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TOPIC | Kitchen mistakes You've Made
Forgot bacon is to be cooked on low heat and not 5+
Forgot bacon is to be cooked on low heat and not 5+
tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif Fear not child, the Shadows will protect you.tumblr_inline_n6kdvfauea1qlye38.gif
My mom was cooking...something, I don't remember, when the grease in that pan started smoking. I, being a good daughter, pointed this out to her. So she puts the pan in the sink, and runs water on it.

I ran out of the kitchen in terror.
My mom was cooking...something, I don't remember, when the grease in that pan started smoking. I, being a good daughter, pointed this out to her. So she puts the pan in the sink, and runs water on it.

I ran out of the kitchen in terror.
Currently looking for:
avocado/aqua/sable male, preferably with nature eyes
Abyss and Copper XXX Veils
Destroying a whole pot with one serving of chili. :c I guess I didn't put enough tomato paste or something and had it on too high of heat.

Anyways, I tried so hard and let that pot soak for, like, weeks, lol. None of it came off.

Also using a fork to get hot toaster strudels out of the toaster. I did this before I knew it was bad to do. Now I just burn my fingers instead. <-<

This isn't mine, but my brother's. He went to put a hot pocket in the microwave for 3 minutes. Pressed 30 minutes instead. Yeah, it was real crispy and the whole house smelled like absolute charcoal all day, lol.
Destroying a whole pot with one serving of chili. :c I guess I didn't put enough tomato paste or something and had it on too high of heat.

Anyways, I tried so hard and let that pot soak for, like, weeks, lol. None of it came off.

Also using a fork to get hot toaster strudels out of the toaster. I did this before I knew it was bad to do. Now I just burn my fingers instead. <-<

This isn't mine, but my brother's. He went to put a hot pocket in the microwave for 3 minutes. Pressed 30 minutes instead. Yeah, it was real crispy and the whole house smelled like absolute charcoal all day, lol.
When I was younger I put my chin on a got pan, Never doing that again.
I've also put one of those wrappers with the shiny silver-ish reflective insides in the microwave, also never doing that again.

There are probably more but I can't think of anymore atm :P


My sis did the same thing xD

We were on vacation for the week (Since it was Spring Break) and the place smelled like burnt macaroni the rest of the time we were there

When I was younger I put my chin on a got pan, Never doing that again.
I've also put one of those wrappers with the shiny silver-ish reflective insides in the microwave, also never doing that again.

There are probably more but I can't think of anymore atm :P


My sis did the same thing xD

We were on vacation for the week (Since it was Spring Break) and the place smelled like burnt macaroni the rest of the time we were there


Glad to know I'm not the only one! My brother made fun of me for weeks.

Glad to know I'm not the only one! My brother made fun of me for weeks.
I once set my microwave on fire trying to make toast.

I'm not smart.
I once set my microwave on fire trying to make toast.

I'm not smart.
I put t o o m u c h b u t t e r.
I put t o o m u c h b u t t e r.
[ jxckalito ]
hoarding dragons and dreaming of lore

[ lore ] [ link ] [ link ]

i tried to melted sugar glass

i tried to melted sugar glass
Call me Spooky!
forgetting to put an egg into the cookie dough; and wondered why it was so

realized like 20 minutes into mixing, and added the egg
thankfully they tasted "normal"

also not spraying the pan with non-stick spray
oh the regrets
forgetting to put an egg into the cookie dough; and wondered why it was so

realized like 20 minutes into mixing, and added the egg
thankfully they tasted "normal"

also not spraying the pan with non-stick spray
oh the regrets
Uh, I don't cook much. And when I do, it's not too bad.

dont trust a potato peeler of all things.

I was seven I think??? I'm not sure, but I was... peeling potatoes with my mom. And let's just say, uh... almost had to get stitches. It didn't hurt, somehow??? Now I have a scar.
Uh, I don't cook much. And when I do, it's not too bad.

dont trust a potato peeler of all things.

I was seven I think??? I'm not sure, but I was... peeling potatoes with my mom. And let's just say, uh... almost had to get stitches. It didn't hurt, somehow??? Now I have a scar.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxshe/her