

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Rising RP thread
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@ShadowGuardian0 ((Props for the biggie, dear!))

He watches her in a stupefied silence, allowing her to counter him time after time.

...Huh, that was a little unexpected. He tightens his lip for a moment before he rests his hands at his sides, "Well, actually I had a feeling it would be mutual, if not you saving me more due to my nature." He says while he lightly grasps his own chin, tapping his foot, "I function as a good distraction, and a force to be reckoned with when in close quarters, or in my own territory. However, against ranged people I am at a significant disadvantage." He lightly points in the direction of her gun with the same hand that was on his chin, snapping mid-movement, "Like you with your little weapon there. If you had chosen to shoot me at any time you likely would-have succeeded, not to mention your senses were honed enough to not only hear me sneaking up behind you, but it was also in the middle of a rainstorm. My sense of touch was the only sense that was increased so significantly... if you exclude a larger range of sight vertically." He says while he lifts the bottom of his hat with his thumb, revealing a second pair of identical eyes just above his original set.

"As for the boredom remark, I seldom harm my toys, or partners. Not unless it came to life and death." He says simply with a shrug, "And I have no interest in materialistic things, plus, if someone was really making such an offer in exchange for a friend I'd sooner kill them and take everything they had." He pauses, "Assuming they were actually threatening you anyway. I'm usually open to trading, but guns are not my forte."

"I suppose the only right answer to that is: You couldn't possibly know, and I can't say the same for you either." He pauses for a moment, "So if you really aren't interested I will leave you be, and I will go on my way." He says simply with a more dissatisfied look.
@ShadowGuardian0 ((Props for the biggie, dear!))

He watches her in a stupefied silence, allowing her to counter him time after time.

...Huh, that was a little unexpected. He tightens his lip for a moment before he rests his hands at his sides, "Well, actually I had a feeling it would be mutual, if not you saving me more due to my nature." He says while he lightly grasps his own chin, tapping his foot, "I function as a good distraction, and a force to be reckoned with when in close quarters, or in my own territory. However, against ranged people I am at a significant disadvantage." He lightly points in the direction of her gun with the same hand that was on his chin, snapping mid-movement, "Like you with your little weapon there. If you had chosen to shoot me at any time you likely would-have succeeded, not to mention your senses were honed enough to not only hear me sneaking up behind you, but it was also in the middle of a rainstorm. My sense of touch was the only sense that was increased so significantly... if you exclude a larger range of sight vertically." He says while he lifts the bottom of his hat with his thumb, revealing a second pair of identical eyes just above his original set.

"As for the boredom remark, I seldom harm my toys, or partners. Not unless it came to life and death." He says simply with a shrug, "And I have no interest in materialistic things, plus, if someone was really making such an offer in exchange for a friend I'd sooner kill them and take everything they had." He pauses, "Assuming they were actually threatening you anyway. I'm usually open to trading, but guns are not my forte."

"I suppose the only right answer to that is: You couldn't possibly know, and I can't say the same for you either." He pauses for a moment, "So if you really aren't interested I will leave you be, and I will go on my way." He says simply with a more dissatisfied look.
@invadercristi (felt like that's what was enough. Thanks)

She hovered a few beats, listening. Her eyes had been the best improvement, except wings, and her hearing was boosted. Not as good as an owl's by far, but it was harder to sneak up on her. She also became nervous in tighter spaces and couldn't shake the feeling that someone was behind her, to ease the feeling, she constantly checked around and behind her, she just happened to catch him, no need to tell him that.

"I have to get going" she said, besides, flying in rain was not her favorite. "Maybe if we had met on different terms" and gave a shrug. He was a bit creepy and seemed to say things that made her wonder if he was a psychopath escaped from some dark hole. Maybe the world had just twisted him .

With that, she kept herself facing him and worked to gain altitude. She thought of how her wings started growing from her at first. It was scary, first lumps, then protrusions that kept on coming. After about a month, her large set was grown in and mostly feathered. Her fear was they would stop growing midway and she'd have ugly, unusable stumps. She had taken one dose, but symptoms returned and she immediately took another dose. Her second smaller pair grew in quickly, but that wad the only change. All changes minus the small pair happened the first dose.

