
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [STARFALL] The Pirate Trials CYOA - end
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(I really got absolutely karma'ed there on the results of day 3 LMAOOO) [center] [u]Day 4[/u] Choice: [b]Option 2[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] After what could only have been described as as a humiliating performance the evening before, Gossamer now finds herself locked in a dingy cell as the next part of the trial commences. She's already miffed about the miserable pile of coin she managed to snatch before, and now they have the gall to lock her up? At least Captain Praa seemed to appreciate the attempt, though the performance wasn't up to her usual standards at [i]all[/i]. Nothing for it then; she'll just have to make sure this trial is perfectly executed. She stands in the centre of the cell, taking measure of her surroundings. Three hard stone walls, solid and sturdy. No way to get through those. One wall made of strong iron bars, with the door locked tight. If she had a different elemental magic at her disposal, she could perhaps get through by force, but there's no point considering that. Gossamer approaches the door, and reaches through the bars to take the lock in her claws. It's hefty, and with how she could barely fit her hands through, wouldn't be easy to break. She fiddles with it until she locates the keyhole, and leans down to listen carefully. Slotting one claw into the hole, she twists the mechanism inside - she can hear it clicking, but it doesn't give. She needs a longer lockpick than just her claw. Glancing around the room once more - and briefly at the Hainu waiting outside - her eyes fall upon a platter with a bone left out. Doubtless this was meant for meals, but the bone might be just what she needs. Dropping the lock for now, Gossamer moves to pick up the old bone. It's clearly been left here for quite some time, but it seems solid enough. Trapping one end of the bone underneath her foot and pulling the other end up, it splinters with a somewhat unsettling crack. Gossamer picks up the pieces and examines them, searching for a piece long and thin enough to use. She finds one that looks suitable and brings it back over to the lock. Slipping her hands back through the bars, Gossamer inserts the bone fragment into the keyhole. Once again listening for the mechanism inside, she twists and adjusts her makeshift lockpick until it seems to line up, then- *click* The lock opens.
(I really got absolutely karma'ed there on the results of day 3 LMAOOO)
Day 4
Choice: Option 2

After what could only have been described as as a humiliating performance the evening before, Gossamer now finds herself locked in a dingy cell as the next part of the trial commences. She's already miffed about the miserable pile of coin she managed to snatch before, and now they have the gall to lock her up? At least Captain Praa seemed to appreciate the attempt, though the performance wasn't up to her usual standards at all.

Nothing for it then; she'll just have to make sure this trial is perfectly executed. She stands in the centre of the cell, taking measure of her surroundings. Three hard stone walls, solid and sturdy. No way to get through those. One wall made of strong iron bars, with the door locked tight. If she had a different elemental magic at her disposal, she could perhaps get through by force, but there's no point considering that.

Gossamer approaches the door, and reaches through the bars to take the lock in her claws. It's hefty, and with how she could barely fit her hands through, wouldn't be easy to break. She fiddles with it until she locates the keyhole, and leans down to listen carefully. Slotting one claw into the hole, she twists the mechanism inside - she can hear it clicking, but it doesn't give. She needs a longer lockpick than just her claw.

Glancing around the room once more - and briefly at the Hainu waiting outside - her eyes fall upon a platter with a bone left out. Doubtless this was meant for meals, but the bone might be just what she needs. Dropping the lock for now, Gossamer moves to pick up the old bone. It's clearly been left here for quite some time, but it seems solid enough. Trapping one end of the bone underneath her foot and pulling the other end up, it splinters with a somewhat unsettling crack. Gossamer picks up the pieces and examines them, searching for a piece long and thin enough to use. She finds one that looks suitable and brings it back over to the lock.

Slipping her hands back through the bars, Gossamer inserts the bone fragment into the keyhole. Once again listening for the mechanism inside, she twists and adjusts her makeshift lockpick until it seems to line up, then-


