
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Troll Hunters [Lineage/Challenge]
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[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] For two long, gruelling years, Lisbeth and Lennart have slaved away as [url=]Lifthrasir[/url]'s apprentices, learning the ancient ways of the Troll Hunters. The Valhallans call them [i]Trolljegere[/i] in the local language and, well, there's not a whole lot of trolls around, are there? You're welcome. But what's a pair of wayward Troll Hunters supposed to do when there's not any trolls left down to hunt, anyway?[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] "Hey, hey, Lisbeth! Lisbeth, are you napping again?" the Spiral asks, far too cheery for the abysmal climate and rather depressing colour scheme around them. Honestly, who came up with all this ice and snow stuff anyway? Terrible decision. He flips a page in his book with a wicked grin. [nextcol] [color=transparent]______[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______[/color][nextcol] "... would that I could, Lennart. What's got your tail in a twist?" the Imperial beside him asks with a weary sigh, stretching like a cat in the sun. "Or were you simply bitten by the urge to pester me for no conceivable reason again?" [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]______[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] Lennart looks both guilty and offended at the same time. "I would never!" he protests, before pausing. "But I've been thinking. See, there's no trolls here at all, are there?" Beside him, Lisbeth shrugs. "Exactly my point," Lennart exclaims. "I think we should go find some. Sornieth is large, isn't it? There's got to be trolls somewhere." [nextcol] [color=transparent]______[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______[/color][nextcol] "... hm," Lisbeth shifts. She rolls her neck and it pops satisfyingly, though Lennart gives her a highly disapproving look and mutters something about 'arthritis' and 'unhinged degenerate'. "Fine. Let's go find some trolls." [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]______[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] With that life-changing decision made on a whim, the two of them pack up. They find a mage to put their little hut on the outskirts of Valhall in statis, figuring they'll be back one day and the housing market is terrible as is, and then they set off. Now all they have to do is find a suitable troll to slaughter...[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] While I love my [url=]Mourning Flowers[/url], I wanted to put together something a bit more casual (haha, look at me, calling this casual) and fun to go along with it. I've had a pair of dragons around for ages that I've wanted to do something with and, well, time to run with this idea that's been on the backburner for literal years. Lisbeth and Lennart will be breeding with the intent to spread their lineage, and the traditions of Troll Hunters, to all corners of the realm. There will not be a single troll left in Sornieth by the time they're done. But there's also some limitations put in place to make it more difficult for them (and me). See the post further down for more specifications on those limitations! It involves dice, sadness, and probably a whole lot of random nonsense I will have little control over. Look, this is as much a personal challenge as a lineage. I'm trying to turn it into a slog. You're free to join me, though! Suffering shared is... uh, still suffering, but at least there's company? [b]I am subbed, you don't have to ping me![/b][nextcol] [color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [center][pinglist=28391][pinglist=28393] [pinglist=28394][pinglist=28392][/center]
__________ For two long, gruelling years, Lisbeth and Lennart have slaved away as Lifthrasir's apprentices, learning the ancient ways of the Troll Hunters. The Valhallans call them Trolljegere in the local language and, well, there's not a whole lot of trolls around, are there? You're welcome.

But what's a pair of wayward Troll Hunters supposed to do when there's not any trolls left down to hunt, anyway?

______ 73645534p.png __ "Hey, hey, Lisbeth! Lisbeth, are you napping again?" the Spiral asks, far too cheery for the abysmal climate and rather depressing colour scheme around them. Honestly, who came up with all this ice and snow stuff anyway? Terrible decision. He flips a page in his book with a wicked grin. ______
______ "... would that I could, Lennart. What's got your tail in a twist?" the Imperial beside him asks with a weary sigh, stretching like a cat in the sun. "Or were you simply bitten by the urge to pester me for no conceivable reason again?" __ 73995300p.png ______
______ 73645534p.png __ Lennart looks both guilty and offended at the same time. "I would never!" he protests, before pausing. "But I've been thinking. See, there's no trolls here at all, are there?" Beside him, Lisbeth shrugs. "Exactly my point," Lennart exclaims. "I think we should go find some. Sornieth is large, isn't it? There's got to be trolls somewhere." ______
______ "... hm," Lisbeth shifts. She rolls her neck and it pops satisfyingly, though Lennart gives her a highly disapproving look and mutters something about 'arthritis' and 'unhinged degenerate'. "Fine. Let's go find some trolls." __ 73995300p.png ______

__________ With that life-changing decision made on a whim, the two of them pack up. They find a mage to put their little hut on the outskirts of Valhall in statis, figuring they'll be back one day and the housing market is terrible as is, and then they set off.

Now all they have to do is find a suitable troll to slaughter...


__________ While I love my Mourning Flowers, I wanted to put together something a bit more casual (haha, look at me, calling this casual) and fun to go along with it. I've had a pair of dragons around for ages that I've wanted to do something with and, well, time to run with this idea that's been on the backburner for literal years.

Lisbeth and Lennart will be breeding with the intent to spread their lineage, and the traditions of Troll Hunters, to all corners of the realm. There will not be a single troll left in Sornieth by the time they're done.

But there's also some limitations put in place to make it more difficult for them (and me). See the post further down for more specifications on those limitations! It involves dice, sadness, and probably a whole lot of random nonsense I will have little control over.

Look, this is as much a personal challenge as a lineage. I'm trying to turn it into a slog. You're free to join me, though! Suffering shared is... uh, still suffering, but at least there's company?

I am subbed, you don't have to ping me!

