

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Rising RP thread
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'So that's how this is going to go,' Pigeon thought. That is, along with the thousand other thoughts floating through her mind. She assumed that the women didn't want to kill her, or else she'd be dead by now. But then again, the woman seemed like the type that enjoyed toying with her prey, so there were no safe assumptions. She did know that she should keep the woman in the dark about any details about herself. This mainly meant that she should avoid her gun, and avoid fanning her hand or showing any sign of her webbed fingers. It's better to keep someone guessing about what she could be. Plus, with her hood up she could be a harmless little bunny, which is embarassingly close to how she felt at the moment.

Pigeon gulped and kicked the ground with her boot. What she wanted to do was to stare the woman straight in the eye and say something dramatic, like a cowboy in an old movie. She actually didn't know, she hasn't seen many westerns, but the thought of being a bad arse seemed very appealing at the moment. She knew, however, that that wasn't possible. Pigeon was in no way a bad arse, and could hardly lift something that was thirty pounds. The disappointment hit her, and she could feel tears rising behind her eyes and her face contorting. 'Don't cry you idiot, that won't help anything...' she thought, as she tried to blink back tears. She decided that she needed to face her problems directly, and start becoming a stronger woman.

Pigeon faced the woman, making eye contact. She took a deep breath and said "I just didn't want anyone else to get hurt..." She bit her lip again, but congratulated herself on forming a complete sentence. This was no time for celebration, since the confrontation was far from over.

((Ugh... I forgot about FR's dumb censors :P))
@zurrz @xxtatsuxx
'So that's how this is going to go,' Pigeon thought. That is, along with the thousand other thoughts floating through her mind. She assumed that the women didn't want to kill her, or else she'd be dead by now. But then again, the woman seemed like the type that enjoyed toying with her prey, so there were no safe assumptions. She did know that she should keep the woman in the dark about any details about herself. This mainly meant that she should avoid her gun, and avoid fanning her hand or showing any sign of her webbed fingers. It's better to keep someone guessing about what she could be. Plus, with her hood up she could be a harmless little bunny, which is embarassingly close to how she felt at the moment.

Pigeon gulped and kicked the ground with her boot. What she wanted to do was to stare the woman straight in the eye and say something dramatic, like a cowboy in an old movie. She actually didn't know, she hasn't seen many westerns, but the thought of being a bad arse seemed very appealing at the moment. She knew, however, that that wasn't possible. Pigeon was in no way a bad arse, and could hardly lift something that was thirty pounds. The disappointment hit her, and she could feel tears rising behind her eyes and her face contorting. 'Don't cry you idiot, that won't help anything...' she thought, as she tried to blink back tears. She decided that she needed to face her problems directly, and start becoming a stronger woman.

Pigeon faced the woman, making eye contact. She took a deep breath and said "I just didn't want anyone else to get hurt..." She bit her lip again, but congratulated herself on forming a complete sentence. This was no time for celebration, since the confrontation was far from over.

((Ugh... I forgot about FR's dumb censors :P))
@zurrz @xxtatsuxx
Anise DeLucian

A smile graced her lips and she laughed lightly, this kind of innocence was rare these days and oh so adorable to witness. Anise held her palms up to the girl, though it was a bit of an awkward pose as she still held her knife. "Of course, no good little hero would. I wonder though..." Her hair had started to bristle and though it was tied into a bun on her head it wasn't exactly an easy thing to hide, she could feel the eyes on her and there was no stopping the natural reaction.

Anise had been intending on sheathing her knife but to ignore her instincts would be foolhardy, instead she turned it over in her hand so it was poised and ready. "Does that sentiment extend to yourself? Perhaps you don't feel it, you're young and that wouldn't surprise me," She looked around, tapping a striped fingernail against the hilt of her blade, "We're not alone and those who hide do so for one of two reasons: Fear or preparation." Maybe she came off a bit dramatic but Anise did not take her self-preservation lightly. The number one concern of Anise was Anise.

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
Anise DeLucian

A smile graced her lips and she laughed lightly, this kind of innocence was rare these days and oh so adorable to witness. Anise held her palms up to the girl, though it was a bit of an awkward pose as she still held her knife. "Of course, no good little hero would. I wonder though..." Her hair had started to bristle and though it was tied into a bun on her head it wasn't exactly an easy thing to hide, she could feel the eyes on her and there was no stopping the natural reaction.

