
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [ShaDom] C.A.T.-astrophe!
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Day 7!
Found: 12
Suspect: The right painting is the real one, it has more details and the signature on the right is done in one swoop while the other looks as if they were trying to replicate it but failed to do so.
Short Story: The painting had gone viral all across social media when it was first displayed. Some most have wanted to get a quick buck and decided to make a replica or were trying to steal the realy painting.
Day 7!
Found: 12
Suspect: The right painting is the real one, it has more details and the signature on the right is done in one swoop while the other looks as if they were trying to replicate it but failed to do so.
Short Story: The painting had gone viral all across social media when it was first displayed. Some most have wanted to get a quick buck and decided to make a replica or were trying to steal the realy painting.
LOBQT1k.gif Female (Pastel pink)She/Her (Pastel purple)
found: 21 differences

left or right: left. it feels more coherent, like the fake one was trying to copy it by making more nonsense

short story: Forging was hard. She knew this. But as she sat next to the police, watching them come to all the wrong conclusions, not even knowing the forger was right next to them? It made her feel good at it.
found: 21 differences

left or right: left. it feels more coherent, like the fake one was trying to copy it by making more nonsense

short story: Forging was hard. She knew this. But as she sat next to the police, watching them come to all the wrong conclusions, not even knowing the forger was right next to them? It made her feel good at it.
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
Ugh... I counted 12 differences.
Ugh... I counted 12 differences.
bite-sized Arcadia he/him
Flight Rising time plus 3
Avatar Dragon
Old Oaks Dragon Sales
Free Food
Custom Progen
bite-sized Mythos
Day 6 / Friday

Cats: 18
Culprit: The photographic cat is the sneaky cream cat behind the palms
Story: A wonderful beach day! The little tuxedo cat grunted and shot its paws into the air, punting the teal ball further than they'd expected. The black cat at the base of the palm tree, casually minding his own business, yelped. The tuxedos partner in the game, the demur cream cat, laughed at the folly.
Day 6 / Friday

Cats: 18
Culprit: The photographic cat is the sneaky cream cat behind the palms
Story: A wonderful beach day! The little tuxedo cat grunted and shot its paws into the air, punting the teal ball further than they'd expected. The black cat at the base of the palm tree, casually minding his own business, yelped. The tuxedos partner in the game, the demur cream cat, laughed at the folly.
Day 7 / Saturday

Differences: 24
Original Artwork: The left side looks more organic and less modified.
Story: An Evil Gang Nighteye special! Hot on the trail, the thieves had only enough time to sneak their own picture in, but not enough to remove the original and keep it for themselves. Now it's up to the detectives of C.A.T. to figure it out!
Day 7 / Saturday

Differences: 24
Original Artwork: The left side looks more organic and less modified.
Story: An Evil Gang Nighteye special! Hot on the trail, the thieves had only enough time to sneak their own picture in, but not enough to remove the original and keep it for themselves. Now it's up to the detectives of C.A.T. to figure it out!
I counted 11 differences!

real painting: left, its ever so slightly more cohesive to me.

short story: profit is always thought to be the likely reason for forgery. these thieves were more in it for the love of the game and pranks. so of course someone was "caught" are either the original even well who can really say.
I counted 11 differences!

real painting: left, its ever so slightly more cohesive to me.

short story: profit is always thought to be the likely reason for forgery. these thieves were more in it for the love of the game and pranks. so of course someone was "caught" are either the original even well who can really say.
Day 7
Count all the differences in the two images.
I found 17 differences! It was really fun, I don't think I found ALL the differences, but that's ok :]

What do you think is the original and famous artwork and what’s the copy? Why do you think so?
The painting on the left is clearly the copy! The forger clearly missed most of the intricate details of the original painting.

Write a short story of how this happened!
As the officer examined both paintings, their vision began to blur, colors dancing and flickering before their eyes. Perhaps this was the original artist's artistic vision? The imitation seemed to convey this aspect very well... In other words, the two paintings were indistinguishable. When the officer was just about to give up, they suddenly noticed something - apparently, the forger had contributed to the art piece, since the entire copy was covered in paw prints, and the original too...

