
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The Shoreline - A Pinkerlocke
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Forty-nine[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Trinket[/i][/center] [center][item=haunted stone orb][/center] [center] [img][/img] [b]Hari[/b] by [url=]rhapsodicDream[/url] [emoji=guardian love size=1][/center]
Day Forty-nine
Haunted Stone Orb

Hari by rhapsodicDream
@vervain This is such a well thought out and written pinkerlocke! I'm already in love with the characters, especially Hari. She's just so bubbly and energetic!

Do you have a pinglist? I'd love to be on one if you do, regardless of if it's just for lore or every day!
@vervain This is such a well thought out and written pinkerlocke! I'm already in love with the characters, especially Hari. She's just so bubbly and energetic!

Do you have a pinglist? I'd love to be on one if you do, regardless of if it's just for lore or every day!
NPRRENH.png Pvpj7y6.png orOASL4.png aromantic-hearts-alt.png
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Material [/i][/center] [center][item=rusted chain][/center] As the morning sun rises over the beach, the little clan gathers at the treeline, expectant parents and spectators watching the wobble of the pair of eggs in the tightly woven nest Iestyn crafted for them. "Any moment now," Hari breathes eagerly, twisting in loops around her mate as her wings flutter excitedly. With a shudder, the first egg begins to crack, little chips falling away as a tiny guardian pokes his head out into the world. [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Auda coos as Hari dips forward to help flick away the rest of the eggshell, easing her firstborn out onto the sand. The little one is fed and tended to while they wait for the second egg, soon nestled under his father's wing to rest after being checked over and deemed in good health by Koyane and Omari, who has recently taken up working as Koyane's assistant in tending his gardens and studying the healing craft. It's not long after that the second egg tips over, a light rasping heard from inside, followed by a few sharp taps as little claws poke out of the chips appearing before their eyes. Soon a second little guardian boy breaks through, chirping his existence to the world. [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "Everyone," Hari says, beaming back at the other members of her clan, "join us in welcoming Oyster and Abalone to our family." -----[i] pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (thank you for following!) [/i]
Day Fifty
Rusted Chain

As the morning sun rises over the beach, the little clan gathers at the treeline, expectant parents and spectators watching the wobble of the pair of eggs in the tightly woven nest Iestyn crafted for them.

"Any moment now," Hari breathes eagerly, twisting in loops around her mate as her wings flutter excitedly.

With a shudder, the first egg begins to crack, little chips falling away as a tiny guardian pokes his head out into the world.
Auda coos as Hari dips forward to help flick away the rest of the eggshell, easing her firstborn out onto the sand.

The little one is fed and tended to while they wait for the second egg, soon nestled under his father's wing to rest after being checked over and deemed in good health by Koyane and Omari, who has recently taken up working as Koyane's assistant in tending his gardens and studying the healing craft.

It's not long after that the second egg tips over, a light rasping heard from inside, followed by a few sharp taps as little claws poke out of the chips appearing before their eyes. Soon a second little guardian boy breaks through, chirping his existence to the world.
"Everyone," Hari says, beaming back at the other members of her clan, "join us in welcoming Oyster and Abalone to our family."

pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (thank you for following!)
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-one[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Familiar [/i][/center] [center][item=vivid wavehopper][/center] [b]RNG:[/b] 8 - imperial [center] [img][/img][/center] Shortly after celebrating the birth of Iestyn and Hari's twins, the clan received a new surprise. Bringing back memories of Koyane's tumultuous arrival, Malti and Auda discover a nature egg half embedded in the beach's white sand. Within a few days of its unexpected arrival, it hatches into a dazzling little guardian girl with bright, unusual eyes and an open curiosity about the world around her. Taking the care of the new hatchling upon themselves, Malti and Auda name the girl Yorbarra and introduce her to the rest of the clan. ----- [i] pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (two lore updates in a row! @ u @ so many new dragons!) [/i]
Day Fifty-one
Vivid Wavehopper

RNG: 8 - imperial


Shortly after celebrating the birth of Iestyn and Hari's twins, the clan received a new surprise. Bringing back memories of Koyane's tumultuous arrival, Malti and Auda discover a nature egg half embedded in the beach's white sand. Within a few days of its unexpected arrival, it hatches into a dazzling little guardian girl with bright, unusual eyes and an open curiosity about the world around her.

Taking the care of the new hatchling upon themselves, Malti and Auda name the girl Yorbarra and introduce her to the rest of the clan.

pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (two lore updates in a row! @ u @ so many new dragons!)
So many new characters! The twins are adorable, their hatching was so wholesome <3 Yorballa's also beautiful, I especially love the way her wings contrast the monochrome colours of her primary and tert!
So many new characters! The twins are adorable, their hatching was so wholesome <3 Yorballa's also beautiful, I especially love the way her wings contrast the monochrome colours of her primary and tert!
NPRRENH.png Pvpj7y6.png orOASL4.png aromantic-hearts-alt.png
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-two[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Material [/i][/center] [center][item=nickel ore][/center] [center][color=darkblue][b]Oyster[/b][/color] [item=shadowmist oysters][/center] Along with his twin brother, Abalone, Oyster marks the start of the first generation of dragons born to his clan. Each of the adults has something to do with his upbringing because of this. He learns to hunt and fish and to battle the island's beasts from all of them, but in particular, Oyster is close to the clan leader, Malti, and her mate, Auda. From Malti he learns the basics of becoming a clan sentry, a duty he takes seriously. He is perceptive and vigilant, both admirable traits that quickly earn him the sometimes harsh leader's trust and admiration. Auda fosters in him a love of music, and he can often be found softly singing and tapping his claws to a beat while he stands guard outside of the clan. Serious and soft-spoken like his father, Iestyn, Oyster can sometimes be overlooked in comparison to his outgoing brother, Abalone. His music, however, is where he shines. His crafty mother helps him to craft intricate instruments, some that he plays himself, some that he powers using the beach's warm breezes. While he normally avoids the spotlight, he allows himself to shine when it comes to performing his compositions for the other members of his clan. When he isn't on guard or working on his instruments, Oyster can often be found relaxing in Koyane and Omari's gardens, or testing the acoustics of his mother's old caves to inspire new music. He also has a penchant for fresh crab and can sometimes be found raiding tidepools for a tasty snack. [center][color=darkblue][b]Abalone[/b][/color] [item=mussels][/center] Along with his twin brother, Oyster, Abalone is one of the first generation of dragons born to his clan. Because of this, each of the other clan members has a claw in raising the both of them. However, as Oyster grows, he becomes closest to his free spirited mother Hari and the soft spoken but wry Omari. From both of them, he gains an artistic eye that he translates into beautiful structures and portraits that he gifts freely to other members of his clan. In addition to his artistic pursuits, Abalone trains to become a sentry like his brother Oyster, though it's something that the older brother has more passion for than the younger. Abalone often spends his shifts doodling with his claws in the sand and has been on the receiving end of Malti and Nax's lectures on several occasions because of this. Despite his tenuous attention span when it comes to his duties, Abalone is well liked and charismatic, outgoing and eager to spend time with any of the other clan members. He always has a new story to tell and is intently ready to listen to the goings on of the others. Abalone can usually be found constructing art pieces on the beach, often with crystals raided from his mother's extensive supply, and flowers gifted to him from Koyane's garden. He also enjoys fishing with his brother, particularly for shrimp. -----[i] pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (another lore day! time to learn about all these new dragons) [/i]
Day Fifty-two
Nickel Ore

Shadowmist Oysters

Along with his twin brother, Abalone, Oyster marks the start of the first generation of dragons born to his clan. Each of the adults has something to do with his upbringing because of this. He learns to hunt and fish and to battle the island's beasts from all of them, but in particular, Oyster is close to the clan leader, Malti, and her mate, Auda. From Malti he learns the basics of becoming a clan sentry, a duty he takes seriously. He is perceptive and vigilant, both admirable traits that quickly earn him the sometimes harsh leader's trust and admiration.

Auda fosters in him a love of music, and he can often be found softly singing and tapping his claws to a beat while he stands guard outside of the clan. Serious and soft-spoken like his father, Iestyn, Oyster can sometimes be overlooked in comparison to his outgoing brother, Abalone. His music, however, is where he shines. His crafty mother helps him to craft intricate instruments, some that he plays himself, some that he powers using the beach's warm breezes. While he normally avoids the spotlight, he allows himself to shine when it comes to performing his compositions for the other members of his clan.

When he isn't on guard or working on his instruments, Oyster can often be found relaxing in Koyane and Omari's gardens, or testing the acoustics of his mother's old caves to inspire new music. He also has a penchant for fresh crab and can sometimes be found raiding tidepools for a tasty snack.



Along with his twin brother, Oyster, Abalone is one of the first generation of dragons born to his clan. Because of this, each of the other clan members has a claw in raising the both of them. However, as Oyster grows, he becomes closest to his free spirited mother Hari and the soft spoken but wry Omari. From both of them, he gains an artistic eye that he translates into beautiful structures and portraits that he gifts freely to other members of his clan.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Abalone trains to become a sentry like his brother Oyster, though it's something that the older brother has more passion for than the younger. Abalone often spends his shifts doodling with his claws in the sand and has been on the receiving end of Malti and Nax's lectures on several occasions because of this.

Despite his tenuous attention span when it comes to his duties, Abalone is well liked and charismatic, outgoing and eager to spend time with any of the other clan members. He always has a new story to tell and is intently ready to listen to the goings on of the others.

Abalone can usually be found constructing art pieces on the beach, often with crystals raided from his mother's extensive supply, and flowers gifted to him from Koyane's garden. He also enjoys fishing with his brother, particularly for shrimp.

pinglist: @secretlylying @StrudleNugget (another lore day! time to learn about all these new dragons)
Could you add me to the pinglist too?
Could you add me to the pinglist too?
Oh! Creative dragons! I love <3

Honestly, Abalone's lack of attention span is so relatable. Something's not 100% fun? D i s s o c i a t e . I'm curious to see if this will have any consequences in the future!

Oyster being quiet and finding a love for music fits so well. It's a bit like him finding his words through music? At least, it seems a bit like that to me.
Oh! Creative dragons! I love <3

Honestly, Abalone's lack of attention span is so relatable. Something's not 100% fun? D i s s o c i a t e . I'm curious to see if this will have any consequences in the future!

Oyster being quiet and finding a love for music fits so well. It's a bit like him finding his words through music? At least, it seems a bit like that to me.
NPRRENH.png Pvpj7y6.png orOASL4.png aromantic-hearts-alt.png
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-three[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Trinket[/i][/center] [center][item=dancer's bell][/center] [center] [img][/img] [b]Hari[/b] by [url=]ThePlasticTree[/url] [emoji=guardian love size=1][/center]
Day Fifty-three
Dancer's Bell

Hari by ThePlasticTree
[center][size=7][color=lightblue]Day Fifty-four[/color][/size][/center] [center][i]Trinket[/i][/center] [center][item=third wheel][/center] [center] [img][/img] [b]Nax[/b] by [url=]skellieton[/url] [emoji=guardian love size=1][/center]
Day Fifty-four
Third Wheel

Nax by skellieton