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ASinglePringle's avatar
July 24, 2024 20:53:38
💛💜 coffee's done! it's time to go check out the roof. evren pokes his head out of the roof access. the door, he notes, is nowhere to be found. valain is pinned on the ground, with nya being extra-dense (condensed?) over her. evren takes a moment to appreciate the scene before striding into the fray.

"i brought coffee!" spyboy, this is not the time. nya is savoring her victory. evren nudges her with the pot. oh, now he's in for it. nya whirls around to smack it out of his hands. ha. she takes a moment to subsume the delicious drink before turning back towards valain. she's sitting upright now. tch. nya waits to see if she'll talk. a minute passes. valain rubs her limbs, but remains silent. did she finally figure it out?

whew! nyanya got so close, she could barely breathe. as light as she feels, she weighs a ton! evren arrived just on time. as she rubs her stiff limbs, valain ponders this day on the roof. it was a bit weird, but valain is optimistic she'll figure nya out in time.
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 23, 2024 22:15:11
💜💛 evren polishes off his scone (very good) and finishes his word game (he got that favor). he nudges his way around the people gathered around the apartment. really, they're still up there? nya looks like an ominous grey cloud wrapped around the top of the building. valain is probably still alive. evren checks his messages. drat - he needs to head up there. he puts on a pot of coffee. it's his new best defense.

valain can barely shift around under the new, heavier weight. ok, it was definitely something she said this time. if nyanya could just talk to her ... ah, if that wish came true some calamity will come soon after to balance out the universe. alas, valain will keep filling the void of silence. heh.

"nyanya, i don't know what it is you want..." hmph. nya wants many things, but valain shutting up is at the top of that list. maybe she can smother her? nya presses ever closer. valain, gratifyingly, shuts up. nya can see her eyes widen in fear. nice >:)
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 22, 2024 21:44:05
💛💜 honestly what has gotten into her nyanya? the sun is setting and valain is starting to run out of inconsequential things to talk about. she doesn't want to spend the night outside - it gets cold up here D:

nya has tuned valain out. she has gone past the irritation straight into boredom. she studies the yapper beneath her. when she's talking like this, she seems harmless. nya wishes this were true.
"our last outing was so much fun!" excuse her? fun? the audacity of this... flake!
"nyanya, why did you run off?" oh, stars above, is she really that clueless?
"if you didn't like the restaurant you could've said something! we don't have to go there again!" nya considers eating valain.
"ok, maybe i was a little pushy..." tch.
"but you totally overreacted" nya did not >:(
"nyanya, please don't be mad at me~" nya's very mad.
"i'll do better next time. we can just stay here, together! what about some baking?" nya is tempted to say no. and leave. but it beats going to a restaurant...
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 21, 2024 22:27:25
💜💛 valain's not eaten yet! luckily, nya is only intent on pinning her to the concrete, and continues to loom over her. discomfort aside, it's strangely nice to have nya so willingly close. nya doesn't seem to mind valain chattering at her, so she continues to. eventually, she starts talking about the dates they've been on. now that gets a reaction. nya goes more ... tense? rigid? how interesting!

nevermind, nya does Not want to listen to valain talk about their "dates". this is worse than being on one. valain talks and laughs as if those times were fun and exciting. tch. it's like she made up some little stories in her head. nya certainly doesn't remember them this way. tolerable outings, at most. nya presses closer in an attempt to intimidate valain into silence. it doesn't shut her up. annoying.

over on the other side of the street, evren sips at his second espresso. nice and strong. there's a commotion near the apartment, but he's sure nothing will come of it.
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 20, 2024 22:05:51
💛💜 nya stares at the idiot who got her into this mess - and continues to be a nuisance. nya is very irritated. she should just eat her and get it over with ... but something stops her from doing so. nya is now more irritated. tch. and so, nya continues to stare. and of course, valain takes her silence as permission to talk. nya wishes she could shut her up somehow. very annoying.

"nyanya, you look so... scary!"
"nyanya, are you looking at me? i can't tell. do you like my clothes?"
"nyanya, can you let me up? the concrete is hard..."
"nyanya, what's gotten into you? are you like this forever?"
"nyanya, what are you made of now? you look so otherworldly, i can't stop staring!"
"nyanya, would you let me put more jewels on you?"

see? incredibly annoying. as usual, valain says nothing of use. she tries to grasp at nya's form, but nya moves out of the way. valain only tries harder. whatever. nya has decided that valain's trapped until she starts asking the right questions >:)
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 19, 2024 19:08:33
💜💛 ribbons. the audacity of her! nya flexes her form. the ribbons rip and slide off. hmph. nya would trash the hallway along with the ribbons if it wasn't this building. nya would never hear the end of it if she broke valain's home. she carefully extricates her form from the kitchen and makes her way to the stairs... only to be blocked by her other half. tch. if only she could will herself to be smaller. and unfortunately, other ways of moving are unreliable in small spaces. she refuses to call it teleportation. it sounds stupid. no other choice, then. nya awkwardly starts inching herself backwards up the stairwell. this sucks.