With enough altitude now, she finally turned and flew away. Not back to her home, but another skyscraper across the city, a stash and safehouse. She wouldn't risk bringing anyone back to her house.
@invadercristi (felt like that's what was enough. Thanks)

She hovered a few beats, listening. Her eyes had been the best improvement, except wings, and her hearing was boosted. Not as good as an owl's by far, but it was harder to sneak up on her. She also became nervous in tighter spaces and couldn't shake the feeling that someone was behind her, to ease the feeling, she constantly checked around and behind her, she just happened to catch him, no need to tell him that.

"I have to get going" she said, besides, flying in rain was not her favorite. "Maybe if we had met on different terms" and gave a shrug. He was a bit creepy and seemed to say things that made her wonder if he was a psychopath escaped from some dark hole. Maybe the world had just twisted him .

With that, she kept herself facing him and worked to gain altitude. She thought of how her wings started growing from her at first. It was scary, first lumps, then protrusions that kept on coming. After about a month, her large set was grown in and mostly feathered. Her fear was they would stop growing midway and she'd have ugly, unusable stumps. She had taken one dose, but symptoms returned and she immediately took another dose. Her second smaller pair grew in quickly, but that wad the only change. All changes minus the small pair happened the first dose.

With enough altitude now, she finally turned and flew away. Not back to her home, but another skyscraper across the city, a stash and safehouse. She wouldn't risk bringing anyone back to her house.

She had woken up to one of those days. The morning had been dismal, a sprinkling of rain and nothing fun to do in sight but catch another deer and use it as bait. That trick was getting old though, and she needed something new to do, but rain always impeded her flying, her constant complaint being: "If I'm a bird from the rainforest, then why can't I fly normally in the rain?", so scouting didn't seem like the best thing to do. Of course someone else's event can always change those kinds of days.

And so it was true when a the sharp tone of a gunshot had rung through the city, echoing off the desolated buildings and making Zosia's ears hurt from the deafening sound. But still, the gunshot had attracted her. It wasn't that shots were rare now, but they usually meant food or fight, and from her observation, this one had been food. She wasn't really hungry, she had just eaten two days ago, and there was still more food back at her nest, but stealing food was just so much fun. Unfortunately someone had beaten her to it and she wasn't about to go down there with two people standing near the kill.

Zosia sat on a windowsill overlooking the street where the curious exchange had happened between an aven and a...she couldn't quite tell from the distance. The window was one of many that she had removed the glass from to create a perch for herself to watch the streets of the city, hidden from below. It also proved to be a great way to avoid getting wet when the rains came. She could barely make out their movements, and even less so their words.

So she couldn't help but think of her brother as if the scene she was witnessing was her brother and her, and what she would do to have him back. She thought of Findri a lot when she didn't have anything to focus on; how pale he was when they took him away, all the tricks they shared as kids and of course, how she had been so mad when her parents had said she was getting a brother. The thoughts almost brought a smile to her face, but were abruptly interrupted by the aven leaving.

She weighed the possibilities, follow the aven, who probably had the food, or pick a fight with the one dressed in black. She decided on the former, having already witnessed her weapon and her standing with her back to the kill, most likely meaning she had had time to cut off some meat. Zosia rolled off the windowsill, immediately spreading out her wings to the annoying feeling of rain on her back and beating them hard to gain any altitude. She stayed close to the tops of buildings as she could without losing sight of the other aven. keeping close to the rooftops made it was easier to hide if needed, or land if the strain of flight got to be too much. Besides, flying in open air was usually a death sentence.

She had an unusual sense of no one watching her, which unnerved her so much, she nocked an arrow to her bow anyway, just as a precaution in case she followed the aven into a trap or there were any more people around here. Better safe than sorry.

She had woken up to one of those days. The morning had been dismal, a sprinkling of rain and nothing fun to do in sight but catch another deer and use it as bait. That trick was getting old though, and she needed something new to do, but rain always impeded her flying, her constant complaint being: "If I'm a bird from the rainforest, then why can't I fly normally in the rain?", so scouting didn't seem like the best thing to do. Of course someone else's event can always change those kinds of days.

