

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Cirque Du Fear ( Private)
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If you live in Shadow Flight or really...any flight you might have heard what I am about to tell you.
There is a place in the Tangled Wood....Where once was filled with laughter and the talent of the dragons that lived and performed there. It's looks like Carnival grounds but...abandoned...stands still up but the once brightly colored fabric is dull and grey ....yet...there is a feeling that there is something watching you if you should be so unlucky to find this old scary story a mother Shadow member will tell her hatchlings to keep them out of the woods. Oh yes...This place is still alive...filled with the freaks of the dragon world that so many have nightmares about. The show is run by one blessed by the dark one herself...she is only known as The Ringmaster! Mother to those who other's consider freaks! monsters! not worthy to live! and she gives them a place in her show.
This circus may look harmless if you so happen to stumble on it but be warned........Dragons who wander in this freakshow....Don't ....Come....Out!


The soft sound of....carnival music?
In the middle of the woods?
Yes that's what you hear my dear one...
It's another dark day in Cirque Du Fear as most are now waking up for their daily chores. A female pearlcatcher peeks out of a tent grumbling " Oh look....another glorious morning.....MAKES ME SICK!" she slinks back inside quickly with a "hmph!" as everyone begins to stir around her. Dragons of every race beginning their day. A tundra peeks out of her tent to stretch her limbs as snake familiars pour out of her warm thick fur to wiggle from their sleep as she smiles at them " Good morning friends...another day is here!" she says lovingly to her pets.
The biggest guardian in all the world opens her eyes and yawns showing her sharp teeth. Her stirring causes the two twin fae's sleeping on her back to awake and look around and get up excitedly and INSTANTLY start causing trouble.
Ringmaster emerges from the grand tent looking over her grounds and grins " another day...another show...."

@Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse
If you live in Shadow Flight or really...any flight you might have heard what I am about to tell you.
There is a place in the Tangled Wood....Where once was filled with laughter and the talent of the dragons that lived and performed there. It's looks like Carnival grounds but...abandoned...stands still up but the once brightly colored fabric is dull and grey ....yet...there is a feeling that there is something watching you if you should be so unlucky to find this old scary story a mother Shadow member will tell her hatchlings to keep them out of the woods. Oh yes...This place is still alive...filled with the freaks of the dragon world that so many have nightmares about. The show is run by one blessed by the dark one herself...she is only known as The Ringmaster! Mother to those who other's consider freaks! monsters! not worthy to live! and she gives them a place in her show.
This circus may look harmless if you so happen to stumble on it but be warned........Dragons who wander in this freakshow....Don't ....Come....Out!


The soft sound of....carnival music?
In the middle of the woods?
Yes that's what you hear my dear one...
It's another dark day in Cirque Du Fear as most are now waking up for their daily chores. A female pearlcatcher peeks out of a tent grumbling " Oh look....another glorious morning.....MAKES ME SICK!" she slinks back inside quickly with a "hmph!" as everyone begins to stir around her. Dragons of every race beginning their day. A tundra peeks out of her tent to stretch her limbs as snake familiars pour out of her warm thick fur to wiggle from their sleep as she smiles at them " Good morning friends...another day is here!" she says lovingly to her pets.
The biggest guardian in all the world opens her eyes and yawns showing her sharp teeth. Her stirring causes the two twin fae's sleeping on her back to awake and look around and get up excitedly and INSTANTLY start causing trouble.
Ringmaster emerges from the grand tent looking over her grounds and grins " another day...another show...."

@Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse
I'm participating in the FR Trick or Treating!
(( * Creature FEature's: Greatest Show unearthed plays in the background*))

A Bird. all because of a bloody bird.
Ruby aimlessly wandered through the dense woodland. It reeked of shadow terrain. Somehow she'd gotten herself turned around trying to catch a bird big enough to feed a whole colony of imperials! Brambles snagged at the young dragon time to time. She yipped.
A bloody bird caused this.
Ruby only remembered coming to consciousness seeing the bird- seeing the tangled wood- and crashing. Now she was stuck. She was unsure where she was- but..she heard music. That meant other dragons. That meant help-...right?
Ruby had no idea how incredibly wrong she was. Unaware of the dangers lurking- she wandered towards the noise- until it was right before her.