The lock opens.
(I thought this one might be fast…… I was so wrong) [center][url=] Day Three[/url] | [size=5] [b]Day Four[/b][/size] | [url=]Day Five[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Option One: [/b] [size=2]Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys[/size][/center] There were so many dragons trying to squeeze out the exit that it wasn’t worth rushing out. Altair waited for the line to naturally catch up to him, and then out he went! He took a roundabout route to the restaurant that caught his eye, allowing himself to survey the area. It certainly was busy-- dragons were trailing out the door and a number of them were looking peeved. Would he even be able to get inside? Altair had barely come in for a landing outside when a pearlcatcher swooped in on him, saying “there you are-- at last!” Altair tried looking behind him, but no one else had arrived in the second since he showed up. “Well, you’re later than my scrying predicted,” she continued, “so let’s save some time: I know you’re here to steal from us as part of the Pirate Trials. We really don’t have time for any of that nonsense tonight.” Altair ticked his chin down to his chest sheepishly. It was embarrassing enough to be on this mission, and so much worse to be told off before he started. “However. My pearl told me that you’d help with this chaos, so how’s this: you entertain our diners until their meals are ready, and I’ll make sure you have some ‘plunder’ to take away. Deal?” Altair’s head immediately shot back up. “Oh, yes!” He put a hand to his mouth and leaned in. “Just between us, I was never that into this stealing thing. My clan [i]works[/i] for their earnings. The pirate recruit thing was more for giggles and a bit of adventure.” The pearlcatcher nodded and they shook on it. Maybe she had known that part, too? Altair had known a few dragons capable of scrying or foresight, and with them he’d come to expect surprises. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he got pulled over to a makeshift stage. Ah, that’s how they want him to do it? He rubbed his hands together nervously. Frankly, he was the perfect dragon to choose for this. The Grotto was full of performers of one kind or another and he’d seen and heard countless shows both in venues and around the campfire. Areis also excelled at flashy illusions and had taught him more than a little. But by the Windsinger’s whiskers, he only ever performed in front of friends. He swallowed a sudden knot in his throat. “Well, think you can help me out here, my friend?” He whispered to Alshain, who still sat on his shoulder. The skink didn’t say much with his face, but Altair could see amusement in his eyes. Altair bounded onto the stage, setting Alshain down on it as he did so. Then he sat back on his hind legs and began drawing breath. No need to announce himself; it was more interesting to let the crowd be drawn in as they noticed him. At his call, pink runes began to slip out from his fingers and circle around his hands. He slowly grew the circle of his influence until a series of cascading rings stretched out the full width of the stage, making lots of hand gestures that weren’t strictly necessary but did make it look cooler. This wasn’t about efficiency, it was about [i]style[/i]. The circles in place, Altair started bending the spell circles to make new shapes-- flashing sparks like fireworks, soaring kites, illusory trees and spires. He started to hear some [i]ooohs[/i] from the waiting dragons. In front of him, Alshain had lit up, the spots on his body glowing like little spotlights. The skink didn’t have a lot of inherent magic, aside from some interesting alchemical properties that suggested his ancestors had been involved in experiments, but forging a familiar bond still allowed Altair to expand the normal range of his magic. With Alshain’s assistance, he mixes orange, yellow, and green into the illusory structures he built around him. Now he could have some real fun. As the performance drew on, he began to mix in some of his favorite stories. He’d seen them done enough to know them by heart, where to make his voice rise and fall, where to stretch out his wings and where to duck down with his grinning teeth bared. His spellwork shifted to match the story beats, creating castles and forests and murky packs of hippalektryons, owlynxes, and other creatures. Finally he saw the last diners turn their gaze away as their food was served, as he let his lights fade out as he sat down panting. Alshain climbed up his side and patted him on the head. Was this the rush his clanmates felt when they finished a show? The pearlcatcher from earlier thanked him and together with a spiral, she brought over a massive hamper of food. “Wow, this is fantastic!” he cried. “I don’t know if the pirates over yonder would call this plunder, but this one sure does!” He scooped up the hamper, which was approaching the very limit of what he could carry while airborne, and took off with a final bow. The Captains and the recruits that had returned were all sitting by a fire on the beach. Altair landed in front of the Captains to deliver his offering and report. After his long performance some part of his brain was tempted to make a big story of it, but he decided to give them the quick version with minimal added gestures. Two of the captain’s didn’t look too impressed, but at least Rafferty was happy. He seemed to understand that a good tale was worth more than gold. Once the food was distributed, it was a sleepy night lying by the fire and later on beds made up on the deck of The Jolly Wavehopper. Tired as he was, Altair took some time to enjoy the flying ship. It wasn’t as mechanically fascinating as the airship, but a flying ship was still pretty awesome as far as Altair was concerned, and this one felt more inviting. He awoke the next morning to the ship’s bells and the surprise that they had moved overnight. He nudged Alshain off of his face and quickly strapped his satchels and other gear back onto his body. The Fourth Trial, huh? Altair took the fast way down by jumping overboard and letting his wings slow his descent. He and the other recruits stood before a massive stone fort and an unfamiliar fae. At his word, the pirate crew surged out of their respective ships. Altair felt the talons of a much larger dragon scoop him up from behind, pinning his wings to his body. “Oh, dear,” he said, in a tone perhaps too relaxed for the situation. “Just watch out for my skink, okay? Oh, and be gentle with my vials, some of them are rather delicate.” He wasn’t sure if the other dragon heard him, as he was carried roughly down a series of corridors and tossed into a cell. He took a moment to get his bearings. Yes, Alshain was safe, and clinging to his neck. No, none of his vials broke. Yes, this was very much a cell, complete with a sad blanket and old dinner plate. He tried not to be too worried about this. It wasn’t like he [i]actually[/i] stole anything, and probably no authorities were after him if pirates threw him in here. It would be rather inconvenient to be wanted on a shoreline he frequented. A jingling noise caught his attention. A dwarf hainu sat outside the cell with the key ring in its mouth. An odd choice for a guard; while full size hainu temperaments varied, the dwarf ones were generally quite friendly. And cute! Alshain dropped off his neck and stuck his two heads through the bars. Altair followed his example and pushed a hand through. “Hey, buddy. Fancy seeing a bright fellow like you in a place like this? You like scritches?”
(I thought this one might be fast…… I was so wrong)
Day Three | Day Four | Day Five
Option One: Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys

There were so many dragons trying to squeeze out the exit that it wasn’t worth rushing out. Altair waited for the line to naturally catch up to him, and then out he went! He took a roundabout route to the restaurant that caught his eye, allowing himself to survey the area. It certainly was busy-- dragons were trailing out the door and a number of them were looking peeved. Would he even be able to get inside?

Altair had barely come in for a landing outside when a pearlcatcher swooped in on him, saying “there you are-- at last!” Altair tried looking behind him, but no one else had arrived in the second since he showed up.

“Well, you’re later than my scrying predicted,” she continued, “so let’s save some time: I know you’re here to steal from us as part of the Pirate Trials. We really don’t have time for any of that nonsense tonight.” Altair ticked his chin down to his chest sheepishly. It was embarrassing enough to be on this mission, and so much worse to be told off before he started. “However. My pearl told me that you’d help with this chaos, so how’s this: you entertain our diners until their meals are ready, and I’ll make sure you have some ‘plunder’ to take away. Deal?”

