

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Rising RP thread
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He raised an eyebrow in an amused fashion before his grin only managed to twist and stretch itself even further, "H'oh? That's what many say, however... in your situation water could be your exact downfall." He says simply, but he doesn't exactly say why, nor clarify if he was the effect to this cause. What she was probably not aware of was the fact that guns are not exactly waterproof, and the moment that the inner mechanisms within the gun(particularly the gunpowder within the chamber, and the bullets themselves) it wouldn't be able to fire.

Really, he was amazed that she could shoot at all in this rain, but all of that is done for after the first shot. Yes, without a doubt there would be water in her gun now, and until that dries she is almost completely helpless.

Almost, of course it would be a fool's mistake to think that a gun is the only thing people are capable of, especially when she so obviously displayed what would be her next weapon by flapping them, although... he was also very confident in his combat abilities. Granted, he never wanted to use them in the first place. He just wanted a bit of a playmate.

"What is it I want? Didn't I just say it before?" He questions before he makes a pistol shape with his fingers, pointing it her way before he attempts to take a few casual steps forward, "It's not the victim that I'm looking for, Tweetie bird..." If he was so allowed he'd try to gently prod his pointer finger against her forehead, mocking a would-be hostile situation should he have actually had a gun, "It's the person behind the trigger."

He'd let that phrase sit in the air for a moment before he'd pull his hands back, "As I said before, I'm insatiably bored so I sought out company. And to answer your previous question: No, I couldn't give less of a damn that you killed a creature that was made to be killed." That and she was just letting the meat get salty under the rain. It was really in poor taste that she decided to skin it during the downpour. It's going to taste awful.

He raised an eyebrow in an amused fashion before his grin only managed to twist and stretch itself even further, "H'oh? That's what many say, however... in your situation water could be your exact downfall." He says simply, but he doesn't exactly say why, nor clarify if he was the effect to this cause. What she was probably not aware of was the fact that guns are not exactly waterproof, and the moment that the inner mechanisms within the gun(particularly the gunpowder within the chamber, and the bullets themselves) it wouldn't be able to fire.

Really, he was amazed that she could shoot at all in this rain, but all of that is done for after the first shot. Yes, without a doubt there would be water in her gun now, and until that dries she is almost completely helpless.

Almost, of course it would be a fool's mistake to think that a gun is the only thing people are capable of, especially when she so obviously displayed what would be her next weapon by flapping them, although... he was also very confident in his combat abilities. Granted, he never wanted to use them in the first place. He just wanted a bit of a playmate.

"What is it I want? Didn't I just say it before?" He questions before he makes a pistol shape with his fingers, pointing it her way before he attempts to take a few casual steps forward, "It's not the victim that I'm looking for, Tweetie bird..." If he was so allowed he'd try to gently prod his pointer finger against her forehead, mocking a would-be hostile situation should he have actually had a gun, "It's the person behind the trigger."

He'd let that phrase sit in the air for a moment before he'd pull his hands back, "As I said before, I'm insatiably bored so I sought out company. And to answer your previous question: No, I couldn't give less of a damn that you killed a creature that was made to be killed." That and she was just letting the meat get salty under the rain. It was really in poor taste that she decided to skin it during the downpour. It's going to taste awful.
Anise DeLucian

She groaned, which had become a common reaction to anything they said. She brought a hand up to her chest and spoke slowly, No. I am Anise DeLucian, do I happen to be a fish person? Hell yes. But for you do imply that my gills are the only important thing about me is offensive. Since I don't believe you meant it to come out that way I'll let it slide, perhaps you should assume a more timely vernacular."

She found these two to be entertaining, if nothing else. If she didn't she would have left them behind already. Their value as a distraction combined with her suspicion of the boy had all but anchored her to this spot. Sure, Anise had prior engagements but this wouldn't be the first or last time she skipped an event in favor of something more immediately satisfying.

Anise had been watching the hood the boy had drawn over his head, the movement beneath it had become more and more frequent. It seemed to her that only canine or feline people had ears like that, so he was something like that. A fox would be fitting for him, or a house cat. Poetic justice was very rarely served among the hybrids, though she had once encountered a particularly annoying man who had the unfortunate fate of being crossed with a fly. "Your name is.... insert name here, and you identify as which species? I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
Anise DeLucian

She groaned, which had become a common reaction to anything they said. She brought a hand up to her chest and spoke slowly, No. I am Anise DeLucian, do I happen to be a fish person? Hell yes. But for you do imply that my gills are the only important thing about me is offensive. Since I don't believe you meant it to come out that way I'll let it slide, perhaps you should assume a more timely vernacular."

