
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | CotG 4th Anniversary Event + Raffle
Can I be added to the "someone shares your dragon" pinglist? :) Day 1, Task #2: [url=][img][/img][/url] I have a lone foo lion in my bee garden (he was already without his mate when I bought him). He had fallen over during the winter, but I noticed today that someone has set him back up. The nice gesture pleasantly surprised me.
Can I be added to the "someone shares your dragon" pinglist? :)

Day 1, Task #2:


I have a lone foo lion in my bee garden (he was already without his mate when I bought him). He had fallen over during the winter, but I noticed today that someone has set him back up. The nice gesture pleasantly surprised me.
Leu | She/Her | FR+3
[center]Tast #1 [url=][img][/img][/url] Rose sweeps in with a huge smile, wishing everyone a happy CotG 4th Anniversary! (Gave dragons before this post a like!) Made a huge stack of pancakes and marmalade jam and shared them with our neighbours!
Tast #1

Rose sweeps in with a huge smile, wishing everyone a happy CotG 4th Anniversary!
(Gave dragons before this post a like!)

Made a huge stack of pancakes and marmalade jam and shared them with our neighbours!
Clan Directory
Dragons for Fodder
Dream Dragon
May I also be added to the "let me know if you share my dragon" list please? :)
May I also be added to the "let me know if you share my dragon" list please? :)
[url=][img][/img][/url] Task #2, day 1 While cycling to meet up with friends I noticed some of the trees near my house are starting to form buds again! Hopefully they'll be full of pretty blossoms soon!

Task #2, day 1

While cycling to meet up with friends I noticed some of the trees near my house are starting to form buds again! Hopefully they'll be full of pretty blossoms soon!
1st Task: [url=][img][/img][/url] Starflower loves to complement others on their beauty, and it always earns her a smile. She does this almost daily! (Both in real life and on FR <3) [rule] I'd like to be added to the pinglist if you share my dragon :D
1st Task:
Starflower loves to complement others on their beauty, and it always earns her a smile. She does this almost daily! (Both in real life and on FR <3)

I'd like to be added to the pinglist if you share my dragon :D


she/her | FRT + 0

pings are welcome
you can call me rain or rainbowz!

I would like to know if anyone chooses one of my dragons ^^, Please add me in the ping list, Thanks! [emoji=imperial happy size=2] ----- [b]Task #1[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] I recently made a drawing for a friend, and I added a word of encouragement. BrightFire helped me deliver the drawing ^^ Here is the place where I posted it outside FR ----- [b]Task #2[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] She is RubyEscarlata and she is my first dragon of this great family. When we went outside we saw a bird of prey. We didn't know exactly what kind of bird it was, but we assume it had to be a hawk since it would be the only species that could live around here where I live.
I would like to know if anyone chooses one of my dragons ^^, Please add me in the ping list, Thanks!
Task #1


I recently made a drawing for a friend, and I added a word of encouragement. BrightFire helped me deliver the drawing ^^
Here is the place where I posted it outside FR

Task #2

She is RubyEscarlata and she is my first dragon of this great family. When we went outside we saw a bird of prey. We didn't know exactly what kind of bird it was, but we assume it had to be a hawk since it would be the only species that could live around here where I live.

lt7bkNH.pngC0ZYDL8.gifSerenity kaleidoscope ornament badge for ShayeraNatasha by SaronaitRc8qoF.png



I'd like to be added to the pinglist if you share my dragon :3 ------ [b]Task #1[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Itchy and I sent two people the items needed for their hib den just now! [b]Task #3[/b] I *was* going to choose this boy, IceMoon, here at first, but alas they've been exalted. [img][/img] So I continued on and eventually decided on this lovely boy, Rowan, who belongs to Fluffmuffler! I love his colors, and the scene, plus the accent work *so* well together and it all comes together beautifully. [url=][img][/img][/url]
I'd like to be added to the pinglist if you share my dragon :3

Task #1


Itchy and I sent two people the items needed for their hib den just now!

Task #3

I *was* going to choose this boy, IceMoon, here at first, but alas they've been exalted.

So I continued on and eventually decided on this lovely boy, Rowan, who belongs to Fluffmuffler! I love his colors, and the scene, plus the accent work *so* well together and it all comes together beautifully.

[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]This is Winnifred, my only CoTG. She will be helping out with the tasks. Starting out strong by wishing everyone a Happy Anniversary! Hope everyone has a grand time! [/center] [quote][b]Task 1, Day 1:[/b] Sending a friend a little expansion aid. :3[/quote] [quote][b]Task 2, Day 1:[/b] Today started with a bright blue, clear sky. Sparce, whispy clouds. A welcome change after months of dreary gray. [/quote] [quote][b]Task 3, Day:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] I love his color pallete and how his apparel and skin add to it. Pops of green. A soft, gentle feel like his lore sugguests. Which is also very sweet. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/quote]
This is Winnifred, my only CoTG. She will be helping out with the tasks. Starting out strong by wishing everyone a Happy Anniversary! Hope everyone has a grand time!
Task 1, Day 1:
Sending a friend a little expansion aid. :3
Task 2, Day 1:
Today started with a bright blue, clear sky. Sparce, whispy clouds. A welcome change after months of dreary gray.
Task 3, Day:
I love his color pallete and how his apparel and skin add to it. Pops of green. A soft, gentle feel like his lore sugguests. Which is also very sweet.
5M41Txb.png 5u7Rre4.png
Task #2 [url=][img][/img][/url] Today we found that the orange of sunset gleams on the railroad tracks, which makes an extra beautiful painting when bordered by stubborn remnants of snow.
Task #2


Today we found that the orange of sunset gleams on the railroad tracks, which makes an extra beautiful painting when bordered by stubborn remnants of snow.
[center][b]Task #2[/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] I took a cozy little nap in my car, with the windows rolled down, on the beach. The rhythm of the waves sounded absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Task #2


I took a cozy little nap in my car, with the windows rolled down, on the beach. The rhythm of the waves sounded absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
