed in himself.
Amber flinched when he put pressure on her wound, but her tears were starting to slow down. "There's only one problem with me fighting back. I was only taught to fight with my fangs, never with my hands or feet. So if we're in a human environment, then I can't fight." She had always been slow with her fists, and it was hard for her to put any power behind a punch. She always ended up messing it up. "Also, if I could stand up to Nathan, this would've been over a long time ago. I tried fighting him once, it ended up horribly. I don't think I could try again." Once he said that last thing she looked at him with shock on her face. "It's fine Ashe. I truthfully didn't think that you would be able to fight him in the first place. He is extremely agile, and strong. He even surprises me sometimes with his ability." Then she remembered what was going on currently, and flinched again as he pushed a little bit harder.
Amber flinched when he put pressure on her wound, but her tears were starting to slow down. "There's only one problem with me fighting back. I was only taught to fight with my fangs, never with my hands or feet. So if we're in a human environment, then I can't fight." She had always been slow with her fists, and it was hard for her to put any power behind a punch. She always ended up messing it up. "Also, if I could stand up to Nathan, this would've been over a long time ago. I tried fighting him once, it ended up horribly. I don't think I could try again." Once he said that last thing she looked at him with shock on her face. "It's fine Ashe. I truthfully didn't think that you would be able to fight him in the first place. He is extremely agile, and strong. He even surprises me sometimes with his ability." Then she remembered what was going on currently, and flinched again as he pushed a little bit harder.

"But we aren't in human territory right now," he said, "Otherwise I wouldn't have gone into my wolf form and Nathan probably wouldn't have attacked. But I suppose what's done is done." A frown formed on his face when she said those last sentences as he tried not to be offended by the comment. It did make him a bit jealous, but now wasn't the time to bring that up. "Oh, and about those human girls," he said, changing the subject, "You said they liked me? How did you know that and I didn't? It's like how Lila knew you liked me when I had no idea. It must just be a girl thing. But either way, I only love you, Amber. I hope you understand that."

"But we aren't in human territory right now," he said, "Otherwise I wouldn't have gone into my wolf form and Nathan probably wouldn't have attacked. But I suppose what's done is done." A frown formed on his face when she said those last sentences as he tried not to be offended by the comment. It did make him a bit jealous, but now wasn't the time to bring that up. "Oh, and about those human girls," he said, changing the subject, "You said they liked me? How did you know that and I didn't? It's like how Lila knew you liked me when I had no idea. It must just be a girl thing. But either way, I only love you, Amber. I hope you understand that."
Amber smiled and laughed lightly. "That, or you're just oblivious to the world around you. Also if I know Nathan at all he would attack me anywhere." When he said that he loved her, she smiled at him. "I've always understood that, and I love you too. Also about what I said earlier, About you not being strong enough to fight Nathan, I meant by yourself. You attack his front side next time, and I'll get his neck. I'll give fighting back another chance. And yeah, I get jealous easily... Sorry about that... And I was never planning on going out with that guy in the first place. I just wanted to make you jealous. Sorry."
Amber smiled and laughed lightly. "That, or you're just oblivious to the world around you. Also if I know Nathan at all he would attack me anywhere." When he said that he loved her, she smiled at him. "I've always understood that, and I love you too. Also about what I said earlier, About you not being strong enough to fight Nathan, I meant by yourself. You attack his front side next time, and I'll get his neck. I'll give fighting back another chance. And yeah, I get jealous easily... Sorry about that... And I was never planning on going out with that guy in the first place. I just wanted to make you jealous. Sorry."

Ashe chuckled softly at her comment. "You're probably right about that," he replied before his expression became grim when she talked about Nathan. "I know. I don't expect him to leave you alone anytime soon." He smiled at her when she said she loved him as well. "That's good to hear." When she talked about fighting Nathan, he gave her a slightly concerned look, saying, "Ok, but I just don't want you to get hurt... or worse. You can let me do the fighting if it's to protect yourself." Kissing her forehead with a small laugh, he added, "And you don't need to be jealous about anything. I'm sorry for being so clueless."

