
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Random Raffle
Oh this brings me back! This was the first raffle I participated in last year! I guess happy anniversary!
Oh this brings me back! This was the first raffle I participated in last year! I guess happy anniversary!
@Juxta13 can we send a 1t pa if we're sending stacks or does it have to be CR?
@Juxta13 can we send a 1t pa if we're sending stacks or does it have to be CR?

old oaks!
MUYNhfy.png DxCICZ1.png
[color=8ECE56][size=7][font= gabriola]Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can.[/size] [right][color=697135 ]~ Terry Pratchett[/right] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=697135 ]Here's my windiest guy wishing everyone a Happy MistJam!

Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can.

~ Terry Pratchett

Here's my windiest guy wishing everyone a Happy MistJam!
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.png A watercolor picture of a sakura tree in bloom, with text: Nature's Flowerfall Festival, March 2025. An Akebono Cherry flower. Xx3ZGyj.png
Hopefully I did it right, it's been a while since I've participated in a thing. DX

Also, badge in signature! <3
Hopefully I did it right, it's been a while since I've participated in a thing. DX

Also, badge in signature! <3
Badge in sig! Thanks so much for hosting as always
Badge in sig! Thanks so much for hosting as always

ladygray • she/her • FR+0
Crossroads or private messages are preferred for this one. Thanks!
Crossroads or private messages are preferred for this one. Thanks!
Y5AUp2a.gif .. 9XAwiUY.png .
Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle,
trust in a Witch.

Sig badge in siggy, thanks!

Sig badge in siggy, thanks!
Golden's TradesTiger Treats TradesNature/PlagueFR+3WishlistRandom RaffleAdopt Trade HubGolden's DreamCatchersDervish

Sent a cr with some stuff :D

Sent a cr with some stuff :D

she / her
sxrFjUf.gif lJUgxOZ.gif Y5AUp2a.gif
This is the poem I use on my profile page:
"Breathe," said the wind

How can I breathe at a time like this,
when the air is full of the smoke
of burning tires, burning lives?

"Just breathe," the wind insisted.

Easy for you to say, if the weight of
injustice is not wrapped around your throat,
cutting off all air.

"I need you to breathe."

"I need you to breathe."

Don’t tell me to be calm
when there are so many reasons
to be angry, so much cause for despair!

"I didn’t say to be calm," said the wind,
"I said to breathe."

"We’re going to need a lot of air
to make this hurricane together."
~Breathe by Lynn Ungar
This is the poem I use on my profile page:
"Breathe," said the wind

How can I breathe at a time like this,
when the air is full of the smoke
of burning tires, burning lives?

"Just breathe," the wind insisted.

Easy for you to say, if the weight of
injustice is not wrapped around your throat,
cutting off all air.

"I need you to breathe."

"I need you to breathe."

Don’t tell me to be calm
when there are so many reasons
to be angry, so much cause for despair!

"I didn’t say to be calm," said the wind,
"I said to breathe."

"We’re going to need a lot of air
to make this hurricane together."
~Breathe by Lynn Ungar
UTakosS.pngY5AUp2a.gif qzV0stX.png
Some junk sent! and I think my signature button is up to date?
Some junk sent! and I think my signature button is up to date?
Looking for some dragons!futYkXZ.pngw8o0xW1.png