
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [STARFALL] The Pirate Trials CYOA - end
[center][b]Day 3[/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Choice:[/b] Option 3[/center] This is the only chance. Neith knows that she's no match in a direct battle against Sword Master, so as his cutlass clashes with hers, the sun shining and reflecting off the blades, she throws the sand from the crushed beads into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. Although this staggers him for a moment, as Neith tries to press forward, lunging with her blade thrust forward, a mighty roar leaves the maw of the Wildclaw, knocking her backwards. He pushes towards her, his blade swinging rapidly as she does her best to block and evade his strikes. It's no use though. Neith falls to the floor, his attack too powerful for her to remain upright. As his blade raises in the air, about to come slashing down upon her, a hand reaches out and grabs his arm. "That'll do, mate." Sword Master snarls, and sheaths his blade as he begins to wipe the sand from his eyes. “Cheat,” Praa says wryly, stopping Neith before she has a chance to say anything. “You’re forgetting I’m a pirate. To me, cheating’s a smart strategy when you know you’re outmatched. Stylish execution, too.” As the words come out, a small smile forms on Neith's face, giving her a great feeling of satisfaction in place of the sorrow she felt as she crushed the beads. Praa pats Neith on the back and sends her away, on towards the other dragons. As she makes her way, she glances back to watch the Sword Master as he gives everyone a parting message, and a warning, before entering his cave again. “You’re proving yourselves able hands so far! Now let’s see what you make of the Third Trial: plunder! See the shoreline, yonder?” Turning back around as you hear the words, you see Captain Starbeard explaining the details of the next task [i]Plunder![/i] Neith's eyes light up at the word. This was why she was here in the first place. Treasure was calling her name, and she knew she had to answer. “That land is ripe for the picking. My crew will transport you over there, and then you must plunder something of value from one of the clans — by whatever means you see fit.” As Starbeard finishes telling everyone what they're meant to do, Neith makes her way along with the rest of the crew through the hatch, and into the body of The Foolish Prince's Revenge. Being corralled into a specific area, Neith squeezes by the other dragons, peeking through one of the portholes at her next possible destinations. The place that catches Neith's eyes is a large overgrown dome, and as her eyes trace the outer area of it from afar, her mind is crafting the most incredible labyrinthian tunnels, filled with traps and treasure galore hidden inside. Her imagination possibly getting ahead of itself, she makes her decision. She will raid the dome.
Day 3
Choice: Option 3

This is the only chance. Neith knows that she's no match in a direct battle against Sword Master, so as his cutlass clashes with hers, the sun shining and reflecting off the blades, she throws the sand from the crushed beads into his eyes, temporarily blinding him.

Although this staggers him for a moment, as Neith tries to press forward, lunging with her blade thrust forward, a mighty roar leaves the maw of the Wildclaw, knocking her backwards. He pushes towards her, his blade swinging rapidly as she does her best to block and evade his strikes. It's no use though. Neith falls to the floor, his attack too powerful for her to remain upright. As his blade raises in the air, about to come slashing down upon her, a hand reaches out and grabs his arm.

"That'll do, mate."

Sword Master snarls, and sheaths his blade as he begins to wipe the sand from his eyes. “Cheat,” Praa says wryly, stopping Neith before she has a chance to say anything. “You’re forgetting I’m a pirate. To me, cheating’s a smart strategy when you know you’re outmatched. Stylish execution, too.” As the words come out, a small smile forms on Neith's face, giving her a great feeling of satisfaction in place of the sorrow she felt as she crushed the beads.

Praa pats Neith on the back and sends her away, on towards the other dragons. As she makes her way, she glances back to watch the Sword Master as he gives everyone a parting message, and a warning, before entering his cave again. “You’re proving yourselves able hands so far! Now let’s see what you make of the Third Trial: plunder! See the shoreline, yonder?” Turning back around as you hear the words, you see Captain Starbeard explaining the details of the next task


Neith's eyes light up at the word. This was why she was here in the first place. Treasure was calling her name, and she knew she had to answer. “That land is ripe for the picking. My crew will transport you over there, and then you must plunder something of value from one of the clans — by whatever means you see fit.” As Starbeard finishes telling everyone what they're meant to do, Neith makes her way along with the rest of the crew through the hatch, and into the body of The Foolish Prince's Revenge. Being corralled into a specific area, Neith squeezes by the other dragons, peeking through one of the portholes at her next possible destinations.

The place that catches Neith's eyes is a large overgrown dome, and as her eyes trace the outer area of it from afar, her mind is crafting the most incredible labyrinthian tunnels, filled with traps and treasure galore hidden inside. Her imagination possibly getting ahead of itself, she makes her decision. She will raid the dome.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Day Three[/b] Lokianos was relieved to have walked away from the duel with only a few minor bumps and bruises, the fact that not a single dragon from the group had managed to best the Sword Master slightly soothing his wounded ego. He was also quite pleased to have seemingly impressed Captain Starbeard again, happy to be in good standing with at least one of their three leaders. Lokianos was relieved to hear that their next task was a little more up his alley. He wouldn’t consider himself a [i]thief[/i] per se; he tried to never take anything that it looked like someone else really needed, but he wasn’t exactly a stranger to swiping interesting trinkets that he knew no one would really miss. He scanned the shoreline for an adequate target, and when his eyes landed on a dome that had become overgrown with plant life, he knew he had found what he was looking for. The dilapidated structure looked relatively quiet, so he figured he had a better chance of finding something forgotten without running into trouble. He much preferred the idea of stealthily getting in and out without anyone noticing than causing a big scene with a confrontation, and he concluded that going for the dome offered him his best shot at doing just that. [b]Lokianos chooses Option 3[/b]

Day Three

Lokianos was relieved to have walked away from the duel with only a few minor bumps and bruises, the fact that not a single dragon from the group had managed to best the Sword Master slightly soothing his wounded ego. He was also quite pleased to have seemingly impressed Captain Starbeard again, happy to be in good standing with at least one of their three leaders.

