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TOPIC | Dumbest ways you have hurt yourself?
Stupidest way I've ever hurt myself? Got my hand stuck in an automatic door when I was a child.

Recently? I stuck the other hand in my desk to pull cables through and had to break skin to get it back out.
Stupidest way I've ever hurt myself? Got my hand stuck in an automatic door when I was a child.

Recently? I stuck the other hand in my desk to pull cables through and had to break skin to get it back out.
Hokuto, HAST (UTC−10)
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So you want to do an art of us
i was making a sandwich with a presser and i, for some reason, though it Wasn't hot when i got my sandwich amd like. ended up burning my knuckles on my right hand -_-; im ok tho it wasn't like Burnt just hurted a lot nvjf
i was making a sandwich with a presser and i, for some reason, though it Wasn't hot when i got my sandwich amd like. ended up burning my knuckles on my right hand -_-; im ok tho it wasn't like Burnt just hurted a lot nvjf
i got a lil guy !! :3c
Cut my toenail in a nasty way with a trowel when I was specifically told to wear close-toed shoes while out in the garden. My obstinate kid self ignored that and went to go dig with flip flops on. It took forever to heal.

I'm more surprised I never managed to poke myself with a hand rake or lose my grip and drop the old-fashioned post hole digger we had onto my foot.
Cut my toenail in a nasty way with a trowel when I was specifically told to wear close-toed shoes while out in the garden. My obstinate kid self ignored that and went to go dig with flip flops on. It took forever to heal.

I'm more surprised I never managed to poke myself with a hand rake or lose my grip and drop the old-fashioned post hole digger we had onto my foot.
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Oh dude, I got this one.

I took my kids to an indoor playground back in October. There's a short rock wall there that was only maybe ten feet high. My 2 year old pointed at it and said, "Mommy you can climb?" "Mommy ring bell?"

There was a bell at the top.

Okay so, the floor beneath it is spongey to buffer a fall. I'm an average height woman with no climbing experience. But this is a playground meant for littles so it'll be fine right?

I got on. One rock away from getting to the top and I can't get a good grip. I slip off and feel this horrifying POP and blinding pain.

Broke my left ankle - fibula exploded, broken medial malleolus, torn ligament. Out of commission.

I'm able to walk now - slowly. Never again and I climbing.
Oh dude, I got this one.

I took my kids to an indoor playground back in October. There's a short rock wall there that was only maybe ten feet high. My 2 year old pointed at it and said, "Mommy you can climb?" "Mommy ring bell?"

There was a bell at the top.

Okay so, the floor beneath it is spongey to buffer a fall. I'm an average height woman with no climbing experience. But this is a playground meant for littles so it'll be fine right?

I got on. One rock away from getting to the top and I can't get a good grip. I slip off and feel this horrifying POP and blinding pain.

Broke my left ankle - fibula exploded, broken medial malleolus, torn ligament. Out of commission.

I'm able to walk now - slowly. Never again and I climbing.
when opening a cardboard box with a box cutter i cut my finger on one of the lids of the cardboard box.

not on the cutter. no. on the box itself.
when opening a cardboard box with a box cutter i cut my finger on one of the lids of the cardboard box.

not on the cutter. no. on the box itself.
Communication is key.
When you unlock to believe, can you see what I see?
Searchlights, looking for the watcher in the sky.
I was opening a canning jar and the lid was stuck for my strength and I kept saying to myself "Don't grab the lid, you'll cut yourself from that, it's sharp metal. You've done it already and it never ends good" so many times and then I grabbed the metal lid and pushed.

The lid cut my finger and I was disappointed in myself, I knew what would happen but I just brainfarted and did it anyway. Now I am waiting for the scar to faint away fully. :D
I was opening a canning jar and the lid was stuck for my strength and I kept saying to myself "Don't grab the lid, you'll cut yourself from that, it's sharp metal. You've done it already and it never ends good" so many times and then I grabbed the metal lid and pushed.

The lid cut my finger and I was disappointed in myself, I knew what would happen but I just brainfarted and did it anyway. Now I am waiting for the scar to faint away fully. :D
once i fell during track and skinned my knee pretty bad. i went up to my coach and he was like "are you broken? do you need to leave? no? i don't care" so i practiced with drying blood and a searing painful knee for about 2/3 to 3/4 of the practice. i still have a scar from it.
once i fell during track and skinned my knee pretty bad. i went up to my coach and he was like "are you broken? do you need to leave? no? i don't care" so i practiced with drying blood and a searing painful knee for about 2/3 to 3/4 of the practice. i still have a scar from it.


Adorable Arcane Hatchery! you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
Nothing Fancy Hatchery Raffle!
My little cousin threw a toy phone at my face, giving me a black eye....
My little cousin threw a toy phone at my face, giving me a black eye....
I accidentally got a scrape on my hand from the inside of a washing machine, it kind of scarred. I have no clue how I did that to this day tbh I also burnt myself on a toaster and I'm pretty sure the burn mark is still there. Recently I accidentally put my finger in boiling hot water though trying to make my food and I don't know how I did that either LOL

I also once fell off my chair because I was laughing too hard
I accidentally got a scrape on my hand from the inside of a washing machine, it kind of scarred. I have no clue how I did that to this day tbh I also burnt myself on a toaster and I'm pretty sure the burn mark is still there. Recently I accidentally put my finger in boiling hot water though trying to make my food and I don't know how I did that either LOL

I also once fell off my chair because I was laughing too hard
Today I hit my thumb with a hammer. xD Just like on TV.
Today I hit my thumb with a hammer. xD Just like on TV.