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TOPIC | [S] 25 Training [waitlist: 2]
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][size=4]Welcome! Here, you can get your dragons trained to level 25 for a fee within a few days, with no extra effort required from you beyond sending your dragon. [b]By requesting your dragon be trained here, you agree that you have read the full thread and agree to the requirements, prices, and policies. It is your responsibility to inform yourself of these before requesting.[/b] I am not against answering questions if you find it hard to read or understand the thread, but I do expect you to at least try.[/size] [size=4][b]You must ping me to this thread. I am not subscribed and will not see your post otherwise.[/b][/size] [size=4]All graphics link back to their sources! You [b]may not[/b] copy this thread or use it as a template, and you especially may not copy it without permission.[/size][/columns] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [img][/img] [size=5]Pre-Training Requirements[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]- Dragons must be named and have at least 20 hunger to be brought into the coli. [indent]- I can name your dragon for you if you provide one, but I will not feed a starving dragon for you.[/indent] - Dragons must not be progens, on a nest, in a CR, in the coli on the AH, have a familiar, have apparel, have a skin, or be toggled to the opposite pose to send via CR. - I take payment after training, but you must have payment ready upon request and sending. This is because, in 99% of cases, you do not have more than 72 hours to save. - If added to the waitlist, you must be willing to wait your turn. Because it's a waitlist. You wait on it. [indent] - This means you shouldn't ask someone else to train it, put it on a nest, etc. It's much more smooth if I actually get to train your dragon by the time it's your turn.[/indent] - Your dragon cannot have Plague primal. Sorry, but I just can't look at it without being majorly squicked out. Any other eyes are fine. - Do not send me your dragons unprompted. Please ask first and wait for confirmation.[/indent] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [img][/img] [size=5]Rules & Policies[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]- I will only train one dragon at a time, regardless of starting level, owner, etc. - I will only train up to level 25. I will not stop at lower levels. - To speed up the process, you can allow me to stat your dragon with full VIT. If you do not specify that you're ok with this, stats will be left untouched. - I do not offer collateral unless your dragon is a g1 imp. - [b]If your dragon is not sent to me within 48 hours of pinging, you will be skipped.[/b] - [b]Your dragon must be picked up within 72 hours of the return CR being sent. If payment is not received by then, you forfeit all ownership of the dragon to me.[/b] - If you decide you no longer want your dragon trained or cannot have it trained by the time your turn comes up on the waitlist, please inform me instead of ignoring the ping. Ignoring it forces everyone else to wait unnecessarily long. - [b]You may not copy this thread's coding, text, etc.[/b] - Don't run in here to tell me my prices are too high or it's not worth it, please. I've raised my prices due to demand and getting burnt out with more "standard" prices. If you want it cheaper, there are many other threads - no one is ordering you to hire me.[/indent] [rule] [columns][url=] [img][/img][/url][nextcol][img][/img] [size=5]Pricing[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]Please see the chart below for pricing from specific levels. The first number is the starting level of your dragon, and the second number is how much it will cost to go to 25 from that level in gems and treasure.[/indent] [indent]1-10: 400kt/g 11-12: 375kt/g 13-14: 350kt/g 15: 325kt/g 16: 300kt/g 17: 275kt/g 18: 250kt/g 19: 225kt/g 20: 200kt/g 21: 160kt/g 22: 120kt/g 23: 80kt/g 24: 40kt/g[/indent] [indent][b]G:T Ratio: 1:1000[/b] [b]Non-G/T Payments:[/b] None. Please do not ask or offer.[/indent] [size=4][u]Additional Pricing[/u][/size] [indent]- 50kt/g is [b]added[/b] to the price if the dragon has at least 25 QCK. This is to cover the cost of tinctures so I can remove the QCK to make it easier and then put your dragon back at the stats it was at when I received it, plus a little extra because it's a pain literally and figuratively. - 25kt/g is [b]added[/b] to the price for each Ambush stone already equipped to the dragon. Ambush stones make it significantly slower and harder for me, so this is to cover the cost of replacing them and adding them back on when finished.[/indent] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [img][/img] [size=5]Process[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]- You will send me a 1-way CR with your dragon. I strongly prefer that you do not send payment already. - I'll accept the CR and attach a floracat to your dragon to prevent accidents. I may also apply an accent if I have a nice one. - I'll train your dragon. - Once your dragon has been fully trained, I will send you a 2-way CR with your dragon with a reminder of the final price, and you will attach that fee so the CR can be completed.[/indent] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [img][/img] [size=5]Waitlist[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]Since times where I have an open slot are pretty rare, I have a waitlist. This will be the primary way to get a slot since I almost always am already training a dragon. Just ping me to request! You may only have one waitlist slot at a time, for one dragon at a time. You can request to be re-added when your turn has come up and your first dragon received. Otherwise, slots are unlimited. Sometimes the waitlist is long. This means you have to be patient. Again, please only ask if you are willing to wait. [list=1] [*]October [*]Rohi [/list] [rule] [/indent] [columns][url=][img][/img][nextcol] [img][/img] [size=5]History[/size][/columns] [rule] [indent]I maintain my training history on a spreadsheet you can find by [url=]clicking here.[/url] With 750+ dragons trained, you should be able to get a good idea of timeframe and reliability with it. By default, I add all dragons to the spreadsheet, but if you'd rather not be listed, feel free to let me know and I'll leave you off of it.[/indent]
A4CROV5.png Welcome! Here, you can get your dragons trained to level 25 for a fee within a few days, with no extra effort required from you beyond sending your dragon.