___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] There are three sets of 'rules' listed in this section; the limitations I will be following when breeding Lisbeth and Lennart, the overall project rules, and the requirements for Troll Hunter registration. When one set of Troll Hunters retire from breeding, such as Lisbeth and Lennart now have done, their heir will continue on the lineage and follow the rules they did. I will not be editing rules to include new names. Anyone adopting a Troll Hunter through this thread agrees to abide by the rules listed here and is assumed to be acting in good faith. Those found to be aceively breaking rules or acting in bad faith will be barred from participating further in this project.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] This section lists out the different limitations I will be putting on [b]myself[/b] when breeding Lisbeth and Lennart. Nobody else has to follow these limitations but, of course, if you want to, you're more than welcome to. In the end, this is meant to be as much of a personal challenge thing as a lineage, so I am placing a fair bit of focus on this part.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [LIST] [*] Every time Lisbeth and Lennart is bred, their children will face the perils of life. When they hatch, each hatchling will have a D20 dice rolled for them that will determine what happens that day. A D20 will be rolled every day after until they're adults. [b]1:[/b] The hatchling dies. It will be immediately exalted. [b]2 - 5:[/b] Nothing happens. [b]6 - 10:[/b] The hatchling faces danger. The dice is re-rolled. Anything below 5 results in death, between 5 & 10 results in an injury (injured children with be stuck with a permanent modifier), and anything above 10 results in the hatchling surviving. [b]11 - 15:[/b] Lore time! A small lore snippet is written for the hatchling. [b]16 - 19:[/b] The hatchling gets a specialization or modifier of choice. [b]20:[/b] Blessed! This hatchling will not have to face another dice roll until they are fully grown. [*] Once one of Lisbeth and Lennart's children are fully grown, another D20 will be cast for them determining who they will become in life. They may downgrade their title freely later, but can only upgrade their title by meeting the recommended LVL of each title. [b]1:[/b] Sacrifice! Wait, sacrifice? Say hi to Icepops, kiddo! [b]2 - 5:[/b] Nisse. [b]6 - 10:[/b] Raglefant. [b]11 - 15:[/b] Tusseladd. [b]16 - 19:[/b] Jøtul. [b]20:[/b] Dovregubbe. The best of the best—don't let it get to your head, though. [*] Whenever Lisbeth and Lennart are RTB, a D20 will be cast should there be a wish to breed them. They will only be able to breed if it lands on a value of 10 or above. This can be re-rolled once a day. [*] When Lisbeth and Lennart have surviving children, they will count towards their total offspring list. For every [b]five[/b] children that survive into adulthood, there will be a Dice Roll Event. This is, essentially, a small lore event outside of regular lore happenings. Dice Rolls will all be different and will be crafted using mainly RNG to determine what happens, how long it lasts, and what the goal is. [*] Once Lisbeth and Lennart have a surviving child with [b]Special Eyes[/b], they will [b]retire[/b] from breeding. Their Special Eyed (Primal, Multi-gaze, Faceted, or Goat) child will take over as the primary Troll Hunter and will continue the lineage in their stead. [/LIST] [img][/img] [LIST] [*] The intention of this project is to spread the Troll Hunter lineage to all corners of Sornieth and eradicate trolls from the realm. With this in mind, please only adopt available Troll Hunters if you plan to continue the lineage or otherwise contribute to the project itself. If your Troll Hunters have children, please include information about this lineage in their bios to help spread the lineage. [*] For the purposes of tracking this lineage, Lisbeth and Lennart will be considered G0 and their children will be G1, their grandchildren G2, and so on. Please do not breed Troll Hunters together as it will make tracking the lineage difficult. [*] It is preferable if you do not exalt your Troll Hunters. Should you lack the space, I'm more than happy to buy them back from you at a reasonable price! [/LIST] [img][/img] [LIST] [*] To be an official Troll Hunter, a dragon must be able to trace their lineage back to Lisbeth and Lennart. [*] They may not be crossed with more than one other lineage and must be able to meet the requirements of the lineage they are being crossed with. [*] They must be at least level 10 to prove themselves worthy of the title of Troll Hunter or have one registered parent. Troll Hunting is dangerous and only the strongest will survive! [*] All Troll Hunters must have at least 250 words of lore to be eligible for registering with the Troll Hunters Association. [*] All breeds, genes, and colours are welcome. [*] To become registered with the Troll Hunters Association, your dragon needs to fill out form 191.4, found below. Successfully registered Troll Hunters will receive their official IDs in the mail within 3-6 business days. [*] While becoming an official Troll Hunter requires the correct lineage, any and all dragons are welcome to become members of the Troll Hunter Association to fill the many supporting roles required to keep the organization running. To become a supporting member of the organization, please fill out form 17.05. However, Support Staff is [b]not[/b] a role that a dragon's offspring will inherit, meaning it [b]only applies to a singular dragon[/b]. [*] For dragons wishing to become supporting members of the organization, they must have at least 350 words of lore relevant to the project. There are no other requirements for supporting members (meaning absolutely any dragon qualifies if they have lore for it). [/LIST] [code] [b]TROLLJEGERNES FORENING [i]Form 191.4 - Troll Hunter Registration[/i][/b] [b]Applicant's Name:[/b] Name of your dragon. [b]Applicant's Generational Information:[/b] Your dragon's generational info in relation to Lisbeth and Lennart. (G1, G2, G3, etc) [b]Country of Origin:[/b] The flight your dragon was born into. [b]Country of Residence:[/b] The flight your dragon currently resides in. [b]Applicant Title:[/b] The current title, if any, of your dragon (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Specialization:[/b] What your dragon currently specializes in (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Has the applicant ever been involved in any pro-troll right groups or events?[/b] Yes/No [b]Is the applicant currently involved in the monitoring of an active troll territory? If yes, which territory?[/b] Yes/No [i]Keep in mind that only TJR/THA-approved and sanctioned troll territories may be listed in this application.[/i] Applicant's Signature: [link to your dragon goes here] [b]For an additional fee of 25kt/g, the creation of you ID will be given top priority![/b] Yes, I want a priority ID!/No, thank you. [i]If you say yes here, I will put together an ID for your Troll Hunter and send it off to you as soon as possible. Payment is to be sent after your Troll Hunter's registration form has been accepted! The ID isn't necessary, it's just for fun. Check out -LINK- for an example of what the IDs look like![/i] [/code] [code] [b]TROLLJEGERNES FORENING [i]Form 17.05 - Support Staff Registration[/i][/b] [b]Applicant's Name:[/b] Name of your dragon. [b]Country of Origin:[/b] The flight your dragon was born into. [b]Country of Residence:[/b] The flight your dragon currently resides in. [b]Applicant's Desired Support Branch:[/b] Which branch of the Support Staff your dragon is looking to join (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Relevant Experience & Skills:[/b] What skills your dragon brings to its Support branch (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Specialization:[/b] What your dragon currently specializes in (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Has the applicant ever been involved in any pro-troll right groups or events?[/b] Yes/No Applicant's Signature: [link to your dragon goes here] [b]For an additional fee of 25kt/g, the creation of you ID will be given top priority![/b] Yes, I want a priority ID!/No, thank you. [i]If you say yes here, I will put together an ID for your Support Staff Member and send it off to you as soon as possible. Payment is to be sent after your Support Staff Member's registration form has been accepted! The ID isn't necessary, it's just for fun. Check out -LINK- for an example of what the IDs look like![/i] [/code]
__________ There are three sets of 'rules' listed in this section; the limitations I will be following when breeding Lisbeth and Lennart, the overall project rules, and the requirements for Troll Hunter registration.

When one set of Troll Hunters retire from breeding, such as Lisbeth and Lennart now have done, their heir will continue on the lineage and follow the rules they did. I will not be editing rules to include new names.

Anyone adopting a Troll Hunter through this thread agrees to abide by the rules listed here and is assumed to be acting in good faith. Those found to be aceively breaking rules or acting in bad faith will be barred from participating further in this project.

__________ This section lists out the different limitations I will be putting on myself when breeding Lisbeth and Lennart. Nobody else has to follow these limitations but, of course, if you want to, you're more than welcome to.

In the end, this is meant to be as much of a personal challenge thing as a lineage, so I am placing a fair bit of focus on this part.
  • Every time Lisbeth and Lennart is bred, their children will face the perils of life. When they hatch, each hatchling will have a D20 dice rolled for them that will determine what happens that day. A D20 will be rolled every day after until they're adults.