Lokianos was relieved to hear that their next task was a little more up his alley. He wouldn’t consider himself a thief per se; he tried to never take anything that it looked like someone else really needed, but he wasn’t exactly a stranger to swiping interesting trinkets that he knew no one would really miss. He scanned the shoreline for an adequate target, and when his eyes landed on a dome that had become overgrown with plant life, he knew he had found what he was looking for.

The dilapidated structure looked relatively quiet, so he figured he had a better chance of finding something forgotten without running into trouble. He much preferred the idea of stealthily getting in and out without anyone noticing than causing a big scene with a confrontation, and he concluded that going for the dome offered him his best shot at doing just that.

Lokianos chooses Option 3
four-eyed phylactery coliseum sprite (click for source)
_______ Enchanted Remains
| she/her | fr +3
breed out the bugly challenge
coliseum egg hunt

__________animated bone fiend sprite (click for source)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "W-well, we did know this was coming, Ophia..." Runa murmurs in a hushed tone. "I don't feel good about this, but... we have to get back to space to send our distress signal, and if that means impressing pirates, I guess we'll have to do it... If we refuse outright, we'll probably be disqualified. We'll just have to try and make sure no one gets hurt. Maybe Juliana can help reimburse them when we've made contact with the Interceptor again?" Ophia's tail coils, and she closes her eyes. She sheathes her blade. "Yeah, whatever. I'll handle it, fluffball. Just stay right here." "[i]No.[/i]" Runa says firmly. "I'm not shoving off all the responsibility of getting your hands dirty to you. You already saved me with the swordmaster. If we have to do something bad, I'm not letting you do it alone!" The Serthis blinks, then barks a slight laugh. "Alright. Fine. Let's raise some hell, then." The Tundra awkwardly shuffles into a restaurant, looking for something she can pickpocket without too much fuss. "Hi, I'd like to order, um, the blueberry pancakes?" ... if they dine and dash, does that count as piracy? Maybe? Probably not. [i][b]Option 2:[/b] A busy restaurant: you’re sure you’ll find something to take, and it should make an interesting story[/i]

"W-well, we did know this was coming, Ophia..." Runa murmurs in a hushed tone. "I don't feel good about this, but... we have to get back to space to send our distress signal, and if that means impressing pirates, I guess we'll have to do it... If we refuse outright, we'll probably be disqualified. We'll just have to try and make sure no one gets hurt. Maybe Juliana can help reimburse them when we've made contact with the Interceptor again?"

Ophia's tail coils, and she closes her eyes. She sheathes her blade. "Yeah, whatever. I'll handle it, fluffball. Just stay right here."

"No." Runa says firmly. "I'm not shoving off all the responsibility of getting your hands dirty to you. You already saved me with the swordmaster. If we have to do something bad, I'm not letting you do it alone!"

The Serthis blinks, then barks a slight laugh. "Alright. Fine. Let's raise some hell, then."

The Tundra awkwardly shuffles into a restaurant, looking for something she can pickpocket without too much fuss. "Hi, I'd like to order, um, the blueberry pancakes?" ... if they dine and dash, does that count as piracy? Maybe? Probably not.

Option 2: A busy restaurant: you’re sure you’ll find something to take, and it should make an interesting story
Roleplayers, you can pick up from just above the first image: [i]You sneak up …[/i] [center][size=1] @AmberscaleArt @ARandomPerson @Jeevas @AardCinder [/size] [img alt=Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Four:[/size][/b][/center] “All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…” You join the crush heading for the exit and hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: a nearby settlement. It’s one of the more obvious landmarks and you’re surprised when no one else goes for it. The clan seems pleasant enough. Dragons are going about their evening routines, but it’s quiet enough that you land undetected. [b]You sneak up to the guarded building.[/b] A pair of Nocturnes wearing layered cloaks are posted outside. [center][img alt="A pair of Nocturne dragons: on the left, a silvery Nature-eyed female wearing a Green Sea Slug Cloak and gold accessories flies in front of a golden hoard of coins, while on the right a golden Arcane-eyed male wearing an Orange Sea Slug Cloak and black accessories flies in front of a silver hoard of coins."][/img][/center] Unfortunately, the small windows are barred, and you’ll have to get past them and in through the door. After your duel with the Sword Master, you really don’t feel up to a two-versus-one fight, so you quickly come up with a plan. You draw your sword, pick up a stone from the ground and toss it in a high arc so that it lands in the shadows on the far side of the door. The guards both tense. One calls, “Who’s there?” When there’s no answer, they briefly confer, then the green-cloaked Nocturne goes to investigate. Perfect. You creep forwards, keeping to the shadows, until you’re in range to grab the second guard and bring your blade to his throat. His squeak of alarm attracts his companion’s attention and she whirls around — before freezing when she sees you. “Now, let’s not do anything hasty,” she says, holding up her empty hands. “There’s no need to hurt anyone.” You hope that’s the case, but you keep your sword to your hostage’s throat anyway as you pull him away from the door and tilt your head meaningfully towards it. The second guard gets the hint, though her eyes narrow. “You want what’s in our Vault? All right, if you’re sure, I’ll let you in. Just don’t hurt Manafall.” You nod in agreement. She retrieves the key from an inside pocket and unlocks the Vault building. You follow her inside, still holding Manafall hostage. Jackpot! There are piles of gold and jewels strewn around several chests, and weapons are displayed along one wall! You shove Manafall towards his companion hard enough that they both stagger, trip over a carpet and fall into the far corner. Then you grab the spiked handle on the chest nearest the door. It rears open, revealing razor teeth and a long, purple tongue that lashes towards you. It’s a [url=]Jawlocker[/url]! In fact, most of the room is mimic familiars, all leaping to their clan’s defence! You dodge a swipe from a [url=]Crooked Hatchet[/url] and a lunge from an [url=]Apparition Lance[/url]. Ghostly tendrils of [url=]Transmuted Treasures[/url] snatch at your legs and you trip. You grab two handfuls of gold from the floor as you scramble up, but as the Jawlocker snaps again, you run for it! The Nocturnes’ laughter follows as you take to the skies and escape. No one follows and you can hardly blame them, given how little you took. Unfortunately, you’re too exhausted to try to plunder elsewhere, so you make your way back to the place you were dropped off. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire on the beach along with those who have already completed the Trial. You present your gold to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. All three are amused by the tale, but it’s Praa who steps forward to take your offering. She says, “A clever trick well played on the guards, and you didn’t come away empty-handed. Gold is gold.” She adds the coins to the growing pile of booty. [b]Your plunder has pleased Captain Praa![/b] [br][center][emoji=pirate ship size=1][/center] It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell. “Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls. You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the [url=]Hoverview Vale[/url]. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae. [center][img alt="A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings."][/img][/center] “Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?” “Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.” Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates! Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red [url=]Hainu[/url] with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone. [b]You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges[/url][/b] [br] [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt=Divider"][/img][/center] Thank you to @CatOnAQuest for letting me use [url=]Crowley[/url] and [url=]Manafall[/url] as guards in today’s update! The scenario was inspired by Manafall's [url=]Enchanted Dungeon Scene[/url]! [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers, you can pick up from just above the first image: You sneak up …

