

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Rising RP thread
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This is for people who have already signed up, go to sign up!

Shorthand characters (just snippets, refer back to OOC thread for full bio)


Sariah/Aven/Female/23/Rogue @shadowguardian0

Crow/Aven/Male/27/Rogue @shadowguardian0

Trista/Chioptered/Female/16/Loner @Jestergurl


Felan/Caned/Male/17/Light @xxtatsuxx

Shaelynn “Pigeon” Baker/Picten/Female/17/Light @rooibosinblue

Findri Corr/Dracon,Caned/Male/27/Light @quicksilvr

Misty/Picten/Female/16/Light @oreo321

Jaden Oneill/Dracon, Feled/ Female/16/Light @catamber


Anise DeLucian/Picten/Female/29/Dark @theirin

Zosia (Pronounced like Sasha, but with a zzz) Corr/Aven/Female/32/Dark @quicksilvr

Marcus ‘Marc’ Fathius/Aven/Male/23/Dark @Jestergurl

On Hold/quit/pause

Mortem Nightengale/Arachned/34/Male/Rogue @invadercristi

This is for people who have already signed up, go to sign up!

Shorthand characters (just snippets, refer back to OOC thread for full bio)


Sariah/Aven/Female/23/Rogue @shadowguardian0

Crow/Aven/Male/27/Rogue @shadowguardian0

Trista/Chioptered/Female/16/Loner @Jestergurl


Felan/Caned/Male/17/Light @xxtatsuxx

Shaelynn “Pigeon” Baker/Picten/Female/17/Light @rooibosinblue

Findri Corr/Dracon,Caned/Male/27/Light @quicksilvr

Misty/Picten/Female/16/Light @oreo321

Jaden Oneill/Dracon, Feled/ Female/16/Light @catamber


Anise DeLucian/Picten/Female/29/Dark @theirin

Zosia (Pronounced like Sasha, but with a zzz) Corr/Aven/Female/32/Dark @quicksilvr

Marcus ‘Marc’ Fathius/Aven/Male/23/Dark @Jestergurl

On Hold/quit/pause

Mortem Nightengale/Arachned/34/Male/Rogue @invadercristi

Sariah gave a sigh as it started to rain. She needed to scavenge for food, but boy she hated flying in the rain. She sat two floors above her residence and stared at the rainfall. She gave another sigh as she slung a rifle over her back. Herds of wild deer and their predators started to move into the city, foraging on new, unsupressed growth. A doe would feed her a while and she didn't even bother to cook it anymore. The flavor of blood was purest uncooked, and she didn't have to build a fire or call any unwanted attention to her. Building fires was dangerous.

She readjusted her clothing and walked off the edge of the building. She aimed herself downward and opened her larger pair of wings and started flying in the direction of the herds. Not long after, she saw the herd in the distance and perched about a mile away. From this distance, a shot was easy. Before, a mile shot was impressive for a pure human, but her eyes and senses were so much better. She could see a mouse from a hundred feet up, it was five times better than before. though her color vision had changed. There was much more contrast and movement was easier to see.

She took a breath as she focused down the scope and took the shot. She didn't have to look to know she hit it. She gave a smile, venison was one of the better meats nowadays. Horse and Beef were too domestic in her mind. Hopefully nobody was around to hear the shot, but if they had, she had better quickly gut and skin the deer and stash it somewhere. She flew toward the kill, quickly, and hoped there would be no conflict. People nowadays were such jerks and most would kill you for things as trivial as a cloak.
Sariah gave a sigh as it started to rain. She needed to scavenge for food, but boy she hated flying in the rain. She sat two floors above her residence and stared at the rainfall. She gave another sigh as she slung a rifle over her back. Herds of wild deer and their predators started to move into the city, foraging on new, unsupressed growth. A doe would feed her a while and she didn't even bother to cook it anymore. The flavor of blood was purest uncooked, and she didn't have to build a fire or call any unwanted attention to her. Building fires was dangerous.

She readjusted her clothing and walked off the edge of the building. She aimed herself downward and opened her larger pair of wings and started flying in the direction of the herds. Not long after, she saw the herd in the distance and perched about a mile away. From this distance, a shot was easy. Before, a mile shot was impressive for a pure human, but her eyes and senses were so much better. She could see a mouse from a hundred feet up, it was five times better than before. though her color vision had changed. There was much more contrast and movement was easier to see.