She found these two to be entertaining, if nothing else. If she didn't she would have left them behind already. Their value as a distraction combined with her suspicion of the boy had all but anchored her to this spot. Sure, Anise had prior engagements but this wouldn't be the first or last time she skipped an event in favor of something more immediately satisfying.

Anise had been watching the hood the boy had drawn over his head, the movement beneath it had become more and more frequent. It seemed to her that only canine or feline people had ears like that, so he was something like that. A fox would be fitting for him, or a house cat. Poetic justice was very rarely served among the hybrids, though she had once encountered a particularly annoying man who had the unfortunate fate of being crossed with a fly. "Your name is.... insert name here, and you identify as which species? I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
And now they were introducing themselves. Wonderful, it was as if all of Pigeon's dreams had come true. She hated telling people what she was, she preferred the element of surprise. People rarely expected that she was an electric eel, and that was something she could use to her advantage. Sometimes she thought people should always announce what they were mixed with, but then she realized that would be awful for her. Since Granny, or Anise she should call her, only said Picten, that's all Pigeon had to say.

"I'm Pigeon, also a Picten." She hoped that this wouldn't lead to any other questions, which it probably would. Granny had a tendency of talking, a lot. It would probably get on the topic of why she didn't have gills, or why she had a name like Pigeon. And then maybe how ironic a name like Pigeon was, considering she was a fish, which is more ironic considering she was afraid of things that had wings. It wasn't really a topic that she wanted to go into.

More than that, Anise had said earlier that science had become obsolete. She was too appalled to respond fast enough, when Felan changed the subject to species. Pigeon really liked science. She stole Popular Mechanics and Wired magazines out of peoples old bathrooms. Those along and Glamour and Seventeen magazines. This woman was just too much, did she really think that all science was obsolete because human biology had changed? It was a bit too late to bring up the topic now, and she didn't feel like starting another argument with the woman, so she just scowled in response.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
And now they were introducing themselves. Wonderful, it was as if all of Pigeon's dreams had come true. She hated telling people what she was, she preferred the element of surprise. People rarely expected that she was an electric eel, and that was something she could use to her advantage. Sometimes she thought people should always announce what they were mixed with, but then she realized that would be awful for her. Since Granny, or Anise she should call her, only said Picten, that's all Pigeon had to say.

"I'm Pigeon, also a Picten." She hoped that this wouldn't lead to any other questions, which it probably would. Granny had a tendency of talking, a lot. It would probably get on the topic of why she didn't have gills, or why she had a name like Pigeon. And then maybe how ironic a name like Pigeon was, considering she was a fish, which is more ironic considering she was afraid of things that had wings. It wasn't really a topic that she wanted to go into.

More than that, Anise had said earlier that science had become obsolete. She was too appalled to respond fast enough, when Felan changed the subject to species. Pigeon really liked science. She stole Popular Mechanics and Wired magazines out of peoples old bathrooms. Those along and Glamour and Seventeen magazines. This woman was just too much, did she really think that all science was obsolete because human biology had changed? It was a bit too late to bring up the topic now, and she didn't feel like starting another argument with the woman, so she just scowled in response.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
Anise DeLucian

"Felan," She looked at the boy, raising an eyebrow, "and Pigeon." Anise turned to the little Hero and shook her head, shrugging as she did so. "Man, your parents really knew what they were doing when they named you didn't they? If they knew the apocalypse was coming up they really should have let someone know." Their names fit much better in this sort of situation than her's did. Anise? That was too tame. Something like Spike or Vicious would have been more fitting. "Well, I suppose you can call me Pterois. Or Lion Fish. Either are correct. I won't spoil any of the fun stuff for you if you're not familiar with the species though. You'll have pick up a book, if you can read."

She was ready to get out of here, but no way in hell was she going to turn her back on these two. They were cute little babies but Anise herself had been that age once and with hormones flying all over the place they could be unpredictable at best. Plus Not-Actually-A-Bird was a Picten and the variable of what abilities she could posses left too much open, this sort of situation forced her animal instincts to kick in and keep her anchored to this spot. It was annoying, she had in fact turned her back on these two several times but if something about a situation changed (like the revelation of what species the brats were) her fish half would take more control over the human half and... Whatever the issue was it was inconvenient.

