
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Dom Watch] A Perfect Storm
[center][img][/img][br][br] [img][/img][/center][br] After months of preparation, it's finally time for the opening of Wind and Lightning's cafe! Maybe drop by with some dragons for some coffee? [emoji=skydancer star] [emoji=ridgeback star][br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>[/color][nextcol]----- [size=5][b][font=Helvetica][color=#000000]WHO'S CURRENTLY PUSHING?[/color][/font][/b][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- Lightning is conquest pushing - Wind is conquest pushing [/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent] <<<<<[/color][/columns] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Helvetica][b]FLIGHT DOMINANCE LINKS[/b][/font][/size][br][columns][size=4] [img][/img] [b][color=#9ACD32]Wind[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Raffle + Public Buy[/url] - [url=]Art for Fodder[/url] - [url=]Hatchling Boarding[/url] - [url=]I-F Raffle[/url] - [url=]Other Activities [emoji=wind rune][/url] [nextcol][size=4][br][img][/img] [b][color=#40E0D0]Lightning[/color][/b] - [url=]OOF Raffle + Public Buy[/url] - [url=]Art for Fodder[/url] - [url=]Hatchling Boarding[/url] - [url=]I-F Hub[/url] - [url=]Other Activities [emoji=lightning rune][/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns] [color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]ANNOUNCED UPCOMING PUSHES (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]May 15 - May 21:[/b] Nature (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 22 - May 28:[/b] Plague (Conquest), Arcane (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 29 - Jun 4:[/b] Water (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 5 - Jun 11:[/b] Arcane (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 12 - Jun 18:[/b] Earth (Conquest, Father's Day)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 19 - Jun 25:[/b] Light (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 26 - Jul 2:[/b] Shadow (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 3 - Jul 9:[/b] Water (Conquest, In-Flight)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 10 - Jul 16:[/b] Ice (Profit, joint push with Plague), Plague (Profit, joint push with Ice)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 17 - Jul 23:[/b] Lightning (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 24 - Jul 30:[/b] Arcane (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 31 - Aug 6:[/b] Earth (Profit, joint push with Water), Water (Profit, joint push with Earth)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Aug 14 - Aug 20:[/b] Plague (Conquest, In-Flight)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Aug 21 - Aug 27:[/b] Fire (Festival)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [/columns] [br] The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. [u][url=]The full list is available HERE[/url][/u]. [b]Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push[/b], so this list is not comprehensive or certain.[br] Dom Watch [b]encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any[/b] (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.) [br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>>>>>>>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]May 15 - May 21:[/b] Nature (MidnightMonarch)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 22 - May 28:[/b] Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing), Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]May 29 - Jun 4:[/b] Water (brit, Arelia)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 5 - Jun 11:[/b] Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jun 12 - Jun 18:[/b] Earth (Dracowolf)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 3 - Jul 9:[/b] Water (brit, Arelia)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jul 24 - Jul 30:[/b] Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Aug 14 - Aug 20:[/b] Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Aug 21 - Aug 27:[/b] Fire (protowilson)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]<<<<<<<<<<<<[/color] [/columns] [br] This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.[br] Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts [i]before[/i] other flights. Please [b]do not[/b] announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority. [br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]>[nextcol]----- [size=5][b][color=#000000][font=Helvetica]Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising[/font][/color][/b][/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]<[/color][/columns] [br] Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.[br] Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.[br] Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion![br] Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching![br][br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol] [size=6][url=][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watch Ping List Google Form[/b][/font][/url][/size][br] [size=4][color=#000000](Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)[/color][/size][br] [/columns][br] Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.[br] Helpers: [b][url=]October[/url][/b], [b][url=]Cinderfire[/url][/b], [b][url=]KyloRen[/url][/b][br] Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.[br] [br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][size=5][color=#000000][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watching Resources:[/b][/font][/color][/size] [br][size=4]- [b][url=]Dom Watch Tracker[/url][/b][color=#000000] - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore![/color][br] - [b][url=]Dominance Tracker Guide[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Alisette[/url][color=#000000] - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now![/color][br] - [b][url=]Mercenary Group List[/url][/b][color=#000000] - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url].[br] - [b][url=]Dominance, Flights, and You[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Argante[/url][color=#000000] - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved![br][/size][nextcol] [color=transparent]<<<[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [br][br] [columns][img][/img][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Helvetica][color=#000000][b]Credits:[/b][/color][/font][/size][br] [url=]Arekuru[/url][color=#000000] - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.[/color] [url=]Banyan[/url][color=#000000] - Dom Watch banner artist.[/color] [url=]Sylvandyr[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.[/color] [url=]acheronta[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.[/color] [url=]October[/url][color=#000000] - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.[/color] [url=]Blanche[/url][color=#000000] - Current host starting from June 2018.[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url][color=#000000] - Host in hiatus. Host from June 2018 to March 2020, ping list helper.[/color] [url=]Sadistic[/url][color=#000000] - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.[/color] [url=]KyloRen[/url][color=#000000] - Ping list helper.[/color] [url=]Osiem[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.[/color] [url=]PoisonedPaper[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.[/color] [url=]Monotonous[/url][color=#000000] - BBCode helper.[/color][/columns]