    1: The hatchling dies. It will be immediately exalted.
    2 - 5: Nothing happens.
    6 - 10: The hatchling faces danger. The dice is re-rolled. Anything below 5 results in death, between 5 & 10 results in an injury (injured children with be stuck with a permanent modifier), and anything above 10 results in the hatchling surviving.
    11 - 15: Lore time! A small lore snippet is written for the hatchling.
    16 - 19: The hatchling gets a specialization or modifier of choice.
    20: Blessed! This hatchling will not have to face another dice roll until they are fully grown.
  • Once one of Lisbeth and Lennart's children are fully grown, another D20 will be cast for them determining who they will become in life. They may downgrade their title freely later, but can only upgrade their title by meeting the recommended LVL of each title.

    1: Sacrifice! Wait, sacrifice? Say hi to Icepops, kiddo!
    2 - 5: Nisse.
    6 - 10: Raglefant.
    11 - 15: Tusseladd.
    16 - 19: Jøtul.
    20: Dovregubbe. The best of the best—don't let it get to your head, though.
  • Whenever Lisbeth and Lennart are RTB, a D20 will be cast should there be a wish to breed them. They will only be able to breed if it lands on a value of 10 or above. This can be re-rolled once a day.
  • When Lisbeth and Lennart have surviving children, they will count towards their total offspring list. For every five children that survive into adulthood, there will be a Dice Roll Event. This is, essentially, a small lore event outside of regular lore happenings.

    Dice Rolls will all be different and will be crafted using mainly RNG to determine what happens, how long it lasts, and what the goal is.
  • Once Lisbeth and Lennart have a surviving child with Special Eyes, they will retire from breeding. Their Special Eyed (Primal, Multi-gaze, Faceted, or Goat) child will take over as the primary Troll Hunter and will continue the lineage in their stead.
  • The intention of this project is to spread the Troll Hunter lineage to all corners of Sornieth and eradicate trolls from the realm. With this in mind, please only adopt available Troll Hunters if you plan to continue the lineage or otherwise contribute to the project itself.

    If your Troll Hunters have children, please include information about this lineage in their bios to help spread the lineage.
  • For the purposes of tracking this lineage, Lisbeth and Lennart will be considered G0 and their children will be G1, their grandchildren G2, and so on. Please do not breed Troll Hunters together as it will make tracking the lineage difficult.
  • It is preferable if you do not exalt your Troll Hunters. Should you lack the space, I'm more than happy to buy them back from you at a reasonable price!
  • To be an official Troll Hunter, a dragon must be able to trace their lineage back to Lisbeth and Lennart.
  • They may not be crossed with more than one other lineage and must be able to meet the requirements of the lineage they are being crossed with.
  • They must be at least level 10 to prove themselves worthy of the title of Troll Hunter or have one registered parent. Troll Hunting is dangerous and only the strongest will survive!
  • All Troll Hunters must have at least 250 words of lore to be eligible for registering with the Troll Hunters Association.
  • All breeds, genes, and colours are welcome.
  • To become registered with the Troll Hunters Association, your dragon needs to fill out form 191.4, found below. Successfully registered Troll Hunters will receive their official IDs in the mail within 3-6 business days.
  • While becoming an official Troll Hunter requires the correct lineage, any and all dragons are welcome to become members of the Troll Hunter Association to fill the many supporting roles required to keep the organization running. To become a supporting member of the organization, please fill out form 17.05.

    However, Support Staff is not a role that a dragon's offspring will inherit, meaning it only applies to a singular dragon.
  • For dragons wishing to become supporting members of the organization, they must have at least 350 words of lore relevant to the project.