And so it was true when a the sharp tone of a gunshot had rung through the city, echoing off the desolated buildings and making Zosia's ears hurt from the deafening sound. But still, the gunshot had attracted her. It wasn't that shots were rare now, but they usually meant food or fight, and from her observation, this one had been food. She wasn't really hungry, she had just eaten two days ago, and there was still more food back at her nest, but stealing food was just so much fun. Unfortunately someone had beaten her to it and she wasn't about to go down there with two people standing near the kill.

Zosia sat on a windowsill overlooking the street where the curious exchange had happened between an aven and a...she couldn't quite tell from the distance. The window was one of many that she had removed the glass from to create a perch for herself to watch the streets of the city, hidden from below. It also proved to be a great way to avoid getting wet when the rains came. She could barely make out their movements, and even less so their words.

So she couldn't help but think of her brother as if the scene she was witnessing was her brother and her, and what she would do to have him back. She thought of Findri a lot when she didn't have anything to focus on; how pale he was when they took him away, all the tricks they shared as kids and of course, how she had been so mad when her parents had said she was getting a brother. The thoughts almost brought a smile to her face, but were abruptly interrupted by the aven leaving.

She weighed the possibilities, follow the aven, who probably had the food, or pick a fight with the one dressed in black. She decided on the former, having already witnessed her weapon and her standing with her back to the kill, most likely meaning she had had time to cut off some meat. Zosia rolled off the windowsill, immediately spreading out her wings to the annoying feeling of rain on her back and beating them hard to gain any altitude. She stayed close to the tops of buildings as she could without losing sight of the other aven. keeping close to the rooftops made it was easier to hide if needed, or land if the strain of flight got to be too much. Besides, flying in open air was usually a death sentence.

She had an unusual sense of no one watching her, which unnerved her so much, she nocked an arrow to her bow anyway, just as a precaution in case she followed the aven into a trap or there were any more people around here. Better safe than sorry.

Sariah climbed steadily higher to get a better view of the city, a bird's eye view, the rain was rather bothersome and she now had enough food to last a while. She hadn't gotten all the meat, that spider man standing around was not worth the risk. Deer were easy prey, so not worth the risk.

She was focused on the path and her wings beatin a rhythmic fashion in an auto pilot sort of mode. She thought of Mortem's words... she wasn't a lonely desperate, since she had seen the death of many because they refused to leave another, it was almost ridiculous. While the notion was simple, yet complex, it ended tragically most of the time. It wasn't out of selfishness, but to spare her own feelings. She'd had enough tradgedy... she thought of her own friend.... or what he used to be. No, a solitary life was better. Why did she need anyone? She could handle herself.

When she got to her secondary location, she'd dry off there, eat, clean her weapons, and a wait out the rain. If night fell before the rain stopped, she'd sleep there. No use in getting another soaking

Some birds that nested in the city were rather friendly to her, they shared news of happenings and any newcomers. They even occasionally gave warning cries to her. In exchange she would gather fruit and vegetables from overgrown gardens and community orchards and share with them. She'd picked up some languages rather quickly, Raven, Crow, which was a dialect of raven, Buzzard, Eagle, Hawk, and Falcon. Buzzard and Eagle were closer and Falcon and Hawk were close to eachother as well, but Sparrow was difficult. Many different dialects and accents, slang, colloquialisms, jargon, and they spoke incredibly fast. Jay was much easier, but they could get high pitched. Mockingbirds were a nightmare, and Owl wasn't much easier. She used to think the language was simply "Bird", but after the change, the notion was quickly disproven. Pigeons and doves were just plain idiots, repeating themselves endlessly and constantly bickering.

She continued the course until she saw the familiar building in sight. This building was much smaller than her main nest and you had to enter through the roof, actually walk into the door and down the stairwell. The door was incredibly heavy and had a tendancy to slam shut, fast. Her poor tail suffered the first time she checked the building. She landed lightly on the roof and she was pinged in the head by an object abd another. The rain picked up and she saw a gleaming object in front of her, hailstones the size of grapes. She shielded herself with her wings as she rushed inside and carefully kept her tail close, this time, and stopped just inside the door, shaking as much water off of her. She then quickly decended the stairwell and headed off to her floor.