She took a breath as she focused down the scope and took the shot. She didn't have to look to know she hit it. She gave a smile, venison was one of the better meats nowadays. Horse and Beef were too domestic in her mind. Hopefully nobody was around to hear the shot, but if they had, she had better quickly gut and skin the deer and stash it somewhere. She flew toward the kill, quickly, and hoped there would be no conflict. People nowadays were such jerks and most would kill you for things as trivial as a cloak.
Anise DeLucian

There’s a burning in my throat, one that I’ve been forced into getting used to. I’d been this way for a decade but GEEZ. The man beneath me squirms and adds to my headache with his screams. “It burns! It burns! Help me, please!” I wholly agreed with him, it burned like hell. This guy just wouldn’t die, if he would hurry it up I could get out of here and splash some water on myself or something.

I waited for approximately twelve seconds before groaning and standing up. “Seriously man! I doubt you’ve put as much effort into anything else in your life as you are now. Dying is easier than hogging your parent’s couch. Have a little pride! Be the best corpse you can.” I threw my hands up in the air as I spoke, their movements punctuated my frustration. My knife came smoothly from it’s sheath on my left hip and I tapped the dull side on a tree at the edge of the forest. A noise tugged at my ear and I turned my head in the direction of the river where the seemingly eternal man was laying. “What?”

He pulled himself so he was resting on his side and tried to glare but the effect was lacking as his eyelids fluttered. “I was a lawyer before all this-” He coughed and raised a shaking hand in my direction, “I saw the tattoo on your neck, you’re doing this because I put your family behind bars aren’t you?” He wheezed and tried to keep his gaze on me, the attempted defiance was charming but his words were beyond frustrating.

“Come on, why are all of you so caught up in the past? This world is different, there are no rules. No order. Though while we’re on the subject,” I sat cross-legged by his knees, “I was at that trial, that was some impressive work on your end. I always assumed you had been killed ages ago. Way to make it this long.” I slid back a few inches. “This has nothing to do with the mafia, though I’ll admit maybe my methods are a bit similar, this is about sending a message. You could call it a reminder. Anyway pal, court is adjourned.” I stopped fidgeting with my knife and brought it across his leg, releasing the pressure in the femoral artery and receiving a disgustingly warm spray of blood across my face and neck. Using both my legs I pushed the man into the river and let the current do the rest of the work.

I moved upriver a bit and further into the shade before hopping into the water and sinking down to my neck. It felt great to have the water rushing over my gills even though salt water was so much better, and I leaned my head back. Now it was just a matter of time before that corpse floated right into the city and reminded some people of their place. This was a world of animals and animals obeyed the food chain.
Anise DeLucian

There’s a burning in my throat, one that I’ve been forced into getting used to. I’d been this way for a decade but GEEZ. The man beneath me squirms and adds to my headache with his screams. “It burns! It burns! Help me, please!” I wholly agreed with him, it burned like hell. This guy just wouldn’t die, if he would hurry it up I could get out of here and splash some water on myself or something.

I waited for approximately twelve seconds before groaning and standing up. “Seriously man! I doubt you’ve put as much effort into anything else in your life as you are now. Dying is easier than hogging your parent’s couch. Have a little pride! Be the best corpse you can.” I threw my hands up in the air as I spoke, their movements punctuated my frustration. My knife came smoothly from it’s sheath on my left hip and I tapped the dull side on a tree at the edge of the forest. A noise tugged at my ear and I turned my head in the direction of the river where the seemingly eternal man was laying. “What?”

He pulled himself so he was resting on his side and tried to glare but the effect was lacking as his eyelids fluttered. “I was a lawyer before all this-” He coughed and raised a shaking hand in my direction, “I saw the tattoo on your neck, you’re doing this because I put your family behind bars aren’t you?” He wheezed and tried to keep his gaze on me, the attempted defiance was charming but his words were beyond frustrating.

