
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Star Station (CLOSED)
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[size=2](@ColorfulCredit, @Venusian)[/size] [center][img][/img][/center] "This? Oh, I'm working on a gadget that's supposed to detect the presence of invisible creatures," Hazelglow explains and waves the thingamajig for emphasis. "While fire seemed effective against them last time, I'm trying to make this a less hazardous option." He gives the thing a dirty look as he puts it back down. "It's... not going too well, as you can see; worse still, I'm not sure where the problem even is." [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] Ironfrill gives Tasris a polite curtsey in response. "Ironfrill of the swarm. A pleasure to meet you, Warding One." The Fuiran seems to have accepted her gift with great enthusiasm, which delights Ironfrill. She opens the treat bag slightly wider and offers it to the guardian beast. "Foul creatures, the Shadowy Ones. [url=]Rosy One[/url] was brave to chase the one that was lingering here. Hopefully they shan't return again, now that they know only fire and light awaits them here." [rule] [i]As the granola bar falls down, the chewing ceases, replaced by scratching and chittering. The light seems to retreat further away, before it dares to come forward again to investigate the source of the noise. A bright pair of blue eyes stare at the serthis, before they focus on the snack before them. The bar is picked up, nose twitching and tail swishing, and it is checked thoroughly before having a cautious bite taken off of it.[/i] [center][img][/img] [i]You have discovered a Swift Volt![/i][/center]
(@ColorfulCredit, @Venusian)
"This? Oh, I'm working on a gadget that's supposed to detect the presence of invisible creatures," Hazelglow explains and waves the thingamajig for emphasis. "While fire seemed effective against them last time, I'm trying to make this a less hazardous option."

He gives the thing a dirty look as he puts it back down. "It's... not going too well, as you can see; worse still, I'm not sure where the problem even is."

Ironfrill gives Tasris a polite curtsey in response. "Ironfrill of the swarm. A pleasure to meet you, Warding One."

The Fuiran seems to have accepted her gift with great enthusiasm, which delights Ironfrill. She opens the treat bag slightly wider and offers it to the guardian beast.

"Foul creatures, the Shadowy Ones. Rosy One was brave to chase the one that was lingering here. Hopefully they shan't return again, now that they know only fire and light awaits them here."

As the granola bar falls down, the chewing ceases, replaced by scratching and chittering. The light seems to retreat further away, before it dares to come forward again to investigate the source of the noise.

A bright pair of blue eyes stare at the serthis, before they focus on the snack before them. The bar is picked up, nose twitching and tail swishing, and it is checked thoroughly before having a cautious bite taken off of it.

You have discovered a Swift Volt!
Image of a green wyvern. Any pronoun
FR time +10
Nature Exalt Lair
Avatar Dragon
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@Sylpheed [center][img][/img][/center] There it was! The space rat. ... more like a space squirrel, but close enough. "No more wires, okay, buddy?" She huffed. "Some of us like being able to see." Shuffling gracelessly backwards (damned tunnel didn't have enough room to turn around), she inched her way back out, leaving a trail of crumpled up granola bars to try and lure the little guy out. ... He was... kind of cute. Really fluffy, at any rate. "Are you someone's familiar?" She guessed, tilting her head. If it was, clearly their dragon wasn't feeding it enough. She looked for maybe a collar or something, any sign that it might belong to someone. Maybe a microchip? Did they have a vet here that she could take it to? ... that might not be a bad idea anyways, since it was clearly so hungry. Oh. Damnit. Nope, she's not getting attached to this little brat. Not a chance in hell. She refuses. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] @ColorfulCredit Sorry, quick question! If I received my first bounty on the 10th, is today the day I can request another or would it be tomorrow? c:

There it was! The space rat. ... more like a space squirrel, but close enough. "No more wires, okay, buddy?" She huffed. "Some of us like being able to see." Shuffling gracelessly backwards (damned tunnel didn't have enough room to turn around), she inched her way back out, leaving a trail of crumpled up granola bars to try and lure the little guy out.

