
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Random Raffle
My favorite teacher (who I have MAD respect for),
once said that “There are only two types of people in this world. The ones that you love, and the ones you don’t know.”
My favorite teacher (who I have MAD respect for),
once said that “There are only two types of people in this world. The ones that you love, and the ones you don’t know.”


Sharing anonymous Irish Blessing: May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home And may the hand of a friend always be near. May green be the grass you walk on, May blue be the skies above you, May pure be the joys that surround you, May true be the hearts that love you. And also two favorite Mist Jam dragons: Journey'sEnd was actually purchased *just* so I could apply this accent, a favorite from 2021's entries: [url=][img][/img][/url] And Firestreak was the first old dragon I purchased, and wears another of my favorite Wind accents (and she is my Wind Rep): [url=][img][/img][/url]
Sharing anonymous Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.

And also two favorite Mist Jam dragons:

Journey'sEnd was actually purchased *just* so I could apply this accent, a favorite from 2021's entries:


And Firestreak was the first old dragon I purchased, and wears another of my favorite Wind accents (and she is my Wind Rep):

wanted to share one of my windy dragons [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
wanted to share one of my windy dragons

  • username has a zero
  • collector of unique color combos and fandragons
[center] [img][/img] [/center] [size=4][color=39b54a][b]“Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you!” [/b] – Sailor Venus

“Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you!”
– Sailor Venus
arcane_nonbinbling_by_cicide76536-dcj0wde.gifmc01Dbo.png7uXVOYZ.gif Aroma.pngBErP9i.png
[center][b][size=6]It's time for another [/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]It’s finally spring![/b] Wherever you are in the world, and whatever weather you are actually having, let's work on some spring cleaning! To help clear out all that toxic waste we have accumulated, I am sponsoring this [center][size=6][b]Spring Cleaning Raffle[/b][/size]. [item=Moldy Leather][item=Toridae Chew Toy][item=Moth-eaten Rug][item=Battered Scroll Case][item=Shattered Reading Spectacles][/center] [b][size=6]How to Enter:[/size][/b] This one is going to be a more traditional, ticket-based raffle. [LIST] [*]For [b]every item[/b] you send me [u]regardless of value[/u], you will earn one ticket. [*]For [b]food items[/b], I will give tickets equal to the number of food points! Example: Send 10 x Java Sparrow (worth 2 food points) for 20 tickets! [*]We have several [b]signature badges[/b] available below. Use one in your forum signature (and post here, so I will see it) for [u]25 tickets each week[/u]! Note: Since this starts and ends mid-week, I will be counting weeks from [b]Wednesday through Tuesday[/b] for showing off signature badges once per week. Add yourself to the spring cleaning column in the pinglist for a weekly reminder to show off your badge for 25 more tickets! [i]Note: If you still have a Spring Cleaning badge that you had been using last year, please make sure it is up-to-date with this year's link![/i] [*]If anyone wants to [b]create a new badge[/b], so people would have another option to use in their forum signatures, I would give you 100 tickets! This badge could be specific to Spring Cleaning or a more general design for the Random Raffle page. (May only be earned once.) [/LIST] [center][item=Mangled Textile][item=Tattered Parchment][item=Waterlogged Boot][item=Crumbling Leather][item=Rusted Chain][/center] [b][size=6]Other Details:[/size][/b] [b]No need to do the math![/b] It's what I do. I enter everything as a formula anyway. I can't stop myself. Just to be clear, I will [u]not[/u] be putting together prize packages from anything you send in this time. [b][u]Please do not send dragons or anything valuable[/u][/b]. I will not be checking auction house prices. Items that you send in will most likely be transmuted or hoard-sold to help build up the prize stock for future raffles. This is an opportunity to get rid of your [b][i]useless[/i] junk[/b]! This raffle will run through the rest of spring, and the first round of winners will be drawn on [b]Wednesday, June 21st - the summer solstice[/b] (at least in the northern hemisphere). All items must be received by the [b][u]end of the day on Tuesday, June 20th[/u][/b] (Flight Rising rollover). FYI - I keep track of tickets in the same file as the ping list (linked below), so you can check your totals at any time. [i]Note: This does not mean that I won't have other Random Raffles running simultaneously![/i] ----- [center][url=]Click here to add yourself to the ping list or check tickets for this raffle.[/url][/center] ----- [b][size=6]Signature Badges:[/size][/b] See the first page for a complete list as I tend to add newly designed badges there. [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color]Designed by Kunikida[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=white]___[/color]Designed by galacticTopiary[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url] [/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=white]___[/color]Designed by OrigamiGirl15[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url] [/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=white]___[/color]Designed by Golden[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url] [/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent]Designed by Andraya Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent]Designed by Andraya Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent]Designed by Dexthedragon Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] Designed by Dexthedragon - Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][indent]Designed by Farore - Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle[/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] ----- [size=0][size=0]Ping list was here.[/size][/size]
It's time for another
It’s finally spring! Wherever you are in the world, and whatever weather you are actually having, let's work on some spring cleaning! To help clear out all that toxic waste we have accumulated, I am sponsoring this
Spring Cleaning Raffle.
Moldy Leather Toridae Chew Toy Moth-Eaten Rug Battered Scroll Case Shattered Reading Spectacles

