
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | dragon cooking
I’ll be honest, in my lore skydancers occasionally eat a little bit of fish and meat bc some of the flight cuisine I thought up is too good for me to not be able to use. Flight specific…

Wind: Lighter, simpler dishes in most places. Rice is pretty common due to the high plateaus being perfect for rice paddies! Lots of fruits from trees, honey, goat cheese and dairy, simple grain dishes like quinoa. Meat dishes usually include fowl, caught fresh from the sky by agile dragons, or mountain goats plucked from the hillsides. Oftentimes more flavorful than you’d think, because Wind dragons love to travel and bring back flavors from around the world!

Earth: Above all, Earth prides themselves on their use of minerals such as various colors of salt from ancient deposits, iron, iodine, etc. One can always be guaranteed they’re getting all their required minerals from an Earth Dish! Their main meals often include desert plants like cactus fruit and agave, or tough desert creature meats. They’re fond of dried meats and fruits, flatbreads, and grain snacks for desert-traveling provisions. Earth food can also be surprisingly spicy depending on the region you’re visiting!

Plague: Experts in fermentation. Plague dragons make excellent fermented and picked preserves, and are particularly known for a variety of blue cheese. It’s also worth noting that their knowledge of microbial growth in food makes them excellent brewers as well—Plague drinks are quite strong-flavored and potentially an acquired taste but often sought out for their unique flavors

Water: You probably guessed it, but… seafood! Everything from fish to shrimp to crabs to lobsters is eaten and enjoyed here. More specialty dishes may include sharks or caviar. Depending on the region, Water cuisine varies from seafood paella to expertly-crafted sushi. The Sea of a Thousand Currents may be freshwater, but Water dragons dwelling on the ocean coasts instead are known to use salt deposits for excellently-salted meals

Lightning: Due to Lightning’s keep-working-always-busy culture, their cuisine tends to favor things that can be made quickly and eaten on the job, and flight chefs prefer things that can be mass-produced for worker meals (i.e. a lot of stews or mass-cooked meat dishes). Lightning dishes aren’t BAD, they just usually lack the time to make something more inspired unless that IS their job

Ice: Often, Ice meals are simple and pragmatic. They gather what they can, from tough tundra plants and tubers to arctic creatures such as seals, polar bears, elk, and whales. Food is usually served raw or boiled, and has very little spice added. At the very least, food keeps well in the subzero locations of some regions!

Shadow: Shadow is best known for its mushrooms. Fine truffles, oysters, puffballs, morels… tiny little finger mushrooms, broad flat shelf fungi, mushrooms the size of a dragon’s head! The wood’s environment is perfect for cultivating fungi, and Shadow dragons are experts at discovering the particular state certain fungi like to grow on. They’ve even managed to cultivate mushrooms previously thought impossible to grow in captivity, such as the flavorful morel and the elusive truffle

Light: Lots of baking, sugar, and flowers in Light cuisine. One might have honeycakes garnished with lavender, candied violets, herb cheese, or sugar cookies pressed with flowers. There’s much more to Light cuisine than that, but they’re particularly known for their tasty (and pretty) uses of the local edible plants in delectable baking. It’s been said their food tastes particularly sunny and warm

Arcane: Masters of culinary experimentation. Arcane dragons like to take other flights’ foods and figure out what a new way to try it is. Particularly, Arcane is the flight you might find dragons discovering the chemical compositions to make certain foods taste like something tastier, engineering crops to either have better yields or just taste better, or sometimes creating new plant breeds entirely (useful or an abomination to Gladekeeper? You decide). Their use of arcane energy-infused ingredients such as chalcedony snippets, hardshells, and manaweed gives their food a unique and inviting flavor according to some…. To others, it’s a reason to avoid it

Nature: A LOT of plants. Salads, fruits, herbs, vegetables… One might think they’d be strictly vegetarian but that’s not the case. Nature just takes a particular care and respect for their meat dishes. They take a special pride in one having grown and raised their own food in a garden or such, a self-sufficient respect for nature and the growing process. Usually not too spiced-up as they’re experts in bringing out the natural flavors in foods

