
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | this isn't fun anymore
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I'm glad people have been venting and having some legitimately good discussion on a post I made just to kinda make my feelings known (that I thought was just going to be passed over as more posts came in, I'm kinda shocked at how many people are here) before I went to bed.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a bit disappointed with this event.

And, to the people saying "just wait till you get an egg! The it'll all be worth it!"

I did get an egg. I got it in the second last chest of my four hour, late night Coli session, and I felt nothing.

I wasn't happy, I wasn't elated. I was maybe a bit shocked.

But I didn't get that happiness we've been striving for in this event, because I was done, and I just wanted to sleep.

I, like most people here, have things to do for the holidays. I am glad (now) that I was able to get something before christmas, but it really sucks to know that so many people are just going to be sitting here at the end of this event with nothing to show for it.

Doesn't matter if it's two weeks or two days. If you can't get on the site, then the time doesn't matter. People have lives: family obligations, work, friendly gatherings, and places to go. To have an event that requires hours upon hours of your time to get even an inkling of what the whole event it about, during a time when other real world things are more important, is incredibly presumptuous and, as one of my friends pointed out, just a tad insulting.

To those who have had success in this event, I'm happy for you! I'm glad you have something to show for your efforts! But please, so not insult the people who have not had success, and say it is their fault. Because it isn't. Lots of people are frustrated, and for good reason.

I'm glad people have been venting and having some legitimately good discussion on a post I made just to kinda make my feelings known (that I thought was just going to be passed over as more posts came in, I'm kinda shocked at how many people are here) before I went to bed.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a bit disappointed with this event.

And, to the people saying "just wait till you get an egg! The it'll all be worth it!"

I did get an egg. I got it in the second last chest of my four hour, late night Coli session, and I felt nothing.

I wasn't happy, I wasn't elated. I was maybe a bit shocked.

But I didn't get that happiness we've been striving for in this event, because I was done, and I just wanted to sleep.

I, like most people here, have things to do for the holidays. I am glad (now) that I was able to get something before christmas, but it really sucks to know that so many people are just going to be sitting here at the end of this event with nothing to show for it.

Doesn't matter if it's two weeks or two days. If you can't get on the site, then the time doesn't matter. People have lives: family obligations, work, friendly gatherings, and places to go. To have an event that requires hours upon hours of your time to get even an inkling of what the whole event it about, during a time when other real world things are more important, is incredibly presumptuous and, as one of my friends pointed out, just a tad insulting.

To those who have had success in this event, I'm happy for you! I'm glad you have something to show for your efforts! But please, so not insult the people who have not had success, and say it is their fault. Because it isn't. Lots of people are frustrated, and for good reason.

I'm.. Not implying myself to be a 'hardcore gamer' at all, I was making a lighthearted reply. Yes, getting 150 chests in 30 mins isn't achievable for a lot of people, but that's why I go around giving away stacks of chests and familiars to help people out. I may be a smug little thistle brain, but I'm a generous one, too.

I'm.. Not implying myself to be a 'hardcore gamer' at all, I was making a lighthearted reply. Yes, getting 150 chests in 30 mins isn't achievable for a lot of people, but that's why I go around giving away stacks of chests and familiars to help people out. I may be a smug little thistle brain, but I'm a generous one, too.
[quote name="Science" date="2014-12-23 13:51:29"] And either way, for many people, we're not grinding for a Nocturne baby nownownow, I want breed scrolls for my progenitors and character dragons.[/quote] Yeah, I want scrolls for some of my low-ID dragons, ones that can't be replaced. I had been holding off on buying any genes/breed changes for them until Nocturnes come out, but it seems like it's gonna be totally impossible to get a scroll. Disappointing as I'd gladly buy them for gems in the market. (Just not the inflated AH prices!)
Science wrote on 2014-12-23 13:51:29:

And either way, for many people, we're not grinding for a Nocturne baby nownownow, I want breed scrolls for my progenitors and character dragons.

Yeah, I want scrolls for some of my low-ID dragons, ones that can't be replaced. I had been holding off on buying any genes/breed changes for them until Nocturnes come out, but it seems like it's gonna be totally impossible to get a scroll. Disappointing as I'd gladly buy them for gems in the market. (Just not the inflated AH prices!)
#1 Speckle Fan * Old Dragon Collector * FR+3
[quote name="StoneHusky" date="2014-12-23 14:02:39"] Doesn't matter if it's two weeks or two days. If you can't get on the site, then the time doesn't matter. People have lives: family obligations, work, friendly gatherings, and places to go. To have an event that requires hours upon hours of your time to get even an inkling of what the whole event it about, during a time when other real world things are more important, is incredibly presumptuous and, as one of my friends pointed out, just a tad insulting. [/quote] This is really my biggest problem with the event. The staff decided to move the ice festival last year so as to avoid having an event during the holidays, and then they turn around and... have an event during the holidays. One that's even [i]more[/i] time-consuming than normal. I'm normally one to defend the staff and their decisions, but this... I just don't know what they were thinking.
StoneHusky wrote on 2014-12-23 14:02:39:
Doesn't matter if it's two weeks or two days. If you can't get on the site, then the time doesn't matter. People have lives: family obligations, work, friendly gatherings, and places to go. To have an event that requires hours upon hours of your time to get even an inkling of what the whole event it about, during a time when other real world things are more important, is incredibly presumptuous and, as one of my friends pointed out, just a tad insulting.