Anise had been intending on sheathing her knife but to ignore her instincts would be foolhardy, instead she turned it over in her hand so it was poised and ready. "Does that sentiment extend to yourself? Perhaps you don't feel it, you're young and that wouldn't surprise me," She looked around, tapping a striped fingernail against the hilt of her blade, "We're not alone and those who hide do so for one of two reasons: Fear or preparation." Maybe she came off a bit dramatic but Anise did not take her self-preservation lightly. The number one concern of Anise was Anise.

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
Did she want to get hurt? Of course not, who enjoyed getting hurt. That and she had a nice escape route via the river. Plus, with a ranged weapon, Pigeon had a pretty good advantage over the woman. That and her little knife would prove to be a handy conductor if need be. What did worry Pigeon was how her hair was starting to rise. Hair rising could be a sign of fear, but she doubted that was the case at the moment. The woman's composure seemed relaxed, so the hair was probably being raised as some sort of defense mechanism. The fact that Pigeon couldn't tell what the woman was bothered her to no end.

Then she said that they weren't alone. Another person could ruin her plans, especially if they weren't on her side. The fact that they were behind her is what bothered her more than anything else. Even if they meant no harm, she couldn't afford a distraction. A distraction meant losing eye contacts, and at that time she could be attacked. Pigeon positioned herself closer to the river, angled so that she could see both the woman and, at least look at, whoever was coming out of the woods. "Who's there?" She called out. She hated confrontation, but more than that, she hated when things didn't go according to plan.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
Did she want to get hurt? Of course not, who enjoyed getting hurt. That and she had a nice escape route via the river. Plus, with a ranged weapon, Pigeon had a pretty good advantage over the woman. That and her little knife would prove to be a handy conductor if need be. What did worry Pigeon was how her hair was starting to rise. Hair rising could be a sign of fear, but she doubted that was the case at the moment. The woman's composure seemed relaxed, so the hair was probably being raised as some sort of defense mechanism. The fact that Pigeon couldn't tell what the woman was bothered her to no end.

Then she said that they weren't alone. Another person could ruin her plans, especially if they weren't on her side. The fact that they were behind her is what bothered her more than anything else. Even if they meant no harm, she couldn't afford a distraction. A distraction meant losing eye contacts, and at that time she could be attacked. Pigeon positioned herself closer to the river, angled so that she could see both the woman and, at least look at, whoever was coming out of the woods. "Who's there?" She called out. She hated confrontation, but more than that, she hated when things didn't go according to plan.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
Anise DeLucian

Anise groaned and threw her arms up in the air, she sheathed her knife and glared at the new arrival. "You kids are absolute idiots!"The volume of her voice with every syllable and she practically spat out the last word. "If I wasn't such an upstanding citizen the two of you would have been on your way down river." It had less to do with her moral compass and everything to do with the fact that she just didn't feel like killing them, there was more physical labour involved in the whole thing than she would have liked.

"A lawyer, a hero, and a peeping tom. What a morning." She said it more to herself than the other two, it had been an interesting chain of events to say the least. She admired their bravery even though it seemed to have been snuffed out a bit when confronted, for kids it was impressive. Anise moved over a bit so she was equally distance between the two of them, she highly doubted they were going to get violent but no way in hell was she going to risk it. The part of her that wasn't human registered this and her her hair broke free of it's bondage, it was an annoying part of her hybrid status but at this point she was used to it. It would have been nice if the hair tie had been spared though, there were so few left.

"Look, if you guys are gonna do the whole vigilante justice thing can we hurry it up?" She coughed, her shirt was starting to try out and since she relied solely on her gills to breathe it was an uncomfortable situation. Anise didn't doubt her ability to subdue them if necessary though, they just needed to hurry and make up their minds.

@RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX
Anise DeLucian

Anise groaned and threw her arms up in the air, she sheathed her knife and glared at the new arrival. "You kids are absolute idiots!"The volume of her voice with every syllable and she practically spat out the last word. "If I wasn't such an upstanding citizen the two of you would have been on your way down river." It had less to do with her moral compass and everything to do with the fact that she just didn't feel like killing them, there was more physical labour involved in the whole thing than she would have liked.