How to Enter:

This one is going to be a more traditional, ticket-based raffle.
  • For every item you send me regardless of value, you will earn one ticket.
  • For food items, I will give tickets equal to the number of food points!
    Example: Send 10 x Java Sparrow (worth 2 food points) for 20 tickets!
  • We have several signature badges available below. Use one in your forum signature (and post here, so I will see it) for 25 tickets each week!
    Note: Since this starts and ends mid-week, I will be counting weeks from Wednesday through Tuesday for showing off signature badges once per week.
    Add yourself to the spring cleaning column in the pinglist for a weekly reminder to show off your badge for 25 more tickets!
    Note: If you still have a Spring Cleaning badge that you had been using last year, please make sure it is up-to-date with this year's link!
  • If anyone wants to create a new badge, so people would have another option to use in their forum signatures, I would give you 100 tickets! This badge could be specific to Spring Cleaning or a more general design for the Random Raffle page. (May only be earned once.)
Mangled Textile Tattered Parchment Waterlogged Boot Crumbling Leather Rusted Chain

Other Details:

No need to do the math!
It's what I do. I enter everything as a formula anyway. I can't stop myself.

Just to be clear, I will not be putting together prize packages from anything you send in this time. Please do not send dragons or anything valuable. I will not be checking auction house prices. Items that you send in will most likely be transmuted or hoard-sold to help build up the prize stock for future raffles. This is an opportunity to get rid of your useless junk!

This raffle will run through the rest of spring, and the first round of winners will be drawn on Wednesday, June 21st - the summer solstice (at least in the northern hemisphere). All items must be received by the end of the day on Tuesday, June 20th (Flight Rising rollover).

FYI - I keep track of tickets in the same file as the ping list (linked below), so you can check your totals at any time.

Note: This does not mean that I won't have other Random Raffles running simultaneously!

Signature Badges:
See the first page for a complete list as I tend to add newly designed badges there.


Y5AUp2a.gif ___Designed by Kunikida

CYBqRJK.png ___Designed by galacticTopiary

w8o0xW1.png ___Designed by OrigamiGirl15

uDNAbBS.png ___Designed by Golden

Designed by Andraya
Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle

Designed by Andraya
Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle

Designed by Dexthedragon
Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle

Designed by Dexthedragon - Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle

Designed by Farore - Leads to the Spring Cleaning Raffle

Ping list was here.
Y5AUp2a.gif .. 9XAwiUY.png .
Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle,
trust in a Witch.
[b][size=7]Prizes![/size][/b] It wouldn’t be much of a raffle without prizes, would it? Here are some rewards for cleaning out all of that toxic waste. (I reserve the right to [i]add[/i] to these before the raffle ends!) [quote name="CLAIMED: Personal Protective Equipment "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by Storygeek[/size][/b] [img][/img] [item=lab coat][item=white protective eyewear][item=rubber laboratory gloves][item=gray plague doctor mask][item=black lab coat][/center] [columns][indent][indent]Plus... 99 each [nextcol][item=minor health potion][item=health potion][/columns][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Definitely contaminated! "] [b] [/b][center][b][size=7]Claimed by Veilamore[/size][/b] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][b]Lisle[/b] 84551346 [b]Shadow - Aberration - Male[/b] Radioactive Pharoah Radioactive Sarcophagus Radioactive Fangs Common Eyes [b]Level 25 Your choice of stones![/b] [/columns] [center]Comes with: (These stones can be switched out for the coliseum build of your choice.) [item=eliminate][item=scratch][item=rally][item=haste][item=sap] [item=ambush][item=ambush][item=berserker][item=berserker][item=berserker] [item=scroll of renaming][item=tincture of dissolution][/center][/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Has this been exposed? "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by beBlueberry[/size][/b] [b][size=5]Your choice of any unhatched egg.[/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Lasting Effects "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by AquamarineNaga[/size][/b] [item=primary gene: Poison (undertide)][item=secondary gene: toxin (undertide)] Primary Gene: Poison (Undertide) and Secondary Gene: Toxin (Undertide)[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Byproducts "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by Ashblight[/size][/b] [item=Cheerful residue][item=shiny residue][item=leftover residue][item=sentient alloy] 20 each: [item=soylent green][item=soylent blue][item=soylent red][item=soylent yellow] Cheerful Residue, Shiny Residue, Leftover Residue, and Sentient Alloy 20 each: Soylent Green, Soylent Blue, Soylent Red, and Soylent Yellow[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: These can be recycled! "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by Spaghettipasta[/size][/b] One of EVERY Baldwin material [item=Gold Muck][item=silver muck][item=copper muck] [item=black slime][item=white slime][item=grey slime] [item=blue sludge][item=purple sludge][item=red sludge][item=orange sludge][item=yellow sludge][item=green sludge][item=blue ooze][item=purple ooze][item=red ooze][item=orange ooze][item=yellow ooze][item=green ooze][item=blue goo][item=purple goo][item=red goo][item=orange goo][item=yellow goo][item=green goo][/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Kept in Storage "] [center][b] [/b][b][size=7]Claimed by Golden[/size][/b] [img],33697,448,33698,475,33699,472,33700,33701,33702&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=classy Suit][/center] [center]Classy Suit Contains: [item=Classy Top Hat][item=Classy waistcoat][item=Classy monocle][item=Classy spats][item=Classy cane] [item=Classy tailcoat][item=Classy pants][item=Classy