
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [ShaDom] C.A.T.-astrophe!
How Many? 55!
Who Dunnit? The cat in the brown egg on the bottom right - they're even wearing a catburglar outfit!
What Happened Next? This year, the Catto family had an extravagant collection of eggs, perfect for this year's hunt! Eggs of all colours, sizes and patterns decorate the house, waiting to be found. Misses Catto woke up little Citty bright and early and after a big breakfast, off they went! Mister Catto watched from the shadows with pride as his daughter uncovered egg after egg after egg. Maybe she would make a wonderful detective just like her father! As they progressed, Misses Catto realised something was amiss, she could swear these eggs had been hidden better last night! Then she realized, the C.A.T. Detective of the Year awards were gone. But where? Had they been moved elsewhere or taken? She continued to lead Citty along for more eggs, but it seemed they were well and truly gone. What a disaster!
How Many? 55!
Who Dunnit? The cat in the brown egg on the bottom right - they're even wearing a catburglar outfit!
What Happened Next? This year, the Catto family had an extravagant collection of eggs, perfect for this year's hunt! Eggs of all colours, sizes and patterns decorate the house, waiting to be found. Misses Catto woke up little Citty bright and early and after a big breakfast, off they went! Mister Catto watched from the shadows with pride as his daughter uncovered egg after egg after egg. Maybe she would make a wonderful detective just like her father! As they progressed, Misses Catto realised something was amiss, she could swear these eggs had been hidden better last night! Then she realized, the C.A.T. Detective of the Year awards were gone. But where? Had they been moved elsewhere or taken? She continued to lead Citty along for more eggs, but it seemed they were well and truly gone. What a disaster!
Basic to Beautiful
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I found 55!
I suspect the cat in the dark blue egg in the right middle-ish area, above the red devilish looking cat!
(Imma skip the short story today due to time restrictions ><)
I found 55!
I suspect the cat in the dark blue egg in the right middle-ish area, above the red devilish looking cat!
(Imma skip the short story today due to time restrictions ><)
57ccb012789b1c99cec88f2441a279cdd872a13f.pngwe_rode_on_the_winds_of_the_rising_storm_by_c_yang-d68stu4.gif dsiNAWk.png
[font=Georgia][b]Date:[/b] May 8th [b]How [i]meow[/i]ny:[/b] 36 [b]Who:[/b] Cat in the chimney [b]Story:[/b] [font=Georgia]Logganyu burst through the door, his suitcase clearly a mess of papers shoved in. He grabbed two photos, one from yesterday and today, and sat down. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][font=Georgia][color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=Georgia]<[color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=courier new]"Sorry! Sorry, got caught up in a windstorm in the area and take care of a few things. For the first one, has to be the cat in the chimney, I almost didn't spot em Also, I recommend they not- stay that close to the fire? They could get hurt. I'm guessing the fire was set after they had climbed in, and now they can't get out in fear of getting caught I mean there's no way they got up there while the fire was lit."[/font][/columns] [rule] [font=Georgia][b]Date:[/b] May 9th [b]How [i]meow[/i]ny:[/b] 55 [b]Who:[/b] Bandit cat in the brown egg, bottom right [b]Story:[/b] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][font=Georgia][color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=Georgia]<[color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=courier new]"[I]They thought they were so sneaky hiding in the egg that matched their outfit colors, and they were right! It was hard to make out the cat from such a far distance you'd almost mistake them as a crack in the egg. That's what kept them safe, for now.[/I]" "I believe that little cat is the culprit, mostly because of their apparel honestly I mean why would you wear a mask when you're looking at eggs?"[/font][/columns]
Date: May 8th
How meowny: 36
Who: Cat in the chimney

Logganyu burst through the door, his suitcase clearly a mess of papers shoved in. He grabbed two photos, one from yesterday and today, and sat down.

91711895p.png Ei
"Sorry! Sorry, got caught up in a windstorm in the area and take care of a few things. For the first one, has to be the cat in the chimney, I almost didn't spot em Also, I recommend they not- stay that close to the fire? They could get hurt. I'm guessing the fire was set after they had climbed in, and now they can't get out in fear of getting caught I mean there's no way they got up there while the fire was lit."

Date: May 9th
How meowny: 55
Who: Bandit cat in the brown egg, bottom right

91711895p.png Ei
"They thought they were so sneaky hiding in the egg that matched their outfit colors, and they were right! It was hard to make out the cat from such a far distance you'd almost mistake them as a crack in the egg. That's what kept them safe, for now."

"I believe that little cat is the culprit, mostly because of their apparel honestly I mean why would you wear a mask when you're looking at eggs?"


