

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | * The Blanket Fort [Ice's Pixel Cats+]
[center][img][/img] [size=5][b]The Blanket Fort of Ends[/b][/size] [size=4]Pixel Cats (and Friends!) for Ice Dom[/size][/center] Hidden deep within the Icewarden’s cold and foreboding Fortress of Ends is another fort… a smaller, softer, cozier fort, filled with pillows and toy mice and cardboard boxes. This fort, known as the Blanket Fort of Ends, is home to a colony of cats who spend their days helping the Icewarden with little jobs like carrying messages, patrolling the grounds, and even balancing finances. For one week each month, this colony of cats allows anyone who wishes to drop by and play! Maybe you’ll even take one home~ [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][size=4]The blanket fort is currently [color=green]open[/color] from [b]April 14th - 20th[/b][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]About[/b] The Blanket Fort of Ends is an RNG-based series of pixel collectibles. Individuals can purchase up to four pixel cats or other animals per day during an opening, and those who buy all 4 allotted pixels in one day will take home one bonus 5th pixel friend. The specific cats, animals, colors, and poses you receive are random and vary in rarity. Some are incredibly rare, some are incredibly common, and sometimes you might get duplicates, but that’s all part of the challenge! New cats, wildlife friends, or special items will be released over time. [i]All proceeds from the Blanket Fort of Ends will go directly to Snowbank to help fund Ice Dom and other flight programs![/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Upcoming Openings[/b] [list] [*]April 14th - 20th [*]May 12th - 18th [*]June 16th - 22nd [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]April News[/b] Hello and happy April! It's time for another Blanket Fort opening - Are any others from the April 2014 registration period still here celebrating their 10th FR anniversary???!? So much has changed in the world in all that time and I hope all of you have a wonderful week! [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Pinglist[/b] The pinglists are self-add & self-remove! See [url=]this link[/url]~ [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Other Information[/b] - Have ideas for different cats or other animals? Suggestions are welcome in the thread! - 3rd Anniversary [url=]mega update on the future of blort here[/url]. - 4th Anniverary update to the 3rd Anniversary [url=]update here[/url]. [right][size=2]Link to the original Ice forum thread (2018-2019) is [url=]here[/url].[/size][/right]
The Blanket Fort of Ends
Pixel Cats (and Friends!) for Ice Dom
Hidden deep within the Icewarden’s cold and foreboding Fortress of Ends is another fort… a smaller, softer, cozier fort, filled with pillows and toy mice and cardboard boxes. This fort, known as the Blanket Fort of Ends, is home to a colony of cats who spend their days helping the Icewarden with little jobs like carrying messages, patrolling the grounds, and even balancing finances.

For one week each month, this colony of cats allows anyone who wishes to drop by and play! Maybe you’ll even take one home~

SMQU6oc.gif The blanket fort is currently open from April 14th - 20th

nrMWk6M.gif About

The Blanket Fort of Ends is an RNG-based series of pixel collectibles. Individuals can purchase up to four pixel cats or other animals per day during an opening, and those who buy all 4 allotted pixels in one day will take home one bonus 5th pixel friend. The specific cats, animals, colors, and poses you receive are random and vary in rarity. Some are incredibly rare, some are incredibly common, and sometimes you might get duplicates, but that’s all part of the challenge! New cats, wildlife friends, or special items will be released over time.

All proceeds from the Blanket Fort of Ends will go directly to Snowbank to help fund Ice Dom and other flight programs!


nrMWk6M.gif Upcoming Openings

  • April 14th - 20th
  • May 12th - 18th
  • June 16th - 22nd


nrMWk6M.gif April News

Hello and happy April! It's time for another Blanket Fort opening - Are any others from the April 2014 registration period still here celebrating their 10th FR anniversary???!? So much has changed in the world in all that time and I hope all of you have a wonderful week!


nrMWk6M.gif Pinglist

The pinglists are self-add & self-remove! See this link~


nrMWk6M.gif Other Information

- Have ideas for different cats or other animals? Suggestions are welcome in the thread!

- 3rd Anniversary mega update on the future of blort here.

- 4th Anniverary update to the 3rd Anniversary update here.
Link to the original Ice forum thread (2018-2019) is here.
squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Terms of Use[/b] [list] [*]Please do [b]not[/b] take or use any pixel art that you did not pay for and receive through PMs. [*]Please do [b]not[/b] resell or “trade” your pixels. [*]You may display any pixel animals you own anywhere on FR: your profile, dragon bios, your sig, etc. Please do not post them to other sites. [*]Do [b]not[/b] recolor or edit your pixel animals in any way. [/list] A log of all pixels you have received can be found on the supplementary [url=]Collector's Sheet[/url]. Make a copy and enter your ID to view all of your purchased animals. A new copy will need to be made between every opening. [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]How to Order[/b] Please [b]send the following order form[/b] with [b]payment upfront[/b] to one of the following individuals [b]by PM[/b] with the subject line “Blanket Fort Order” - We highly recommend checking the spreadsheet linked below to see who is online to prevent any delays in your cat delivery: [center][color=red]Note![/color] I (squidragon, thread host) do not process orders anymore. You must send to one of the below individuals instead. If you send to me, I will have to send your treasure back and redirect you to one of the volunteers.[/center] [center][user=487891] [user=55232] [user=11379] [br] [url=]Felspring[/url] | [url=]October[/url] | [url=]Glory[/url] | [/center] [center][url=]Click this link to view our spreadsheet and see which receivers are online and accepting orders![/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Ordering Notes[/b] [list] [*]Pixels cost [b]5kt each[/b]. (We do not take gems at this time.) [*][u]Limit to 4 purchased pixel friends per user per day.[/u] Those who purchase the maximum 4 in one day will receive a special bonus 5th pixel. [*]Because of how the spreadsheet works, please do not make more than one order per day. If you would like multiple pixels, they should all be requested in the same message. [*][b]*New*[/b] - When ordering pixels, please be sure to indicate which pack you would like to order from. Pack options are detailed below. [/list] [code] [b]Blanket Fort Order[/b] Your Username: Your FR ID: Number Desired (1-4): Pack (Required): Orders must be sent via PM with payment up-front. We do NOT accept orders posted in the thread. See the list of receivers above![/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Pack Options[/b] This new "pack" system replaces the previous bribery system Blanket Fort used to operate under. Whenever you make an order, you'll choose [u]one[/u] of the below packs to order pixels from (no mixing and matching). Some of the pack types have a small additional fee that is added on to the order total (eg. 4 pixels in the mysterious cube pack would cost 24kt total). Additionally, some of them come with a complimentary toy. [u]General Packs[/u] The packs below are all very broad which can return any animal in their respective categories. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Classic Pack[/b] - No Additional Cost - No Bonus Toy When ordering from this pack, you will receive random cats. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Wildlife Pack[/b] - Costs +2kt - No Bonus Toy When ordering from this pack, you will receive random wildlife animals. If you buy 4 wildlife animals from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Party Pack[/b] - Costs +2kt - No Bonus Toy When ordering from this pack, you will receive a random assortment of cats and wildlife animals. If you buy 4 pixels from this pack, you'll also receive a 5th random pixel.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Mysterious Cube Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Cube Toy! When ordering from this pack, you will receive a random assortment of cats and wildlife animals. The rarities will be inverted (eg. you will be more likely to receive rare poses than common ones.) If you buy 4 pixels from this pack, you'll also receive a 5th random pixel.[/columns] [u]Specific Packs[/u] All available cats and wildlife have been divided into smaller subgroups. Ordering one of these packs guarantees that all 4 of your purchased pixels will be from the cats or wildlife animals within them. For a visual guide to the different specific packs, all of the cats and animals in the post below this have been sorted and separated into their packs. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Cardboard Box Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Box Toy! This pack contains all of the original 16 cats Blanket Fort released with at launch. Specifically, this includes: Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, Chamomile, Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, and Frosting. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Feather Toy Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Feather Toy! This pack contains all of the year 1 cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Bubbles, Teacup, Sage, Tulip, Ember, Fluffy, Scar, Stella, Milly, Fate, and Fortune. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Catnip Sock Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Sock Toy! This pack contains all of the year 2 cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Bandit, Chestnut, Smokey, Jasmine, Oliver, Lucky, Marshmallow, Mocha, Chloe, Daisy, Halbert, and GlowCat. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Little Mouse Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Mouse Toy! This pack contains all of the year 3+ cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Sugar, Cocoa, Cactus, Zip, Peppermint, Flower, Slippers, Nibbles, Ned, and Billy. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Shimmering Ribbon Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Ribbon Toy! This pack contains all of the "special" cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Flight Representative Cats, Kitten Groups, Monster Cats, and all of the Coloring Contest Cats. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Tasty Treat Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Tasty Treat! This pack contains all of the woodland wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Foxes, Birds, Owls, Elk, Bears, and Fancy Birds. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Cozy Blanket Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Cozy Blanket! This pack contains all of the farm wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Rats, Bunnies, Pups, Ferrets, Llamas, Horses, and Boar. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Wiggly Worm Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Worm Toy! This pack contains all of the herps (reptiles and amphibians). Specifically, this includes: Snakes, Geckos, Axolotls, Frogs, and Tortoises. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Fish on a String Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Fish Toy! This pack contains all of the aquarium wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Squids, Sea Pancakes, Goldfish, Sharks, Discus, and Octopi. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Crinkly Ball Pack[/b] - Costs +4kt - Includes a Ball Toy! This pack contains all of the strange and miscellaneous beasts. Specifically, this includes: Pointy Dinosaurs (Son Boy), Raptor Dinosaurs (Murder Chickens), Tall Dinosaurs (Tall), Monkeys, Sengi (Shrews), and Saiga Antelope. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Ambush[/b] In much the same way that those who purchase all 4 pixels in a day receive a bonus friend, those who purchase all 4 pixels have a 10% chance of receiving a 6th surprise friend! This 6th friend comes with special Ambush flavortext! The odds of getting an ambush go up if you pay more. At 22kt, your odds go to 11.11% and at 24kt, your odds go to 12.5%.

nrMWk6M.gif Terms of Use
  • Please do not take or use any pixel art that you did not pay for and receive through PMs.
  • Please do not resell or “trade” your pixels.
  • You may display any pixel animals you own anywhere on FR: your profile, dragon bios, your sig, etc. Please do not post them to other sites.
  • Do not recolor or edit your pixel animals in any way.

A log of all pixels you have received can be found on the supplementary Collector's Sheet. Make a copy and enter your ID to view all of your purchased animals. A new copy will need to be made between every opening.


nrMWk6M.gif How to Order

Please send the following order form with payment upfront to one of the following individuals by PM with the subject line “Blanket Fort Order” - We highly recommend checking the spreadsheet linked below to see who is online to prevent any delays in your cat delivery:
Note! I (squidragon, thread host) do not process orders anymore. You must send to one of the below individuals instead. If you send to me, I will have to send your treasure back and redirect you to one of the volunteers.

nrMWk6M.gif Ordering Notes
  • Pixels cost 5kt each. (We do not take gems at this time.)
  • Limit to 4 purchased pixel friends per user per day. Those who purchase the maximum 4 in one day will receive a special bonus 5th pixel.
  • Because of how the spreadsheet works, please do not make more than one order per day. If you would like multiple pixels, they should all be requested in the same message.
  • *New* - When ordering pixels, please be sure to indicate which pack you would like to order from. Pack options are detailed below.
[b]Blanket Fort Order[/b] Your Username: Your FR ID: Number Desired (1-4): Pack (Required): Orders must be sent via PM with payment up-front. We do NOT accept orders posted in the thread. See the list of receivers above!


nrMWk6M.gif Pack Options

This new "pack" system replaces the previous bribery system Blanket Fort used to operate under. Whenever you make an order, you'll choose one of the below packs to order pixels from (no mixing and matching).