"A lawyer, a hero, and a peeping tom. What a morning." She said it more to herself than the other two, it had been an interesting chain of events to say the least. She admired their bravery even though it seemed to have been snuffed out a bit when confronted, for kids it was impressive. Anise moved over a bit so she was equally distance between the two of them, she highly doubted they were going to get violent but no way in hell was she going to risk it. The part of her that wasn't human registered this and her her hair broke free of it's bondage, it was an annoying part of her hybrid status but at this point she was used to it. It would have been nice if the hair tie had been spared though, there were so few left.

"Look, if you guys are gonna do the whole vigilante justice thing can we hurry it up?" She coughed, her shirt was starting to try out and since she relied solely on her gills to breathe it was an uncomfortable situation. Anise didn't doubt her ability to subdue them if necessary though, they just needed to hurry and make up their minds.

@RooibosInBlue @XxTatsuxX
The guy that revealed himself was familiar. Since she's seen him before, and neither one was dead, he probably was a good guy. Or, in the least, a relatively good guy. The woman surrendered after the guy showed up, which was fortunate. Pigeon relaxed and shifted her weight to one leg. She examined the woman's hair, and how unruly it was. Unruly may have been the wrong word, her hair was ridiculous, and a little threatening. There were spikes everywhere, it looked as if someone was trying to bring back punk in all the wrong ways. Pigeon tried to keep from grimacing at it, but it didn't work to well.

She couldn't figure out why that guy was here though, he didn't seem like he came up the hill for any particular reason. But he was oddly polite. Pigeon didn't care to explain what he had walked in on, but maybe she could explain it later. He was wearing all black, with a few red highlights, but mostly black. Just because they lived in a post apocalyptic world where half of the people wanted to kill you does not mean that you had to look so sad all the time. It was a shame that people didn't wear more colors. She longed to see a world that people wore nice colors, and nice clothes more often. Actually she really just wanted a world where people wore nice clothes, and it was easier to find nice clothes. Was that too much to ask for?

Also, the woman talked an awful lot. It was getting a little annoying to be perfectly honest, but maybe it was good that at least one person started the conversation. She also called her a kid, and so Pigeon was half tempted to call her Granny. That would probably just be in her head for now, she wasn't brave enough to call her Granny yet. Though the tone of their conversation had taken a turn to actually be a conversation, which was nice. Since they were getting so friendly she shook her hood off of her head. Her hair was a bit damp, and the waves in it were lost in the rain, but she assumed it looked decent enough. Better than either of their hair for sure.

"Why did you kill him?" Pigeon asked. Her voice was quiet, but not nearly as shaky as before. Even though her question was direct, she doubted Granny's answer would be.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
The guy that revealed himself was familiar. Since she's seen him before, and neither one was dead, he probably was a good guy. Or, in the least, a relatively good guy. The woman surrendered after the guy showed up, which was fortunate. Pigeon relaxed and shifted her weight to one leg. She examined the woman's hair, and how unruly it was. Unruly may have been the wrong word, her hair was ridiculous, and a little threatening. There were spikes everywhere, it looked as if someone was trying to bring back punk in all the wrong ways. Pigeon tried to keep from grimacing at it, but it didn't work to well.

She couldn't figure out why that guy was here though, he didn't seem like he came up the hill for any particular reason. But he was oddly polite. Pigeon didn't care to explain what he had walked in on, but maybe she could explain it later. He was wearing all black, with a few red highlights, but mostly black. Just because they lived in a post apocalyptic world where half of the people wanted to kill you does not mean that you had to look so sad all the time. It was a shame that people didn't wear more colors. She longed to see a world that people wore nice colors, and nice clothes more often. Actually she really just wanted a world where people wore nice clothes, and it was easier to find nice clothes. Was that too much to ask for?

Also, the woman talked an awful lot. It was getting a little annoying to be perfectly honest, but maybe it was good that at least one person started the conversation. She also called her a kid, and so Pigeon was half tempted to call her Granny. That would probably just be in her head for now, she wasn't brave enough to call her Granny yet. Though the tone of their conversation had taken a turn to actually be a conversation, which was nice. Since they were getting so friendly she shook her hood off of her head. Her hair was a bit damp, and the waves in it were lost in the rain, but she assumed it looked decent enough. Better than either of their hair for sure.