Altair’s head immediately shot back up. “Oh, yes!” He put a hand to his mouth and leaned in. “Just between us, I was never that into this stealing thing. My clan works for their earnings. The pirate recruit thing was more for giggles and a bit of adventure.”

The pearlcatcher nodded and they shook on it. Maybe she had known that part, too? Altair had known a few dragons capable of scrying or foresight, and with them he’d come to expect surprises. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he got pulled over to a makeshift stage. Ah, that’s how they want him to do it? He rubbed his hands together nervously. Frankly, he was the perfect dragon to choose for this. The Grotto was full of performers of one kind or another and he’d seen and heard countless shows both in venues and around the campfire. Areis also excelled at flashy illusions and had taught him more than a little. But by the Windsinger’s whiskers, he only ever performed in front of friends. He swallowed a sudden knot in his throat.

“Well, think you can help me out here, my friend?” He whispered to Alshain, who still sat on his shoulder. The skink didn’t say much with his face, but Altair could see amusement in his eyes.

Altair bounded onto the stage, setting Alshain down on it as he did so. Then he sat back on his hind legs and began drawing breath. No need to announce himself; it was more interesting to let the crowd be drawn in as they noticed him. At his call, pink runes began to slip out from his fingers and circle around his hands. He slowly grew the circle of his influence until a series of cascading rings stretched out the full width of the stage, making lots of hand gestures that weren’t strictly necessary but did make it look cooler. This wasn’t about efficiency, it was about style.

The circles in place, Altair started bending the spell circles to make new shapes-- flashing sparks like fireworks, soaring kites, illusory trees and spires. He started to hear some ooohs from the waiting dragons. In front of him, Alshain had lit up, the spots on his body glowing like little spotlights. The skink didn’t have a lot of inherent magic, aside from some interesting alchemical properties that suggested his ancestors had been involved in experiments, but forging a familiar bond still allowed Altair to expand the normal range of his magic. With Alshain’s assistance, he mixes orange, yellow, and green into the illusory structures he built around him. Now he could have some real fun.

As the performance drew on, he began to mix in some of his favorite stories. He’d seen them done enough to know them by heart, where to make his voice rise and fall, where to stretch out his wings and where to duck down with his grinning teeth bared. His spellwork shifted to match the story beats, creating castles and forests and murky packs of hippalektryons, owlynxes, and other creatures.

Finally he saw the last diners turn their gaze away as their food was served, as he let his lights fade out as he sat down panting. Alshain climbed up his side and patted him on the head. Was this the rush his clanmates felt when they finished a show? The pearlcatcher from earlier thanked him and together with a spiral, she brought over a massive hamper of food.

“Wow, this is fantastic!” he cried. “I don’t know if the pirates over yonder would call this plunder, but this one sure does!” He scooped up the hamper, which was approaching the very limit of what he could carry while airborne, and took off with a final bow.

The Captains and the recruits that had returned were all sitting by a fire on the beach. Altair landed in front of the Captains to deliver his offering and report. After his long performance some part of his brain was tempted to make a big story of it, but he decided to give them the quick version with minimal added gestures. Two of the captain’s didn’t look too impressed, but at least Rafferty was happy. He seemed to understand that a good tale was worth more than gold.

Once the food was distributed, it was a sleepy night lying by the fire and later on beds made up on the deck of The Jolly Wavehopper. Tired as he was, Altair took some time to enjoy the flying ship. It wasn’t as mechanically fascinating as the airship, but a flying ship was still pretty awesome as far as Altair was concerned, and this one felt more inviting.

He awoke the next morning to the ship’s bells and the surprise that they had moved overnight. He nudged Alshain off of his face and quickly strapped his satchels and other gear back onto his body. The Fourth Trial, huh? Altair took the fast way down by jumping overboard and letting his wings slow his descent. He and the other recruits stood before a massive stone fort and an unfamiliar fae. At his word, the pirate crew surged out of their respective ships. Altair felt the talons of a much larger dragon scoop him up from behind, pinning his wings to his body.

“Oh, dear,” he said, in a tone perhaps too relaxed for the situation. “Just watch out for my skink, okay? Oh, and be gentle with my vials, some of them are rather delicate.” He wasn’t sure if the other dragon heard him, as he was carried roughly down a series of corridors and tossed into a cell. He took a moment to get his bearings. Yes, Alshain was safe, and clinging to his neck. No, none of his vials broke. Yes, this was very much a cell, complete with a sad blanket and old dinner plate.

He tried not to be too worried about this. It wasn’t like he actually stole anything, and probably no authorities were after him if pirates threw him in here. It would be rather inconvenient to be wanted on a shoreline he frequented.

A jingling noise caught his attention. A dwarf hainu sat outside the cell with the key ring in its mouth. An odd choice for a guard; while full size hainu temperaments varied, the dwarf ones were generally quite friendly. And cute! Alshain dropped off his neck and stuck his two heads through the bars. Altair followed his example and pushed a hand through.