“All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…”

You join the crush heading for the exit and hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: a nearby settlement. It’s one of the more obvious landmarks and you’re surprised when no one else goes for it. The clan seems pleasant enough. Dragons are going about their evening routines, but it’s quiet enough that you land undetected.

You sneak up to the guarded building. A pair of Nocturnes wearing layered cloaks are posted outside.
A pair of Nocturne dragons: on the left, a silvery Nature-eyed female wearing a Green Sea Slug Cloak and gold accessories flies in front of a golden hoard of coins, while on the right a golden Arcane-eyed male wearing an Orange Sea Slug Cloak and black accessories flies in front of a silver hoard of coins.

Unfortunately, the small windows are barred, and you’ll have to get past them and in through the door. After your duel with the Sword Master, you really don’t feel up to a two-versus-one fight, so you quickly come up with a plan. You draw your sword, pick up a stone from the ground and toss it in a high arc so that it lands in the shadows on the far side of the door.

The guards both tense. One calls, “Who’s there?”

When there’s no answer, they briefly confer, then the green-cloaked Nocturne goes to investigate. Perfect. You creep forwards, keeping to the shadows, until you’re in range to grab the second guard and bring your blade to his throat.

His squeak of alarm attracts his companion’s attention and she whirls around — before freezing when she sees you.

“Now, let’s not do anything hasty,” she says, holding up her empty hands. “There’s no need to hurt anyone.”

You hope that’s the case, but you keep your sword to your hostage’s throat anyway as you pull him away from the door and tilt your head meaningfully towards it.

The second guard gets the hint, though her eyes narrow. “You want what’s in our Vault? All right, if you’re sure, I’ll let you in. Just don’t hurt Manafall.”

You nod in agreement. She retrieves the key from an inside pocket and unlocks the Vault building. You follow her inside, still holding Manafall hostage.

Jackpot! There are piles of gold and jewels strewn around several chests, and weapons are displayed along one wall! You shove Manafall towards his companion hard enough that they both stagger, trip over a carpet and fall into the far corner. Then you grab the spiked handle on the chest nearest the door.

It rears open, revealing razor teeth and a long, purple tongue that lashes towards you.

It’s a Jawlocker! In fact, most of the room is mimic familiars, all leaping to their clan’s defence! You dodge a swipe from a Crooked Hatchet and a lunge from an Apparition Lance. Ghostly tendrils of Transmuted Treasures snatch at your legs and you trip. You grab two handfuls of gold from the floor as you scramble up, but as the Jawlocker snaps again, you run for it!

The Nocturnes’ laughter follows as you take to the skies and escape.

No one follows and you can hardly blame them, given how little you took. Unfortunately, you’re too exhausted to try to plunder elsewhere, so you make your way back to the place you were dropped off. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire on the beach along with those who have already completed the Trial.

You present your gold to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. All three are amused by the tale, but it’s Praa who steps forward to take your offering. She says, “A clever trick well played on the guards, and you didn’t come away empty-handed. Gold is gold.”

She adds the coins to the growing pile of booty. Your plunder has pleased Captain Praa!

It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell.

“Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls.

You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the Hoverview Vale. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae.
A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings.

“Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?”

“Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.”

Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates!

Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red Hainu with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone.

You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?
  1. Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys

  2. Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock

  3. Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.

Thank you to @CatOnAQuest for letting me use Crowley and Manafall as guards in today’s update! The scenario was inspired by Manafall's Enchanted Dungeon Scene!
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
Dress to Impress Badge for Star Fall (September 2024) featuring a proudly smiling Fae wearing a yellow foam star mask; links to the game The words 'Star Fall' and stars arranged around the Arcane emblem, all in bright pink; links to the Starfall 2024 Hub
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