Sariah climbed steadily higher to get a better view of the city, a bird's eye view, the rain was rather bothersome and she now had enough food to last a while. She hadn't gotten all the meat, that spider man standing around was not worth the risk. Deer were easy prey, so not worth the risk.

She was focused on the path and her wings beatin a rhythmic fashion in an auto pilot sort of mode. She thought of Mortem's words... she wasn't a lonely desperate, since she had seen the death of many because they refused to leave another, it was almost ridiculous. While the notion was simple, yet complex, it ended tragically most of the time. It wasn't out of selfishness, but to spare her own feelings. She'd had enough tradgedy... she thought of her own friend.... or what he used to be. No, a solitary life was better. Why did she need anyone? She could handle herself.

When she got to her secondary location, she'd dry off there, eat, clean her weapons, and a wait out the rain. If night fell before the rain stopped, she'd sleep there. No use in getting another soaking

Some birds that nested in the city were rather friendly to her, they shared news of happenings and any newcomers. They even occasionally gave warning cries to her. In exchange she would gather fruit and vegetables from overgrown gardens and community orchards and share with them. She'd picked up some languages rather quickly, Raven, Crow, which was a dialect of raven, Buzzard, Eagle, Hawk, and Falcon. Buzzard and Eagle were closer and Falcon and Hawk were close to eachother as well, but Sparrow was difficult. Many different dialects and accents, slang, colloquialisms, jargon, and they spoke incredibly fast. Jay was much easier, but they could get high pitched. Mockingbirds were a nightmare, and Owl wasn't much easier. She used to think the language was simply "Bird", but after the change, the notion was quickly disproven. Pigeons and doves were just plain idiots, repeating themselves endlessly and constantly bickering.

She continued the course until she saw the familiar building in sight. This building was much smaller than her main nest and you had to enter through the roof, actually walk into the door and down the stairwell. The door was incredibly heavy and had a tendancy to slam shut, fast. Her poor tail suffered the first time she checked the building. She landed lightly on the roof and she was pinged in the head by an object abd another. The rain picked up and she saw a gleaming object in front of her, hailstones the size of grapes. She shielded herself with her wings as she rushed inside and carefully kept her tail close, this time, and stopped just inside the door, shaking as much water off of her. She then quickly decended the stairwell and headed off to her floor.
@ShadowGuardian0 @QuickSilvr ((Edit: Just realized that Shadow ninja'd me. For future reference if there is going to be a change in weather that'll effect everyone you might want to ping everone with such news.))

Nnn... That could've gone better.

Oh well~

He allows the bird to take flight, watching her go off on her own with a soft whistling noise. Admittedly he was a little worried considering she had revealed her location, and he kept her in place for so long. Admittedly his temporary cove was compromised, Whatever got stuck in it he could salvage later, and hiding away inside of it was pointless in the rain. Although no longer flammable he can't tell where anything was. Anyone could sneak up on him with ease... assuming they could even get through. It might've been rare, but other arachneds existed.

He should go back to his original territory--The forest, sometime soon--!

Four eyes blinked simultaneously up at the skies as another aven had flown off, and not only that but he--or she, was flying off in the direction his semi-acquaintance/friend/nemesis... Friendanemesis's direction.

Well, that likely wasn't friendly. Likely, unless this aven in question was a friend of hers. Granted, she was moving in a pattern that gave the opposite assumption, but it could also be a strategy to pick off opponents.

... ... .............

Well, they are going off in the same direction anyway, so why not follow them?

He cuts his current strand and returns his knife to his pocket before making a new one all-together. He climbed up onto the nearest building--scaling it with ease, and speed before he would latch the web strand onto the next building over before he... jumped.

And fell to his death.

...... ........

Just kidding~

He swung from building to building, propelling himself forward using the momentum of each swing to bring him closer--or perhaps at an equal distance--to the avens ahead of him. The only difficulty he really had was holding his hat down on his head. He wasn't losing that. Nope.

This method of travel was quick, showy(thus unstealthy), yet unpredictable as he often had to make sideways, and diagonal detours due to the placements of the building within the city itself.