Lion Fish were extremely skilled hunters in the water but were extremely defensive towards potential predators. It was nice to have the extreme finesse of such a skilled hunter but the spines and radical sense of self-preservation sometimes overshadowed the benefits of sharing DNA with such a creature.

"I'm not a bloodthirsty individual and would rather not fight you at the moment, am I safe to assume that we can end this little playdate on peaceful terms? I'm starving, oh and I'm late for a meeting. Sorry to say but you two have lost your entertainment value."

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue
Anise DeLucian

"Felan," She looked at the boy, raising an eyebrow, "and Pigeon." Anise turned to the little Hero and shook her head, shrugging as she did so. "Man, your parents really knew what they were doing when they named you didn't they? If they knew the apocalypse was coming up they really should have let someone know." Their names fit much better in this sort of situation than her's did. Anise? That was too tame. Something like Spike or Vicious would have been more fitting. "Well, I suppose you can call me Pterois. Or Lion Fish. Either are correct. I won't spoil any of the fun stuff for you if you're not familiar with the species though. You'll have pick up a book, if you can read."

She was ready to get out of here, but no way in hell was she going to turn her back on these two. They were cute little babies but Anise herself had been that age once and with hormones flying all over the place they could be unpredictable at best. Plus Not-Actually-A-Bird was a Picten and the variable of what abilities she could posses left too much open, this sort of situation forced her animal instincts to kick in and keep her anchored to this spot. It was annoying, she had in fact turned her back on these two several times but if something about a situation changed (like the revelation of what species the brats were) her fish half would take more control over the human half and... Whatever the issue was it was inconvenient.

Lion Fish were extremely skilled hunters in the water but were extremely defensive towards potential predators. It was nice to have the extreme finesse of such a skilled hunter but the spines and radical sense of self-preservation sometimes overshadowed the benefits of sharing DNA with such a creature.

"I'm not a bloodthirsty individual and would rather not fight you at the moment, am I safe to assume that we can end this little playdate on peaceful terms? I'm starving, oh and I'm late for a meeting. Sorry to say but you two have lost your entertainment value."

@xxtatsuxx @RooibosInBlue

Sariah gave a pause and cocked her head. She didn't remember any specific request, no matter now. At his comment and gave a low screech of alarm. He was a bit unnerving and was no doubt dangerous.

She immediately backed up and gave a cry of protest "Stop!" And pulled her pistol from her holster and smoothly clicked off the safety. There was already a bullet chambered and the hammer was cocked. All she had to do was pull the trigger, and it was extremely light of a trigger.

A similar situation had happened before and it flashed through her head. She had just killed some crime lord in the city, his brains splattered across the street, and she flew as fast as possible to escape, but some falcon mix was chasing her and caught up to her. They landed on a skyscraper and he approached similarly, she drew, but her gun caught on the holster. He was quicker to react and twitched his wings. Asit turned out, he was a falcon scorpion, he threw a feather like an arrow and it lodged in her leg, the venom quickly reacted and she doubled over with pain. He was quickly upon her and pinned her with a knife to her neck, the only thing that saved her was when he met her eye and looked in shock for a moment.

She knocked the knife out of his hand and shoved him off. She pulled her gun up and fired, she hit him, but je flew away trailing blood. People getting close to her made her nervous ever since. She still had the scar from the venom.

She focused on breathing and holding the gun steady. One more step and he'd get a triple tap. She was much more experienced now, she wouldn't miss.

Sariah gave a pause and cocked her head. She didn't remember any specific request, no matter now. At his comment and gave a low screech of alarm. He was a bit unnerving and was no doubt dangerous.

She immediately backed up and gave a cry of protest "Stop!" And pulled her pistol from her holster and smoothly clicked off the safety. There was already a bullet chambered and the hammer was cocked. All she had to do was pull the trigger, and it was extremely light of a trigger.