3 days. She's been gone for 3 days. Meylyn paced aimlessly. Ruby had never been gone this long- or..whoever Ruby was when she left. Nobody ever knew when Ruby was Ruby or when she was....somebody else. This was bad.
Ruby could be dangerous- She could be unpredictable, or, they could. Whoever THEY were. Meylyn had met 'them' a few times and she didn't much like them. They weren't Ruby but they were. Even Hongbaoshi had been unable to help fix her. But that was okay- Meylyn was her friend anyways. Which is why she wanted to find her. She began to search for a scent.

@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @ Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse
(( * Creature FEature's: Greatest Show unearthed plays in the background*))

A Bird. all because of a bloody bird.
Ruby aimlessly wandered through the dense woodland. It reeked of shadow terrain. Somehow she'd gotten herself turned around trying to catch a bird big enough to feed a whole colony of imperials! Brambles snagged at the young dragon time to time. She yipped.
A bloody bird caused this.
Ruby only remembered coming to consciousness seeing the bird- seeing the tangled wood- and crashing. Now she was stuck. She was unsure where she was- but..she heard music. That meant other dragons. That meant help-...right?
Ruby had no idea how incredibly wrong she was. Unaware of the dangers lurking- she wandered towards the noise- until it was right before her.


3 days. She's been gone for 3 days. Meylyn paced aimlessly. Ruby had never been gone this long- or..whoever Ruby was when she left. Nobody ever knew when Ruby was Ruby or when she was....somebody else. This was bad.
Ruby could be dangerous- She could be unpredictable, or, they could. Whoever THEY were. Meylyn had met 'them' a few times and she didn't much like them. They weren't Ruby but they were. Even Hongbaoshi had been unable to help fix her. But that was okay- Meylyn was her friend anyways. Which is why she wanted to find her. She began to search for a scent.

@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @ Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Salem came out of her own tent upon hearing the ruckus. "You need to embrace the day. What about that old phrase 'carpet dime'[size=2] [b](carpe diem)[/b][/size].... or something like that..." She proposed to the pearlcatcher. The new days always made Salem shiver with excitement. Another day to see the acts and another day to spend with her circus. She wasn't [i]technically[/i] part of the group, but considered herself to be close enough. She followed them around day to day, helped them when needed, and chatted often. She stayed near the tents for two reasons. One, because the fear and danger excited her in odd ways and two, there was a certain dragon that she favored among the rest. @SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @ 4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse


Salem came out of her own tent upon hearing the ruckus. "You need to embrace the day. What about that old phrase 'carpet dime' (carpe diem).... or something like that..." She proposed to the pearlcatcher. The new days always made Salem shiver with excitement. Another day to see the acts and another day to spend with her circus. She wasn't technically part of the group, but considered herself to be close enough. She followed them around day to day, helped them when needed, and chatted often.

She stayed near the tents for two reasons. One, because the fear and danger excited her in odd ways and two, there was a certain dragon that she favored among the rest.

@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @ 4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @ Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It had been a while. How long? She couldn't tell. Maybe it had been a few days, maybe it had only been a few hours. She couldn't tell. The Tangled Woods were just darkness to her; she couldn't tell the difference between day and night. The Pearlcatcher did know something. She had committed a terrible act. She couldn't go back. No, she couldn't go anywhere if they knew... And they would know. She would spill in a fit of fear, and then they would chase her off, like everyone else had done. So she had decided to run away. Where better to go than to the land of darkness? Nobody would find her there. [i]Nobody...[/i] The dragon shivered. She always felt like there were eyes watching her, laughing at her in the darkness. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find anything. Her blood-stained paws wearily padded through the woods, each step taking more courage to place down in front instead of behind. Courage she didn't have. Her breathing was shallow, quiet but fast. She was scared out of her mind. The Pearlcatcher had come to a clearing, an empty clearing, filled with dozens of the glowing mushrooms, when she had declared no more. Her legs lost their will to move, and she slid quite ungracefully onto her stomach. She laid there for a moment before curling up and covering herself with her wings. Her pearl was barely visible between the mass of limbs, and the birdskulls that decorated her body each stared out blankly into the trees. Maybe someone nice would come by. Maybe someone who didn't care about the fact she had killed could find her, and take her in... ((I can't get 'Such Horrible Things' out of my mind. Or 'Bad Blood'. Or 'The Greatest Show Unearthed'. I really like Creature Feature... And those three songs. And 'A Gorey Demise'. I could just sing the lyrics all day, hahahahahahahahahaaa...))
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @ Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse


It had been a while. How long? She couldn't tell. Maybe it had been a few days, maybe it had only been a few hours. She couldn't tell. The Tangled Woods were just darkness to her; she couldn't tell the difference between day and night. The Pearlcatcher did know something. She had committed a terrible act. She couldn't go back. No, she couldn't go anywhere if they knew... And they would know. She would spill in a fit of fear, and then they would chase her off, like everyone else had done.

So she had decided to run away. Where better to go than to the land of darkness? Nobody would find her there. Nobody... The dragon shivered. She always felt like there were eyes watching her, laughing at her in the darkness. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find anything. Her blood-stained paws wearily padded through the woods, each step taking more courage to place down in front instead of behind. Courage she didn't have. Her breathing was shallow, quiet but fast. She was scared out of her mind.

The Pearlcatcher had come to a clearing, an empty clearing, filled with dozens of the glowing mushrooms, when she had declared no more. Her legs lost their will to move, and she slid quite ungracefully onto her stomach. She laid there for a moment before curling up and covering herself with her wings. Her pearl was barely visible between the mass of limbs, and the birdskulls that decorated her body each stared out blankly into the trees. Maybe someone nice would come by. Maybe someone who didn't care about the fact she had killed could find her, and take her in...

((I can't get 'Such Horrible Things' out of my mind. Or 'Bad Blood'. Or 'The Greatest Show Unearthed'. I really like Creature Feature... And those three songs. And 'A Gorey Demise'. I could just sing the lyrics all day, hahahahahahahahahaaa...))
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@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @ Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Shuichi awoke when sunlight hit his eyes. He gave a sleepy yawn before stretching his body. The other dragons were already awake. Some were cranky, but some were absolutely positive. He even heard one say [i]carpe diem[/i] though her pronunciation was a bit off. [i]Seize the day indeed...or as I like to call it "seize a new life."[/i] He chuckled to himself. It had been a few days since he joined this circus, and how marvelous were those days were. Every show in his performance, he'd torture some poor sap to death. Even last night, he stayed up late playing with a small rabbit he had caught. Its carcass and blood was still splattered on his tent ground. Shu smiled as he glanced at it remembering how the poor creature screamed and whined. Even his body was still covered in fresh blood. He'd have to clean up by the river later before his performance. "Another day...another blood," he hummed as he went out of his tent.
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @ Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse


Shuichi awoke when sunlight hit his eyes. He gave a sleepy yawn before stretching his body. The other dragons were already awake. Some were cranky, but some were absolutely positive. He even heard one say carpe diem though her pronunciation was a bit off. Seize the day indeed...or as I like to call it "seize a new life." He chuckled to himself.

