
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The Shoreline - A Pinkerlocke
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[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-five[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Material[/i][/center] [center][item=white linen fabric scrap][/center] [center][b][color=darkblue] --Oyster's Hoard-- [/color][/b][/center] [center][item=rainbow mussels][item=aether hermit][item=zeeba horn][item=clipper chitin][item=leporidae guise][item=metal spring][item=silver horn][/center] [center][b][color=darkblue] --Abalone's Hoard-- [/color][/b][/center] [center][item=brightly painted bird toy][item=olympia oyster][item=spoiled landscape][item=etched tusk][item=decorated turtle shell][item=used cartography ink][item=jumbo shrimp][/center] ----- @secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies (some art and a hoard update! thanks for following!) @secretlylying - thank you for the commentary! I'm looking forward to seeing where these artistic twins go :)
Day Fifty-five
White Linen Fabric Scrap
--Oyster's Hoard--
Rainbow Mussels Aether Hermit Zeeba Horn Clipper Chitin Leporidae Guise Metal Spring Silver Horn
--Abalone's Hoard--
Brightly Painted Bird Toy Olympia Oyster Spoiled Landscape Etched Tusk Decorated Turtle Shell Used Cartography Ink Jumbo Shrimp

@secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies (some art and a hoard update! thanks for following!)

@secretlylying - thank you for the commentary! I'm looking forward to seeing where these artistic twins go :)
You're welcome! I like commenting on others' work, to let them know I appreciate their creativity and encourage them to continue :)

The art is beautiful, kudos to the artists that drew them! Their personalities are captured so well in the facial expressions. The hoards are lovely too, and alongside reading the kids' lore it really does help visualise who they are!
You're welcome! I like commenting on others' work, to let them know I appreciate their creativity and encourage them to continue :)

The art is beautiful, kudos to the artists that drew them! Their personalities are captured so well in the facial expressions. The hoards are lovely too, and alongside reading the kids' lore it really does help visualise who they are!
NPRRENH.png Pvpj7y6.png orOASL4.png aromantic-hearts-alt.png
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-six[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Food - Meat [/i][/center] [center][item=savanna burrowborrow][/center] [b]Venue:[/b] Training Fields 50/50 battles fought [b]Omari[/b] reached level 5. [b]Yorbarra[/b] reached level 5. [b]Omari[/b] tamed a [b]Leafy Moth[/b] [item=leafy moth]
Day Fifty-six
Food - Meat
Savanna Burrowborrow

Venue: Training Fields

50/50 battles fought

Omari reached level 5.

Yorbarra reached level 5.

Omari tamed a Leafy Moth
Leafy Moth
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-seven[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Food - Insect [/i][/center] [center][item=glade swarmer][/center] [b]Venue:[/b] Training Fields 30/30 battles fought (+ some extra) [b]Oyster[/b] reached level 5. [b]Abalone[/b] reached level 5.
Day Fifty-seven
Food - Insect
Glade Swarmer

Venue: Training Fields

30/30 battles fought (+ some extra)

Oyster reached level 5.

Abalone reached level 5.
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-eight[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Material[/i][/center] [center][item=moonstone][/center] [center][b][color=darkblue] Yorbarra [/color][/b] [item=fine filament][/center] Found lost and alone as an egg, Yorbarra's start to life was rather tumultuous. Fortunately, she was found by a pair of loving guardians, Malti and Auda, who became her mothers. Malti's fiery intensity and Auda's bubbly optimism have shaped Yorbarra into a headstrong but kind young dragon, quick to speak her mind, but also quick to listen to and care for others. Yorbarra enjoys crafting, particularly with textiles, and has quickly become the go-to dragon in her clan for all things woven, knit, or sewn. She prepares everything from masterfully produced fishing nets to intricate bolts of fabric suitable for even the most fashionable of dragons. In her spare time, she enjoys working on detailed tapestries which she gifts to others to serve as hangings in their various caves, gardens, and meditation areas. She's also got a knack for rug making, leaving everyone in her clan with much softer seats than the average dragon might enjoy. Yorbarra loves stories, and weaves them into her artwork whenever she can. Her favorite way to spend the day is with friends chatting and sharing their stories with each other so that she can capture them in her work as they talk. She's often seen with the twins Oyster and Abalone, encouraging their artistic endeavors as well as inspiring her own. [center] [b][color=darkblue] --Yorbarra's Hoard-- [/color][/b][/center] [center][item=soft muff][item=swiftfoot warrior's belt][item=snowshoe rabbit][item=pristine harpy leathers][item=questionable fashion][item=rippling cloth][item=ceremonial sash][/center] ----- [i] pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies[/i]
Day Fifty-eight

Fine Filament

Found lost and alone as an egg, Yorbarra's start to life was rather tumultuous. Fortunately, she was found by a pair of loving guardians, Malti and Auda, who became her mothers. Malti's fiery intensity and Auda's bubbly optimism have shaped Yorbarra into a headstrong but kind young dragon, quick to speak her mind, but also quick to listen to and care for others.