    There are no other requirements for supporting members (meaning absolutely any dragon qualifies if they have lore for it).
[b]TROLLJEGERNES FORENING [i]Form 191.4 - Troll Hunter Registration[/i][/b] [b]Applicant's Name:[/b] Name of your dragon. [b]Applicant's Generational Information:[/b] Your dragon's generational info in relation to Lisbeth and Lennart. (G1, G2, G3, etc) [b]Country of Origin:[/b] The flight your dragon was born into. [b]Country of Residence:[/b] The flight your dragon currently resides in. [b]Applicant Title:[/b] The current title, if any, of your dragon (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Specialization:[/b] What your dragon currently specializes in (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Has the applicant ever been involved in any pro-troll right groups or events?[/b] Yes/No [b]Is the applicant currently involved in the monitoring of an active troll territory? If yes, which territory?[/b] Yes/No [i]Keep in mind that only TJR/THA-approved and sanctioned troll territories may be listed in this application.[/i] Applicant's Signature: [link to your dragon goes here] [b]For an additional fee of 25kt/g, the creation of you ID will be given top priority![/b] Yes, I want a priority ID!/No, thank you. [i]If you say yes here, I will put together an ID for your Troll Hunter and send it off to you as soon as possible. Payment is to be sent after your Troll Hunter's registration form has been accepted! The ID isn't necessary, it's just for fun. Check out -LINK- for an example of what the IDs look like![/i]
[b]TROLLJEGERNES FORENING [i]Form 17.05 - Support Staff Registration[/i][/b] [b]Applicant's Name:[/b] Name of your dragon. [b]Country of Origin:[/b] The flight your dragon was born into. [b]Country of Residence:[/b] The flight your dragon currently resides in. [b]Applicant's Desired Support Branch:[/b] Which branch of the Support Staff your dragon is looking to join (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Relevant Experience & Skills:[/b] What skills your dragon brings to its Support branch (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Applicant's Specialization:[/b] What your dragon currently specializes in (read more in the [url=]Trolljegernes Forening[/url] section) [b]Has the applicant ever been involved in any pro-troll right groups or events?[/b] Yes/No Applicant's Signature: [link to your dragon goes here] [b]For an additional fee of 25kt/g, the creation of you ID will be given top priority![/b] Yes, I want a priority ID!/No, thank you. [i]If you say yes here, I will put together an ID for your Support Staff Member and send it off to you as soon as possible. Payment is to be sent after your Support Staff Member's registration form has been accepted! The ID isn't necessary, it's just for fun. Check out -LINK- for an example of what the IDs look like![/i]
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] Trolljegernes Forening, also known as the Troll Hunters Association, is the only organization working towards full eradication of trolls in the realm. It is also the foremost hub of knowledge on trolls as a whole and all topics related to them. The founders of the organization are the dragons Lisbeth and Lennart, out of Valhall, with the support of the esteemed Lifthrasir. It is the TJF/THA that keeps track of and organizes all draconic efforts towards full eradication along with licensing, managing, and supporting officially sanctioned Troll Hunters throughout all the lands. The TFJ/THA also keeps track of and patrols the few troll territories not yet scheduled for eradication along with active combat zones during eradication. Certain categories, like modifiers, are irrelevant outside of challenges.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] The TJF/THA has created a categorization system for their official Troll Hunters and other members of the TJF/THA. Titles are given depending on skill and experience. This is a list of all existing titles available for Troll Hunters to make use of. LVL listed is not a requirement, but an overall suggestion for when a Hunter ought to take that title. Any Hunter can claim any title at any time should they wish to as the TJF/THA has full understanding for the fact that certain dragons are born with exceptional powers and talent. But keep in mind that it is best to be cautious, as overzealous Hunters taking on titles beyond their skillset [i]will[/i] be eaten. Survival of the fittest![nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]NISSE[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Inexperienced/Unskilled/Novices | LVL 10[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]A Nisse is the lowest ranked Troll Hunters to date. They are most often found doing the less dangerous work and it is recommended they do not take on solo work until they have advanced further in their careers. It is advised that they work alongside a more experienced Hunter to ensure their continued survival.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]RAGLEFANT[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Experienced/Skilled/Intermediate | LVL 13[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Having gained a considerable amount of skill and experience in the field, dragons promoted to Raglefant may begin taking on more difficult work and even solo work, if they feel confident doing so. They are given access to the novice handlers at the TJF/THA and appropriate funds when necessary.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]TUSSELADD[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Upper level/Elite | LVL 15[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]There are good Hunters and there are great Hunters and the TJF/THA recognizes that [i]these[/i] dragons are truly great at what they do. Tusseladder are experienced, highly skilled, and frequently take on the solo missions others cannot. They have access to more resources and aid than before.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]JØTUL[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Team Leaders/Specialists | LVL 20[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Those that have gathered enough experience and skill to confidently lead others are given the Jøtul title. They have access to their own handlers and funding, able to pick and choose their jobs with greater care than those of lower rankings. They are the backbone of functionality and efficiency.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]DOVREGUBBE[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]The Special Forces | LVL 25[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The wisest, most experienced Hunters in the organizations, Dovregubbene stand leagues above the rest. They have exclusive access to all TJF/THA resources and take on the biggest, most dangerous jobs. Their word is law in the field and they are not to be underestimated.[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] Both registered Troll Hunters and Support Staff often find themselves with a Specialization. It is essential that Hunters have some form of field-relevant skillset to keep them alive as they hunt, whilst several Support Staff will also find themselves in the field and will thusly require combat capabilities.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]DIRECT COMBAT[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Close Combat | Ranged Combat[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The Direct Combatants are the ones interacting directly with trolls with a physical weapon of some kind; blades, spears, arrows, clubs, or other. These Hunters have the highest mortality rate, without a doubt, but are essential to continue the fight. The ones that survive might even get paid![/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]MAGE[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]All forms of magical combat[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]All dragons utilizing magic or non-physical means of direct battle fall into this categorization. It is a terribly broad category and often results in more confusion than anything whenever there is an attempt to create suitable sub-classes. Mage is considered a high-risk position.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]MEDIC[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Field Medics | Off-site Medics[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The most overworked position amongst the Hunters are the Medics. There is no such thing as a vacation. Relying on traditional and magical means to keep Hunters alive despite their stunning lack of common sense, the Medics are found everywhere and are perpetually frustrated. They get paid. [i]Always[/i].[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]STEALTH[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Recon | Support | Assassination[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The Stealth Hunters are strange, rarely socially inclined, and usually smell like troll funk. Responsible for some of the most dangerous and bizarre missions, they slink around troll territories to scout, set traps, take samples, and recover lost shoes. They're sort of incomprehensibly odd.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]OUTLIER[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Everyone else, pretty much[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The TJF/THA fully understand that you are a special, unique creature and may not fit into our other specialized classes. That's alright! We made this all for you, valued employee, and you should be proud to consider yourself an Outlier. You're special! You're not getting paid, though. Sorry.[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] Modifiers are only relevant for those doing challenges or those particularly invested in the lore; it is an entirely optional section. Modifiers only really affect dice rolls and events. It's also cool. Modifiers will be added as the lineage spreads to accommodate exceptional individuals, new events, and other things. A full list of all modifiers in play can be found further down to avoid clutter (which there is already enough of) along with upcoming or retired modifiers. This section has a brief overview over the different types of modifiers along with a few examples from each type.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]HEALTH[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Modifiers Affecting Health[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Including both permanent injuries, disabilities, temporary ailments, and other things that will have either a positive or negative effect on a dragon's physical or mental health. Most modifiers here have both a positive and negative aspect, though some are exclusively positive or exclusively negative.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]ABILITY[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Modifiers Affecting Individual Ability[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Modifiers that will directly have an effect on a dragon's abilities fall in here, such as a drastic magic reduction for a mage or a boost in physical strength for a direct combat Hunter. This also includes specific items that are put into play that will influence its wielder.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]ELEMENTAL[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Elementally Based Modifiers[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]A boost or reduction in elemental power, resistance, or otherwise. May be based off the dragon's innate element, but doesn't have to be. Elemental modifiers are most often permanent. These modifiers may include certain physical items given to the Hunter in question.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]DIVINE[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Modifiers from Divine Intervention[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Well, well, well, look who's important! A divine modifier is created when a divine being decides to meddle in whatever is going on, be it good or bad meddling, and the Hunter is most likely stuck with this one forever. Hopefully it's a good one, but if it's not... well, what can ya do?[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] The TJF/THA Supporting Staff serves as the lifeblood of the organization and has dedicated their lives to ensuring the Troll Hunters are able to do their jobs with as little trouble as possible. There are a few main branches within the organization with, of course, several sub-roles in each branch. Branches and their purposes are listed below. Support Staff is recommended to join a branch best suited to them and their skillset. Please inquire with a manager to learn more about sub-roles within your chosen branch.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]MANAGEMENT[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Manages the TJF/THA and oversee operations[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]The Management is in charge of ensuring that the organization runs smoothly. Managers are expected to be level-headed, logical, and organized on a personal level. They do not spend any time in the field, but coordinates the majority of large operations from HQ. Includes finances and handlers.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]CONTAINMENT[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Patrols sealed territories and high-risk areas[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Doing a lot of footwork, the containment branch is in charge of known troll territories and doing surveillance of high-risk areas with suspected troll activity. Someone has to make sure all the fences are still upright, y'know? They also handle public relations and diplomacy for the organization.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]SUPPORT[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Flexible branch supplying aid when necessary[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]When there is a need for additional forces, aid, or other services, Support is called in. Support members need to be creative thinkers able to adapt at the drop of a hat. If you like an exciting and possibly lethal everyday, join Support! They also handle communications, medic services and supplies.[/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=5][i][b]CLEANUP[/b][/i] |[/size] [size=3]Cleans up all your messes and international disasters[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Did YOU make a mess while on duty? Did the troll you were felling fall on someone's lair? Well, they [i]might[/i] be entitled to compensation, and it's the Cleanup Crew that handles that. Handling disasters with an enviable zen, Cleanup isn't for everyone, and the faint of heart need not apply. [/size][/columns]
__________ Trolljegernes Forening, also known as the Troll Hunters Association, is the only organization working towards full eradication of trolls in the realm. It is also the foremost hub of knowledge on trolls as a whole and all topics related to them.