ring][item=Classy dress shirt][item=Classy tail spat] Classy Top Hat, Classy Waistcoat, Classy Monocle, Classy Spats, Classy Cane, Classy Tailcoat, Classy Pants, Classy Ring, Classy Dress Shirt, Classy Tail Spat[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Saved for Special Occasions "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by DarkCheetah[/size][/b] [img],6967,7290,7843,6958,6979,7291,7845&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=a flourish of aquamarine][/center] [center]A Flourish of Aquamarine Contains: [item=Aquamarine Flourish Anklets][item=Aquamarine Flourish Bracelet][item=Aquamarine Flourish Eye Piece][item=Aquamarine Flourish Tail Drape] [item=Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp][item=Aquamarine Flourish Wing Drape][item=Aquamarine Flourish Necklace][item=Aquamarine Flourish Belt] Aquamarine Flourish Anklets, Aquamarine Flourish Bracelet, Aquamarine Flourish Eye Piece, Aquamarine Flourish Tail Drape, Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp, Aquamarine Flourish Wing Drape, Aquamarine Flourish Necklace, Aquamarine Flourish Belt [/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: A Fresh New Look"] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by Kothra[/size][/b] [item=Primary Gene: pinstripe][item=secondary gene: trail] Primary Gene: Pinstripe and Secondary Gene: Trail Contributed by Armourgeek[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Signs of the Season"] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by zophronia[/size][/b] [item=spring's breath][item=spring staff][item=spring antlers][item=scene: spring][item=spring sphinx] Spring's Breath, Spring Staff, Spring Antlers, Scene: Spring, Spring Sphinx[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Spring Blossoms "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by ZimeBelle[/size][/b] [item=Black Tulip Flowerfall][item=Daisy Flowerfall][item=Larkspur Flowerfall][item=Marigold Flowerfall] [item=Red Rose Flowerfall][item=Seapetal Flowerfall][item=Silver Flowerfall][item=Violet Flowerfall] Black Tulip Flowerfall, Daisy Flowerfall, Larkspur Flowerfall, Marigold Flowerfall, Red Rose Flowerfall, Seapetal Flowerfall, Silver Flowerfall, and Violet Flowerfall[/center] [/quote] [quote name="CLAIMED: Some Spring Color "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by ananas[/size][/b] [img],30860,30862,30864,30866,30859,30861,30863,30865&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center][item=Rainbow Starsilks Circlet][item=Rainbow Starsilks Cloak][item=Rainbow Starsilks Earrings][item=Rainbow Starsilks Scarf][item=Rainbow Starsilks Shawl][item=Rainbow Starsilks Sleeves][item=Rainbow Starsilks Socks][item=Rainbow Starsilks Tailwrap][item=Rainbow Starsilks Wingdrapes] Rainbow Starsilks Circlet, Rainbow Starsilks Cloak, Rainbow Starsilks Earrings, Rainbow Starsilks Scarf, Rainbow Starsilks Shawl, Rainbow Starsilks Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilks Socks, Rainbow Starsilks Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilks Wingdrapes[/quote][/center] [quote name="CLAIMED: For a Rainy Day "] [center][b][size=7]Claimed by StrawHatPirate[/size][/b] 10x[item=Rusted Treasure Chest] 5x[item=Iron Treasure Chest] [item=Gilded Decorative Chest][/center] [/quote]
It wouldn’t be much of a raffle without prizes, would it?
Here are some rewards for cleaning out all of that toxic waste.
(I reserve the right to add to these before the raffle ends!)