"Why did you kill him?" Pigeon asked. Her voice was quiet, but not nearly as shaky as before. Even though her question was direct, she doubted Granny's answer would be.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
Anise DeLucian

The Hero seemed tougher now, like having Tom show up had reassured her in some way. Anise almost laughed out loud at the thought. It was absurd that she would get courage from a coward who hid until he had been found out. Her hair was annoying her, she needed to tie it up again. "There it is. I was wondering if you were ever going to bring it up. That would be the elephant in the room wouldn't it? Since I doubt either of you are." She pulled her shirt up so she could get a hold of the bottom of it between her teeth and created a tear in the fabric, this wasn't an ideal solution but being poked in the back every two seconds was unacceptable. Besides, if there was a fight it's not like she relied on her hair. Sure it had come in handy once or twice but people generally had the good idea to avoid it.

She wrapped the strip of cotton around the spiky mess, pricking herself several times in the process. The venom had no effect on her though it still hurt when holes got poked in her skin. Anise took a breath, coughing once more, and turned her attention back to the kids. " 'Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die. Passing through nature to eternity.' I suppose that means nothing to you two, which is unfortunate. Still, I'm sure you can understand it's meaning. That man's destiny was always to die, from the very moment he was conceived. Just as it is my destiny to die, and yours as well. There is no other option for any of us." Anise stuck a bleeding finger in her mouth for a moment before examining it and rubbing it against her pant leg.

"But you asked why I killed him. I don't think you really want to know why, I think you feel obligated to ask because you see him as nothing more than a victim. You were born before the world turned into what it is, you have the values of a dead world. A past world. I was already an adult when we became this way, I was in control of my thoughts and actions. It was easy for me to ignore what I had been taught as a child, you two only have what you know." She smiled, a genuine smile, and continued to speak. "That's not a bad thing, I suppose. It is unrealistic however. Should you change? Probably. But humans will cling to their humanity until it's wretched from their bloody palms." Anise tended to talk more than she needed to, but these were kids and they were sorely lacking an education.

"I'll tell you if you insist but it's not the long drawn out answer you need to satisfy your trip up here. You brats should just leave, go back your babysitters or whoever's in charge of you."
@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
Anise DeLucian

The Hero seemed tougher now, like having Tom show up had reassured her in some way. Anise almost laughed out loud at the thought. It was absurd that she would get courage from a coward who hid until he had been found out. Her hair was annoying her, she needed to tie it up again. "There it is. I was wondering if you were ever going to bring it up. That would be the elephant in the room wouldn't it? Since I doubt either of you are." She pulled her shirt up so she could get a hold of the bottom of it between her teeth and created a tear in the fabric, this wasn't an ideal solution but being poked in the back every two seconds was unacceptable. Besides, if there was a fight it's not like she relied on her hair. Sure it had come in handy once or twice but people generally had the good idea to avoid it.

She wrapped the strip of cotton around the spiky mess, pricking herself several times in the process. The venom had no effect on her though it still hurt when holes got poked in her skin. Anise took a breath, coughing once more, and turned her attention back to the kids. " 'Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die. Passing through nature to eternity.' I suppose that means nothing to you two, which is unfortunate. Still, I'm sure you can understand it's meaning. That man's destiny was always to die, from the very moment he was conceived. Just as it is my destiny to die, and yours as well. There is no other option for any of us." Anise stuck a bleeding finger in her mouth for a moment before examining it and rubbing it against her pant leg.

"But you asked why I killed him. I don't think you really want to know why, I think you feel obligated to ask because you see him as nothing more than a victim. You were born before the world turned into what it is, you have the values of a dead world. A past world. I was already an adult when we became this way, I was in control of my thoughts and actions. It was easy for me to ignore what I had been taught as a child, you two only have what you know." She smiled, a genuine smile, and continued to speak. "That's not a bad thing, I suppose. It is unrealistic however. Should you change? Probably. But humans will cling to their humanity until it's wretched from their bloody palms." Anise tended to talk more than she needed to, but these were kids and they were sorely lacking an education.