Some of the pack types have a small additional fee that is added on to the order total (eg. 4 pixels in the mysterious cube pack would cost 24kt total). Additionally, some of them come with a complimentary toy.

General Packs

The packs below are all very broad which can return any animal in their respective categories.

2qudnMq.gif Classic Pack - No Additional Cost - No Bonus Toy
When ordering from this pack, you will receive random cats. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

2qudnMq.gif Wildlife Pack - Costs +2kt - No Bonus Toy
When ordering from this pack, you will receive random wildlife animals. If you buy 4 wildlife animals from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.

2qudnMq.gif Party Pack - Costs +2kt - No Bonus Toy
When ordering from this pack, you will receive a random assortment of cats and wildlife animals. If you buy 4 pixels from this pack, you'll also receive a 5th random pixel.

Kjber3o.gif Mysterious Cube Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Cube Toy!
When ordering from this pack, you will receive a random assortment of cats and wildlife animals. The rarities will be inverted (eg. you will be more likely to receive rare poses than common ones.) If you buy 4 pixels from this pack, you'll also receive a 5th random pixel.

Specific Packs

All available cats and wildlife have been divided into smaller subgroups. Ordering one of these packs guarantees that all 4 of your purchased pixels will be from the cats or wildlife animals within them.

For a visual guide to the different specific packs, all of the cats and animals in the post below this have been sorted and separated into their packs.

oHWP6Vb.gif Cardboard Box Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Box Toy!
This pack contains all of the original 16 cats Blanket Fort released with at launch. Specifically, this includes: Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, Chamomile, Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, and Frosting. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

mgPelf8.gif Feather Toy Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Feather Toy!
This pack contains all of the year 1 cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Bubbles, Teacup, Sage, Tulip, Ember, Fluffy, Scar, Stella, Milly, Fate, and Fortune. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

9mQehgP.gif Catnip Sock Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Sock Toy!
This pack contains all of the year 2 cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Bandit, Chestnut, Smokey, Jasmine, Oliver, Lucky, Marshmallow, Mocha, Chloe, Daisy, Halbert, and GlowCat. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

A8NMwU9.gif Little Mouse Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Mouse Toy!
This pack contains all of the year 3+ cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Sugar, Cocoa, Cactus, Zip, Peppermint, Flower, Slippers, Nibbles, Ned, and Billy. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

py1w7s4.gif Shimmering Ribbon Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Ribbon Toy!
This pack contains all of the "special" cat additions. Specifically, this includes: Flight Representative Cats, Kitten Groups, Monster Cats, and all of the Coloring Contest Cats. If you buy 4 cats from this pack, you'll also receive one random wildlife animal.

KtJqDxq.gif Tasty Treat Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Tasty Treat!
This pack contains all of the woodland wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Foxes, Birds, Owls, Elk, Bears, and Fancy Birds. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.

cL1eBqM.gif Cozy Blanket Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Cozy Blanket!
This pack contains all of the farm wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Rats, Bunnies, Pups, Ferrets, Llamas, Horses, and Boar. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.

JN52URm.gif Wiggly Worm Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Worm Toy!
This pack contains all of the herps (reptiles and amphibians). Specifically, this includes: Snakes, Geckos, Axolotls, Frogs, and Tortoises. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.

bP16ESc.gif Fish on a String Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Fish Toy!
This pack contains all of the aquarium wildlife. Specifically, this includes: Squids, Sea Pancakes, Goldfish, Sharks, Discus, and Octopi. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.

aKj9DZm.gif Crinkly Ball Pack - Costs +4kt - Includes a Ball Toy!
This pack contains all of the strange and miscellaneous beasts. Specifically, this includes: Pointy Dinosaurs (Son Boy), Raptor Dinosaurs (Murder Chickens), Tall Dinosaurs (Tall), Monkeys, Sengi (Shrews), and Saiga Antelope. If you buy 4 wildlife friends from this pack, you'll also receive one random cat.


nrMWk6M.gif Ambush

In much the same way that those who purchase all 4 pixels in a day receive a bonus friend, those who purchase all 4 pixels have a 10% chance of receiving a 6th surprise friend! This 6th friend comes with special Ambush flavortext!