CLAIMED: Personal Protective Equipment wrote:
Claimed by Storygeek
Lab Coat White Protective Eyewear Rubber Laboratory Gloves Black Lab Coat
Plus... 99 each
Minor Health Potion Health Potion
CLAIMED: Definitely contaminated! wrote:
Claimed by Veilamore
84551346_350.png Lisle
Shadow - Aberration - Male
Radioactive Pharoah
Radioactive Sarcophagus
Radioactive Fangs
Common Eyes

Level 25
Your choice of stones!
Comes with:
(These stones can be switched out for the coliseum build of your choice.)
Eliminate Scratch Rally Haste Sap
Ambush Ambush Berserker Berserker Berserker
Scroll of Renaming Tincture of Dissolution
CLAIMED: Has this been exposed? wrote:
Claimed by beBlueberry
Your choice of any unhatched egg.

CLAIMED: Lasting Effects wrote:
Claimed by AquamarineNaga

Primary Gene: Poison (Undertide) and Secondary Gene: Toxin (Undertide)
CLAIMED: Byproducts wrote:
Claimed by Ashblight
Cheerful Residue Shiny Residue Leftover Residue Sentient Alloy
20 each: Soylent Green Soylent Blue Soylent Red Soylent Yellow

Cheerful Residue, Shiny Residue, Leftover Residue, and Sentient Alloy
20 each: Soylent Green, Soylent Blue, Soylent Red, and Soylent Yellow
CLAIMED: These can be recycled! wrote:
Claimed by Spaghettipasta
One of EVERY Baldwin material
Gold Muck Silver Muck Copper Muck
Black Slime White Slime Grey Slime
Blue Sludge Purple Sludge Red Sludge Orange Sludge Yellow Sludge Green Sludge Blue Ooze Purple Ooze Red Ooze Orange Ooze Yellow Ooze Green Ooze Blue Goo Purple Goo Red Goo Orange Goo Yellow Goo Green Goo
CLAIMED: Kept in Storage wrote:
Claimed by Golden
Classy Suit
Classy Suit Contains:
Classy Top Hat Classy Waistcoat Classy Monocle Classy Spats Classy Cane
Classy Tailcoat Classy Pants Classy Ring Classy Dress Shirt Classy Tail Spat
Classy Top Hat, Classy Waistcoat, Classy Monocle, Classy Spats, Classy Cane, Classy Tailcoat, Classy Pants, Classy Ring, Classy Dress Shirt, Classy Tail Spat
CLAIMED: Saved for Special Occasions wrote:
Claimed by DarkCheetah
A Flourish of Aquamarine
A Flourish of Aquamarine Contains:
Aquamarine Flourish Anklets Aquamarine Flourish Bracelet Aquamarine Flourish Eye Piece Aquamarine Flourish Tail Drape
Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp Aquamarine Flourish Wing Drape Aquamarine Flourish Necklace Aquamarine Flourish Belt
Aquamarine Flourish Anklets, Aquamarine Flourish Bracelet, Aquamarine Flourish Eye Piece, Aquamarine Flourish Tail Drape, Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp, Aquamarine Flourish Wing Drape, Aquamarine Flourish Necklace, Aquamarine Flourish Belt
CLAIMED: A Fresh New Look wrote:
Claimed by Kothra
Primary Gene: Pinstripe Secondary Gene: Trail
Primary Gene: Pinstripe and Secondary Gene: Trail

Contributed by Armourgeek
CLAIMED: Signs of the Season wrote:
Claimed by zophronia
Spring's Breath Spring Staff Spring Antlers Scene: Spring Spring Sphinx
Spring's Breath, Spring Staff, Spring Antlers, Scene: Spring, Spring Sphinx
CLAIMED: Spring Blossoms wrote:
Claimed by ZimeBelle
Black Tulip Flowerfall Daisy Flowerfall Larkspur Flowerfall Marigold Flowerfall
Red Rose Flowerfall Seapetal Flowerfall Silver Flowerfall Violet Flowerfall
Black Tulip Flowerfall, Daisy Flowerfall, Larkspur Flowerfall, Marigold Flowerfall, Red Rose Flowerfall, Seapetal Flowerfall, Silver Flowerfall, and Violet Flowerfall
CLAIMED: Some Spring Color wrote:
Claimed by ananas

Rainbow Starsilks Circlet, Rainbow Starsilks Cloak, Rainbow Starsilks Earrings, Rainbow Starsilks Scarf, Rainbow Starsilks Shawl, Rainbow Starsilks Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilks Socks, Rainbow Starsilks Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilks Wingdrapes
CLAIMED: For a Rainy Day wrote:
Claimed by StrawHatPirate
10x Rusted Treasure Chest 5x Iron Treasure Chest Gilded Decorative Chest
Y5AUp2a.gif .. 9XAwiUY.png .
Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle,
trust in a Witch.
oooo love these prize selections! just sent some items through a CR and changed my signature! :3
oooo love these prize selections! just sent some items through a CR and changed my signature! :3
Kit-137-1-3-6-0-7-1-1-0-12.png Kit-134-0-7-7-18-1-0-0-4-1.png Kit-135-1-2-4-1-2-0-1-1-10.png Kit-136-0-1-2-0-3-0-1-4-0.png Kit-133-0-0-9-18-1-2-0-2-3.png PiAyg8i.png
I've got the badge!
I've got the badge!
J5HlHP8.png 7qZs8jM.png w8o0xW1.png
[emoji=aberration love size=2] I sent items and changed my signature!

I sent items and changed my signature!
lt7bkNH.pngC0ZYDL8.gifSerenity kaleidoscope ornament badge for ShayeraNatasha by SaronaitRc8qoF.png



Got my badge, happy Spring Cleaning!
Got my badge, happy Spring Cleaning!
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.png A watercolor picture of a sakura tree in bloom, with text: Nature's Flowerfall Festival, March 2025. An Akebono Cherry flower. Xx3ZGyj.png