This is really my biggest problem with the event. The staff decided to move the ice festival last year so as to avoid having an event during the holidays, and then they turn around and... have an event during the holidays. One that's even more time-consuming than normal. I'm normally one to defend the staff and their decisions, but this... I just don't know what they were thinking.
This has probably been said but I'm going to say it.

It's fun to work for things. It's fun to actually work hard and achieve your goal. It's not fun, though, when you don't actually have to work, just click and click and click over again to try to get some ridiculously rare item. You don't feel accomplished like you would had you beat some high score in a game for it or something, it's just tedious. A majority of people have had to open 500+ chests for a Nocturne, and most people with high-level gathering are getting 5-15 a day, pretty much forcing you to grind the slow, laggy, Coli. You're not really working toward a prize. There's no actual challenge, just a lot of waiting and grinding coli and clicking, etc.
This has probably been said but I'm going to say it.

It's fun to work for things. It's fun to actually work hard and achieve your goal. It's not fun, though, when you don't actually have to work, just click and click and click over again to try to get some ridiculously rare item. You don't feel accomplished like you would had you beat some high score in a game for it or something, it's just tedious. A majority of people have had to open 500+ chests for a Nocturne, and most people with high-level gathering are getting 5-15 a day, pretty much forcing you to grind the slow, laggy, Coli. You're not really working toward a prize. There's no actual challenge, just a lot of waiting and grinding coli and clicking, etc.
Didn't you know, FR can detect how hardcore you are genetically through your mouse and send you more chests?
The RNG can also detect how much it hates you and send out eggs/scrolls accordingly.
It hates everyone.
The people it seems to favor is just a ruse to frustrate everyone else.

But seriously, on your response to me, I don't disagree with you. I wish it were fun too and I really hope the admins take to heart some of what they hear here and try to make more varied and less grind-tastic events in the future or even tweaks to this one before it's over.

However I feel more varied, less grindy, events rely on features that aren't done and show no signs of being done anytime soon (Crafting, adventure)
Maybe next year.

Anyway, here is an idea. Instead of making it a painful grind, why not have an event zone in the coliseum? (Coliseum because that's the only thing FR really has that we can "play" that hands out items)

For example, a Shadow themed area that changes level based on the dragons you take into it. (So it's accessible for everyone.)
After a set number of battles, depending on difficulty (maybe with some RNG so we can't predict exactly when it will show up) a boss appears.
Defeating that boss drops either the chests or the items but not at a ludicrously low rate... at first. (I also thing chests should be more uncommon but contain more/better items to make opening them less of a chore if we're stuck using chests.)
Every time you beat the boss it either gets stronger, has less chance of dropping the best items, or both.


A new boss that appears in all areas, leveled accordingly, that will not appear if the dragon team you are using is two levels higher.
Same thing, beat it for items, every time it gets stronger for that zone, approximate number of battles before it appears, higher chance of dropping better items on the first few encounters.
Maybe it's random whether it's drops get slightly worse or it gets stronger next time.

That way anyone who wants to farm the thing can without flooding the market, it's a challenge rather than a grind (at least compared to the way it is now) and effort in defeating it feels more rewarding.

Maybe they could even have a bounty on the boss, like festive favors for mercenaries, so even if you get unlucky you can trade in kills for some event items. Maybe not scrolls or eggs but like... vampire themed apparel or something. I dunno.

Maybe I'll post a suggestion.
Didn't you know, FR can detect how hardcore you are genetically through your mouse and send you more chests?
The RNG can also detect how much it hates you and send out eggs/scrolls accordingly.
It hates everyone.
The people it seems to favor is just a ruse to frustrate everyone else.

But seriously, on your response to me, I don't disagree with you. I wish it were fun too and I really hope the admins take to heart some of what they hear here and try to make more varied and less grind-tastic events in the future or even tweaks to this one before it's over.

However I feel more varied, less grindy, events rely on features that aren't done and show no signs of being done anytime soon (Crafting, adventure)
Maybe next year.

Anyway, here is an idea. Instead of making it a painful grind, why not have an event zone in the coliseum? (Coliseum because that's the only thing FR really has that we can "play" that hands out items)

For example, a Shadow themed area that changes level based on the dragons you take into it. (So it's accessible for everyone.)
After a set number of battles, depending on difficulty (maybe with some RNG so we can't predict exactly when it will show up) a boss appears.
Defeating that boss drops either the chests or the items but not at a ludicrously low rate... at first. (I also thing chests should be more uncommon but contain more/better items to make opening them less of a chore if we're stuck using chests.)
Every time you beat the boss it either gets stronger, has less chance of dropping the best items, or both.


