
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | CotG 4th Anniversary Event + Raffle
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [Img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]CotG 4th Anniversary Event[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] [Columns]"I've been told the clan's anniversary is coming up on March 12th, but everyone seems a bit too down to think about it or plan a celebration. I say that's Not Cool and we definitely need a celebration! I've never been to the homeland, and I think all the clan members who remember leaving it are sad to have the anniversary away from their true home. So we've gotta cheer them up! See them below for information on how to participate. [b]All participantion will earn you tickets to our Free Raffle![/b]"[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [color=17590b][b]This event is to reward owners of dragons belonging to the Children of the Gardens lineage, to participate you MUST own a CotG[/color][/b] (but please do not adopt just to get tickets and exalt at the end of the event, that's not in the spirit of the giveaway!) [Center][color=17590b][b]Event Ends Noon FR Time, March 17[/color] [/center][/center][Quote=Rules] [LIST] [*]All responses must be entered in this thread [*][b]For ease of recording tickets, please don't edit posts![/b] Just make a new post whenever you want to participate! [*]Share one of your own CotG dragons when participating in the first two events to save me time in checking if you're a valid entrant [/list] [/quote][center] Subscribe to this pinglist to be notified of end event lore, any rule changes or updates, half way reminder, and a last day ping: [pinglist=46572]
im1.pngCotG 4th Anniversary Eventim1.png
"I've been told the clan's anniversary is coming up on March 12th, but everyone seems a bit too down to think about it or plan a celebration. I say that's Not Cool and we definitely need a celebration!

I've never been to the homeland, and I think all the clan members who remember leaving it are sad to have the anniversary away from their true home.

So we've gotta cheer them up!

See them below for information on how to participate. All participantion will earn you tickets to our Free Raffle!"

This event is to reward owners of dragons belonging to the Children of the Gardens lineage, to participate you MUST own a CotG

(but please do not adopt just to get tickets and exalt at the end of the event, that's not in the spirit of the giveaway!)
Event Ends Noon FR Time, March 17
Rules wrote:
  • All responses must be entered in this thread
  • For ease of recording tickets, please don't edit posts!
    Just make a new post whenever you want to participate!
  • Share one of your own CotG dragons when participating in the first two events to save me time in checking if you're a valid entrant

Subscribe to this pinglist to be notified of end event lore, any rule changes or updates, half way reminder, and a last day ping:
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Sending Good Vibes[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] [Columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"Who doesn't enjoy a thoughtful gift or gesture? Let someone know that you appreciate them, and it can make you feel better too!" [/columns] [/center] [Quote=Rules] [Center]Task #1[/center] 1. Share a CotG dragon you own in this thread using their [b]widget code [/b] Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page: [img][/img] 2. [b]What is this dragon doing to spread joy?[/b] This can be something within FR (e.g sent a wishlist item) or in real life (e.g. took someone out for coffee). No proof required, just brighten someone's day! 3. [b]20 tickets are awarded for each Good Vibe sent into the world, up to a maximum of 100[/b] (5 different Good Vibe gestures - feel free to do more, they just won't earn extra tickets!) 4. Complimenting dragons doesn't count for this task, as that's part of task #3 5. The effort or value of your participation doesn't change the tickets awarded (even small gestures can mean a lot!) [/quote] [Center]Earn this badge by participating in this task!
im1.pngSending Good Vibesim1.png
76501080_350.png "Who doesn't enjoy a thoughtful gift or gesture?

Let someone know that you appreciate them, and it can make you feel better too!"
Rules wrote:
Task #1

1. Share a CotG dragon you own in this thread using their widget code

Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page:

2. What is this dragon doing to spread joy?
This can be something within FR (e.g sent a wishlist item) or in real life (e.g. took someone out for coffee). No proof required, just brighten someone's day!

3. 20 tickets are awarded for each Good Vibe sent into the world, up to a maximum of 100 (5 different Good Vibe gestures - feel free to do more, they just won't earn extra tickets!)

