

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Daeni's Hotel: Winters touch (closed)
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Dean looked confused and handed the money Sara gave to her back to Flint.
"No pay for family," She chuckled and nuzzled her mate.
"Dinners at 6" She said and sent one of her workers to tell the others. "I have some paper work to do but... I'll meet you up in our room later?" She asked flicking her tail at his face.


"Has dad got more stricked or something?" Vishiya asked her sister using her arcane magic to carry her bags inset of using her hands.
Vishiya was extremely gifted with magic.
"You know I'm going to go find Neptune later."

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper

Dean looked confused and handed the money Sara gave to her back to Flint.
"No pay for family," She chuckled and nuzzled her mate.
"Dinners at 6" She said and sent one of her workers to tell the others. "I have some paper work to do but... I'll meet you up in our room later?" She asked flicking her tail at his face.


"Has dad got more stricked or something?" Vishiya asked her sister using her arcane magic to carry her bags inset of using her hands.
Vishiya was extremely gifted with magic.
"You know I'm going to go find Neptune later."

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper
:3 ps I'm dyslexic
@Rinjichan13 @littleleopard @cryptvokeeper

Neptune began walking a bit faster as he heard Flint yelling at him. "Yes, sir!" he said half sarcastically and half seriously.

"Would you please just stop talking?" Vladimir said to his brother. "Leave Flint and Vishiya alone."

"Yeah, yeah..." Neptune said, using the key to get into his room. It was a light blue colored Lightning styled room. He hopped onto the bed and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling and setting his pearl down beside the bed.

Vladimir stepped into the room and began speaking, "Neptune, I understand you are upset but-"

"Could you just leave me alone?" the blue Pearlcatcher said irritably, glaring at the ceiling.

Vladimir sighed and stepped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. He made his way to his Lightning room a few doors away. At least I can be near him. This will make my life a bit easier. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, sitting down on the bed and looking around the familiar room.
@Rinjichan13 @littleleopard @cryptvokeeper

Neptune began walking a bit faster as he heard Flint yelling at him. "Yes, sir!" he said half sarcastically and half seriously.

"Would you please just stop talking?" Vladimir said to his brother. "Leave Flint and Vishiya alone."

"Yeah, yeah..." Neptune said, using the key to get into his room. It was a light blue colored Lightning styled room. He hopped onto the bed and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling and setting his pearl down beside the bed.

Vladimir stepped into the room and began speaking, "Neptune, I understand you are upset but-"

"Could you just leave me alone?" the blue Pearlcatcher said irritably, glaring at the ceiling.

Vladimir sighed and stepped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. He made his way to his Lightning room a few doors away. At least I can be near him. This will make my life a bit easier. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, sitting down on the bed and looking around the familiar room.
(I have to sleep night guys)

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper
(I have to sleep night guys)

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper
:3 ps I'm dyslexic
((@littleleopard Ok, good night!))
((@littleleopard Ok, good night!))
@cryptvokeeper@DragonsRKewl @littleleopard

- Flint -

Flint turned his attention too his mate. " Thank you don't have to do this....", He kissed right on the lips. He missed holding her and his heart heart every time he thought of while he was away. " I'll met you there...", Flint nuzzled Daeni and went to his Shadow room.

- Sera -

" know how he likes to hover over you...", Sera sighed. She watched her sister use her match so well. Sera had never been girted with magic like her siblings. At first it made her sad, then a little jealous. She used to hurt herself, trying to improve her magic, but always failed. Magic just wasn't for her.

Sera now gave up on that and forced on her normal combat skills. It stilled bothered her from time to time, but her father always used to remind her of her intelligence. " You are the youngest after all....and a rebel. I know its annoying though...", she signed feeling bad for Ivy. Sera was great at building gadgets for her clan and fixing things, but it didn't mean she couldn't dress up for it. "Be careful now how Dad loves to snoop...ugh...why is he so strict. We are more than trust worthy "

- Vlad

Vlad heard his father's familiar yell, as he ascended the stairs. If there was trouble, or his father was angry, Ivy was defiantly behind it. Well, most of the time. Vlad walked up to his room and walked into it. He imminently started floating and laughed. He loved to fly just like his mother, and seeing the world from a bird's eye view, was just breath taking. Vlad was parting tonight!
@cryptvokeeper@DragonsRKewl @littleleopard

- Flint -

Flint turned his attention too his mate. " Thank you don't have to do this....", He kissed right on the lips. He missed holding her and his heart heart every time he thought of while he was away. " I'll met you there...", Flint nuzzled Daeni and went to his Shadow room.

- Sera -

" know how he likes to hover over you...", Sera sighed. She watched her sister use her match so well. Sera had never been girted with magic like her siblings. At first it made her sad, then a little jealous. She used to hurt herself, trying to improve her magic, but always failed. Magic just wasn't for her.