After months of preparation, it's finally time for the opening of Wind and Lightning's cafe! Maybe drop by with some dragons for some coffee?

>>>>>> frvs1a.png >>

- Lightning is conquest pushing
- Wind is conquest pushing

<< frvs1a.png



- OOF Raffle + Public Buy
- Art for Fodder
- Hatchling Boarding
- I-F Raffle
- Other Activities

- OOF Raffle + Public Buy
- Art for Fodder
- Hatchling Boarding
- I-F Hub
- Other Activities



- May 15 - May 21: Nature (Festival)
- May 22 - May 28: Plague (Conquest), Arcane (Profit)
- May 29 - Jun 4: Water (Profit)
- Jun 5 - Jun 11: Arcane (Profit)
- Jun 12 - Jun 18: Earth (Conquest, Father's Day)
- Jun 19 - Jun 25: Light (Festival)
- Jun 26 - Jul 2: Shadow (Profit)
- Jul 3 - Jul 9: Water (Conquest, In-Flight)
- Jul 10 - Jul 16: Ice (Profit, joint push with Plague), Plague (Profit, joint push with Ice)
- Jul 17 - Jul 23: Lightning (Festival)
- Jul 24 - Jul 30: Arcane (Conquest)
- Jul 31 - Aug 6: Earth (Profit, joint push with Water), Water (Profit, joint push with Earth)
- Aug 14 - Aug 20: Plague (Conquest, In-Flight)
- Aug 21 - Aug 27: Fire (Festival)

The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. The full list is available HERE. Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push, so this list is not comprehensive or certain.

Dom Watch encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.)

RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)

- May 15 - May 21: Nature (MidnightMonarch)
- May 22 - May 28: Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing), Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)
- May 29 - Jun 4: Water (brit, Arelia)
- Jun 5 - Jun 11: Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)
- Jun 12 - Jun 18: Earth (Dracowolf)
- Jul 3 - Jul 9: Water (brit, Arelia)
- Jul 24 - Jul 30: Arcane (JuliusCaesar, Neffi, QueenAlais)
- Aug 14 - Aug 20: Plague (Peyp, Ranmaru, HeadlessKing)
- Aug 21 - Aug 27: Fire (protowilson)


This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.

Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts before other flights. Please do not announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority.

> Grotesque-2-L.png >
Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising
< Grotesque-2-R.png <

Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.

Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.

Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion!

Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching!

HZs3l3c.png >>> Dom Watch Ping List Google Form

(Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)

Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.

Helpers: October, Cinderfire, KyloRen

Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.

Dom Watching Resources:

- Dom Watch Tracker - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore!

- Dominance Tracker Guide by Alisette - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now!

- Mercenary Group List - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by Cinderfire.

