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TOPIC | [closed] Cloudsong Celebration
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[i]The Wildclaw hurried off the stage, trying unsuccessfully to doge all the well-wishers and autograph seekers that had started to congregate around him, demanding the poor dragon’s attention. Caught in a large crowd, the clearly nervous performer began to shake, his head darting around as he tried to find a way through. Not all the dragons who had watched the performance were unaware of the WIldclaw’s sensitivities, however, and one Coatl in particular was beginning to get a bit fed up with the mob….[/i] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Moldavite[/b] [i]Wind Born[/i] (Dual Mage: Wind/Earth)[/center] Hissing in irritation, Moldavite rose to his feet from the corner where he had been sitting, watching the performance. Couldn’t these dragons see how shy and nervous that poor dancer truly was? If someone did not do something soon, the Wildclaw was going to have a panic attack! Dave turned his head, scanning the crowd. Where were Oberon and Titania, with their rather impressive seasonal explosions, when you needed them? He knew, of course, that the two volatile Faes were not at the Cloudsong this year. After years of attending the festivities, they had decided to take a break, and just relax at home. It might have had something to do with the fact that Titania had caught Oberon eyeing Centauri—now a fully-fledged, very pretty adult Tundra—a little too closely a few days ago. The resultant magical show had thoroughly entertained the rest of the Clan, and drained both the furious Titania and her not at all contrite mate to the point of true magical exhaustion. Neither Fae would be moving very far from their personal cave for some time…though the magical hum of contentment emanating from that particular cave strongly suggested that the two had already made up from their fight, with gusto. All the same, Dave thought, it would have been useful to have them here right now, distracting everyone around them with their usual antics. Still, there were other ways…Ah! There! Weaving his way quickly through the still clamoring dragons, Dave slipped up beside a Ridgeback who was also watching the trapped dancer trying to make a retreat. “He doesn’t look too happy, does he?” Quadrangla turned towards Moldavite without any surprise as he arrived beside her, having sensed his presence from the moment she entered the room earlier. “No,” Dave agreed, “He does not. I fear the poor dragon is far too shy for this crowd.” The Mage smiled somewhat sadly as he slid into a seat beside her. “Not uncommon for the truly superb artists, you know,” he told her, “They often become lost in their art, and have a hard time interacting with the world around him.” He paused, eying his companion. “It’s a pity there isn’t more than one of him,” the Coatl added lightly. “If the crowd had more choices, than he might be able to slip away, and regain his equilibrium before his next performance.” The younger Mage tilted her head, a thoughtful look in her eyes. “Yes, a pity,” she agreed. “Whether he wishes to dance again or not, he should have some time to recuperate away from this crowd.” “Yes.” Dave nodded, turning back to watch the area around them, searching for the rest of the scattered Clan. He was quite certain that he had seen Seaspray earlier, and he knew that Capheira was sleeping in the apartment. It was time to try to gather the wayward dragons together, as they all needed to be back at their rented balloon by nightfall. Now, where could Equinox and Solstice have gone? Beside him, Quadrangla began to hum softly, echoing some of the tunes from the dance. Moldavite smiled and relaxed into the impromptu reprise. The Ridgeback did not always try to make music, but when she did it was always a treat to hear. And he certainly had no objections to reliving the memories of that superb dance while he tried to work out where the myriad dragons from his Clan had gotten to. It began slowly, a gentle harmony that teased the ear, suggesting something without actually offering it. Then, as the music continued to entice, an image flickered in the air, just in the corner of the eye, the merest suggestion of something rather than the reality. Startled dragons turned towards the mirage, only to find it to have moved, or to have disappeared altogether. Within a very short amount of time, dragons were moving back, shaking their heads in some confusion, staring around as if searching for something. Not all those present were affected, but enough had been entranced by the memory of the dance that a large hole opened up in the crowd around the shy Wildclaw and his musician partner, who were quick to take advantage of their good fortune. Dave watched with immense satisfaction as the two dragons quickly slipped away, leaving their adoring fans somewhat confused. It seemed that the Mage Adept had been taking lessons from more than just Oberon lately….and she had learned those lessons well. “Masterfully done, my dear,” he murmured softly. Quadrangla blinked at him, apparently startled out of her reverie. “What?” She broke off her humming, glancing around the room. “Oh, the dancer is gone!” She smiled. “I guess he had his own way of dealing with crowds.” Standing, she flicked her wings back into place behind her. “I’m going to join Sesapray for a bite to eat. Care to come with?” Without waiting for an answer, the Ridgeback strode through the now dispersing crowd, stopping only briefly to scoop up a small plush doll and return it to the crying hatchling it clearly belonged to. Behind her, Moldavite stood himself, having noticed “Green” and the young Pink Guardian also making their way towards the refreshments, a clearly much more awake Ira tailing them. That only left Equinox and Solstice…and there they were, entering the room. Smiling, Dave headed after Quadrangla, gathering the others of the Clan with a wave. It was tine to regroup, refresh themselves, and then settle in for the final night before they headed home…
The Wildclaw hurried off the stage, trying unsuccessfully to doge all the well-wishers and autograph seekers that had started to congregate around him, demanding the poor dragon’s attention. Caught in a large crowd, the clearly nervous performer began to shake, his head darting around as he tried to find a way through. Not all the dragons who had watched the performance were unaware of the WIldclaw’s sensitivities, however, and one Coatl in particular was beginning to get a bit fed up with the mob….
Wind Born
(Dual Mage:

Hissing in irritation, Moldavite rose to his feet from the corner where he had been sitting, watching the performance. Couldn’t these dragons see how shy and nervous that poor dancer truly was? If someone did not do something soon, the Wildclaw was going to have a panic attack!

Dave turned his head, scanning the crowd. Where were Oberon and Titania, with their rather impressive seasonal explosions, when you needed them?

He knew, of course, that the two volatile Faes were not at the Cloudsong this year. After years of attending the festivities, they had decided to take a break, and just relax at home. It might have had something to do with the fact that Titania had caught Oberon eyeing Centauri—now a fully-fledged, very pretty adult Tundra—a little too closely a few days ago. The resultant magical show had thoroughly entertained the rest of the Clan, and drained both the furious Titania and her not at all contrite mate to the point of true magical exhaustion. Neither Fae would be moving very far from their personal cave for some time…though the magical hum of contentment emanating from that particular cave strongly suggested that the two had already made up from their fight, with gusto.

All the same, Dave thought, it would have been useful to have them here right now, distracting everyone around them with their usual antics. Still, there were other ways…Ah! There! Weaving his way quickly through the still clamoring dragons, Dave slipped up beside a Ridgeback who was also watching the trapped dancer trying to make a retreat.

“He doesn’t look too happy, does he?” Quadrangla turned towards Moldavite without any surprise as he arrived beside her, having sensed his presence from the moment she entered the room earlier.

“No,” Dave agreed, “He does not. I fear the poor dragon is far too shy for this crowd.” The Mage smiled somewhat sadly as he slid into a seat beside her. “Not uncommon for the truly superb artists, you know,” he told her, “They often become lost in their art, and have a hard time interacting with the world around him.” He paused, eying his companion. “It’s a pity there isn’t more than one of him,” the Coatl added lightly. “If the crowd had more choices, than he might be able to slip away, and regain his equilibrium before his next performance.”

The younger Mage tilted her head, a thoughtful look in her eyes. “Yes, a pity,” she agreed. “Whether he wishes to dance again or not, he should have some time to recuperate away from this crowd.”

“Yes.” Dave nodded, turning back to watch the area around them, searching for the rest of the scattered Clan. He was quite certain that he had seen Seaspray earlier, and he knew that Capheira was sleeping in the apartment. It was time to try to gather the wayward dragons together, as they all needed to be back at their rented balloon by nightfall. Now, where could Equinox and Solstice have gone?