Edit: In other news: Hail.

He didn't notice it at first--that is, until one decided to fly down and slam into his current string, sending his nerves on fire with a sudden surge of panic as he sent another string out, and latched onto the next building. Hail? Now?! Oh the weather is such a pain.

He heavily contemplated just waiting inside somewhere to wait out the storm, but then he'd have the same problem he had before--He'd be bored.

So he pushed on regardless, covering his head with one hand--swapping with each string while also curling up some, making a ball-like shape while only expanding to control his direction.
@ShadowGuardian0 @QuickSilvr ((Edit: Just realized that Shadow ninja'd me. For future reference if there is going to be a change in weather that'll effect everyone you might want to ping everone with such news.))

Nnn... That could've gone better.

Oh well~

He allows the bird to take flight, watching her go off on her own with a soft whistling noise. Admittedly he was a little worried considering she had revealed her location, and he kept her in place for so long. Admittedly his temporary cove was compromised, Whatever got stuck in it he could salvage later, and hiding away inside of it was pointless in the rain. Although no longer flammable he can't tell where anything was. Anyone could sneak up on him with ease... assuming they could even get through. It might've been rare, but other arachneds existed.

He should go back to his original territory--The forest, sometime soon--!

Four eyes blinked simultaneously up at the skies as another aven had flown off, and not only that but he--or she, was flying off in the direction his semi-acquaintance/friend/nemesis... Friendanemesis's direction.

Well, that likely wasn't friendly. Likely, unless this aven in question was a friend of hers. Granted, she was moving in a pattern that gave the opposite assumption, but it could also be a strategy to pick off opponents.

... ... .............

Well, they are going off in the same direction anyway, so why not follow them?

He cuts his current strand and returns his knife to his pocket before making a new one all-together. He climbed up onto the nearest building--scaling it with ease, and speed before he would latch the web strand onto the next building over before he... jumped.

And fell to his death.

...... ........

Just kidding~

He swung from building to building, propelling himself forward using the momentum of each swing to bring him closer--or perhaps at an equal distance--to the avens ahead of him. The only difficulty he really had was holding his hat down on his head. He wasn't losing that. Nope.

This method of travel was quick, showy(thus unstealthy), yet unpredictable as he often had to make sideways, and diagonal detours due to the placements of the building within the city itself.

Edit: In other news: Hail.

He didn't notice it at first--that is, until one decided to fly down and slam into his current string, sending his nerves on fire with a sudden surge of panic as he sent another string out, and latched onto the next building. Hail? Now?! Oh the weather is such a pain.

He heavily contemplated just waiting inside somewhere to wait out the storm, but then he'd have the same problem he had before--He'd be bored.

So he pushed on regardless, covering his head with one hand--swapping with each string while also curling up some, making a ball-like shape while only expanding to control his direction.
@ShadowGuardian0 @InvaderCristi

Zosia landed on the roof a building to shake out her wings, but she continued to run to keep up the momentum; she couldn't loose any ground and the aven she was following wasn't a slow flier that was for sure. Lunging off the building, she spiralled to try and fling off the sticky water droplets that clung to her with everything they had, dragging her down and making every stroke harder and painstakingly slower than the last. She climbed once again when the realization that she couldn't see her target at the altitude she was at dawned on her, squinting her eyes to block out the driving rain. Unfortunately, one of the adaptations she hadn't gotten was the multiple eyelids. You wouldn't think eyelids would make such a big difference until you were practically swimming in rain.

And then her worst nightmare hit her. Literally.

A massive hailstone slammed into her left wing and spun her around before she crashed through a window to her left and settled at the foot of an old couch. She groaned, the darn weather always seemed to change when she east expected it. Fragments of glass caught at her feathers, but nothing serious, the glass was tempered; it broke into tiny pieces when she hit it and barely left a scratch. Her bow seemed fine, but the arrow she had had notched had snapped in half. "Add that to the list of things to fix" she said sarcastically to herself, not in the mood to care if anyone was around to hear or not. Running back to the window, she looked around, the aven was gone.