- Dominance, Flights, and You by Argante - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved!
<<< LGR5.png


>>> Credits:

Arekuru - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.
Banyan - Dom Watch banner artist.
Sylvandyr - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.
acheronta - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.
October - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.
Blanche - Current host starting from June 2018.
Cinderfire - Host in hiatus. Host from June 2018 to March 2020, ping list helper.
Sadistic - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.
KyloRen - Ping list helper.
Osiem - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.
PoisonedPaper - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.
Monotonous - BBCode helper.
A school of pastel-colored ASCII fish!
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Lightning: @Ern
- Wind: @cloudydawn @Panderz

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Lightning: @Ern
- Wind: @cloudydawn @Panderz

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
A school of pastel-colored ASCII fish!
[center][img][/img] [size=2]Banner by @/TomSwifty[/size][/center] Join Lightning and Wind in our exploration of the cafes and the adorable creatures within them! They flights have seen strange places called "Cat Cafes" and are now building their own, filling them with the strange and cute. Don't mind the bits of fur in your coffee or the drool here or there, it's part of the aesthetic and is 100% safe! [size=2](Lightning Inc. bears no responsibility for any health hazards within the Creature Cafes, the consumer accepts all responsibility for their health by participating.)[/size] Come see all the wonders the Creature Cafes house and we hope you enjoy your stay! [center][size=5][b]Psst! ...Badges![/b][/size][/center] For those out of flight who support us in any of our events you can obtain a badge each day you help us! [columns] [center][img][/img] [b]Sunday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Monday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Tuesday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Wednesday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Thursday[/b][/center] [/columns] [columns] [center][img][/img] [b]Friday[/b][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [b]Saturday[/b][/center] [/columns] [img][/img] [columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][b][url=]OOF Raffle & Public Buy[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Send us dragons to assist at the cafe and experience the atmosphere. In exchange, we'll give you raffle tickets and money -- for those who want to forego tickets you'll get some extra cash instead![/size] [/columns] [center][quote=Raffle Preview] [item=Fire Sprite][item=Arcane Sprite][item=Electrician's Power Pack][item=Breed Change: Wildclaw][item=Boneyard Tatters][item=Plague Sprite] And many more! [/quote][/center] [columns] [right][size=5][b][url=]Prodartivity[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Have fodder? Want art? We're hosting Art for Fodder this week! Come get your fill of amazing works from our artists![/size][/right] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][b][url=]Hatchiesitting[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Earn extra tickets to the OOFR by sitting hatchlings for us and sending them to us once they grow up![/size] [/columns] [columns] [right][size=5][url=][b]Jurassic Spark[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]Try your luck with daily pet grabs, see if you can get the rarest breeds or perhaps bribe the system to guarantee your breed? Either way, enjoy collecting these jurassic bots![/size][/right] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][url=][b]Pet Rocks Cafe[/b][/url][/size] [size=4]Collect adorable pet rocks, these friends are just itching to join you! Purchase directly, get a discount with a gacha grab bag and try your luck, or even pay to get a special recolor of a rock all your own.[/size] [/columns] [columns] [right][size=5][b][url=]Cafe Buddies Writing Contest[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Enjoy writing? Your friendly neighborhood mad scientist has put together some buddies for the cafe! But they're... not quite what you'd normally see at a cafe. Stop on by and help write some backstories that'll convince customers to love these oddities![/size][/right] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][b][url=]Grab Bags[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Join the cafe, sit and have a drink and obtain some goodies. Send in dragons to get some grab bags with fun prizes at different tiers, visiting the cafe will earn you tickets into a cafe raffle as well![/size] [/columns] [columns] [right][size=5][b][url=]Kiwi's Solo Cuties[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]Get some exclusive adopts of Kiwi's Cuties, only available during Lightning dom events! Send in your dragons and get your custom adorable adopts.[/size][/right] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][b][url=]Bring Your Kid to Work Week[/url][/b][/size] [size=4]It's time to bring the hatchlings to The Spire! Not to work of course, no no, that would be silly. They're just hanging out and relaxing and- oh no. OH NO. Who gave them all these crayons and paper!? Are these- aw they saw the badges and are making their own! Send us your hatchlings, get cute hatchie-made badges, and earn tickets to a raffle in the process![/size] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5]SPARKS[/size][size=4], please make sure to check out the [url=]Inflight Hub[/url] for everything else, including how you can help out with the push or have fun during the week! You can even check out the IFR for what prizes/badges you could win by participating this week.[/size]
Banner by @/TomSwifty

Join Lightning and Wind in our exploration of the cafes and the adorable creatures within them! They flights have seen strange places called "Cat Cafes" and are now building their own, filling them with the strange and cute. Don't mind the bits of fur in your coffee or the drool here or there, it's part of the aesthetic and is 100% safe! (Lightning Inc. bears no responsibility for any health hazards within the Creature Cafes, the consumer accepts all responsibility for their health by participating.)

