
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [ShaDom] C.A.T.-astrophe!
day 3

How many cats: 31

Culprit: The cat outside the window

Aftermath: There’s one cell where a bar has been deliberately loosened and can be pried away if you start from the floor. There’s a window that can be opened from the outside after what’s been done. The schedule and habits of everyone in the building are known. Several criminals have been caught— ‘caught’, letting the C.A.T.s track them down and hold them— just to get inside the building and do this all in advance. And even while the brothers are imprisoned, everyone who was implicated in their capture or ran to inform the investigators has been tracked down and taken care of. Not enough people have been held inside the building to prevent that, not when all the attention is on the brothers, the ringleaders. They can rest there knowing their right hand man is prepared and has been taking care of it all outside.

The right hand man smirks to himself as he closes the corner of the window he’d passed the entire report through. The paper and ink are easily dissolvable and won’t be caught. The hidden message means the investigators wouldn’t catch it anyway. He slips off to keep overseeing what he needs to and doing what he can. The fools— they’ll have to catch him, too, and those close to him, and everyone below them, to ever take this all down.


day 4

How many cats: 36

Culprit:The cat covered in red wrapping paper with a green bow

Aftermath: “There will still be presents even if it’s not a surprise,” one of the older cats told the kittens soothingly. “Maya opened one of hers early and it’s still a Christmas present, isn’t it? In the end of the day, it’s not about the shiny wrapping paper— it’s about the effort and sentiment that goes into choosing a gift someone will like, and the happiness from receiving the presents you are given. Nothing was destroyed, so don’t fret. There, there. Why don’t I take you into the kitchen for cookies and warm milk?”

After the kittens were herded off, the adults split their attention between keeping them calm and re-wrapping all of the gifts. For the kittens in particular, who were more upset than most about things being ‘ruined’, a few more little things were thrown in so there would still be a surprise. These things primarily being snacks baked overnight while the kittens were sleeping didn’t take away from the morning at all.


day 5

How many cats: 55

Culprit: The ninja cat hiding in an egg

Aftermath: It’s difficult to handle one child running around everywhere looking for eggs, let alone several. It’s no wonder the parents’ attention was so thoroughly taken up with the antics of their beloved children— no wonder, and very much expected, or even encouraged, by the thief sneaking in. While they ran all over and chattered happily away, a thief wrapped up in shadowy rags snuck in between the shadows of the eggs. A family rich enough to throw this kind of party for their child and even accept several impromptu visitors was a family that had much more of interest for the taking. He’d be a fool not to take advantage of the ease of sneaking into their manor while the attention was anywhere but on him.


day 6

How many cats: 17

Culprit: The orange cat lounging there

Aftermath: While the famous celebrity’s attention was distracted by a multitude of other things on the beach, some of which he’d helped set up, he wasn’t noticed at all as he quickly took a camera out from behind him and snapped several photos of the lady. A kitten in her basket, a cat spilling drinks everywhere, a raucous volleyball game… even the ‘pirate attack’ was nothing more than a moment he could use to catch a photo of her unguarded. All the while he looked like he was doing nothing and no one could see the camera unless he was using it. Of course, he made sure he was never using it for long.


day 7 (Someone woke up and chose violence, huh?)

How many changes: 25

Copy: I couldn’t begin to figure it out with my lack of training in art. Still… if there are no pictures of it online or any other references we could use to tell, does it really matter? Maybe the expert will be able to figure out the difference. If not… what makes one better than the other at all? I’d guess the left is the original because of the little cat hidden in the right one. It’s either there as a signature from the artist or a bit of showing off/mockery by the forgers.

Process: They weren’t ever planning for this to be noticed. What better target could be asked for than a painting this complicated and confusing for a first break in at this museum? They could learn the patterns of security and the safety precautions around each exhibit without anyone ever being tipped off that the painting left behind was a fake. There would be no “obvious” fake because nothing about this painting was obvious at all. And they’d checked— it wasn’t documented anywhere. No one could easily compare it to known pictures. Just… they tripped one of the wires in the museum and a janitor noticed someone “acting suspicious”. Unfortunately, they hadn’t successfully bypassed security at all.
day 3

How many cats: 31

Culprit: The cat outside the window

Aftermath: There’s one cell where a bar has been deliberately loosened and can be pried away if you start from the floor. There’s a window that can be opened from the outside after what’s been done. The schedule and habits of everyone in the building are known. Several criminals have been caught— ‘caught’, letting the C.A.T.s track them down and hold them— just to get inside the building and do this all in advance. And even while the brothers are imprisoned, everyone who was implicated in their capture or ran to inform the investigators has been tracked down and taken care of. Not enough people have been held inside the building to prevent that, not when all the attention is on the brothers, the ringleaders. They can rest there knowing their right hand man is prepared and has been taking care of it all outside.