Sera now gave up on that and forced on her normal combat skills. It stilled bothered her from time to time, but her father always used to remind her of her intelligence. " You are the youngest after all....and a rebel. I know its annoying though...", she signed feeling bad for Ivy. Sera was great at building gadgets for her clan and fixing things, but it didn't mean she couldn't dress up for it. "Be careful now how Dad loves to snoop...ugh...why is he so strict. We are more than trust worthy "

- Vlad

Vlad heard his father's familiar yell, as he ascended the stairs. If there was trouble, or his father was angry, Ivy was defiantly behind it. Well, most of the time. Vlad walked up to his room and walked into it. He imminently started floating and laughed. He loved to fly just like his mother, and seeing the world from a bird's eye view, was just breath taking. Vlad was parting tonight!
iceanim_by_javen-d6bl00w.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif icewardensmall_zps5fe23c8a.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png
@littleleopard ((night!)) @DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13

Cumulo entered his room and dropped his things on the table before sitting in a chair. The warm lights of the room took the chill of winter off as he unpacked a bit and settled down. His room had a window too. When he glanced out it was still snowing hard, and seemed to be getting harder. Maybe he should've waited for Piera after all, what if she got lost in the storm?
@littleleopard ((night!)) @DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13

Cumulo entered his room and dropped his things on the table before sitting in a chair. The warm lights of the room took the chill of winter off as he unpacked a bit and settled down. His room had a window too. When he glanced out it was still snowing hard, and seemed to be getting harder. Maybe he should've waited for Piera after all, what if she got lost in the storm?

Daeni finished her paper work just as it started to grow dark outside. She saw a shape flying towards the Island and guessed it was Cumulo's partner. She opened the door and waited for her to fly in.


"Yere yere. He wouldn't let me get an Accent! Its not like they hurt!" She landed on Sara's bed and folded her wings away.

"So... Would you like that other Scatter scroll?" She asked puffing out her chest pleased with her self.

she watched as Sara began to unpack.

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper

Daeni finished her paper work just as it started to grow dark outside. She saw a shape flying towards the Island and guessed it was Cumulo's partner. She opened the door and waited for her to fly in.


"Yere yere. He wouldn't let me get an Accent! Its not like they hurt!" She landed on Sara's bed and folded her wings away.

"So... Would you like that other Scatter scroll?" She asked puffing out her chest pleased with her self.

she watched as Sara began to unpack.

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper
:3 ps I'm dyslexic
@littleleopard @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper


Neptune picked up his pearl again and held it above his chest for a moment before releasing it, the pearl hovering above him on its own. He lifted a hand and moved it in circular motions, the pearl floating whichever direction his hand moved. He was also very skilled at using magic, just as skilled as his brother had become by now. Maybe even more so. He sighed out of boredom and lowered the pearl, letting it drop into the bed beside him. He was a night owl, so he would likely stay awake for quite a while longer before sleeping.


Vladimir noticed that it was getting dark and, unlike his brother, began to feel sleepy. After turning off the lights, he set his pearl down beside him and curled up on the bed with a yawn., closing his eyes and falling asleep.
@littleleopard @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper


Neptune picked up his pearl again and held it above his chest for a moment before releasing it, the pearl hovering above him on its own. He lifted a hand and moved it in circular motions, the pearl floating whichever direction his hand moved. He was also very skilled at using magic, just as skilled as his brother had become by now. Maybe even more so. He sighed out of boredom and lowered the pearl, letting it drop into the bed beside him. He was a night owl, so he would likely stay awake for quite a while longer before sleeping.


Vladimir noticed that it was getting dark and, unlike his brother, began to feel sleepy. After turning off the lights, he set his pearl down beside him and curled up on the bed with a yawn., closing his eyes and falling asleep.
@littleleopard @Rinjichan13 @DragonsRKewl [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Piera landed roughly on the snowy ground. Shaking of the chill and flurries from the ride here, she observed the building before her with a critical eye. 'Not as impressive as the two arcane dragons had made it out to be,' she thought, 'but a hotel is a hotel.' She noticed the door being held open by an employee and hurried inside. "is Cumulo here?" She asked the nocturne. ((No offense to the hotel, that just Piera's personality))
@littleleopard @Rinjichan13 @DragonsRKewl


Piera landed roughly on the snowy ground. Shaking of the chill and flurries from the ride here, she observed the building before her with a critical eye. 'Not as impressive as the two arcane dragons had made it out to be,' she thought, 'but a hotel is a hotel.' She noticed the door being held open by an employee and hurried inside. "is Cumulo here?" She asked the nocturne.

((No offense to the hotel, that just Piera's personality))

Daeni rised her eyebrow. She eyed the coalt. She wasn't as pretty as Yallijesh in her opinion (hers not mine she's very pretty)
"The Annoying Imperial that came in earlier Yere he's here. And here is your key," she walked off to then look for her mate.


Vishiya got up and stretched.

"I'm going to go find that cute Perlcatcher catch you at dinner?" She said and walked off, heading towards the lightning section.

She knocked on the door next door to Vladimirs, guessing he would be in there.

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper

(What you think of my avatar?)

Daeni rised her eyebrow. She eyed the coalt. She wasn't as pretty as Yallijesh in her opinion (hers not mine she's very pretty)
"The Annoying Imperial that came in earlier Yere he's here. And here is your key," she walked off to then look for her mate.


Vishiya got up and stretched.

"I'm going to go find that cute Perlcatcher catch you at dinner?" She said and walked off, heading towards the lightning section.

She knocked on the door next door to Vladimirs, guessing he would be in there.

@DragonsRKewl @Rinjichan13 @cryptvokeeper

(What you think of my avatar?)
:3 ps I'm dyslexic
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