“Come on, why are all of you so caught up in the past? This world is different, there are no rules. No order. Though while we’re on the subject,” I sat cross-legged by his knees, “I was at that trial, that was some impressive work on your end. I always assumed you had been killed ages ago. Way to make it this long.” I slid back a few inches. “This has nothing to do with the mafia, though I’ll admit maybe my methods are a bit similar, this is about sending a message. You could call it a reminder. Anyway pal, court is adjourned.” I stopped fidgeting with my knife and brought it across his leg, releasing the pressure in the femoral artery and receiving a disgustingly warm spray of blood across my face and neck. Using both my legs I pushed the man into the river and let the current do the rest of the work.

I moved upriver a bit and further into the shade before hopping into the water and sinking down to my neck. It felt great to have the water rushing over my gills even though salt water was so much better, and I leaned my head back. Now it was just a matter of time before that corpse floated right into the city and reminded some people of their place. This was a world of animals and animals obeyed the food chain.
When Pigeon woke up this morning she could hardly contain herself. It was raining! The rain brought many things, puddles, run off, and an increased sense in security for Pigeon. With water everywhere, she could do pretty much anything. Or in the very least, she felt like she could and that's really half that battle. She got ready as fast as she could, which to be honest was not very quickly as she had to make sure her hair looked nice and her makeup was flawless. It didn't matter that the makeup would probably wash off and her hair was going to be drenched in the matter of minutes, it was the thought, and the routine that mattered more. She put on a rain jacket, some shorts, and her rain boots. After grabbing some jerky as an impromptu breakfast, she was off.

After locking the door to their apartment, Pigeon headed down the many stairs to the ground. She tapped into the wiring to make sure she couldn't feel another person in the building. Everyday she would do this to ensure that her and her roommate were the only residents of this seemingly abandoned building. They preferred it that way, since it was impossible to trust anyone nowadays. Though to be honest, Pigeon felt like the building a little nerve-wracking, especially now that her roommate had been gone for upwards of two weeks. She never really asked where her roommate was going anymore, though she longed to hang out more. Or maybe she was just getting lonely.

Either way, no amount of loneliness could ruin the wonder that was the down pour that engulfed the entire city. It was truly perfect, she couldn't ask for anything more. She never bothered putting her hood up, since she really wanted to feel the water. Her hair clung to her face as she put out her arms to really embrace the rain. And then she heard a gunshot and froze, immediately feeling at her hips for her gun. She desperately hoped that whoever shot the gun was hunting, though she doubted that was the case. To be safe, she headed for the river. Her plan for the day was to fish, and if she needed to fight the rain gave her a huge advantage, since she could send shocks through the water droplets. Pigeon prayed that it wouldn't lead to that.

As she got closer to the river bank she remembered why she didn't believe in God. A body was bobbing along with the current, of a elderly man. Well, she wasn't sure if he was really elderly, but anyone over forty seemed elderly to her nowadays. The body looked fine, besides the one leg had a deep gash in it, a gash that would've caused a painfully slow death. These bodies have been showing up at an increasing rate over the past few weeks, so Pigeon wasn't super surprised. She was, however, annoyed that her perfect rainy day was ruined.

Part of her wanted to give the man a proper funeral, but part of her was still scoffing at his horrible comb over. It would be the right thing to do, and would keep others from freaking out a little bit, but the current was a strong from the rain. She could definitely swim through it, but probably not while carrying a fairly heavy looking man. In respect for the man, she bowed her head as he continued to bob down the river. Slowly, she walked up to the bank of the river and put her hand in. She sent a weak pulse to check if there was anyone in the water up river. In fact someone seemed to be resting further up the river.

Pigeon didn't know if she wanted to pursue this person, who was either the murderer or at risk of being murdered. While pursuing a murderer didn't seem like the best option, she was still pretty mad at them for ruining her beautiful and perfect rainy day. And, if it was an innocent person, as unlikely as that is, she could at least warn them. Pigeon bit her lip, put up her hood, and decided to walk up along the river bank in pursuit of the stranger in the river. If she did have to fight, she didn't want to waste all of her energy swimming against the current. Plus, her makeup still looked nice, so there was no use in messing it up now.