valain can only stare as bit by bit, nya emerges into the open. her form is quite viscous when she moves like this. how interesting! unfortunately, the jewelry is nowhere to be found. valain was hoping to get some pictures. and then she's pinned back against the hard concrete, nya looming overhead. well, hello there beautiful :D
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 18, 2024 20:17:08
💜💛 evren barely makes it out of the door. nya's form is less squishy than he thought. he almost got stuck! have fun with valain, nya. evren is heading towards the lovely new coffee place with plans to sample their espressos. if he doesn't see it, it's not going in the report :D

nya thought about eating spyboy as he tried to sneakily escape, but where would she get such good coffee then? the sacrifices she has to make, smh. she finishes the pot and looks around the apartment. it looks like a windstorm has blown through it. nya feels a spark of pride at making the mess. she turns back to head up and out and ... hm. to get out, she'll have to be careful. what a pain. hang on, what's valain doing back there?

valain giggles softly to herself as she ties yet another bow around a section of nya. there's so much room for decoration! she delicately loops a necklace around the hung ribbons, mindful of nya's movement. the movement suddenly stills. oh, she's found out. hehe, better run!
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 18, 2024 14:56:16
💛💜 valain frees herself in a rush. the jewelry lies forgotten on the roof as she hurries down the stairs. she meets nya's ... tail? rear? on the stairs. whatever it is, it blocks her path. tentatively, she reaches out to stroke it. it feels as substantial as the soap bubbles on top of a foamy bath. it also shivers a bit. curious! valain gets an idea. she runs back up to retrieve her jewelry. she's got nowhere to go, and some experimenting to do >:D

evren's not trembling as he makes the coffee. nope! he's perfectly steady as he prepares the most important pot of coffee he'll ever make for the most unusual customer he'll ever have. with any luck, he can try to slip out as nya is distracted. almost done... almost done...

hmph! this spyboy is not as useless as valain, at least. he knew what she wanted and went and did it. unlike Some People. it looks pretty good, too. did valain steal some of his coffee? shameless. nya takes a gulp. valain did >:o maybe she'll keep the guy around.
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 16, 2024 21:29:31
💜💛 valain isn't restrained in any meaningful way, but she'll let nya think she is. these ribbons match her hair :D she may wear them around on their next outing and see nya's reaction >:) she hums happily as she listens to the ribbons flapping in the wind. and then there's a crunching noise. hey... where'd nya go?

nya wants coffee. and if stinky valain isn't going to give it to her, then nya will have to get it herself. maybe she'll fit into the stairwell? hm, she has no way to open the locked door. no problem - nya rams the door. it caves in like tinfoil :proud: she has to squeeze in - the elongated form she takes is great for this. by the time she reaches valain's apartment, half her form is still on the stairs. no matter. where's the coffee machine?

the trouble will come to evren if he waits long enough. nya has somehow gotten inside. oh my. she's ransacking the kitchen. what does she want? oh, coffee? evren can lend a hand :uwu: just don't eat him please...
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 15, 2024 22:12:55
💛💜 valain is taking more ribbons from her infinite closet storage. evren salutes her with his cup of coffee, and goes back to the word guessing game he's playing. with any luck, he'll have earned a favor from a colleague by the game's conclusion - far more entertaining than the doomed courting attempt up on the apartment roof.

valain skips happily up the stairs, an armful of long ribbons trailing dangerously behind her. they're a riot of colors and patterns, some even with crystals and tassels and bells~ wouldn't it be a sight to see nya wrapped up in all of these, hehe.

she's back with more ribbons. coffee? where coffee? nya drops the mug into valain's hands to see if she would take the hint. she doesn't. hmph. at least there's a bigger selection of ribbons. nya chooses the ones dyed to look like a sunset - and then winds them around valain. ha! she thought nya was just going to play with them? have fun sitting there while nya gets to twirl just out of sight. haha!
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 14, 2024 22:01:45
💜💛 valain is probably not seeing that mug ever again. at least nya is very entertained by the ribbon :D it's probably a good thing she's not tossing the other, more expensive, pieces around. valain wouldn't mind though. to see this form of nya delighting in valain's jewels... it's a compelling thought.

oh? nya's suddenly stopped twisting about. now's her chance! she steps up to nya, close enough to try and hang the earrings on her ... head smoke? the front part of her body? close enough. it falls straight through and clatters onto the ground. oh? it's not a substantial body at all. she tries again. the earring disappears. nya ate it! this is good news. but just as valain tries to hang the other one, both are thrown back at her. ok, point taken. maybe more ribbons instead? she liked those. valain rushes downstairs to get more.

nya, dizzy, glowers at valain. stop trying to put things on her when she rests! nya can dress herself, thanks very much. and she's gone again? figures.
ASinglePringle's avatar
July 13, 2024 22:21:03
💛💜 valain grabs a cup of coffee and heads to the roof, humming all the while. she's brought a selection of fine blue sapphire pieces - the brooch, large earrings, a silver rope bracelet, embroidered ribbons. nya can take her pick while valain observes her magnificence. well, that's the plan - nya, of course, will have other ideas.

valain's left the apartment. not evren's problem. he's going back to his crossword puzzle. this one was sent by a colleague who may have a grudge against him. it's especially difficult, and evren suspects some of the clues have been altered.

the service door to the roof opens. nya is instantly on alert - oh, it's valain. why does she have extra shiny stuff on her? blue jewels? wait, she wants to put it on nya? hmph! not before a close inspection. nya leans in, and sees valain has coffee in "nya's" mug. yoink! hers now. now about the shinies. hm. shiny like water. she grabs the ribbon and spins round and round. wheeeee
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