The founders of the organization are the dragons Lisbeth and Lennart, out of Valhall, with the support of the esteemed Lifthrasir.

It is the TJF/THA that keeps track of and organizes all draconic efforts towards full eradication along with licensing, managing, and supporting officially sanctioned Troll Hunters throughout all the lands. The TFJ/THA also keeps track of and patrols the few troll territories not yet scheduled for eradication along with active combat zones during eradication.

Certain categories, like modifiers, are irrelevant outside of challenges.

__________ The TJF/THA has created a categorization system for their official Troll Hunters and other members of the TJF/THA. Titles are given depending on skill and experience. This is a list of all existing titles available for Troll Hunters to make use of.

LVL listed is not a requirement, but an overall suggestion for when a Hunter ought to take that title. Any Hunter can claim any title at any time should they wish to as the TJF/THA has full understanding for the fact that certain dragons are born with exceptional powers and talent.

But keep in mind that it is best to be cautious, as overzealous Hunters taking on titles beyond their skillset will be eaten. Survival of the fittest!

trollnisse.png - NISSE | Inexperienced/Unskilled/Novices | LVL 10
A Nisse is the lowest ranked Troll Hunters to date. They are most often found doing the less dangerous work and it is recommended they do not take on solo work until they have advanced further in their careers. It is advised that they work alongside a more experienced Hunter to ensure their continued survival.
trollragle.png - RAGLEFANT | Experienced/Skilled/Intermediate | LVL 13
Having gained a considerable amount of skill and experience in the field, dragons promoted to Raglefant may begin taking on more difficult work and even solo work, if they feel confident doing so. They are given access to the novice handlers at the TJF/THA and appropriate funds when necessary.
trollladd.png - TUSSELADD | Upper level/Elite | LVL 15
There are good Hunters and there are great Hunters and the TJF/THA recognizes that these dragons are truly great at what they do. Tusseladder are experienced, highly skilled, and frequently take on the solo missions others cannot. They have access to more resources and aid than before.
trollj-te.png - JØTUL | Team Leaders/Specialists | LVL 20
Those that have gathered enough experience and skill to confidently lead others are given the Jøtul title. They have access to their own handlers and funding, able to pick and choose their jobs with greater care than those of lower rankings. They are the backbone of functionality and efficiency.
trolldovre.png - DOVREGUBBE | The Special Forces | LVL 25
The wisest, most experienced Hunters in the organizations, Dovregubbene stand leagues above the rest. They have exclusive access to all TJF/THA resources and take on the biggest, most dangerous jobs. Their word is law in the field and they are not to be underestimated.

__________ Both registered Troll Hunters and Support Staff often find themselves with a Specialization. It is essential that Hunters have some form of field-relevant skillset to keep them alive as they hunt, whilst several Support Staff will also find themselves in the field and will thusly require combat capabilities. __________

trolldir.png - DIRECT COMBAT | Close Combat | Ranged Combat
The Direct Combatants are the ones interacting directly with trolls with a physical weapon of some kind; blades, spears, arrows, clubs, or other. These Hunters have the highest mortality rate, without a doubt, but are essential to continue the fight. The ones that survive might even get paid!
trollmage.png - MAGE | All forms of magical combat
All dragons utilizing magic or non-physical means of direct battle fall into this categorization. It is a terribly broad category and often results in more confusion than anything whenever there is an attempt to create suitable sub-classes. Mage is considered a high-risk position.
trollmedic.png - MEDIC | Field Medics | Off-site Medics
The most overworked position amongst the Hunters are the Medics. There is no such thing as a vacation. Relying on traditional and magical means to keep Hunters alive despite their stunning lack of common sense, the Medics are found everywhere and are perpetually frustrated. They get paid. Always.
trollstealth.png - STEALTH | Recon | Support | Assassination
The Stealth Hunters are strange, rarely socially inclined, and usually smell like troll funk. Responsible for some of the most dangerous and bizarre missions, they slink around troll territories to scout, set traps, take samples, and recover lost shoes. They're sort of incomprehensibly odd.
trollout.png - OUTLIER | Everyone else, pretty much
The TJF/THA fully understand that you are a special, unique creature and may not fit into our other specialized classes. That's alright! We made this all for you, valued employee, and you should be proud to consider yourself an Outlier. You're special! You're not getting paid, though. Sorry.

__________ Modifiers are only relevant for those doing challenges or those particularly invested in the lore; it is an entirely optional section. Modifiers only really affect dice rolls and events. It's also cool.

Modifiers will be added as the lineage spreads to accommodate exceptional individuals, new events, and other things. A full list of all modifiers in play can be found further down to avoid clutter (which there is already enough of) along with upcoming or retired modifiers.

This section has a brief overview over the different types of modifiers along with a few examples from each type.

trollhealth.png - HEALTH | Modifiers Affecting Health
Including both permanent injuries, disabilities, temporary ailments, and other things that will have either a positive or negative effect on a dragon's physical or mental health. Most modifiers here have both a positive and negative aspect, though some are exclusively positive or exclusively negative.
trollabil.png - ABILITY | Modifiers Affecting Individual Ability
Modifiers that will directly have an effect on a dragon's abilities fall in here, such as a drastic magic reduction for a mage or a boost in physical strength for a direct combat Hunter. This also includes specific items that are put into play that will influence its wielder.
trollele.png - ELEMENTAL | Elementally Based Modifiers
A boost or reduction in elemental power, resistance, or otherwise. May be based off the dragon's innate element, but doesn't have to be. Elemental modifiers are most often permanent. These modifiers may include certain physical items given to the Hunter in question.
trolldiv.png - DIVINE | Modifiers from Divine Intervention
Well, well, well, look who's important! A divine modifier is created when a divine being decides to meddle in whatever is going on, be it good or bad meddling, and the Hunter is most likely stuck with this one forever. Hopefully it's a good one, but if it's not... well, what can ya do?

__________ The TJF/THA Supporting Staff serves as the lifeblood of the organization and has dedicated their lives to ensuring the Troll Hunters are able to do their jobs with as little trouble as possible. There are a few main branches within the organization with, of course, several sub-roles in each branch.