Cursing Zosia sped into the air ignoring the rain and hail falling all around her, her only objective to gain height and spot her, wherever she may be heading. She scanned the buildings surrounding her, nothing, nothing, nothing. Building after building, then, there. A slight movement, and thud, muffled by the rain, which accompanied the closing of a door. Relieved to not have to stay at that height any longer while trying to play dodgeball with the weather. She had always hated dodgeball after that time she got hit in the face and was subsequently always singled out.

She landed clumsily, having opened her wings too late and ending up slamming into the tar of the roof. It stung a little, but the rain and hail was enough to motivate her and she ran to the door, swinging it open as fast as she could. She didn't anticipate the weight of the door though, and she almost fell backwards before being dragged forward with the closing of the door. Inside had looked small, a staircase. Going inside would probably be a bad idea, she wasn't good with fighting in small spaces, but another piece of hail landing near her changed her resolve and she grabbed the door again and swung herself inside.
@ShadowGuardian0 @InvaderCristi

Zosia landed on the roof a building to shake out her wings, but she continued to run to keep up the momentum; she couldn't loose any ground and the aven she was following wasn't a slow flier that was for sure. Lunging off the building, she spiralled to try and fling off the sticky water droplets that clung to her with everything they had, dragging her down and making every stroke harder and painstakingly slower than the last. She climbed once again when the realization that she couldn't see her target at the altitude she was at dawned on her, squinting her eyes to block out the driving rain. Unfortunately, one of the adaptations she hadn't gotten was the multiple eyelids. You wouldn't think eyelids would make such a big difference until you were practically swimming in rain.

And then her worst nightmare hit her. Literally.

A massive hailstone slammed into her left wing and spun her around before she crashed through a window to her left and settled at the foot of an old couch. She groaned, the darn weather always seemed to change when she east expected it. Fragments of glass caught at her feathers, but nothing serious, the glass was tempered; it broke into tiny pieces when she hit it and barely left a scratch. Her bow seemed fine, but the arrow she had had notched had snapped in half. "Add that to the list of things to fix" she said sarcastically to herself, not in the mood to care if anyone was around to hear or not. Running back to the window, she looked around, the aven was gone.

Cursing Zosia sped into the air ignoring the rain and hail falling all around her, her only objective to gain height and spot her, wherever she may be heading. She scanned the buildings surrounding her, nothing, nothing, nothing. Building after building, then, there. A slight movement, and thud, muffled by the rain, which accompanied the closing of a door. Relieved to not have to stay at that height any longer while trying to play dodgeball with the weather. She had always hated dodgeball after that time she got hit in the face and was subsequently always singled out.

She landed clumsily, having opened her wings too late and ending up slamming into the tar of the roof. It stung a little, but the rain and hail was enough to motivate her and she ran to the door, swinging it open as fast as she could. She didn't anticipate the weight of the door though, and she almost fell backwards before being dragged forward with the closing of the door. Inside had looked small, a staircase. Going inside would probably be a bad idea, she wasn't good with fighting in small spaces, but another piece of hail landing near her changed her resolve and she grabbed the door again and swung herself inside.

Sariah got to her floor, a similar layout, and quickly changed into dry clothes. Her wings were really wet now, and she rustled up some towels to start drying them. After a few minutes they were dry enough and she pulled her bag and started nibbling on the meat. It was cokd, but fires were dangerous, deadly.

She sat down on an executive couch and pulled her gun off her back and started drying it off. After a nap she would field strip it and oil it. She closed her eyes for a moment and only realized the faint soreness of her muscles from flying quickly and carrying more weight than usual and in the rain. A nap would do her good and she thought for a moment, if she had been followed by that spider man, that could be dangerous. But sleep sounded so good, and this was a rich person's couch and office, it was extremely comfy.

She ate a few more strips of meat, but kept her gun close. She also had guns, weapons, food, and supplies hidden every inch on the floor she resided on. She gave a sigh and closed her eyes, her wings wrapped around her like a curtain and she fell into sleep.

Sariah got to her floor, a similar layout, and quickly changed into dry clothes. Her wings were really wet now, and she rustled up some towels to start drying them. After a few minutes they were dry enough and she pulled her bag and started nibbling on the meat. It was cokd, but fires were dangerous, deadly.