A new boss that appears in all areas, leveled accordingly, that will not appear if the dragon team you are using is two levels higher.
Same thing, beat it for items, every time it gets stronger for that zone, approximate number of battles before it appears, higher chance of dropping better items on the first few encounters.
Maybe it's random whether it's drops get slightly worse or it gets stronger next time.

That way anyone who wants to farm the thing can without flooding the market, it's a challenge rather than a grind (at least compared to the way it is now) and effort in defeating it feels more rewarding.

Maybe they could even have a bounty on the boss, like festive favors for mercenaries, so even if you get unlucky you can trade in kills for some event items. Maybe not scrolls or eggs but like... vampire themed apparel or something. I dunno.

Maybe I'll post a suggestion.
Honestly? I made this event fun for me.

I opened 250 chests and got nothing except for a bear and a mimic familiar. I am on a 64 kbit/sec connection, so you can imagine how much fun it was to open these chests with site lag.

So I stopped doing that and began to sell chests. I am now sitting on three more million treasure and I can buy things I like. Genes, apparel, accents or - if I would want to - around ten Nocturne eggs, since I saw the cheapest at 300k today. Not that I want to.

Coli grinding is something I loathe and I only do it for the festivals and only when I like the items (I did nothing for the Plague festival since just looking at the apparel made me squirm while I got like five apparel from the Arcane festival. Go figure). My carpal tunnel is ugly, but I quickly saw the possibilities of treasure-making at least for the first few days while chest prices are okay.

Tomorrow is Christmas. If I get money to order a new video game, well, then that's that. If not, then I will continue to get treasure from this event until it's not longer possible to sell the chests for amount justifying my hurt wrists.

And when all is over and people go back to normal FR stuff, I'll look at my treasure pile and say that I am GLAD that this event existed, but absolutely not for the reason it was intended to - for opening the chests - because yeah, that part sucks and is frustrating. But quite a few of my dragons will enjoy their new Crystal and Facet and Iri and Shimmer genes and maybe a bit more lair space; all things I would have needed months for.

This event? It's worth it to me. Is it fun? No, not at all. But I found a way for myself to get a lot out of it with not much work (making 2mil treasure in an hour when I normally need weeks for that? Not much work at all!), so even non-fun work is good work.
Honestly? I made this event fun for me.

I opened 250 chests and got nothing except for a bear and a mimic familiar. I am on a 64 kbit/sec connection, so you can imagine how much fun it was to open these chests with site lag.

So I stopped doing that and began to sell chests. I am now sitting on three more million treasure and I can buy things I like. Genes, apparel, accents or - if I would want to - around ten Nocturne eggs, since I saw the cheapest at 300k today. Not that I want to.

Coli grinding is something I loathe and I only do it for the festivals and only when I like the items (I did nothing for the Plague festival since just looking at the apparel made me squirm while I got like five apparel from the Arcane festival. Go figure). My carpal tunnel is ugly, but I quickly saw the possibilities of treasure-making at least for the first few days while chest prices are okay.

Tomorrow is Christmas. If I get money to order a new video game, well, then that's that. If not, then I will continue to get treasure from this event until it's not longer possible to sell the chests for amount justifying my hurt wrists.

And when all is over and people go back to normal FR stuff, I'll look at my treasure pile and say that I am GLAD that this event existed, but absolutely not for the reason it was intended to - for opening the chests - because yeah, that part sucks and is frustrating. But quite a few of my dragons will enjoy their new Crystal and Facet and Iri and Shimmer genes and maybe a bit more lair space; all things I would have needed months for.

This event? It's worth it to me. Is it fun? No, not at all. But I found a way for myself to get a lot out of it with not much work (making 2mil treasure in an hour when I normally need weeks for that? Not much work at all!), so even non-fun work is good work.
Glory to the Gladekeeper
I think a lot of people are missing the point of this thread entirely.

Is it possible to get nice things out of the event? Probably, if you take long enough.

Is the event fair? Aside from the fact that gathering is pretty screwy at high levels, yes.

Did the admins and coders put a lot of time and effort into this event? Without question.

But is the event fun? (Which should be a given in any game, especially a casual one)

Absolutely not.
I think a lot of people are missing the point of this thread entirely.

Is it possible to get nice things out of the event? Probably, if you take long enough.

Is the event fair? Aside from the fact that gathering is pretty screwy at high levels, yes.

Did the admins and coders put a lot of time and effort into this event? Without question.

But is the event fun? (Which should be a given in any game, especially a casual one)

Absolutely not.
@Bakrua It's a lighthearted reply to brag about what you get, then insult people who are disappointed? That sure is a weird way to show it.

@Ankokou Ah, I get you. I think we were just talking past each other. :) I really like those suggestions. Scaling difficulty can really help in making a game fun for everyone.
@Bakrua It's a lighthearted reply to brag about what you get, then insult people who are disappointed? That sure is a weird way to show it.

@Ankokou Ah, I get you. I think we were just talking past each other. :) I really like those suggestions. Scaling difficulty can really help in making a game fun for everyone.
10 hours ahead of FR time -- may be slow to respond to messages
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