Roleplayers, you can pick up from just above the first image: [i]Suddenly, an elegant Pearlcatcher …[/i] [center][size=1] @Potatoad @Yutopi @jbapple @Scaleon1 @TETRAHEDR0N @Thewarywatcher13 @CupcakeNova @Magmish @oneluckyduck @galactic @Venusian [/size] [img alt=Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Four:[/size][/b][/center] “All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…” You join the crush heading for the exit. You hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: the restaurant. It’s unconventional, but that works in your favour, because no one else heads in that direction … no one taking part in the Pirate Trials, anyway. The restaurant is so packed that groups waiting to be seated are spilling out of the front. A stressed-looking Spiral is trying to soothe tempers of diners who have been waiting too long for either meals or tables. [b]Suddenly, an elegant Pearlcatcher wearing a pink silk scarf appears in front of you. “There you are — at last!”[/b] [center][url=][img alt="A female Pearlcatcher with a dark grey-purple body, icy skeletal markings and silvery-grey wings. She is surrounded by floating pink runes, and draped in light purple flowers and silver-blue beads. She wears a white crown on her head, a pearly necklace and a light pink silk scarf."][/img][/url][/center] “Well, you’re later than my scrying predicted, so let’s save some time: I know you’re here to steal from us as part of the Pirate Trials. We really don’t have time for any of that nonsense tonight.” Suddenly you feel like a hatchling being scolded. “However. My pearl told me that you’d help with this chaos, so how’s this: you entertain our diners until their meals are ready, and I’ll make sure you have some ‘plunder’ to take away. Deal?” You might be a pirate, but you’re still powerless against the full Disappointed Parent treatment. You shake on it. You’re whisked onto a makeshift stage in full view of all the grouchy diners. You don’t think Starbeard imagined this when he said by any means necessary! However, your shanties and tales of the high seas provide a much-needed distraction and thankfully improve the mood. You keep going until the last diners of the evening receive their meals, then take a bow and step down from the stage. “Thank you!” the Pearlcatcher says warmly. She and the Spiral carry over an enormous hamper. “Now, I’ve packed you a pirate-themed feast — enough to feed your whole crew! Enjoy.” Wait. Feast? You’re not sure that counts as plunder! However, after your performance, you don’t have the energy to find an alternative. It will have to do. You accept the hamper and make your way back to the beach. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire along with those who have already completed the Trial. You present your hamper to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. Praa and Starbeard exchange a look, but Rafferty’s mouth curves into a grin and his frills start to twitch with laughter as he listens. When you’re done, he darts forward and opens the hamper. “Well, my hearty, it’s not the most traditional plunder — but even pirates need to eat, and I do enjoy a good tale! This will serve us nicely.” He takes out food for himself and his fellow captains and instructs you to share out the rest. [b]Your plunder has pleased Captain Rafferty![/b] [br][center][emoji=wind balloon size=1][/center] It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell. “Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls. You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the [url=]Hoverview Vale[/url]. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae. [center][img alt="A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings."][/img][/center] “Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?” “Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.” Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates! Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red [url=]Hainu[/url] with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone. [b]You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges[/url][/b] [br] [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt=Divider"][/img][/center] Thank you to @NeosiAxiom for letting me use [url=]Crackers[/url] (pictured) and [url=]Soup[/url] (mentioned) in today’s update, and for making a special badge to go with this update: [center][img alt="A plate on which sits a burger topped with an Arcane flag, three dumplings and three pieces of sushi, beside a half-filled glass decorated with an orange slice and curly straw"][/img] [left]Feel free to claim it for your dragons' bios: [code][url=][img alt="The Pirate Trials - Restaurant visit badge"][/img][/url][/code][/left] [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers, you can pick up from just above the first image: Suddenly, an elegant Pearlcatcher …

“All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…”

You join the crush heading for the exit. You hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: the restaurant. It’s unconventional, but that works in your favour, because no one else heads in that direction … no one taking part in the Pirate Trials, anyway.

The restaurant is so packed that groups waiting to be seated are spilling out of the front. A stressed-looking Spiral is trying to soothe tempers of diners who have been waiting too long for either meals or tables.

Suddenly, an elegant Pearlcatcher wearing a pink silk scarf appears in front of you. “There you are — at last!”
A female Pearlcatcher with a dark grey-purple body, icy skeletal markings and silvery-grey wings. She is surrounded by floating pink runes, and draped in light purple flowers and silver-blue beads. She wears a white crown on her head, a pearly necklace and a light pink silk scarf.

“Well, you’re later than my scrying predicted, so let’s save some time: I know you’re here to steal from us as part of the Pirate Trials. We really don’t have time for any of that nonsense tonight.” Suddenly you feel like a hatchling being scolded. “However. My pearl told me that you’d help with this chaos, so how’s this: you entertain our diners until their meals are ready, and I’ll make sure you have some ‘plunder’ to take away. Deal?”

You might be a pirate, but you’re still powerless against the full Disappointed Parent treatment. You shake on it.

You’re whisked onto a makeshift stage in full view of all the grouchy diners. You don’t think Starbeard imagined this when he said by any means necessary! However, your shanties and tales of the high seas provide a much-needed distraction and thankfully improve the mood. You keep going until the last diners of the evening receive their meals, then take a bow and step down from the stage.

“Thank you!” the Pearlcatcher says warmly. She and the Spiral carry over an enormous hamper. “Now, I’ve packed you a pirate-themed feast — enough to feed your whole crew! Enjoy.”

Wait. Feast? You’re not sure that counts as plunder!

However, after your performance, you don’t have the energy to find an alternative. It will have to do. You accept the hamper and make your way back to the beach. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire along with those who have already completed the Trial.

You present your hamper to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. Praa and Starbeard exchange a look, but Rafferty’s mouth curves into a grin and his frills start to twitch with laughter as he listens. When you’re done, he darts forward and opens the hamper. “Well, my hearty, it’s not the most traditional plunder — but even pirates need to eat, and I do enjoy a good tale! This will serve us nicely.”

He takes out food for himself and his fellow captains and instructs you to share out the rest. Your plunder has pleased Captain Rafferty!

It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell.

“Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls.

You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the Hoverview Vale. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae.
A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings.

“Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?”

“Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.”

Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates!

Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red Hainu with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone.

You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?
  1. Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys

  2. Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock

  3. Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.