The paw prints were carefully examined and the criminal was soon caught! But they refused to tell authorities which one of the two paintings their paws painted. The debate still remains open - which is a copy and which is the original? Some people prefer the painting on the left, some say that the painting on the right is clearly superior - but one thing is clear: this new exhibit has brought even greater fame to the art gallery!

Day 7
Count all the differences in the two images.
I found 17 differences! It was really fun, I don't think I found ALL the differences, but that's ok :]

What do you think is the original and famous artwork and what’s the copy? Why do you think so?
The painting on the left is clearly the copy! The forger clearly missed most of the intricate details of the original painting.

Write a short story of how this happened!
As the officer examined both paintings, their vision began to blur, colors dancing and flickering before their eyes. Perhaps this was the original artist's artistic vision? The imitation seemed to convey this aspect very well... In other words, the two paintings were indistinguishable. When the officer was just about to give up, they suddenly noticed something - apparently, the forger had contributed to the art piece, since the entire copy was covered in paw prints, and the original too...

The paw prints were carefully examined and the criminal was soon caught! But they refused to tell authorities which one of the two paintings their paws painted. The debate still remains open - which is a copy and which is the original? Some people prefer the painting on the left, some say that the painting on the right is clearly superior - but one thing is clear: this new exhibit has brought even greater fame to the art gallery!

I found 9 differences, but I think I'm missing a few, so I'll guess 13!

I think the left is real/original, the signature looks fancier lol

Story - An art student saw the pretty painting, and wanted to try to recreate it! They worked really hard, but they had to leave because it was closing time, and forgot their painting! Better find the student,, they worked really hard on it :O
I found 9 differences, but I think I'm missing a few, so I'll guess 13!

I think the left is real/original, the signature looks fancier lol

Story - An art student saw the pretty painting, and wanted to try to recreate it! They worked really hard, but they had to leave because it was closing time, and forgot their painting! Better find the student,, they worked really hard on it :O
qTcP5yI.pngXT6s1Yv.gifBEZgNm.png SQvVy8i.png5M9CHlS.gif
How meowny differences: 19
Who's the copy: Right has to be the copy, I'm not sure. Maybe because it feels less chaotic?

It was a simple mistake, it was too late in the evening for anyone to really think about whether or not it was a good idea to just- put back up the paintings together. So, there the problem lay. The one who brought back the painting didn't swap the stolen and totally real painting for the replacement fake, and instead put them next to each other.
How meowny differences: 19
Who's the copy: Right has to be the copy, I'm not sure. Maybe because it feels less chaotic?

It was a simple mistake, it was too late in the evening for anyone to really think about whether or not it was a good idea to just- put back up the paintings together. So, there the problem lay. The one who brought back the painting didn't swap the stolen and totally real painting for the replacement fake, and instead put them next to each other.


Formally DrShadowCipher
- When using for art games please use scries of my dragons!
- Badge Addict
EEEEE T8jnlRr.jpg
Day 1: 17 cats! I had to ss and mark them lol, kept losing count XD

There's a cat on a rock, must be the one meditating, and that orange cat hiding behind in the tree/fog must be the one who left the note!

As the sun sets, the land hums with magic. Cats from all around the world leave their witches and wizards and warlocks and sorcerers behind to play a game of hide and seek. Cats of fire and of light, of shadow and of fur. All cats are welcome, and they play long into the night :))
Day 1: 17 cats! I had to ss and mark them lol, kept losing count XD

There's a cat on a rock, must be the one meditating, and that orange cat hiding behind in the tree/fog must be the one who left the note!

As the sun sets, the land hums with magic. Cats from all around the world leave their witches and wizards and warlocks and sorcerers behind to play a game of hide and seek. Cats of fire and of light, of shadow and of fur. All cats are welcome, and they play long into the night :))
qTcP5yI.pngXT6s1Yv.gifBEZgNm.png SQvVy8i.png5M9CHlS.gif
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