Beside him, Quadrangla began to hum softly, echoing some of the tunes from the dance. Moldavite smiled and relaxed into the impromptu reprise. The Ridgeback did not always try to make music, but when she did it was always a treat to hear. And he certainly had no objections to reliving the memories of that superb dance while he tried to work out where the myriad dragons from his Clan had gotten to.

It began slowly, a gentle harmony that teased the ear, suggesting something without actually offering it. Then, as the music continued to entice, an image flickered in the air, just in the corner of the eye, the merest suggestion of something rather than the reality. Startled dragons turned towards the mirage, only to find it to have moved, or to have disappeared altogether. Within a very short amount of time, dragons were moving back, shaking their heads in some confusion, staring around as if searching for something. Not all those present were affected, but enough had been entranced by the memory of the dance that a large hole opened up in the crowd around the shy Wildclaw and his musician partner, who were quick to take advantage of their good fortune.

Dave watched with immense satisfaction as the two dragons quickly slipped away, leaving their adoring fans somewhat confused. It seemed that the Mage Adept had been taking lessons from more than just Oberon lately….and she had learned those lessons well. “Masterfully done, my dear,” he murmured softly.

Quadrangla blinked at him, apparently startled out of her reverie. “What?” She broke off her humming, glancing around the room. “Oh, the dancer is gone!” She smiled. “I guess he had his own way of dealing with crowds.” Standing, she flicked her wings back into place behind her. “I’m going to join Sesapray for a bite to eat. Care to come with?” Without waiting for an answer, the Ridgeback strode through the now dispersing crowd, stopping only briefly to scoop up a small plush doll and return it to the crying hatchling it clearly belonged to.

Behind her, Moldavite stood himself, having noticed “Green” and the young Pink Guardian also making their way towards the refreshments, a clearly much more awake Ira tailing them. That only left Equinox and Solstice…and there they were, entering the room. Smiling, Dave headed after Quadrangla, gathering the others of the Clan with a wave. It was tine to regroup, refresh themselves, and then settle in for the final night before they headed home…
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] It's the last day of the celebration! Beaker is all tired out from partying. He's flopped over on an open-air platform, tail thumping contentedly against the flooring. The wind in his fur is pleasantly cooling, and the view is just so.......... carefree!! It's perfect. He snoozes in the sunlight and the dancing breeze, happy to let the closing sounds of jubilation carry him to a merry world of dreams.

It's the last day of the celebration!

Beaker is all tired out from partying. He's flopped over on an open-air platform, tail thumping contentedly against the flooring. The wind in his fur is pleasantly cooling, and the view is just so.......... carefree!! It's perfect. He snoozes in the sunlight and the dancing breeze, happy to let the closing sounds of jubilation carry him to a merry world of dreams.
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[center]Saturday's Visitor [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Leaf stops still in her tracks to watch the dancing wildclaw. For a rare brief moment she is still, leafy wings almost folded as she stares in fascination. Slowly one foot comes up, then down. Then the other. She is stepping slowly in place along with the dancer, only her feet moving for a change. Then the performance comes to a close and the spell is broken. She's off! Her stomping pace picks up, her shoulders rise, and there she goes, back into the streaming air currents. Leaf has been having a blast. She's been shaking her limbs in the fantastic wind and collecting kites. She has more kites than anyone. Its better not to ask how she got them.
Saturday's Visitor


Leaf stops still in her tracks to watch the dancing wildclaw. For a rare brief moment she is still, leafy wings almost folded as she stares in fascination. Slowly one foot comes up, then down. Then the other. She is stepping slowly in place along with the dancer, only her feet moving for a change. Then the performance comes to a close and the spell is broken. She's off! Her stomping pace picks up, her shoulders rise, and there she goes, back into the streaming air currents.

