

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1X1 Private W/ @DragonsRKewl
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When Amber next opened her eyes, she saw rays of sunlight coming in from the cave entrance. It was obviously morning. She then remembered what Ashe had said the previous night, which made her blush slightly. By the time she remembered that her leg had gotten better overnight, Probably half an hour had passed. She slowly moved her leg, and to her relief, it felt fine. She looked over at Ashe, and the only thought that was going through her mind was "You look so cute when you sleep." She whispered that, so that she wouldn't wake him up. She then leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. After that she laid her head back on his shoulders and waited for him to wake up.
When Amber next opened her eyes, she saw rays of sunlight coming in from the cave entrance. It was obviously morning. She then remembered what Ashe had said the previous night, which made her blush slightly. By the time she remembered that her leg had gotten better overnight, Probably half an hour had passed. She slowly moved her leg, and to her relief, it felt fine. She looked over at Ashe, and the only thought that was going through her mind was "You look so cute when you sleep." She whispered that, so that she wouldn't wake him up. She then leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. After that she laid her head back on his shoulders and waited for him to wake up.

Ashe shifted slightly as he awoke, opening his eyes sleepily and smiling at Amber. "Good morning," he said with a yawn. The werewolf gave her a quick kiss on the lips, blushing a bit as he stood up and stretched. Looking down at her, he asked, "How is your leg? Does it still hurt?" He moved closer to the cave's exit and glanced around, not seeing any vampires nearby. "If not, then we should probably get moving. Otherwise I can carry you again."

Ashe shifted slightly as he awoke, opening his eyes sleepily and smiling at Amber. "Good morning," he said with a yawn. The werewolf gave her a quick kiss on the lips, blushing a bit as he stood up and stretched. Looking down at her, he asked, "How is your leg? Does it still hurt?" He moved closer to the cave's exit and glanced around, not seeing any vampires nearby. "If not, then we should probably get moving. Otherwise I can carry you again."
Amber smiled at him. Then she stood up. "Yeah It's fine, but I might not be able to go a very far distance." She just then did the most girly thing she had ever done. She walked up to him, then wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. The kiss wasn't too short, but it wasn't too long either. After a while, she pulled away. "Ok, are you ready to go?" She probably embarrassed him, but, she hoped that he liked it too. "Oh and by the way, I guess we're technically dating now." She looked at him with a smile on her face. She then twirled her hair around her finger. "Still, don't go too fast. I don't want a repeat of yesterday."
Amber smiled at him. Then she stood up. "Yeah It's fine, but I might not be able to go a very far distance." She just then did the most girly thing she had ever done. She walked up to him, then wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. The kiss wasn't too short, but it wasn't too long either. After a while, she pulled away. "Ok, are you ready to go?" She probably embarrassed him, but, she hoped that he liked it too. "Oh and by the way, I guess we're technically dating now." She looked at him with a smile on her face. She then twirled her hair around her finger. "Still, don't go too fast. I don't want a repeat of yesterday."

"That's good," Ashe replied in a relieved tone, grinning as she walked up to him. Although he was a bit surprised, he wrapped his arms around her as well and returned the kiss, closing his eyes. Once they pulled away from each other, he nodded with a happy look on his face. "Yes, I'm ready. And don't worry, I won't go as fast today, but I could still carry you if your foot starts acting up again." Changing into his wolf form, he headed for the exit and left the cave, slowly picking up speed and occasionally checking to make sure Amber was still following him.

"That's good," Ashe replied in a relieved tone, grinning as she walked up to him. Although he was a bit surprised, he wrapped his arms around her as well and returned the kiss, closing his eyes. Once they pulled away from each other, he nodded with a happy look on his face. "Yes, I'm ready. And don't worry, I won't go as fast today, but I could still carry you if your foot starts acting up again." Changing into his wolf form, he headed for the exit and left the cave, slowly picking up speed and occasionally checking to make sure Amber was still following him.
Amber smiled the whole time. She didn't have to run as fast, So it took a lot of strain off of her leg. She ran right behind him the whole time. She occasionally looked behind her, as to not be caught by Nathan, and luckily she never saw him. He must still be asleep. She eventually caught up to him enough to ask "Do you have any idea where we're going?" After a while, even a vampire can run out of breath. She stopped for a second, panting for breath. She then starting running again, But again she had to stop for breath. She had never run this much in her life. Maybe it was finally catching up to her. After a short rest, She started running, fast enough to catch up to Ashe and say "C-could we stop for a second?" She immediately stopped afterwards. Seriously, what was wrong with her?
Amber smiled the whole time. She didn't have to run as fast, So it took a lot of strain off of her leg. She ran right behind him the whole time. She occasionally looked behind her, as to not be caught by Nathan, and luckily she never saw him. He must still be asleep. She eventually caught up to him enough to ask "Do you have any idea where we're going?" After a while, even a vampire can run out of breath. She stopped for a second, panting for breath. She then starting running again, But again she had to stop for breath. She had never run this much in her life. Maybe it was finally catching up to her. After a short rest, She started running, fast enough to catch up to Ashe and say "C-could we stop for a second?" She immediately stopped afterwards. Seriously, what was wrong with her?