“Hey, buddy. Fancy seeing a bright fellow like you in a place like this? You like scritches?”
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[center][b]Day 4[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Choice:[/b] Option 1[/center] Neith's mind continues to wander as she makes her way through the thick woods towards the dome. She draws near, and the moonlight shining off the monument in front of her shimmers bright pink, causing her to break free from her trance and come face to face with reality. It wasn't a dome at all, it was a massive crystal skull, seemingly carved out by giants. The sounds of hatchlings catch her attention as she approaches the jaw, the nearest entrance possible into the large skull. They seem to be sitting inside of the mouth area, roughhousing with one another when out of the corner of Neith's eye, she notices extremely large Toridae and decides her best bet is to avoid anything alive. She just needs to get in, find whatever treasure she's able to, and get out safely. Making her way through the cranium, Neith finds a room filled with so many incredibly beautiful rocks, some quite shiny shells and many toys, presumably to be played with by the hatchlings. Neith can't stop herself, and takes some of the rocks she finds the most appealing, (mainly the smoothest and shiniest ones) and as she places them in her pocket, she notices a silver thimble with a magical aura emanating from it. She lifts the thimble from the stone platform it's sitting upon, and as it comes off, a click sound alerts Neith that it may be in fact time to leave. She turns to make her way out, and a loud crash behind her speeds up her movements. She turns quickly to see what's behind her, and an incredibly massive boulder seems to be rolling directly at her. Racing as fast as she can out of the skull as Toridae jaws snap at her and the hatchlings take aim at her with their slingshots. Luckily she's able to avoid their assault and get out unharmed, her speed too much as their cries echo behind. Her eyes closed, panic fully set in as she stumbles. She flops over herself, landing face first into the sand. "Sand?" she thinks, and as she lifts her head, realizes that she made it back! The Captains are waiting ahead, posted around a large fire. Neith picks herself up, dusts herself off and makes her way over to the trio to present her findings. She holds out the glowing thimble, and as she does Starbeard's eyes light up. He takes the thimble from her claws. “Ah! This is a valuable relic indeed … yes, an excellent addition to our booty!” The Sandsurge is still intimidating, but with the joy Neith can see in his eyes, he doesn't seem that scary at all. The rest of the night is a blur until Neith falls asleep under the stars. Neith wakes up to the sound of Praa alerting everyone that the next trial is upon them. Rubbing her eyes, she stands and begins to examine her surroundings. Neith is shocked to realize that they are now floating in the sky, attached to an island. Before she can fully absorb what she's seeing, everyone is rushed off the deck to meet with the three captains, as well as a spooky Fae that she's unfamiliar with. “Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?” “Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.” The words are said, but Neith has no time to process them before she is grabbed and corralled through the archways of the courtyard and dragged through a labyrinth of halls that lead to what seems to be a prison area. She's shoved into a cell, and turns to watch as the pirates who placed her into her new home toss the door key to a small red Hainu that easily catches it in it's mouth. "Awww, what a good boy!" Neith squeaks out as the quards leave. The Hainu notices your excitement at it and wanders closer towards you, still keeping it's distance. The small feathered creature stares at Neith for a moment, before sitting down, still holding the key in it's mouth. Neith decides to play along, and sits down on the floor while maintaining eye contact with the Hainu. It takes a moment, and then rolls onto it's back, still keeping eye contact with Neith, so she does the same in turn. Rolling over onto her back, the cold floor of the cell doesn't feel too good, but she feels this is the right thing to do. Not breaking her gaze from the Hainu, they are now both laying on their backs, staring at one another. This lasts for an unfathomable amount of time.
Day 4
Choice: Option 1

Neith's mind continues to wander as she makes her way through the thick woods towards the dome. She draws near, and the moonlight shining off the monument in front of her shimmers bright pink, causing her to break free from her trance and come face to face with reality. It wasn't a dome at all, it was a massive crystal skull, seemingly carved out by giants.

The sounds of hatchlings catch her attention as she approaches the jaw, the nearest entrance possible into the large skull. They seem to be sitting inside of the mouth area, roughhousing with one another when out of the corner of Neith's eye, she notices extremely large Toridae and decides her best bet is to avoid anything alive. She just needs to get in, find whatever treasure she's able to, and get out safely.

Making her way through the cranium, Neith finds a room filled with so many incredibly beautiful rocks, some quite shiny shells and many toys, presumably to be played with by the hatchlings. Neith can't stop herself, and takes some of the rocks she finds the most appealing, (mainly the smoothest and shiniest ones) and as she places them in her pocket, she notices a silver thimble with a magical aura emanating from it.

She lifts the thimble from the stone platform it's sitting upon, and as it comes off, a click sound alerts Neith that it may be in fact time to leave. She turns to make her way out, and a loud crash behind her speeds up her movements. She turns quickly to see what's behind her, and an incredibly massive boulder seems to be rolling directly at her. Racing as fast as she can out of the skull as Toridae jaws snap at her and the hatchlings take aim at her with their slingshots. Luckily she's able to avoid their assault and get out unharmed, her speed too much as their cries echo behind.

Her eyes closed, panic fully set in as she stumbles. She flops over herself, landing face first into the sand. "Sand?" she thinks, and as she lifts her head, realizes that she made it back! The Captains are waiting ahead, posted around a large fire. Neith picks herself up, dusts herself off and makes her way over to the trio to present her findings.

She holds out the glowing thimble, and as she does Starbeard's eyes light up. He takes the thimble from her claws. “Ah! This is a valuable relic indeed … yes, an excellent addition to our booty!” The Sandsurge is still intimidating, but with the joy Neith can see in his eyes, he doesn't seem that scary at all. The rest of the night is a blur until Neith falls asleep under the stars.

Neith wakes up to the sound of Praa alerting everyone that the next trial is upon them. Rubbing her eyes, she stands and begins to examine her surroundings. Neith is shocked to realize that they are now floating in the sky, attached to an island. Before she can fully absorb what she's seeing, everyone is rushed off the deck to meet with the three captains, as well as a spooky Fae that she's unfamiliar with.

“Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?”

“Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.”