A similar situation had happened before and it flashed through her head. She had just killed some crime lord in the city, his brains splattered across the street, and she flew as fast as possible to escape, but some falcon mix was chasing her and caught up to her. They landed on a skyscraper and he approached similarly, she drew, but her gun caught on the holster. He was quicker to react and twitched his wings. Asit turned out, he was a falcon scorpion, he threw a feather like an arrow and it lodged in her leg, the venom quickly reacted and she doubled over with pain. He was quickly upon her and pinned her with a knife to her neck, the only thing that saved her was when he met her eye and looked in shock for a moment.

She knocked the knife out of his hand and shoved him off. She pulled her gun up and fired, she hit him, but je flew away trailing blood. People getting close to her made her nervous ever since. She still had the scar from the venom.

She focused on breathing and holding the gun steady. One more step and he'd get a triple tap. She was much more experienced now, she wouldn't miss.

Needless to say he wasn't surprised by her reaction. It was almost boring if not a little cute. He pouted some before he pulls away, "Stingy..." He took several steps back to show he meant no ill will, even raising his hands some, "It's fine, Tweetie Bird. I'm not here to hurt you" He leans over some to give a meaningful glance over at the deer, "nor am I here to steal your meal." He neutralized his look to more of a content one.

"When I say this I mean it wholeheartedly, I am only here because I seek companionship. It is dangerous to work alone in the apocalypse regardless of how skilled you are. So for the sake of survival purposes, and to keep ourselves from going absolutely mad I was going to propose an allience. Now, I know you are probably hesitant but as a sign of good will.." He raises his hand up slightly while the other fetches a knife in his pocket. He flips it briefly n fore he drops it, catching it on hisbshoe and lightly tossed it her way, "That is the only wweapon I have on my person." He holds his hands above his head once more before he offered a gleeful look, "So, what do you say? Your guns, your wings, my webs, charisma and overall melee combat ability. We could make a great team."

Needless to say he wasn't surprised by her reaction. It was almost boring if not a little cute. He pouted some before he pulls away, "Stingy..." He took several steps back to show he meant no ill will, even raising his hands some, "It's fine, Tweetie Bird. I'm not here to hurt you" He leans over some to give a meaningful glance over at the deer, "nor am I here to steal your meal." He neutralized his look to more of a content one.

"When I say this I mean it wholeheartedly, I am only here because I seek companionship. It is dangerous to work alone in the apocalypse regardless of how skilled you are. So for the sake of survival purposes, and to keep ourselves from going absolutely mad I was going to propose an allience. Now, I know you are probably hesitant but as a sign of good will.." He raises his hand up slightly while the other fetches a knife in his pocket. He flips it briefly n fore he drops it, catching it on hisbshoe and lightly tossed it her way, "That is the only wweapon I have on my person." He holds his hands above his head once more before he offered a gleeful look, "So, what do you say? Your guns, your wings, my webs, charisma and overall melee combat ability. We could make a great team."

Sariah gave a puzzled look, was he serious? He seemed to be telling the truth, nut she had also known many skilled liars. She wasn't one of them, but she had heard her share of lies before. She cleared her throat and thought for a moment. Things could get awful lonely, but was companionship worth the risk? Even if it were not him, was it worth it? "How do I know you're not just trying to get me to lower my guard, to kill or capture me. Weapons are worth more than a deer, so even if you don't want the deer, why not kill me for what I have?"

He could be a powerful ally, but she was still on edge, trusting others wasn't easy. In the new, harsh world, water, guns, food, and power could easily be thicker than blood. She had felt the sting of betrayal before, a friend of many years. He was some bird mix and her spotter. A perfect sniper team, but greed slowly took him and she had the scar to prove it. Just a graze if a bullet, but it was not something easily forgotten. She killed him and never stayed another night in that city.

She gave a sigh, living alone had its perks. Nobody to feed, watch or lose. Knowing that you'll never be betrayed... but so did having a partner. Someone to watch your back, someone to talk to, to trust. He had saved her many times before, without hin she would be dead.

"Why me? Why not ask someone else?" She asked, stepping behind the carcass and slowly holstering her pistol. She looked up at him as she knelt down and continued to cut the meat away.

"I can fly, can you? She asked with an eyebrow raised. She wasn't hinting at an alliance, but finding more info on him. If he couldn't keep up with her, not much help he would be.