The right hand man smirks to himself as he closes the corner of the window he’d passed the entire report through. The paper and ink are easily dissolvable and won’t be caught. The hidden message means the investigators wouldn’t catch it anyway. He slips off to keep overseeing what he needs to and doing what he can. The fools— they’ll have to catch him, too, and those close to him, and everyone below them, to ever take this all down.


day 4

How many cats: 36

Culprit:The cat covered in red wrapping paper with a green bow

Aftermath: “There will still be presents even if it’s not a surprise,” one of the older cats told the kittens soothingly. “Maya opened one of hers early and it’s still a Christmas present, isn’t it? In the end of the day, it’s not about the shiny wrapping paper— it’s about the effort and sentiment that goes into choosing a gift someone will like, and the happiness from receiving the presents you are given. Nothing was destroyed, so don’t fret. There, there. Why don’t I take you into the kitchen for cookies and warm milk?”

After the kittens were herded off, the adults split their attention between keeping them calm and re-wrapping all of the gifts. For the kittens in particular, who were more upset than most about things being ‘ruined’, a few more little things were thrown in so there would still be a surprise. These things primarily being snacks baked overnight while the kittens were sleeping didn’t take away from the morning at all.


day 5

How many cats: 55

Culprit: The ninja cat hiding in an egg

Aftermath: It’s difficult to handle one child running around everywhere looking for eggs, let alone several. It’s no wonder the parents’ attention was so thoroughly taken up with the antics of their beloved children— no wonder, and very much expected, or even encouraged, by the thief sneaking in. While they ran all over and chattered happily away, a thief wrapped up in shadowy rags snuck in between the shadows of the eggs. A family rich enough to throw this kind of party for their child and even accept several impromptu visitors was a family that had much more of interest for the taking. He’d be a fool not to take advantage of the ease of sneaking into their manor while the attention was anywhere but on him.


day 6

How many cats: 17

Culprit: The orange cat lounging there

Aftermath: While the famous celebrity’s attention was distracted by a multitude of other things on the beach, some of which he’d helped set up, he wasn’t noticed at all as he quickly took a camera out from behind him and snapped several photos of the lady. A kitten in her basket, a cat spilling drinks everywhere, a raucous volleyball game… even the ‘pirate attack’ was nothing more than a moment he could use to catch a photo of her unguarded. All the while he looked like he was doing nothing and no one could see the camera unless he was using it. Of course, he made sure he was never using it for long.


day 7 (Someone woke up and chose violence, huh?)

How many changes: 25

Copy: I couldn’t begin to figure it out with my lack of training in art. Still… if there are no pictures of it online or any other references we could use to tell, does it really matter? Maybe the expert will be able to figure out the difference. If not… what makes one better than the other at all? I’d guess the left is the original because of the little cat hidden in the right one. It’s either there as a signature from the artist or a bit of showing off/mockery by the forgers.

Process: They weren’t ever planning for this to be noticed. What better target could be asked for than a painting this complicated and confusing for a first break in at this museum? They could learn the patterns of security and the safety precautions around each exhibit without anyone ever being tipped off that the painting left behind was a fake. There would be no “obvious” fake because nothing about this painting was obvious at all. And they’d checked— it wasn’t documented anywhere. No one could easily compare it to known pictures. Just… they tripped one of the wires in the museum and a janitor noticed someone “acting suspicious”. Unfortunately, they hadn’t successfully bypassed security at all.
Looking forward to finale! Badge codes for whoever else has to deal with fussy mobile browsers or other reasons. “You guys get right click?” Day 1 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 2 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 3 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 4 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 5 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 6 [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Day 7 TBA
Looking forward to finale!

Badge codes for whoever else has to deal with fussy mobile browsers or other reasons. “You guys get right click?”