Ashe occasionally looked around for Nathan as well, his eyes narrowed slightly. When Amber asked if he knew where he was going, he replied, "Like I said, not really. I have heard rumors about a place that's not vampire or werewolf territory, but many say it's just a myth. I guess we have to try finding it though. The only hint we really have is that people say it's to the north, so that's where I'm heading."

Noticing that she was getting tired, Ashe slowed down until he came to a stop, trotting back over to her. "Sure," he said, panting a bit as well. Running as a wolf was easier than running as a human, so he wasn't nearly as tired as Amber, but he still needed to take a break every once and a while. As they rested, the werewolf glanced around to watch for any vampires, but he didn't see any at the moment. It was strange that there weren't many around, but then again their territory was very large.

Ashe occasionally looked around for Nathan as well, his eyes narrowed slightly. When Amber asked if he knew where he was going, he replied, "Like I said, not really. I have heard rumors about a place that's not vampire or werewolf territory, but many say it's just a myth. I guess we have to try finding it though. The only hint we really have is that people say it's to the north, so that's where I'm heading."

Noticing that she was getting tired, Ashe slowed down until he came to a stop, trotting back over to her. "Sure," he said, panting a bit as well. Running as a wolf was easier than running as a human, so he wasn't nearly as tired as Amber, but he still needed to take a break every once and a while. As they rested, the werewolf glanced around to watch for any vampires, but he didn't see any at the moment. It was strange that there weren't many around, but then again their territory was very large.
Amber sighed as she sat down under a big tree. "Now that I think about it, this is actually a pretty good place to stop. It's vampire country. Almost no one lives here." She smiled at him. "We may be getting closer to what we're looking for. The only bad thing, is that there's a human town really close to here, and if they see either of us with fangs or in wolf form, they'd probably try to kill us. But humans have really bad senses of smell, so they couldn't track that we aren't completely human. So if we wanted we could try to live there. As long as we don't let them find out."
Amber sighed as she sat down under a big tree. "Now that I think about it, this is actually a pretty good place to stop. It's vampire country. Almost no one lives here." She smiled at him. "We may be getting closer to what we're looking for. The only bad thing, is that there's a human town really close to here, and if they see either of us with fangs or in wolf form, they'd probably try to kill us. But humans have really bad senses of smell, so they couldn't track that we aren't completely human. So if we wanted we could try to live there. As long as we don't let them find out."

Ashe followed Amber over to the tree and shifted into his human form before sitting down beside her. "Wait, humans?" he asked, seeming rather interested in the topic. "Maybe... maybe that's what they meant by territory that didn't belong to werewolves or vampires. Could they have been talking about human territory?" Turning to look into her eyes with a smile, he suggested, "You're right, maybe that is where we should go. We could try fitting in with the humans. As long as they don't see your fangs or my wolf form we should be fine."

Ashe followed Amber over to the tree and shifted into his human form before sitting down beside her. "Wait, humans?" he asked, seeming rather interested in the topic. "Maybe... maybe that's what they meant by territory that didn't belong to werewolves or vampires. Could they have been talking about human territory?" Turning to look into her eyes with a smile, he suggested, "You're right, maybe that is where we should go. We could try fitting in with the humans. As long as they don't see your fangs or my wolf form we should be fine."
Amber nodded. "Maybe." She smiled at him and then wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, once we make it there, what next? There has to be more" Then her face got very pale "Nathan. He'll follow us. He'll ruin it. Could we risk it?" She was truthfully scared. What was going to happen? "Maybe we should still go... If we get caught, we'll leave." She wanted to stop running. She wanted to find somewhere to stop, for as long as possible.
Amber nodded. "Maybe." She smiled at him and then wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, once we make it there, what next? There has to be more" Then her face got very pale "Nathan. He'll follow us. He'll ruin it. Could we risk it?" She was truthfully scared. What was going to happen? "Maybe we should still go... If we get caught, we'll leave." She wanted to stop running. She wanted to find somewhere to stop, for as long as possible.

Ashe smiled back at her and put his arms around her as well. "I'm not sure. Maybe we'll live there, maybe we will have to move on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Frowning slightly, he said, "If he tries anything, I'll kill him. He's been hurting you for much too long. I think we should still give it a try. It isn't like we have many choices here anyways." Looking around and standing up, he asked, "Do you know how to get there?"

Ashe smiled back at her and put his arms around her as well. "I'm not sure. Maybe we'll live there, maybe we will have to move on. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Frowning slightly, he said, "If he tries anything, I'll kill him. He's been hurting you for much too long. I think we should still give it a try. It isn't like we have many choices here anyways." Looking around and standing up, he asked, "Do you know how to get there?"
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