Sariah gave a puzzled look, was he serious? He seemed to be telling the truth, nut she had also known many skilled liars. She wasn't one of them, but she had heard her share of lies before. She cleared her throat and thought for a moment. Things could get awful lonely, but was companionship worth the risk? Even if it were not him, was it worth it? "How do I know you're not just trying to get me to lower my guard, to kill or capture me. Weapons are worth more than a deer, so even if you don't want the deer, why not kill me for what I have?"

He could be a powerful ally, but she was still on edge, trusting others wasn't easy. In the new, harsh world, water, guns, food, and power could easily be thicker than blood. She had felt the sting of betrayal before, a friend of many years. He was some bird mix and her spotter. A perfect sniper team, but greed slowly took him and she had the scar to prove it. Just a graze if a bullet, but it was not something easily forgotten. She killed him and never stayed another night in that city.

She gave a sigh, living alone had its perks. Nobody to feed, watch or lose. Knowing that you'll never be betrayed... but so did having a partner. Someone to watch your back, someone to talk to, to trust. He had saved her many times before, without hin she would be dead.

"Why me? Why not ask someone else?" She asked, stepping behind the carcass and slowly holstering her pistol. She looked up at him as she knelt down and continued to cut the meat away.

"I can fly, can you? She asked with an eyebrow raised. She wasn't hinting at an alliance, but finding more info on him. If he couldn't keep up with her, not much help he would be.

Mortem quirked his eyebrow a second time at her inquiry. Well, at least she was clever, but not to the psychic degree, "Well, for one I gave you a hint from as to why I can still kill you despite the current circumstances." He pauses, "And by hint I mean I outright told you it." He gave a light shrug, "And as I said before, I'm bored. If I just killed you that would entertain me for at most... what, three hours depending on how strong your willpower is. Most people these days can't get beyond an hour before they faint, not unless I go easy on them."

He makes a soft hum before he gave a light shrug, "A combination of timing, luck, and the fact that you didn't immediately fire at me when you saw me. Most people aren't keen to spiders, or people in general. As this is often the normal approach it says a lot about the person. They want to take no risks because either they have something that they might want to lose, they have lost hope in humanity, or a combination of the two." He raises up two fingers to further his point, "But you didn't attack, even if I had pushed you. So in other words... you must be lonely too. You have nothing to gain, or lose by killing so you don't rush it."

He rolls his shoulders back some, "But no, I can't fly, but I can climb, and I am sure I can pull you down if I had really wanted." He says as he finally raises the hand that had previously entered his pocket, spreading his fingers partially before he made a light tug backwards.

The knife moved. It was attached to a web that was practically invisible to the eye, although it was only a single thread.

"And I suppose I can hold on. I have quite the set of sticky fingers." He gave a low chuckle, amused, "Usually you find two birds of a feather working together in this setting. Birds with birds, fish with fish. It makes everything so predictable." He hums softly, "That, and being one of the spiderfolk I can set quite the nasty set of traps. So while I'm sure you can fly to your destination I can ensure that people will not be able to follow you."

Mortem quirked his eyebrow a second time at her inquiry. Well, at least she was clever, but not to the psychic degree, "Well, for one I gave you a hint from as to why I can still kill you despite the current circumstances." He pauses, "And by hint I mean I outright told you it." He gave a light shrug, "And as I said before, I'm bored. If I just killed you that would entertain me for at most... what, three hours depending on how strong your willpower is. Most people these days can't get beyond an hour before they faint, not unless I go easy on them."

He makes a soft hum before he gave a light shrug, "A combination of timing, luck, and the fact that you didn't immediately fire at me when you saw me. Most people aren't keen to spiders, or people in general. As this is often the normal approach it says a lot about the person. They want to take no risks because either they have something that they might want to lose, they have lost hope in humanity, or a combination of the two." He raises up two fingers to further his point, "But you didn't attack, even if I had pushed you. So in other words... you must be lonely too. You have nothing to gain, or lose by killing so you don't rush it."

He rolls his shoulders back some, "But no, I can't fly, but I can climb, and I am sure I can pull you down if I had really wanted." He says as he finally raises the hand that had previously entered his pocket, spreading his fingers partially before he made a light tug backwards.

The knife moved. It was attached to a web that was practically invisible to the eye, although it was only a single thread.