Branches and their purposes are listed below. Support Staff is recommended to join a branch best suited to them and their skillset. Please inquire with a manager to learn more about sub-roles within your chosen branch.

troll-manager.png - MANAGEMENT | Manages the TJF/THA and oversee operations
The Management is in charge of ensuring that the organization runs smoothly. Managers are expected to be level-headed, logical, and organized on a personal level. They do not spend any time in the field, but coordinates the majority of large operations from HQ. Includes finances and handlers.
trollcontain.png - CONTAINMENT | Patrols sealed territories and high-risk areas
Doing a lot of footwork, the containment branch is in charge of known troll territories and doing surveillance of high-risk areas with suspected troll activity. Someone has to make sure all the fences are still upright, y'know? They also handle public relations and diplomacy for the organization.
trollsupport.png - SUPPORT | Flexible branch supplying aid when necessary
When there is a need for additional forces, aid, or other services, Support is called in. Support members need to be creative thinkers able to adapt at the drop of a hat. If you like an exciting and possibly lethal everyday, join Support! They also handle communications, medic services and supplies.
trollclean.png - CLEANUP | Cleans up all your messes and international disasters
Did YOU make a mess while on duty? Did the troll you were felling fall on someone's lair? Well, they might be entitled to compensation, and it's the Cleanup Crew that handles that. Handling disasters with an enviable zen, Cleanup isn't for everyone, and the faint of heart need not apply.
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] All registered Troll Hunters and their preferred title or specialization along with all Support Staff and their chosen branch. [nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent].__________[/color] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Gothica][size=5]LISBETH[/size] [size=3][i]Dovregubbe[/i] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Gothica][size=5]LENNART[/size] [size=3][i]Dovregubbe[/i] [/columns] [img][/img] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Gothica][size=5]Valdis[/size] [size=3][i]CLEANUP[/i] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Gothica][size=5]Hafgufa[/size] [size=3][i]SUPPORT[/i] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Gothica][size=5]Geirmundr[/size] [size=3][i]SUPPORT[/i] [nextcol][color=transparent]__[/color] [/columns]
__________ All registered Troll Hunters and their preferred title or specialization along with all Support Staff and their chosen branch. __________


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____ 93999892p.png
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___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] And here are the Troll Hunters currently looking for a new home! Help save Sornieth from the trolls; adopt a Troll Hunter today! Or a Support Staff member, they need homes too, y'know. ----- [center][font=Century Gothic][size=4][b]Active Main Troll Hunter Pair[/b][/size][/center] At this moment, [url=][b]HARDANGER[/b][/url] and his two mates are the official pair(s) for the Troll Hunters as Lisbeth and Lennart have retired. Hardanger creates G2 Troll Hunters and Troll Hunters X Mourning Flower children.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] -----
__________ And here are the Troll Hunters currently looking for a new home! Help save Sornieth from the trolls; adopt a Troll Hunter today!

Or a Support Staff member, they need homes too, y'know.

Active Main Troll Hunter Pair
At this moment, HARDANGER and his two mates are the official pair(s) for the Troll Hunters as Lisbeth and Lennart have retired. Hardanger creates G2 Troll Hunters and Troll Hunters X Mourning Flower children.

___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] Where I'll be putting all challenges I have done, are currently doing, or will be doing. Will be updates as new ones pop up. Feel free to try your hand at any of them! There's no real reward or anything, I just enjoy making life difficult for myself :) I'll be doing lore challenges, breeding challenges, coli challenges, RNG challenges, and if I think of anything else along the way, I'll probably do that, too. I will be making a separate thread to keep track of what challenges I am doing, how they're going, and so on. It can be found [url=]here[/url] if anyone's interested (still wip, tho).[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]Lore Challenge | Writing Prompt | Roll D5 for x amount of modifiers[/size] [font=Century][color=#69605d][size=4]Roll a D5, pick the appropriate amount of modifiers to apply to your dragon, and then write [b]1k+ words[/b] to describe their first fight as an official Troll Hunter or Support Staff.[/size][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_____[nextcol] [b]Now established within the TJF/THA, it is time to tackle your first fight![/b] Chose for yourself if you simply want to pick modifiers or want to roll dice to get it randomized (roll for category and then roll for individual modifiers). The writing should include some form of [b]fight[/b] be it internal, external, or both. You are free to choose if you want to decide the outcome or roll to determine if it's a loss or a win. As long as the final word-count exceeds 1k, this challenge can be considered completed. Should you wish to skip using modifiers, add 150 words to your final word-count.[nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/columns]
__________ Where I'll be putting all challenges I have done, are currently doing, or will be doing. Will be updates as new ones pop up. Feel free to try your hand at any of them! There's no real reward or anything, I just enjoy making life difficult for myself :)

I'll be doing lore challenges, breeding challenges, coli challenges, RNG challenges, and if I think of anything else along the way, I'll probably do that, too. I will be making a separate thread to keep track of what challenges I am doing, how they're going, and so on. It can be found here if anyone's interested (still wip, tho).

trollchallenge1.png - Lore Challenge | Writing Prompt | Roll D5 for x amount of modifiers
Roll a D5, pick the appropriate amount of modifiers to apply to your dragon, and then write 1k+ words to describe their first fight as an official Troll Hunter or Support Staff.

_____ Now established within the TJF/THA, it is time to tackle your first fight!

Chose for yourself if you simply want to pick modifiers or want to roll dice to get it randomized (roll for category and then roll for individual modifiers).

The writing should include some form of fight be it internal, external, or both. You are free to choose if you want to decide the outcome or roll to determine if it's a loss or a win. As long as the final word-count exceeds 1k, this challenge can be considered completed.

Should you wish to skip using modifiers, add 150 words to your final word-count.
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] Various graphics, bio codes, and other stuff available to use! I've made all of these myself, so if they're wonky, that's why lol.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [center][size=3][color=#000000]----------------[/color][/size][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation # | Hatched in x's Lair[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]Troll — in Sornieth — thought you ought to know. - [i]some guy, probably[/i][/center] Which is bad, obviously, and we need to do something about that. Trolls are giant, vicious creatures that will not hesitate to eat you, and they're not fantastic for the local economy, either. This is why the Troll Hunters are out and about, aiming to end every troll in the land. Join their efforts today, adopt a Troll Hunter![/columns] [code][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation # | Hatched in x's Lair[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]Troll — in Sornieth — thought you ought to know. - [i]some guy, probably[/i][/center] Which is bad, obviously, and we need to do something about that. Trolls are giant, vicious creatures that will not hesitate to eat you, and they're not fantastic for the local economy, either. This is why the Troll Hunters are out and about, aiming to end every troll in the land. Join their efforts today, adopt a Troll Hunter![/columns][/code] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Have you or a loved one been eaten by a troll?[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]You might be entitled to financial compensation. Call 281-TROLL-ATE-MY-MOM today for advice.[/center] The very lifeblood of the Troll Hunting Association, the Support Staff babysits the borderline unhinged Troll Hunters roaming the lands and keeps them alive-ish. Want prematurely grey hairs? Join the Support Staff today! Seriously, we're understaffed.[/columns] [code][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Have you or a loved one been eaten by a troll?[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]You might be entitled to financial compensation. Call 281-TROLL-ATE-MY-MOM today for advice.[/center] The very lifeblood of the Troll Hunting Association, the Support Staff babysits the borderline unhinged Troll Hunters roaming the lands and keeps them alive-ish. Want prematurely grey hairs? Join the Support Staff today! Seriously, we're understaffed.[/columns][/code] ----- [font=Courier]"Trolljegere Bio" - The bio layout used by [url=]Lisbeth[/url] and [url=]Lennart[/url], free to use by anyone! Feel free to mess about with it, should you like to. [center][size=4][url=][b]CODE HERE[/b][/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
__________ Various graphics, bio codes, and other stuff available to use! I've made all of these myself, so if they're wonky, that's why lol. __________

