
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Wind Dom] - Sky Racing Extravaganza
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]The Windswept Plateau was alive with the sound of music and bustling crowds of dragons streaming into the main grounds. Dragons donning hats and banners supporting their flyers, dragons chatting while they hoisted streamers among the large, bumbling balloons resting gentle in the wind. All had come to witness the opening ceremony of the first annual Skyracing event. A tour of Sornieth from the viewpoint of a dragon, each leg stretching the length of each deity’s domain. Though races in the past dotted Sornieth’s extensive map, the Skyracing event promised the challenge, the thrill and adventure of all the land combined. Such attention seemed far too precious an opportunity to dismiss, and alongside the curious crowd, fans of each known flyer adorned themselves in matching colours, singing chants and showing off named crests with pride among each other. A squirrely announcer sat upon the podium, setting up. Behind the announcer stood a small pew of trumpeteers, idle conversation and laughs shared between them. The announcer toyed with a megaphone in his nervous claws. Beyond the podium housed the flyers. Speculation had already begun over who boasted the most support, friends bickered over their preferred team. The murmur of merchants in nearby stalls hawked their wares and offered parchments to enter competitions, the overwhelming excitement barely contained within the Plateau’s expansive field. Dragons passing by spoke well of an upcoming masquerade, the excitement of making hats, as well as programs to allow the harbouring of dragons in more quiet lairs to rest from the noise. One of the most talked of prizes involved the opportunity to have a famed flyer join a clan in order to potentially train others to master the craft of airborne dexterity. All agreed the anticipation and activities available would make for a most wonderful and exciting race. Then, the announcer gave a quiet test of the megaphone, and all voices dulled to a hushed murmur of exhilaration. The race was about to be announced. And with the slow rise of the trumpet’s fanfare, the crowds grew quiet, eager for the beginning to be upon them all. [center][img][/img][/center]
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks

The Windswept Plateau was alive with the sound of music and bustling crowds of dragons streaming into the main grounds. Dragons donning hats and banners supporting their flyers, dragons chatting while they hoisted streamers among the large, bumbling balloons resting gentle in the wind.

All had come to witness the opening ceremony of the first annual Skyracing event. A tour of Sornieth from the viewpoint of a dragon, each leg stretching the length of each deity’s domain. Though races in the past dotted Sornieth’s extensive map, the Skyracing event promised the challenge, the thrill and adventure of all the land combined. Such attention seemed far too precious an opportunity to dismiss, and alongside the curious crowd, fans of each known flyer adorned themselves in matching colours, singing chants and showing off named crests with pride among each other.

A squirrely announcer sat upon the podium, setting up. Behind the announcer stood a small pew of trumpeteers, idle conversation and laughs shared between them. The announcer toyed with a megaphone in his nervous claws. Beyond the podium housed the flyers. Speculation had already begun over who boasted the most support, friends bickered over their preferred team. The murmur of merchants in nearby stalls hawked their wares and offered parchments to enter competitions, the overwhelming excitement barely contained within the Plateau’s expansive field.

Dragons passing by spoke well of an upcoming masquerade, the excitement of making hats, as well as programs to allow the harbouring of dragons in more quiet lairs to rest from the noise. One of the most talked of prizes involved the opportunity to have a famed flyer join a clan in order to potentially train others to master the craft of airborne dexterity. All agreed the anticipation and activities available would make for a most wonderful and exciting race.

Then, the announcer gave a quiet test of the megaphone, and all voices dulled to a hushed murmur of exhilaration.

The race was about to be announced. And with the slow rise of the trumpet’s fanfare, the crowds grew quiet, eager for the beginning to be upon them all.