4. Complimenting dragons doesn't count for this task, as that's part of task #3

5. The effort or value of your participation doesn't change the tickets awarded (even small gestures can mean a lot!)
Earn this badge by participating in this task!
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Natural Appreciation[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] [Columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"Many of my family members miss their home, but nature is everywhere! Let's show them where to look to brighten their spirits."[/columns] [/center] [Quote=Rules] [Center]Task #2[/center] 1. Share a CotG dragon you own in this thread using their [b]widget code [/b] Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page: [img][/img] 2. [b]What has this dragon found?[/b] This is a task for you [i]and[/i] your dragon! Try to go outside or look out of your window and pay attention to the nature around you. What is something that made you smile, or you found interesting? Focusing on what a bug is doing for a minute might help calm you down, a bird might be singing, the breeze might be [i]just[/i] right. 3. [b]One raffle ticket can be earned for each day of the event[/b]. So if you do this task for the whole two weeks, you can earn 14 tickets. 4. If you're unable to post on one of the days, still try and notice something to report back here later! 5. This event runs from Sunday 2nd - Sunday 16th, there's just a bit of extra time added before the event closes to account for time differences so you have 1 extra day of leeway for this task [/quote] [Center]Earn this badge by participating in this task!
im1.pngNatural Appreciationim1.png
85958250_350.png "Many of my family members miss their home, but nature is everywhere! Let's show them where to look to brighten their spirits."
Rules wrote:
Task #2

1. Share a CotG dragon you own in this thread using their widget code

Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page:

2. What has this dragon found? This is a task for you and your dragon! Try to go outside or look out of your window and pay attention to the nature around you. What is something that made you smile, or you found interesting?

Focusing on what a bug is doing for a minute might help calm you down, a bird might be singing, the breeze might be just right.

3. One raffle ticket can be earned for each day of the event. So if you do this task for the whole two weeks, you can earn 14 tickets.

4. If you're unable to post on one of the days, still try and notice something to report back here later!

5. This event runs from Sunday 2nd - Sunday 16th, there's just a bit of extra time added before the event closes to account for time differences so you have 1 extra day of leeway for this task
Earn this badge by participating in this task!
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Lots Of Love[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] [Columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"Compliments can make anyone feel better. When someone notices your effort in something or appreciates your work, it's a fantastic confidence boost. I'm sure that you appreciate many fine dragons, so let them know!"[/columns] [/center] [Quote=Rules] [Center]Task #3[/center] 1. You can find all registered CotG [url=]here[/url] to choose from 2. Share your chosen dragon in this thread using their [b]widget code [/b](you cannot pick your own dragon!) Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page: [img][/img] 3. Describe [b]why[/b] you like the chosen dragon 4. One raffle ticket will be earned each time you compliment a CotG dragon, up to a [b]maximum of 20 tickets[/b] (20 compliments)[/quote] [Center]Some folks might be worried about disturbing other players with pings. If you want to be pinged if someone compliments your dragon, let me know to add your name to this list! [/center][Quote=Please ping me if you share my dragon!] - SilentWanderer - Mudpuddle - mysticgalaxy - LoveAccidentally - Ba1ja - Sectonia - Axqu - Progress - CascadeMirage - leucrotta - Rainbowz - ShayeraNatasha - TerranBeetle - WillowtheWisp - Aeladoodles [/quote][center] Earn this badge by participating in this task!
im1.pngLots Of Loveim1.png
98612617_350.png "Compliments can make anyone feel better. When someone notices your effort in something or appreciates your work, it's a fantastic confidence boost.

I'm sure that you appreciate many fine dragons, so let them know!"
Rules wrote:
Task #3

1. You can find all registered CotG here to choose from

2. Share your chosen dragon in this thread using their widget code (you cannot pick your own dragon!)

Find the widget code by clicking this button on the dragon's page:

3. Describe why you like the chosen dragon

4. One raffle ticket will be earned each time you compliment a CotG dragon, up to a maximum of 20 tickets (20 compliments)
Some folks might be worried about disturbing other players with pings. If you want to be pinged if someone compliments your dragon, let me know to add your name to this list!
Please ping me if you share my dragon! wrote:
- SilentWanderer
- Mudpuddle
- mysticgalaxy
- LoveAccidentally
- Ba1ja
- Sectonia
- Axqu
- Progress
- CascadeMirage
- leucrotta
- Rainbowz
- ShayeraNatasha
- TerranBeetle
- WillowtheWisp
- Aeladoodles

Earn this badge by participating in this task!
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Information Point[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] [u]Total possible tickets: [b]135[/b][/u] [b]100 [/b]for doing 5 Good Vibes gestures,[b] 14 [/b]finding something in nature every day, [b]20 [/b]for complimenting 20 different dragons + an additional ticket for fully completing all tasks (because 134 was too weird to have as a total number) [img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5][url=]Ticket Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/b][/color][img][/img]
im1.pngInformation Pointim1.png