It had been a few days since he joined this circus, and how marvelous were those days were. Every show in his performance, he'd torture some poor sap to death. Even last night, he stayed up late playing with a small rabbit he had caught. Its carcass and blood was still splattered on his tent ground. Shu smiled as he glanced at it remembering how the poor creature screamed and whined. Even his body was still covered in fresh blood. He'd have to clean up by the river later before his performance. "Another day...another blood," he hummed as he went out of his tent.
[center]@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ ClockworkEclipse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Technirius awoke to a bright day for the darkness of the Tangled Wood, and a smile played across his lips. This was it. His first day. He'd joined a short time ago, and his first performance was today. He ruffled his feathers, stepping out of his makeshift nest inside a deep purple tent, albeit run down and worn since it was most certainly not new. He was the new one, after all. He looked back at the nest to see Bubon, his familiar, slumbering within the soft confines, his rotting form giving him the appearance of death itself, and he smirked. He may have been able to play out his own death to a T, but he could never get it quite right, but Bubon could even scare him at times. He nudged the familiar, soft at first, then roughly. "Get up, you great lummox! It's our first day! We need to be looking our best!" He paused. "Or for you, your [i]worst[/i]." He chuckled at his joke, but the laughter didn't last long, as his attempts to wake the familiar were thwarted by a large bear rolling over onto his head. The familiar finally rested snugly upon his shoulder blades, thoroughly trapping the Coatl beneath his girth. "Hey! Gerroff!" He sighed, his struggles halting. Carpe diem? Seize the day...? One set of claws rapped the floor of the tent in annoyance as the other propped up his head, his tongue slithering out as he hissed softly. "Instead of seizing the day, you seem to have seized [i]me[/i]." He grumbled. Then he smiled. "Maybe I can convince you to move just a skosh bit to the right, perhaps?" A loud snore greeted him. "Of course not." he grumbled. Then he got an idea. "My dear friend, do you recall the last time I used the arts of the Plaguetouch?" Bubon grunted, smacking his lips before rolling off the Coatl. Technirius beamed. "I see you do. Hey, I might've been able to control it this time!" Bubon just sat up, staring sleepily at his master. Finally, he snorted and rolled over, deciding sleep was better than the other options. The purple Coatl glared. "Oh no you don't!" Soon, the tent flaps were pushed aside as the Coatl pushed his familiar outside, leaving a thick rut behind him from the simple fact that the Murktooth Bramblekeep was being stubborn, sitting up yet not lifting a single rotten paw. Technirius was sliding himself, trying to force the familiar out with broken speech from his effort. "You. Are. So. Insufferable!" He sat down, panting as he ran a paw along one of many crooks in his neck. Bubon finally turned his head back, blinking slowly as he let out a confused grunt. "Oh give it a rest. We have to get ready." Technirius stood, stretching as a wide grin settled on his face. "Stubborn Familiars aside, this is our first day, so let's make this count!" He felt his feathers ruffle in his excitement. He finally could be appreciated for his work. "It's [i]showtime[/i]." ((Sorry for late post! Summer school isn't fun XD. Now, to ease this mind all wrapped in mathematics and the complex weaves of the US Government, a touch of comedy from Technirius and his rotting Murktooth Bramblekeep Bubon~!))[/center]
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ ClockworkEclipse


Technirius awoke to a bright day for the darkness of the Tangled Wood, and a smile played across his lips. This was it. His first day. He'd joined a short time ago, and his first performance was today. He ruffled his feathers, stepping out of his makeshift nest inside a deep purple tent, albeit run down and worn since it was most certainly not new. He was the new one, after all. He looked back at the nest to see Bubon, his familiar, slumbering within the soft confines, his rotting form giving him the appearance of death itself, and he smirked. He may have been able to play out his own death to a T, but he could never get it quite right, but Bubon could even scare him at times. He nudged the familiar, soft at first, then roughly. "Get up, you great lummox! It's our first day! We need to be looking our best!" He paused. "Or for you, your worst." He chuckled at his joke, but the laughter didn't last long, as his attempts to wake the familiar were thwarted by a large bear rolling over onto his head. The familiar finally rested snugly upon his shoulder blades, thoroughly trapping the Coatl beneath his girth. "Hey! Gerroff!" He sighed, his struggles halting. Carpe diem? Seize the day...? One set of claws rapped the floor of the tent in annoyance as the other propped up his head, his tongue slithering out as he hissed softly. "Instead of seizing the day, you seem to have seized me." He grumbled. Then he smiled. "Maybe I can convince you to move just a skosh bit to the right, perhaps?" A loud snore greeted him. "Of course not." he grumbled. Then he got an idea. "My dear friend, do you recall the last time I used the arts of the Plaguetouch?" Bubon grunted, smacking his lips before rolling off the Coatl. Technirius beamed. "I see you do. Hey, I might've been able to control it this time!" Bubon just sat up, staring sleepily at his master. Finally, he snorted and rolled over, deciding sleep was better than the other options. The purple Coatl glared. "Oh no you don't!" Soon, the tent flaps were pushed aside as the Coatl pushed his familiar outside, leaving a thick rut behind him from the simple fact that the Murktooth Bramblekeep was being stubborn, sitting up yet not lifting a single rotten paw. Technirius was sliding himself, trying to force the familiar out with broken speech from his effort. "You. Are. So. Insufferable!" He sat down, panting as he ran a paw along one of many crooks in his neck. Bubon finally turned his head back, blinking slowly as he let out a confused grunt. "Oh give it a rest. We have to get ready." Technirius stood, stretching as a wide grin settled on his face. "Stubborn Familiars aside, this is our first day, so let's make this count!" He felt his feathers ruffle in his excitement. He finally could be appreciated for his work. "It's showtime."