The words are said, but Neith has no time to process them before she is grabbed and corralled through the archways of the courtyard and dragged through a labyrinth of halls that lead to what seems to be a prison area. She's shoved into a cell, and turns to watch as the pirates who placed her into her new home toss the door key to a small red Hainu that easily catches it in it's mouth. "Awww, what a good boy!" Neith squeaks out as the quards leave. The Hainu notices your excitement at it and wanders closer towards you, still keeping it's distance.

The small feathered creature stares at Neith for a moment, before sitting down, still holding the key in it's mouth. Neith decides to play along, and sits down on the floor while maintaining eye contact with the Hainu. It takes a moment, and then rolls onto it's back, still keeping eye contact with Neith, so she does the same in turn. Rolling over onto her back, the cold floor of the cell doesn't feel too good, but she feels this is the right thing to do. Not breaking her gaze from the Hainu, they are now both laying on their backs, staring at one another.

This lasts for an unfathomable amount of time.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [center][font=Book Antiqua][size=6]Day Four[/size] [size=4][i]Aquarius chooses Option 2 ----- [font=Book Antiqua][size=3] Aquarius frowned at his current predicament. He'd only just escaped the well and now he was stuck in another Arcanist-damned prison. He paced anxiously for a moment, thinking to himself. He'd been so hopeful too. It had been so long since he'd last had a crew...or literally anyone else but him. The betrayal stung, he'd admit, like saltwater to an open wound. He could phase through the bars but that was rocky at best, he could rematerialize halfway through and then he'd really be stuck. The bone of the plate caught his eye. He'd always been decent at lockpicking, perhaps he could break that into a makeshift pick. Yes, that'd do it...hopefully. And if it didn't? Well that was a problem for Later Aquarius.
Day Four
Aquarius chooses Option 2

Aquarius frowned at his current predicament. He'd only just escaped the well and now he was stuck in another Arcanist-damned prison. He paced anxiously for a moment, thinking to himself. He'd been so hopeful too. It had been so long since he'd last had a crew...or literally anyone else but him. The betrayal stung, he'd admit, like saltwater to an open wound. He could phase through the bars but that was rocky at best, he could rematerialize halfway through and then he'd really be stuck. The bone of the plate caught his eye. He'd always been decent at lockpicking, perhaps he could break that into a makeshift pick. Yes, that'd do it...hopefully. And if it didn't? Well that was a problem for Later Aquarius.
No time to roleplay today, sorry - but I’d like to pick option 3!
No time to roleplay today, sorry - but I’d like to pick option 3!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Day Four[/b] Lokianos was grateful to get a full night’s sleep after the events of the day before. He certainly wouldn’t say things had gone to plan yesterday (though when have they ever), but he was just glad not to have been squished by that boulder. Though, he did feel a little low stealing from hatchlings, even eternally youthful ones, but he was pleased that at least Captain Starbeard seemed to appreciate the thimble, so Lokianos could sort of justify his actions to himself. It seems his prediction that he would get on well with the mysterious space captain had proven correct, but he wasn’t sure the other two captains were aware of his existence at all. Lokianos couldn’t exactly say he was surprised at the ambush that awaited them upon their arrival in Fort Langridge. As Captain Praa implied, being able to escape capture could prove useful in a life of piracy. He surveyed his surroundings, searching for anything that could aid in his escape. His sights settled on the hainu guarding the keys. Even if he managed to escape the cell by picking the lock or somehow breaking open the door, the he’d still have to get past the hainu. [i]And[/i] even if he could incapacitate it (which he wouldn’t relish doing to any familiar, even if it was hypothetically attacking him), it could still alert others that an escape was taking place, causing even more trouble. He figured the best out of this one was making an ally of the creature in question. Perhaps he could even convince it to hand over the keys, if he chose his words carefully enough. [b]Lokianos chooses Option 1[/b]

Day Four

Lokianos was grateful to get a full night’s sleep after the events of the day before. He certainly wouldn’t say things had gone to plan yesterday (though when have they ever), but he was just glad not to have been squished by that boulder. Though, he did feel a little low stealing from hatchlings, even eternally youthful ones, but he was pleased that at least Captain Starbeard seemed to appreciate the thimble, so Lokianos could sort of justify his actions to himself. It seems his prediction that he would get on well with the mysterious space captain had proven correct, but he wasn’t sure the other two captains were aware of his existence at all.

Lokianos couldn’t exactly say he was surprised at the ambush that awaited them upon their arrival in Fort Langridge. As Captain Praa implied, being able to escape capture could prove useful in a life of piracy. He surveyed his surroundings, searching for anything that could aid in his escape. His sights settled on the hainu guarding the keys. Even if he managed to escape the cell by picking the lock or somehow breaking open the door, the he’d still have to get past the hainu. And even if he could incapacitate it (which he wouldn’t relish doing to any familiar, even if it was hypothetically attacking him), it could still alert others that an escape was taking place, causing even more trouble. He figured the best out of this one was making an ally of the creature in question. Perhaps he could even convince it to hand over the keys, if he chose his words carefully enough.