Total possible tickets: 135
100 for doing 5 Good Vibes gestures, 14 finding something in nature every day, 20 for complimenting 20 different dragons

+ an additional ticket for fully completing all tasks (because 134 was too weird to have as a total number)

im1.pngTicket Spreadsheetim1.png
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Raffle Prizes[/size][/b][/color][img][/img] Winners chosen by RNG. An entrant can only win once, if you're drawn again, tickets will be redrawn. Standard winning rules apply. List your desired prizes in order of preference based on the number winner you are. Person #1, drawn first, gets first pick of prizes so will only need to choose the prize they want most. Person #2 makes two choices, if the first person hasn't claimed Person 2's top choice Person 2 gets it. If it has been claimed they'll get the next highest available prize in their list And so on [Quote=UMA: Queen Of The Night] [Item=] [img alt=""][/img][/quote] [Quote=Happy Innocence - Can Be Won Twice] [Item=scroll of eternal youth][/quote] [Quote=How The Eggs Used To Be] [Item=unhatched nature egg][/quote] [Quote=New Starts] [Item=unhatched plague egg][/quote] [Quote=The Power Of Love] [Item=effect: shimmerscale] [Item=primary auraboa gene: love][Item=secondary auraboa gene: affection][Item=tertiary auraboa gene: Greenskeeper] [/quote] [Quote=Frost Protection] [Item= Skin: King of Sylvan Frost][/quote] [Quote=Chill Ocean Friends] [Item=autumn Sea dragon][item=seaweed scavenger][/quote] [Quote=Calm Ocean Friends] [Item=tendril loach][item=Cinderkelp loach][/quote] [Quote=Snap Happy] [Item=Juvenile crocoturtle][item=ridged crocoturtle][/quote] [Quote=Home Comforts] [Item=flourishing frond curtain][Item=withering frond curtain][Item=scorched frond curtain] [Item=sprouting frond curtain][Item=burgeoning frond curtain][Item=thriving frond curtain] [Item=Burgeoning Zosterophyllum][Item=sprouting Zosterophyllum][Item=thriving cooksonia] [Item=scorched cooksonia][Item=flourishing fagopsis][Item=withering fagopsis] [/quote] [Quote=Sword Set] [Item=light sword][Item=lightning sword][Item=fire sword][Item=arcane sword] [Item=plague sword][Item=earth sword][Item=ice sword][Item=shadow sword] [/quote] [Quote=The Exodus In Brief] [Item=accent: goldlight][item=accent: reclaimed life][Item=accent: snowcladden giant][/quote] [Quote=Feeling Festive] [Item=Tertiary Veilspun Gene: brightshine][Item=Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: thundercrack][Item=Tertiary banescale Gene: Flameforger][Item=Tertiary aether Gene: starfall][Item=Tertiary aberration Gene: riot][Item=Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Rockbreaker][Item=Tertiary gaoler Gene: crystalline][Item=Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Trickmurk][Item=Tertiary Undertide Gene: mistral] [Item=Tertiary dusthide Gene: wavecrest][Item=Tertiary auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper] [/quote] [Quote=Ancient Accessories] [Item=Tertiary Undertide Gene: Featherbeard][Item=Tertiary auraboa Gene: batty][Item=Tertiary aberration Gene: firefly][Item=ancient gene parchment: flutter][Item=ancient gene parchment: pachy] [/quote] [Quote=Modern Love] [Item=scroll of renaming][Item=breed change: Nocturne][item=vial of hypnotic sight] [Item=primary gene: fern][Item=secondary gene: paisley][Item=tertiary gene: smirch] [Item=primary gene: python][Item=secondary gene: Morph][Item=tertiary gene: flecks] [Item=primary gene: fern][Item=secondary gene: paisley][Item=tertiary gene: polkadot] [/quote] [Quote=So Many Friends! - Can Be Won Twice] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] A full CR of fodder familiars, as many not in your bestiary as possible! [i][b]No dupliactes![/b][/i][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fashion Therapy - Can Be Won Twice][center][img][/img] [img][/img] A full CR of fodder apparel! [i][b]No dupliactes![/b][/i]
im1.pngRaffle Prizesim1.png

Winners chosen by RNG.

An entrant can only win once, if you're drawn again, tickets will be redrawn.

Standard winning rules apply. List your desired prizes in order of preference based on the number winner you are.

