VERITASRATIO Hey there! I'm spending today getting all the registries updated. Please PM me a link to your Council sheet with editing permissions so that I can view your hidden sheets. If you prefer you can also use my FR email -
3idolon@gmail.com. Let me know when the permissions have been changed. Thanks!
Also were you wanting to add your Councilor and entourage dragons to the Elite registry? If so please fill out registration forms for each of them, there is an option to check for "Add to Elite Registry". If any of them have already been added to the standard registry you can check "no" for adding them there, to avoid duplicates. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Off topic edit: I'm enjoying your Necrotober art So. Much. Any one of them I feel like I could frame and display, they're beautiful!
VERITASRATIO Hey there! I'm spending today getting all the registries updated. Please PM me a link to your Council sheet with editing permissions so that I can view your hidden sheets. If you prefer you can also use my FR email -
3idolon@gmail.com. Let me know when the permissions have been changed. Thanks!
Also were you wanting to add your Councilor and entourage dragons to the Elite registry? If so please fill out registration forms for each of them, there is an option to check for "Add to Elite Registry". If any of them have already been added to the standard registry you can check "no" for adding them there, to avoid duplicates. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Off topic edit: I'm enjoying your Necrotober art So. Much. Any one of them I feel like I could frame and display, they're beautiful!

3idolon thanks! forms have been sent and a private Gmail notification has been sent too <3
3idolon thanks! forms have been sent and a private Gmail notification has been sent too <3
âš– AEGIS / WYNE | 
âš– FR +12:00 | ä¸æ–‡/ English ok!
VERITASRATIO facepalm. Sorry, brief mental lapse there. It's actually
8idolon@gmail.com because I like to make my life as confusing as possible. I'll send you an email request to streamline things
VERITASRATIO facepalm. Sorry, brief mental lapse there. It's actually
8idolon@gmail.com because I like to make my life as confusing as possible. I'll send you an email request to streamline things

3idolon WHEEZING. Gmail has been sent back
3idolon WHEEZING. Gmail has been sent back
âš– AEGIS / WYNE | 
âš– FR +12:00 | ä¸æ–‡/ English ok!
@VERITASRATIO Congratulations! Demeanour has been registered as a Guiding Councilor! I've very much enjoyed my stroll through her lore ([i]dying[/i] that she has a terrible sense of direction) and also enjoyed exposure to some new musical artists. Demeanour and her entourage can be found on the Elite Registry and her Guiding Flag can be found near the top of the Member emblems. The flags below are for your use. Unfortunately the lovely details of her emblem get a little lost at these smaller sizes but personally I still enjoy the intricate effect. I'm thrilled to add our very first Fathom Councilor to the bunch!
VERITASRATIO Congratulations! Demeanour has been registered as a Guiding Councilor! I've very much enjoyed my stroll through her lore (
dying that she has a terrible sense of direction) and also enjoyed exposure to some new musical artists. Demeanour and her entourage can be found on the Elite Registry and her Guiding Flag can be found near the top of the Member emblems. The flags below are for your use. Unfortunately the lovely details of her emblem get a little lost at these smaller sizes but personally I still enjoy the intricate effect. I'm thrilled to add our very first Fathom Councilor to the bunch!

3idolon hello again!
i have managed to bump aetignae to ruling and, as such, i have updated her emblem as well! hopefully that's alright - i wanted to lean more into a medieval heraldry vibe :)
i'm about to update her council bio and council post with the new emblem, but for the time being i've uploaded them to imgur:
200x250 here,
full size here.
please let me know if there's anything else i need to do!
3idolon hello again!
i have managed to bump aetignae to ruling and, as such, i have updated her emblem as well! hopefully that's alright - i wanted to lean more into a medieval heraldry vibe :)
i'm about to update her council bio and council post with the new emblem, but for the time being i've uploaded them to imgur:
200x250 here,
full size here.
please let me know if there's anything else i need to do!
Applying for Astra as the Necroservus leader of the Rule of Three!
Astra is here, and the
CPC is here.
[s]here i thought i'd be getting the aberration gang on the council first, but this nerd completely stole my brain so here we go!![/s]
[item=marigold of rot]
Primary Symbol:
[item=proto wings]
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9thc-TlWYjQJiY5RLmQ2iX7LCynAer5zY4okn6HbTQ/edit?usp=sharing]link to CBC sheet[/url][nextcol][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98126790][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/981268/98126790_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Advocator standing | Mutagist rank 3 | Shaman rank 1[/b][/columns]
a Ghast that Chrysaor "neutralized" and who now, despite every attempt to prevent him, trails his Necromancer everywhere. he's widely seen as Chrysaor's trophy, a sign of eir mastery over the Shade.[/columns]
Chrysaor's primary assistant and Servus[/columns]
the first Wraith that Chrysaor saved when she lay dying upon the Rim during her Trial.[/columns]
more will get added on here, bc chrys is definitely going to accumulate some more guys. but i thought i'd go ahead and plop em down here.
here i thought i'd be getting the aberration gang on the council first, but this nerd completely stole my brain so here we go!!
Advocator standing | Mutagist rank 3 | Shaman rank 1
a Ghast that Chrysaor "neutralized" and who now, despite every attempt to prevent him, trails his Necromancer everywhere. he's widely seen as Chrysaor's trophy, a sign of eir mastery over the Shade.
Chrysaor's primary assistant and Servus
the first Wraith that Chrysaor saved when she lay dying upon the Rim during her Trial.
more will get added on here, bc chrys is definitely going to accumulate some more guys. but i thought i'd go ahead and plop em down here.
Quick note I’ve put it on my to dos to get Council up to date tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!
Quick note I’ve put it on my to dos to get Council up to date tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

[center][font=Constantia][size=7][b]Advocating Councillor Bloðorn[/b][/size]
[size=5][i]the Missionary of Mala Nágrindr[/i][/size]
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZCWUspSEZGZE-CFp81qp8BSxlRfY6ZZYNgCfM_rPO44/edit?usp=sharing]Council Point Calculator[/url][/center]
[center][b]Necromantic Symbol[/b]
[center][font=Constantia][size=5][b]Emblem of Bloðorn Borgar-górð[/b][/size]
[size=2][i]Ahahah, this was way overdue, but wohoo! Finally got around to doing this :'))