The odds of getting an ambush go up if you pay more. At 22kt, your odds go to 11.11% and at 24kt, your odds go to 12.5%.
squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]The 5 Cat Poses[/b] Each cat comes in the five following poses, in order of increasing rarity: [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]The Cats[/b] [center][size=4][b]Original 16 Cats (Likes Cardboard Boxes)[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Pancake[/b] - Watch Cat - Brown Tabby - he/him - Plentiful Pancake is notorious throughout the Fortress of Ends for being a bit of a menace. Although, as one of the fort’s local watch cats, he’s quick to notice if anything is wrong, he also tends to get himself into a lot of trouble when he gets bored. Stolen items, scratched up furniture, broken glass vases - you name it, he’s done it. The only way to keep this one out of trouble is to make sure he’s kept busy.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Cantaloupe[/b] - Watch Cat - Orange Tabby - she/her - Plentiful Cantaloupe has a lot to say! If she sees something unusual or suspicious, she screams. If she notices someone doing something they don’t normally do, she screams. Sometimes she stares at the wall and yells because that’s just her personality. aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Fortunately, as a watch cat, this is her job, so it’s okay.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Mia[/b] - Hunter - Grey Tabby - she/her - Plentiful Mia the Hunter keeps the storage rooms clear of all pests and vermin. Every day is an adventure for her - with new boxes to climb, items to smell, and places to explore. Perceptive dragons might notice her leaping across the highest shelves in the store room and squeezing into the tiniest little spots. Good thing Mia is a brave and curious cat, because all sorts of things seem to manage to sneak in with the gatherers’ daily finds.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Sundae[/b] - Hunter - Brown and White Tabby - he/him - Plentiful Dragons who find themselves in the kitchens are sure to meet Sundae. He’s a hunter that keeps the pantry clean and pest-free, but he also loves to eat. Whenever the chefs start to cook, he rolls over on his back... and they just can’t resist giving him a little treat. But be careful, leave something unattended and you might just come back to find that it’s disappeared.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Kiki[/b] - Hunter - Orange and White Tabby - she/her - Plentiful Kiki may be one of the best hunters in the bunch, but that’s only because she gets lots of practice. She just LOVES to bite things. Go over to give her a pat? She loves it, but also she’s going to bite you because that’s the only way she knows how to show her love. Her free time is spent pouncing on and wrestling with the other cats. [i]Someone[/i] has to keep them on their toes![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Hopscotch[/b] - Watch Cat - Grey and White Tabby - she/her - Plentiful Hopscotch is extra curious, spending most of her time going out to explore the fortress grounds. She just loves the courtyards - climbing trees, jumping on dragons’ tails, chasing the guards around in circles until they pet her - all in a day’s work for an important watch cat like her![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Comet[/b] - Messenger - Solid Black - she/her - Common Comet is the fastest cat in all of Ice Flight. If there are shortcuts, she knows how to use them, and she never seems to tire out from running at top speed. For this reason, she’s been designated as a messenger. Dragons hand her notes, tell her where to take them, and off she goes![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Sushi[/b] - Librarian’s Assistant - Grey - he/him - Common Sushi is a wise and friendly cat. He works in the fortress’s library, helping to sort and organize books. He loves attention from all the library guests, curling up next to them in their fancy armchairs and gently pointing out extra important information as they read. Little do they know, he spent his youth out in the harsh and unforgiving streets - and he has many battle scars and stories to talk about from those days![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Smudge[/b] - Alchemist’s Assistant - Black Tuxedo - he/him - Common Smudge is the alchemist’s assistant and always seems just a bit lost. He tries his best, but sometimes his urge to knock all the ingredients off the shelves into the pot gets the best of him. It’s okay though, because the alchemist loves him anyway.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Chamomile[/b] - Healer’s Assistant - Grey Tuxedo - he/him - Common Chamomile is sweet, quiet, and observant. He helps the healer out by keeping the patients company and fetching medicines and other tools. He’s a gentle cat and is especially fond of hatchlings, bringing them flowers, feathers, and other little things he’s picked up outside.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Toby[/b] - Event Coordinator’s Assistant - Pointed - he/him - Uncommon Many dragons in the Fortress of Ends suspect that Toby may actually be a liquid. He’s always lying down, hanging over the ends of chairs and tables in the great hall, curling up for naps in the fluff of the nearest tundras, and rolling about on the floor. His formal job is to help the event coordinator set up for dinners, meetings, and other activities - but he’s far more likely to fall asleep clinging to the nearest guest...[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Spaghetti[/b] - Engineer’s Assistant - Calico - she/her - Uncommon Spaghetti is an intelligent cat who dabbles in architecture and engineering. She just loves to do math, poring over blueprints and charts and calculations. While other cats are out chasing butterflies, she’s sitting on the shoulder of the clan’s engineer, double checking their work. Spaghetti designed and built the Blanket Fort of Ends herself, and one might call it a Great Wonder of Catkind. It even comes with traps… Be careful...[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Snowglobe[/b] - Mage’s Assistant - Solid White - he/him - Uncommon Snowglobe is deaf, but certainly always in tune with his surroundings. He and the mages communicate to each other with writing or sign-language, and Snowglobe even knows a few spells and charms himself! Despite this, he’s quite shy and cautious, becoming nervous or anxious easily. It’s far more likely for him to be hiding away in the mages’ towers than seen wandering about in public.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Halberd[/b] - General’s Assistant - Tortoiseshell - she/her - Limited Halberd is strict, disciplined, and Very Strong. She helps the Icewarden’s general train the exalts for battle, running back and forth through the rows of dragons, yelling encouragement and casting judgment on their physical fitness. Some say she once lifted an imp hatchling and carried it across the entire courtyard.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Patches[/b] - Accountant’s Assistant - Dilute Calico - she/her - Limited Patches is the accountant’s assistant, loving spreadsheets and math and balancing finances. However, she also has a business enterprise on the side. She dabbles in all sorts of markets: genes, apparel, battlestones - if you can think of it, she’s probably selling it to you. And her cute fluffy face means she gets away with quite the markup in price. “Look at that cat! What a good, smart cat! She has the entrepreneurial spirit! I want to support her business.” >:3[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Frosting[/b] - Icedad’s Personal Assistant - Icy Sparkles - he/him - Rare Frosting is the Icewarden’s personal assistant and he is extremely shy. Rarely spotted in the open, Frosting typically only appears when he brings an important message or announcement from the Icewarden himself. Only the luckiest dragons will ever see him, although he has a tendency to be more active when the Icewarden is planning important events, such as Icemas and Gala.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Year 1 Additions (Likes Feather Toys)[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Bubbles[/b] - Artist’s Assistant - Fluffy Cream Tabby - they/them - Uncommon Bubbles just loves to paint! Trees, animals, dragons, abstract art, it doesn't matter what the subject is, Bubbles will paint it. They spend most of their time in the artist's room, bouncing around in the paints, leaving trails of colorful footprints wherever they go. This may be troublesome to those who wish to clean up, but the artist finds all the little rainbow kitty footprints endearing and almost considers them an art form of their own.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Teacup[/b] - Prison Patrol - Fluffy Blue Pointed - she/her - Limited A set of shiny silver bells dangling from her collar, Teacup trots through the dark and dreary halls of the prison to keep an eye on all those who are kept there. Prisoners offer her bits of food and gentle pats in a desperate attempt at a bribe, but although she loves the attention, she would never give in to such a villainous crowd.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Sage[/b] - Suspicious Figure - Fluffy Black and White Tabby - he/him - Uncommon There he is, lurking around the corners in the darkest parts of the fort, with his wares carefully concealed beneath his tiny dark cloak. What wares you ask? Anything you might desire: the misplaced keys of a prison guard, a note that was not meant for your eyes, a bit of cheese pilfered from the storage room, or simply the information you might require. A cat is an inconspicuous spy of course, and Sage is willing to find out anything... for the right price.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Tulip[/b] - Gardener's Assistant - Rainbow Spots - she/her - Limited Tulip's favorite place in the Fortress of Ends has always been the greenhouse. As a kitten, she would chase stray insects through the flowerbeds and curl up under the ornamental bushes. Unfortunately, her curiosity got the better of her, and while exploring the alchemist's tower with her best friend Ember, the two accidentally tipped over a cauldron of toxic waste. Ever since The Accident, Tulip's spots have gone from a soft grey to a color-changing iridescent. She has also gained the ability to fly, which she uses for heroic tasks![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Ember[/b] - Prison Patrol - Fluffy Flame Pointed - he/him - Limited Ember is Teacup's shy, cautious brother. He spends most of his time lurking in the dark, cobwebby corners of the dungeon, watching quietly. When his best friend Tulip insisted on exploring the alchemist's tower, he tried to tell her it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen. Tulip knocked over a cauldron of toxic waste, and not long after, Ember sprouted a pair of extra eyes, an extra tail, and.... telekinetic powers. He may be one of the more powerful cats in the fort, but he prefers to save these skills for dire circumstances.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Fluffy[/b] - Alchemical Creation - Eldritch - they/it - Rare When two kittens, Ember and Tulip, knocked over a cauldron of toxic waste while exploring the alchemist's tower, a third cat materialized. This creature, with hazy black tendrils, glowing white eyes, and an eerie green glow, began to teleport around the fort causing chaos and confusion. Don't worry though, "Fluffy" is perfectly friendly![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Scar[/b] - Battle Cat - Fiery Bengal with Wings - he/him - Rare Scar and his sister Stella are large cats created by the Icewarden to escort the exalts into battle. They are fierce warriors and primarily appear before conquest pushes. Scar is more of a defensive fighter, preferring to guard fallen dragons from harm so that they can be taken to safety. He is able to breathe fire like a dragon. Don't be deceived by their looks, these two cats stand about a head taller than the largest tundra.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Stella[/b] - Battle Cat - Snowy Bengal with Wings - she/her - Rare Stella and her brother Scar are large cats created by the Icewarden to escort the exalts into battle. They are fierce warriors and primarily appear before conquest pushes. Stella is more of an offensive fighter, preferring to lead the exalts forward, blinding enemies with her ability to create bright flashing lights. Don't be deceived by their looks, these two cats stand about a head taller than the largest tundra.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Milly[/b] - Vault Kitty - Gold and Sparkles - she/her - Rare Milly is a picky, fussy cat who only cooperates when bribed. If you do not pay her, you do not get to pet her !! She likes all things to be shiny and expensive, which is why she spends all of her time rolling about in the Icewarden's treasure vault. Her absolute favorite things are sparkly ribbons, and those who bring her such gifts are sure to win her favor.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Fate[/b] - Cryptic Messenger - Space and Stars - they/them - Limited An incorporeal creature who is invisible in the light, Fate can only be seen at night, quietly wandering the rooftops of the Fortress of Ends. They are a messenger for the Icewarden himself, dropping cryptic notes and clues to those who have been called for some greater purpose. Fate is very attached to Snowglobe, and will often follow him around, translating for him and bringing him interesting magic items. The two spend most of their afternoons curled up together in a dark corner of the mage's tower, telling stories and chatting about the previous night.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Fortune[/b] - Oracle - Fluffy Purple - they/them - Limited Fortune resides in a tall, hidden away tower, buried somewhere in the maze of passages and halls that make up the Fortress of Ends. It is said that those who seek this tower will never find it - for the tower only shows itself to those in need. Inside the tower is a cozy den of silks and soft spices, and a very fluffy, very soft, very wise, very purple cat. Patting Fortune can invoke realizations about anything from solutions to problems to purpose in life, and it is always good luck to offer a gift to Fortune at the end of your visit. For this reason, Fortune's tower is filled with shelves and shelves of gifts and knickknacks that they have accumulated over the years.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Year 2 Additions (Likes Catnip Socks)[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Bandit[/b] - Kleptomaniac - Orange and White - he/him - Plentiful You don't need a job if you just steal everything you need! At least, that's how Bandit feels about things. Pilfering food and toys from storage rooms, picking the pockets of dragons while sitting on their lap, tearing about the place grabbing the shiniest things he can find - that's how Bandit rolls. Nobody really even knows where he came from. He certainly wasn't adopted by Icedad, and despite attempts at getting him to take up a "real job," no progress has been made.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Chestnut[/b] - Watchcat - Brown and Orange Tabby - she/her - Plentiful Chestnut and her bff Smokey are Always together! As watch cats, they wander through the fortress of ends keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. And when they find it, Chestnut pokes it repeatedly while Smokey goes to get the nearest dragon for assistance. Their teamwork has found many interesting and highly suspicious objects such as weird unlabeled packages, lost hatchlings, and once they even found an escaped prisoner (yes, Chestnut poked the escaped prisoner. Right in the face. It was quite a successful distraction.)[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Smokey[/b] - Watchcat - Grey and Silver Tabby - he/him - Plentiful Smokey and his bff Chestnut are Always together! As watch cats, they wander through the fortress of ends keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. And when they find it, Smokey goes to get the nearest dragon for assistance while Chestnut pokes it repeatedly. Smokey is very good at getting the attention of dragons. He runs into the hall, yells, spins around, does a little cat dance, and then walks off trying to get the dragon to follow. He is Very good at little cat dances.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Jasmine[/b] - Gardener's Assistant - Dark Pointed Bobtail - she/her - Uncommon Ever since Tulip learned to fly and ran off to fight crime, the gardener has been in need of a new set of paws to help chase out all the insects and pests in the greenhouse. Unfortunately for them, Jasmine is not that cat. Jasmine does not Hunt. She is above that kind of dirty work. But she does garden! She waters flowers, tends to them, and even has her own plot in the greenhouse! On warm summer days, she sells cat-grown bouquets in the courtyard to any dragons who might be interested.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Oliver[/b] - Musician's Assistant - Spotted Orange Fold - he/him - Uncommon Oliver, also known as "Ears," to the other cats, has always loved music. He spends most of his days sitting on the shoulder of the conductor of the fort's orchestra, purring in time to the music. In the evenings, he pores over his notebooks, writing and composing his own orchestral pieces. One day he hopes to take over the Fortress of End's Orchestra, and I don't think anyone would mind if that happened.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Lucky[/b] - Hunter - White with Grey - he/him - Common Although he is named Lucky, poor Lucky is anything but! Wherever he goes, misfortune follows. He started out as the alchemist's assistant, but kept accidentally exploding things. Then he tried to work in the kitchens but he burned everything he touched. He was given jobs in patrolling, architecture, even the library, but wherever he went he couldn't help but make quite a mess. No matter how hard he tried. He's currently taken up a job assisting Mia as a storage room hunter and has only broken a Few things....[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Marshmallow[/b] - Wall Patrol - Fluffy Chinchilla - she/her - Common Despite all the white fluff, Marshmallow is not the type to sit around on laps all day. She is assigned to patrol the outer walls of the Fortress of Ends, and spends her days running along the tops of them, keeping a careful eye on the landscape in the horizon. Fast, brave, and with an incredible sense of vision, she always seems to be the first to notice if something dangerous might be approaching. And when she notices, she runs the length of the walls meowing to rally the troops.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Mocha[/b] - Emotional Support Cat - Fluffy Chocolate Bobtail - he/him - Common Mocha spends most of his time inside the Blanket Fort itself, fussing over all of the other cats - bringing them food, gifts, listening to their woes, and otherwise taking care of them. While the others are out and about doing their important jobs, he tidies up the boxes and blankets, making sure everything is nice and cozy for when they return. Because his health has not always been great, he gets tired easily and can't quite run around as much as the others, but he does his best and all of the other cats think he is The Greatest.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Chloe[/b] - Ghost Hunter - Calico Van - she/her - Common Other cats... they hunt things like mice and bugs, but Chloe? She hunts ghosts. Think your place might be haunted? Try giving her a call.... She only needs to stay in the haunted place for a few days before leaving an inky paw print on your door, signing it, and leaving. Ghost gone: guaranteed. We will never know how she does it.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Daisy[/b] - Tailor's Assistant - Fluffy Black and White - she/her - Plentiful Daisy spends most of her days playing in the looms of fabric and yarn of the tailor's workshop. Her absolute favorite is ribbons (and the tailor agrees), which is why she wears a differently colored ribbon every day. A very stylish kitty![/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Halbert[/b] - Customer Service - Orange Tuxedo - he/him - Common Halbert the Customer Service cat values your time and patience with the Icewarden's Exaltation Service. This harried fellow works a standard 9-5 job answering the phone at the Fortress of Ends. Everything from angry customers to glitches in the system to confused folks who can't quite figure it out are encountered by Halbert on a daily basis. When he's not working, you might be able to find him in the break room making coffee or eating a haphazardly-made sandwich. His sister Halberd tells him he really ought to get outside more but, well, how can he find time for outdoors when he's working overtime six days a week.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]GlowCat[/b] - Mysterious Glowing Friend - Light Eldritch - they/it - Rare GlowCat was created when Fluffy decided to stare far too long and far too deeply into a crystal chandelier. This extremely bright and blinding cat, a reflection of Fluffy, is both as troublemaking and as chaotic as its companion eldritch kitty. The two, together, will have a long and great friendship (even if they accidentally make everyone else's life incredibly difficult.)[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Year 3+ Additions (Likes Mice)[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Sugar[/b] - Icewarden's Assistant in Training - Blue Pointed - she/her - Rare Frosting's little sister Sugar has grown up big and strong and is ready to start training to become one of Icewarden's Personal Assistants! Her favorite activities include rolling around in the snow, building snow-cats, and letting the exalted dragons brush her fluffy fur.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Cocoa[/b] - Cat Scientist - Brown & White Pointed - she/her - Common Cocoa is the Primary Investigator at CatCo Labs, where Icewarden has funded nearly 50 million treasure worth of research in a variety of areas. When she's not making graphs and analyzing data, she's meeting her friends for tea in the cafe and chatting about her recent book publications.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Cactus[/b] - Cactus - Cactus - they/it - Uncommon You may be wondering why there seems to be a cactus sitting outside the front gate of the Fortress of Ends. But that is no cactus! It's a cat! Nobody knows what the Cactus Cat's business truly is... but I'm sure it's very important.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Zip[/b] - Cat Research Assistant - Gold Bengal - they/them - Common Zip is a research assistant at CatCo Labs. While their day is spent buried in data analysis, their nights are spent on their true passion: parkour. Zip bounces off the walls and over the furniture with expert grace, rarely crashing into anything. Sometimes they'll even bounce off unsuspecting dragons.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Peppermint[/b] - Cat Research Assistant - Red Tabby Tuxedo - she/her - Uncommon Peppermint is another research assistant at CatCo Labs. Her primary job is out in the field, collecting data and making observations. Outside of work, she likes to sit in the window of the fortress's bakery. The ovens are warm, the bakers are friendly, and the loaves of bread are just her size. Occasionally she sneaks just a little bite.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Flower[/b] - Security Officer - Brown and Tan Tabby - she/they - Plentiful Flower spends all their time at the front gate of the Fortress of Ends with the gate security inspectors who make sure nobody is bringing anything suspicious or dangerous into the fort. They use their super sense of smell to sniff out any illegal contraband, and dragons seem less averse to having a little cat climb all over them as part of the search process.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Slippers[/b] - Teacher's Assistant - Dark Pointed - they/them - Plentiful Slippers lives in the fortress's schoolhouse for all the little hatchlings. They curl up next to young dragons to help them learn to read and write, and sometimes even help with math homework. After classes are over, they help the teacher to sweep the floors and straighten the desks for the next day.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Nibbles[/b] - Keeper of Orbs - White with Blue and Pink - he/him - Limited Nibbles the Great and Fantastic Orbs Cat lives in one of the fort's towers, distributing orbs to those who desire them. What kinds of orbs, you ask? All kinds. Orbs made of ice cream and vegetables and fruits, orbs made of rock and glass, orbs made of solid metal or even paper. The ice cream orbs are the most popular, of course, but the options for spherical items are truly endless.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Ned[/b] - Bornket Frot Mistake - Glitchy - he/it/they - Rare Something went wrong in the Bornket Frot of Neds. Items phase in and out of existence. Furniture glitches into the wall. A cat which we are not sure is real or not can sometimes be seen at the ends of the halls, or heard meowing like the sound of static. It seems friendly though.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Billy[/b] - Party Expert - Rainbow Stripes - he/him - Rare The moment the other cats sent an invite out to every cat in the Southern Icefields for a huge celebratory success party, Billy showed up and simply refused to leave. His constant sea of parties is loud and zesty and full of lights and music and dancing and catnip confetti. It seems he never tires of a celebration. At least he set his party house up in the dungeon so the only ones who would be bothered are the spiders and some war criminals.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Special Cats (Likes Ribbons)[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [b]Flight Representatives[/b] Sometimes, the Icewarden's assistant Frosting has the assistants of the other deities over for tea and negotiation. These meetings are... quite the excitement, with all of these interesting characters showing up! [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [columns][b]C.A.T. (Cutest Assistive Technician) - Lightning[/b] - C.A.T. has over 1000 different gadgets and tools hidden away in its many robotic limbs and attachments. It's a hard worker, and can even repair electrical devices while sleeping. [b]Glimmer - Light[/b] - Glimmer's nine extra eyes each function as a blindingly bright flashlight. Careful not to look directly at her, as it's said to be like staring directly into the sun. [b]Chime - Wind[/b] - This winged kitty loves wind chimes and often flies about carrying messages and music wherever he goes. It is said that he has a very jovial laugh (whatever that means for a cat). [b]Ripple - Water[/b] - Ripple has long fins and gills for swimming. He has perfectly adapted to life in the deep sea. He says he knows where Tidelord is, but he's not allowed to say. [b]Pebbles - Earth[/b] - This little animated stone kitty grows shiny crystals inside. Sometimes he leaves an assortment of rocks and gemstones behind as gifts. [b]Blaze - Fire[/b] - Blaze is made of fire and is usually actually on fire. Be careful with your flammable materials while he's around. [b]Pickle - Plague[/b] - Pickle and her twin sister Poppy can never seem to get along. They're always arguing over who gets to hunt the mice and who serves their deity the Best. Be careful when petting her, you'll probably end up with a cold. [b]Poppy - Nature[/b] - Wherever Poppy goes, little flowers and plants grow behind her. Don't be deceived by her innocent appearance though, this little cat is full of pure concentrated rage. [b]Gloom - Shadow[/b] - This little cat often sleeps for weeks at a time. The longer they sleep, the more bio-luminescent fungi seem to grow on them. But don't worry, they're fine. This is just how things are sometimes. [b]Holographic Nephelometer (Nephie) - Arcane[/b] - Nephie is a fantastic mage. Well, in the sense that she has great magical powers! The problem is that Nephie's spells always have a different effect than anticipated. It's fine though, she is great at making do.[/columns] [img][/img] [b]Kitten Groups![/b] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] Sometimes groups of supervised or unsupervised kittens will appear in your baskets. [img][/img] [b]Monster Cats[/b] Strange monster-like cats sometimes appear just outside the Fortress of Ends. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] Top row from left to right: Peanut the Ghost Kitty, Seashell the Mercat, Mothcat aka Mat, Fangs the... Something, Meow the Blob Kitty Bottom row from left to right: Claws the Manticore, Pawlina (Many Paws), Meowswarden, Hibiscus the Flower Cat, and [Him] [The Cube] [img][/img] [b]Coloring Contest Cats[/b] Sometimes groups of costumed cats will appear in your baskets. These cats were created in a coloring contest in 2020! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: shroudrat, MysteryGyn, Birdsofwax, Katsuokai, & Drag0n5 [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: LittleMoons, October, Idyll, xIridium, & Katsuji These cat and worm buddies were created in a coloring contest in 2021! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: PolarSong, zecal, wintrecat, Eithan303, & Fulminare [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: Dragonflame4062, PearlyGirl, Sarluna, Elfydragon, & snapdragoon These Homecating cats were created in a 2021 coloring contest. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: rubeofkubic, Katsuji, cyanclay, ichorApotheosis, Faeninaa [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: Unusual0ddity, sunsetkite, AlphaSnowdust, octolingkiera, Anduins [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Wildlife Friends[/b] Sometimes the cats need a little bit of help. These extra friends provide much needed moral support and companionship! Each bonus friend comes in 5 different colors. [center][size=4][b]Woodland Wildlife (Likes Treats)[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Farm Wildlife (Likes Blankets)[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Herps Wildlife (Likes Worms)[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Aquarium Wildlife (Likes Fish)[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Strange Beasts Wildlife (Likes Crinkle Balls)[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]