Lokianos chooses Option 1
four-eyed phylactery coliseum sprite (click for source)
_______ Enchanted Remains
| she/her | fr +3
breed out the bugly challenge
coliseum egg hunt

__________animated bone fiend sprite (click for source)
Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: [i]You’re a little bit worried …[/i] [center][size=1]@Jeevas @Potatoad @jbapple @CrazyDragonLady1 @Yutopi @Magmish @CupcakeNova @galactic @oneluckyduck @Ajgreelyfan3 @Scaleon1 @Thewarywatcher13 @Equipoise @givemeyourbones[/size] [img alt=Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Five:[/size][/b][/center] You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment! The keys are right there. Yes, they are currently being held between the teeth of a bright red Hainu on the other side of the room, but they are clearly your best bet. The Hainu actually looks pretty friendly, so if you can just convince him to bring the keys over, you’ll be out of your cell in no time. [center][url=][img alt="A leaping Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar: a bright red corgi-like dog with red, yellow and blue wings and white facial markings that resemble a macaw"][/img][/url][/center] You grab the bone from the tin plate and waggle it through the bars, whistling and cajoling the Hainu to come closer. He sits up. You call him a good doggy and slowly his stubby tail starts to wag. When you offer him tummy rubs, his fluffy butt wiggles against the floor. You remind him that his masters have left him down here all alone, and you’re absolutely going to be his new best friend if he just comes over to say hello. He stands up and pads towards you. You’re pretty sure he’s grinning around the ring of keys. You keep on encouraging the familiar closer until finally he’s within petting distance. However, when you reach for the keys, his eyes glint and he starts to growl. You hastily back off … and the Hainu rolls onto his back against the bars, offering his fuzzy belly. Oh. He wants all of the pets that you were promising moments ago! You ignore the temptingly close ring of keys and give him what he wants. The Hainu’s colourful fur and feathers are soft and he squirms happily under your hands. Eventually, after plenty of fuss, he decides that you’ve paid up. He rolls over and puts the keys down just outside the bars. You snatch them up and let yourself out. [b]You’re a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors,[/b] but your new friend lets out a soft woof and trots towards the stairs, and you decide you might as well follow. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar. [center][img alt="Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell"][/img][/center] “This one escaped by making a new friend,” the Fae reveals after a moment. Captain Starbeard grins. “I do like a dragon who knows when to extend the hand of friendship. It’s useful ability, in a tight spot! Nicely done.” You stand a little taller: [b]Captain Starbeard likes the way you escaped![/b] [br][center][emoji=planet size=1][/center] The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company … Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point. Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck: “Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …” A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest. “These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!” [b]You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]A small sailing boat[/url][/b]: the traditional choice [br] [*][b][url=]A hot air balloon[/url][/b]: you’d rather fly than float [br] [*][b][url=]A floating crystal shard[/url][/b]: like riding a meteorite [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: You’re a little bit worried …
You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment!

The keys are right there. Yes, they are currently being held between the teeth of a bright red Hainu on the other side of the room, but they are clearly your best bet. The Hainu actually looks pretty friendly, so if you can just convince him to bring the keys over, you’ll be out of your cell in no time.
A leaping Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar: a bright red corgi-like dog with red, yellow and blue wings and white facial markings that resemble a macaw

You grab the bone from the tin plate and waggle it through the bars, whistling and cajoling the Hainu to come closer. He sits up. You call him a good doggy and slowly his stubby tail starts to wag. When you offer him tummy rubs, his fluffy butt wiggles against the floor. You remind him that his masters have left him down here all alone, and you’re absolutely going to be his new best friend if he just comes over to say hello. He stands up and pads towards you. You’re pretty sure he’s grinning around the ring of keys.

You keep on encouraging the familiar closer until finally he’s within petting distance. However, when you reach for the keys, his eyes glint and he starts to growl. You hastily back off … and the Hainu rolls onto his back against the bars, offering his fuzzy belly.

Oh. He wants all of the pets that you were promising moments ago!

You ignore the temptingly close ring of keys and give him what he wants. The Hainu’s colourful fur and feathers are soft and he squirms happily under your hands. Eventually, after plenty of fuss, he decides that you’ve paid up. He rolls over and puts the keys down just outside the bars. You snatch them up and let yourself out.

You’re a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors, but your new friend lets out a soft woof and trots towards the stairs, and you decide you might as well follow. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar.
Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell
“This one escaped by making a new friend,” the Fae reveals after a moment.

Captain Starbeard grins. “I do like a dragon who knows when to extend the hand of friendship. It’s useful ability, in a tight spot! Nicely done.”

You stand a little taller: Captain Starbeard likes the way you escaped!

The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company …

Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point.

Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck:

“Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …”

A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest.

“These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!”

You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?
  1. A small sailing boat: the traditional choice

  2. A hot air balloon: you’d rather fly than float

  3. A floating crystal shard: like riding a meteorite

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it Arcane Badge depicting the Oculus of the Eleven
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: [i] As the cell door swings open …[/i] [center][size=1] @AardCinder @brighteningskies @sockmonkeygerald @ARandomPerson @TroubleinSevens @Achromaticism @AmberscaleArt @FallingUpstairs[/size] [img alt="Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Five:[/size][/b][/center] You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment! The lock seems to be a standard mechanism, no enchantments, and the keys currently held by the Hainu don’t look that complicated. If you had the right tools, you think you might be able to pick it. As you look about for anything you might use, your gaze falls on the bone. It’s all you have, so you’ll have to make do. Thankfully, it has been picked clean by the cell’s previous occupant — or by vermin, but you try not to think about that. You manage to break the bone in half, then snap off two of the strongest pointed shards from the middle that should fit nicely into the keyhole. With your makeshift lock picking kit I hand, you return to the door. The Hainu watches, head cocked to one side, as you return to the door and stick your arms through the bars to pick the outer lock. However, it doesn’t seem like he’s about to raise the alarm. You can only hope it stays that way. You warily murmur that he’s a good doggy, just in case that makes a difference. It’s fiddly, trying to work the lock by feel alone and from the wrong side of the door! You can feel the tumblers shifting as you poke the bone shards into the keyhole, lifting and turning, sometimes slipping. It feels like it’s taking forever. Then, with a pleasing click, the lock mechanism disengages. You’re free! [b]As the cell door swings open, the Hainu lets out a soft woof.[/b] Your breath catches — but all he does is put down the keys and pad to the stairs. There, he pauses to look back. It seems he expects you to follow. You were a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors, and since he hasn’t raised the alarm, you decide to trust him. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar. [center][img alt="Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell"][/img][/center] “This one used a shard of bone to pick the lock,” he reveals after a moment. A smile steals across Praa’s face. “Ah, an important skill for any scallywag who intends to be stealing treasure from those who’d lock it away,” she says approvingly, “And resourceful, too. Very good.” You stand a little taller: [b]Captain Praa likes the way you escaped![b] [br][center][emoji=pirate ship size=1][/center] The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company … Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point. Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck: “Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …” A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest. “These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!” [b]You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]A small sailing boat[/url][/b]: the traditional choice [br] [*][b][url=]A hot air balloon[/url][/b]: you’d rather fly than float [br] [*][b][url=]A floating crystal shard[/url][/b]: like riding a meteorite [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: As the cell door swings open …
You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment!

