Level 10 Wildclaw
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style

7.06 m
8.06 m
658.04 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Wildclaw
EXP: 869 / 27676

Chosen Mate: Pyralspite
Good Point: Excellent planner
Bad Point: Stubborn
Role: Necroservus
Necromantic Symbol(s): Cloaks, Sigil
General Job: Advisor in regards to the entourage
Society Affiliation: Rule of Three
A keen young dragon, Astra took in al she was taught like a sponge. Not a drop of information was lost on her, and every decision she made herself was one done while considering all options. She had been set up well for a successful future, and the path in life the wildclaw chose was that of the necromancer. She wished to serve Plaguebringer just as her father did, and to do so skillfully and faithfully.
When the day came that she could take the necromantic trials, she was well-prepared. Astra had been readying herself for this moment, both physically and mentally. Her confidence that she could pass was strong, and her determination to see this through to the end was unwavering. Her preparations had served her well, as she had completed the first two trials with nothing abnormal for them occurring. But the third one was where an unexpected outcome for the wildclaw emerged. Astra had chosen a local beastclan member who volunteered for her third trial to infect, but when she tried to call back the infection she wasn't able to. Her status as a necroservus was sealed on that day.
But Astra wouldn't be deterred by this. Though she wasn't a necromancer, she was still part of the necromantic community now and had the ability to cement herself as someone of worth. And she would do just that. With the card she was given by her father, she traversed the lands of Plague for a place where her skills would be most appreciated - and she wouldn't settle for just any necromancer as her potential master, either. She refused to be undervalued. Ultimately, she had found herself in the path of a Guiding councilor and her entourage. Astra wasn't the one to propose anything about worki9ng for her, but the mirror - Mayu - had been the one to bring it up. A vision of strength from within the ever-spreading infection, traveling her way. She claimed that what the vision said was to take this strength, to bring it close and see to it that it grew. Astra couldn't exactly argue with a message from the Plaguebringer herself, so she settled with the necromancer and her entourage. The role she took up helped in maintaining the large entourage, by providing advice on how to handle matters pertaining to the group of dragons - arguments, needs, and the like.
Astra is a strong-willed, intelligent wildclaw who tends to think before she does anything rash. However, once she's made up her mind she can't normally be swayed from that decision save for a select few who know the best ways to persuade her to rethink matters. She goes out of her way to give off an air of strength in body, mind, and spirit while acting as much of a source of guidance to others as she can. She believes herself to be a good servant of the Plaguebringer and her blessed ones.
However, she is not without her ambitions. Though Astra is treated well and has a respectable station among the entourage and other necromancers she shares a clan affiliation with, she is well aware of the treatment many others among the necroservi and wraiths receive is less than ideal. With the endorsement of Mayu, her superior, she seeks to give her strength to the Rule of Three so that necroservi, wraiths, and even ghouls can receive the treatment they deserve. Using words, fang, claw, and her magic, Astra will settle for nothing less than making her mark on the world.

Good Point: Excellent planner
Bad Point: Stubborn
Role: Necroservus
Necromantic Symbol(s): Cloaks, Sigil
General Job: Advisor in regards to the entourage
Society Affiliation: Rule of Three
A keen young dragon, Astra took in al she was taught like a sponge. Not a drop of information was lost on her, and every decision she made herself was one done while considering all options. She had been set up well for a successful future, and the path in life the wildclaw chose was that of the necromancer. She wished to serve Plaguebringer just as her father did, and to do so skillfully and faithfully.
When the day came that she could take the necromantic trials, she was well-prepared. Astra had been readying herself for this moment, both physically and mentally. Her confidence that she could pass was strong, and her determination to see this through to the end was unwavering. Her preparations had served her well, as she had completed the first two trials with nothing abnormal for them occurring. But the third one was where an unexpected outcome for the wildclaw emerged. Astra had chosen a local beastclan member who volunteered for her third trial to infect, but when she tried to call back the infection she wasn't able to. Her status as a necroservus was sealed on that day.
But Astra wouldn't be deterred by this. Though she wasn't a necromancer, she was still part of the necromantic community now and had the ability to cement herself as someone of worth. And she would do just that. With the card she was given by her father, she traversed the lands of Plague for a place where her skills would be most appreciated - and she wouldn't settle for just any necromancer as her potential master, either. She refused to be undervalued. Ultimately, she had found herself in the path of a Guiding councilor and her entourage. Astra wasn't the one to propose anything about worki9ng for her, but the mirror - Mayu - had been the one to bring it up. A vision of strength from within the ever-spreading infection, traveling her way. She claimed that what the vision said was to take this strength, to bring it close and see to it that it grew. Astra couldn't exactly argue with a message from the Plaguebringer herself, so she settled with the necromancer and her entourage. The role she took up helped in maintaining the large entourage, by providing advice on how to handle matters pertaining to the group of dragons - arguments, needs, and the like.
Astra is a strong-willed, intelligent wildclaw who tends to think before she does anything rash. However, once she's made up her mind she can't normally be swayed from that decision save for a select few who know the best ways to persuade her to rethink matters. She goes out of her way to give off an air of strength in body, mind, and spirit while acting as much of a source of guidance to others as she can. She believes herself to be a good servant of the Plaguebringer and her blessed ones.
However, she is not without her ambitions. Though Astra is treated well and has a respectable station among the entourage and other necromancers she shares a clan affiliation with, she is well aware of the treatment many others among the necroservi and wraiths receive is less than ideal. With the endorsement of Mayu, her superior, she seeks to give her strength to the Rule of Three so that necroservi, wraiths, and even ghouls can receive the treatment they deserve. Using words, fang, claw, and her magic, Astra will settle for nothing less than making her mark on the world.

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Exalting Astra to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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