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Greetings Sornieth! Welcome to Wind's inaugural Sky Racing Extravaganza! All of us here in Wind would like to extend the invitation to all Clans and Flights of Sornieth to join us in an event and conquest push we hope you will all enjoy. This push is all about Sky Racing and as such it is actually a team based push that both OOF and IF can get involved in. There will be three [3] flyers (three [3] teams) that you can support throughout the duration of this push through either the dragon entry form (for IF users) or through the Public Buy (for OOF users). Each flyer has their own unique personality and style, and quite frankly, they can all be a little cheeky! So the question is...[i]Who will you be flying with?[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]OOF PB Lucky Door Prizes[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Want a chance to welcome one of the flyers into your Clan? Anyone who sends a dragon through the PB to support Wind, will automatically get entered into the lucky door prize raffle! Everyone gets one [1] ticket each, regardless of how many levels or dragons sent in, that way it is an even playing field all around. The three [3] flyers will be our three [3] lucky door prizes up for grabs! They are all Gen1 Wind dragons who have been leveled to 25 and will come statted and stoned, with a tincture of dissolution just in case! Their apparel and skincents are also a part of the package! [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Daily Lore[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]You can find direct links to the Daily Lore, below, these will be updated as they get posted: Day 1: [url=]Ready, Set, Fly![/url] Day 2: [url=]Into the Land of Ice[/url] Day 3: [url=]Less Talk, More Action[/url] Day 4: [url=]It's Raining, It's Pouring[/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Daily Badges[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Send in at least one dragon through the PB to earn the daily badges. If you miss a badge you can make it up by sending in one 0t dragon for each badge you're missing. If you're a Windie you can also snag these too! Just level and exalt one dragon each day to earn them. Miss a badge? Send in a donation to the Wind bank for each badge you're missing[/size] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Sunday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Monday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Tuesday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Wednesday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks


Greetings Sornieth! Welcome to Wind's inaugural Sky Racing Extravaganza! All of us here in Wind would like to extend the invitation to all Clans and Flights of Sornieth to join us in an event and conquest push we hope you will all enjoy.

This push is all about Sky Racing and as such it is actually a team based push that both OOF and IF can get involved in. There will be three [3] flyers (three [3] teams) that you can support throughout the duration of this push through either the dragon entry form (for IF users) or through the Public Buy (for OOF users). Each flyer has their own unique personality and style, and quite frankly, they can all be a little cheeky!

So the question is...Who will you be flying with?

OOF PB Lucky Door Prizes

Want a chance to welcome one of the flyers into your Clan? Anyone who sends a dragon through the PB to support Wind, will automatically get entered into the lucky door prize raffle! Everyone gets one [1] ticket each, regardless of how many levels or dragons sent in, that way it is an even playing field all around.

The three [3] flyers will be our three [3] lucky door prizes up for grabs! They are all Gen1 Wind dragons who have been leveled to 25 and will come statted and stoned, with a tincture of dissolution just in case! Their apparel and skincents are also a part of the package!

Daily Lore

You can find direct links to the Daily Lore, below, these will be updated as they get posted:

Day 1: Ready, Set, Fly!

Day 2: Into the Land of Ice

Day 3: Less Talk, More Action

Day 4: It's Raining, It's Pouring

Daily Badges

Send in at least one dragon through the PB to earn the daily badges. If you miss a badge you can make it up by sending in one 0t dragon for each badge you're missing.

If you're a Windie you can also snag these too! Just level and exalt one dragon each day to earn them. Miss a badge? Send in a donation to the Wind bank for each badge you're missing