The lock seems to be a standard mechanism, no enchantments, and the keys currently held by the Hainu don’t look that complicated.

If you had the right tools, you think you might be able to pick it. As you look about for anything you might use, your gaze falls on the bone. It’s all you have, so you’ll have to make do. Thankfully, it has been picked clean by the cell’s previous occupant — or by vermin, but you try not to think about that.

You manage to break the bone in half, then snap off two of the strongest pointed shards from the middle that should fit nicely into the keyhole.

With your makeshift lock picking kit I hand, you return to the door. The Hainu watches, head cocked to one side, as you return to the door and stick your arms through the bars to pick the outer lock. However, it doesn’t seem like he’s about to raise the alarm. You can only hope it stays that way. You warily murmur that he’s a good doggy, just in case that makes a difference.

It’s fiddly, trying to work the lock by feel alone and from the wrong side of the door! You can feel the tumblers shifting as you poke the bone shards into the keyhole, lifting and turning, sometimes slipping. It feels like it’s taking forever.

Then, with a pleasing click, the lock mechanism disengages. You’re free!

As the cell door swings open, the Hainu lets out a soft woof. Your breath catches — but all he does is put down the keys and pad to the stairs. There, he pauses to look back. It seems he expects you to follow.

You were a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors, and since he hasn’t raised the alarm, you decide to trust him. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar.
Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell
“This one used a shard of bone to pick the lock,” he reveals after a moment.

A smile steals across Praa’s face. “Ah, an important skill for any scallywag who intends to be stealing treasure from those who’d lock it away,” she says approvingly, “And resourceful, too. Very good.”

You stand a little taller: Captain Praa likes the way you escaped!

The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company …

Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point.

Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck:

“Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …”

A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest.

“These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!”

You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?
  1. A small sailing boat: the traditional choice

  2. A hot air balloon: you’d rather fly than float

  3. A floating crystal shard: like riding a meteorite

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it Arcane Badge depicting the Oculus of the Eleven
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: [i]You brace yourself …[/i] [center][size=1] @Watercolour @Bexster94 @ChaoticFriendzy @KiryStormborn @TETRAHEDR0N @Disillusionist @Venusian[/size] [img alt="Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Five:[/size][/b][/center] You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment! Upon closer inspection, the door to your cell has a serious security flaw: it’s hung on half-pin barrel hinges, and with the right leverage you should be able to lift the door right off! You look around for something to use as a lever and grin as your eyes land on the bench that is supposed to be your bed. It’s made of sturdy wooden planks and should do nicely. The only problem is the Hainu. He watches you, head cocked to one side, as you grab the bench and hook the solid legs into one of the lower horizontal bars of the door. However, it doesn’t seem like he’s about to raise the alarm. You can only hope it stays that way. You warily murmur that he’s a good doggy, just in case that makes a difference. You pull on the free end of the bench. It’s harder than you expected, because of course the lock mechanism is still engaged. Metal grinds on metal as the door twists in the frame. The pins lift in their barrels, but the hinges stay intact. You need more. You apply your full weight to your makeshift lever. The door shunts upwards. It pops off the hinges with a clang. The movement frees the lock and the whole door falls outwards with a ringing metallic clatter. [b]You brace yourself, expecting footsteps and shouts of alarm,[/b] or at least for the Hainu to start barking … but as the ringing finally dies away, no other sounds replace it. No one rushes in. The Hainu just lets out a soft woof and puts down the keys. The familiar pads to the stairs and pauses to look back. It seems he expects you to follow. You were a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors, and since he hasn’t raised the alarm, you decide to trust him. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar. [center][img alt="Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell"][/img][/center] “This one used a lever to break my cell door,” he reveals after a moment, one of his head-frills twisting downwards in annoyance. “Ingenious!” Rafferty cries, the delight in his voice mirrored by the waving of his frills. “You spotted the weakness of the hinges? Very clever — and that kind of technical knowledge comes in very useful aboard an airship!” You stand a little taller: [b]Captain Rafferty likes the way you escaped![/b] [br][center][emoji=wind balloon size=1][/center] The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company … Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point. Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck: “Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …” A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest. “These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!” [b]You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]A small sailing boat[/url][/b]: the traditional choice [br] [*][b][url=]A hot air balloon[/url][/b]: you’d rather fly than float [br] [*][b][url=]A floating crystal shard[/url][/b]: like riding a meteorite [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers who are already out of their cells can pick up from the first bold line: You brace yourself …
You have to escape. The captains never explicitly said that getting yourself free was the Fourth Trial, but surely that is the only way for a proper pirate to react to imprisonment!