"And I suppose I can hold on. I have quite the set of sticky fingers." He gave a low chuckle, amused, "Usually you find two birds of a feather working together in this setting. Birds with birds, fish with fish. It makes everything so predictable." He hums softly, "That, and being one of the spiderfolk I can set quite the nasty set of traps. So while I'm sure you can fly to your destination I can ensure that people will not be able to follow you."
(I'm typing this on my phone so it's going to be pretty bad... Sorry :P (oh man so many typos...))

Pigeon rolled her eyes. She found it hard to believe that they were the ones being boring considering Anise enjoyed quoting Shakespeare. Shakespeare was the definition of boring. Or at least she assumed, she never read Shakespeare. Most of the libraries and bookstores that she looted after the apocalypse had a thoroughly raided drama department. The science department was generally pretty full because most people didn't want to learn chemistry if they weren't being forced to. And did Granny really think Pigeon was her real name? Her dads were way to cool to name her Pigeon. It wasn't as if she hated the name Shaelynn, she actually thought it was pretty cute. But she liked having it so only three people alive knew her name, it made it seem more special.

"Fine, just don't kill anymore innocent people." She said and turned around. Pigeon was normally pretty reserved, and when she wasn't she was normally pretty happy. But, the whole situation made her rather upset, so she was much more sarcastic than normal. That and she had to admit that this weird standoff-like situation was not only boring but also tiring. But turning her back to a hostile character was probably the most out of character thing Pigeon has done in a while. You see, Pigeon has a strict set of rules she lives by to be safe in the society where everyone and everything wanted to kill you. These rules include never touching anyone unless you knew what they were, and never turning your back on a stranger.

This was a different situation. She didn't think that Anise would lunge at her, especially not with Felan there. Anise seemed to group Felan and Pigeon together for some unknown reason, so she wouldn't trust only one of them turned around. The only reason she would attack is because Pigeon never specified what species she was. Pigeon figured that wouldn't be enough to attack. Plus, then if they ever met again she would still have the element of surprise. She wasn't looking forward to the treck back down to the city, and she could easily swim. But she would have to swim with a pair of rubber boots on, which was never comfortable. Plus one could possibly fall off, and her boots were too precious to risk.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz
(I'm typing this on my phone so it's going to be pretty bad... Sorry :P (oh man so many typos...))

Pigeon rolled her eyes. She found it hard to believe that they were the ones being boring considering Anise enjoyed quoting Shakespeare. Shakespeare was the definition of boring. Or at least she assumed, she never read Shakespeare. Most of the libraries and bookstores that she looted after the apocalypse had a thoroughly raided drama department. The science department was generally pretty full because most people didn't want to learn chemistry if they weren't being forced to. And did Granny really think Pigeon was her real name? Her dads were way to cool to name her Pigeon. It wasn't as if she hated the name Shaelynn, she actually thought it was pretty cute. But she liked having it so only three people alive knew her name, it made it seem more special.

"Fine, just don't kill anymore innocent people." She said and turned around. Pigeon was normally pretty reserved, and when she wasn't she was normally pretty happy. But, the whole situation made her rather upset, so she was much more sarcastic than normal. That and she had to admit that this weird standoff-like situation was not only boring but also tiring. But turning her back to a hostile character was probably the most out of character thing Pigeon has done in a while. You see, Pigeon has a strict set of rules she lives by to be safe in the society where everyone and everything wanted to kill you. These rules include never touching anyone unless you knew what they were, and never turning your back on a stranger.

This was a different situation. She didn't think that Anise would lunge at her, especially not with Felan there. Anise seemed to group Felan and Pigeon together for some unknown reason, so she wouldn't trust only one of them turned around. The only reason she would attack is because Pigeon never specified what species she was. Pigeon figured that wouldn't be enough to attack. Plus, then if they ever met again she would still have the element of surprise. She wasn't looking forward to the treck back down to the city, and she could easily swim. But she would have to swim with a pair of rubber boots on, which was never comfortable. Plus one could possibly fall off, and her boots were too precious to risk.

@xxtatsuxx @zurrz

Sariah slowly mumbled a word under her breath "Kill" ..... she almost wondered why it was all about death, with everyone she met, but stopped herself. She herself dealt in death, did well because people needed to die. Everyone she met she analyzed, What if I have to kill them? and wondered how it would be done if it had to be. She had killed many and many tried to kill her, none, obviously succeeded. Perhaps he was just trying to rattle her, not a bad tactic by far, get someone off their A-Game and your chances of killing them go up. She'd done that once or so.