Fire: Exceptionally hot and spicy. Fire cuisine is usually some form of meat, flame roasted or grilled to perfection and spiced with peppers. Grilled steak, seared salmon, grilled chicken, etc. One thing Fire is PARTICULARLY good at is smoking meats—their jerkey and smoked fish is exceptional and often sought out
I’ll be honest, in my lore skydancers occasionally eat a little bit of fish and meat bc some of the flight cuisine I thought up is too good for me to not be able to use. Flight specific…

Wind: Lighter, simpler dishes in most places. Rice is pretty common due to the high plateaus being perfect for rice paddies! Lots of fruits from trees, honey, goat cheese and dairy, simple grain dishes like quinoa. Meat dishes usually include fowl, caught fresh from the sky by agile dragons, or mountain goats plucked from the hillsides. Oftentimes more flavorful than you’d think, because Wind dragons love to travel and bring back flavors from around the world!

Earth: Above all, Earth prides themselves on their use of minerals such as various colors of salt from ancient deposits, iron, iodine, etc. One can always be guaranteed they’re getting all their required minerals from an Earth Dish! Their main meals often include desert plants like cactus fruit and agave, or tough desert creature meats. They’re fond of dried meats and fruits, flatbreads, and grain snacks for desert-traveling provisions. Earth food can also be surprisingly spicy depending on the region you’re visiting!

Plague: Experts in fermentation. Plague dragons make excellent fermented and picked preserves, and are particularly known for a variety of blue cheese. It’s also worth noting that their knowledge of microbial growth in food makes them excellent brewers as well—Plague drinks are quite strong-flavored and potentially an acquired taste but often sought out for their unique flavors

Water: You probably guessed it, but… seafood! Everything from fish to shrimp to crabs to lobsters is eaten and enjoyed here. More specialty dishes may include sharks or caviar. Depending on the region, Water cuisine varies from seafood paella to expertly-crafted sushi. The Sea of a Thousand Currents may be freshwater, but Water dragons dwelling on the ocean coasts instead are known to use salt deposits for excellently-salted meals

Lightning: Due to Lightning’s keep-working-always-busy culture, their cuisine tends to favor things that can be made quickly and eaten on the job, and flight chefs prefer things that can be mass-produced for worker meals (i.e. a lot of stews or mass-cooked meat dishes). Lightning dishes aren’t BAD, they just usually lack the time to make something more inspired unless that IS their job

Ice: Often, Ice meals are simple and pragmatic. They gather what they can, from tough tundra plants and tubers to arctic creatures such as seals, polar bears, elk, and whales. Food is usually served raw or boiled, and has very little spice added. At the very least, food keeps well in the subzero locations of some regions!

Shadow: Shadow is best known for its mushrooms. Fine truffles, oysters, puffballs, morels… tiny little finger mushrooms, broad flat shelf fungi, mushrooms the size of a dragon’s head! The wood’s environment is perfect for cultivating fungi, and Shadow dragons are experts at discovering the particular state certain fungi like to grow on. They’ve even managed to cultivate mushrooms previously thought impossible to grow in captivity, such as the flavorful morel and the elusive truffle

Light: Lots of baking, sugar, and flowers in Light cuisine. One might have honeycakes garnished with lavender, candied violets, herb cheese, or sugar cookies pressed with flowers. There’s much more to Light cuisine than that, but they’re particularly known for their tasty (and pretty) uses of the local edible plants in delectable baking. It’s been said their food tastes particularly sunny and warm

Arcane: Masters of culinary experimentation. Arcane dragons like to take other flights’ foods and figure out what a new way to try it is. Particularly, Arcane is the flight you might find dragons discovering the chemical compositions to make certain foods taste like something tastier, engineering crops to either have better yields or just taste better, or sometimes creating new plant breeds entirely (useful or an abomination to Gladekeeper? You decide). Their use of arcane energy-infused ingredients such as chalcedony snippets, hardshells, and manaweed gives their food a unique and inviting flavor according to some…. To others, it’s a reason to avoid it

Nature: A LOT of plants. Salads, fruits, herbs, vegetables… One might think they’d be strictly vegetarian but that’s not the case. Nature just takes a particular care and respect for their meat dishes. They take a special pride in one having grown and raised their own food in a garden or such, a self-sufficient respect for nature and the growing process. Usually not too spiced-up as they’re experts in bringing out the natural flavors in foods