trollhuntersbdg.png _____
Generation # | Hatched in x's Lair

Troll — in Sornieth — thought you ought to know.
- some guy, probably
Which is bad, obviously, and we need to do something about that. Trolls are giant, vicious creatures that will not hesitate to eat you, and they're not fantastic for the local economy, either. This is why the Troll Hunters are out and about, aiming to end every troll in the land. Join their efforts today, adopt a Troll Hunter!
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Generation # | Hatched in x's Lair[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]Troll — in Sornieth — thought you ought to know. - [i]some guy, probably[/i][/center] Which is bad, obviously, and we need to do something about that. Trolls are giant, vicious creatures that will not hesitate to eat you, and they're not fantastic for the local economy, either. This is why the Troll Hunters are out and about, aiming to end every troll in the land. Join their efforts today, adopt a Troll Hunter![/columns]
trollhunterssupport1.png _____
Have you or a loved one been eaten by a troll?

You might be entitled to financial compensation.
Call 281-TROLL-ATE-MY-MOM today for advice.
The very lifeblood of the Troll Hunting Association, the Support Staff babysits the borderline unhinged Troll Hunters roaming the lands and keeps them alive-ish. Want prematurely grey hairs? Join the Support Staff today! Seriously, we're understaffed.
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [center][font=Copperplate][b]Have you or a loved one been eaten by a troll?[/b][/center] ----- [font=Copperplate][center]You might be entitled to financial compensation. Call 281-TROLL-ATE-MY-MOM today for advice.[/center] The very lifeblood of the Troll Hunting Association, the Support Staff babysits the borderline unhinged Troll Hunters roaming the lands and keeps them alive-ish. Want prematurely grey hairs? Join the Support Staff today! Seriously, we're understaffed.[/columns]

"Trolljegere Bio" - The bio layout used by Lisbeth and Lennart, free to use by anyone! Feel free to mess about with it, should you like to.



___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]introduction[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]tjf/tha[/url] | [url=]registry[/url] | [url=]seeking homes[/url] | [url=]challenges[/url] | [url=]resources[/url] | [url=]modifiers[/url][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]__________[nextcol] The different modifiers currently in use, previously in use, or upcoming and a quick summary of what the different ones do. The modifiers are very generalized and simplistic because I want the chance to play around with them. All can be made permanent or temporary, depends on the situation, and any text in a (parenthesis) is what I'll be using for myself when applying that modifier. Anyone without a (parenthesis) is entirely up to situational interpretation and advantages or disadvantages can be decided individually.[nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/columns] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]FRAIL | This dragon has an ailment that reduces their overall physical health. They are more prone to injury (disadvantage on rolls).[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]STURDY | This dragon's body is exceptionally hardy and tough. They are less prone to injury (advantage on rolls).[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]AMPUTEE | This dragon is missing a limb. They can have a prosthetic, if they wish to, that is physical or magical.[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]BOOSTED | Fortune favours this dragon today! They've been given a booster and will perform better... for now.[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]BRAIN FOG | It seems this dragon is having a bit of a bad day. Their performance is drastically reduced (temporary disadvantage).[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]ATTUNED | This dragon is in complete harmony with its element. It has gained complete immunity to its own element.[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]OFF BALANCE | Something isn't adding up with this dragon's innate element, a lack of cohesion that could turn problematic.[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]DIVINE FAVOUR | A divine being has granted this dragon a favour. It can be called upon at will, but only once.[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]WRATH OF GODS | This dragon is the target of a divine creature's wrath. Beware. Keep an eye out for ill omens.[/size][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][font=Century][color=#69605d][size=3]BLESSED | Favoured by a divine creature, this dragon has been granted a blessing. What that entails remains to be seen...[/size][/columns] [img][/img] x [img][/img]
__________ The different modifiers currently in use, previously in use, or upcoming and a quick summary of what the different ones do.

The modifiers are very generalized and simplistic because I want the chance to play around with them. All can be made permanent or temporary, depends on the situation, and any text in a (parenthesis) is what I'll be using for myself when applying that modifier. Anyone without a (parenthesis) is entirely up to situational interpretation and advantages or disadvantages can be decided individually.


trollmod2.png - FRAIL | This dragon has an ailment that reduces their overall physical health. They are more prone to injury (disadvantage on rolls).

trollmod3.png - STURDY | This dragon's body is exceptionally hardy and tough. They are less prone to injury (advantage on rolls).

trollmod4.png - AMPUTEE | This dragon is missing a limb. They can have a prosthetic, if they wish to, that is physical or magical.


trollmod10.png - BOOSTED | Fortune favours this dragon today! They've been given a booster and will perform better... for now.

trollmod11.png - BRAIN FOG | It seems this dragon is having a bit of a bad day. Their performance is drastically reduced (temporary disadvantage).


trollmod8.png - ATTUNED | This dragon is in complete harmony with its element. It has gained complete immunity to its own element.

trollmod9.png - OFF BALANCE | Something isn't adding up with this dragon's innate element, a lack of cohesion that could turn problematic.


trollmod5.png - DIVINE FAVOUR | A divine being has granted this dragon a favour. It can be called upon at will, but only once.

trollmod6.png - WRATH OF GODS | This dragon is the target of a divine creature's wrath. Beware. Keep an eye out for ill omens.

trollmod7.png - BLESSED | Favoured by a divine creature, this dragon has been granted a blessing. What that entails remains to be seen...