Person #1, drawn first, gets first pick of prizes so will only need to choose the prize they want most.

Person #2 makes two choices, if the first person hasn't claimed Person 2's top choice Person 2 gets it. If it has been claimed they'll get the next highest available prize in their list

And so on

UMA: Queen Of The Night wrote:

Happy Innocence - Can Be Won Twice wrote:
Scroll of Eternal Youth
How The Eggs Used To Be wrote:
Unhatched Nature Egg
New Starts wrote:
Unhatched Plague Egg
The Power Of Love wrote:
Effect: Shimmerscale
Primary Auraboa Gene: Love Secondary Auraboa Gene: Affection Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper
Frost Protection wrote:
Skin: King of Sylvan Frost
Chill Ocean Friends wrote:
Autumn Sea Dragon Seaweed Scavenger
Calm Ocean Friends wrote:
Tendril Loach Cinderkelp Loach
Snap Happy wrote:
Juvenile Crocoturtle Ridged Crocoturtle
Home Comforts wrote:
Flourishing Frond Curtain Withering Frond Curtain Scorched Frond Curtain
Sprouting Frond Curtain Burgeoning Frond Curtain Thriving Frond Curtain
Burgeoning Zosterophyllum Sprouting Zosterophyllum Thriving Cooksonia
Scorched Cooksonia Flourishing Fagopsis Withering Fagopsis
Sword Set wrote:
Light Sword Lightning Sword Fire Sword Arcane Sword
Plague Sword Earth Sword Ice Sword Shadow Sword
The Exodus In Brief wrote:
Accent: Goldlight Accent: Reclaimed Life Accent: Snowcladden Giant
Feeling Festive wrote:
Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Brightshine Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Thundercrack Tertiary Banescale Gene: Flameforger Tertiary Aether Gene: Starfall Tertiary Aberration Gene: Riot Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Rockbreaker Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Crystalline Tertiary Veilspun Gene: Trickmurk Tertiary Undertide Gene: Mistral
Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Wavecrest Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper
Ancient Accessories wrote:
Tertiary Undertide Gene: Featherbeard Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Batty Tertiary Aberration Gene: Firefly Ancient Gene Parchment: Flutter Ancient Gene Parchment: Pachy
Modern Love wrote:
Scroll of Renaming Breed Change: Nocturne Vial of Hypnotic Sight
Primary Gene: Fern Secondary Gene: Paisley Tertiary Gene: Smirch
Primary Gene: Python Secondary Gene: Morph Tertiary Gene: Flecks
Primary Gene: Fern Secondary Gene: Paisley Tertiary Gene: Polkadot
So Many Friends! - Can Be Won Twice wrote:

A full CR of fodder familiars, as many not in your bestiary as possible!
No dupliactes!

Fashion Therapy - Can Be Won Twice wrote:

A full CR of fodder apparel!
No dupliactes!
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
[center][img][/img][color=17590b][b][size=5]Raffle Winners[/size][/b][/color][img][/img]
im1.pngRaffle Winnersim1.png
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
@pinglist-1675 Hello friends! It's that time of year again, so it's time for a raffle! This year has already been tough for many people, so the event this year is focusing on spreading joy and positivity. (With 20 raffle prizes!) Even without the global dramas in 2025, I've had a string of personal bad luck and misfortune, but we keep rolling on! Even so, I've not been able to make much of an event this time around as life has been just too much recently, but I hope you still have fun! Badges will be made before the end of the event, I promise From now on, only this pinglist will be used to notify about this event: [pinglist=46572] Be kind to yourselves and take it easy [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@CotG Owner Registration

Hello friends! It's that time of year again, so it's time for a raffle!

This year has already been tough for many people, so the event this year is focusing on spreading joy and positivity. (With 20 raffle prizes!)

Even without the global dramas in 2025, I've had a string of personal bad luck and misfortune, but we keep rolling on!
Even so, I've not been able to make much of an event this time around as life has been just too much recently, but I hope you still have fun!

Badges will be made before the end of the event, I promise

From now on, only this pinglist will be used to notify about this event:

Be kind to yourselves and take it easy
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png
Could I be added to the "please ping me if you share my dragon" list? :D
Could I be added to the "please ping me if you share my dragon" list? :D
@Mudpuddle of course! <3
@Mudpuddle of course! <3
104.png Wishlist
361.png Gene Plans
progen-small.pngsignature-badge.jpg kashan-icon-small.pngbadge-Strange-Sisters-small.png