Thank you to @NeosiAxiom for letting me use Crackers (pictured) and Soup (mentioned) in today’s update, and for making a special badge to go with this update:
A plate on which sits a burger topped with an Arcane flag, three dumplings and three pieces of sushi, beside a half-filled glass decorated with an orange slice and curly straw
Feel free to claim it for your dragons' bios:
[url=][img alt="The Pirate Trials - Restaurant visit badge"][/img][/url]
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
Dress to Impress Badge for Star Fall (September 2024) featuring a proudly smiling Fae wearing a yellow foam star mask; links to the game The words 'Star Fall' and stars arranged around the Arcane emblem, all in bright pink; links to the Starfall 2024 Hub
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


RIP only four of us in Praa's corner this time
RIP only four of us in Praa's corner this time
Roleplayers, you can pick up from the first bold line: [i] You approach carefully …[/i] [center][size=1] @FallingUpstairs @Bexster94 @Watercolour @CrazyDragonLady1 @sockmonkeygerald @ChaoticFriendzy @TroubleinSevens @Ajgreelyfan3 @KiryStormborn @Disillusionist @Achromaticism @Equipoise @givemeyourbones [/size] [img alt="Divider"][/img] [b][size=5]Day Four:[/size][/b][/center] “All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…” You join the crush heading for the exit. You hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: that dome looked like juicy pickings! However, you’re in luck, and no one else seems to be headed in the same direction. [b]You approach carefully through the thick woods.[/b] Pink glints through the trees eventually reveal that it’s not a dome at all: it’s a dragon’s skull carved from crystal! The dome-like section is the crown of the head, and dark eye sockets glare at the surrounding trees. As you get closer, you catch the sound of voices. Hatchlings’ voices? Yes: under the toothy overhang of the upper jaw sits a gang of playful hatchlings. There are no signs of adult dragons, but several enormous Toridae familiars lounge nearby. [center][img alt="A green crocodile-like Sewer Toridae with red-edged frills"][/img][img alt="A pinkish-white crocodile-like Giant White Toridae with red eyes"][/img][/center] An instinctive terror goes through you — these are dangerous creatures for a pirate to face. You could lose a limb! Rather than tangle with them, you sneak down the side of the skull. You find a small ear-opening and wriggle your way inside. The skull is full of hatchling-made and hatchling-sized furnishings: it’s been home to this gang for a while, and they seem pretty capable. Maybe they’re eternally youthful, with experience far greater than their appearance suggests? You sneak around the cranium until you find a store room. The ‘valuables’ are mostly cool-looking rocks, worthless shells and favourite toys, but perched on a stone plinth is a silver thimble glowing with magical energy! You snatch it off the plinth … and hear a loud, mechanical click. Whoops. You back into the corridor — just as a boulder crashes through the ceiling and starts rolling towards you. In an instant, you’re cut off from every door except for the main exit corridor. Time to run! You emerge from the skull’s mouth at a sprint, dodge the snapping jaws of the toridae and the hatchlings’ slingshot projectiles, and head for the trees. They give chase, hollering gleeful battle cries that eventually fade into the distance. You catch your breath before making your way back to the beach. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire along with those who have already completed the Trial. You present your magic thimble to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. Starbeard’s eyes light up even more brightly as he takes it from you. “Ah! This is a valuable relic indeed … yes, an excellent addition to our booty!” He adds the thimble to the growing pile of plunder. [b]Your plunder has pleased Captain Starbeard![/b] [br][center][emoji=planet size=1][/center] It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell. “Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls. You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the [url=]Hoverview Vale[/url]. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae. [center][img alt="A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings."][/img][/center] “Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?” “Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.” Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates! Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red [url=]Hainu[/url] with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone. [b]You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?[/b] [LIST=1] [*][b][url=]Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock[/url][/b] [br] [*][b][url=]Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges[/url][/b] [br] [/LIST] You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket. Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate. [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center] The dome escape was inspired by Indiana Jones, and the treasure you bring by (as well as its guardians!) by Peter Pan. [emoji=spiral winking size=1] [center][img alt="Divider"][/img][/center]
Roleplayers, you can pick up from the first bold line: You approach carefully …

“All hands ashore!” Starbeard booms as The Revenge drops anchor. “And remember — this is a Trial! We’ll be wanting an account of how you fared on your return…”

You join the crush heading for the exit. You hope you won’t have competition for your chosen target: that dome looked like juicy pickings! However, you’re in luck, and no one else seems to be headed in the same direction.

You approach carefully through the thick woods. Pink glints through the trees eventually reveal that it’s not a dome at all: it’s a dragon’s skull carved from crystal! The dome-like section is the crown of the head, and dark eye sockets glare at the surrounding trees. As you get closer, you catch the sound of voices. Hatchlings’ voices? Yes: under the toothy overhang of the upper jaw sits a gang of playful hatchlings. There are no signs of adult dragons, but several enormous Toridae familiars lounge nearby.
A green crocodile-like Sewer Toridae with red-edged frillsA pinkish-white crocodile-like Giant White Toridae with red eyes
An instinctive terror goes through you — these are dangerous creatures for a pirate to face. You could lose a limb!

Rather than tangle with them, you sneak down the side of the skull. You find a small ear-opening and wriggle your way inside. The skull is full of hatchling-made and hatchling-sized furnishings: it’s been home to this gang for a while, and they seem pretty capable. Maybe they’re eternally youthful, with experience far greater than their appearance suggests?

You sneak around the cranium until you find a store room. The ‘valuables’ are mostly cool-looking rocks, worthless shells and favourite toys, but perched on a stone plinth is a silver thimble glowing with magical energy! You snatch it off the plinth … and hear a loud, mechanical click.


You back into the corridor — just as a boulder crashes through the ceiling and starts rolling towards you. In an instant, you’re cut off from every door except for the main exit corridor.

Time to run!