"You seem extremely sure of my death in the event of a fight" she noted. "While I have wings, which is an advantage that has saved me many times, I'm sure you have a counter measure." , she wondered if he could shoot silk fast enough as a counter measure or if it was the kind of ability that he got from a low dose of the cure, a useless skill. The more of the dosage you took, the more animal you came. Some people had to take two or more and became Chimeras, as they were called. The more of the dose you took, the more likely you would go insane and have to be put down like an animal.

She continued "While I can generally size up a fight well, by no means do I ever count myself the winner unless they are decapitated, literally heartless, or more of them is splattered around them than is inside them. I know that one day I'll die, and most likely in battle. Overestimating myself and underestimating an opponent has caused the death of many and has worked to my advantage, I don't show all my cards and hope they do."

She made another low growl, he seemed to act as if she knew him. "Did you ever think there's more than one reason to not shoot someone dead on sight? Maybe I think of others as a potential customer, maybe bullets are no longer made, maybe firing one shot was risky enough and two would draw more people, the first one drew you, more would come. What would happen? I don't want to die, if I had fired, most likely you would have attacked and then what? Maybe I walk away, maybe I can't fly, maybe I'm dead, maybe you don't have a head anymore or your guts are splattered fifty feet from you. Maybe it's because we are all trying to survive and maybe you needed help, maybe you thought I needed help. Though, few good Samaritans remain, if any. The ones who are willing to die for others.... die."

"It's not my policy to attack people because of what they look like. Who they are as a person decides that" and she clacked her beak. She missed having teeth, but taking care of a beak was easier. She wondered how much damage he could do unarmed, or without that knife, at least. She didn't believe he was truly defenseless now, especially with his cocky mouth. Who knows who would win the fight? If they fought, no tellung. No way he would know. Just another prideful person. Or clever. Perhaps both.

"Of course I've lost hope in humanity, I've seen it all, every bit of it." and scowled, Earth was demanding, harsh, and a sped up version of the Theory of Evolution combined with Murphy's Law. "But that's now why I didn't shoot. That shot might have lead to my death and I don't want that, it's simple. If I were lonely, there's plenty of people who would take someone like me and use me for my skills, befriend an..... " she didn't finish her sentence. Perhaps she just looked like a survivor, no need to give anything away. "...Befriend someone like me and have me along only to kill me when I outgrow my usefulness. I'm not a desperate, lonely person that only needs the right snake charmer to come along and convince me to join them, I've done fine for years on my own"

She thought of a scene she had seen from her scope, some humanesqe people were traveling in a group, they looked like centaurs, but not all were horses, some vile people attacked and the men held off the attackers while the children and women ran, not a single defender remained, though most of the others escaped. No use in firing a bullet, while she was a good shot, they were moving and fighting fast and close, she was as likely to hit a defender as an attacker if she hit anything at all, and then her position was disclosed. She just sat and watched the slaughter. It really was a terrible place to live in. She only took jobs she agreed with, kill a drug lord, a crime lord, a gang lord, kill the person that ate their children, kill the person who liquefied their wife with acid. That sort of thing.

She silently thought, He seems sure he can follow me, so does that mean an aerial escape is near impossible? If he wants to kill me, can he bring me down? It could be a bluff, but was that a risk she could take?, but if she thought he may try to kill her, she would try for a clearing, nothing he could climb in range. But what was his range? Should she prod for more info, or might he become suspicious of that many questions. Best not press it.

She finished up with the meat she was going to take and left the rest. "Yeah, it does" she said, agreeing with his statement of predictability. "Are you suggesting that I pretend I'm along and when someone gets the jump on me, you come riding in with shining armor and save me because it's not predicted? You've already expressed a possible threat to myself because of boredom, simple boredom. What would you do if someone offered a bunch of weapons, or something valuable to you?" she shook her head, this guy was something else. "Maybe you could have watched my back, but I can't trust you. So, how could I believe you would truly look out for me? How can I?" and with that, she took a jump and flapped all four wings quickly in case he tried something. But that would only prove her point.