((Sorry for late post! Summer school isn't fun XD. Now, to ease this mind all wrapped in mathematics and the complex weaves of the US Government, a touch of comedy from Technirius and his rotting Murktooth Bramblekeep Bubon~!))

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Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @ AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Running. It's all he ever known to do for the past few days. Vincent managed to make it to the Tangled Wood without his "master" catching on. He was lost now, though. He could've sworn he passed that serthis-shaped rock atleast twice now. He was going in circles, now wondering if it were better he stayed in the Viridian Labyrinth..with [i]her[/i]. He began his journey again, silks floating about his person as he tried, in vain, to find the exit. Only to "M-music?? In the woods?" he whispered to himself, following the sound of music. As he came upon the circus, his non-scarred eye widened in awe and surprise. "A-a..circus!?" he croaked, wings folding closely to his sides.
@SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @ AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse


Running. It's all he ever known to do for the past few days.

Vincent managed to make it to the Tangled Wood without his "master" catching on. He was lost now, though. He could've sworn he passed that serthis-shaped rock atleast twice now. He was going in circles, now wondering if it were better he stayed in the Viridian Labyrinth..with her.

He began his journey again, silks floating about his person as he tried, in vain, to find the exit. Only to "M-music?? In the woods?" he whispered to himself, following the sound of music. As he came upon the circus, his non-scarred eye widened in awe and surprise. "A-a..circus!?" he croaked, wings folding closely to his sides.
@Scryzze *hugs and doesn't let go* Yes...Yes Creature Feature does that to ones squishy mind because ONE BY ONE WE BITE THE DUST KICK THE BUCKET BEGIN TO RUST GIVE UP THE GHOST WHEN YOUR NUMBERS UP WE ALL FALL DOWN!)) @ SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @ AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The twins being hyper as usual pranced over to Ringmaster with glee and looked up at her speaking together as they so usually did. " Can we feed Gale now can we?!" Peter grins " Today it's the boy's turn to feed dear sister!" Vanessa growled at her twin brother red eyes gleaming " I'm afraid your wrong dear brother you boys fed her yesterday! today it's girls!" she says smiling up at Ringmaster who chuckles at Peter " Sorry Peter but your sister is's girls today and boys tomorrow.." she says as the male fae pouts. The Ringmaster glares playfully " Now I'm warning you if you mess up Gales feeding JUST cause your not having your way there WILL be punishment!" she smirks making him gulp and nodd before scampering away. @Scryzze @AllieKatterra @Cyva [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Constantine the worlds biggest guardian and Gregory the Circus knife thrower go along the edges of the tangled woods in circus territory to gather leaves and bugs for those who can't eat meat. Gregory being ....himself groans stuffing some unknown leaves in a bag not even bothering to look at them " I don't see why I have to come and help YOU find FOOD! I should be back at the show! I need to practice! besides.." he gives a smirk " What on earth will the ladies do while i'm gone~" he purrs as Constantine rolls her eyes " Your hopeless....." she says as she lifts a log with her tail and throws it out of the way.
@Scryzze *hugs and doesn't let go* Yes...Yes Creature Feature does that to ones squishy mind because ONE BY ONE WE BITE THE DUST KICK THE BUCKET BEGIN TO RUST GIVE UP THE GHOST WHEN YOUR NUMBERS UP WE ALL FALL DOWN!))