She sat down on an executive couch and pulled her gun off her back and started drying it off. After a nap she would field strip it and oil it. She closed her eyes for a moment and only realized the faint soreness of her muscles from flying quickly and carrying more weight than usual and in the rain. A nap would do her good and she thought for a moment, if she had been followed by that spider man, that could be dangerous. But sleep sounded so good, and this was a rich person's couch and office, it was extremely comfy.

She ate a few more strips of meat, but kept her gun close. She also had guns, weapons, food, and supplies hidden every inch on the floor she resided on. She gave a sigh and closed her eyes, her wings wrapped around her like a curtain and she fell into sleep.
@ShadowGuardian0 @quicksilvr

Mortem watchedas not only his friendanemesis entered her building, but the other Aven following her insidesoon after. Either they were companions and he was about to make a fool of himself, or she was an enemy and he could potentially be that 'knight in shining armor' she had previously described... Or she'd handle it herself. Either way it was worth the risk.

He latches a string at the top of the main building, swinging around it a few times to try and decrease his current momentum before he flung himself upward at a still rediculous speed... However the further he went up the less momentum he had. Slowly but surely gravity did its work until it would try to pull him down....

An inch , as he had just safely landed on the building. Mmf~ it was always so satisfying whenever he did tha---

Oh right, hail.

A particularly large chunk smashed right into his upper arm, making him freeze from the sudden shock of it, and curse into his hand.

He might be a sadomasochist but the unnecessary was still unnecessary.

He ran inside of the building into the same entrance, however once he met the door he would merelymerely crack it open and s life inside, closing the door behind him as he immediately tooktook off his soaking wet jacket, folding neatly before He snuck deeper inside.
@ShadowGuardian0 @quicksilvr

Mortem watchedas not only his friendanemesis entered her building, but the other Aven following her insidesoon after. Either they were companions and he was about to make a fool of himself, or she was an enemy and he could potentially be that 'knight in shining armor' she had previously described... Or she'd handle it herself. Either way it was worth the risk.

He latches a string at the top of the main building, swinging around it a few times to try and decrease his current momentum before he flung himself upward at a still rediculous speed... However the further he went up the less momentum he had. Slowly but surely gravity did its work until it would try to pull him down....

An inch , as he had just safely landed on the building. Mmf~ it was always so satisfying whenever he did tha---

Oh right, hail.

A particularly large chunk smashed right into his upper arm, making him freeze from the sudden shock of it, and curse into his hand.

He might be a sadomasochist but the unnecessary was still unnecessary.

He ran inside of the building into the same entrance, however once he met the door he would merelymerely crack it open and s life inside, closing the door behind him as he immediately tooktook off his soaking wet jacket, folding neatly before He snuck deeper inside.
@ShadowGuardian0 @InvaderCristi

Zosia had only made it down one full flight of stairs to the first door before she heard the door above her open and close. She froze for once grateful of the amazing hearing that happened when you put two birds together who both could hear every last thing. Fight or flight...the two instincts warred in her head and flight won out. She had no clue which floor the other aven was on, and with someone right behind her, she didn't have that much time to find out.

Grasping the nearest door handle she pulled herself inside the room. The floor was very open, but dark and dusty, no one had probably disturbed this place in years. Meagre light filtered in through the windows, it was pretty dark outside with the storm and electricity didn't really work anymore so turning on a light switch was no longer a viable option. She stepped away from the door to examine the flat a bit more, remembering what life used to be like.

The kitchen, the bedrooms, the living room, the TV. She sighed, that was one of the least practical things ever, and yet she still desperately wished she could turn it on, even if no channels would work, but instead just to watch the snow that happened when the channels had stopped working during the plague. She sneezed, the dust making her eyes water and her nose itch. She couldn't function in this place, not with all that dust. People might think she was crying!

Zosia rushed out of the room, hoping she hadn't wasted a whole load of time in there. Looking up the stairs she saw the other...uh...she still wasn't quite sure what he was, but she didn't really want to hang around and chit chat about that, especially in such a tight space. were these two allies, the aven and the...the thing? She didn't think too long about that. While she might have heard the word 'alliance' earlier, there was no guarantee that they were allied and maybe he was only there with the same purpose as her. Water still dripped off of her as she lunged down the stairs, inspecting each door to see if there was any sort of anomaly, any indication of which door she ought to go through. She opened some of them, only to be met with the same dusty rooms that she had been in a few seconds earlier. Finally she opened a door to be met with the sight of the aven on the couch, sleeping. She drew her bow, and stepped inside. Letting the door thump to a close behind her.
@ShadowGuardian0 @InvaderCristi

Zosia had only made it down one full flight of stairs to the first door before she heard the door above her open and close. She froze for once grateful of the amazing hearing that happened when you put two birds together who both could hear every last thing. Fight or flight...the two instincts warred in her head and flight won out. She had no clue which floor the other aven was on, and with someone right behind her, she didn't have that much time to find out.

Grasping the nearest door handle she pulled herself inside the room. The floor was very open, but dark and dusty, no one had probably disturbed this place in years. Meagre light filtered in through the windows, it was pretty dark outside with the storm and electricity didn't really work anymore so turning on a light switch was no longer a viable option. She stepped away from the door to examine the flat a bit more, remembering what life used to be like.

The kitchen, the bedrooms, the living room, the TV. She sighed, that was one of the least practical things ever, and yet she still desperately wished she could turn it on, even if no channels would work, but instead just to watch the snow that happened when the channels had stopped working during the plague. She sneezed, the dust making her eyes water and her nose itch. She couldn't function in this place, not with all that dust. People might think she was crying!

Zosia rushed out of the room, hoping she hadn't wasted a whole load of time in there. Looking up the stairs she saw the other...uh...she still wasn't quite sure what he was, but she didn't really want to hang around and chit chat about that, especially in such a tight space. were these two allies, the aven and the...the thing? She didn't think too long about that. While she might have heard the word 'alliance' earlier, there was no guarantee that they were allied and maybe he was only there with the same purpose as her. Water still dripped off of her as she lunged down the stairs, inspecting each door to see if there was any sort of anomaly, any indication of which door she ought to go through. She opened some of them, only to be met with the same dusty rooms that she had been in a few seconds earlier. Finally she opened a door to be met with the sight of the aven on the couch, sleeping. She drew her bow, and stepped inside. Letting the door thump to a close behind her.

Sariah was asleep but a sound of a click awakened her. She opened her eyes and saw a fuzzy silhouette standing in front of her, not too close to hit with her tail, but close enough to shoot. She immediately sat up as adrenaline rushed through her, the person was female, another Aven, and she held a bow with an arrow nocked, all she had to do was let go. Her chest tightened and her breaths were sudden and choppy.

She gave a cough from the dust that swirled around and she blinked her clear eyelids quickly. She had two choices, surrender and hopefully not be executed on the spot or fight and hopefully live without major injury. This person probably didn't play games, and she didn't seem to be happy, though her expression was difficult.

With a split second decision, she gave one stride and jumped right into them and she knocked this new aven off balance. No time to grab the rifle, swing it up or fire, but she did have a pistol she might be able to use if she could pib this person down for a moment. Hopefully she wasn't expecting an attack or a good hand to hand fighter.

(She can get shot without it being lethal, what about you?)

Sariah was asleep but a sound of a click awakened her. She opened her eyes and saw a fuzzy silhouette standing in front of her, not too close to hit with her tail, but close enough to shoot. She immediately sat up as adrenaline rushed through her, the person was female, another Aven, and she held a bow with an arrow nocked, all she had to do was let go. Her chest tightened and her breaths were sudden and choppy.

She gave a cough from the dust that swirled around and she blinked her clear eyelids quickly. She had two choices, surrender and hopefully not be executed on the spot or fight and hopefully live without major injury. This person probably didn't play games, and she didn't seem to be happy, though her expression was difficult.

With a split second decision, she gave one stride and jumped right into them and she knocked this new aven off balance. No time to grab the rifle, swing it up or fire, but she did have a pistol she might be able to use if she could pib this person down for a moment. Hopefully she wasn't expecting an attack or a good hand to hand fighter.

(She can get shot without it being lethal, what about you?)
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