When Pigeon woke up this morning she could hardly contain herself. It was raining! The rain brought many things, puddles, run off, and an increased sense in security for Pigeon. With water everywhere, she could do pretty much anything. Or in the very least, she felt like she could and that's really half that battle. She got ready as fast as she could, which to be honest was not very quickly as she had to make sure her hair looked nice and her makeup was flawless. It didn't matter that the makeup would probably wash off and her hair was going to be drenched in the matter of minutes, it was the thought, and the routine that mattered more. She put on a rain jacket, some shorts, and her rain boots. After grabbing some jerky as an impromptu breakfast, she was off.

After locking the door to their apartment, Pigeon headed down the many stairs to the ground. She tapped into the wiring to make sure she couldn't feel another person in the building. Everyday she would do this to ensure that her and her roommate were the only residents of this seemingly abandoned building. They preferred it that way, since it was impossible to trust anyone nowadays. Though to be honest, Pigeon felt like the building a little nerve-wracking, especially now that her roommate had been gone for upwards of two weeks. She never really asked where her roommate was going anymore, though she longed to hang out more. Or maybe she was just getting lonely.

Either way, no amount of loneliness could ruin the wonder that was the down pour that engulfed the entire city. It was truly perfect, she couldn't ask for anything more. She never bothered putting her hood up, since she really wanted to feel the water. Her hair clung to her face as she put out her arms to really embrace the rain. And then she heard a gunshot and froze, immediately feeling at her hips for her gun. She desperately hoped that whoever shot the gun was hunting, though she doubted that was the case. To be safe, she headed for the river. Her plan for the day was to fish, and if she needed to fight the rain gave her a huge advantage, since she could send shocks through the water droplets. Pigeon prayed that it wouldn't lead to that.

As she got closer to the river bank she remembered why she didn't believe in God. A body was bobbing along with the current, of a elderly man. Well, she wasn't sure if he was really elderly, but anyone over forty seemed elderly to her nowadays. The body looked fine, besides the one leg had a deep gash in it, a gash that would've caused a painfully slow death. These bodies have been showing up at an increasing rate over the past few weeks, so Pigeon wasn't super surprised. She was, however, annoyed that her perfect rainy day was ruined.

Part of her wanted to give the man a proper funeral, but part of her was still scoffing at his horrible comb over. It would be the right thing to do, and would keep others from freaking out a little bit, but the current was a strong from the rain. She could definitely swim through it, but probably not while carrying a fairly heavy looking man. In respect for the man, she bowed her head as he continued to bob down the river. Slowly, she walked up to the bank of the river and put her hand in. She sent a weak pulse to check if there was anyone in the water up river. In fact someone seemed to be resting further up the river.

Pigeon didn't know if she wanted to pursue this person, who was either the murderer or at risk of being murdered. While pursuing a murderer didn't seem like the best option, she was still pretty mad at them for ruining her beautiful and perfect rainy day. And, if it was an innocent person, as unlikely as that is, she could at least warn them. Pigeon bit her lip, put up her hood, and decided to walk up along the river bank in pursuit of the stranger in the river. If she did have to fight, she didn't want to waste all of her energy swimming against the current. Plus, her makeup still looked nice, so there was no use in messing it up now.

[center][font=Century Gothic][size=4]@ShadowGuardian0 @Zurrz @RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX [img][/img] [url=]Full quality picture here![/url] [b]Black limbs[/b] clung themselves to the wall of an abandoned building, spinning a silver thread before they leaped to the other building just beside it to decorate it with a beautiful, silver streamer. This was only one of the millions that were already present on the walls of the alleyway, while also leading in a trail to the inside of the bottom floors of these side-by-side buildings. He was making a web--a beautiful web that was only to be sullied on by the rain. Granted, it didn't break as a spider's silk is as strong as high-grade steel, but it still annoyed him to know that his webs will be damp until the morning after this storm clears. That, and it threw off his senses. Each little rain drop twitched the webs beneath him, making him lose his sense of space--Or perhaps whenever someone else was in his webs. The rain's breath made relying on his sense of hearing absolutely pointless until... [B]BANG![/B] His head suddenly lifts, his four eyes blinking while they dragged over the webs surrounding him. His shock slowly faded into a fiendish delight as the spider limbs that sprouted from his very back trembled with glee. There was someone else here. Finally...! He was so tired of animal meat. They were so boring, and perhaps... he was a little lonely. Granted, he did eat almost every potential companion he came across, but that was because they were quite rude! That or he was just too hungry to care. He effortlessly climbed through his artistry of webs, and peeked his head outside of the alleyway, and spotted the fallen fauna from his own little hunting ground. "Time to play~" He'd rumble a purr in the back of his throat as he collected his pre-made silk in his hands and dived out into the opening, moving around in unpredictable patterns by both moving to the left, right, even raising his body up, and down using his spidery limbs. If he was able to successfully reach the fallen deer he would try to quickly stick his webbing around its neck before attempting to retreat back into his spider ally, and await the hunter deep within.[/center]
@ShadowGuardian0 @Zurrz @RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX

Full quality picture here!

Black limbs clung themselves to the wall of an abandoned building, spinning a silver thread before they leaped to the other building just beside it to decorate it with a beautiful, silver streamer. This was only one of the millions that were already present on the walls of the alleyway, while also leading in a trail to the inside of the bottom floors of these side-by-side buildings. He was making a web--a beautiful web that was only to be sullied on by the rain. Granted, it didn't break as a spider's silk is as strong as high-grade steel, but it still annoyed him to know that his webs will be damp until the morning after this storm clears.

That, and it threw off his senses. Each little rain drop twitched the webs beneath him, making him lose his sense of space--Or perhaps whenever someone else was in his webs. The rain's breath made relying on his sense of hearing absolutely pointless until...


His head suddenly lifts, his four eyes blinking while they dragged over the webs surrounding him. His shock slowly faded into a fiendish delight as the spider limbs that sprouted from his very back trembled with glee. There was someone else here. Finally...! He was so tired of animal meat. They were so boring, and perhaps... he was a little lonely.

Granted, he did eat almost every potential companion he came across, but that was because they were quite rude! That or he was just too hungry to care.

He effortlessly climbed through his artistry of webs, and peeked his head outside of the alleyway, and spotted the fallen fauna from his own little hunting ground.

"Time to play~" He'd rumble a purr in the back of his throat as he collected his pre-made silk in his hands and dived out into the opening, moving around in unpredictable patterns by both moving to the left, right, even raising his body up, and down using his spidery limbs.

If he was able to successfully reach the fallen deer he would try to quickly stick his webbing around its neck before attempting to retreat back into his spider ally, and await the hunter deep within.
Sariah reached the deer and immediately went to work. She slit the deer from the chin to the tail and was careful not to cut the viscera. That ruined meat and smelled disgusting. She gave a little thrum of approval in her throat as she took out the less choice bits. With her experiences she could be ready to eat or hide it in less than 10 minutes.

She heard something behind her and quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Her feathers rose as a slight chill went through her. All her clothing articles were Gor-Tex, waterproof, so it wasn't so much the rain. Someone must be close. She started cutting meat and stuffing them into bags and into her bag. She needed to hurry.

She twitched her tail uneasily as she used its dexterity to help slice bits off with a knife. The wind started to pick up and she frowned. High winds dampened her hearing and the prey, they would be less inclined to come out.

Suddenly she turned around sharply and whipped her gun up and stood facing a.... thing. It just looked wrong and evil. She raised her weapon and commanded "STOP!", the further from that thing, the better. "State your business" she growled. Her tail waved uncertaintly through the air, still equipped with a deadly blade. She didn't trust this creature, it looked like...a spider, but more detestable. She paused and waited for the answer.

Sariah reached the deer and immediately went to work. She slit the deer from the chin to the tail and was careful not to cut the viscera. That ruined meat and smelled disgusting. She gave a little thrum of approval in her throat as she took out the less choice bits. With her experiences she could be ready to eat or hide it in less than 10 minutes.

She heard something behind her and quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Her feathers rose as a slight chill went through her. All her clothing articles were Gor-Tex, waterproof, so it wasn't so much the rain. Someone must be close. She started cutting meat and stuffing them into bags and into her bag. She needed to hurry.

She twitched her tail uneasily as she used its dexterity to help slice bits off with a knife. The wind started to pick up and she frowned. High winds dampened her hearing and the prey, they would be less inclined to come out.