nrMWk6M.gif The 5 Cat Poses

Each cat comes in the five following poses, in order of increasing rarity:


nrMWk6M.gif The Cats

Original 16 Cats (Likes Cardboard Boxes)

aeT8NqI.gif Pancake - Watch Cat - Brown Tabby - he/him - Plentiful
Pancake is notorious throughout the Fortress of Ends for being a bit of a menace. Although, as one of the fort’s local watch cats, he’s quick to notice if anything is wrong, he also tends to get himself into a lot of trouble when he gets bored. Stolen items, scratched up furniture, broken glass vases - you name it, he’s done it. The only way to keep this one out of trouble is to make sure he’s kept busy.
TWdaRt3.gif Cantaloupe - Watch Cat - Orange Tabby - she/her - Plentiful
Cantaloupe has a lot to say! If she sees something unusual or suspicious, she screams. If she notices someone doing something they don’t normally do, she screams. Sometimes she stares at the wall and yells because that’s just her personality. aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Fortunately, as a watch cat, this is her job, so it’s okay.
bwQWVA0.gif Mia - Hunter - Grey Tabby - she/her - Plentiful
Mia the Hunter keeps the storage rooms clear of all pests and vermin. Every day is an adventure for her - with new boxes to climb, items to smell, and places to explore. Perceptive dragons might notice her leaping across the highest shelves in the store room and squeezing into the tiniest little spots. Good thing Mia is a brave and curious cat, because all sorts of things seem to manage to sneak in with the gatherers’ daily finds.
xAVzxJT.gif Sundae - Hunter - Brown and White Tabby - he/him - Plentiful
Dragons who find themselves in the kitchens are sure to meet Sundae. He’s a hunter that keeps the pantry clean and pest-free, but he also loves to eat. Whenever the chefs start to cook, he rolls over on his back... and they just can’t resist giving him a little treat. But be careful, leave something unattended and you might just come back to find that it’s disappeared.
GktneFj.gif Kiki - Hunter - Orange and White Tabby - she/her - Plentiful
Kiki may be one of the best hunters in the bunch, but that’s only because she gets lots of practice. She just LOVES to bite things. Go over to give her a pat? She loves it, but also she’s going to bite you because that’s the only way she knows how to show her love. Her free time is spent pouncing on and wrestling with the other cats. Someone has to keep them on their toes!
IteuTHV.gif Hopscotch - Watch Cat - Grey and White Tabby - she/her - Plentiful
Hopscotch is extra curious, spending most of her time going out to explore the fortress grounds. She just loves the courtyards - climbing trees, jumping on dragons’ tails, chasing the guards around in circles until they pet her - all in a day’s work for an important watch cat like her!
J5FkGFv.gif Comet - Messenger - Solid Black - she/her - Common
Comet is the fastest cat in all of Ice Flight. If there are shortcuts, she knows how to use them, and she never seems to tire out from running at top speed. For this reason, she’s been designated as a messenger. Dragons hand her notes, tell her where to take them, and off she goes!
ZTaljjQ.gif Sushi - Librarian’s Assistant - Grey - he/him - Common
Sushi is a wise and friendly cat. He works in the fortress’s library, helping to sort and organize books. He loves attention from all the library guests, curling up next to them in their fancy armchairs and gently pointing out extra important information as they read. Little do they know, he spent his youth out in the harsh and unforgiving streets - and he has many battle scars and stories to talk about from those days!
eDMkCSj.gif Smudge - Alchemist’s Assistant - Black Tuxedo - he/him - Common
Smudge is the alchemist’s assistant and always seems just a bit lost. He tries his best, but sometimes his urge to knock all the ingredients off the shelves into the pot gets the best of him. It’s okay though, because the alchemist loves him anyway.
Gg69tqZ.gif Chamomile - Healer’s Assistant - Grey Tuxedo - he/him - Common
Chamomile is sweet, quiet, and observant. He helps the healer out by keeping the patients company and fetching medicines and other tools. He’s a gentle cat and is especially fond of hatchlings, bringing them flowers, feathers, and other little things he’s picked up outside.
kD8Pwdj.gif Toby - Event Coordinator’s Assistant - Pointed - he/him - Uncommon
Many dragons in the Fortress of Ends suspect that Toby may actually be a liquid. He’s always lying down, hanging over the ends of chairs and tables in the great hall, curling up for naps in the fluff of the nearest tundras, and rolling about on the floor. His formal job is to help the event coordinator set up for dinners, meetings, and other activities - but he’s far more likely to fall asleep clinging to the nearest guest...
lUnSa5z.gif Spaghetti - Engineer’s Assistant - Calico - she/her - Uncommon
Spaghetti is an intelligent cat who dabbles in architecture and engineering. She just loves to do math, poring over blueprints and charts and calculations. While other cats are out chasing butterflies, she’s sitting on the shoulder of the clan’s engineer, double checking their work. Spaghetti designed and built the Blanket Fort of Ends herself, and one might call it a Great Wonder of Catkind. It even comes with traps… Be careful...
X0HNH18.gif Snowglobe - Mage’s Assistant - Solid White - he/him - Uncommon
Snowglobe is deaf, but certainly always in tune with his surroundings. He and the mages communicate to each other with writing or sign-language, and Snowglobe even knows a few spells and charms himself! Despite this, he’s quite shy and cautious, becoming nervous or anxious easily. It’s far more likely for him to be hiding away in the mages’ towers than seen wandering about in public.
u25uxEU.gif Halberd - General’s Assistant - Tortoiseshell - she/her - Limited
Halberd is strict, disciplined, and Very Strong. She helps the Icewarden’s general train the exalts for battle, running back and forth through the rows of dragons, yelling encouragement and casting judgment on their physical fitness. Some say she once lifted an imp hatchling and carried it across the entire courtyard.
7oQhO8R.gif Patches - Accountant’s Assistant - Dilute Calico - she/her - Limited
Patches is the accountant’s assistant, loving spreadsheets and math and balancing finances. However, she also has a business enterprise on the side. She dabbles in all sorts of markets: genes, apparel, battlestones - if you can think of it, she’s probably selling it to you. And her cute fluffy face means she gets away with quite the markup in price. “Look at that cat! What a good, smart cat! She has the entrepreneurial spirit! I want to support her business.” >:3
WCzAilz.gif Frosting - Icedad’s Personal Assistant - Icy Sparkles - he/him - Rare
Frosting is the Icewarden’s personal assistant and he is extremely shy. Rarely spotted in the open, Frosting typically only appears when he brings an important message or announcement from the Icewarden himself. Only the luckiest dragons will ever see him, although he has a tendency to be more active when the Icewarden is planning important events, such as Icemas and Gala.

