
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Star Station (CLOSED)
1 2 ... 126 127 128 129 130 ... 247 248
@ColorfulCredit [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] That was... generous. Enough so that she was a little wary of it, but she could deduce no likely way in which this was a trap. She finally found her way to one of the shopkeepers, offering her coupon and a respectful nod. "Hello, good sir." ... [i]was[/i] this creature a 'sir'? She had never encountered this kind of alien before, so perhaps that had been an inappropriate assumption. "Would you be able to help us update our starmaps? I'm afraid the Interceptor's models are a bit archaic." (I'd love to snag a [item=Cosmologist Fieldtools], if possible, please!) [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] @ZincAlloy [center][img][/img][/center] It was a little startling to see a dragon paying her mind - sue her, things on Sornieth aren't great - but it seemed as if he only wanted to help, bringing a crate for her new (begrudging, on her end) companion. "Oh, thanks." She nodded after a moment, ushering the little guy inside with another granola bar. "I was thinking I'd take him to a vet, check for a microchip, make sure he's not someone's familiar. And if he isn't, then, I guess he can stick around with our crew. I think Adra would like him." Just Adra. Definitely not her. No way. In the dim backup lights, there was a graceless [i]thump,[/i] and the sound of stuff scattering everywhere. And was she going nuts, or did that box... have legs? She looked over at the Wildclaw and shrugged. "You're up, Wildclaw. I messed up my hair slithering through a vent after this little brat. I'm not getting bitten by a box." Hey, she'd be here for backup. That was totally still helping.

That was... generous. Enough so that she was a little wary of it, but she could deduce no likely way in which this was a trap. She finally found her way to one of the shopkeepers, offering her coupon and a respectful nod.

"Hello, good sir." ... was this creature a 'sir'? She had never encountered this kind of alien before, so perhaps that had been an inappropriate assumption. "Would you be able to help us update our starmaps? I'm afraid the Interceptor's models are a bit archaic."

(I'd love to snag a Cosmologist Fieldtools , if possible, please!)


It was a little startling to see a dragon paying her mind - sue her, things on Sornieth aren't great - but it seemed as if he only wanted to help, bringing a crate for her new (begrudging, on her end) companion. "Oh, thanks." She nodded after a moment, ushering the little guy inside with another granola bar. "I was thinking I'd take him to a vet, check for a microchip, make sure he's not someone's familiar. And if he isn't, then, I guess he can stick around with our crew. I think Adra would like him."

Just Adra. Definitely not her. No way.

In the dim backup lights, there was a graceless thump, and the sound of stuff scattering everywhere. And was she going nuts, or did that box... have legs? She looked over at the Wildclaw and shrugged. "You're up, Wildclaw. I messed up my hair slithering through a vent after this little brat. I'm not getting bitten by a box."

Hey, she'd be here for backup. That was totally still helping.
(@Sylpheed, @Mlly) [center][img][/img][/center] Yeah, that was not, in a word, great. Fury unhanded the bot, patted it on its dome like some kind of apology. He didn't think that'd be enough to stave off whatever strongly worded letter he was going to receive, but hopefully he wouldn't make Solaire sad on its behalf. Either way, there were more pressing matters to deal with. He flew up, rifling through the kit at his belt until he found a small pellet. Shrugged once, gestured up to the ceiling tile, and a laser pointed from one of the open eyes along his wings, tracking the progress of the skittering. In case this didn't go well, Candy would need to know where to aim. Things... didn't always go well. Then Fury popped the ceiling tile open, and threw the pellet in the direction of the noise. A mess of foam expanded, acting like a glob of glue to hopefully trap whatever it was in place.
(@Sylpheed, @Mlly)

Yeah, that was not, in a word, great.

Fury unhanded the bot, patted it on its dome like some kind of apology. He didn't think that'd be enough to stave off whatever strongly worded letter he was going to receive, but hopefully he wouldn't make Solaire sad on its behalf. Either way, there were more pressing matters to deal with.

He flew up, rifling through the kit at his belt until he found a small pellet. Shrugged once, gestured up to the ceiling tile, and a laser pointed from one of the open eyes along his wings, tracking the progress of the skittering.

In case this didn't go well, Candy would need to know where to aim.

Things... didn't always go well.

Then Fury popped the ceiling tile open, and threw the pellet in the direction of the noise. A mess of foam expanded, acting like a glob of glue to hopefully trap whatever it was in place.

Reading Fury's signals, Candy crouched low, readying an offensive spell as the Ridgeback fired the pellet at the skittering noises above them. At the same time, he heard noises swiftly moving underneath the two of them that seemed separate from the whirring sounds of the released droid that was backing away from them (no doubt to find a safer spot to patrol where they couldn't get at it again).

Acting quickly, Candy split his attention and, at the same time as he readied his spell to confront the noises in the ceiling, he also cast a scrying spell on the floor directly below their feet. Hopefully the scrying spell would give him a visual glimpse of what else was going on – were they two separate things, or a threat split two ways?

@Sylpheed, What does the scrying spell reveal about the noises underfoot? And what is lurking in the ceiling – is it trapped by the foam that Fury sends out, or does it escape, and if the latter, do they catch a glimpse of it?

Reading Fury's signals, Candy crouched low, readying an offensive spell as the Ridgeback fired the pellet at the skittering noises above them. At the same time, he heard noises swiftly moving underneath the two of them that seemed separate from the whirring sounds of the released droid that was backing away from them (no doubt to find a safer spot to patrol where they couldn't get at it again).

Acting quickly, Candy split his attention and, at the same time as he readied his spell to confront the noises in the ceiling, he also cast a scrying spell on the floor directly below their feet. Hopefully the scrying spell would give him a visual glimpse of what else was going on – were they two separate things, or a threat split two ways?