Suddenly she turned around sharply and whipped her gun up and stood facing a.... thing. It just looked wrong and evil. She raised her weapon and commanded "STOP!", the further from that thing, the better. "State your business" she growled. Her tail waved uncertaintly through the air, still equipped with a deadly blade. She didn't trust this creature, it looked like...a spider, but more detestable. She paused and waited for the answer.

Sariah reached the deer and immediately went to work. She slit the deer from the chin to the tail and was careful not to cut the viscera. That ruined meat and smelled disgusting. She gave a little thrum of approval in her throat as she took out the less choice bits. With her experiences she could be ready to eat or hide it in less than 10 minutes.

She heard something behind her and quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Her feathers rose as a slight chill went through her. All her clothing articles were Gor-Tex, waterproof, so it wasn't so much the rain. Someone must be close. She started cutting meat and stuffing them into bags and into her bag. She needed to hurry.

She twitched her tail uneasily as she used its dexterity to help slice bits off with a knife. The wind started to pick up and she frowned. High winds dampened her hearing and the prey, they would be less inclined to come out.

Suddenly she turned around sharply and whipped her gun up and stood facing a.... thing. It just looked wrong and evil. She raised her weapon and commanded "STOP!", the further from that thing, the better. "State your business" she growled. Her tail waved uncertaintly through the air, still equipped with a deadly blade. She didn't trust this creature, it looked like...a spider, but more detestable. She paused and waited for the answer.
Sariah reached the deer and immediately went to work. She slit the deer from the chin to the tail and was careful not to cut the viscera. That ruined meat and smelled disgusting. She gave a little thrum of approval in her throat as she took out the less choice bits. With her experiences she could be ready to eat or hide it in less than 10 minutes.

She heard something behind her and quickly turned around, but saw nothing. Her feathers rose as a slight chill went through her. All her clothing articles were Gor-Tex, waterproof, so it wasn't so much the rain. Someone must be close. She started cutting meat and stuffing them into bags and into her bag. She needed to hurry.

She twitched her tail uneasily as she used its dexterity to help slice bits off with a knife. The wind started to pick up and she frowned. High winds dampened her hearing and the prey, they would be less inclined to come out.

Suddenly she turned around sharply and whipped her gun up and stood facing a.... thing. It just looked wrong and evil. She raised her weapon and commanded "STOP!", the further from that thing, the better. "State your business" she growled. Her tail waved uncertaintly through the air, still equipped with a deadly blade. She didn't trust this creature, it looked like...a spider, but more detestable. She paused and waited for the answer.
Anise DeLucian

The rain clouds I had seen earlier had made their way up to the forest, rain fell through the trees and brought a wide array of scents from the forest floor with it. But the rain washed the blood down my face and into my mouth, not something I found to be particularly enjoyable. I pulled my shirt off over my head and used it to wipe the crimson from my face, it was doubtful that there wasn’t blood smear somewhere but as far as clean-up jobs went it was adequate. Or rather, it would have to be adequate. My hair was another matter entirely. It didn’t matter what the material was, blood had a love affair with anything white and who was I to interrupt that?

My thoughts journeyed to the lawyer and his words. It had been strange to hear someone mention my tattoo and the meaning it held. The mark I bore on my neck was just a relic of a lost time and it would be better if people saw it as nothing more than the black rose it was. Through everything that had happened in the past decade he had still remembered my family and thought he was important enough to kill in their name? He hadn't been lacking in self-confidence that was for sure.

The rain stopped, a shame since it had only been going for a short time, and the snapping of a twig caught my attention. People didn’t come this way very often, probably because the lawyer wasn’t the first person I had poisoned under these trees. Why would they bother? There wasn’t much back here, nothing worth the uphill trek at least. I flung my shirt onto the river bank and hoisted myself out after it. My gills, which rested under my collarbone, weren’t very happy to be covered up and I never liked the ugly ridges that appeared when my shirt stuck to them. It certainly wasn’t a fashion statement. Before I was part fish I wouldn’t have been able to stand wet clothes, I would be majorly irked by the wet jeans and water-filled boots but now I wasn’t phased in the least.