Fire: Exceptionally hot and spicy. Fire cuisine is usually some form of meat, flame roasted or grilled to perfection and spiced with peppers. Grilled steak, seared salmon, grilled chicken, etc. One thing Fire is PARTICULARLY good at is smoking meats—their jerkey and smoked fish is exceptional and often sought out
[quote name="St0rmbringer" date="2021-10-25 21:35:12" ] Arcane: Masters of culinary experimentation. Arcane dragons like to take other flights’ foods and figure out what a new way to try it is. Particularly, Arcane is the flight you might find dragons discovering the chemical compositions to make certain foods taste like something tastier, engineering crops to either have better yields or just taste better, or sometimes creating new plant breeds entirely (useful or an abomination to Gladekeeper? You decide). Their use of arcane energy-infused ingredients such as chalcedony snippets, hardshells, and manaweed gives their food a unique and inviting flavor according to some…. To others, it’s a reason to avoid it.[/quote] ok but think about it: imagine if the strange or potentially radioactive ingredients in certain Arcane foods are a good reason most non-Arcane dragons are pickier. But since Arcane-born dragons are used to the slight radiation of their environment, they don't get food poisoning or anything from it? [item=chewy tentacle] doesn't digest very easily (drops from jeweled octoflier) [item=fallout whisper] makes your tongue glow [item=engineered superberry] I bet Arcane dragons would be making new species like this
St0rmbringer wrote on 2021-10-25 21:35:12:
Arcane: Masters of culinary experimentation. Arcane dragons like to take other flights’ foods and figure out what a new way to try it is. Particularly, Arcane is the flight you might find dragons discovering the chemical compositions to make certain foods taste like something tastier, engineering crops to either have better yields or just taste better, or sometimes creating new plant breeds entirely (useful or an abomination to Gladekeeper? You decide). Their use of arcane energy-infused ingredients such as chalcedony snippets, hardshells, and manaweed gives their food a unique and inviting flavor according to some…. To others, it’s a reason to avoid it.

ok but think about it: imagine if the strange or potentially radioactive ingredients in certain Arcane foods are a good reason most non-Arcane dragons are pickier. But since Arcane-born dragons are used to the slight radiation of their environment, they don't get food poisoning or anything from it?

Chewy Tentacle doesn't digest very easily (drops from jeweled octoflier)
Fallout Whisper makes your tongue glow
Engineered Superberry I bet Arcane dragons would be making new species like this
Fishes __ she/her | +3 FR time
wishlist | avatar
[quote name="St0rmbringer" date="2021-10-25 21:35:12" ] Wind: Lighter, simpler dishes in most places. Rice is pretty common due to the high plateaus being perfect for rice paddies! Lots of fruits from trees, honey, goat cheese and dairy, simple grain dishes like quinoa. Meat dishes usually include fowl, caught fresh from the sky by agile dragons, or mountain goats plucked from the hillsides. Oftentimes more flavorful than you’d think, because Wind dragons love to travel and bring back flavors from around the world! [/quote] Don't forget bamboo shoots!
St0rmbringer wrote on 2021-10-25 21:35:12:

Wind: Lighter, simpler dishes in most places. Rice is pretty common due to the high plateaus being perfect for rice paddies! Lots of fruits from trees, honey, goat cheese and dairy, simple grain dishes like quinoa. Meat dishes usually include fowl, caught fresh from the sky by agile dragons, or mountain goats plucked from the hillsides. Oftentimes more flavorful than you’d think, because Wind dragons love to travel and bring back flavors from around the world!
Don't forget bamboo shoots!
how would a plant jello work? gelatin is a meat product believe it or not... pretty sure it's the only way to get a mirror to eat anything that tastes like fruit...
how would a plant jello work? gelatin is a meat product believe it or not... pretty sure it's the only way to get a mirror to eat anything that tastes like fruit...
[quote name="Wulfraptor" date="2021-10-26 15:03:11" ] how would a plant jello work? gelatin is a meat product believe it or not... pretty sure it's the only way to get a mirror to eat anything that tastes like fruit... [/quote] possibly made from some of these plant creatures that resemble animals? maybe they have something close to it, what with the bizarre biology. ... alternately you get it from Baldwin's pot. or slime creatures like [gamedb monster=26] [item=Blue Jelly]
Wulfraptor wrote on 2021-10-26 15:03:11:
how would a plant jello work? gelatin is a meat product believe it or not... pretty sure it's the only way to get a mirror to eat anything that tastes like fruit...

possibly made from some of these plant creatures that resemble animals?
maybe they have something close to it, what with the bizarre biology.