Year 1 Additions (Likes Feather Toys)

7Y34LiE.gif Bubbles - Artist’s Assistant - Fluffy Cream Tabby - they/them - Uncommon
Bubbles just loves to paint! Trees, animals, dragons, abstract art, it doesn't matter what the subject is, Bubbles will paint it. They spend most of their time in the artist's room, bouncing around in the paints, leaving trails of colorful footprints wherever they go. This may be troublesome to those who wish to clean up, but the artist finds all the little rainbow kitty footprints endearing and almost considers them an art form of their own.
dIaSrb9.gif Teacup - Prison Patrol - Fluffy Blue Pointed - she/her - Limited
A set of shiny silver bells dangling from her collar, Teacup trots through the dark and dreary halls of the prison to keep an eye on all those who are kept there. Prisoners offer her bits of food and gentle pats in a desperate attempt at a bribe, but although she loves the attention, she would never give in to such a villainous crowd.
Kx9ArWE.gif Sage - Suspicious Figure - Fluffy Black and White Tabby - he/him - Uncommon
There he is, lurking around the corners in the darkest parts of the fort, with his wares carefully concealed beneath his tiny dark cloak. What wares you ask? Anything you might desire: the misplaced keys of a prison guard, a note that was not meant for your eyes, a bit of cheese pilfered from the storage room, or simply the information you might require. A cat is an inconspicuous spy of course, and Sage is willing to find out anything... for the right price.
W3eiagj.gif Tulip - Gardener's Assistant - Rainbow Spots - she/her - Limited
Tulip's favorite place in the Fortress of Ends has always been the greenhouse. As a kitten, she would chase stray insects through the flowerbeds and curl up under the ornamental bushes. Unfortunately, her curiosity got the better of her, and while exploring the alchemist's tower with her best friend Ember, the two accidentally tipped over a cauldron of toxic waste. Ever since The Accident, Tulip's spots have gone from a soft grey to a color-changing iridescent. She has also gained the ability to fly, which she uses for heroic tasks!
fva8kiz.gif Ember - Prison Patrol - Fluffy Flame Pointed - he/him - Limited
Ember is Teacup's shy, cautious brother. He spends most of his time lurking in the dark, cobwebby corners of the dungeon, watching quietly. When his best friend Tulip insisted on exploring the alchemist's tower, he tried to tell her it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen. Tulip knocked over a cauldron of toxic waste, and not long after, Ember sprouted a pair of extra eyes, an extra tail, and.... telekinetic powers. He may be one of the more powerful cats in the fort, but he prefers to save these skills for dire circumstances.
qpeSJTT.gif Fluffy - Alchemical Creation - Eldritch - they/it - Rare
When two kittens, Ember and Tulip, knocked over a cauldron of toxic waste while exploring the alchemist's tower, a third cat materialized. This creature, with hazy black tendrils, glowing white eyes, and an eerie green glow, began to teleport around the fort causing chaos and confusion. Don't worry though, "Fluffy" is perfectly friendly!
BIjZcPf.gif Scar - Battle Cat - Fiery Bengal with Wings - he/him - Rare
Scar and his sister Stella are large cats created by the Icewarden to escort the exalts into battle. They are fierce warriors and primarily appear before conquest pushes. Scar is more of a defensive fighter, preferring to guard fallen dragons from harm so that they can be taken to safety. He is able to breathe fire like a dragon. Don't be deceived by their looks, these two cats stand about a head taller than the largest tundra.
6Dgzl3n.gif Stella - Battle Cat - Snowy Bengal with Wings - she/her - Rare
Stella and her brother Scar are large cats created by the Icewarden to escort the exalts into battle. They are fierce warriors and primarily appear before conquest pushes. Stella is more of an offensive fighter, preferring to lead the exalts forward, blinding enemies with her ability to create bright flashing lights. Don't be deceived by their looks, these two cats stand about a head taller than the largest tundra.
tsutERG.gif Milly - Vault Kitty - Gold and Sparkles - she/her - Rare
Milly is a picky, fussy cat who only cooperates when bribed. If you do not pay her, you do not get to pet her !! She likes all things to be shiny and expensive, which is why she spends all of her time rolling about in the Icewarden's treasure vault. Her absolute favorite things are sparkly ribbons, and those who bring her such gifts are sure to win her favor.
4oGuEiV.gif Fate - Cryptic Messenger - Space and Stars - they/them - Limited
An incorporeal creature who is invisible in the light, Fate can only be seen at night, quietly wandering the rooftops of the Fortress of Ends. They are a messenger for the Icewarden himself, dropping cryptic notes and clues to those who have been called for some greater purpose. Fate is very attached to Snowglobe, and will often follow him around, translating for him and bringing him interesting magic items. The two spend most of their afternoons curled up together in a dark corner of the mage's tower, telling stories and chatting about the previous night.
DfxhjSY.gif Fortune - Oracle - Fluffy Purple - they/them - Limited
Fortune resides in a tall, hidden away tower, buried somewhere in the maze of passages and halls that make up the Fortress of Ends. It is said that those who seek this tower will never find it - for the tower only shows itself to those in need. Inside the tower is a cozy den of silks and soft spices, and a very fluffy, very soft, very wise, very purple cat. Patting Fortune can invoke realizations about anything from solutions to problems to purpose in life, and it is always good luck to offer a gift to Fortune at the end of your visit. For this reason, Fortune's tower is filled with shelves and shelves of gifts and knickknacks that they have accumulated over the years.

Year 2 Additions (Likes Catnip Socks)

qQ6jKGy.gif Bandit - Kleptomaniac - Orange and White - he/him - Plentiful
You don't need a job if you just steal everything you need! At least, that's how Bandit feels about things. Pilfering food and toys from storage rooms, picking the pockets of dragons while sitting on their lap, tearing about the place grabbing the shiniest things he can find - that's how Bandit rolls. Nobody really even knows where he came from. He certainly wasn't adopted by Icedad, and despite attempts at getting him to take up a "real job," no progress has been made.
MUfIypK.gif Chestnut - Watchcat - Brown and Orange Tabby - she/her - Plentiful
Chestnut and her bff Smokey are Always together! As watch cats, they wander through the fortress of ends keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. And when they find it, Chestnut pokes it repeatedly while Smokey goes to get the nearest dragon for assistance. Their teamwork has found many interesting and highly suspicious objects such as weird unlabeled packages, lost hatchlings, and once they even found an escaped prisoner (yes, Chestnut poked the escaped prisoner. Right in the face. It was quite a successful distraction.)
UX0XuZW.gif Smokey - Watchcat - Grey and Silver Tabby - he/him - Plentiful
Smokey and his bff Chestnut are Always together! As watch cats, they wander through the fortress of ends keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. And when they find it, Smokey goes to get the nearest dragon for assistance while Chestnut pokes it repeatedly. Smokey is very good at getting the attention of dragons. He runs into the hall, yells, spins around, does a little cat dance, and then walks off trying to get the dragon to follow. He is Very good at little cat dances.
TKdM5ji.gif Jasmine - Gardener's Assistant - Dark Pointed Bobtail - she/her - Uncommon
Ever since Tulip learned to fly and ran off to fight crime, the gardener has been in need of a new set of paws to help chase out all the insects and pests in the greenhouse. Unfortunately for them, Jasmine is not that cat. Jasmine does not Hunt. She is above that kind of dirty work. But she does garden! She waters flowers, tends to them, and even has her own plot in the greenhouse! On warm summer days, she sells cat-grown bouquets in the courtyard to any dragons who might be interested.
osQEnw5.gif Oliver - Musician's Assistant - Spotted Orange Fold - he/him - Uncommon
Oliver, also known as "Ears," to the other cats, has always loved music. He spends most of his days sitting on the shoulder of the conductor of the fort's orchestra, purring in time to the music. In the evenings, he pores over his notebooks, writing and composing his own orchestral pieces. One day he hopes to take over the Fortress of End's Orchestra, and I don't think anyone would mind if that happened.
SphYXCQ.gif Lucky - Hunter - White with Grey - he/him - Common
Although he is named Lucky, poor Lucky is anything but! Wherever he goes, misfortune follows. He started out as the alchemist's assistant, but kept accidentally exploding things. Then he tried to work in the kitchens but he burned everything he touched. He was given jobs in patrolling, architecture, even the library, but wherever he went he couldn't help but make quite a mess. No matter how hard he tried. He's currently taken up a job assisting Mia as a storage room hunter and has only broken a Few things....
3uCWZZV.gif Marshmallow - Wall Patrol - Fluffy Chinchilla - she/her - Common
Despite all the white fluff, Marshmallow is not the type to sit around on laps all day. She is assigned to patrol the outer walls of the Fortress of Ends, and spends her days running along the tops of them, keeping a careful eye on the landscape in the horizon. Fast, brave, and with an incredible sense of vision, she always seems to be the first to notice if something dangerous might be approaching. And when she notices, she runs the length of the walls meowing to rally the troops.
aSdFQwl.gif Mocha - Emotional Support Cat - Fluffy Chocolate Bobtail - he/him - Common
Mocha spends most of his time inside the Blanket Fort itself, fussing over all of the other cats - bringing them food, gifts, listening to their woes, and otherwise taking care of them. While the others are out and about doing their important jobs, he tidies up the boxes and blankets, making sure everything is nice and cozy for when they return. Because his health has not always been great, he gets tired easily and can't quite run around as much as the others, but he does his best and all of the other cats think he is The Greatest.
Xhgr6u9.gif Chloe - Ghost Hunter - Calico Van - she/her - Common
Other cats... they hunt things like mice and bugs, but Chloe? She hunts ghosts. Think your place might be haunted? Try giving her a call.... She only needs to stay in the haunted place for a few days before leaving an inky paw print on your door, signing it, and leaving. Ghost gone: guaranteed. We will never know how she does it.
J19L7v1.gif Daisy - Tailor's Assistant - Fluffy Black and White - she/her - Plentiful
Daisy spends most of her days playing in the looms of fabric and yarn of the tailor's workshop. Her absolute favorite is ribbons (and the tailor agrees), which is why she wears a differently colored ribbon every day. A very stylish kitty!
yB57aBT.gif Halbert - Customer Service - Orange Tuxedo - he/him - Common
Halbert the Customer Service cat values your time and patience with the Icewarden's Exaltation Service. This harried fellow works a standard 9-5 job answering the phone at the Fortress of Ends. Everything from angry customers to glitches in the system to confused folks who can't quite figure it out are encountered by Halbert on a daily basis. When he's not working, you might be able to find him in the break room making coffee or eating a haphazardly-made sandwich. His sister Halberd tells him he really ought to get outside more but, well, how can he find time for outdoors when he's working overtime six days a week.
ClOWtN6.gif GlowCat - Mysterious Glowing Friend - Light Eldritch - they/it - Rare
GlowCat was created when Fluffy decided to stare far too long and far too deeply into a crystal chandelier. This extremely bright and blinding cat, a reflection of Fluffy, is both as troublemaking and as chaotic as its companion eldritch kitty. The two, together, will have a long and great friendship (even if they accidentally make everyone else's life incredibly difficult.)

