Welll, Omen is basically just that. An Omen. He's like a spiritual guide of some sort.
I do have a "sea monster" Undertide but not necessarily relegating him to feral creature status like you say. He's just a very moody teenager, basically. Not sure of lore beyond that. I did say he was a monster hunter in the theme week, so I guess you could consider him that! I mean, he's just very hungry, but y'know.
Ganix is another guide, but this time of physical location. He stays in a mysterious cave, always guiding people back out in hopes they won't return to the dangers within.
Ruin just really wants the key to solve a puzzle for untold riches in some ruins (ahah) but he's not able to solve it himself, because of skill issues. He could be considered a gatekeeper by technicality, because he certainly will not let you past the puzzle gate, and wants you to bring him a key. Lol.
Aand all my other Undertides have 0 lore. Good luck, I'm sure there's plenty of great ideas you'll be hearing on this thread!
Welll, Omen is basically just that. An Omen. He's like a spiritual guide of some sort.
I do have a "sea monster" Undertide but not necessarily relegating him to feral creature status like you say. He's just a very moody teenager, basically. Not sure of lore beyond that. I did say he was a monster hunter in the theme week, so I guess you could consider him that! I mean, he's just very hungry, but y'know.
Ganix is another guide, but this time of physical location. He stays in a mysterious cave, always guiding people back out in hopes they won't return to the dangers within.
Ruin just really wants the key to solve a puzzle for untold riches in some ruins (ahah) but he's not able to solve it himself, because of skill issues. He could be considered a gatekeeper by technicality, because he certainly will not let you past the puzzle gate, and wants you to bring him a key. Lol.
Aand all my other Undertides have 0 lore. Good luck, I'm sure there's plenty of great ideas you'll be hearing on this thread!
fav FR colour: spruce
fav FR gene combo: pinstripe/eel/glimmer
fav FR breed: sandsurge
i am... a hoarder...
Everlux, Lux, or Veil
ping me
The only one I have atm with an actual occupation is Atropa, who is a trained assassin that specializes in poisons.
I also have my two permababies Eel and Unagi who often help take care of the newer hatchlings big-sister style.

The only one I have atm with an actual occupation is Atropa, who is a trained assassin that specializes in poisons.
I also have my two permababies Eel and Unagi who often help take care of the newer hatchlings big-sister style.