"I'll tell you if you insist but it's not the long drawn out answer you need to satisfy your trip up here. You brats should just leave, go back your babysitters or whoever's in charge of you."
@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
"I wonder if that was the first time you were called a Peeping Tom too..." Pigeon muttered under her breath after the wolf boy made his comment. She meant for no one to hear the comment, but forgot that most freaks had superhuman hearing. Her face turned white and she closed her eyes for a little bit. She turned towards the boy and mouthed sorry to him.

And then Granny went on her monologue. She could've easily been the villain from a video game, or at least from what she's read about video games. Pigeon had a DS when she was five, but that was really it. She read some articles about video games and thought that was a trope that Granny was fitting quite well. And then she went on to **** Pigeon off. Normally Pigeon was pretty mild mannered, but something about the content of this monologue hit a nerve with the girl.

"You think I know humanity?" She asked in disbelief, "Humanity died when I was seven. I don't remember humanity. But, what I do know is that humanity was powerful enough to make humans, which are otherwise weak, at the top of the food chain. It made amazing scientific advances that will soon be lost if we don't save it. Hell, without humanity the human race will probably die out, because we've been killing each other." It was hard to organize your thoughts when you got really angry. There were so many things that she wanted to express, how the birthrate next to none because no one can trust each other. That and with changes to DNA it's impossible to know if humans were close enough to the same species anymore.

"Yeah it may be realistic, but clinging to humanity is a lot better than letting the human race die off. You're just aiding to our extinction by your meaningless murders." Pigeon could feel tears welling in her eyes, but she blinked them out, and maintained eye contact. " You may remember humanity Granny, but I can only read about it. And from what I've read, it's a hell of a lot better than the sh*t show we have now."

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
"I wonder if that was the first time you were called a Peeping Tom too..." Pigeon muttered under her breath after the wolf boy made his comment. She meant for no one to hear the comment, but forgot that most freaks had superhuman hearing. Her face turned white and she closed her eyes for a little bit. She turned towards the boy and mouthed sorry to him.

And then Granny went on her monologue. She could've easily been the villain from a video game, or at least from what she's read about video games. Pigeon had a DS when she was five, but that was really it. She read some articles about video games and thought that was a trope that Granny was fitting quite well. And then she went on to **** Pigeon off. Normally Pigeon was pretty mild mannered, but something about the content of this monologue hit a nerve with the girl.

"You think I know humanity?" She asked in disbelief, "Humanity died when I was seven. I don't remember humanity. But, what I do know is that humanity was powerful enough to make humans, which are otherwise weak, at the top of the food chain. It made amazing scientific advances that will soon be lost if we don't save it. Hell, without humanity the human race will probably die out, because we've been killing each other." It was hard to organize your thoughts when you got really angry. There were so many things that she wanted to express, how the birthrate next to none because no one can trust each other. That and with changes to DNA it's impossible to know if humans were close enough to the same species anymore.

"Yeah it may be realistic, but clinging to humanity is a lot better than letting the human race die off. You're just aiding to our extinction by your meaningless murders." Pigeon could feel tears welling in her eyes, but she blinked them out, and maintained eye contact. " You may remember humanity Granny, but I can only read about it. And from what I've read, it's a hell of a lot better than the sh*t show we have now."

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
((@ShadowGuardian0 Sorry for the delay~ Just got back from my little brother's recital u//v//u precious bab~))

Mortem was unfortunately unsuccessful in his attempt to steal the food. Somehow, the bird was able to travel a mile distance at alarming speeds. Admittedly, he couldn't keep up with the speed of a flyer, especially in the air, but the ground is an entirely different story.

He'd stop a short distance from her, his body elevated by slender, black limbs. His head tilts ever-so-slightly at her direction, pouting some, "Aww...~ It's a real big shame that everyone's senses are being honed so harshly. It ruins the fun of things." His body leans itself to the side so far that the arc of his body would've undoubtedly caused him to fall over if it wasn't for the fact that he was holding himself up with his multiple spider limps. Call him over dramatic, but he preferred to make every movement with a little bit of flair, at least when it didn't come down to life or death which oddly enough he didn't consider one of these situations one of them.

