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TOPIC | Dumbest ways you have hurt yourself?
attempt to vault over a trampoline frame wearing shoes with very very little grip. slipping. landing on my stomach on the top of one of the metal trampoline frame bars. still clinging on, i end up hanging upside down like so: [img][/img] then proceeding to lose my grip, fall and slam my head on the ground.
attempt to vault over a trampoline frame wearing shoes with very very little grip.

landing on my stomach on the top of one of the metal trampoline frame bars.
still clinging on, i end up hanging upside down like so:


then proceeding to lose my grip, fall and slam my head on the ground.
Dropping hot cheese on my arm during a vacation :(

I know it sounds stupid but hear me out, it was actually, really painful like oh my gosh :wail: I had a horrible wound for the rest of the summer it was terrible, ngl probably the most pain I've ever experienced in my entire life

It actually scarred too, the scar's faded now but it was around for like, a year or so afterwards
Dropping hot cheese on my arm during a vacation :(

I know it sounds stupid but hear me out, it was actually, really painful like oh my gosh :wail: I had a horrible wound for the rest of the summer it was terrible, ngl probably the most pain I've ever experienced in my entire life

It actually scarred too, the scar's faded now but it was around for like, a year or so afterwards

~** FLUFFERB **~


I believe it! Cheese is greasy and hot grease is dangerous stuff; plus, burns are disproportionately painful if the nerve endings aren't destroyed completely.

Adding a burn story- not really a stupid injury, but an interesting one- the worst burns I've had were from the lead rope when my horse bolted: blisters so large I couldn't bend my fingers came up immediately all over my left hand, and I think the only thing keeping me from keeling over in pain was the fact that I was running to bring her back. This is why some people wear gloves when handling horses!

I believe it! Cheese is greasy and hot grease is dangerous stuff; plus, burns are disproportionately painful if the nerve endings aren't destroyed completely.

Adding a burn story- not really a stupid injury, but an interesting one- the worst burns I've had were from the lead rope when my horse bolted: blisters so large I couldn't bend my fingers came up immediately all over my left hand, and I think the only thing keeping me from keeling over in pain was the fact that I was running to bring her back. This is why some people wear gloves when handling horses!
I have two

When I was about 5, I was jumping up and down on my bunk bed trying to touch the fan. Next minute I had fallen past the railing and bashed my face onto the bedroom floor, biting the bottom of my lip. So what happened that day was I had lost my two front teeth and now I have a scar under my lip.

Another was when I was a toddler and spilt my mum's steaming hot coffee onto my arm so I had to go to the hospital because I had a really bad burn
I have two

When I was about 5, I was jumping up and down on my bunk bed trying to touch the fan. Next minute I had fallen past the railing and bashed my face onto the bedroom floor, biting the bottom of my lip. So what happened that day was I had lost my two front teeth and now I have a scar under my lip.

Another was when I was a toddler and spilt my mum's steaming hot coffee onto my arm so I had to go to the hospital because I had a really bad burn
What a world of wonder
I fell into a pool and scraped my knee on the way down.
also mysteriously pulled a neck muscle or something so badly that I could barely move it to the left for four days
I fell into a pool and scraped my knee on the way down.
also mysteriously pulled a neck muscle or something so badly that I could barely move it to the left for four days
jGVQbew.png Glimmer
Previously QuirkyJunimo
FR +3
Avatar dragon
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Not exactly a serious injury or if it could even be counted as one but pro tip, don't try to smell boiling/really hot water. Context? Where we live, our water is very hard (and therefore doesn't taste/smell the best straight from tap), so we have to filter it. We forgot about this fact at one point, filled a cup with water straight from the sink and not from the water filter literally a foot away from our position, and popped said cup of water into the microwave for a couple minutes so we could make some instant ramen. We realized the possibility of a mistake afterwards and using our two functioning braincells, tried to smell the boiling hot water to see if it had somehow been purified in some way, we guess. Either way, that stuff burns. 0/10, would not recommend.

Oh yeah, there was also that time we ran full speed into a door handle. And bruised ourselves. We don't bruise easily, so you can imagine we hit that door handle pretty hard. (Our arm was what collided with said door handle)
Not exactly a serious injury or if it could even be counted as one but pro tip, don't try to smell boiling/really hot water. Context? Where we live, our water is very hard (and therefore doesn't taste/smell the best straight from tap), so we have to filter it. We forgot about this fact at one point, filled a cup with water straight from the sink and not from the water filter literally a foot away from our position, and popped said cup of water into the microwave for a couple minutes so we could make some instant ramen. We realized the possibility of a mistake afterwards and using our two functioning braincells, tried to smell the boiling hot water to see if it had somehow been purified in some way, we guess. Either way, that stuff burns. 0/10, would not recommend.

Oh yeah, there was also that time we ran full speed into a door handle. And bruised ourselves. We don't bruise easily, so you can imagine we hit that door handle pretty hard. (Our arm was what collided with said door handle)
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One time I had my cat on my lap and it spooked and jumped off, scratching my hand accidentally. Didn‘t bleed or anything, but it did leave scars somehow? Also I once had sand on my foot which made it itch, and I scratched it with my other foot and must‘ve worn the skin of slowly.
One time I had my cat on my lap and it spooked and jumped off, scratching my hand accidentally. Didn‘t bleed or anything, but it did leave scars somehow? Also I once had sand on my foot which made it itch, and I scratched it with my other foot and must‘ve worn the skin of slowly.
Picked up a piece of paper at work that I dropped and threw out my back :') I couldn't move for like a week
Picked up a piece of paper at work that I dropped and threw out my back :') I couldn't move for like a week
I was pretending to be a Reshiram and sort of jump-fell down a flight of stairs. I was sore but otherwise uninjured, somehow.

In addition, during elementary school, a jumbo size thumbtack ended up stuck in my palm while I was doing the Monster Mash with the rest of my class. I was a good five feet away from the bulletin board. Baffles me to this day.
I was pretending to be a Reshiram and sort of jump-fell down a flight of stairs. I was sore but otherwise uninjured, somehow.

In addition, during elementary school, a jumbo size thumbtack ended up stuck in my palm while I was doing the Monster Mash with the rest of my class. I was a good five feet away from the bulletin board. Baffles me to this day.
KNiDL_Star_Rod_sprite.png 7nrEOpT.png
Collector of gen 1 aethers, imperial enjoyer, old dragon admirer, sprite/nymph adorer
AI bros DNI
Cut on the foil roll separator. Awful. (Recent)
In the past, I taunted a turkey and got wing slapped.
I kept picking up ladybirds and got bit who knows how many times.
Cut on the foil roll separator. Awful. (Recent)
In the past, I taunted a turkey and got wing slapped.
I kept picking up ladybirds and got bit who knows how many times.