Year 3+ Additions (Likes Mice)

DMoBXpT.gif Sugar - Icewarden's Assistant in Training - Blue Pointed - she/her - Rare
Frosting's little sister Sugar has grown up big and strong and is ready to start training to become one of Icewarden's Personal Assistants! Her favorite activities include rolling around in the snow, building snow-cats, and letting the exalted dragons brush her fluffy fur.
Q6oPqvh.gif Cocoa - Cat Scientist - Brown & White Pointed - she/her - Common
Cocoa is the Primary Investigator at CatCo Labs, where Icewarden has funded nearly 50 million treasure worth of research in a variety of areas. When she's not making graphs and analyzing data, she's meeting her friends for tea in the cafe and chatting about her recent book publications.
g7ZT8JU.gif Cactus - Cactus - Cactus - they/it - Uncommon
You may be wondering why there seems to be a cactus sitting outside the front gate of the Fortress of Ends. But that is no cactus! It's a cat! Nobody knows what the Cactus Cat's business truly is... but I'm sure it's very important.
y1OCrFB.gif Zip - Cat Research Assistant - Gold Bengal - they/them - Common
Zip is a research assistant at CatCo Labs. While their day is spent buried in data analysis, their nights are spent on their true passion: parkour. Zip bounces off the walls and over the furniture with expert grace, rarely crashing into anything. Sometimes they'll even bounce off unsuspecting dragons.
CCqPA04.gif Peppermint - Cat Research Assistant - Red Tabby Tuxedo - she/her - Uncommon
Peppermint is another research assistant at CatCo Labs. Her primary job is out in the field, collecting data and making observations. Outside of work, she likes to sit in the window of the fortress's bakery. The ovens are warm, the bakers are friendly, and the loaves of bread are just her size. Occasionally she sneaks just a little bite.
Qw421xh.gif Flower - Security Officer - Brown and Tan Tabby - she/they - Plentiful
Flower spends all their time at the front gate of the Fortress of Ends with the gate security inspectors who make sure nobody is bringing anything suspicious or dangerous into the fort. They use their super sense of smell to sniff out any illegal contraband, and dragons seem less averse to having a little cat climb all over them as part of the search process.
cakk1tW.gif Slippers - Teacher's Assistant - Dark Pointed - they/them - Plentiful
Slippers lives in the fortress's schoolhouse for all the little hatchlings. They curl up next to young dragons to help them learn to read and write, and sometimes even help with math homework. After classes are over, they help the teacher to sweep the floors and straighten the desks for the next day.
TO7tLWG.gif Nibbles - Keeper of Orbs - White with Blue and Pink - he/him - Limited
Nibbles the Great and Fantastic Orbs Cat lives in one of the fort's towers, distributing orbs to those who desire them. What kinds of orbs, you ask? All kinds. Orbs made of ice cream and vegetables and fruits, orbs made of rock and glass, orbs made of solid metal or even paper. The ice cream orbs are the most popular, of course, but the options for spherical items are truly endless.
Tl70lOl.gif Ned - Bornket Frot Mistake - Glitchy - he/it/they - Rare
Something went wrong in the Bornket Frot of Neds. Items phase in and out of existence. Furniture glitches into the wall. A cat which we are not sure is real or not can sometimes be seen at the ends of the halls, or heard meowing like the sound of static. It seems friendly though.
OFZZm9n.gif Billy - Party Expert - Rainbow Stripes - he/him - Rare
The moment the other cats sent an invite out to every cat in the Southern Icefields for a huge celebratory success party, Billy showed up and simply refused to leave. His constant sea of parties is loud and zesty and full of lights and music and dancing and catnip confetti. It seems he never tires of a celebration. At least he set his party house up in the dungeon so the only ones who would be bothered are the spiders and some war criminals.

Special Cats (Likes Ribbons)

nrMWk6M.gif Flight Representatives

Sometimes, the Icewarden's assistant Frosting has the assistants of the other deities over for tea and negotiation. These meetings are... quite the excitement, with all of these interesting characters showing up!
C.A.T. (Cutest Assistive Technician) - Lightning - C.A.T. has over 1000 different gadgets and tools hidden away in its many robotic limbs and attachments. It's a hard worker, and can even repair electrical devices while sleeping.

Glimmer - Light - Glimmer's nine extra eyes each function as a blindingly bright flashlight. Careful not to look directly at her, as it's said to be like staring directly into the sun.

Chime - Wind - This winged kitty loves wind chimes and often flies about carrying messages and music wherever he goes. It is said that he has a very jovial laugh (whatever that means for a cat).

Ripple - Water - Ripple has long fins and gills for swimming. He has perfectly adapted to life in the deep sea. He says he knows where Tidelord is, but he's not allowed to say.

Pebbles - Earth - This little animated stone kitty grows shiny crystals inside. Sometimes he leaves an assortment of rocks and gemstones behind as gifts.

Blaze - Fire - Blaze is made of fire and is usually actually on fire. Be careful with your flammable materials while he's around.

Pickle - Plague - Pickle and her twin sister Poppy can never seem to get along. They're always arguing over who gets to hunt the mice and who serves their deity the Best. Be careful when petting her, you'll probably end up with a cold.

Poppy - Nature - Wherever Poppy goes, little flowers and plants grow behind her. Don't be deceived by her innocent appearance though, this little cat is full of pure concentrated rage.

Gloom - Shadow - This little cat often sleeps for weeks at a time. The longer they sleep, the more bio-luminescent fungi seem to grow on them. But don't worry, they're fine. This is just how things are sometimes.

Holographic Nephelometer (Nephie) - Arcane - Nephie is a fantastic mage. Well, in the sense that she has great magical powers! The problem is that Nephie's spells always have a different effect than anticipated. It's fine though, she is great at making do.

nrMWk6M.gif Kitten Groups!
Sometimes groups of supervised or unsupervised kittens will appear in your baskets.

nrMWk6M.gif Monster Cats

Strange monster-like cats sometimes appear just outside the Fortress of Ends.

Top row from left to right: Peanut the Ghost Kitty, Seashell the Mercat, Mothcat aka Mat, Fangs the... Something, Meow the Blob Kitty

Bottom row from left to right: Claws the Manticore, Pawlina (Many Paws), Meowswarden, Hibiscus the Flower Cat, and [Him] [The Cube]

nrMWk6M.gif Coloring Contest Cats

Sometimes groups of costumed cats will appear in your baskets. These cats were created in a coloring contest in 2020!

Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: shroudrat, MysteryGyn, Birdsofwax, Katsuokai, & Drag0n5
Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: LittleMoons, October, Idyll, xIridium, & Katsuji

These cat and worm buddies were created in a coloring contest in 2021!

Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: PolarSong, zecal, wintrecat, Eithan303, & Fulminare
Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: Dragonflame4062, PearlyGirl, Sarluna, Elfydragon, & snapdragoon

These Homecating cats were created in a 2021 coloring contest.


Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: rubeofkubic, Katsuji, cyanclay, ichorApotheosis, Faeninaa


Coloring Contest Winners, from left to right: Unusual0ddity, sunsetkite, AlphaSnowdust, octolingkiera, Anduins


nrMWk6M.gif Wildlife Friends

Sometimes the cats need a little bit of help. These extra friends provide much needed moral support and companionship! Each bonus friend comes in 5 different colors.

Woodland Wildlife (Likes Treats)
02o21Kw.gif kFm3MoQ.gif qVfPdk5.gif FoZ1RPc.gif
rixbYBy.gif NWQXtGg.gif

Farm Wildlife (Likes Blankets)
6BuJRzO.gif 532B5fC.gif 2TvDUcE.gif Ktk04r1.gif
tXWMKPK.gif lX7uhOZ.gif LOllgaH.gif

Herps Wildlife (Likes Worms)
hpoQiEo.gif V2l4UmO.gif kGRllqT.gif
nSVYNPo.gif G4Icjt0.gif

Aquarium Wildlife (Likes Fish)
FlxbI11.gif ppBP9Kq.gif 3SA9Eel.gif ExJFGpr.gif
9KqpHf1.gif iQWhaLO.gif

Strange Beasts Wildlife (Likes Crinkle Balls)
F3MTB7P.gif TnaeCQn.gif ZjozWlq.gif rfUA7VL.gif
fuqSlFJ.gif WigRHKW.gif
squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Custom Pixel Friends[/b] Occasionally there are opportunities for you to get a pixel friend of your choosing in the same size and style as the pixel cats. Things I will do: [list] [*]Small, simplified animals, familiars, or dragons in original poses [*]Unique edits of existing poses (e.g. your pet cat with a bow) [*]Simple plants or objects [/list] Things I will [b]not[/b] do: [list] [*]Give you an already existing, unaltered pixel cat or animal to aid in your collection efforts. [*]Gore, NSFW, violence, etc. This is a pure and innocent blanket fort, thank you. [*]Humanoid, anthro, etc. Style is too small and simple for that level of detail. [*]Dragons with fully detailed genes and apparel. Only the most basic aspects will be included in the design if you want a dragon. [/list] tl;dr: Keep it Small and Simple [u]Previous Monthly Raffle Custom Pixels[/u] The monthly custom raffle was suspended in April 2020. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Beta Custom: Jazzyleia Fluffy Custom: liminalspace Alchemy Custom: NekoIceDragon Bribery Custom: sweetnightmare Wild Custom: yyalls [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Cloudy Custom: Thoracosaurus Vacation Custom: SquishyPenguin Tournament Custom: Flaeyr Halloween Custom: aquavvius Fortune Custom: Renoki [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Icemas Custom: CheckerBokBok Gala Custom: Rocwylde Anniversary Custom: brytewolf Tea Custom: Tarany Magic Custom: PtolemyII [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Egg Custom: betty Summer Custom: PikaLink Agenda Custom: Birdsofwax Rebellion Custom: Chill827 Kittens Custom: Sylvandyr [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Glow Custom: sylvain Bribery II Custom: Tarvalian Snowcat Custom: Quinnelia Catsquerade Custom: remuslupn Anniversary II Custom: Valla Naptime Custom: WangGae [u]Paid Custom Pixels[/u] On rare occasion I may open the opportunity to purchase customs for 950kt. The following were bought as such. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] For: remuslupn / chuuyas / Celes / Feral71 / Tserin [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] For: brytewolf / Naegiri / Undermom / Catvrix / Thoracosaurus [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] For: jbapple / FaithSoulpyre / disconcerto / yyalls / JonTargaryen [img][/img][img][/img] For: LynterriaHatake / Whitefangedwolf [u]Paid Adoptables[/u] Last Day Hero adopts from August 9th-10th 2019 are all [url=]here[/url]. [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Free to Use Pixel Decorations[/b] Want to decorate? The following are all free to use~ [quote][center] [u]Thread Decor[/u] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [u]Silhouettes[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [u]Baskets[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center][/quote] [code][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] ^ Empty Line of Cats[/code] [img][/img] [b]Signatures[/b] You can use the following to advertise the program! :3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

nrMWk6M.gif Custom Pixel Friends

Occasionally there are opportunities for you to get a pixel friend of your choosing in the same size and style as the pixel cats.

Things I will do:
  • Small, simplified animals, familiars, or dragons in original poses
  • Unique edits of existing poses (e.g. your pet cat with a bow)
  • Simple plants or objects

Things I will not do:
  • Give you an already existing, unaltered pixel cat or animal to aid in your collection efforts.
  • Gore, NSFW, violence, etc. This is a pure and innocent blanket fort, thank you.
  • Humanoid, anthro, etc. Style is too small and simple for that level of detail.
  • Dragons with fully detailed genes and apparel. Only the most basic aspects will be included in the design if you want a dragon.

tl;dr: Keep it Small and Simple

Previous Monthly Raffle Custom Pixels

The monthly custom raffle was suspended in April 2020.

Beta Custom: Jazzyleia
Fluffy Custom: liminalspace
Alchemy Custom: NekoIceDragon
Bribery Custom: sweetnightmare
Wild Custom: yyalls

Cloudy Custom: Thoracosaurus
Vacation Custom: SquishyPenguin
Tournament Custom: Flaeyr
Halloween Custom: aquavvius
Fortune Custom: Renoki

Icemas Custom: CheckerBokBok
Gala Custom: Rocwylde
Anniversary Custom: brytewolf
Tea Custom: Tarany
Magic Custom: PtolemyII

Egg Custom: betty
Summer Custom: PikaLink
Agenda Custom: Birdsofwax
Rebellion Custom: Chill827
Kittens Custom: Sylvandyr


Glow Custom: sylvain
Bribery II Custom: Tarvalian
Snowcat Custom: Quinnelia
Catsquerade Custom: remuslupn
Anniversary II Custom: Valla
Naptime Custom: WangGae

Paid Custom Pixels

On rare occasion I may open the opportunity to purchase customs for 950kt. The following were bought as such.

