A Harrowing Scatter Journey
ColorfulCredit's Clan
Legally blind, please point out any mistakes lol
Clan Info
The Silver Carcers
The Silver Carcers are a fleet-based Chapter from the 2nd founding, their origins shrouded in mystery. Records from the Imperial Palace suggest that many of the Loyalist Astartes who survived The Battle of Isstvan III were conscripted into this Chapter. The Carcers, known for their unyielding spirit and loyalty, navigate the stars aboard their flagship, The Squaller.
Don't be alarmed if you get a random PM from me.
I like to hand out gifts from time to time.
Recent Comments
I was looking through the offspring from a project pair of mine to find one of them repping one of my favorite legions in a 40k lair and that is very, very cool and awesome of you <3
I LOVE EFFIGIA, thank you so much for giving them a home! may they guard the Throne with honor and glory!
Alr I donnae understand the way to link dergs in prof comments but Kiln looks VERY pretty with the dark steel items you sent! https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/45811764
Thank you! :D
Ravyn was on the front page!
Ravyn was on the front page, love their bio
i apologize for not getting to your crossroads. life got in the way in a bad way. do you wish to re-send or have you gotten the items elsewhere?
Hi! Just sending well wishes and hoping everything is going well for you <3
Also - I still consider the three of them yours, I'm just taking care of 'em. If you ever want them back, all you need to do is give me a shout. ^^
Stardune on the front page!
Stardune was on the front page!
Cool! Doing anything fun lately?
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