Come see all the wonders the Creature Cafes house and we hope you enjoy your stay!

Psst! ...Badges!

For those out of flight who support us in any of our events you can obtain a badge each day you help us!



Uxc2wvm.png OOF Raffle & Public Buy
Send us dragons to assist at the cafe and experience the atmosphere. In exchange, we'll give you raffle tickets and money -- for those who want to forego tickets you'll get some extra cash instead!
Raffle Preview wrote:
Fire Sprite Arcane Sprite Electrician's Power Pack Breed Change: Wildclaw Boneyard Tatters Plague Sprite

And many more!

Have fodder? Want art? We're hosting Art for Fodder this week! Come get your fill of amazing works from our artists!
Uxc2wvm.png 34818.png

583.png Uxc2wvm.png Hatchiesitting
Earn extra tickets to the OOFR by sitting hatchlings for us and sending them to us once they grow up!
Jurassic Spark
Try your luck with daily pet grabs, see if you can get the rarest breeds or perhaps bribe the system to guarantee your breed? Either way, enjoy collecting these jurassic bots!
Uxc2wvm.png I9PCZH1.png

32400.png Uxc2wvm.png Pet Rocks Cafe
Collect adorable pet rocks, these friends are just itching to join you! Purchase directly, get a discount with a gacha grab bag and try your luck, or even pay to get a special recolor of a rock all your own.

Cafe Buddies Writing Contest
Enjoy writing? Your friendly neighborhood mad scientist has put together some buddies for the cafe! But they're... not quite what you'd normally see at a cafe. Stop on by and help write some backstories that'll convince customers to love these oddities!
Uxc2wvm.png 1168.png

38831.png Uxc2wvm.png Grab Bags
Join the cafe, sit and have a drink and obtain some goodies. Send in dragons to get some grab bags with fun prizes at different tiers, visiting the cafe will earn you tickets into a cafe raffle as well!

Kiwi's Solo Cuties
Get some exclusive adopts of Kiwi's Cuties, only available during Lightning dom events! Send in your dragons and get your custom adorable adopts.
Uxc2wvm.png 23280.png

486.png Uxc2wvm.png Bring Your Kid to Work Week
It's time to bring the hatchlings to The Spire! Not to work of course, no no, that would be silly. They're just hanging out and relaxing and- oh no. OH NO. Who gave them all these crayons and paper!? Are these- aw they saw the badges and are making their own! Send us your hatchlings, get cute hatchie-made badges, and earn tickets to a raffle in the process!

SPARKS, please make sure to check out the Inflight Hub for everything else, including how you can help out with the push or have fun during the week! You can even check out the IFR for what prizes/badges you could win by participating this week.
[center][img][/img][/center] [size=6]HELLO[/size] it is time for coffee and cake, and a frankly alarming number of creatures. [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Wind IF Raffle[/url][/b][/size] In-Flight Raffle for Wind members. Windies, click here! [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Wind's PB & OOFR[/url][/b][/size] Chaotic Creature Café: Wind's Public Buy and Raffle for Wind vs Lightning 2022. Send in dragons, get tickets for neat prizes, meet a creature or two! [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]M.E.S.S Cafe (lore hub)[/url][/b][/size] It's a beautiful day in Sornieth, and you are a dragon in pursuit of treats. [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]NoodleDad's DoodlePad![/url][/b][/size] Wind's Foddart hub - send in the levels to procure rare and delightful pieces from Wind's artisans! [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]OOF Boarding[/url][/b][/size] Wind’s Out-Of-Flight Boarding - We have so many hatchlings and not enough space. Help us hold them! [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Cloudsong Corgis[/url][/b][/size] Look up there, it's a bird! It's Windsinger! No, it's -- a corgi?! These high-flying hounds will delight and amaze. [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Boba Buddies[/url][/b][/size] Boba-themed adoptables, created by Wendy3115 and CosmicVagrants, and featuring artists from all across the Plateau! [img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Aercakes Adoptables[/url][/b][/size] Can you help the cafe get back their missing ingredients in time? [img][/img][size=5][url=][b]rndzvs's WvL Exclusive Skin[/b][/url][/size] Sweet Teeth -- this is a limited M Aberration skin, available only for the WvL battle! [img][/img][size=5][url=][b]SuzyChi's WvL Exclusive Skin[/b][/url] [/size] No Time for Tea -- this is a limited F Skydancer accent, available only for the WvL Battle!

