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TOPIC | Dumbest ways you have hurt yourself?
Three way tie between the following:

1. Broke my foot during a water balloon fight running on wet, uneven grass
2. Went to go pick up a ziploc bag from behind a garbage can, guess my roommate broke something and missed a shard of glass. 4 stitches in my left middle finger
3. Went to a friends place for Thanksgiving, I was helping clean up before I left, went to go push the garbage down and a glass bottle felt on my right big toe. It's been 3 months and the bruise has barely moved up the nail.
Three way tie between the following:

1. Broke my foot during a water balloon fight running on wet, uneven grass
2. Went to go pick up a ziploc bag from behind a garbage can, guess my roommate broke something and missed a shard of glass. 4 stitches in my left middle finger
3. Went to a friends place for Thanksgiving, I was helping clean up before I left, went to go push the garbage down and a glass bottle felt on my right big toe. It's been 3 months and the bruise has barely moved up the nail.
Stabbed myself on my hand to the fat layer with a fork trying to get icecream cake unstuck from the display case.

Momentum is no joke my peeps. Fat layer, with a FORK and it was a whole inch long line

Rip the poor urgent care employees I had to bug before closing on a holiday cause.. did I need stitchs? Would am infection there realllllly kill me???
Stabbed myself on my hand to the fat layer with a fork trying to get icecream cake unstuck from the display case.

Momentum is no joke my peeps. Fat layer, with a FORK and it was a whole inch long line

Rip the poor urgent care employees I had to bug before closing on a holiday cause.. did I need stitchs? Would am infection there realllllly kill me???
Opened a bottle of rose syrup by taking a steak knife and trying to pry away the little metal band holding the cap on. Stone cold sober, just really bad at life. Got to the urgent care around midnight, just before it closed, and the doctor looked at me like "Welp." Ten stitches. hundred dollar co-pay, lesson learned. Knives are for stabbing, not for opening.
Opened a bottle of rose syrup by taking a steak knife and trying to pry away the little metal band holding the cap on. Stone cold sober, just really bad at life. Got to the urgent care around midnight, just before it closed, and the doctor looked at me like "Welp." Ten stitches. hundred dollar co-pay, lesson learned. Knives are for stabbing, not for opening.
hey guys is this tik tok
skinned my entire knee on an arcade game. somehow
skinned my entire knee on an arcade game. somehow
unique and quirky signature
Putting my thumb in and out of a water bottle and it got stuck and it tore some of the skin off it
Putting my thumb in and out of a water bottle and it got stuck and it tore some of the skin off it
Got to cuddly with my rooster (he normally loves it)
Now I have a scar on my side
Got to cuddly with my rooster (he normally loves it)
Now I have a scar on my side
Female (Pastel pink)She/Her (Aroace flag)
I was in French class, grade 7 probably, and I was messing with one of my classmates, I leaned too far and the desk (one of those desks attached to a chair) fell on my hand, had major tissue damage and bruising but surprisingly no broken bone.

I also fell up the stairs, twice, instead of down, and I now have a dent in my tibia (indent in the bone, covered by untextured, shiny skin, odd scar I guess) and a small permanent scar on my kneecap.

Lastly, I got chased by my rooster (he's deceased now) and he pecked me so hard in the back of the leg it bruised so badly it looked like a bullseye or like I had ringworm.
I was in French class, grade 7 probably, and I was messing with one of my classmates, I leaned too far and the desk (one of those desks attached to a chair) fell on my hand, had major tissue damage and bruising but surprisingly no broken bone.

I also fell up the stairs, twice, instead of down, and I now have a dent in my tibia (indent in the bone, covered by untextured, shiny skin, odd scar I guess) and a small permanent scar on my kneecap.

Lastly, I got chased by my rooster (he's deceased now) and he pecked me so hard in the back of the leg it bruised so badly it looked like a bullseye or like I had ringworm.
I've got two recent ones

1- Scratched my arm (twice) on a bag of cheese while opening the fridge. The way the bag was folded and put in the fridge door had a pointy fold sticking out....
Not my proudest moment.

2- Cleaning my lizard's tank, had the glass door open, and crouched down underneath to reach my bin, stood back up forgetting the door was open, slammed/scratched my back against the corner of the glass tank door :^(
I've got two recent ones

1- Scratched my arm (twice) on a bag of cheese while opening the fridge. The way the bag was folded and put in the fridge door had a pointy fold sticking out....
Not my proudest moment.

2- Cleaning my lizard's tank, had the glass door open, and crouched down underneath to reach my bin, stood back up forgetting the door was open, slammed/scratched my back against the corner of the glass tank door :^(
I was wiggling my toes and one of the cats attempted to amputate them.

Had a finger too close to a hungry and rather dumb scorpion.

Got hit in the face by a speeding sawfly/wasplike critter? Why was it even cruising at that speed?

Nearly swallowed a moldy raisin. Realized it was moldy, but had already contaminated myself. One of the worst flavors I’ve ever tasted. Green fuzzy raisins do not taste like blue cheese or anything pleasantly moldy. It was the bad kind.
I was wiggling my toes and one of the cats attempted to amputate them.

Had a finger too close to a hungry and rather dumb scorpion.

Got hit in the face by a speeding sawfly/wasplike critter? Why was it even cruising at that speed?

Nearly swallowed a moldy raisin. Realized it was moldy, but had already contaminated myself. One of the worst flavors I’ve ever tasted. Green fuzzy raisins do not taste like blue cheese or anything pleasantly moldy. It was the bad kind.
was playing as a 4 or 5 year old and tripped on my dog who ran straight in front of me into the corner of a brick wall. i now have a scar on my face.
was playing as a 4 or 5 year old and tripped on my dog who ran straight in front of me into the corner of a brick wall. i now have a scar on my face.

he / him - +17 fr time - g1 collector
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