___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[center][font=Courier New][size=5][b]There really [i]is[/i] a troll in the dungeon![/b][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic]Yes, I think I'm funny. I would apologize, but that'd be a lie, and I try to avoid lying in public. The Troll Hunter adventure begins! Do I have time to do this many things and take on this many projects? Absolutely not! Will I do it anyway? Yeah, [i]obviously[/i]. anyway, here's the bee's knees [b]*trumpet poot*[/b] ----- [font=Century Gothic][size=4][b]Pinglists[/b][/size] this is extra funny since I know ur the only one on any of these at the moment SleepySkies lmao i felt obliged to use the ping command for every single pinglist and i have no idea if that like... pings u multiple times, i have not spent a lick of time figuring out how these on-site pinglists work sorry But seriously, I decided I didn't think the lists through very well, so I'm going to clarify a bit :')) Just in case this ever becomes relevant. Feedback on them are welcome, if anything looks funky. Going forward, only relevant lists will be pinged, this one is an exception as it's the Official Beginning! Is there need for another list for something? I don't know. Let me know if you [i]do[/i] know. [LIST] [*] [b]General List[/b] will get [b]generalized[/b] updates like thread maintenance, rule/regulation updates, and such things. Basically, all topics that fall outside of the other pinglists. [*] [b]Lore Updates[/b] will get pings for [b]lore-heavy posts or lore updates[/b]. This includes the Dice Roll Events ([i]only [/i]the events), random lore nonsense related to this project, Troll Facts that I make up as I go, and similar things. [*] [b]Dice Rolls[/b] will get pinged [b]every time I roll a dice[/b] for this project, be it Dice Roll Events or rolls done for the new hatchlings from Lisbeth and Lennart (six rolls pr. pair). If I have other needs to roll dice for this project, this list will be pinged as well. [*] [b]New Hatchlings[/b] will get pinged every time Lisbeth and Lennart [b]have a new nest[/b], every time some of [b]their children are available for adoption/sale[/b], or when [b]other Troll Hunters are available for adoption/sale[/b]. Also for [b]Support Staff in need of rehoming[/b]. [/LIST] ----- [font=Century Gothic][size=4][b]1st Nest & Their Rolls[/b][/size] Lisbeth and Lennart's first children are here! What a glorious day. They have been named and all names I use will be based on Norwegian/Swedish cities and/or places, mountains, mountain ranges, or troll-thematic things. Should their kids live long enough to move out, they're of course free to change their names, but in [i]this[/i] household we will be naming all children. I will also be giving each group of hatchlings a 'group name' because I'm extra like that. Before I hatched this nest, I did make some adjustments to the limitations regarding Lisbeth and Lennart's breeding retirement and changed surviving Primal child for surviving Special Eyed child, because RNG is unreliable and I don't want to breed them forever. Then RNG decided their first kid should have Faceted eyes. I'm both baffled and endlessly amused. I considered changing the limitation rule back to Primal because what in the world even is that, but I'm sticking to it. [b]If this Faceted kid lives to adulthood, this will be their only nest![/b] ----- [center][font=Courier New][size=5][b]The Dice Rolls[/b][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][i][b]Roll 1 for the Tiny Terrors[/b][/i][/font] [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Hardanger[/b] rolls a [b]5[/b] and nothing happens. He's vastly disappointed there was no action today. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Skardstind[/b] rolls a [b]12[/b]. She will be getting a lore snippet to compensate for the trouble of being born! Lucky her. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Gájsásj[/b] rolls a [b]4[/b] and nothing happens. He is ambiguous about this development in his life despite not knowing what that word means. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] ----- @pinglist-28391 @pinglist-28394 @pinglist-28393 @pinglist-28392
There really is a troll in the dungeon!

Yes, I think I'm funny. I would apologize, but that'd be a lie, and I try to avoid lying in public.

The Troll Hunter adventure begins! Do I have time to do this many things and take on this many projects? Absolutely not! Will I do it anyway? Yeah, obviously.

anyway, here's the bee's knees

*trumpet poot*


this is extra funny since I know ur the only one on any of these at the moment SleepySkies lmao i felt obliged to use the ping command for every single pinglist and i have no idea if that like... pings u multiple times, i have not spent a lick of time figuring out how these on-site pinglists work sorry

But seriously, I decided I didn't think the lists through very well, so I'm going to clarify a bit :')) Just in case this ever becomes relevant. Feedback on them are welcome, if anything looks funky. Going forward, only relevant lists will be pinged, this one is an exception as it's the Official Beginning!

Is there need for another list for something? I don't know. Let me know if you do know.

  • General List will get generalized updates like thread maintenance, rule/regulation updates, and such things. Basically, all topics that fall outside of the other pinglists.
  • Lore Updates will get pings for lore-heavy posts or lore updates. This includes the Dice Roll Events (only the events), random lore nonsense related to this project, Troll Facts that I make up as I go, and similar things.
  • Dice Rolls will get pinged every time I roll a dice for this project, be it Dice Roll Events or rolls done for the new hatchlings from Lisbeth and Lennart (six rolls pr. pair). If I have other needs to roll dice for this project, this list will be pinged as well.
  • New Hatchlings will get pinged every time Lisbeth and Lennart have a new nest, every time some of their children are available for adoption/sale, or when other Troll Hunters are available for adoption/sale. Also for Support Staff in need of rehoming.

1st Nest & Their Rolls

Lisbeth and Lennart's first children are here! What a glorious day. They have been named and all names I use will be based on Norwegian/Swedish cities and/or places, mountains, mountain ranges, or troll-thematic things. Should their kids live long enough to move out, they're of course free to change their names, but in this household we will be naming all children. I will also be giving each group of hatchlings a 'group name' because I'm extra like that.

Before I hatched this nest, I did make some adjustments to the limitations regarding Lisbeth and Lennart's breeding retirement and changed surviving Primal child for surviving Special Eyed child, because RNG is unreliable and I don't want to breed them forever.

Then RNG decided their first kid should have Faceted eyes. I'm both baffled and endlessly amused. I considered changing the limitation rule back to Primal because what in the world even is that, but I'm sticking to it.

If this Faceted kid lives to adulthood, this will be their only nest!

The Dice Rolls
Roll 1 for the Tiny Terrors

___ 95050775.png __ Hardanger rolls a 5 and nothing happens. He's vastly disappointed there was no action today. ___
___ 95050776.png __ Skardstind rolls a 12. She will be getting a lore snippet to compensate for the trouble of being born! Lucky her. ___
___ 95050777.png __ Gájsásj rolls a 4 and nothing happens. He is ambiguous about this development in his life despite not knowing what that word means. ___

@General List @Dice Rolls @Lore Updates @New Hatchlings
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[center][font=Courier New][size=5][b]Dice Rolls[/b][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][i][b]Roll 2 for the Tiny Terrors[/b][/i][/font] [font=Century Gothic]It's time for daily rolls for the Tiny Terrors! The odds aren't terrible, since I don't want to a huge mortality rate, but I am worried nonetheless. [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Hardanger[/b] rolls a [b]4[/b] and nothing happens. He finds this all severely disappointing and would like to file a complaint to the RNG for being boring. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Skardstind[/b] rolls a [b]2[/b] and nothing happens. Personally, she thinks this is a grand result and will [i]not[/i] be filing a complaint. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Gájsásj[/b] rolls a [b]13[/b]. While he considers this somewhat dull, he will accept a lore snippet in exchange for being bored yet another day. [nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color] [/columns] [font=Century Gothic]Everyone survives! Huzzah! ----- @pinglist-28394
Dice Rolls
Roll 2 for the Tiny Terrors

It's time for daily rolls for the Tiny Terrors! The odds aren't terrible, since I don't want to a huge mortality rate, but I am worried nonetheless.

___ 95050775.png __ Hardanger rolls a 4 and nothing happens. He finds this all severely disappointing and would like to file a complaint to the RNG for being boring. ___
___ 95050776.png __ Skardstind rolls a 2 and nothing happens. Personally, she thinks this is a grand result and will not be filing a complaint. ___
___ 95050777.png __ Gájsásj rolls a 13. While he considers this somewhat dull, he will accept a lore snippet in exchange for being bored yet another day. ___

Everyone survives! Huzzah!

@Dice Rolls
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
1 2