Leaf has been having a blast. She's been shaking her limbs in the fantastic wind and collecting kites. She has more kites than anyone. Its better not to ask how she got them.
[center][b][i]Saturday[/i][/b] [emoji=bamboo chute size=1][emoji=gust size=1][emoji=firework size=1][/center] [center][url=][img],20836,11226,23109,28001,35194,44227,42925,37368,42921,41520,41500&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [url=][img],6705,26138,23138,20837,20830,28803,41630,29244,11226&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [font=sylfaen][size=4]The festival was nearing it's end, but it was clear that the celebrations were still going strong. The two weaved their way through the many dragons, watching the many performances and admiring the handmade items sold by many little stalls scattered about. [/font][/size] [/center]


The festival was nearing it's end, but it was clear that the celebrations were still going strong. The two weaved their way through the many dragons, watching the many performances and admiring the handmade items sold by many little stalls scattered about.
» Soulthreads
avatar dragon
dragons for sale
[center][b]Saturday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Olwa and Ramar are deeply engrossed by the Wildclaw's performance, bursting into applause when he reaches the end and stammers his way off stage. The pair have seen a number of dances whilst scouring the festival; looping Spirals and swaying Skydancers, and now a beautiful Wildclaw too! [color=transparent]____[/color]They depart from the stage area, chattering happily about the performance as they begin moving through booths of colourful wares. [color=transparent]____[/color]"We should learn to dance!" Olwa looks delighted by the idea. [color=transparent]____[/color]"Really?" Ramar flutters nervously. "But we wouldn't, um, perform right?" [color=transparent]____[/color]"Well, not straight away perhaps. But when we get good!" [color=transparent]____[/color]"No, no! Perform? In front of people?!" [color=transparent]____[/color]"Only when we're really good though! I'm sure you'll look beautiful swirling around on stage." [color=transparent]____[/color]"Not happening," Ramar says, still figiting. [color=transparent]____[/color]Olwa heaves a sigh, before giving a sad nod. "Well, how about we learn and then see how you feel? If you still don't want to, I won't make you." [color=transparent]____[/color]"Hmm. Okay, deal." [color=transparent]____[/color]Olwa is delighted, grasping his mate's hands and twirling in a circle. "Let's get started then!" [color=transparent]____[/color]"Are you serious?! Not in the middle of the street!" [color=transparent]____[/color]"Oh, right."
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Olwa and Ramar are deeply engrossed by the Wildclaw's performance, bursting into applause when he reaches the end and stammers his way off stage. The pair have seen a number of dances whilst scouring the festival; looping Spirals and swaying Skydancers, and now a beautiful Wildclaw too!
____They depart from the stage area, chattering happily about the performance as they begin moving through booths of colourful wares.
____"We should learn to dance!" Olwa looks delighted by the idea.
____"Really?" Ramar flutters nervously. "But we wouldn't, um, perform right?"
____"Well, not straight away perhaps. But when we get good!"
____"No, no! Perform? In front of people?!"
____"Only when we're really good though! I'm sure you'll look beautiful swirling around on stage."
____"Not happening," Ramar says, still figiting.
____Olwa heaves a sigh, before giving a sad nod. "Well, how about we learn and then see how you feel? If you still don't want to, I won't make you."
____"Hmm. Okay, deal."
____Olwa is delighted, grasping his mate's hands and twirling in a circle. "Let's get started then!"
____"Are you serious?! Not in the middle of the street!"
____"Oh, right."
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she / her
art shop
____________ ____ l4necl8jk4m.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=candara]Finally, the Jamboree draws to a close. Aviro has long since fallen soudly asleep against Reyes's size and misses out on a wonderful dance from a lovely wildclaw that surely would have caught his eye. Reyes watches the dance politely, not quite understanding it, but finding himself soothed nonetheless. Once it ends, he collects some treats for both him and his little love before lifting said little love gently and carrying him back home tucked safely between his wings. Reyes finds himself smiling the whole way there, humming a nonsense melody to himself as he enjoys the night air and the gleaming, yet fading lights marking the end of the festivities for this year's Jamboree. Until next year!