... He was... kind of cute. Really fluffy, at any rate. "Are you someone's familiar?" She guessed, tilting her head. If it was, clearly their dragon wasn't feeding it enough. She looked for maybe a collar or something, any sign that it might belong to someone. Maybe a microchip? Did they have a vet here that she could take it to?

... that might not be a bad idea anyways, since it was clearly so hungry.

Oh. Damnit. Nope, she's not getting attached to this little brat. Not a chance in hell. She refuses.


Sorry, quick question! If I received my first bounty on the 10th, is today the day I can request another or would it be tomorrow? c:
[center][img][/img] @Sylpheed Solaire taps a foot thoughtfully on the ground. "That's not a bad idea?" In theory at least. They still didn't know the full scope of those beasts powers. But proactive was proactive... "Is something short circuiting? Exploding?" ................ Tasris nods in agreement. "You both are owed a great deal. I shudder to imagine what horror might have arisen had they managed to enter the cathedral. Let us all hope that their banishment is permanent." A loud thunk can be heard as the end of the Wardens tail smashes into the ground gracelessly Tasris would not be caught unaware again. Tasris would not fail again. @Venusian It would be today. ouo[/center]

Solaire taps a foot thoughtfully on the ground. "That's not a bad idea?" In theory at least. They still didn't know the full scope of those beasts powers. But proactive was proactive...

"Is something short circuiting? Exploding?"


Tasris nods in agreement. "You both are owed a great deal. I shudder to imagine what horror might have arisen had they managed to enter the cathedral. Let us all hope that their banishment is permanent." A loud thunk can be heard as the end of the Wardens tail smashes into the ground gracelessly

Tasris would not be caught unaware again. Tasris would not fail again.

It would be today. ouo
Hello, Star Voyagers.
@ColorfulCredit Awesome, thank you! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] There was an uncommon lightness to Juliana. ... she felt lighter, at least, in a way she could not describe. She approached Ria, dipping her head to the smaller dragon. "Your station has my utmost gratitude for the warm welcome you afforded my crew. Thank you and your people, for welcoming us into your harbor." The faintest ghost of a smile played across her face. "I was assigned number [b]104[/b], if you have more work available for us?"

Awesome, thank you!

There was an uncommon lightness to Juliana. ... she felt lighter, at least, in a way she could not describe. She approached Ria, dipping her head to the smaller dragon. "Your station has my utmost gratitude for the warm welcome you afforded my crew. Thank you and your people, for welcoming us into your harbor."

The faintest ghost of a smile played across her face. "I was assigned number 104, if you have more work available for us?"
[center][size=2](@ColorfulCredit)[/size] [img][/img][/center] "It seems to be a bit of both, it shorts and then goes boom," Hazelglow responds and looks at the schematics on his datapad, deep in thought. "My calculations seem to be correct, and I haven't made any mistakes connecting the components, either... I'm starting to suspect the quality of some of the parts just isn't up to the task." [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] While the sudden impact of Tasris' tail makes Ironfrill jump slightly, she gives it no mind and looks at the Warden with steely determination. "The Shadowy Ones have no place in here, I shall make sure of it. And should they dare to try return, I shall help protect this precious place and it's people once more." Tasris wouldn't have to be alone. [rule] [center][size=2](@Venusian)[/size][/center] [i]After munching on the granola bar for a bit, the space squirrel deems it an acceptable offering and begins devouring it like it was starving. While sunlight and raw electricity were its main sources of energy, there was no way it was going to say no to free snacks. The granola bars rapidly disappear into a gluttonous maw as the Swift Volt follows the trail of crumbs Ophia has left behind, and it looks at the serthis in hopes that she might have more hidden away.[/i] [rule] [i]As the Station's systems begin rerouting power, the emergency lights come on at the Docking Bay. Now that there's some kind of indicator where it's safe to put your feet on, activity begins to resume, even if slowly. A fully-automatic delivery shuttle arrives at the Station, slightly behind schedule because of the unexpected power cut. It docks, and immediately a bunch of robots begin unloading its cargo. There's a lot of unassuming crates, containing everything ranging from coffee beans to laboratory equipment to candles to paper. One of the containers seems to shift slightly... The robots pay it no mind, however, and continue with their work. Realizing it has gone unnoticed, the container carefully moves again.[/i] [rule] [center][size=2](@hawketh, @Mlly)[/size][/center] [i]While Fury continues to mistreat the distressed drone, something begins moving softly in the ceiling above... and when it reaches a spot right above the two dragons, a steady thump-thump-thumping sound begins. What's going on?[/i]
"It seems to be a bit of both, it shorts and then goes boom," Hazelglow responds and looks at the schematics on his datapad, deep in thought.

"My calculations seem to be correct, and I haven't made any mistakes connecting the components, either... I'm starting to suspect the quality of some of the parts just isn't up to the task."

While the sudden impact of Tasris' tail makes Ironfrill jump slightly, she gives it no mind and looks at the Warden with steely determination.

"The Shadowy Ones have no place in here, I shall make sure of it. And should they dare to try return, I shall help protect this precious place and it's people once more."

Tasris wouldn't have to be alone.

After munching on the granola bar for a bit, the space squirrel deems it an acceptable offering and begins devouring it like it was starving. While sunlight and raw electricity were its main sources of energy, there was no way it was going to say no to free snacks.

The granola bars rapidly disappear into a gluttonous maw as the Swift Volt follows the trail of crumbs Ophia has left behind, and it looks at the serthis in hopes that she might have more hidden away.

As the Station's systems begin rerouting power, the emergency lights come on at the Docking Bay. Now that there's some kind of indicator where it's safe to put your feet on, activity begins to resume, even if slowly.

A fully-automatic delivery shuttle arrives at the Station, slightly behind schedule because of the unexpected power cut. It docks, and immediately a bunch of robots begin unloading its cargo. There's a lot of unassuming crates, containing everything ranging from coffee beans to laboratory equipment to candles to paper.

One of the containers seems to shift slightly... The robots pay it no mind, however, and continue with their work. Realizing it has gone unnoticed, the container carefully moves again.

(@hawketh, @Mlly)
While Fury continues to mistreat the distressed drone, something begins moving softly in the ceiling above... and when it reaches a spot right above the two dragons, a steady thump-thump-thumping sound begins. What's going on?
Image of a green wyvern. Any pronoun
FR time +10
Nature Exalt Lair
Avatar Dragon
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@hawketh, @Sylpheed

Candy listens hopefully to the continued beeping of the droid once Fury has continued shaking it, but it sounds more annoyed than like it's trying to communicate anything helpful or of vital importance. He doesn't blame it: what with it having gotten shaken around, it's probably pretty petulant by now. On hearing a thumping sound suddenly start emanate from the ceiling above him and Fury, he starts and his ears and ear fins perk up as he listens.

"What's that? You can hear it too, right? There's something moving above us, probably either particularly heavy, or particularly frustrated, from the sounds of it. That must be what the droid meant when it was rambling about sounds in the walls. I think we should try to directly investigate the noises – what do you think, Fury?"
@hawketh, @Sylpheed

Candy listens hopefully to the continued beeping of the droid once Fury has continued shaking it, but it sounds more annoyed than like it's trying to communicate anything helpful or of vital importance. He doesn't blame it: what with it having gotten shaken around, it's probably pretty petulant by now. On hearing a thumping sound suddenly start emanate from the ceiling above him and Fury, he starts and his ears and ear fins perk up as he listens.

"What's that? You can hear it too, right? There's something moving above us, probably either particularly heavy, or particularly frustrated, from the sounds of it. That must be what the droid meant when it was rambling about sounds in the walls. I think we should try to directly investigate the noises – what do you think, Fury?"
[center]@colorfulcredit [url=][img][/img][/url] Frostbite has returned for another bounty. She has a new familiar with her this time: a Frostbite Hummingbird. "It is quite helpful, is it not? It carries mail and keeps me cool." "[b]183[/b]" the scanner beeps.[/center]
Frostbite has returned for another bounty. She has a new familiar with her this time: a Frostbite Hummingbird. "It is quite helpful, is it not? It carries mail and keeps me cool."