Yorbarra enjoys crafting, particularly with textiles, and has quickly become the go-to dragon in her clan for all things woven, knit, or sewn. She prepares everything from masterfully produced fishing nets to intricate bolts of fabric suitable for even the most fashionable of dragons. In her spare time, she enjoys working on detailed tapestries which she gifts to others to serve as hangings in their various caves, gardens, and meditation areas. She's also got a knack for rug making, leaving everyone in her clan with much softer seats than the average dragon might enjoy.

Yorbarra loves stories, and weaves them into her artwork whenever she can. Her favorite way to spend the day is with friends chatting and sharing their stories with each other so that she can capture them in her work as they talk. She's often seen with the twins Oyster and Abalone, encouraging their artistic endeavors as well as inspiring her own.
--Yorbarra's Hoard--
Soft Muff Swiftfoot Warrior's Belt Snowshoe Rabbit Pristine Harpy Leathers Questionable Fashion Rippling Cloth Ceremonial Sash

pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-nine[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Trinket[/i][/center] [center][item=iron gear][/center] [center] [img][/img] [b]Hari[/b] by [url=]LittleMoons[/url] [emoji=guardian love size=1][/center]
Day Fifty-nine
Iron Gear

Hari by LittleMoons
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Sixty[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Familiar [/i][/center] [center][item=bramble guardian][/center] [b]RNG:[/b] 3 - mirror [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] Bright one morning, the clan wakes explosion?? ----- There's nothing Auxentius likes more than a good explosion! Something so reactive means true progress is being made. From a young age, this adventurous mirror has been fascinated with the way things work, especially the ways in which they don't work anymore -- hence the explosions. She loves to take apart machines and put them back together (sometimes with heavy modifications), and is always striving to make things work better, faster, and LOUDER! In order to experience as much as she can, Auxentius has spent most of her life in a nomadic state, wandering from clan to clan to make improvements to their existing technologies as she can. Of course...perhaps the reason she keeps moving around so much has something to do with how often those technologies end up...exploding instead? In addition to loud noises and the smell of smoke, Auxentius loves spicy food, bright colors, and loud music. Whether it's her dinner or the end result of her latest contraption, she loves things to make some noise! Now that she's arrived on the beach, she quickly slips herself into clan life with the others. Auda and Hari, ever cheerful, are happy to have her. Nax seems to find her amusing, an unusual reaction for such a stern dragon. Iestyn, however...Iestyn is fearful for the future of his own inventions. [center] [b][color=darkblue] --Auxentius' Hoard-- [/color][/b][/center] [center][item=rich copper ore][item=noxious coralclimber toxin][item=tattered interloper scrap][item=travel gear of the wanderer][item=luminous almonds][item=potash peach][item=coppercoil segment][/center] ----- [i] pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies ( dragon......I had fun with this one, haha) [/i]
Day Sixty
Bramble Guardian

RNG: 3 - mirror
Bright one morning, the clan wakes explosion??

There's nothing Auxentius likes more than a good explosion! Something so reactive means true progress is being made.

From a young age, this adventurous mirror has been fascinated with the way things work, especially the ways in which they don't work anymore -- hence the explosions. She loves to take apart machines and put them back together (sometimes with heavy modifications), and is always striving to make things work better, faster, and LOUDER!

In order to experience as much as she can, Auxentius has spent most of her life in a nomadic state, wandering from clan to clan to make improvements to their existing technologies as she can. Of course...perhaps the reason she keeps moving around so much has something to do with how often those technologies end up...exploding instead?

In addition to loud noises and the smell of smoke, Auxentius loves spicy food, bright colors, and loud music. Whether it's her dinner or the end result of her latest contraption, she loves things to make some noise!

Now that she's arrived on the beach, she quickly slips herself into clan life with the others. Auda and Hari, ever cheerful, are happy to have her. Nax seems to find her amusing, an unusual reaction for such a stern dragon.

Iestyn, however...Iestyn is fearful for the future of his own inventions.

--Auxentius' Hoard--
Rich Copper Ore Noxious Coralclimber Toxin Tattered Interloper Scrap Travel Gear of the Wanderer Luminous Almonds Potash Peach Coppercoil Segment

pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget @ApolloSkies ( dragon......I had fun with this one, haha)
Oh! Another new dragon! And this time a scientist as well! And she likes explosions...this should be fun :D
Oh! Another new dragon! And this time a scientist as well! And she likes explosions...this should be fun :D
NPRRENH.png Pvpj7y6.png orOASL4.png aromantic-hearts-alt.png
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Sixty-one[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Trinket[/i][/center] [center][item=storyteller's strings][/center] [center] [img][/img] [b]Iestyn[/b] by [url=]SeekingWolf[/url] [emoji=guardian love size=1][/center]
Day Sixty-one
Storyteller's Strings

Iestyn by SeekingWolf
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Sixty-two[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Food - Plant [/i][/center] [center][item=sea grass][/center] [b]Venue:[/b] Woodland Path 10/10 battles fought
Day Sixty-two
Food - Plant
Sea Grass

Venue: Woodland Path

10/10 battles fought
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