~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]As soon as Alietum could leave the nest he did so immediately. He felt all other hatchlings were most certainly not to his level of intelligence and demanded he be among the older dragons to exert himself to his full potential. His gift for flying did not go unnoticed by his family, who sought to harbour his natural prowess by involving him in flight classes. Alietum bickered with his instructors often with claims that he would prefer to do it on his own terms. He saw no use in adhering to rules designed to, in his own words, ‘cage him in’ and quit the lessons in favour of teaching himself all he desired to know. Alietum lacked the speed of some of his counterparts initially, but his constant practise coupled with his talent for airborne acrobatics and flair scored him many points among judges who admired his stability in the winds. Alietum believed the Plateau did not provide enough of what he needed regarding races and so he departed from it in favour of chasing more obscure lands, returning only when he had made for himself a celebrity in them. Races held and won in distant lands, crowds of cheering locals and adoring fans, Alietum finally felt as if the spirit of the people matched the praise he gave himself. When word at last reached him about the prospect of a large Skyracing event across Sornieth, Alietum began packing his things immediately. An opportunity at last to return to the Plateau and show everyone the mastery he knew he possessed from the very beginning. His only concern would be that the other flyers would not give him challenge enough. On his journey back to the Windswept Plateau Alietum laughed with excitement, eager to show Sornieth that his time away in distant lands had no doubt served him well. He signed up without hesitation, as his fans ventured out to watch him, cheering him on all the while. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]From the moment Mitzi fledged her nest she had adored the free feeling of flight. She spiralled high above the Windswept Plateau and dreamed herself of cutting clouds with her claws. Mitzi adored watching flight competitions, where the skill of flying was refined into a pure mastery. Mitzi longed to do the same, but her natural ability alone rendered her at a loss compared to the honed craft of the professionals she spent her time studying. Mitzi fostered a determination to grow into a trained flyer, spending hours of countless evenings at the empty grounds, fluttering from perch to perch. For every falter, every fall, she scrambled to realign herself and tried again, unwilling to let herself be defeated by her frustration. At first her techniques felt unusual, Mitzi disliked emulating the flying patterns seen by her studies. Her body still spiralled, wings still fluttered instead of pinching close to her body. She was not built for speed or brute force to cut through tempest winds and it bothered her to not see herself become as the others did. She moved from the grounds to venturing into the Plateau, and it was there that Mitzi found herself. Her focus shifted to maneuvering, gliding by obstacles and weaving her body through the trees. Mitzi’s laughter bubbled through while her heart thundered bright and elated. Her passion intensified and each time she took to the skies she proved to herself of her increased skill. By the time Mitzi felt confident enough to compete she heard whispers among travelling dragons that caught her attention: a Sornieth-wide Skyracing event. Mitzi boasted no victories under her wing but could not sit by and let such an opportunity pass her without so much as an attempt. With a hopeful sigh, she made to sign herself up to the race. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Lillian did not much speak to others. From a mere hatchling Lillian harboured no interest in mingling among the others. She enjoyed the silence; the thought of intrusive noise among her thoughts agitated her to no end. Her silence earned her a reputation as a calculated and somewhat brooding flyer. Her competitions plagued with a sense of rumour speculating her quiet nature. Other dragons competing alongside her did not engage her for fear of incurring a wrath that Lillian simply did not possess. Lillian did not care to dispel wild rumination. She remained undeterred by probing questions made to break her so-called ‘persona’, yet Lillian held herself calm and focused. Among the skies she tore through the winds in a blast of speed. Her wings whistled with the splitting air, the flat plains could not harbour her for long. In all long distance competitions Lillian’s prowess for speed could not be challenged. She thrived as a storm among clouds. Her small victories came trickling in stream-steady — for each competition that appeared, Lillian would enter. Though it rendered Lillian with minor fame and recognition, it began to feel not enough for her. She began to long for challenge. Lillian sought out more for herself and for her talents. She wanted to become a name beyond rumour so that none could utter their speculations, her skill driving out any foolish discussion. It would not matter the character she was, her expertise would be undeniable. Lillian had heard of the Skyracing event in passing with a piqued curiosity. She diverted her usual route in favour of investigating, and soon enough she found herself signing up. A golden chance to bring herself to the public eye on an international level. Where all could see her not for her silence, but for her ability. Lillian waited to win. [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]So who will YOU fly with during this race? Feel free to claim the badges to show your support! The support badges were done by the wonderful @Napstabl00k! [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks



As soon as Alietum could leave the nest he did so immediately. He felt all other hatchlings were most certainly not to his level of intelligence and demanded he be among the older dragons to exert himself to his full potential. His gift for flying did not go unnoticed by his family, who sought to harbour his natural prowess by involving him in flight classes. Alietum bickered with his instructors often with claims that he would prefer to do it on his own terms. He saw no use in adhering to rules designed to, in his own words, ‘cage him in’ and quit the lessons in favour of teaching himself all he desired to know. Alietum lacked the speed of some of his counterparts initially, but his constant practise coupled with his talent for airborne acrobatics and flair scored him many points among judges who admired his stability in the winds. Alietum believed the Plateau did not provide enough of what he needed regarding races and so he departed from it in favour of chasing more obscure lands, returning only when he had made for himself a celebrity in them. Races held and won in distant lands, crowds of cheering locals and adoring fans, Alietum finally felt as if the spirit of the people matched the praise he gave himself. When word at last reached him about the prospect of a large Skyracing event across Sornieth, Alietum began packing his things immediately. An opportunity at last to return to the Plateau and show everyone the mastery he knew he possessed from the very beginning. His only concern would be that the other flyers would not give him challenge enough. On his journey back to the Windswept Plateau Alietum laughed with excitement, eager to show Sornieth that his time away in distant lands had no doubt served him well. He signed up without hesitation, as his fans ventured out to watch him, cheering him on all the while.