"Oh welll~" He flashes a sharp grin, opening one eye to make a partial wink her way/

His spider legs bed down for a moment before propelling himself upward--to again reveal an unending flare he loves to display--and flip a few times before landing on his feet a few inches forward from where he previously stood, and lifted up his palm in greeting while his spider limbs tuck themselves behind him, "Good morning~ The name is Mortem, and my purpose is to have a little fun." He offered her a playful look, "So~ Tweetie bird..." He leans forward some, "What are you doing out here all alone? I can understand trying to find some food, but isn't it too dangerous for you to fly with your wings wet?"
((@ShadowGuardian0 Sorry for the delay~ Just got back from my little brother's recital u//v//u precious bab~))

Mortem was unfortunately unsuccessful in his attempt to steal the food. Somehow, the bird was able to travel a mile distance at alarming speeds. Admittedly, he couldn't keep up with the speed of a flyer, especially in the air, but the ground is an entirely different story.

He'd stop a short distance from her, his body elevated by slender, black limbs. His head tilts ever-so-slightly at her direction, pouting some, "Aww...~ It's a real big shame that everyone's senses are being honed so harshly. It ruins the fun of things." His body leans itself to the side so far that the arc of his body would've undoubtedly caused him to fall over if it wasn't for the fact that he was holding himself up with his multiple spider limps. Call him over dramatic, but he preferred to make every movement with a little bit of flair, at least when it didn't come down to life or death which oddly enough he didn't consider one of these situations one of them.

"Oh welll~" He flashes a sharp grin, opening one eye to make a partial wink her way/

His spider legs bed down for a moment before propelling himself upward--to again reveal an unending flare he loves to display--and flip a few times before landing on his feet a few inches forward from where he previously stood, and lifted up his palm in greeting while his spider limbs tuck themselves behind him, "Good morning~ The name is Mortem, and my purpose is to have a little fun." He offered her a playful look, "So~ Tweetie bird..." He leans forward some, "What are you doing out here all alone? I can understand trying to find some food, but isn't it too dangerous for you to fly with your wings wet?"
Anise DeLucian

Anise grinned, she admired the girl's spunk. It had taken awhile but she seemed to be throwing all caution to the wind. She broke out in a laugh and shrugged, "Say what you want, Hero. I don't believe you. What humans did before isn't anymore impressive then what ants have done for centuries." Anise turned and crouched down next to the river, she splashed some water onto her, some of the irritation she was feeling eased but it wasn't good enough. These kids were going to keep yapping and yapping. Oh to be young and have an affinity for constant arguing. She peeled her shirt off, boy this was like high school all over again, and dunked up into the river. Anise had come up with other ideas for this water reliance thing but she had only intended to make a kill and head back home. None of this weird camp counselor sh*t.

"Anyway, you're much more inclined towards humanity than I've ever been." She smiled, this time to herself as she was still facing the river. Her family had been annoying, but they had still been her family. She appreciated having come from that family, especially now when their particular brand of affection was worth something. Rules and boundaries had never touched her, who would dare to mess with the only daughter of Adrian DeLucian? She could have killed a cop in front of his partner and no one would have raised a word of complaint. The rules were even laxer for her now, it was an incredible turn of events.

Living beings could evolve as much as they pleased, they could improve and invent all they liked. The fact remained that the rules of nature would always be observed. " 'Lord what fools these mortals be!'. The human race is dead. The majority of the sciences you want to preserve are obsolete with our current biology. You're living in some sort of dream. One day you're going to come across someone much more motivated than I and they're going to prematurely fulfill your destiny." She put her shirt back on, forcing her hair through the opening with some difficulty and turned back to face them. She eyed the boy, who was irritating her to no end. You couldn't trust the quiet, they were always plotting something. Anise rested her hand on the pommel of her knife, there was a slight twitching in that hand as she watched him.

She forced her hand town to her side but still watched him, if either of them were going to make a move she figured it would be Tom. Anise had a pretty good grasp on the way the Hero operated, the kid was passionate but didn't have it in her to make a move. Not now at least. She knew nothing about the boy and she wasn't fond of that.