As a Lightning clan in the desert, I definitely have to work around some things! Mostly, I have my Undertides adapt to be more like Sidewinders in the sand, but there’s also a small stream and an underground water source where they can splash around, too.
Tempura and his sister Sashimi are coral gardeners in the underground water source
Epidote lives near them as a seaweed gardener
Kunzi lives outside the water and makes ink
Blizz lives a dual life in the stream and in the cliffs as a hatchling swim instructor
Wonder is…Wonder
They’re a magical item merchant whose items are too niche to find any use
As a Lightning clan in the desert, I definitely have to work around some things! Mostly, I have my Undertides adapt to be more like Sidewinders in the sand, but there’s also a small stream and an underground water source where they can splash around, too.
Tempura and his sister Sashimi are coral gardeners in the underground water source
Epidote lives near them as a seaweed gardener
Kunzi lives outside the water and makes ink
Blizz lives a dual life in the stream and in the cliffs as a hatchling swim instructor
Wonder is…Wonder
They’re a magical item merchant whose items are too niche to find any use
gosh, i definitely have this problem, too... i think i even asked something similar a year or 2 ago LOL
but, i have a few now!! they all pretty much have "unconventional" jobs, but, yknow.
nymphaea is the only one with lore written out, but she keeps and breeds fish.
zelkova is a bonsai master... growing and taking care of multiple plants, painstakingly... (probably owns specialized tools that he can use with his mouth!)
Rainier works at the circus/amusement park and flies around with a little ice cream cart, selling the patrons sweet treats!!
iora is a performer at the aforementioned circus!! she does dances and twirls flying in the air with flaming ribbons, drawing shapes out of the flames!!
gosh, i definitely have this problem, too... i think i even asked something similar a year or 2 ago LOL
but, i have a few now!! they all pretty much have "unconventional" jobs, but, yknow.
nymphaea is the only one with lore written out, but she keeps and breeds fish.
zelkova is a bonsai master... growing and taking care of multiple plants, painstakingly... (probably owns specialized tools that he can use with his mouth!)
Rainier works at the circus/amusement park and flies around with a little ice cream cart, selling the patrons sweet treats!!
iora is a performer at the aforementioned circus!! she does dances and twirls flying in the air with flaming ribbons, drawing shapes out of the flames!!
have a g1 im still geneing but the ultimate plan for pulpo will be this!
pulpo is leaning towards ending up being the Clan Counselor as a citizen. lives in a cooler area that everyone locked off for her so she can listen. she was found by shimmer, the chef, suffering in the heat of the fire flight. she stuck around because she really likes everyone here and genuinely wants to help.
have a g1 im still geneing but the ultimate plan for pulpo will be this!
pulpo is leaning towards ending up being the Clan Counselor as a citizen. lives in a cooler area that everyone locked off for her so she can listen. she was found by shimmer, the chef, suffering in the heat of the fire flight. she stuck around because she really likes everyone here and genuinely wants to help.
JAVIER ♣ 23yrs ♦ he/pup
DID system - fire flight enthusiast
AZ time (no daylight)
avatar ♥ wishlist ♠ badges
I’ve only got the one so far, my drink maker Costello! I had a fun couple of days in the forums with other users’ inputs for custom drinks that he makes :) figured since my clan lives in a desert, it would be fun to have a water dragon make all kinds of fun and fancy drinks to keep everyone hydrated! He can squirt fresh water from his mouth, after all. It’s fine :)
I’ve only got the one so far, my drink maker Costello! I had a fun couple of days in the forums with other users’ inputs for custom drinks that he makes :) figured since my clan lives in a desert, it would be fun to have a water dragon make all kinds of fun and fancy drinks to keep everyone hydrated! He can squirt fresh water from his mouth, after all. It’s fine :)
i bought a bunch of undertides when i first joined because i was trying to do a breeding project (still working on it)— not all of them have stuck but the first three became really integral to my lore :) i may end up revamping some of them when i do the Big Clan Lore Overhaul? not positive
^ crescent is a coliseum fighter and probably eventual trainer! she's kind of a big sister type, always looking out for her team. being from lightning she's pretty technology-minded, but she's also got a strong sense of aesthetics— girl LOVES pastels. she's probably super hyped about nature's current push theme hehe
lumi's job is currently listed as "fisher," but i'm thinking of maybe changing that? she's a very bubbly (haha) girl who will talk your ear off about all things marine, which i'm keeping, but in the revamped lore i might upgrade her job to harbormaster. my village is a thriving little port town and someone's got to keep track of all the ships coming in and out! also the visual of someone sailing their cargo into the harbor and then suddenly a Creature From The Depths erupts from underneath them and demands to see their trade permit is really funny to me
aaaand fathom (check out the cool skin) is an archaeologist! i'm probably gonna keep his lore mostly the same too. i think it makes a lot of sense for an Ancient dragon to be interested in archaeology, plus it's cute to imagine him and lumi infodumping to each other about their respective interests. also i got him before fathoms were a breed and when they were released i drew a comic about it that went something like this:
fathom, despairing: is it, like, WEIRD now???? is it offensive???? its at least confusing. do i need to change my name?? auuuugh
lumi, trying to be helpful: fathom, it's fine! i'm sure the fathoms find it funny, not offensive. don't worry!
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/94628427]sunny,[/url] trying to be unhelpful: Change your name to Fish. Right now
i bought a bunch of undertides when i first joined because i was trying to do a breeding project (still working on it)— not all of them have stuck but the first three became really integral to my lore :) i may end up revamping some of them when i do the Big Clan Lore Overhaul? not positive

^ crescent is a coliseum fighter and probably eventual trainer! she's kind of a big sister type, always looking out for her team. being from lightning she's pretty technology-minded, but she's also got a strong sense of aesthetics— girl LOVES pastels. she's probably super hyped about nature's current push theme hehe

lumi's job is currently listed as "fisher," but i'm thinking of maybe changing that? she's a very bubbly (haha) girl who will talk your ear off about all things marine, which i'm keeping, but in the revamped lore i might upgrade her job to harbormaster. my village is a thriving little port town and someone's got to keep track of all the ships coming in and out! also the visual of someone sailing their cargo into the harbor and then suddenly a Creature From The Depths erupts from underneath them and demands to see their trade permit is really funny to me

aaaand fathom (check out the cool skin) is an archaeologist! i'm probably gonna keep his lore mostly the same too. i think it makes a lot of sense for an Ancient dragon to be interested in archaeology, plus it's cute to imagine him and lumi infodumping to each other about their respective interests. also i got him before fathoms were a breed and when they were released i drew a comic about it that went something like this:
fathom, despairing: is it, like, WEIRD now???? is it offensive???? its at least confusing. do i need to change my name?? auuuugh
lumi, trying to be helpful: fathom, it's fine! i'm sure the fathoms find it funny, not offensive. don't worry!
sunny, trying to be unhelpful: Change your name to Fish. Right now