@ SmilingScorpio @Mysterious32 @Cyva @Solztize @4th @ AllieKatterra @Scryzze @ClockworkEclipse



The twins being hyper as usual pranced over to Ringmaster with glee and looked up at her speaking together as they so usually did. " Can we feed Gale now can we?!" Peter grins " Today it's the boy's turn to feed dear sister!" Vanessa growled at her twin brother red eyes gleaming " I'm afraid your wrong dear brother you boys fed her yesterday! today it's girls!" she says smiling up at Ringmaster who chuckles at Peter " Sorry Peter but your sister is's girls today and boys tomorrow.." she says as the male fae pouts. The Ringmaster glares playfully " Now I'm warning you if you mess up Gales feeding JUST cause your not having your way there WILL be punishment!" she smirks making him gulp and nodd before scampering away.

@Scryzze @AllieKatterra @Cyva



Constantine the worlds biggest guardian and Gregory the Circus knife thrower go along the edges of the tangled woods in circus territory to gather leaves and bugs for those who can't eat meat. Gregory being ....himself groans stuffing some unknown leaves in a bag not even bothering to look at them " I don't see why I have to come and help YOU find FOOD! I should be back at the show! I need to practice! besides.." he gives a smirk " What on earth will the ladies do while i'm gone~" he purrs as Constantine rolls her eyes " Your hopeless....." she says as she lifts a log with her tail and throws it out of the way.
I'm participating in the FR Trick or Treating!

Vincent caught sight of the guardian first, before he even saw the ridgeback. His first instinct was to run.. But he had to know where he was. He cautiously approached, body low and slumped, almost as if he was suppose to be at a permanent bow. "Uhm..e-excuse me..miss. Could..could you tell me where I am, if that is alright?" he asked, his voice low and stuttery, with a light english accent.

Vincent caught sight of the guardian first, before he even saw the ridgeback. His first instinct was to run.. But he had to know where he was. He cautiously approached, body low and slumped, almost as if he was suppose to be at a permanent bow. "Uhm..e-excuse me..miss. Could..could you tell me where I am, if that is alright?" he asked, his voice low and stuttery, with a light english accent.

A blush flooded across Salem's cheeks as she realized her pronunciation was.. a bit off. She often used phrases she had picked up off the streets, or in this case from travelling customers. She hummed to herself the song of the circus as she tidied (as much as one could tidy an old, worn down circus). This was her sixth show with the group since she had discovered them and she was beginning to find her niche within the performances and the dragons around her. For instance, she knew not to mess with the grumpy pearlcatcher often. Salem's calm and happy go lucky personality just didn't quite mesh with the pearlcatcher's negative one.

Constantine on the other hand, seemed to have the right sense of humor for Salem's taste. Not to mention Salem admired Constantine's size.

A blush flooded across Salem's cheeks as she realized her pronunciation was.. a bit off. She often used phrases she had picked up off the streets, or in this case from travelling customers. She hummed to herself the song of the circus as she tidied (as much as one could tidy an old, worn down circus). This was her sixth show with the group since she had discovered them and she was beginning to find her niche within the performances and the dragons around her. For instance, she knew not to mess with the grumpy pearlcatcher often. Salem's calm and happy go lucky personality just didn't quite mesh with the pearlcatcher's negative one.

Constantine on the other hand, seemed to have the right sense of humor for Salem's taste. Not to mention Salem admired Constantine's size.
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