You emerge from the skull’s mouth at a sprint, dodge the snapping jaws of the toridae and the hatchlings’ slingshot projectiles, and head for the trees. They give chase, hollering gleeful battle cries that eventually fade into the distance.

You catch your breath before making your way back to the beach. By now, the galleon and airship have caught up, and all three Captains are waiting by a fire along with those who have already completed the Trial.

You present your magic thimble to the trio, and give them a quick explanation of your evening. Starbeard’s eyes light up even more brightly as he takes it from you. “Ah! This is a valuable relic indeed … yes, an excellent addition to our booty!”

He adds the thimble to the growing pile of plunder. Your plunder has pleased Captain Starbeard!

It’s late by the time the last of the potential recruits makes it back to the beach with their plunder, and Rafferty reveals that his crew has made up berths for everyone on board The Jolly Wavehopper. You fall asleep under a blanket on the open deck, and wake the next morning at the ringing of the ship’s bell.

“Good morning, swabs! On your feet and over the side, the fourth Trial is about to begin!” Captain Praa calls.

You get up and find yourself in a completely new location: the Wavehopper is now tethered to a huge stone fort that rises from the cliffs of a floating island in the Hoverview Vale. There’s no time to take in the scenery, however, and you scramble down the rope ladder into a courtyard where the three captains are waiting with an unfamiliar Fae.
A male Fae with a rippled black body, grey wings that fade to pink, pale pink skeletal markings and very pale pink eyes. He has white fur leg cuffs and covering his chest and tail tip. He wears black trousers, a white sash, a Cavalier hat with a white feather, and white feathers draped on his wings.

“Now, all of you escaped with your plunder yesterday,” Captain Praa announces. “But for your fourth Trial we’ll see how you react when you’re not so lucky. Crossbones?”

“Welcome to Fort Langridge,” Crossbones says in a typical Fae monotone. “Seize them and take them to the cells.”

Suddenly the courtyard is swarming with the fearsome crews of all three pirate ships. They attack instantly, grabbing recruits and shoving them towards the archways surrounding the courtyard. You realise too late that your weapons have been taken overnight — you should have known better to trust pirates!

Despite yells of protests and a few scuffles, everyone is dragged inside. You’re separated from the others as you’re hauled through a maze of corridors, and eventually you’re thrown into a cell: three stone walls, the fourth a grid of sturdy iron bars. Inside the cell is a bench with a threadbare blanket draped over it and a tin plate with a bone that must be the remains of the last prisoner’s dinner. The pirates lock you in and give the ring of keys to a red Hainu with blue and yellow feathers before leaving you alone.

You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?
  1. Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys

  2. Break the bone and use your pirate skills to pick the lock

  3. Use your knowledge of leverage to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges

You are welcome to post your choice in the thread any time before 12.00 noon on Monday 2 October to claim Wednesday's participation raffle ticket.

Roleplay always welcome, but not required to participate.

The dome escape was inspired by Indiana Jones, and the treasure you bring by (as well as its guardians!) by Peter Pan.

A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
Dress to Impress Badge for Star Fall (September 2024) featuring a proudly smiling Fae wearing a yellow foam star mask; links to the game The words 'Star Fall' and stars arranged around the Arcane emblem, all in bright pink; links to the Starfall 2024 Hub
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=constantia][u]Day 4: Prisoner[/u][/font][/size] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [b]You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?[/b] 1. Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys [center][url=][emoji=pirate ship size=1][/url][/center] Beckett clutched his tail bangle close to his chest to keep it from jingling as he approached the quiet settlement. Aside from Captain Praa tipping him off that the location may be holding treasure, he had barely heard a peep of interest from anyone else. At the very least, it made sneaking over a bit easier. With one last glance at the ocean from whence he came, Beckett snuck around the side of the vault, avoiding the pair of Nocturne guards. Being Nocturnes, they must work in perfect sync, he thought, and began to worry as he picked up a rock from the ground. With a silent prayer, he tossed it to the other side of the vault, deep into a shadowy corner, which predictably allerted the duo. Perhaps too hastily, Beckett made a run for the entrance when one of the Nocs turned around and spotted him. He was about to yell to his partner who had her back turned when Beckett, in a panic, grabbed the guard (Coatls are usually larger than most Nocs), covered the guard's mouth and hid his face childishly behind him as he held him. After just a second, the guard's partner was back. She spotted the larger dragon holding her partner hostage, with a formidable trident at his side. “Now, let’s not do anything hasty. There's no need to hurt anyone." Beckett stopped cowering for a second and spoke meekly from behind the guard he held. "N-nope! No one needs to get hurt! I-I just wanted to see the inside of your fine building here!" He heard the guard lay down her weapons. "Just put Manafall down and we'll open the vault for you." "O-oh! Say, thanks!" Beckett released the other Noc, who defiantly shook himself off and gave the blue Coatl a glare. The female Noc took out a key and opened the vault as she promised. Just as Praa had predicted, it was filled with riches! Beckett had never seen this much raw wealth in one place, it was overwhelming. After a moment of being stunned in place, he tiptoed inside, periodically glancing at the guards who were starring daggers at him from the entrance. "Uhh, wow, look at all this. Your clan must be really well off..." He leaned down and picked up a handful of gold and looked back suspiciously to see their reaction. The guards didn't move. "I uhh, I'm just testing the weight to see if - " "Are you going to rob us or what?" "Yes! I mean, no! I mean - " He panicked and grabbed the nearest chest, planning to fly off with it, when it [i]bit his hand.[/i] "Oh Arcanist o[b]H [i]MY ARCANIST![/i][/b]!" The vault came alive as the treasure trove sprouted numerous eyes, hands and mouths. Mimics. The Nocturnes. Were Guarding. Mimics. Beckett's shrieks were briefly cut off and drowned out by the guards' laughter as a pile of Transmuted Treasure pulled his legs out from under him and dragged him deeper into the vault. "CAPTAIN PRAA! PRAA I'M SORRY I FAILED!! GUARDS! GUARDS HELP I MESSED UP [i]I MESSED UP I- [/i]" He began frantically tossing fish from his satchels toward them in an automated gesture of goodwill. But the Nocturnes were too busy rolling on the floor in an uncontrollable fit of the giggles. "Please, [i]please,[/i] I'll do anything..." he was being drawn deeper and deeper into the pile of treasure when, in a flash, he found himself outside the vault, flat on his tail, with the door slammed and locked behind him. Not wanting to dawdle any longer, Beckett instantly took off from the beach and towards the spaceship when he felt his satchel was heavier than before. He checked his bags and saw that they had filled with treasure from when he was dragged into the treasure pile by the mimics. He sighed and carried on towards his destination. [center]~[/center] Back on the ship, Beckett practically collapsed onto the deck, exhaustion overtaking him. His satchels burst open as he fell, spilling their shining contents. Captain Praa made her way over, gave little more than a curt nod and some passing words, and gathered up the treasure to add to a growing pile by her side. Beckett groaned as he spotted Rafferty on the other side of the ship, laughing with the other dragons that had gone to check out the restaurant. The Jolly Wavehopper's Captain then invited the participants to his ship, where Beckett promptly found a bed to pass out in. In the morning, he was barely awake as he followed the other participants to the floating island where the skyship had been moored. When he heard they were all taken into custody, he didn't put up a fight. He knew he deserved it after what he pulled last night. After being thrown into his cell, he curled up on the blanket in the corner and sulked. After a couple hours, Beckett was awoken by the flutter of wings and a jingling of keys. He turned towards the bars of his cell and was met with the shining eyes and wagging tail of a Dwarf Hainu Macaw. The pup began to whine, prompting Beckett's heart to melt. "Hey buddy. You want something?" He rustled around in his armor and clothing (his satchels were gone) and managed to find a fish.... (he really should keep track of those better...) and tossed it over to the pooch. It dropped the keys and instantly began snacking on the offering. Beckett froze as soon as the keys hit the floor. He knew he did a bad thing, and needed to atone for what he'd done. But this wasn't some formal penitentiary, this was a holding cell run by [i]pirates.[/i] There was no use in sulking, and Beckett sprung into action. After all, he couldn't just let his precious trident be pawned off. If he was just able to stretch his tail through the bars far enough... [s]I couldn't go with the (likely) Praa option this time. Beckett is just too sad and traumatized.[/s]