@Sylpheed, What does the scrying spell reveal about the noises underfoot? And what is lurking in the ceiling – is it trapped by the foam that Fury sends out, or does it escape, and if the latter, do they catch a glimpse of it?
[center][img][/img] @Quixilver "Welcome back! I hope this contract is to your liking!" Sliding over a laminated page, Solaire begins humming a soft tune. He'd have to call in the cleaners before Ria saw all the water but that was okay. [quote][item=glossy duskrat] "Very abundant after harvests." Contract Terms: By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities. In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party. Failure to comply will result in contract termination[/quote] --------------- @Sylpheed Without hesitation, Solaire opens his massive jaws wide. He's not exactly sure what he can do to aid Hazelglow here, but when things break around the station this is usually their best solution. If nothing else he can the Fae a little more insight onto what exactly might be going wrong with his machine. He was like an X-ray....for machines... A machine doctor.... ........... Why had one of his drones gone dark? [/center]

"Welcome back! I hope this contract is to your liking!" Sliding over a laminated page, Solaire begins humming a soft tune. He'd have to call in the cleaners before Ria saw all the water but that was okay.
Glossy Duskrat

"Very abundant after harvests."

Contract Terms:
By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities.
In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party.
Failure to comply will result in contract termination

Without hesitation, Solaire opens his massive jaws wide.

He's not exactly sure what he can do to aid Hazelglow here, but when things break around the station this is usually their best solution. If nothing else he can the Fae a little more insight onto what exactly might be going wrong with his machine.

He was like an X-ray....for machines... A machine doctor....


Why had one of his drones gone dark?

Hello, Star Voyagers.
[quote] Why had one of his drones gone dark? [/quote] e.e
Why had one of his drones gone dark?

~squinty eyes~


That's totally not gonna back to bite you. Totally.....
~squinty eyes~


That's totally not gonna back to bite you. Totally.....
Hello, Star Voyagers.
(@hawketh, @Mlly)
Fury's sticky bomb certainly seems to have hit something, as the movement stops and very angry chittering begins emanating from the darkness. The critter struggles to get free, while continuing to spew the animal equivalent of language most foul and curses towards Fury and his bloodline -- punctuated by several stomps of frustration --, but the glue seems to be holding fast.

The sounds under the floor are unaffected by the events above. Whatever is moving there, it's quick and completely unbothered by the very cramped space, moving almost like water between the cables and pipes. It slinks away, disappearing in the mess that is Splicing Station's plumbing.
(@hawketh, @Mlly)
Fury's sticky bomb certainly seems to have hit something, as the movement stops and very angry chittering begins emanating from the darkness. The critter struggles to get free, while continuing to spew the animal equivalent of language most foul and curses towards Fury and his bloodline -- punctuated by several stomps of frustration --, but the glue seems to be holding fast.

The sounds under the floor are unaffected by the events above. Whatever is moving there, it's quick and completely unbothered by the very cramped space, moving almost like water between the cables and pipes. It slinks away, disappearing in the mess that is Splicing Station's plumbing.
Image of a green wyvern. Any pronoun
FR time +10
Nature Exalt Lair
Avatar Dragon
Free Buttons
(@Sylpheed, @Mlly) [center][img][/img][/center] Fury started prying loose tiles until he could properly look at the thing and brought it down for Candy to examine. This was hardly worse than setting a bomb off. "What're you looking at?"

(@Sylpheed, @Mlly)

Fury started prying loose tiles until he could properly look at the thing and brought it down for Candy to examine.

This was hardly worse than setting a bomb off.

"What're you looking at?"
[center][size=2](@hawketh, @Mlly)[/size][/center] [i]An angry ball of blue and grey struggles in the combined grip of Fury and the glue, the sounds growing more aggressive and, imaginably, the insults towards the Ridgeback becoming more colorful... Not that it really helps any.[/i] [center][img][/img] [i]You have discovered a Bucktooth Digger![/i][/center] [i]The rabbit goes quiet and gives Fury a dirty look; it's starting to think it should've just kept pounding at the panel, and maybe it would've fallen on the dragon's head. Suddenly, it lunges and tries to sink its teeth into him as a final act of revenge. How are those so sharp?![/i]
(@hawketh, @Mlly)
An angry ball of blue and grey struggles in the combined grip of Fury and the glue, the sounds growing more aggressive and, imaginably, the insults towards the Ridgeback becoming more colorful... Not that it really helps any.
You have discovered a Bucktooth Digger!

The rabbit goes quiet and gives Fury a dirty look; it's starting to think it should've just kept pounding at the panel, and maybe it would've fallen on the dragon's head.

Suddenly, it lunges and tries to sink its teeth into him as a final act of revenge. How are those so sharp?!
Image of a green wyvern. Any pronoun
FR time +10
Nature Exalt Lair
Avatar Dragon
Free Buttons
(@Sylpheed, @Mlly) [center][img][/img][/center] "Oh look at that lil face. Look at the furious, fuzzy lil face, kinda reminds me of Ria-" Famous last words. There was a heartbeat of absolute horror, where Fury let out a (brave, heroic, dashing even and not at all high-pitched) squeal... and tossed the mess of blue and rabbit straight at Candy. Like finding a grenade without a pin, it was every hunter for himself.

(@Sylpheed, @Mlly)

"Oh look at that lil face. Look at the furious, fuzzy lil face, kinda reminds me of Ria-"

Famous last words.

There was a heartbeat of absolute horror, where Fury let out a (brave, heroic, dashing even and not at all high-pitched) squeal... and tossed the mess of blue and rabbit straight at Candy. Like finding a grenade without a pin, it was every hunter for himself.
1 2 ... 126 127 128 129 130 ... 247 248