Whatever was here with me was drawing close but as I wasn’t inclined to get into a fight this morning (there was no fighting involved with the lawyer, he didn’t even raise a hand at me when I dug my fingernails into his neck and pumped him full of poison) I didn’t make any move towards the noise. My knife was sticking out of the ground at my feet but I would really prefer if I didn’t have to use it. Killing someone with a dirty knife was tasteless.

@RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX
Anise DeLucian

The rain clouds I had seen earlier had made their way up to the forest, rain fell through the trees and brought a wide array of scents from the forest floor with it. But the rain washed the blood down my face and into my mouth, not something I found to be particularly enjoyable. I pulled my shirt off over my head and used it to wipe the crimson from my face, it was doubtful that there wasn’t blood smear somewhere but as far as clean-up jobs went it was adequate. Or rather, it would have to be adequate. My hair was another matter entirely. It didn’t matter what the material was, blood had a love affair with anything white and who was I to interrupt that?

My thoughts journeyed to the lawyer and his words. It had been strange to hear someone mention my tattoo and the meaning it held. The mark I bore on my neck was just a relic of a lost time and it would be better if people saw it as nothing more than the black rose it was. Through everything that had happened in the past decade he had still remembered my family and thought he was important enough to kill in their name? He hadn't been lacking in self-confidence that was for sure.

The rain stopped, a shame since it had only been going for a short time, and the snapping of a twig caught my attention. People didn’t come this way very often, probably because the lawyer wasn’t the first person I had poisoned under these trees. Why would they bother? There wasn’t much back here, nothing worth the uphill trek at least. I flung my shirt onto the river bank and hoisted myself out after it. My gills, which rested under my collarbone, weren’t very happy to be covered up and I never liked the ugly ridges that appeared when my shirt stuck to them. It certainly wasn’t a fashion statement. Before I was part fish I wouldn’t have been able to stand wet clothes, I would be majorly irked by the wet jeans and water-filled boots but now I wasn’t phased in the least.

Whatever was here with me was drawing close but as I wasn’t inclined to get into a fight this morning (there was no fighting involved with the lawyer, he didn’t even raise a hand at me when I dug my fingernails into his neck and pumped him full of poison) I didn’t make any move towards the noise. My knife was sticking out of the ground at my feet but I would really prefer if I didn’t have to use it. Killing someone with a dirty knife was tasteless.

@RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX
The walk up river was less pleasant than Pigeon expected. While she didn't expect a very nice walk, she expected something nicer than this. The hill was steeper than she remembered, and after walking for a bit the path turned to mud. Her boots squelched as she trudged forward. Soon after she hit the mud, the rain stopped. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, wonderful. Her perfect day was ruined, and her boots were muddy. The path was getting a bit firmer, but that didn't change the fact that her boots were now muddy.

As she went along the path it slowly became more heavily wooded. This would be good for a little bit of camouflage, but unnecessary because Pigeon gave up any hope of camouflage long ago. Most of the freaks out here could smell or hear her before she got close, so there was no point in wearing drab clothes in an attempt not to be seen. She had to admit that a yellow raincoat may not have been the best decision for stealth, but she found it a while ago and it fit well. Plus, it looked really cute and yellow was one of her favorite colors, so she wore it anyway.

Soon Pigeon neared the area where she felt the person in the water. She tried sneaking up to the clearing, but sneaking in clunky rain boots proved to be difficult. Also, she had the stealth of an angry rhino so there was no helping the inevitable . It was actually a surprisingly loud crack when she stepped on the twig. After the noise she saw a figure move near the clearing and get out of the water. 'Well no point in being sneaky now, she thought and sighed. Clumsily, she made her way out of the wooded area to see a woman standing there.

There was a knife at her foot and blood in her hair. The chances of this being an innocent bystander was slim to none. The chance of this being the woman her murdered that man floating down the river was extremely high. But Pigeon wasn't the type of person to find someone who was most likely a murderer and engage them, mostly because she knew she would lose. She stared at the woman again, wide eyed. Mostly, she was trying to figure out what she was. Obviously not a bird or mammal, those were normally obvious, and insects had at least something weird about them. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish were generally easier to hide, so it was probably one of those.