Day 4: Prisoner



You have to escape! How are you going to manage that?

1. Befriend the Hainu and get him to give you the keys

Beckett clutched his tail bangle close to his chest to keep it from jingling as he approached the quiet settlement. Aside from Captain Praa tipping him off that the location may be holding treasure, he had barely heard a peep of interest from anyone else. At the very least, it made sneaking over a bit easier.

With one last glance at the ocean from whence he came, Beckett snuck around the side of the vault, avoiding the pair of Nocturne guards. Being Nocturnes, they must work in perfect sync, he thought, and began to worry as he picked up a rock from the ground. With a silent prayer, he tossed it to the other side of the vault, deep into a shadowy corner, which predictably allerted the duo. Perhaps too hastily, Beckett made a run for the entrance when one of the Nocs turned around and spotted him. He was about to yell to his partner who had her back turned when Beckett, in a panic, grabbed the guard (Coatls are usually larger than most Nocs), covered the guard's mouth and hid his face childishly behind him as he held him.

After just a second, the guard's partner was back. She spotted the larger dragon holding her partner hostage, with a formidable trident at his side.

“Now, let’s not do anything hasty. There's no need to hurt anyone."

Beckett stopped cowering for a second and spoke meekly from behind the guard he held.

"N-nope! No one needs to get hurt! I-I just wanted to see the inside of your fine building here!"

He heard the guard lay down her weapons.

"Just put Manafall down and we'll open the vault for you."

"O-oh! Say, thanks!"

Beckett released the other Noc, who defiantly shook himself off and gave the blue Coatl a glare. The female Noc took out a key and opened the vault as she promised. Just as Praa had predicted, it was filled with riches! Beckett had never seen this much raw wealth in one place, it was overwhelming. After a moment of being stunned in place, he tiptoed inside, periodically glancing at the guards who were starring daggers at him from the entrance.

"Uhh, wow, look at all this. Your clan must be really well off..."

He leaned down and picked up a handful of gold and looked back suspiciously to see their reaction. The guards didn't move.

"I uhh, I'm just testing the weight to see if - "

"Are you going to rob us or what?"

"Yes! I mean, no! I mean - "

He panicked and grabbed the nearest chest, planning to fly off with it, when it bit his hand.

"Oh Arcanist oH MY ARCANIST!!"

The vault came alive as the treasure trove sprouted numerous eyes, hands and mouths. Mimics. The Nocturnes. Were Guarding. Mimics.

Beckett's shrieks were briefly cut off and drowned out by the guards' laughter as a pile of Transmuted Treasure pulled his legs out from under him and dragged him deeper into the vault.


He began frantically tossing fish from his satchels toward them in an automated gesture of goodwill. But the Nocturnes were too busy rolling on the floor in an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.

"Please, please, I'll do anything..." he was being drawn deeper and deeper into the pile of treasure when, in a flash, he found himself outside the vault, flat on his tail, with the door slammed and locked behind him. Not wanting to dawdle any longer, Beckett instantly took off from the beach and towards the spaceship when he felt his satchel was heavier than before. He checked his bags and saw that they had filled with treasure from when he was dragged into the treasure pile by the mimics. He sighed and carried on towards his destination.

