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TOPIC | Kitchen mistakes You've Made
Sliced open my finger trying to cut some summer sausage which resulted in the sausage rolling to the floor and having to be trashed
Sliced open my finger trying to cut some summer sausage which resulted in the sausage rolling to the floor and having to be trashed

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
Oooh, so many. I suck in the kitchen.

Set eggs on fire. (Did you know eggs burn blue?)
Failed at making ramen
Failed at making cereal
Cut my hand instead of a potato
Poured boiling water on myself
Spilled boiling tomato soup all over myself
Exploded an egg

...Need I go on?
Oooh, so many. I suck in the kitchen.

Set eggs on fire. (Did you know eggs burn blue?)
Failed at making ramen
Failed at making cereal
Cut my hand instead of a potato
Poured boiling water on myself
Spilled boiling tomato soup all over myself
Exploded an egg

...Need I go on?
I have my own website for things I've made!

You spilled/poured boiling water on yourself? Me too~ All over my hands... in 6th grade.

You spilled/poured boiling water on yourself? Me too~ All over my hands... in 6th grade.

I did it in high school. Good to know I'm not the only one!

I did it in high school. Good to know I'm not the only one!
I have my own website for things I've made!
I burnt every single pan there was in the kitchen for a whole year straight until ive learnt
I burnt every single pan there was in the kitchen for a whole year straight until ive learnt

I was making ramen, I'm weak, I couldn't support to pot's weight... 1st and 2nd degree burns on both my hands~!

I was making ramen, I'm weak, I couldn't support to pot's weight... 1st and 2nd degree burns on both my hands~!

I was trying to do that boil water and throw it outside when it's 8 degrees outside and make it into snow. Instead I lost the grip and it poured all over my legs. Thankfully no serious burns happened because I raced straight into the snow. :x

I was trying to do that boil water and throw it outside when it's 8 degrees outside and make it into snow. Instead I lost the grip and it poured all over my legs. Thankfully no serious burns happened because I raced straight into the snow. :x
I have my own website for things I've made!
A couple of weeks ago, I was putting an uncooked quesadilla in the oven and I lost my grip on the baking pan. I was unable to pick it up myself because I had only one oven mitt on, so I had to ask for assistance. By the time we cleaned up the mess of shredded cheese and the whole ordeal was over, I noticed that the parchment paper was badly burned in one spot and that I had narrowly missed starting a fire as a result.

I am just glad that the worst case scenario did not happen, and that everything was safe in the end. I now wear try to both oven mitts whenever I put something in the oven.
A couple of weeks ago, I was putting an uncooked quesadilla in the oven and I lost my grip on the baking pan. I was unable to pick it up myself because I had only one oven mitt on, so I had to ask for assistance. By the time we cleaned up the mess of shredded cheese and the whole ordeal was over, I noticed that the parchment paper was badly burned in one spot and that I had narrowly missed starting a fire as a result.

I am just glad that the worst case scenario did not happen, and that everything was safe in the end. I now wear try to both oven mitts whenever I put something in the oven.
Banner holder by me.
even trying to cook lmao
even trying to cook lmao
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I've burnt two oven mitts (one of them actually caught fire) and my elbow.
I've burnt two oven mitts (one of them actually caught fire) and my elbow.
"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!"

~Eren Jaeger