"A-ah. S-s-sorry! I didn't m-mean to interrupt you or anything..." she stuttered, trying to think of an excuse to be where she was. "It's j-just, there was a b-b-body floating down the river and you could be in d-danger." That was a laugh. Hopefully her performance made her seem like a coward and thus not a threat. That and she was extremely nervous. She bit her lip again and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

@zurrz @xxtatsuxx
The walk up river was less pleasant than Pigeon expected. While she didn't expect a very nice walk, she expected something nicer than this. The hill was steeper than she remembered, and after walking for a bit the path turned to mud. Her boots squelched as she trudged forward. Soon after she hit the mud, the rain stopped. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, wonderful. Her perfect day was ruined, and her boots were muddy. The path was getting a bit firmer, but that didn't change the fact that her boots were now muddy.

As she went along the path it slowly became more heavily wooded. This would be good for a little bit of camouflage, but unnecessary because Pigeon gave up any hope of camouflage long ago. Most of the freaks out here could smell or hear her before she got close, so there was no point in wearing drab clothes in an attempt not to be seen. She had to admit that a yellow raincoat may not have been the best decision for stealth, but she found it a while ago and it fit well. Plus, it looked really cute and yellow was one of her favorite colors, so she wore it anyway.

Soon Pigeon neared the area where she felt the person in the water. She tried sneaking up to the clearing, but sneaking in clunky rain boots proved to be difficult. Also, she had the stealth of an angry rhino so there was no helping the inevitable . It was actually a surprisingly loud crack when she stepped on the twig. After the noise she saw a figure move near the clearing and get out of the water. 'Well no point in being sneaky now, she thought and sighed. Clumsily, she made her way out of the wooded area to see a woman standing there.

There was a knife at her foot and blood in her hair. The chances of this being an innocent bystander was slim to none. The chance of this being the woman her murdered that man floating down the river was extremely high. But Pigeon wasn't the type of person to find someone who was most likely a murderer and engage them, mostly because she knew she would lose. She stared at the woman again, wide eyed. Mostly, she was trying to figure out what she was. Obviously not a bird or mammal, those were normally obvious, and insects had at least something weird about them. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish were generally easier to hide, so it was probably one of those.

"A-ah. S-s-sorry! I didn't m-mean to interrupt you or anything..." she stuttered, trying to think of an excuse to be where she was. "It's j-just, there was a b-b-body floating down the river and you could be in d-danger." That was a laugh. Hopefully her performance made her seem like a coward and thus not a threat. That and she was extremely nervous. She bit her lip again and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

@zurrz @xxtatsuxx
Anise DeLucian

Who did she think she was kidding? Who would see a body and assume someone in a normally vacant forest was in danger? That didn't make any sense at all. Anise crossed her arms across her chest and watched the kid levelly. "Really," She stretched the word out as far as she could then lightly kicked the knife lightly towards the newcomer. She didn't get into fights, but she did enjoy testing people. "Pardon me but you seem a little shaky, Hero. Aren't you supposed to be rescuing me or something on that avenue? Besides, I've been standing here waiting for you, I can't imagine I looked particularly busy." She walked forward and shortened the space between them, grabbing her weapon from the ground and wiping the it off on her jeans then cleaning it more thoroughly using her wet shirt

"I suppose it doesn't matter much though, you've already lied which starts our relationship off at a poor place. Please though, if you have anything else to say go for it." Sure the knife wielding may have been a tad intimidating and more than a little antagonistic, but she really didn't mean anything by it.

Anise DeLucian

Who did she think she was kidding? Who would see a body and assume someone in a normally vacant forest was in danger? That didn't make any sense at all. Anise crossed her arms across her chest and watched the kid levelly. "Really," She stretched the word out as far as she could then lightly kicked the knife lightly towards the newcomer. She didn't get into fights, but she did enjoy testing people. "Pardon me but you seem a little shaky, Hero. Aren't you supposed to be rescuing me or something on that avenue? Besides, I've been standing here waiting for you, I can't imagine I looked particularly busy." She walked forward and shortened the space between them, grabbing her weapon from the ground and wiping the it off on her jeans then cleaning it more thoroughly using her wet shirt

"I suppose it doesn't matter much though, you've already lied which starts our relationship off at a poor place. Please though, if you have anything else to say go for it." Sure the knife wielding may have been a tad intimidating and more than a little antagonistic, but she really didn't mean anything by it.

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