Upon closer inspection, the door to your cell has a serious security flaw: it’s hung on half-pin barrel hinges, and with the right leverage you should be able to lift the door right off! You look around for something to use as a lever and grin as your eyes land on the bench that is supposed to be your bed. It’s made of sturdy wooden planks and should do nicely.

The only problem is the Hainu. He watches you, head cocked to one side, as you grab the bench and hook the solid legs into one of the lower horizontal bars of the door. However, it doesn’t seem like he’s about to raise the alarm. You can only hope it stays that way. You warily murmur that he’s a good doggy, just in case that makes a difference.

You pull on the free end of the bench. It’s harder than you expected, because of course the lock mechanism is still engaged. Metal grinds on metal as the door twists in the frame. The pins lift in their barrels, but the hinges stay intact. You need more. You apply your full weight to your makeshift lever.

The door shunts upwards. It pops off the hinges with a clang. The movement frees the lock and the whole door falls outwards with a ringing metallic clatter.

You brace yourself, expecting footsteps and shouts of alarm, or at least for the Hainu to start barking … but as the ringing finally dies away, no other sounds replace it. No one rushes in. The Hainu just lets out a soft woof and puts down the keys.

The familiar pads to the stairs and pauses to look back. It seems he expects you to follow.

You were a little bit worried about getting back out through the maze of corridors, and since he hasn’t raised the alarm, you decide to trust him. Thankfully, he doesn’t lead you to the nearest guards, and after just a few moments you’re stepping back out into the sunshine to be greeted by the three captains and Crossbones. The Hainu promptly abandons you and trots over to his master, and Crossbones bends down to silently confer with the familiar.
Crossbones the Fae with the Dwarf Hainu Macaw familiar that was guarding your cell
“This one used a lever to break my cell door,” he reveals after a moment, one of his head-frills twisting downwards in annoyance.

“Ingenious!” Rafferty cries, the delight in his voice mirrored by the waving of his frills. “You spotted the weakness of the hinges? Very clever — and that kind of technical knowledge comes in very useful aboard an airship!”

You stand a little taller: Captain Rafferty likes the way you escaped!

The three captains usher you back aboard the Jolly Wavehopper, and Rafferty’s crew returns your weaponry. Your fellow recruits emerge one-by-one from the fortress, each one accompanied by another red Hainu. You start to wonder if Crossbones lives in this fortress by himself with only familiars for company …

Eventually, the captains bid Crossbones and his Hainus farewell and board the airship. Rafferty barks orders for his crew to cast off and you grip the rail as the prow angles downwards in a steep, twisting dive between the floating islands. The ship straightens out just above sea level and coasts towards the Focal Point.

Soon, the Foolish Prince’s Revenge and the Chalcedony Cutlass come into view. Both are anchored in a large, sheltered bay, but as the Wavehopper flies closer, you see that they are not alone. A little fleet of sailing boats, small enough for solo use, are bobbing gently in the calm shallows, and tethered along the beach there’s a row of large, colourful balloons attached to baskets and a cluster of what seems to be improbably floating chunks of crystal. The airship comes to a halt above the bay and Starbeard addresses everyone from the top of the steps leading to the quarterdeck:

“Now, mateys, you’ve proved yourselves capable so far. But for your next Trial, you’ll need some additional equipment. Down below, you’ll see a number of craft that our three crews have prepared for you …”

A murmur of interest runs through the recruits as you peer down at the boats, balloons and crystals with fresh interest.

“These will be your transport on the next leg of your voyage,” Starbeard announces. “You may choose your vessels now!”

You have to choose one of the craft moored in the bay. What do you pick?
  1. A small sailing boat: the traditional choice

  2. A hot air balloon: you’d rather fly than float

  3. A floating crystal shard: like riding a meteorite

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Thursday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it Arcane Badge depicting the Oculus of the Eleven
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


As always, I'm thoroughly enjoying [i]everyone's[/i] posts but there's a few I wanted to specifically reply to ... [quote name="@sockmonkeygerald" date="2023-09-27 17:31:42" ] The closer Dace got to the dome, the more [i]familiar[/i] everything looked. Yes. He'd also played this game as a frylet. [/quote] Ohhh Dace's reaction to the dome and the hatchlings was an utter delight to read!!! (Also the chalice/thimble thing ... aww. It's a good magic relic, though!) @ARandomPerson Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed yesterday's post so far ... you're still very welcome to go back and fill it in retrospectively (if you want to/have time) - but no pressure/requirement at all! @Achromaticism I love Anya's workaround! XD Secret fourth option unlocked, haha! @Scaleon1 Zep in the cell of shame made me laugh so much!!!
As always, I'm thoroughly enjoying everyone's posts but there's a few I wanted to specifically reply to ...
@sockmonkeygerald wrote on 2023-09-27 17:31:42:
The closer Dace got to the dome, the more familiar everything looked. Yes. He'd also played this game as a frylet.
Ohhh Dace's reaction to the dome and the hatchlings was an utter delight to read!!! (Also the chalice/thimble thing ... aww. It's a good magic relic, though!)

@ARandomPerson Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed yesterday's post so far ... you're still very welcome to go back and fill it in retrospectively (if you want to/have time) - but no pressure/requirement at all!

@Achromaticism I love Anya's workaround! XD Secret fourth option unlocked, haha!

@Scaleon1 Zep in the cell of shame made me laugh so much!!!
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
The Pirate Trials button, linking to the thread: a pink pearl with subtle gold sparkles, with 'The Pirate Trials' handwritten in front; the P is an eye patch with a skull on it Arcane Badge depicting the Oculus of the Eleven
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


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