Formally DrShadowCipher
- When using for art games please use scries of my dragons!
- Badge Addict
EEEEE T8jnlRr.jpg
Day 5!
Found: 55
Suspect: The ninja cat that on the brown egg
Short Story: The easter eggs that the family had gotten the past years could never beat the chocalate delights that were hidden. Citty's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the eggs. Some were even dusted with gold dust. While Citty was running around gathering mountains of eggs. Misses Cato was left running around in circles trying to keep up with the tiny Citty when a gust of wind left Misses Cato stop in her tracks. She looked around and saw nothing. She didn't think much of it but when she went into her pocket to take out her pocket watch, it was gone!
Day 5!
Found: 55
Suspect: The ninja cat that on the brown egg
Short Story: The easter eggs that the family had gotten the past years could never beat the chocalate delights that were hidden. Citty's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the eggs. Some were even dusted with gold dust. While Citty was running around gathering mountains of eggs. Misses Cato was left running around in circles trying to keep up with the tiny Citty when a gust of wind left Misses Cato stop in her tracks. She looked around and saw nothing. She didn't think much of it but when she went into her pocket to take out her pocket watch, it was gone!
LOBQT1k.gif Female (Pastel pink)She/Her (Pastel purple)
i don't mind if you're writing the story later
as long as i have it at the end of the event, it's okay and will give bonus points =)
you just have to add the specific situation or date so i don't have to guess
e.g. "easter egg search" or "easter" or day 5 or whatever =D

^ is obviously for everyone else as well =D
i don't mind if you're writing the story later
as long as i have it at the end of the event, it's okay and will give bonus points =)
you just have to add the specific situation or date so i don't have to guess
e.g. "easter egg search" or "easter" or day 5 or whatever =D

^ is obviously for everyone else as well =D
i counted 52 cats!

i counted 52 cats!

eyayah | art shop | LF art | doodle shop
Day 5 I found 41 cats
I suspect the murky one peeking out from behind the huge teal egg.
Story - no ideas today
Day 5 I found 41 cats
I suspect the murky one peeking out from behind the huge teal egg.
Story - no ideas today
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
Day 5
Count all the cats in the image.
I found 55 cats!

During the egg search, someone is hiding close by and observing the family. While nobody is harmed, they stole something expensive while the family was distracted. Try to find the culprit!
I think the culprit is the ninja kitty hiding in one of the eggs.

Write a short story of what happens during the egg search.
That day the Catto family woke up very early. Citty could hardly contain her excitement. So many colorful eggs for her to find! Suddenly the doorbell rang. It turns out that their friends decided to visit them! Maybe they could celebrate Easter and look for the eggs together?

While Citty ran around looking for eggs in every nook and cranny, her parents made sure to keep an eye on her. They also had a nice chat with their visiting friends. The weather was great, and it seemed that nothing could ruin this wonderful day.

The ninja cat smirked. Now that the family members are sufficiently distracted, it's time to take action. The ninja moved across the lawn like a shadow, even the birds could not detect their presence. They opened the door as quietly as possible and made their way into the house.

Finally the ninja cat's gaze fell on their target. It was an ancient Chinese vase that was in the family's living room. Their clan passed this family heirloom down from generation to generation, only for it to end this way! Standing on some cheap carpet in a foreigner's house! But it doesn't matter. Today, the clan of ninja cats will take back what rightfully belongs to them.
Day 5
Count all the cats in the image.
I found 55 cats!

During the egg search, someone is hiding close by and observing the family. While nobody is harmed, they stole something expensive while the family was distracted. Try to find the culprit!
I think the culprit is the ninja kitty hiding in one of the eggs.

Write a short story of what happens during the egg search.
That day the Catto family woke up very early. Citty could hardly contain her excitement. So many colorful eggs for her to find! Suddenly the doorbell rang. It turns out that their friends decided to visit them! Maybe they could celebrate Easter and look for the eggs together?

While Citty ran around looking for eggs in every nook and cranny, her parents made sure to keep an eye on her. They also had a nice chat with their visiting friends. The weather was great, and it seemed that nothing could ruin this wonderful day.

The ninja cat smirked. Now that the family members are sufficiently distracted, it's time to take action. The ninja moved across the lawn like a shadow, even the birds could not detect their presence. They opened the door as quietly as possible and made their way into the house.

Finally the ninja cat's gaze fell on their target. It was an ancient Chinese vase that was in the family's living room. Their clan passed this family heirloom down from generation to generation, only for it to end this way! Standing on some cheap carpet in a foreigner's house! But it doesn't matter. Today, the clan of ninja cats will take back what rightfully belongs to them.
fr + 11
I counted 55 cats. I think the thief might be the ninja cat with yellow eyes clawing into the brown egg near the bottom right of the picture. It seems to be carrying some sort of bag
I counted 55 cats. I think the thief might be the ninja cat with yellow eyes clawing into the brown egg near the bottom right of the picture. It seems to be carrying some sort of bag
SEAq1Fd.png FR+9
I counted 54 cats!
I counted 54 cats!
shadowf1.png491108.png old-oaks-2.png 491108.pnglightf2.png