... alternately you get it from Baldwin's pot.
or slime creatures like River Muck

Blue Jelly
is very likely to take your posts literally - has difficulty discerning if tone is joking
[quote name="Lifeseeker" date="2021-10-25 15:43:52" ] [quote name="Insidiously" date="2021-10-25 15:41:09" ] Is it bad I thoughtthis was about cooking dragons Tundra Jerky [/quote] [item=thick meat strips] well this is alternately Beastclan due to what it drops from, but it could also be that [i]they [/i]are eating dragons. [s]which sounds about fair since i'm sure dragons do eat Beastclan with a lot of dragons being giant predators and all.[/s] [/quote] i find this very entertaining. i cant believe i never put this together in my own head lordy
Lifeseeker wrote on 2021-10-25 15:43:52:
Insidiously wrote on 2021-10-25 15:41:09:
Is it bad I thoughtthis was about cooking dragons

Tundra Jerky

Thick Meat Strips
well this is alternately Beastclan due to what it drops from, but it could also be that they are eating dragons. which sounds about fair since i'm sure dragons do eat Beastclan with a lot of dragons being giant predators and all.

i find this very entertaining. i cant believe i never put this together in my own head lordy
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ok so a soy turkey would definately be a thing for vegetarian dragons and meat salads for carnivores... but what would a bug salad look like?
ok so a soy turkey would definately be a thing for vegetarian dragons and meat salads for carnivores... but what would a bug salad look like?
Alternatively, lightning has a booming street cart scene. Dragons on the job don’t necessarily cook for themselves, but cannot pass up good portable street fare. Lightning is also unsurprisingly the major source of quick deep fried foods. Fried doughs, including donuts and caffeinated brews are pretty much ubiquitous. Ridgebacks are particularly fond of seafood so don’t be surprised by seaweed scones, shrimp flavored chips, crunchy dried fish skins, squid jerky or squid ink instant ramen.

As for Ice. BERRIES. Arctic berries are a big deal. Also fermented fish sauce, mustard and rye maybe?
Alternatively, lightning has a booming street cart scene. Dragons on the job don’t necessarily cook for themselves, but cannot pass up good portable street fare. Lightning is also unsurprisingly the major source of quick deep fried foods. Fried doughs, including donuts and caffeinated brews are pretty much ubiquitous. Ridgebacks are particularly fond of seafood so don’t be surprised by seaweed scones, shrimp flavored chips, crunchy dried fish skins, squid jerky or squid ink instant ramen.

As for Ice. BERRIES. Arctic berries are a big deal. Also fermented fish sauce, mustard and rye maybe?
this isn't a flight to flight what they cook it's the details on how to make foods that at least look like other things like bug sushi... which I also found out you can find the caterpillar that I used to start this whole thing in plague the yellowtail caterpillar food item.
All of this started with the new armored hornworm being like a banana for fae since they have to peel it and we started figuring out how a hornworm split would work out...
this isn't a flight to flight what they cook it's the details on how to make foods that at least look like other things like bug sushi... which I also found out you can find the caterpillar that I used to start this whole thing in plague the yellowtail caterpillar food item.
All of this started with the new armored hornworm being like a banana for fae since they have to peel it and we started figuring out how a hornworm split would work out...
[quote name="Wulfraptor" date="2021-10-26 16:31:15" ] ok so a soy turkey would definately be a thing for vegetarian dragons and meat salads for carnivores... but what would a bug salad look like? [/quote] it's a salad. made of leaf bugs.
Wulfraptor wrote on 2021-10-26 16:31:15:
ok so a soy turkey would definately be a thing for vegetarian dragons and meat salads for carnivores... but what would a bug salad look like?
it's a salad. made of leaf bugs.