For: remuslupn / chuuyas / Celes / Feral71 / Tserin

For: brytewolf / Naegiri / Undermom / Catvrix / Thoracosaurus

For: jbapple / FaithSoulpyre / disconcerto / yyalls / JonTargaryen

For: LynterriaHatake / Whitefangedwolf

Paid Adoptables

Last Day Hero adopts from August 9th-10th 2019 are all here.


nrMWk6M.gif Free to Use Pixel Decorations

Want to decorate? The following are all free to use~

Thread Decor

SMQU6oc.gif e4uRoHZ.gif ygxVAAp.gif xVmxCAg.gif nrMWk6M.gif k5v3z6m.gif 9O5WABm.gif qNOVl2H.gif nj9wyDO.gif




[img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] ^ Empty Line of Cats

nrMWk6M.gif Signatures

You can use the following to advertise the program! :3

jPdGQf9.gif TvGyETb.gif



squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Badges[/b] You can earn the following badges in your cat collecting journey! Badges are slowly added over time as I get the chance to work on them. [u]Cat Collector's Badges[/u] These badges are [b]only[/b] for use by those who have collected [b]all 5 poses[/b] of the corresponding cat. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a cat's poses. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [u]Wildlife Collector's Badges[/u] These badges are [b]only[/b] for use by those who have collected [b]all 5 colors[/b] of the corresponding bonus pet. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a bonus animal's colors. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [u]Cat Enthusiast's Badges[/u] These badges can be earned by buying cats! Buy more cats to earn higher tiered badges. Tiers are unlocked at 25 Cats, 50 Cats, 100 Cats, and 250 Cats. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [u]The RNG is Cruel Badges[/u] These badges can be earned by getting more than one of the same cat's pose (for example, having four, eight, or twelve sitting Mia's). Acquire more duplicate cats to earn higher tiered [s]suffering[/s] badges. Tiers are unlocked at 4 Duplicates, 8 Duplicates, and 12 Duplicates. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [u]Expert Collector's Badges[/u] The following badge is for people who have all poses of all ten of the first cats (Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, and Chamomile): [img][/img] The following badge is for people who have all poses of all sixteen cats released at launch (the first ten plus Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, and Frosting): [img][/img] The following badge is for people who have all ten flight rep cats: [img][/img] The following badge is for people who have all ten groups containing kittens: [img][/img] The following badge is for people who have all ten catsquerade coloring contest cats: [img][/img] [u]Bribery Badges:[/u] These badges are [b]only[/b] for use by those who have collected [b]all 5 colors[/b] of the corresponding bribe. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a bribe's colors. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Event Exclusives[/b] These are free for everyone to use! They were collectively unlocked during an event. :D [u]Halloween 2018 Exclusives[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [u]Icemas 2018 Exclusives[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [u]2019 Pride Kitties![/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [u]2019 Rebellion[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [u]2020 Picnic[/u] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Blanket Fort Accents[/b] [columns][skin=28937][nextcol]The following was printed during the January 2019 opening.[/columns] [columns][skin=31570][nextcol]The following was printed during the September 2019 opening.[/columns] [columns][skin=31647][nextcol]The following was printed during the September 2019 opening.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Teacup's Jingly Bell Loyalty Rewards Club[/b] For every pixel you have acquired in the previous openings, you will gain +1 jingly bell rewards point. If you save up these points, you can use them to purchase missing poses (or possibly 15 copies of the same pose - I won't judge). This release is for those of us who have been trying to get something specific and haven't been able to do it! If you buy the maximum allotted number of cats, you'll get 35 points per week or 420 points in a year. Costs can be calculated as follows: [u]Base Price[/u] This is determined by the rarity tier of the cat. Rarity tier can be found by looking at how the cat is positioned on the front page of the thread (it will also say in its description). Cats that are sitting in the thread are 15 points. Cats that are standing in the thread are 30 points. Cats that are sleeping in the thread are 45 points. Cats that are stretching/playing in the thread are 60 points. Cats that are upside down in the thread are 75 points. Flight Rep cats are also 75 points. Bonus pets are 50 points [u]Multiplier[/u] (From left to right in the collector's sheet) Sitting pose / plentiful bonus pet recolor = Base Price x1 Standing pose / common bonus pet recolor = Base Price x2 Sleeping pose / uncommon bonus pet recolor = Base Price x3 Stretching/playing pose / limited bonus pet recolor = Base Price x4 Upside down pose / rare bonus pet recolor = Base Price x5 [u]Examples[/u] Rare Squid = 50 x 5 = 250 points Sitting Pancake = 15 x 1 = 15 points [u]Cost Chart[/u] [img][/img] You can figure out how many points you have on [url=]the Loyalty Club tab of the Collector's sheet[/url]. To request your trade-in, you'll need to [url=]submit the form here[/url] and wait for a volunteer cat-mod to approve that you do in fact have sufficient points to buy that cat. The code will then appear on your copy of the collector's sheet! We are only actively approving requests during openings, and it may take a little time, so please do not inquire about your requests unless you know that you have done something wrong. Please note that spent jingly bell points are [u]non-refundable[/u]. Do not send squid 15 pages of hatemail because you spent all your points on an upside-down Frosting and then got one at random the next day. The RNG does what the RNG will.

nrMWk6M.gif Badges

You can earn the following badges in your cat collecting journey! Badges are slowly added over time as I get the chance to work on them.

Cat Collector's Badges

These badges are only for use by those who have collected all 5 poses of the corresponding cat. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a cat's poses.

Wildlife Collector's Badges

These badges are only for use by those who have collected all 5 colors of the corresponding bonus pet. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a bonus animal's colors.

Cat Enthusiast's Badges

These badges can be earned by buying cats! Buy more cats to earn higher tiered badges. Tiers are unlocked at 25 Cats, 50 Cats, 100 Cats, and 250 Cats.

The RNG is Cruel Badges

These badges can be earned by getting more than one of the same cat's pose (for example, having four, eight, or twelve sitting Mia's). Acquire more duplicate cats to earn higher tiered suffering badges. Tiers are unlocked at 4 Duplicates, 8 Duplicates, and 12 Duplicates.

Expert Collector's Badges

The following badge is for people who have all poses of all ten of the first cats (Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, and Chamomile):


The following badge is for people who have all poses of all sixteen cats released at launch (the first ten plus Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, and Frosting):


The following badge is for people who have all ten flight rep cats:


The following badge is for people who have all ten groups containing kittens:


The following badge is for people who have all ten catsquerade coloring contest cats:


Bribery Badges:

These badges are only for use by those who have collected all 5 colors of the corresponding bribe. You may not use them if you do not have all 5 of a bribe's colors.


nrMWk6M.gif Event Exclusives

These are free for everyone to use! They were collectively unlocked during an event. :D

Halloween 2018 Exclusives


Icemas 2018 Exclusives


2019 Pride Kitties!


2019 Rebellion


2020 Picnic



nrMWk6M.gif Blanket Fort Accents

The following was printed during the January 2019 opening.
The following was printed during the September 2019 opening.
The following was printed during the September 2019 opening.

nrMWk6M.gif Teacup's Jingly Bell Loyalty Rewards Club

For every pixel you have acquired in the previous openings, you will gain +1 jingly bell rewards point. If you save up these points, you can use them to purchase missing poses (or possibly 15 copies of the same pose - I won't judge).

This release is for those of us who have been trying to get something specific and haven't been able to do it!

If you buy the maximum allotted number of cats, you'll get 35 points per week or 420 points in a year.

Costs can be calculated as follows:

Base Price
This is determined by the rarity tier of the cat. Rarity tier can be found by looking at how the cat is positioned on the front page of the thread (it will also say in its description).

Cats that are sitting in the thread are 15 points.
Cats that are standing in the thread are 30 points.
Cats that are sleeping in the thread are 45 points.
Cats that are stretching/playing in the thread are 60 points.
Cats that are upside down in the thread are 75 points.
Flight Rep cats are also 75 points.
Bonus pets are 50 points

(From left to right in the collector's sheet)
Sitting pose / plentiful bonus pet recolor = Base Price x1
Standing pose / common bonus pet recolor = Base Price x2
Sleeping pose / uncommon bonus pet recolor = Base Price x3
Stretching/playing pose / limited bonus pet recolor = Base Price x4
Upside down pose / rare bonus pet recolor = Base Price x5

Rare Squid = 50 x 5 = 250 points
Sitting Pancake = 15 x 1 = 15 points

Cost Chart


You can figure out how many points you have on the Loyalty Club tab of the Collector's sheet. To request your trade-in, you'll need to submit the form here and wait for a volunteer cat-mod to approve that you do in fact have sufficient points to buy that cat.

The code will then appear on your copy of the collector's sheet! We are only actively approving requests during openings, and it may take a little time, so please do not inquire about your requests unless you know that you have done something wrong.