Back on the ship, Beckett practically collapsed onto the deck, exhaustion overtaking him. His satchels burst open as he fell, spilling their shining contents. Captain Praa made her way over, gave little more than a curt nod and some passing words, and gathered up the treasure to add to a growing pile by her side. Beckett groaned as he spotted Rafferty on the other side of the ship, laughing with the other dragons that had gone to check out the restaurant. The Jolly Wavehopper's Captain then invited the participants to his ship, where Beckett promptly found a bed to pass out in.

In the morning, he was barely awake as he followed the other participants to the floating island where the skyship had been moored. When he heard they were all taken into custody, he didn't put up a fight. He knew he deserved it after what he pulled last night. After being thrown into his cell, he curled up on the blanket in the corner and sulked.

After a couple hours, Beckett was awoken by the flutter of wings and a jingling of keys. He turned towards the bars of his cell and was met with the shining eyes and wagging tail of a Dwarf Hainu Macaw. The pup began to whine, prompting Beckett's heart to melt.

"Hey buddy. You want something?"

He rustled around in his armor and clothing (his satchels were gone) and managed to find a fish.... (he really should keep track of those better...) and tossed it over to the pooch. It dropped the keys and instantly began snacking on the offering.

Beckett froze as soon as the keys hit the floor. He knew he did a bad thing, and needed to atone for what he'd done. But this wasn't some formal penitentiary, this was a holding cell run by pirates. There was no use in sulking, and Beckett sprung into action. After all, he couldn't just let his precious trident be pawned off. If he was just able to stretch his tail through the bars far enough...

I couldn't go with the (likely) Praa option this time. Beckett is just too sad and traumatized.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Day Four: In pirate culture, betrayal is expected, but being imprisoned is even more expected, but Asthereim still couldn't help the feeling of the fur equivalent of ruffled feathers; he felt a pit of insult in him, and he wasn't sure if it was going to stay after this. But whatever, he needs to escape. Going over to the door, Asthereim took a closer look. The door seemed to operate on half-barrel hinges, which should be simple to lift up at the right angle with a leverage. [i]The Bench.[/i] Rubbing his paws, Asthereim grabbed the bench and positioning it just so, managed to lift the door off it's hinges, it falling to the floor with a clang. Taking the bone, the Aether snuck out of the cage, cautiously watching for anyone that may have seen him- He heard growling, and turned to see the Hainu behind him, ears lowered and teeth bared, with the keys in it's jaws. This is what the bone was for. Lowering himself to appear less threatening, Asthereim very slowly approached the hainu, waving the bone. "Hey, buddy." The Aether spoke in a soothing, practiced voice. "You look like you haven't had something nice to gnaw on in a while, want this?" The hainu's eye's widened and it's ears sprung up, forgetting about it's aggression, staring at the bone while it began to salivate. "Good, but before i give it to you, i need you to hand me those keys you got there, then you'll be free to snack on this delicacy." The Hainu seemed to understand the concept of a good deal, because it immediately dropped the now drool-covered keys, and began to beg. "Good Boy!" Asthereim cheered, tossing the bone to the hainu, who jumped up and caught it mid-air, and began to happily chew on it's treat. The Aether carefully grabbed the keys, shaking off the saliva with a quiet disgusted "ugh", before heading to the door, unlocking it, and making his escape outside. --- Option 3 (whoops, forgot to put that in!)

Day Four:

In pirate culture, betrayal is expected, but being imprisoned is even more expected, but Asthereim still couldn't help the feeling of the fur equivalent of ruffled feathers; he felt a pit of insult in him, and he wasn't sure if it was going to stay after this.

But whatever, he needs to escape.

Going over to the door, Asthereim took a closer look. The door seemed to operate on half-barrel hinges, which should be simple to lift up at the right angle with a leverage.

The Bench.

Rubbing his paws, Asthereim grabbed the bench and positioning it just so, managed to lift the door off it's hinges, it falling to the floor with a clang.

Taking the bone, the Aether snuck out of the cage, cautiously watching for anyone that may have seen him-

He heard growling, and turned to see the Hainu behind him, ears lowered and teeth bared, with the keys in it's jaws. This is what the bone was for.

Lowering himself to appear less threatening, Asthereim very slowly approached the hainu, waving the bone.

"Hey, buddy." The Aether spoke in a soothing, practiced voice. "You look like you haven't had something nice to gnaw on in a while, want this?"

The hainu's eye's widened and it's ears sprung up, forgetting about it's aggression, staring at the bone while it began to salivate.

"Good, but before i give it to you, i need you to hand me those keys you got there, then you'll be free to snack on this delicacy."

The Hainu seemed to understand the concept of a good deal, because it immediately dropped the now drool-covered keys, and began to beg.

"Good Boy!" Asthereim cheered, tossing the bone to the hainu, who jumped up and caught it mid-air, and began to happily chew on it's treat.

The Aether carefully grabbed the keys, shaking off the saliva with a quiet disgusted "ugh", before heading to the door, unlocking it, and making his escape outside.


Option 3 (whoops, forgot to put that in!)
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@ChaoticFriendzy Ahoy! I'm enjoying Asthereim's reactions to everything (and hoping that he does stick around and isn't too badly offended by this particular Trial!!) ... but I'm not sure which choice to put you down as this time. I thought I'd better ask to be sure!

Can you please confirm whether you'd prefer to go with 3: lift the door off the hinges, or 1: befriend the hainu?
@ChaoticFriendzy Ahoy! I'm enjoying Asthereim's reactions to everything (and hoping that he does stick around and isn't too badly offended by this particular Trial!!) ... but I'm not sure which choice to put you down as this time. I thought I'd better ask to be sure!

Can you please confirm whether you'd prefer to go with 3: lift the door off the hinges, or 1: befriend the hainu?
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
Dress to Impress Badge for Star Fall (September 2024) featuring a proudly smiling Fae wearing a yellow foam star mask; links to the game The words 'Star Fall' and stars arranged around the Arcane emblem, all in bright pink; links to the Starfall 2024 Hub
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons