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
[center][b]Day 7[/b] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code][/center]
Day 7

[center][img][/img] @pinglist-25604 1. Kieren 2. mngwa 3. Vosmikot 4. MyrrhDarkwing 5. Sketchy 6. CANTDANCEFLYNN 7. LunaMoon29 8. HereLiesCaine 9. NerdMom 10. Sunlightdruid Please post the prizes you want within 24h correspondending to the number in front of your name =) (e.g. Kieren, number 1, needs to post 1 prize, while sunlightdruid has to post 10 from most to least wanted) I'll send out prizes once everyone has sent their list! [url][/url] [/center]

1. Kieren
2. mngwa
3. Vosmikot
4. MyrrhDarkwing
5. Sketchy
7. LunaMoon29
8. HereLiesCaine
9. NerdMom
10. Sunlightdruid

Please post the prizes you want within 24h correspondending to the number in front of your name =)
(e.g. Kieren, number 1, needs to post 1 prize, while sunlightdruid has to post 10 from most to least wanted)
I'll send out prizes once everyone has sent their list!
[center] [img][/img] [b]Thanks for helping out everyone! Hope you enjoyed the event and glad you participated! <3[/b] (and hope you don't hate me for this evil task on the end [emoji=wildclaw laughing size=2]) If you want to participate in my next event, feel free to join [pinglist=18806] Next event will be a decision game like our [url=]Bee-autiful Life [/url] So feel free to join this pinglist if you're more interested in text based games =) [pinglist=18749] [img][/img] Now, let's get to the bottom of this! Our C.A.T. has worked hard to find all the culprits! [size=7][b]Forrest - Master paws[/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Count all the cats in the image. [b]There are a total of [u]17[/u] cats in the picture! [/b] [img][/img] Find the person that sneaked on Master Paws! [img][/img] The image providing is close to the suspected time where the note was dropped. [img][/img] During the meditation, some of his fans joined him, sitting around him and observing the Master. His [b]fans are cats 16 (orange one right beside the rock) and 17 (white one in front of the rock, blending in),[/b] sitting right beside him and observing him. [img][/img] Whoever it was has to be exceptional good at hiding cause nobody saw them at all! Maybe you can find someone hiding close by? Since the image is close to the time the note was dropped, the cat has to be close by. [b]Since cats 14 (Master Paws), 16 and 17 (his fans) aren’t the culprits, it has to be [u]cat 15 [/u](right side hiding in the forest). Beside, he is obviously good at hiding.[/b] Note: i liked the story with the master’s old friend as well! Great idea! [img][/img] [size=7][b]Halloween[/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats) There are a total of [b]18 cats[/b] in there! If you count the images as well, there are a total of [b]21 cats and images! Both is right![/b] [img][/img] Try to find out who destroyed the field. [img][/img] The only thing we could find were some odd footprints [u]with[/u] claws in it. Seems weird but we haven’t found out what’s weird with these yet. [b]It was “cat 12“. [/b]While cats have retractable claws, dogs and wolves don’t have them! Since Cat 12 is a mix between cat and werewolf, it’s the only one with claws that may not be retractable due to the wolf part =) Beside, the footprints were „weird“, mentioned because they’re not as thin as cat claw marks and his claws are strong enough to destroy the field. [img][/img] [size=7][b] Police - Officer Carra[/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Count all the cats in the image. There are a total of [b]31 cats[/b] in there! [img][/img] Find out who gave them the information so we can find out what they’re planning! [img][/img] Everyone from the C.A.T. is sure that nobody could have given them informations from inside the building. Since the cat team is sure it was nobody from inside, it has to be [b]cat 28[/b] because he is the only one not inside the building. Anyway, that doesn’t mean that nobody inside distracted the C.A.T. ;) [img][/img] [size=7][b]Christmas - Caty Family [/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats) There are [b]36 cats[/b] hidden in this picture! [img][/img] Ask the witnesses and find out who opened all the gifts! [img][/img] While the 3 kittens are impulsive and chaotic, the claw marks we found belong to a grown up cat. ([b]Cat 19 at the tree, 22 below the tree, 27 in the sock[/b]) [img][/img] Maya is known for being impatient and therefore was allowed to open one of her gifts in advance (Cat 36) [img][/img] Miss Sophie was tasked with playing Santa this year. Her daughter has the same fur color. (Mom is cat 33 because she’s the only one with a full costume, while the daughter is cat 27) [img][/img] When Miss Sophie asked the kittens if they have seen something, her own daughter Lily told her she saw someone hiding suspiciously. Lily has to see the cat that is hiding, so they have to be in their looking direction. [b] Cat 28[/b] is the culprit! [img][/img] [size=7][b]Easter Egg Search - Family Catto [/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Count all the cats in the image. There are [b]55 cats[/b] hidden! [img][/img] During the egg search, someone is hiding close by and observing the family. While nobody is harmed, they stole something expensive while the family was distracted. Try to find the culprit! [img][/img] Citty has a lighter fur color than her dad because her mom is cream colored. (Dad is cat 10, Mom is cat 28, Citty is a mix between both colors and is Cat 54) [img][/img] The family got an unexpected visit from a befriended family. (Cats 38-41) [img][/img] The foreign cat is hard to spot because they’re used to hiding. [b] Cat 55[/b] (right bottom, in front of the light brown egg) As ninja, he is used to hiding. Note: There are a few "handwritten" numbers (and the word "Katzen" which means cat) in the image =) they're just an extra count for larger cat groups. The important part art the "normal" numbers =) [img][/img] [size=7][b]Beach - Miss Sonja[/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. It’s [b]18cats! [/b] [img][/img] Make a guess on which cat is the culprit. Feel free to tell us why you think that way. [b] Cat 10[/b] – He is the only one close to Miss Sonja (Cat 11) that doesn’t have dark or black fur and isn’t busy with playing. Beside, he looks in her direction. [img][/img] [size=7][b]Nighteye Gang [/b][/size] [url=]Original post[/url] [img][/img] Count all the [u]differences[/u] in the two images. (We'll have to show the expert what we found later.) There are [b] 31 differences[/b] in total! [img][/img] What do you think is the original and famous artwork and what’s the copy? Why do you think so? [b] The left one is the original![/b] While the artist wanted to make it abstract, it was „reasonable“. The right side has the small cat image in the left bottom corner and lines in both eyes to express their own style. [img][/img] [size=7][b]All badges together =) [/b][/size] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code]

Thanks for helping out everyone! Hope you enjoyed the event and glad you participated! <3
(and hope you don't hate me for this evil task on the end )

If you want to participate in my next event, feel free to join

Next event will be a decision game like our Bee-autiful Life
So feel free to join this pinglist if you're more interested in text based games =)


Now, let's get to the bottom of this!
Our C.A.T. has worked hard to find all the culprits!

Forrest - Master paws
Original post

paw_black_small.png Count all the cats in the image.

There are a total of 17 cats in the picture!

paw_black_small.png Find the person that sneaked on Master Paws!

paw_white_small.png The image providing is close to the suspected time where the note was dropped.
paw_white_small.png During the meditation, some of his fans joined him, sitting around him and observing the Master.

His fans are cats 16 (orange one right beside the rock) and 17 (white one in front of the rock, blending in), sitting right beside him and observing him.

paw_white_small.png Whoever it was has to be exceptional good at hiding cause nobody saw them at all! Maybe you can find someone hiding close by?

Since the image is close to the time the note was dropped, the cat has to be close by. Since cats 14 (Master Paws), 16 and 17 (his fans) aren’t the culprits, it has to be cat 15 (right side hiding in the forest). Beside, he is obviously good at hiding.

Note: i liked the story with the master’s old friend as well! Great idea!


Original post

paw_black_small.png Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats)
There are a total of 18 cats in there! If you count the images as well, there are a total of 21 cats and images! Both is right!

paw_black_small.png Try to find out who destroyed the field.

paw_white_small.png The only thing we could find were some odd footprints with claws in it. Seems weird but we haven’t found out what’s weird with these yet.

It was “cat 12“. While cats have retractable claws, dogs and wolves don’t have them! Since Cat 12 is a mix between cat and werewolf, it’s the only one with claws that may not be retractable due to the wolf part =) Beside, the footprints were „weird“, mentioned because they’re not as thin as cat claw marks and his claws are strong enough to destroy the field.


Police - Officer Carra
Original post

paw_black_small.png Count all the cats in the image.
There are a total of 31 cats in there!

paw_black_small.png Find out who gave them the information so we can find out what they’re planning!
paw_white_small.png Everyone from the C.A.T. is sure that nobody could have given them informations from inside the building.
Since the cat team is sure it was nobody from inside, it has to be cat 28 because he is the only one not inside the building. Anyway, that doesn’t mean that nobody inside distracted the C.A.T. ;)


Christmas - Caty Family
Original post

paw_black_small.png Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats)

There are 36 cats hidden in this picture!

paw_black_small.png Ask the witnesses and find out who opened all the gifts!

paw_white_small.png While the 3 kittens are impulsive and chaotic, the claw marks we found belong to a grown up cat. (Cat 19 at the tree, 22 below the tree, 27 in the sock)

paw_white_small.png Maya is known for being impatient and therefore was allowed to open one of her gifts in advance (Cat 36)

paw_white_small.png Miss Sophie was tasked with playing Santa this year. Her daughter has the same fur color. (Mom is cat 33 because she’s the only one with a full costume, while the daughter is cat 27)

paw_white_small.png When Miss Sophie asked the kittens if they have seen something, her own daughter Lily told her she saw someone hiding suspiciously.
Lily has to see the cat that is hiding, so they have to be in their looking direction. Cat 28 is the culprit!


Easter Egg Search - Family Catto
Original post

paw_black_small.png Count all the cats in the image.
There are 55 cats hidden!

paw_black_small.png During the egg search, someone is hiding close by and observing the family. While nobody is harmed, they stole something expensive while the family was distracted. Try to find the culprit!

paw_white_small.png Citty has a lighter fur color than her dad because her mom is cream colored. (Dad is cat 10, Mom is cat 28, Citty is a mix between both colors and is Cat 54)
paw_white_small.png The family got an unexpected visit from a befriended family. (Cats 38-41)
paw_white_small.png The foreign cat is hard to spot because they’re used to hiding.
Cat 55 (right bottom, in front of the light brown egg) As ninja, he is used to hiding.

Note: There are a few "handwritten" numbers (and the word "Katzen" which means cat) in the image =) they're just an extra count for larger cat groups. The important part art the "normal" numbers =)


Beach - Miss Sonja
Original post

paw_black_small.png Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture.
It’s 18cats!

paw_black_small.png Make a guess on which cat is the culprit. Feel free to tell us why you think that way.
Cat 10 – He is the only one close to Miss Sonja (Cat 11) that doesn’t have dark or black fur and isn’t busy with playing. Beside, he looks in her direction.


Nighteye Gang
Original post

paw_black_small.png Count all the differences in the two images. (We'll have to show the expert what we found later.)
There are 31 differences in total!

paw_black_small.png What do you think is the original and famous artwork and what’s the copy? Why do you think so?
The left one is the original! While the artist wanted to make it abstract, it was „reasonable“. The right side has the small cat image in the left bottom corner and lines in both eyes to express their own style.

All badges together =)







1: spotty spotted meows
2: feral meow
3: spotted meows
4: striped meows
5: meow invasion
6: naked meows

1: spotty spotted meows
2: feral meow
3: spotted meows
4: striped meows
5: meow invasion
6: naked meows

f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
OMG!! I was not expecting that, haha, thank you!

1. hidden meows
OMG!! I was not expecting that, haha, thank you!

1. hidden meows
SEAq1Fd.png FR+9
Badge code - so kind.
Top 10 - Eeeeee thanks so much!
Also yay for finale! The answers were SO satisfying. Good to know at least my portrait answer was correct. The stories were fun too.

1. Other Half Meows
2. Naked Meows
3. Half Meows
4. Feral Meow
5. Spotty Spotted Meow
6. Spotted Meow
7. Striped Meow
9. if the last 3 choices are Apparel, let @Sunlightdruid get a pick and I'll get the last apparel =^.^=
Badge code - so kind.
Top 10 - Eeeeee thanks so much!
Also yay for finale! The answers were SO satisfying. Good to know at least my portrait answer was correct. The stories were fun too.

1. Other Half Meows
2. Naked Meows
3. Half Meows
4. Feral Meow
5. Spotty Spotted Meow
6. Spotted Meow
7. Striped Meow
9. if the last 3 choices are Apparel, let @Sunlightdruid get a pick and I'll get the last apparel =^.^=
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
1. MEOW Invasion!
2. Rainbow Meow
3. Feral Meow
4. Striped Meow
5. Spotted Meow

Thank youuuuu! It was super fun. Is there a spreadsheet where we can see our answers/if we were right? XD I'm curious to see.
1. MEOW Invasion!
2. Rainbow Meow
3. Feral Meow
4. Striped Meow
5. Spotted Meow

Thank youuuuu! It was super fun. Is there a spreadsheet where we can see our answers/if we were right? XD I'm curious to see.

You can just ask =D

Day 1
You guessed 17, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 2
You guessed 18, makes another 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 3
You guessed 31, makes 5 points for almost correct answer (+/-2) + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 4
You guessed 36, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 5
You guessed 55, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 6
You guessed 18, makes 10 points for correct answer + 5 points for story. You got a wrong culprit.

Day 7
You guessed 24, makes 1 points for trying + 10 points for story and right picture.

Total 121
Maximum would bei 140 (7days+20p each day for right counting + story + right culprit)

You can just ask =D

Day 1
You guessed 17, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 2
You guessed 18, makes another 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 3
You guessed 31, makes 5 points for almost correct answer (+/-2) + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 4
You guessed 36, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 5
You guessed 55, makes 10 points for correct answer + 10 points for story and right culprit

Day 6
You guessed 18, makes 10 points for correct answer + 5 points for story. You got a wrong culprit.

Day 7
You guessed 24, makes 1 points for trying + 10 points for story and right picture.

Total 121
Maximum would bei 140 (7days+20p each day for right counting + story + right culprit)