Please note that spent jingly bell points are non-refundable. Do not send squid 15 pages of hatemail because you spent all your points on an upside-down Frosting and then got one at random the next day. The RNG does what the RNG will.
squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Opening History[/b] [LIST] [*][b]February 2018 - Beta Opening[/b]: Blanket Fort launches with original 16 cats (Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, Chamomile, Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, & Frosting) and 5 bonus pets (Foxes, Rats, Squids, Birds, & Snakes). [*][b]March 2018 - Fluffy Opening[/b]: New fluffy cats! (Bubbles, Teacup, & Sage) released. The Collector's Sheet goes live. [*][url=][b]April 2018 - Alchemical Accident Event![/b][/url]: New cats (Tulip, Ember, & Fluffy), with a special mechanic that makes Fluffy increase in frequency based on how much money is raised! (also known as "The Fluffpocalypse") [*][b]May 2018 - Bribery[/b]: Bribery mechanic released with three possible bribes for cats (Feather Toy, Cat Treat, and Cardboard Box). Ambush feature introduced! [*][b]June 2018 - Wilderness Adventure[/b]: Four new bonus pets released (Bunnies, Owls, Geckos, & Rays). Bonus pets can now be bribed for. Badges added for completing sets of cats! [*][url=][b]July 2018 - Icemas in July Event[/b][/url]: Two new rare cats (Scar & Stella) released. The two cats (as well as Frosting) increase in frequency based on how much money is raised! [*][b]August 2018 - Squid takes a Vacation[/b]: Squid is tired. The cats are tired too. Frequency of finding sleeping or upside-down cats is increased for the week. [*][url=][b]September 2018 - The Tournament Event![/b][/url]: Bribe strength is tripled for this week only! Cat group of the most purchased bribe to get special Halloween Exclusives the next month. [*][b]October 2018 - Halloween Opening[/b]: Paid customs made available for 950kt each. Special cats unlocked with every 2mil in sales (max 20mil). [*][b]November 2018 - Fates and Fortunes[/b]: New bribe type released (Shimmering Ribbon) along with three new cats (Fate, Fortune, & Milly). Bribery now affects Ambush rates. [*][b]December 2018 - Happy Icemas![/b]: Special Icemas-themed pixels revealed for each day of the week. [*][b]January 2019 - Gala Opening[/b]: The first Blanket Fort accent was printed this week! [*][b]February 2019 - Anniversary Celebration[/b]: Ten new common-tier cats released, and the ten oldest cats cycled into rarity. Teacup's Jingly Bell Rewards Club launched. [*][b]March 2019 - Frosting's All-Flight Tea Party Event[/b]: Ten new flight rep cats released with increasing frequency based on purchase rate. Out of flight thread launched!! [*][b]April 2019 - Magic and Mysteries[/b]: Three new bonus pets added (Pup, Elk, and Goldfish). [*][url=][b]May 2019 - Egg Event[/b][/url]: Smokey & Chestnut open up their One-Step Pet Rock Adoption Shop for quite the adventure! [*][b]June 2019 - Summer Garden Party[/b]: Halbert joined the Blanket Fort crew! [*][b]July 2019 - The Agenda[/b]: Pride kitties added to the free-to-use resources! [*][url=][b]August 2019 - The Rebellion[/b][/url]: Pixel cats rob the ice dom bank!!! New rebellion badges added during this event. [*][b]September 2019 - A Bundle of Kittens[/b]: Supervised and unsupervised kitten groups released. [*][url=][b]October 2019 - The Fluffpocalypse II: Return of the Fluff[/b][/url]: GlowCat released during this event. [*][b]November 2019 - Bribery II[/b]: Bribe collectables added and bribe function remodeled. [*][b]December 2019 - Snowcat[/b]: Coloring Contest opens for submissions. [*][b]January 2020 - The Catsquerade Ball[/b]: Coloring Contest winners released! [*][b]February 2020 - Second Anniversary![/b]: Eight new cats added to the pool and probabilities reworked overall. [*][b]March 2020 - Naptime[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][b]April 2020 - New Friends![/b]: Added Ferrets, Axolotls, Llamas, and Frogs. [*][b]May 2020 - Springtime[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][b]June 2020 - Pride Month[/b]: Added pride sigs! [*][b]July 2020 - Ancient Artifacts[/b]: Added dinosaurs: Son Boy, Murder Chicken, and Tall. [*][b]August 2020 - Community Picnic[/b]: New picnic free-to-use picnic-themed pixels added. [*][url=][b]September 2020 - Bornket Frot of Neds[/b][/url]: Ned was released during this event [*][b]October 2020 - Monster Cats[/b]: Monster cats were added. [*][b]November 2020 - Harvest Time[/b]: Nothing new this week. [*][b]December 2020 - Icemas II[/b]: Lots of new badges were updated and added. [*][b]January 2021 - Cozy Cats and Worms[/b]: Second Coloring Contest opens for submissions. [*][url=][b]February 2021 - Third Anniversary![/b][/url]: Coloring contest winners released. Future of Blanket Fort Mega-Update. [*][b]March 2021 - Frozen Flowers[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][b]April 2021 - Dance Party[/b]: Probabilities shake-up. Rare cats are common now! [*][b]May 2021 - Cats[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][b]June 2021 - Monster Cats II[/b]: Second set of Monster Cats released. [*][b]July 2021 - Summer II[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][b]August 2021 - Electricity[/b]: Nothing new added. [*][url=][b]September 2021 - Egg Event II: Electric Boogaloo[/b][/url]: Smokey & Chestnut are back with their One-Step Pet Rock Adoption Shop. [*][b]October 2021 - Billy's Party![/b]: Blanket Fort reached 1 billion treasure raised last week. Billy is released to celebrate. [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Spin-Off Events[/b] [LIST] [*][url=][b]Blanket Fort of Ends: Cats' Choice Awards - Gala 2019[/b][/url] [i]The Fortress of Ends' resident cats are hosting a big contest to see which dragons are the Best in Sornieth (according to cat standards). Dragons must perform a number of feats from athletics and art, to architecture and culinary skills. Winner will be crowned best dragon in Sornieth (as decided by cats)... but keep your wits about you, a mystery may be afoot. Dozens of fantastic prizes available![/i] [*][url=][b]Treasure Hunt at the Catsquerade Ball - Gala 2020[/b][/url] [i]No dragons allowed in this cats only masquerade ball!! Join the resident cats of the Fortress of Ends in this wonderful party and maybe find some secret treasure along the way.[/i] [*][url=][b]A Quilt for Icewarden - Gala 2021[/b][/url] [i]Cats work together to build the biggest quilt ever to keep Icedad warm.[/i] [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Credits and Thanks[/b] Concepts, art, coding, and spreadsheets by Blanket Fort Enterprise's Executive Manager squidragon. Special Thanks to Blanket Fort Assistant Managers remuslupn and Tserin for volunteering to field questions and provide moral support. Additional Thanks to Blanket Fort PR Specialists Catvrix, Celes, jbapple, and others for handling daily pings. A Huge Thank You to all past and present recorders (Pixel Cat Sales Associates): SystemError, remuslupn, DeviBrigard, Lya, Celes, Catvrix, Tserin, jbapple, cybo, LynterriaHatake, WhistlewindWolf, Amyatzu, Thoracosaurus, anternika, yyalls, russmond, itsscaryoutside, literallyacat, ShinyWoobat, crowbot, October, bystander, DuskofDawn12, FireStorm3719, Jeon, Sciencer, PolarSong, Rookie, minervamaga, Octa, xique, momose, Zaviei, Friege, wintrecat, Hootsforce, Fawkesian, follow, boneDog, LockeDoore, & Aie [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [b]Programs from Our Friends in Other Flights![/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

nrMWk6M.gif Opening History

  • February 2018 - Beta Opening: Blanket Fort launches with original 16 cats (Pancake, Cantaloupe, Mia, Sundae, Kiki, Hopscotch, Comet, Sushi, Smudge, Chamomile, Toby, Spaghetti, Snowglobe, Halberd, Patches, & Frosting) and 5 bonus pets (Foxes, Rats, Squids, Birds, & Snakes).
  • March 2018 - Fluffy Opening: New fluffy cats! (Bubbles, Teacup, & Sage) released. The Collector's Sheet goes live.
  • April 2018 - Alchemical Accident Event!: New cats (Tulip, Ember, & Fluffy), with a special mechanic that makes Fluffy increase in frequency based on how much money is raised! (also known as "The Fluffpocalypse")
  • May 2018 - Bribery: Bribery mechanic released with three possible bribes for cats (Feather Toy, Cat Treat, and Cardboard Box). Ambush feature introduced!
  • June 2018 - Wilderness Adventure: Four new bonus pets released (Bunnies, Owls, Geckos, & Rays). Bonus pets can now be bribed for. Badges added for completing sets of cats!
  • July 2018 - Icemas in July Event: Two new rare cats (Scar & Stella) released. The two cats (as well as Frosting) increase in frequency based on how much money is raised!
  • August 2018 - Squid takes a Vacation: Squid is tired. The cats are tired too. Frequency of finding sleeping or upside-down cats is increased for the week.
  • September 2018 - The Tournament Event!: Bribe strength is tripled for this week only! Cat group of the most purchased bribe to get special Halloween Exclusives the next month.
  • October 2018 - Halloween Opening: Paid customs made available for 950kt each. Special cats unlocked with every 2mil in sales (max 20mil).
  • November 2018 - Fates and Fortunes: New bribe type released (Shimmering Ribbon) along with three new cats (Fate, Fortune, & Milly). Bribery now affects Ambush rates.
  • December 2018 - Happy Icemas!: Special Icemas-themed pixels revealed for each day of the week.
  • January 2019 - Gala Opening: The first Blanket Fort accent was printed this week!
  • February 2019 - Anniversary Celebration: Ten new common-tier cats released, and the ten oldest cats cycled into rarity. Teacup's Jingly Bell Rewards Club launched.
  • March 2019 - Frosting's All-Flight Tea Party Event: Ten new flight rep cats released with increasing frequency based on purchase rate. Out of flight thread launched!!
  • April 2019 - Magic and Mysteries: Three new bonus pets added (Pup, Elk, and Goldfish).
  • May 2019 - Egg Event: Smokey & Chestnut open up their One-Step Pet Rock Adoption Shop for quite the adventure!
  • June 2019 - Summer Garden Party: Halbert joined the Blanket Fort crew!
  • July 2019 - The Agenda: Pride kitties added to the free-to-use resources!
  • August 2019 - The Rebellion: Pixel cats rob the ice dom bank!!! New rebellion badges added during this event.
  • September 2019 - A Bundle of Kittens: Supervised and unsupervised kitten groups released.
  • October 2019 - The Fluffpocalypse II: Return of the Fluff: GlowCat released during this event.
  • November 2019 - Bribery II: Bribe collectables added and bribe function remodeled.
  • December 2019 - Snowcat: Coloring Contest opens for submissions.
  • January 2020 - The Catsquerade Ball: Coloring Contest winners released!
  • February 2020 - Second Anniversary!: Eight new cats added to the pool and probabilities reworked overall.
  • March 2020 - Naptime: Nothing new added.
  • April 2020 - New Friends!: Added Ferrets, Axolotls, Llamas, and Frogs.
  • May 2020 - Springtime: Nothing new added.
  • June 2020 - Pride Month: Added pride sigs!
  • July 2020 - Ancient Artifacts: Added dinosaurs: Son Boy, Murder Chicken, and Tall.
  • August 2020 - Community Picnic: New picnic free-to-use picnic-themed pixels added.
  • September 2020 - Bornket Frot of Neds: Ned was released during this event
  • October 2020 - Monster Cats: Monster cats were added.
  • November 2020 - Harvest Time: Nothing new this week.
  • December 2020 - Icemas II: Lots of new badges were updated and added.
  • January 2021 - Cozy Cats and Worms: Second Coloring Contest opens for submissions.
  • February 2021 - Third Anniversary!: Coloring contest winners released. Future of Blanket Fort Mega-Update.
  • March 2021 - Frozen Flowers: Nothing new added.
  • April 2021 - Dance Party: Probabilities shake-up. Rare cats are common now!
  • May 2021 - Cats: Nothing new added.
  • June 2021 - Monster Cats II: Second set of Monster Cats released.
  • July 2021 - Summer II: Nothing new added.
  • August 2021 - Electricity: Nothing new added.
  • September 2021 - Egg Event II: Electric Boogaloo: Smokey & Chestnut are back with their One-Step Pet Rock Adoption Shop.
  • October 2021 - Billy's Party!: Blanket Fort reached 1 billion treasure raised last week. Billy is released to celebrate.


nrMWk6M.gif Spin-Off Events

  • Blanket Fort of Ends: Cats' Choice Awards - Gala 2019
    The Fortress of Ends' resident cats are hosting a big contest to see which dragons are the Best in Sornieth (according to cat standards). Dragons must perform a number of feats from athletics and art, to architecture and culinary skills. Winner will be crowned best dragon in Sornieth (as decided by cats)... but keep your wits about you, a mystery may be afoot. Dozens of fantastic prizes available!
  • Treasure Hunt at the Catsquerade Ball - Gala 2020
    No dragons allowed in this cats only masquerade ball!! Join the resident cats of the Fortress of Ends in this wonderful party and maybe find some secret treasure along the way.
  • A Quilt for Icewarden - Gala 2021
    Cats work together to build the biggest quilt ever to keep Icedad warm.


nrMWk6M.gif Credits and Thanks

Concepts, art, coding, and spreadsheets by Blanket Fort Enterprise's Executive Manager squidragon.

Special Thanks to Blanket Fort Assistant Managers remuslupn and Tserin for volunteering to field questions and provide moral support.

Additional Thanks to Blanket Fort PR Specialists Catvrix, Celes, jbapple, and others for handling daily pings.

A Huge Thank You to all past and present recorders (Pixel Cat Sales Associates): SystemError, remuslupn, DeviBrigard, Lya, Celes, Catvrix, Tserin, jbapple, cybo, LynterriaHatake, WhistlewindWolf, Amyatzu, Thoracosaurus, anternika, yyalls, russmond, itsscaryoutside, literallyacat, ShinyWoobat, crowbot, October, bystander, DuskofDawn12, FireStorm3719, Jeon, Sciencer, PolarSong, Rookie, minervamaga, Octa, xique, momose, Zaviei, Friege, wintrecat, Hootsforce, Fawkesian, follow, boneDog, LockeDoore, & Aie


nrMWk6M.gif Programs from Our Friends in Other Flights!


squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
It's..... Finally Here [emoji=firework] [emoji=pastel rainbow]
It's..... Finally Here
squid/winter | FR+3 | they/them | spelled squidra-gon (like octagon)
[emoji=firework][emoji=treasure][emoji=cat 1][emoji=cat 2][emoji=cat 3][emoji=treasure][emoji=firework]
[internal screaming intensifies]
[emoji=familiar heart][emoji=familiar heart][emoji=familiar heart] yay!!! spread the kitty love \o/

yay!!! spread the kitty love \o/