"183" the scanner beeps.
  • Morpho, wishlist keeper!
  • My forum game: Scry That Item!
  • Free XXYs, XXXs, Randioactives -->
[center][img][/img] @Venusian "There is always more work to be done at the..." Glancing down at the contract in his claws the golem pauses, blinks, and then sheepishly slides the contract over. "Well, sorta of?" [quote][img][/img] [b]Pot of Greed[/b] Oop~! Looks liek the Bounty you're attempting to access is no longer valid! That's our bad! Please accept this one time voucher in exchange for the technical error! Good for one free item at any shop at the Star Station.[/quote] ------------- @s3r3n3y4ng "Oh, it is lovely." The Golem coos before sliding over a contract. "You might want to be careful bringing it around this bounty though" [quote][item=spoiling scorpio] "A test of courage and perseverance." Contract Terms: By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities. In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party. Failure to comply will result in contract termination[/quote][/center]

"There is always more work to be done at the..." Glancing down at the contract in his claws the golem pauses, blinks, and then sheepishly slides the contract over. "Well, sorta of?"

Pot of Greed

Looks liek the Bounty you're attempting to access is no longer valid! That's our bad! Please accept this one time voucher in exchange for the technical error!
Good for one free item at any shop at the Star Station.

"Oh, it is lovely." The Golem coos before sliding over a contract. "You might want to be careful bringing it around this bounty though"
Spoiling Scorpio

"A test of courage and perseverance."

Contract Terms:
By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities.
In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party.
Failure to comply will result in contract termination
Hello, Star Voyagers.
[center][img][/img] @Sylpheed "You could always see if our friend at the crescent vulture has something lying around? He's got bits and bobs lying around." Usually stuff in the ballpark of ancient tech and items but, hey, who knows? He' known to collect some weird stuff. "Or Solaire could try and eat it for you, if you want?" That might be against Station protocoled though... ......... Tasris can't help but smile at the Fae's fierce proclamation. There was no doubt in the imperials mind, that should it come to it, this tiny creature would move heaven and Earth to fulfill that promise. But Tasris was the Warden for a reason. There would not be a second time. "Thank you, bright one. I appreciate everything you've done for the cathedral and it's people, and what you offer me now. I hope it never comes to that though." Glancing over at her canine companion, the beast looks up, finishes off its' treat, and then bounds further into the cathedral. "We will be ready next time." [/center]

"You could always see if our friend at the crescent vulture has something lying around? He's got bits and bobs lying around." Usually stuff in the ballpark of ancient tech and items but, hey, who knows? He' known to collect some weird stuff.

"Or Solaire could try and eat it for you, if you want?" That might be against Station protocoled though...


Tasris can't help but smile at the Fae's fierce proclamation. There was no doubt in the imperials mind, that should it come to it, this tiny creature would move heaven and Earth to fulfill that promise. But Tasris was the Warden for a reason. There would not be a second time. "Thank you, bright one. I appreciate everything you've done for the cathedral and it's people, and what you offer me now. I hope it never comes to that though."

Glancing over at her canine companion, the beast looks up, finishes off its' treat, and then bounds further into the cathedral. "We will be ready next time."
Hello, Star Voyagers.
[center][img][/img] [/center] Tide arrived to the docking bay in time to watch Ophia extract the swift volt from the walls. The serthis fit into those tunnels far better than he did, so he was fine with watching. He placed the small cage that he'd detoured to get on the ground, so that the volt could be lured into it and brought somewhere better for it to be. With the lights returning, that was probably a problem solved, right?

Tide arrived to the docking bay in time to watch Ophia extract the swift volt from the walls. The serthis fit into those tunnels far better than he did, so he was fine with watching. He placed the small cage that he'd detoured to get on the ground, so that the volt could be lured into it and brought somewhere better for it to be.

With the lights returning, that was probably a problem solved, right?
1 2 ... 124 125 126 127 128 ... 247 248