@RooibosInBlue @xxtatsuxx
Anise DeLucian

Anise grinned, she admired the girl's spunk. It had taken awhile but she seemed to be throwing all caution to the wind. She broke out in a laugh and shrugged, "Say what you want, Hero. I don't believe you. What humans did before isn't anymore impressive then what ants have done for centuries." Anise turned and crouched down next to the river, she splashed some water onto her, some of the irritation she was feeling eased but it wasn't good enough. These kids were going to keep yapping and yapping. Oh to be young and have an affinity for constant arguing. She peeled her shirt off, boy this was like high school all over again, and dunked up into the river. Anise had come up with other ideas for this water reliance thing but she had only intended to make a kill and head back home. None of this weird camp counselor sh*t.

"Anyway, you're much more inclined towards humanity than I've ever been." She smiled, this time to herself as she was still facing the river. Her family had been annoying, but they had still been her family. She appreciated having come from that family, especially now when their particular brand of affection was worth something. Rules and boundaries had never touched her, who would dare to mess with the only daughter of Adrian DeLucian? She could have killed a cop in front of his partner and no one would have raised a word of complaint. The rules were even laxer for her now, it was an incredible turn of events.

Living beings could evolve as much as they pleased, they could improve and invent all they liked. The fact remained that the rules of nature would always be observed. " 'Lord what fools these mortals be!'. The human race is dead. The majority of the sciences you want to preserve are obsolete with our current biology. You're living in some sort of dream. One day you're going to come across someone much more motivated than I and they're going to prematurely fulfill your destiny." She put her shirt back on, forcing her hair through the opening with some difficulty and turned back to face them. She eyed the boy, who was irritating her to no end. You couldn't trust the quiet, they were always plotting something. Anise rested her hand on the pommel of her knife, there was a slight twitching in that hand as she watched him.

She forced her hand town to her side but still watched him, if either of them were going to make a move she figured it would be Tom. Anise had a pretty good grasp on the way the Hero operated, the kid was passionate but didn't have it in her to make a move. Not now at least. She knew nothing about the boy and she wasn't fond of that.

@RooibosInBlue @xxtatsuxx

Sariah's heart quickened . Fun? That just sounds messed up, she thought. She quickly replied "A little water won't hurt" she replied. Since it's usually so sunny, the vitamins for making waterproofing oils are plentiful. She thought about drawing her pistol, but also thought of launching herself into the air. Her wings were weapons at close range, her experience as a child and a goose wing to the face reminded her. Many birds weren't fragile toothpicks, and birds of prey? Eagles struck at around 50mp/h and sustained the shock perfectly well, red tailed hawks weren't far behind, either.

She cleared her throat and gave her wings a small flap, both to check them in case she needed them and to give a sign, she meant business. Sometimes she wished she had firebreathing, a natural, ranged attack. "What is it you want?" She looked at the deer and back to him, "Did you think it dropped dead all by its self? Or do you not care?" She wondered if she should just leave the rest to him and hope he doesn't follow her back.

She gave a frown, there was also the possibility he came to kill her. It wouldn't be the first time, she had also done it a few times herself. It's a common trade nowadays. Then there were the nuts that tried to graft cut wings on themselves or ground them for "Cure-Alls".. whatever the case, she had to be careful.

Sariah's heart quickened . Fun? That just sounds messed up, she thought. She quickly replied "A little water won't hurt" she replied. Since it's usually so sunny, the vitamins for making waterproofing oils are plentiful. She thought about drawing her pistol, but also thought of launching herself into the air. Her wings were weapons at close range, her experience as a child and a goose wing to the face reminded her. Many birds weren't fragile toothpicks, and birds of prey? Eagles struck at around 50mp/h and sustained the shock perfectly well, red tailed hawks weren't far behind, either.

She cleared her throat and gave her wings a small flap, both to check them in case she needed them and to give a sign, she meant business. Sometimes she wished she had firebreathing, a natural, ranged attack. "What is it you want?" She looked at the deer and back to him, "Did you think it dropped dead all by its self? Or do you not care?" She wondered if she should just leave the rest to him and hope he doesn't follow her back.

She gave a frown, there was also the possibility he came to kill her. It wouldn't be the first time, she had also done it a few times herself. It's a common trade nowadays. Then there were the nuts that tried to graft cut wings on themselves or ground them for "Cure-Alls".. whatever the case, she had to be careful.
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