HELLO it is time for coffee and cake, and a frankly alarming number of creatures.


6raWL2E.pngWind IF Raffle
In-Flight Raffle for Wind members. Windies, click here!

6raWL2E.pngWind's PB & OOFR
Chaotic Creature Café: Wind's Public Buy and Raffle for Wind vs Lightning 2022. Send in dragons, get tickets for neat prizes, meet a creature or two!

6raWL2E.pngM.E.S.S Cafe (lore hub)
It's a beautiful day in Sornieth, and you are a dragon in pursuit of treats.

6raWL2E.pngNoodleDad's DoodlePad!
Wind's Foddart hub - send in the levels to procure rare and delightful pieces from Wind's artisans!

6raWL2E.pngOOF Boarding
Wind’s Out-Of-Flight Boarding - We have so many hatchlings and not enough space. Help us hold them!

6raWL2E.pngCloudsong Corgis
Look up there, it's a bird! It's Windsinger! No, it's -- a corgi?! These high-flying hounds will delight and amaze.

6raWL2E.pngBoba Buddies
Boba-themed adoptables, created by Wendy3115 and CosmicVagrants, and featuring artists from all across the Plateau!

6raWL2E.pngAercakes Adoptables
Can you help the cafe get back their missing ingredients in time?

6raWL2E.pngrndzvs's WvL Exclusive Skin
Sweet Teeth -- this is a limited M Aberration skin, available only for the WvL battle!

6raWL2E.pngSuzyChi's WvL Exclusive Skin
No Time for Tea -- this is a limited F Skydancer accent, available only for the WvL Battle!
flower-grrl vo5QYDb.png
FR +3
*Wind Council
*Bamboo buying
WOOHOO! So excited - here's the complete boarding summary. [img][/img] Records broken: [LIST] [*] Wind for most dragons in OOF Boarding ever - 28k beating Ice's previous record in 2021 of 25.5k. [*] Most dragons Boarded OOF for a battle - 36k combined beating PvN's record earlier this year of 34k. [/LIST]
WOOHOO! So excited - here's the complete boarding summary.


Records broken:
  • Wind for most dragons in OOF Boarding ever - 28k beating Ice's previous record in 2021 of 25.5k.
  • Most dragons Boarded OOF for a battle - 36k combined beating PvN's record earlier this year of 34k.

water dom org
dom stats '24
[center][img][/img] Good luck to Lightning and Wind!

Good luck to Lightning and Wind!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] The Earth Goats are excited for the battle, so much so that they might have started their own. Seems, Earth Goats now have a chance of appearing with Lightning and Wind primal eyes along with a Lightning pattern and a Kumo pattern. This can only mean one thing... [url=]Come get yourself a goat![/url] Good luck to both Lightning and Wind!

The Earth Goats are excited for the battle, so much so that they might have started their own.
Seems, Earth Goats now have a chance of appearing with Lightning and Wind primal eyes along with a Lightning pattern and a Kumo pattern.
This can only mean one thing...

Come get yourself a goat!

Good luck to both Lightning and Wind!
[center][img][/img] Let's go Wind!
Let's go Wind!
[url=][img][/img][/url] [center]this is going to be amazing! [size=2]click the meme if you dare ;)[/size][/center]
this is going to be amazing!
click the meme if you dare ;)
[emoji=wind rune size=1] Cheering for my home flight in Wind! >:)) May the best flight WIN~
Cheering for my home flight in Wind! >:)) May the best flight WIN~