By requesting your dragon be trained here, you agree that you have read the full thread and agree to the requirements, prices, and policies. It is your responsibility to inform yourself of these before requesting.

I am not against answering questions if you find it hard to read or understand the thread, but I do expect you to at least try.

You must ping me to this thread. I am not subscribed and will not see your post otherwise.

All graphics link back to their sources!

You may not copy this thread or use it as a template, and you especially may not copy it without permission.

tihutbH.png KbORXHA.png
Pre-Training Requirements

- Dragons must be named and have at least 20 hunger to be brought into the coli.
- I can name your dragon for you if you provide one, but I will not feed a starving dragon for you.

- Dragons must not be progens, on a nest, in a CR, in the coli on the AH, have a familiar, have apparel, have a skin, or be toggled to the opposite pose to send via CR.

- I take payment after training, but you must have payment ready upon request and sending. This is because, in 99% of cases, you do not have more than 72 hours to save.

- If added to the waitlist, you must be willing to wait your turn. Because it's a waitlist. You wait on it.
- This means you shouldn't ask someone else to train it, put it on a nest, etc. It's much more smooth if I actually get to train your dragon by the time it's your turn.

- Your dragon cannot have Plague primal. Sorry, but I just can't look at it without being majorly squicked out. Any other eyes are fine.

- Do not send me your dragons unprompted. Please ask first and wait for confirmation.

hRdwFwp.png KbORXHA.png
Rules & Policies

- I will only train one dragon at a time, regardless of starting level, owner, etc.

- I will only train up to level 25. I will not stop at lower levels.

- To speed up the process, you can allow me to stat your dragon with full VIT. If you do not specify that you're ok with this, stats will be left untouched.

- I do not offer collateral unless your dragon is a g1 imp.

- If your dragon is not sent to me within 48 hours of pinging, you will be skipped.

- Your dragon must be picked up within 72 hours of the return CR being sent. If payment is not received by then, you forfeit all ownership of the dragon to me.

- If you decide you no longer want your dragon trained or cannot have it trained by the time your turn comes up on the waitlist, please inform me instead of ignoring the ping. Ignoring it forces everyone else to wait unnecessarily long.

- You may not copy this thread's coding, text, etc.

- Don't run in here to tell me my prices are too high or it's not worth it, please. I've raised my prices due to demand and getting burnt out with more "standard" prices. If you want it cheaper, there are many other threads - no one is ordering you to hire me.


Please see the chart below for pricing from specific levels. The first number is the starting level of your dragon, and the second number is how much it will cost to go to 25 from that level in gems and treasure.

1-10: 400kt/g
11-12: 375kt/g
13-14: 350kt/g
15: 325kt/g
16: 300kt/g
17: 275kt/g
18: 250kt/g
19: 225kt/g
20: 200kt/g
21: 160kt/g
22: 120kt/g
23: 80kt/g
24: 40kt/g
G:T Ratio: 1:1000
Non-G/T Payments: None. Please do not ask or offer.

Additional Pricing
- 50kt/g is added to the price if the dragon has at least 25 QCK. This is to cover the cost of tinctures so I can remove the QCK to make it easier and then put your dragon back at the stats it was at when I received it, plus a little extra because it's a pain literally and figuratively.