From the moment Mitzi fledged her nest she had adored the free feeling of flight. She spiralled high above the Windswept Plateau and dreamed herself of cutting clouds with her claws. Mitzi adored watching flight competitions, where the skill of flying was refined into a pure mastery. Mitzi longed to do the same, but her natural ability alone rendered her at a loss compared to the honed craft of the professionals she spent her time studying. Mitzi fostered a determination to grow into a trained flyer, spending hours of countless evenings at the empty grounds, fluttering from perch to perch. For every falter, every fall, she scrambled to realign herself and tried again, unwilling to let herself be defeated by her frustration. At first her techniques felt unusual, Mitzi disliked emulating the flying patterns seen by her studies. Her body still spiralled, wings still fluttered instead of pinching close to her body. She was not built for speed or brute force to cut through tempest winds and it bothered her to not see herself become as the others did. She moved from the grounds to venturing into the Plateau, and it was there that Mitzi found herself. Her focus shifted to maneuvering, gliding by obstacles and weaving her body through the trees. Mitzi’s laughter bubbled through while her heart thundered bright and elated. Her passion intensified and each time she took to the skies she proved to herself of her increased skill. By the time Mitzi felt confident enough to compete she heard whispers among travelling dragons that caught her attention: a Sornieth-wide Skyracing event. Mitzi boasted no victories under her wing but could not sit by and let such an opportunity pass her without so much as an attempt. With a hopeful sigh, she made to sign herself up to the race.



Lillian did not much speak to others. From a mere hatchling Lillian harboured no interest in mingling among the others. She enjoyed the silence; the thought of intrusive noise among her thoughts agitated her to no end. Her silence earned her a reputation as a calculated and somewhat brooding flyer. Her competitions plagued with a sense of rumour speculating her quiet nature. Other dragons competing alongside her did not engage her for fear of incurring a wrath that Lillian simply did not possess. Lillian did not care to dispel wild rumination. She remained undeterred by probing questions made to break her so-called ‘persona’, yet Lillian held herself calm and focused. Among the skies she tore through the winds in a blast of speed. Her wings whistled with the splitting air, the flat plains could not harbour her for long. In all long distance competitions Lillian’s prowess for speed could not be challenged. She thrived as a storm among clouds. Her small victories came trickling in stream-steady — for each competition that appeared, Lillian would enter. Though it rendered Lillian with minor fame and recognition, it began to feel not enough for her. She began to long for challenge. Lillian sought out more for herself and for her talents. She wanted to become a name beyond rumour so that none could utter their speculations, her skill driving out any foolish discussion. It would not matter the character she was, her expertise would be undeniable. Lillian had heard of the Skyracing event in passing with a piqued curiosity. She diverted her usual route in favour of investigating, and soon enough she found herself signing up. A golden chance to bring herself to the public eye on an international level. Where all could see her not for her silence, but for her ability. Lillian waited to win.


So who will YOU fly with during this race? Feel free to claim the badges to show your support! The support badges were done by the wonderful @Napstabl00k!



~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Have trained or untrained fodder you want taken off your hands for extra cash? Want the chance to perhaps take home one of the three flyers? Then Wind's PB is for you! Further information provided in the thread![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Do you want to spice up your dragon bios with awesome art or writing? Or perhaps a theme song would be more fitting? Then Foddart is most definitely for you! Feel free to check out what our awesome Windy artists, writers and composers have on offer![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]So you know a thing or two about costumes and outfits? Well look no further than the Racing Runway! Test your mettle against several daily themes and perhaps win some fantastic prizes along the way! A lucky door prize is available as well![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]The main attraction of any race is undoubtedly the fancy hats (sorry racers)! This is a stress free, easy going, creative activity where you can design, write, draw and even compose pieces about fancy hats and your dragons wearing them! A lucky door prize is available![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Windies, check out the In-Flight Raffle! Exalting, hoarding and procuring can earn you points and means you'll be in the running to net any one of these sweet prizes![/center]
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks


Have trained or untrained fodder you want taken off your hands for extra cash? Want the chance to perhaps take home one of the three flyers? Then Wind's PB is for you! Further information provided in the thread!
Do you want to spice up your dragon bios with awesome art or writing? Or perhaps a theme song would be more fitting? Then Foddart is most definitely for you! Feel free to check out what our awesome Windy artists, writers and composers have on offer!
So you know a thing or two about costumes and outfits? Well look no further than the Racing Runway! Test your mettle against several daily themes and perhaps win some fantastic prizes along the way! A lucky door prize is available as well!
The main attraction of any race is undoubtedly the fancy hats (sorry racers)! This is a stress free, easy going, creative activity where you can design, write, draw and even compose pieces about fancy hats and your dragons wearing them! A lucky door prize is available!
Windies, check out the In-Flight Raffle! Exalting, hoarding and procuring can earn you points and means you'll be in the running to net any one of these sweet prizes!
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Georgia][color=175406][b]Daily Lore Posts:[/b][/size][/font][/color] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]@/Deladria @/Ramiella @/Greyscales @/Aelfrey @/DarkWolf133 @/Glykon @/October @/Etuisen @/Yoaisami @/Scurvy @/almarose @/elmlily @/VelveteenVixen @/Foxofwonders
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks


Daily Lore Posts:
@/Deladria @/Ramiella @/Greyscales @/Aelfrey @/DarkWolf133 @/Glykon @/October @/Etuisen @/Yoaisami @/Scurvy @/almarose @/elmlily @/VelveteenVixen @/Foxofwonders

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][size=3][font=Georgia][color=175406][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Flyers [/url]| [url=]Events [/url]| [url=]Pinglists [/url]| [url=]Thanks [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Huge special thanks goes to the following people for their amazing work and effort: [emoji=gust size=1] @Sassypants - for the amazing Background piece [emoji=gust size=1] @Zemael - for the wonderful main headers, dividers and most of the badges [emoji=gust size=1] @Napstabl00k - for the lovely flyer badges [emoji=gust size=1] @PunchingSolas - for their stunning writing for all event story snippets and daily lore. As well as running the wonderful Foddart! [emoji=gust size=1] @Lonin - for their wonderful effort in organising the In Flight Raffle! [emoji=gust size=1] @Selah - for putting up with our butts when it came to throwing down the team idea, and for kicking and poking PB into place [emoji=gust size=1] @/All the Donators - for their fantastic contribution to make this push and all the prizes very special <3 [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]Thanks also goes to the wonderful Wind community and all the help and support they consistently offer whether we are pushing or not! Thank you as well to all the program and event runners, donators and all the people who made this happen! Thanks also go to you guys, because there's no conquest push without OOF support <3
Story | Main | Flyers | Events | Pinglists | Thanks


Huge special thanks goes to the following people for their amazing work and effort:

@Sassypants - for the amazing Background piece
@Zemael - for the wonderful main headers, dividers and most of the badges
@Napstabl00k - for the lovely flyer badges
@PunchingSolas - for their stunning writing for all event story snippets and daily lore. As well as running the wonderful Foddart!
@Lonin - for their wonderful effort in organising the In Flight Raffle!
@Selah - for putting up with our butts when it came to throwing down the team idea, and for kicking and poking PB into place
@/All the Donators - for their fantastic contribution to make this push and all the prizes very special <3

Thanks also goes to the wonderful Wind community and all the help and support they consistently offer whether we are pushing or not! Thank you as well to all the program and event runners, donators and all the people who made this happen! Thanks also go to you guys, because there's no conquest push without OOF support <3
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][color=175406]And we're officially open! Well, open for people to ask to be added to the pinglist for daily lore! Push doesn't start until the 30th [emoji=spiral tongue size=1] [center][img][/img][/center]
And we're officially open! Well, open for people to ask to be added to the pinglist for daily lore! Push doesn't start until the 30th
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
Oh wow, this is all amazing! Excellent work, windies! This dom push is going to be so much fun. [emoji=spiral laughing size=2]
Oh wow, this is all amazing! Excellent work, windies! This dom push is going to be so much fun.
FR Time +0 • May the wind always be at your back • Cis, she/her, demiace
This is great! I have skyracing in my lore already (except my races involve dragons in chariots pulled by flying familiars.)

I love the theme this year!
This is great! I have skyracing in my lore already (except my races involve dragons in chariots pulled by flying familiars.)

I love the theme this year!