Finally, the Jamboree draws to a close. Aviro has long since fallen soudly asleep against Reyes's size and misses out on a wonderful dance from a lovely wildclaw that surely would have caught his eye. Reyes watches the dance politely, not quite understanding it, but finding himself soothed nonetheless. Once it ends, he collects some treats for both him and his little love before lifting said little love gently and carrying him back home tucked safely between his wings.

Reyes finds himself smiling the whole way there, humming a nonsense melody to himself as he enjoys the night air and the gleaming, yet fading lights marking the end of the festivities for this year's Jamboree.

Until next year!
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Some current special interests: Hololive, Ironmouse, magical girls, danmei... more here!
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[center]Saturday [/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Patches gives the Wildclaw an applause, awed in his performance. He was so fluid, almost as if he was the music itself! The plush coatl was stunned time and time again by the many performances done this week. He was proud to be viewing this in person! He hopped out of his seat to gladly accept a prize bundle from Cupid. "That was really great! You're so good at dancing." He chirped to him before waddling away on stubby legs. Patches really enjoyed this year's Mistjam- he was excited to see what next year would bring!

Patches gives the Wildclaw an applause, awed in his performance. He was so fluid, almost as if he was the music itself! The plush coatl was stunned time and time again by the many performances done this week. He was proud to be viewing this in person!
He hopped out of his seat to gladly accept a prize bundle from Cupid. "That was really great! You're so good at dancing." He chirped to him before waddling away on stubby legs.

Patches really enjoyed this year's Mistjam- he was excited to see what next year would bring!
  • username has a zero
  • collector of unique color combos and fandragons
[url=][img][/img][/url] Another festival draws to the end... Chess didn't make the final round of Mistral Meals this year, but did get to spend the extra time eating his way around the festival. He took some inspirational notes and would be going back home with ideas of how to incorporate new ingredients and techniques into his own cooking. Another successful Mistral Jamboree is complete!

Another festival draws to the end... Chess didn't make the final round of Mistral Meals this year, but did get to spend the extra time eating his way around the festival.

He took some inspirational notes and would be going back home with ideas of how to incorporate new ingredients and techniques into his own cooking.

Another successful Mistral Jamboree is complete!
OOF HubOOF RaffleArt MarketplaceIn-flight Raffle
[url=][img][/img][/url] Saffron admired the Wildclaw as he danced, taking note of how he managed to keep all his accessories in check. Who knows, maybe she'll need this in the future...

Saffron admired the Wildclaw as he danced, taking note of how he managed to keep all his accessories in check.

Who knows, maybe she'll need this in the future...
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Nothing better than ending another wonderful MistJam Festival with the perfect temperature, stars shining brightly overhead, and stories to carry back to the Clan, about all the wonders Cosette enjoyed. The Wildclaw dancer had been unbelievable, and the acrobats, the fireworks, the food, was all so colourful, tasty, and exciting!! She wasn't quite ready to go home yet, just one more skip around the food stalls as a nightcap. She'd seen some chili hot chocolate she wanted to try, and a Granny Smith apple fritter, and some peppermint ice cream with freeze dried spearmint leaf garnish. Yum!! [url=][size=2]...wishlist is here...[/url]

Nothing better than ending another wonderful MistJam Festival with the perfect temperature, stars shining brightly overhead, and stories to carry back to the Clan, about all the wonders Cosette enjoyed. The Wildclaw dancer had been unbelievable, and the acrobats, the fireworks, the food, was all so colourful, tasty, and exciting!! She wasn't quite ready to go home yet, just one more skip around the food stalls as a nightcap. She'd seen some chili hot chocolate she wanted to try, and a Granny Smith apple fritter, and some peppermint ice cream with freeze dried spearmint leaf garnish. Yum!!

...wishlist is here...
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