- 25kt/g is added to the price for each Ambush stone already equipped to the dragon. Ambush stones make it significantly slower and harder for me, so this is to cover the cost of replacing them and adding them back on when finished.

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- You will send me a 1-way CR with your dragon. I strongly prefer that you do not send payment already.

- I'll accept the CR and attach a floracat to your dragon to prevent accidents. I may also apply an accent if I have a nice one.

- I'll train your dragon.

- Once your dragon has been fully trained, I will send you a 2-way CR with your dragon with a reminder of the final price, and you will attach that fee so the CR can be completed.

dkUawJm.png KbORXHA.png

Since times where I have an open slot are pretty rare, I have a waitlist. This will be the primary way to get a slot since I almost always am already training a dragon. Just ping me to request!

You may only have one waitlist slot at a time, for one dragon at a time. You can request to be re-added when your turn has come up and your first dragon received. Otherwise, slots are unlimited.

Sometimes the waitlist is long. This means you have to be patient. Again, please only ask if you are willing to wait.
  1. October
  2. Rohi


I maintain my training history on a spreadsheet you can find by clicking here. With 750+ dragons trained, you should be able to get a good idea of timeframe and reliability with it.

By default, I add all dragons to the spreadsheet, but if you'd rather not be listed, feel free to let me know and I'll leave you off of it.
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!
[center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]October: @ everybody else: this person is v quick [im jealous tbh] and nice, 10/10 would poke dergs at to be trained again[/color][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Meowcy: Super efficient, super efficient; highly recommended. :^)[/color][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]seige: Speedy as can be. A bargain.[/color][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Cov: Thanks again for a speedy leveling service - 10/10 would work with again!![/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Gimeurcookie: Gave Tserin a low number 4 digit dragon to train (Less than 600 numbers away from being a 3 digit). Tserin gave my dragon a pink flower crown for the entirety of the training which was done very quick. 10 out of 10 service, not only will Tserin make sure your dragons are trained quickly he might just toss a flower crown on them. Would trust with a 40k+ gem dragon again.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Zazikel: Quality service, fast and dependable! Thanks for training my dragon Tserin! I'll definitely be back later. <3[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Korozo: Incredibly fast service, phenomenally trustworthy, and a really just a pleasure to work with. An unbred G1 Imperial was sent over, speedily trained, and returned safely, and given an adorable outfit and a Floracat to hang out with while away. 10/10, would love to get more dragons trained by Tserin. <3[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Eriecht: My dragon was trained from level 20 to 25 in about 6 hours! He looked fancy in the expensive accent and florocat he got to borrow, too <3 When I had questions, they were answered swiftly and to-the-point! Will definitely come back when my other dragons are at level 20.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Holland: Great service! Fast and reliable. The temp skin my boi got to wear while training was a nice touch as well. 10/10 would depend on again.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]HenryTheArcher: Thank you for your service! Dependable and fast. I appreciate straightforward services. Definitely will use again when needed and recommend to anyone who is looking for fast training. Glad to do business![/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]squidragon: review: fr user tserin is the only person i trust with my dragons. this time i gave him my avatar dragon/dragonsona while leaving them as my avatar. he did not take the opportunity to turn me into a clown for the day and instead gave me a very lovely accent. 10/10, i was fashionable but for a brief moment of my existence on this planet.[/color][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=#493A56]Rohi: Tserin has been leveling dragons for me since 2020. To date, he has leveled 159 of my dragons and I'm currently on the wait list for no.160. I think that the number of times I have returned says enough but in case you're not already convinced here's some more testament: His service is super speedy and consistently reliable. In the past five years, Tserin has never taken more than a couple of days to return a dragon fully leveled. The 159 dragons he has leveled for me includes; a triple rose g1, a g1 imp, 55 double roses, and a multitude of other high value gen1s. Not to mention dragons with sentimental value that simply can't be quantified by gems nor replaced if they were to go astray. If I had to trust one user on this site to level, or even just hold, a dragon for me it would be Tserin. And not to forget the best part - my dragons get a pretty UMA and a cute floracat friend for their stay c: a million/10 would absolutely recommend every time[/color][/columns] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] Graphics for this post by poisonedpaper.
extra-birb.png October: @ everybody else: this person is v quick [im jealous tbh] and nice, 10/10 would poke dergs at to be trained again
extra-birb.png Meowcy: Super efficient, super efficient; highly recommended. :^)
extra-birb.png seige: Speedy as can be. A bargain.
extra-birb.png Cov: Thanks again for a speedy leveling service - 10/10 would work with again!!
extra-birb.png Gimeurcookie: Gave Tserin a low number 4 digit dragon to train (Less than 600 numbers away from being a 3 digit). Tserin gave my dragon a pink flower crown for the entirety of the training which was done very quick. 10 out of 10 service, not only will Tserin make sure your dragons are trained quickly he might just toss a flower crown on them. Would trust with a 40k+ gem dragon again.
extra-birb.png Zazikel: Quality service, fast and dependable! Thanks for training my dragon Tserin! I'll definitely be back later. <3
extra-birb.png Korozo: Incredibly fast service, phenomenally trustworthy, and a really just a pleasure to work with. An unbred G1 Imperial was sent over, speedily trained, and returned safely, and given an adorable outfit and a Floracat to hang out with while away. 10/10, would love to get more dragons trained by Tserin. <3
extra-birb.png Eriecht: My dragon was trained from level 20 to 25 in about 6 hours! He looked fancy in the expensive accent and florocat he got to borrow, too <3 When I had questions, they were answered swiftly and to-the-point! Will definitely come back when my other dragons are at level 20.
extra-birb.png Holland: Great service! Fast and reliable. The temp skin my boi got to wear while training was a nice touch as well. 10/10 would depend on again.
extra-birb.png HenryTheArcher: Thank you for your service! Dependable and fast. I appreciate straightforward services. Definitely will use again when needed and recommend to anyone who is looking for fast training. Glad to do business!
extra-birb.png squidragon: review: fr user tserin is the only person i trust with my dragons. this time i gave him my avatar dragon/dragonsona while leaving them as my avatar. he did not take the opportunity to turn me into a clown for the day and instead gave me a very lovely accent. 10/10, i was fashionable but for a brief moment of my existence on this planet.
extra-birb.png Rohi: Tserin has been leveling dragons for me since 2020. To date, he has leveled 159 of my dragons and I'm currently on the wait list for no.160. I think that the number of times I have returned says enough but in case you're not already convinced here's some more testament:

His service is super speedy and consistently reliable. In the past five years, Tserin has never taken more than a couple of days to return a dragon fully leveled.

The 159 dragons he has leveled for me includes; a triple rose g1, a g1 imp, 55 double roses, and a multitude of other high value gen1s. Not to mention dragons with sentimental value that simply can't be quantified by gems nor replaced if they were to go astray.

If I had to trust one user on this site to level, or even just hold, a dragon for me it would be Tserin.

And not to forget the best part - my dragons get a pretty UMA and a cute floracat friend for their stay c:

a million/10 would absolutely recommend every time

Graphics for this post by poisonedpaper.
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!

@Tserin This guy needs to be leveled because the Queen's court needs a jester, and you can only be a part of the court if you are leveled, so- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'll send an Ambush along with him and since I want him statted with Culex's guide, that would be 250k total, right?

This guy needs to be leveled because the Queen's court needs a jester, and you can only be a part of the court if you are leveled, so-


I'll send an Ambush along with him and since I want him statted with Culex's guide, that would be 250k total, right?
I should've expected you to post that at some point tbh

250k would be correct, yes <3 If you send him and the ambush over I'll get started on training him! He'll be a very cute jester.
I should've expected you to post that at some point tbh

250k would be correct, yes <3 If you send him and the ambush over I'll get started on training him! He'll be a very cute jester.
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!

Thank you! I'll send him and the Ambush over ASAP. :)

Thank you! I'll send him and the Ambush over ASAP. :)
Rinu has been trained and sent back, so the training slot is open again!
Rinu has been trained and sent back, so the training slot is open again!
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!
@Tserin *Pokes you* Could you level my fan dragons? One at a time, of course. ^_^ The first one is BeastBoy here: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

*Pokes you* Could you level my fan dragons? One at a time, of course. ^_^

The first one is BeastBoy here:

Sure, go ahead and send him over!
Sure, go ahead and send him over!
Lz0bQAz.gif hatchery
training service
free money
lf xxx overcast g1
he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!

Awesome, will do! :D I'll add an Ambush as well, like last time. ^^

Awesome, will do! :D I'll add an Ambush as well, like last time. ^^