Ashe chuckled softly at her comment. "You're probably right about that," he replied before his expression became grim when she talked about Nathan. "I know. I don't expect him to leave you alone anytime soon." He smiled at her when she said she loved him as well. "That's good to hear." When she talked about fighting Nathan, he gave her a slightly concerned look, saying, "Ok, but I just don't want you to get hurt... or worse. You can let me do the fighting if it's to protect yourself." Kissing her forehead with a small laugh, he added, "And you don't need to be jealous about anything. I'm sorry for being so clueless."
Amber smiled. "It's not your fault you don't know a thing about girls." She laughed then remembered something that she had overheard a female human say to another one. "Hey, I heard a few humans talking about this thing, that was made to hide scars. I believe it was called concealer. Maybe I need some, because if the humans see my neck, then they will either realize I'm a vampire, or I'm about to become one." She smiled at him then kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe we should try to find one of the homes that the people are living in. I could easily get us some human money. She winked at him, knowing that he'd get the wrong idea. There was something strange abouta vampires eyes, so they could hypnotize humans but not other vampires or werewolves. She was actually kinda hoping that he would take it the wrong way and she would flirt with the human in charge, but maybe he knew about hypnotism? Oh well. She already told him that she loved him. So he should know better than to think about that. Oh well. Like she said earlier, Ashe was clueless...
Amber smiled. "It's not your fault you don't know a thing about girls." She laughed then remembered something that she had overheard a female human say to another one. "Hey, I heard a few humans talking about this thing, that was made to hide scars. I believe it was called concealer. Maybe I need some, because if the humans see my neck, then they will either realize I'm a vampire, or I'm about to become one." She smiled at him then kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe we should try to find one of the homes that the people are living in. I could easily get us some human money. She winked at him, knowing that he'd get the wrong idea. There was something strange abouta vampires eyes, so they could hypnotize humans but not other vampires or werewolves. She was actually kinda hoping that he would take it the wrong way and she would flirt with the human in charge, but maybe he knew about hypnotism? Oh well. She already told him that she loved him. So he should know better than to think about that. Oh well. Like she said earlier, Ashe was clueless...
@Baker2be ((By the way, this is what Lila looks like))

Ashe laughed, saying playfully, "Well it's not my fault girls are so confusing." If his father hadn't kicked him out of his home when he was younger, then he would have grown up around Lila and probably would have learned a few things about girls. Tilting his head to the side a bit, he listened curiously when she talked about concealer. "Strange, I wonder how you use it. Is it like magic or something?" he asked.

He nodded in agreement and lifted the fabric off her neck. The bleeding had definitely slowed down, but they would still need to find a way to cover it soon. The werewolf raised a brow at her when she said she could get them human money, not quite sure how she was going to do it but shrugging it off for the moment. He assumed she was just going to use the hypnotism that he'd heard of. "Good, I think we'll need some," he said, glancing around to make sure Nathan was gone.
@Baker2be ((By the way, this is what Lila looks like))

Ashe laughed, saying playfully, "Well it's not my fault girls are so confusing." If his father hadn't kicked him out of his home when he was younger, then he would have grown up around Lila and probably would have learned a few things about girls. Tilting his head to the side a bit, he listened curiously when she talked about concealer. "Strange, I wonder how you use it. Is it like magic or something?" he asked.

He nodded in agreement and lifted the fabric off her neck. The bleeding had definitely slowed down, but they would still need to find a way to cover it soon. The werewolf raised a brow at her when she said she could get them human money, not quite sure how she was going to do it but shrugging it off for the moment. He assumed she was just going to use the hypnotism that he'd heard of. "Good, I think we'll need some," he said, glancing around to make sure Nathan was gone.
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