Sariah slowly mumbled a word under her breath "Kill" ..... she almost wondered why it was all about death, with everyone she met, but stopped herself. She herself dealt in death, did well because people needed to die. Everyone she met she analyzed, What if I have to kill them? and wondered how it would be done if it had to be. She had killed many and many tried to kill her, none, obviously succeeded. Perhaps he was just trying to rattle her, not a bad tactic by far, get someone off their A-Game and your chances of killing them go up. She'd done that once or so.

"You seem extremely sure of my death in the event of a fight" she noted. "While I have wings, which is an advantage that has saved me many times, I'm sure you have a counter measure." , she wondered if he could shoot silk fast enough as a counter measure or if it was the kind of ability that he got from a low dose of the cure, a useless skill. The more of the dosage you took, the more animal you came. Some people had to take two or more and became Chimeras, as they were called. The more of the dose you took, the more likely you would go insane and have to be put down like an animal.

She continued "While I can generally size up a fight well, by no means do I ever count myself the winner unless they are decapitated, literally heartless, or more of them is splattered around them than is inside them. I know that one day I'll die, and most likely in battle. Overestimating myself and underestimating an opponent has caused the death of many and has worked to my advantage, I don't show all my cards and hope they do."

She made another low growl, he seemed to act as if she knew him. "Did you ever think there's more than one reason to not shoot someone dead on sight? Maybe I think of others as a potential customer, maybe bullets are no longer made, maybe firing one shot was risky enough and two would draw more people, the first one drew you, more would come. What would happen? I don't want to die, if I had fired, most likely you would have attacked and then what? Maybe I walk away, maybe I can't fly, maybe I'm dead, maybe you don't have a head anymore or your guts are splattered fifty feet from you. Maybe it's because we are all trying to survive and maybe you needed help, maybe you thought I needed help. Though, few good Samaritans remain, if any. The ones who are willing to die for others.... die."

"It's not my policy to attack people because of what they look like. Who they are as a person decides that" and she clacked her beak. She missed having teeth, but taking care of a beak was easier. She wondered how much damage he could do unarmed, or without that knife, at least. She didn't believe he was truly defenseless now, especially with his cocky mouth. Who knows who would win the fight? If they fought, no tellung. No way he would know. Just another prideful person. Or clever. Perhaps both.

"Of course I've lost hope in humanity, I've seen it all, every bit of it." and scowled, Earth was demanding, harsh, and a sped up version of the Theory of Evolution combined with Murphy's Law. "But that's now why I didn't shoot. That shot might have lead to my death and I don't want that, it's simple. If I were lonely, there's plenty of people who would take someone like me and use me for my skills, befriend an..... " she didn't finish her sentence. Perhaps she just looked like a survivor, no need to give anything away. "...Befriend someone like me and have me along only to kill me when I outgrow my usefulness. I'm not a desperate, lonely person that only needs the right snake charmer to come along and convince me to join them, I've done fine for years on my own"

She thought of a scene she had seen from her scope, some humanesqe people were traveling in a group, they looked like centaurs, but not all were horses, some vile people attacked and the men held off the attackers while the children and women ran, not a single defender remained, though most of the others escaped. No use in firing a bullet, while she was a good shot, they were moving and fighting fast and close, she was as likely to hit a defender as an attacker if she hit anything at all, and then her position was disclosed. She just sat and watched the slaughter. It really was a terrible place to live in. She only took jobs she agreed with, kill a drug lord, a crime lord, a gang lord, kill the person that ate their children, kill the person who liquefied their wife with acid. That sort of thing.

She silently thought, He seems sure he can follow me, so does that mean an aerial escape is near impossible? If he wants to kill me, can he bring me down? It could be a bluff, but was that a risk she could take?, but if she thought he may try to kill her, she would try for a clearing, nothing he could climb in range. But what was his range? Should she prod for more info, or might he become suspicious of that many questions. Best not press it.

She finished up with the meat she was going to take and left the rest. "Yeah, it does" she said, agreeing with his statement of predictability. "Are you suggesting that I pretend I'm along and when someone gets the jump on me, you come riding in with shining armor and save me because it's not predicted? You've already expressed a possible threat to myself because of boredom, simple boredom. What would you do if someone offered a bunch of weapons, or something valuable to you?" she shook her head, this guy was something else. "Maybe you could have watched my back, but I can't trust you. So, how could I believe you would truly look out for me? How can I?" and with that, she took a jump and flapped all four wings quickly in case he tried something. But that would only prove her point.
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